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Thread: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

  1. Link to Post #161
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Hi Welcome to this thread.
    If you are new to this concept and feel inclined start at the first page.
    There have been a lot of great contributions and I thank all who contribute and visit.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  2. Link to Post #162
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote The higher consciousness is completely free of fear, wants, desires, agenda, therefore it cant be controlled.
    Hi Chris, what level of higher consciousness are you talking about? Four dimensional?

  3. Link to Post #163
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote Posted by stardustaquarion (here)
    Hi Chris, what level of higher consciousness are you talking about? Four dimensional?
    Hi Star good to see you here,
    I dont know enough about dimensions to say.

    What we are is spirit having a human experience, we are formless.
    The state of enlightenment is the higher consciousness that I am talking about.
    Its a non-location state, formless and timeless. The body functions but they are not actually in it or limited by form.
    They are fully aware of awareness and consciousness
    Their vibration is immensely high and powerful lifts the vibration of millions.
    It counterbalances fear and negativity.

    Conscious existed before universes and will exist long after universes dissolve
    We are eternal.

    Enlightenment is virtually the same as Christ consciousness

    Spoken of by Krishna the Buddha Christ every enlightened sage uniform in their experience. Oneness with the totality all of it.
    However it is not necessary to have a rise in consciousness to that degree.
    to be free.

    The lower astral spread disinfo about enlightenment for reasons given
    Enlightenment is now within the reach of many.

    A sculptor was asked how he created a beautiful woman from a block of marble.
    His answer. I chip away everything that isn't feminine.

    In essence we are enlightened.
    When all that is not that state is removed then it shines forth in its true illumined state.
    All belief systems condition, programing, fear to be released.
    The biggest one is identification with the me story in the head which is ego.

    Hope this helps
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  4. Link to Post #164
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    There was a cowherd boy who took his cows to the meadows every morning and brought them back to the cowshed at the end of the day. One evening, as he was tying the cows up for the night, the boy found that one of them was missing her rope. He feared that she might run away, but it was too late to go and buy a new rope. The boy didn't know what to do, so he went to a wise man who lived nearby and sought his advice. The wise man told the boy to pretend to tie the cow, and make sure that the cow saw him doing it. The boy did as the wise man suggested and pretended to tie the cow. The next morning the boy discovered that the cow had remained still throughout the night. He untied all the cows as usual, and they all went outside. He was about to go to the meadows when he noticed that the cow with the missing rope was still in the cowshed. She was standing on the same spot where she had been all night. He tried to coax her to join the herd, but she wouldn't budge. The boy was perplexed. He went back to the wise man who said, "The cow still thinks she is tied up. Go back and pretend to untie her." The boy did as he was told, and the cow happily left the cowshed. This is what the guru does with the ego of the disciple. The guru helps untie that which was never there. Like the cow, due to our ignorance, we believe that we are bound by the ego when, in fact, we are completely free. We need to be convinced of this, however.

    -Mother Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  5. Link to Post #165
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    what is wrong with the world


    consciousness is as an ocean

    awake aware all

    the formation of a bubble in the ocean

    does not make it individual

    but ignorance makes the bubble believe so

    that it is a bubble amongst bubbles

    alone and separate in a great unknown

    while all the time basking in the ocean

    until it bursts

    nothing found and nothing lost

    it is as it is

    awake aware all
    Last edited by RedeZra; 29th May 2010 at 06:01.

  6. Link to Post #166
    Avalon Member truthseekerdan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    It is Ego that is stopping people experiencing the delights of what the universe has to offer. Without Ego we can become unlimited and boundless.
    We can find new powers, new creativity, new opportunities for growth, for love, for harmony, peace and joy in our lives that before we let go of our Ego we could not begin to conceive.
    But how do you get rid of Ego. You have to realize that you are operating through fear, fear of loss.

    Love always,

    Unity Consciousness
    Free your mind, and open your heart to LOVE.
    You'll then become enlightened able to just BE.

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    Anka (1st December 2019)

  8. Link to Post #167
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    David Icke said some things that I resonate with.

    He talked about nothing being solid its fluid and that the brain organizes it into solidity in perception.

    Sages since time began have said this, they, the enlightened ones, literally dont see the world the way we do, they dont experience it the way we do.

    Everything is atoms in movement everything is actually, merged joined.
    That means you and I and the furthest star are linked.

    Try to see everything without exception as energy atoms in movement.
    Even thoughts are atoms in movement with a unique vibration.

    The powers that be, the Illuminati, we think we have to defeat, stand up to.
    no that is a thought an energy of the same vibration as the illuminati.

    Nothing is ever changed with the same vibration that caused it.
    Fighting resisting tyranny, is still fighting, is an energy similar to that being fought.

    The ego in its vanity thinks it will come up with some way to overcome the "enemy"
    hasent happened in the whole history of the human race,
    We have been at war for 95% of human history.

    So what does bring about change --- higher consciousness.
    That is why the powers that be are so afraid of spiritual truth.

    Transcend ego and you are no longer motivated by fear or any negativity, you cant be controlled.

    Does higher consciousness work.
    Yes the evidence is overwhelming.

    Millions of people owe their lives to the twelve step program of AA
    Belief in a Higher Power got them out of a fatal addiction and transformed their lives and obviously the lives of all who were close to them. not much fun being the partner of a performing addict.

    The sufferers of that disease had to let go of their ego enough to admit they were beaten, power less, to let go and accept the power of unconditional love of those who had suffered and found the way out of suffering.

    The twelve step program has been altered to help many other addictions because it works.

    It only works for those who have enough humility to let go of their ego to at least some degree.

    So all the talk of ascension but will it happen for you and others?
    Only if we are prepared to stop playing the game of the ego.

    Dont take my word for it study read books like "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle "Power vs Force" by Dr David Hawkins make up your own mind then make a real effort to raise consiousness.
    We all benefit from what you do.

    with Love

    ps listen to the words of the song Human?
    on the song link with my signature below.
    Kindly disregard the singing.
    A man of my age has no business singing that high. lOL
    Last edited by greybeard; 28th May 2010 at 13:26.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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    Anka (1st December 2019)

  10. Link to Post #168
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    the power of love dispels the force of fear

    like light disperses darkness

    none of them are man made

    but both can manifest

    in a masquerade of shapes

    to teach and heal or terrorize and hurt

    it's a loss not to recognize

    a form of love and a name of light

    for it is a switch for the power within the heart
    Last edited by RedeZra; 29th May 2010 at 07:06.

  11. Link to Post #169
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    I wrote to get permission to post an article here, about Ego and Eckhart Tolle's teachings. I was thanked for asking and was informed that I may post the link, not the pdf itself. I think that it's important to get different perspectives when it comes to discussing Ego and I find that the writer's do make some good points that may challenge and expand one's understanding.


  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Moxie For This Post:

    Anka (1st December 2019)

  13. Link to Post #170
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Thanks very much Moxie.
    Its good to be open minded.
    Thats what choice is.
    Different strokes for different folks.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to greybeard For This Post:

    Anka (1st December 2019)

  15. Link to Post #171
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Mudra shared this.

    Here and Now

    “Our ascension”, as I learned on the other side,
    from the Gaia perspective,
    Is a very natural evolution of dense being into more subtle being.

    Already at the quantum level the human body is so very subtle.
    No two atoms even touch.
    We are more spirit than flesh, always have been,
    Always will be.

    The distance from the outside of an atom to the inside of an atom
    Is the same distance as from here to forever.

    The journey from the outside to the inside,
    From the inside to the outside,
    From anywhere to here is an impossible journey
    that happens everyday in everything, everywhere.

    There is no beginning or end to our journey.
    Life did not begin here nor does it end here.
    We have already been Alive Forever.

    Let’s open our Eye.

    The journey is not linear or time restricted.
    Dive in when and where you choose.

    Why wait?

    The end of time/space illusion is near.
    How near?
    Is Now a Good Time?

    The Past, Present and Future come together Now.

    Lamuria is now, Atlantis is now, even the unimagined Future is now.
    We are all here together, right now!

    The next epoch of consciousness/history is the Knowing of Now.

    Time stops in the here and now.

    Maybe there never was a Past
    Maybe there is no Future

    Listen to your teachers
    It is always now
    It Always was now , it always will be now
    The only time you have is now

    The ever brilliantly expanding now

    Is the universe expanding or is our consciousness expanding?
    Who is to say, if not you, our sweet self?

    There is no other self but the self
    Inner, outer, you, me, them
    There is no self but the self
    Micro, macro, mumbo Jumbo

    Let the infant intellect Split hairs to infinity
    And you still end up here and now!

    Be joyful for
    We have never died and we are only waking up!

    Mellen Thomas

    I posted this here as when the illusion of ego is removed only self remains.
    What is ego?
    Ego is the illusion, just a thought.
    It is identification with the me story in the head,
    There is no ego there is no me.
    There is only Self
    Last edited by greybeard; 29th May 2010 at 18:27.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  16. Link to Post #172
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote Posted by Moxie (here)
    I wrote to get permission to post an article here, about Ego and Eckhart Tolle's teachings. I was thanked for asking and was informed that I may post the link, not the pdf itself. I think that it's important to get different perspectives when it comes to discussing Ego and I find that the writer's do make some good points that may challenge and expand one's understanding.

    Moxie went to a lot of trouble to get this so I have bumped it up to the front again.
    Eckhart Tolle is probably the most successful spiritual book writer of our age, millions of books read.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  17. Link to Post #173
    Avalon Member truthseekerdan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Thank you Moxie

    * Found this article that discusses the various types of ego.

    There are two broad types of ego; The Lord’s ego and the man’s ego.

    1. The Lord’s ego

    This is a state of no ego, i.e. the ego of the person is literally 0. This state is found in Saints of 100% spiritual level when They are in a completely thoughtless state, merged with God. The ‘I’ness of such a person in this state of complete communion with God is totally merged with the God-principle, i.e. there is no ‘I’ness. Hence all tasks that happen through such a person are mere acts (kriyaa) not actions (karma) as they happen totally as per God’s wish. The hallmark of such Saints is Their perpetual state of Bliss even in the face of extreme adversity in Their worldly lives.

    2. Man’s ego

    Man’s ego is again broadly divided into 2 subtypes:

    2.1 Pure ego

    This is a state of traces of ego seen in Saints of the highest order when They are not in complete communion with God. These Saints have just a mere awareness of one’s existence. This trace ego is required for the sustenance of the body functions.
    • Pure ego can be understood as having the following attitudes :
    • Considering oneself to be distinct or separate from Brahman (God principle), that is harbouring awareness of the self through duality.
    • Having awareness of one’s existence.
    • Harbouring the spiritual emotion (bhaav) that ‘I belong to others and all are mine’.
    Even this ego persists only as long as there is existence of the physical body. It ceases to exist with the cessation of the bodily existence of such Saints.

    2.2 Impure ego

    This type of ego is what most of us experience. Almost all of us identify with our physical body, or feelings and emotions and feel pride in our intellect. This is due to various impressions in the centres of the subtle body like temperamental characteristics, desires, likes and dislikes, etc. Depending on thoughts and emotions, this ego can be either saattvik (sattva predominant), raajasik (raja predominant) or taamasik (tama predominant).
    • Taamasik ego: Ego which is subtle basic tama predominant is called taamasik ego, e.g. believing only in one’s own capability.
    • Raajasik ego: Subtle basic raja predominant ego is called raajasik ego, e.g. constantly striving for happiness.
    • Saattvik ego: Ego which is predominant in the subtle basic sattva component is called saattvik ego, e.g. ego about sacrifice is saattvik in nature.

    3. Types according to the proportion of ego

    On a scale of 0-100%, the ego of God or the Saints at 100% spiritual level when in a state of complete communion with God is 0%. The ego of the subtle sorcerer (mantrik) of the highest strength from the 7th region of Hell (Paataal) is 100%. On this scale, the ego of an average individual is 30%. Adolf Hitler’s ego was 60%.
    (Please note that by ‘average individual’ we mean a person who is average spiritually. In his worldly life this individual could be a billionaire, a head of state or a celebrity from show business.)
    Depending on the proportion of ego, it can be classified as follows:

    Source: SSRF
    Unity Consciousness
    Free your mind, and open your heart to LOVE.
    You'll then become enlightened able to just BE.

  18. Link to Post #174
    Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    There is no ego, there is nothing to fight or trascend, only acceptance and compassion....which does not mean ignoring what is going on around us. After all, all is all

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  20. Link to Post #175
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Hi Strardust
    Thank you for your visit and the video.
    I saw Ganghi at Findhorn she is here again at the moment.

    You are of course right but I wish It was that simple.
    Most are not ready ready to step out of the illusion of me.
    Eckhart Tolle is clear -- No self, no problem.
    The main stumbling block is the thought that there is a totally independant me doing things.
    Oneness is denied
    Wayne Dyer defines this non existent ego as Edge -- God --Out. Now there may not actually be an ego but there are many who edge God out.
    That is the problem to be addressed.

    You and quite a few are very fortunate to have got to the point of understanding that you have seen through the illusion of non existent ego and realize that the me is also a story in the head.

    This thread has many different understandings on the subject and all are welcome.
    What ever works for the individual.
    Whenever belief in the ego ceases when ever oneness is realized,, when people are enlightened, free from ignorance then we will have all that you aspire to Stardust.
    Its all down to language which is misleading.
    There are levels of consciousness to be transcended in order to realize we are home already in fact we never left.
    That is the big illusion
    Thats were the enlightened ones are so necessary, be it Allan Watts, Ghangi, Dr Hawkins, they meet you at your level of vibration, understanding, and lift you, take you out of ignorance.

    Love peace harmony.
    Last edited by greybeard; 30th May 2010 at 10:16.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  21. Link to Post #176
    Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote Its all down to language which is misleading.
    There are levels of consciousness to be transcended in order to realize we are home already in fact we never left.
    That is the big illusion
    Yeah that is the reason I prefer videos just jocking

    We are there, we just have to remember and accept the totality of our being (the good, the bad and the ugly) and re-align it to full conscioussness

    Big hugs mate, take care
    Last edited by stardustaquarion; 30th May 2010 at 16:21.

  22. Link to Post #177
    Palestinian Territory Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    This is a very simple one for me. And by that I'm not being sardonically EGOtistical!! LOL.

    There is no ego, there is no self.

    My inner-talk is a low frequency vibration trying to manifest itself into being. Where there is attention or focus there is life. If the ego or self is the focus then it exists. Where the inner voice is the focus, the inner-ego "me" exists. Where the inner voice is passively observed without attachment and a sense of bemusement (rather than focussed on) it merely exists alongside All that is without forming YOU, or SELF or EGO.

    Good thread Chris, Tolle has some great works.

  23. Link to Post #178
    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote Posted by 777 (here)
    This is a very simple one for me. And by that I'm not being sardonically EGOtistical!! LOL.

    There is no ego, there is no self.

    My inner-talk is a low frequency vibration trying to manifest itself into being. Where there is attention or focus there is life. If the ego or self is the focus then it exists. Where the inner voice is the focus, the inner-ego "me" exists. Where the inner voice is passively observed without attachment and a sense of bemusement (rather than focussed on) it merely exists alongside All that is without forming YOU, or SELF or EGO.

    Good thread Chris, Tolle has some great works.
    Yes 777
    all so true.
    My mind thankfully is virtually silent now and thats through following Eckarts advice.
    I just sit and watch the ducks without any comment, no labeling no defining just pure awareness.
    It is also very helpful if you can be in the company of an enlightened one, the energy of their aura attaches to your aura, its a permanent attachment.
    It speeds up your escape from nonexistent ego.
    Its all levels.
    For example there is not much point in giving a bible to some one who is starving.
    Dr H has a map of consciousness leading all the way up to God, that made real sense to me.
    A big Ah Ha moment.
    Moxie posted some helpful info here.

    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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    Anka (1st December 2019)

  25. Link to Post #179
    Avalon Member truthseekerdan's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Found this great article by Ariel Bravy. Enjoy!

    Quote We’re going to be describing the ego in terms of a metaphor which will allow us to both visualize the effects of using the ego in the world, as well as understand the necessity for surrendering the ego.

    The ego is simply a tool, an automatic duality-creating machine which allows us to experience every possible aspect of life.
    Now the problem is not so much that the ego itself exists, but the fact that people are identified with it.
    The ego has a useful purpose: to allow us to believe that illusions are a reality and thus experience both the real and the illusionary. The ego is simply a tool.

    It’s similar to someone using a hammer. When a nail needs to be nailed into a wall, a hammer is certainly a very useful tool. So, people find that it benefits them to use the hammer and thus they pick it up and use it to their advantage. Cool. No problem. It’s very clear that while you’re using the hammer, the hammer is not YOU, but simply a tool that you are using with which to engage in the process of creation.

    The “problem” is that most people think that they literally ARE the hammer and that there is nothing else they can be, so they continue hammering in every activity in life: while talking to others, having sex with a partner, dealing with foreign politics, resolving disagreements, even in talking to themselves!
    …and then people wonder why the world is in the shape that it’s in.
    If people would simply set down their hammer when the tool was not required, the world would be a much more peaceful and loving place. As the saying goes, “To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

    There will come a time when people discover, “Hey wait a second, perhaps this hammer isn’t so useful in this situation afterall. Let’s set it down for a moment, quit swinging this thing, and see if we can deal with this situation without using the hammer. Perhaps people won’t get hurt in the end. hmmm…”
    Much to their surprise, it turns out that problems can be solved without the hammer, without bringing the ego into the mix. With experience and understanding, people can learn to deal with one another without having a dangerous hammer swinging all over the place while communicating.

    All it takes to come back to a place of peace and harmony is the conscious choice to set down the hammer and bring in another energy, the energy of Love.
    One of the coolest parts about Love is that once the hammer is set down, all the Love in the world arises automatically. It is effortless, joyous, blissful, and automatic.

    My invitation to you is to set down your hammer. Surrender attachments to your ego. You truly don’t need it to operate in a healthy manner. It served its purpose, you’ve experienced using it, and you don’t need it to create a world full of Love. If anything, the hammer is actually detrimental to Love.

    When you feel the urge to pick up the hammer, that is, you notice the ego arise within you, set it down and release it. (There are times when using the hammer is appropriate, but it is beneficial to determine when such a time is. For example, the mind can be an excellent tool for solving math problems.)

    Usually it will seem almost as if the hammer has a mind of its own, as if it literally JUMPS back into your hand and possesses your arm to make itself swing wildly. This is actually not so far from the truth of how your ego operates.

    The ego will try to possess you, to take you over, and then claim that it IS you.
    It takes a conscious decision to surrender the ego and the pleasure it gets from “juicing” the negative aspects of life, especially when the ego tries to possess you and claim that it IS you. This decision to surrender the ego is made over and over again, moment by moment. It is accomplished by shifting your sense of identity from the personal “me” to the infinite awareness that simply observes.

    Gradually the ego will start to lose its grip on you as you simply watch the ego do its thing non-judgmentally, without actually believing that the ego is you.
    However, there will be times when the ego gets especially strong and feels overwhelmingly powerful. This is normal and to be expected.

    The path of spiritual evolution is not a straight path. There are many twists and turns and zigs and zags along the spiritual seeker’s journey towards unconditional love and enlightenment. There will be highs and there will be lows. Knowing this fact in advance will save you lots of guilt when the lows strike and the ego will make you think, “Yikes, maybe I’m actually not as evolved as I thought I was.”

    When this happens, simply watch the ego churn inside of you. Watch the beliefs and emotions get all worked up inside. Watch the hammer attempting to take control of your arm and swing itself wildly. Just watch it without thinking that you are the hammer, without thinking that you are the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, opinions, judgments, or mood swings. Allow the energy to express itself and subsequently be released. Allow this to happen without resistance, without trying to stop it, stifle it, or even say it’s somehow bad or wrong. Just allow the energy to flow through you and out.

    You are the awareness that is observing the hammer. You are the awareness that is observing the ego. So watch it. Study it. Notice how it works. Then you can surrender it. You can let it go. You can set the hammer down and realize that it’s truly not necessary to use the hammer in order to live a life filled with Love, Peace, and Joy.

    In fact, it is the ego itself, and the identification with it, that is damaging and destructive to life. When the hammer is set down, when the ego is surrendered, life becomes a constant creation of boundless Love, infinite Joy, and exquisite Ecstasy.
    All it takes is setting down the hammer.
    Ariel Bravy is a spiritual teacher guiding people along the pathway to enlightenment and unconditional love by helping people raise their level of consciousness and transcend their egos.

    His in depth teachings are available at www.ArielBravy.com and you are invited and encouraged to come and be a part of the evolution of human consciousness on earth.
    Unity Consciousness
    Free your mind, and open your heart to LOVE.
    You'll then become enlightened able to just BE.

  26. The Following User Says Thank You to truthseekerdan For This Post:

    sleepydumpling (4th February 2011)

  27. Link to Post #180

    Default Re: Enlightenment: The Ego, what is it? How to transcend it.

    Quote Posted by greybeard (here)
    Mudra shared this.
    where is Mudra??
    tell her to get her beautiful self on over here,
    oh how I miss her!!!

    you both were like a team of beautiful bright lights that I could
    always count on for putting the biggest smile on my face and in
    my heart... thank you!!!


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  2. Transcend
    By The One in forum General Discussion
    Replies: 3
    Last Post: 19th June 2010, 16:41

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