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Thread: 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript Describes Alien Abduction

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    United States Avalon Member Skywizard's Avatar
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    Default 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript Describes Alien Abduction

    According to researchers in China, an ancient Chinese manuscript made available to the public in 2011 describes in detail a mysterious event that took place nearly 500 years ago: An Alien Abduction.

    The text written in 1528 describes a mysterious ‘star’ which crossed the sky moving from the East to the West, the mysterious ‘star’ descended in the vicinity of a small village near the mountains.

    One of the inhabitants of the village, intrigued by the mysterious ‘star’ that had landed approached the object describing it as being disk-shaped and as big as a house, covered in brilliant colors, unlike anything he had ever seen in his lifetime, the man fainted.

    He woke up in a cold a strange place that was illuminated by a mysterious red hue and even though he could still see the Sun, the moon and the stars there were no buildings or people near him, only mysterious creatures that had round faces and three eyes instead of two.

    According to the ancient abductee, the mysterious beings wore strange-looking clothing and spoke a language he could not understand.

    The description of the mysterious UFO abduction was found in a manuscript collection gifted to China’s Cultural Ministry.

    After experts verified the manuscript, a book was published by the ministry, in the book is the journal of an ancestor in the Ming Dynasty, around 500 years ago, the text that speaks about the abduction can be found in one page of over five hundred pages that describe several things among them medicine, music, martial arts and other historic events.

    After he regained his consciousness he found himself back in his home, but the stonemason that had been abducted found out that during the absence that seemed to have passed quickly for him, he was actually absent for an entire year.

    The person who wrote about this incredible story went to visit the stonemason who was abducted and missing for an entire year. The author writes that after meeting the abductee, he saw a red scar on his chest, and swore that the account was authentic.

    As we can see by this story, UFO sightings and abductions have been present on Earth for hundreds if not thousands of years. Remember that a Budhist Monk described a UFO encounter:

    The story that involves the UFO story originates from an Autobiography of a famous Chan Buddhist of which Hsu Yun was an influential Buddhist master: “At the end of the Great Prayer Meeting, I climbed the Da-luo Peak, where I paid reverence to the ‘wisdom lamps’ said to appear there.

    “I saw nothing the first night but on the second, I saw a great ball of light flying from the Northern to the Central Peak, where it came down, splitting a short while later into over ten balls of different sizes.

    “The same night, I saw on the Central Peak three balls of light flying up and down in the air and on the Northern Peak, four balls of light which varied in size.”

    Source: http://humansarefree.com/2015/10/500...anuscript.html

    ~~ One foot in the Ancient World and the other in the Now ~~

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    Hong Kong Avalon Member syrwong's Avatar
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    Default Re: 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript Describes Alien Abduction

    I found the original text:

    “嘉靖七年(公元1528年),夏五月初三,有客星出,由东南飞向西北,明亮如巨轮,时高时低,时行时停,见者上千人。此夜三更又出,由西北返至点苍山绿桃村, 降于后村,村中有一石匠和庚,打石于山脚,见亮光出棚观之。有一物似碾而大如屋,为五色光照,中有二物,似人非人。捉庚入内,光明耀眼。取庚心出而观之, 无痛而不流血。有言,声如人而不通,至此不醒。幻化中似入仙境,非人间境,有日月星辰,仙境地色红而冷若冰冻,无房屋庄稼。人皆似人非人,圆脸三眼,男女 老幼难分,穿非人衣,言非人言。才观,眼前迷糊,不知所以。醒时仍在打石场,回家始知时隔一年余,家人以为被野物食。余知,亲往观之。观之,庚胸腹均有一 红色线痕,问之无疼。和庚后五十三岁见余,貌如当年不老。客星幻化,世有多说,大理国记事簿有载。不知客星何物?”

    My translation below.

    In the 7th year of Jiajing(1528), third day of May in summer, a strange star emerged flying from SE to NW. Bright and looked like a big wheel, it hovered up and down, stopping and moving at times. A thousand people saw it. Around midnight it appeared again, returning from NW to Green Peach village and descended at the back. A mason villager called HeGeng who was working at the foot of the hill went out to watch. It was a round object as big as a house, emitting many colors. Two creatures inside looked human yet non-human abducted Geng inside. The light was dazzling. They took Geng’s heart out and studied. There was no pain and no blood. They made human sound that was unintelligible. He passed out. He found that he seemed to be in fairy land with sun, moon and stars. The earth was reddish and the place was cold as ice. No houses and farmlands. People were like humans yet not humans, with round faces and three eyes. Could not tell male and female, the old and the young. Not long after his vision blurred and he lost consciousness. Awaken he found himself back in the quarry. Upon returning home he was told that he was away for more than a year. His family thought he had been eaten by wild animals. When I learned of this, I went to see. Geng’s chest had a red straight scar. No pain was felt. He was 53 when I met him, yet he looked as young as he was in the time of the incident. Strange star that transmuted was among the many explanations. The incident was recorded in the history book of the county. What was the thing?

    There are very few recorded cases of abduction in China. In recent years there was only one, called the Phoenix mountain aduction case. It is very interesting.
    Last edited by syrwong; 27th November 2015 at 11:10. Reason: improved translation

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    Argentina Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: 500-Year-Old Chinese Manuscript Describes Alien Abduction

    It's been happening for a looong time now, since before we came out from the caverns, way before...

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