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Thread: The "New Age" Psy-op

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default The "New Age" Psy-op

    10 Basic New Age Deceptions and How to Correct Them

    By WakingTimes February 13, 2016

    Editor’s Note:
    This list was gathered and collated by Brendan D. Murphy with kudos to Mark Passio, Tim McClew for the distillation, and Juliet J. Carter.

    Quote “Real compassion kicks butt and takes names and is not pleasant on certain days. If you are not ready for this FIRE, then find a new-age, sweetness and light, perpetually smiling teacher and learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms. But, stay away from those who practice REAL COMPASSION, because they will fry your ass, my friend.”
    Ken Wilber

    Mark Passio’s 10 Basic New Age Deceptions

    1. Ignore the “Negative”
    The notion that you make things worse by focusing on negative issues is false. Ignoring negative issues, like ignoring symptoms of an illness, only serves to make the issues worse. Refusing to look at critical information, just because it makes you uncomfortable, is willfully choosing a state of ignorance—to remain un-conscious.
    Correction: Seeing the negativity for what it is creates an ability to steel oneself against its harmful effects and perhaps avoid them entirely.
    2. Never Get Angry
    “No one should ever get angry, it’s an emotion that needs to be purged from your system.”
    Correction: While non-righteous and unchanneled anger is counter-productive to individual development and collective efforts to bring about collective change, righteous indignation can be a major motivation to create positive change in the world. If you are not outraged by what’s happening around you, you are not paying attention—you are unconscious.
    3. It’s All One, So it’s All Good
    Many New Agers tout concepts such as Right & Wrong as “dualistic” and therefore invalid. They try to convince us that EVERYTHING is OK because “we’re all one.” This is dangerous moral relativism.
    Correction: “Conscience” literally means: “to know together”, to have “common sense”. It is the knowledge of the objective difference between “right” and “wrong.” We live in duality, Spirit is NOT superior to Matter—and it is NOT all good.
    4. You Can Never Really Know
    New Age Solipsism: The ideology that knowledge of anything outside of one’s own mind is unsure, there cannot be an objective reality and nothing can be truly known.
    Correction: Perception is NOT reality: our work is to align the two. Solipsism is a defining hallmark of spiritual infancy. Departing from this diseased ideology is a sure-fire sign of the beginnings of human maturity and spiritual development.
    5. Accept Injustice, Never Resist
    The abuse of meditation and yoga. The New Age Movement has been distorting these practices into means to take people’s minds off the fact that they have been enslaved, and make it easy for them to accept the current condition of the world as their lot in life. “Never take action to try and change the things that are wrong with this world.”
    Correction: Meditation’s correct purpose is rebalancing the left/right balance in the brain. Yoga’s proper purpose is to help us discover what our TRUE WORK is, and to motivate us to DO IT. Start saying “No.” The correct use of “force” is NOT the same as “violence.”
    6. A Watered-Down Law of Attraction
    The New Age variant of the Law of Attraction is largely based in the modality of Service-to-Self.
    Correction: Natural Law: The REAL Law of Attraction is a system of Universal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior. It is Service to Truth, not Self. We co-create our reality in harmony with Natural Law.
    7. Turning the Other Cheek (it evens out the scars!)
    The false notion of unconditional forgiveness.
    Correction: True forgiveness does NOT mean continuing to excuse the willful commission of wrong-doing an infinite number of times. That is naiveté at best, and complicity with evil at worst. We must stand up for our beliefs and NOT tolerate the harmful actions of others.
    8. Chaos Should Be Feared
    If I give up my freedoms, then I’ll be safe. The current Control & Slavery system is about limitation of Free Will, of aspiration, through the destruction of possibility: the Death of Imagination.
    Correction: Bridging the Divide: True freedom includes infinite possibility, which, by definition, includes the possibility of Chaos. This must be embraced without Fear if we are to be truly Free. “Anarchy” does not mean chaos: it means “No Rulers, no Masters.” We need to stop believing in “Authority.”
    9. We Must Feel Good all the Time
    We innately want to be comfortable, and this is played upon by our rulers, who constantly distract us with more and more ways to insulate ourselves from reality.
    Correction: The Truth of the current human condition SHOULD make us feel uncomfortable. This is called awareness, consciousness. We should use that discomfort to motivate ourselves to create REAL CHANGE in the world through our ACTIONS.
    Quote “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”
    Carl Jung
    10. Truth Doesn’t Need to be Defended
    Never confront anyone on their bull**** (even though it is harming people). There is no need to defend truth.
    Correction: WE are the vehicles by which Truth operates in the world. Wrongdoers should be held to account. A different reality can be spoken into existence by us, if we care enough to learn the Truth, and then develop the Courage and the Will to defend it at all costs.
    Summarised from Mark’s Youtube presentations which you can find here

    Final Thoughts

    Quote “That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.”P. C. Hodgell

    “When you discovered the damaging affect of fluoride and you shared that information are you judging…yes…because judgement is an element of evaluation. The whole pseudo-spiritual yoga kirton pick-n-mix CULTure is toxic…it dovetails perfectly with the I’m-all-right-jack creed of the rainbow fascists and positive police who would have you believe that smoothies, yoga, permaculture, recycling and chanting the names of trendy Hindu gods…are all you need to put the brakes on the ever escalating apocalypse we find ourselves in. Whatever you do, don’t mention genocide or pedophilia or any number of global deceptions in their company. Any reference to Aliens or the moon will be the nail in the coffin of your reputation amongst their circle.”
    – Juliet J. Carter
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    United States Avalon Member Wide-Eyed's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Well written detailed post Herve' - the thoughts on it by Juliet Carter highlights succinctly the "toxic" effects of the movement and insulating ourselves from reality of being enslaved. It is front and center dead on with statements.

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    United States Avalon Member ZooLife's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    It's the age old question repeated over and over again.

    It's obvious which side the OP rests on.

    Last edited by ZooLife; 14th February 2016 at 22:20. Reason: Embed Video
    I still have eyes to see what the world would have me see but that doesn't mean I believe. - Sara

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    Avalon Member Carmody's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    the mistake in some forms of thinking... is that we have one singular solution... when there are 'seven bilion names of god' on this planet ...as we have seven billion different individuals.

    There is a general direction,yes, but a perfect solution? No. A perfect solution means a perfect end, a perfect beginning and all is built out of known quantities. That would be a dead thing and no development of consciousness.

    Life and growth requires this generalized mess to exist.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    this is reality and reality is that people is living in illusion but still it is reality. Words words words how many meaning can you give to a single phrase. Does it feel good to be angry, if so then be angry. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it "The new age psy- op deception. Be what you are and be with yourself feel it han seek your rather than seek your truth on some reading material publish on the internet. Its very dangerous

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    United States Avalon Member Jhonie's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    This is simply Mark Passio's opinion.
    Blessed Be to You and Me.

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    Avalon Member enfoldedblue's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Here something I wrote from a thread I started a few years ago called overcoming duality

    Quote Problem 2: New Age BS

    One of the most important areas of dis-information is in the “New Age Movement” .
    This is a huge problem because the new age movement actually holds the key to our exiting the duality paradigm.

    As stated above, the TPTB use occult power as a means to maintain their power and control over us. And they spend a lot of energy (mainly through the education i.e. brainwashing-system) making the masses think that magic is nonsense....something to be given up with the end of childhood)

    Some people however are naturally drawn towards magic and mysticism and for these people the “New Age Movement” has been created. The “New Age Movement” is like a neutered version of spirituality. A lot of New Age practices can make one feel good, feel like we are participating in something profound without actually enabling true deep transformation. People are taught to focus on light and love and reject anything dark...this is THE MAJOR PROBLEM and what makes the movement completely ineffective.

    I believe the key to real transformation lies in exploring and re-claiming our darkness.
    From childhood we are taught to reject aspects of ourselves that society teaches us to perceive as negative. This creates an internal state of division...WHICH ACTS TO RE-INFORCE THE EXTERNAL STATE OF DIVISION (which of course is the goal of TPTB)! This is the real BIG SECRET that they want to keep from us...the real key to transforming our outer world is to transform our inner worlds. AND THE KEY TO THIS IS LOVE...ok now there may be some eye rolling now (which is the programmed response). Any self-respecting rational person will see this as just more new age jargon, but this is exactly what TPTB want...they want the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.

    They don’t want us to know that we are each fragments of the whole...and like fractals each contain ALL the elements of the whole.

    I feel that the real secret that is being withheld from us is the fact that the key to our evolution is well and truly within, but the way to reach it is that we need to integrate all our inner aspects, including the depths of our darkness. Without the integration of our darkness we can never truly become whole, and we will always be able to be controlled by fear.

    Meanwhile much of popular New Age info, channelling etc, promotes a focus on the Light, even promoting the idea of a battle between the Light and Dark. This creates the perfect situation for the PTB by keeping those interested in spirituality (those playing in the arena where true power lies) in a virtual innocuous fantasy, often completely avoiding the very place their true power is hidden. The potentially powerful spiritual process, becomes ultimately fruitless, and impotent when we deny the dark. Metaphorically speaking, the key is hidden in the ****.

    The PTB know that repressed fear is the most useful for control, for outside of our consciousness it becomes an unknown, a haunting anxiety that keeps us small. Once we fully explore our inner selves, and process and understand our own darkness, then we truly become free, as we are no longer trapped in the game, rather it is as though we can see it from above. The PTB’s role is to perpetuate a sense of helplessness, fear and division. Our role is to rediscover our power, love and ultimately unity.

    The ultimate threat to the PTB is if everyone began to look inside and discovered the truth within. I believe this to be the only way we can free ourselves. If everyone learned to connect with their wholeness within, the tactics used for millennia to control us, would become obsolete. The PTB would simply no longer serve a purpose, and we could begin playing a new game, one no longer guided by fear and, but by understanding our unity and connection.

    The PTB have created a virtual hall of mirrors that keeps us focused on the outside. Of course that is their role in this game/experiment, and they are playing their parts beautifully. But I feel it is now time for us to wake up to ourselves, to reclaim our power and change the nature of this game to one that acknowledges our interconnectedness and the incredible beauty of each individual, planets and universe. It is time to go to the next level, but in order to do this we need to throw of the shackles that keep us mired in distractions.
    (excerpt from my blog titled 'The Real Secret' @ mysticalchemyarts.com


    ANYTHING that distracts us from looking within and discovering and healing all our inner fractures/ factions is perpetuating the state of the division. Distraction/drama is the ULTIMATE tool of TPTB. So long as we are focused on media circus...alternative or not, they are happy and their plan is succeeding. However this does not mean that we should not try to uncover the truth ‘out there’, we should certainly not be like ostriches with our head in the sand...we need to be awake and aware. BUT what I have found is that if our primary focus is on looking within and discovering inner truth, outer truth seems to naturally reveal itself to us in a way that reflects and enhances our inner discoveries (eg stumbling upon a link that creates a powerful aha moment).

    As we put together our inner puzzle, the outer puzzle reflects this process and becomes clearer with each inner step we take. When we look within, we learn that trusting ourselves and our inner process is the most important thing we can do; and when we do this it becomes virtually irrelevant who is a dis-info agent and who isn’t, whether the aliens are good/bad etc...all that just becomes part of the noise...which can be fun or interesting to focus on sometimes...but definitely not the means through which any significant change is to be made.

    The further we delve within, the more aware we become aware of the incredible, powerful energy that resides within us all. This energy is so much older, deeper and more powerful than anything the illuminati/ PTB is capable of creating. In fact, one of the tricks of the illuminati is to co-opt symbols associated with this profound energy in order to create the illusion that it is within their control. It is not.

    In the last few years we have begun to witness everything reaching a head. The planet has been thoroughly explored and exploited, so much so our survival is at risk; in what we call the economy the divide between the rich and poor has become so extreme a tiny part of humanity is dominating the huge majority; and we have explored science so deeply we are on the verge of uncovering the ‘God’ particle.

    But if we realize/remember that below the surface all is love, and this dynamic of a small group dominating the masses etc, is just part of the natural unfolding of dense energies, then we can stop feeling fearful, powerless, angry, and relax and trust that what we are witnessing is simply the play out of the energies of separation. By choosing this viewpoint, we can focus our energy on grounding and spreading love in our world, and we stop feeding the fear paradigm.

    This experiment of separation was never intended as a means to create suffering, it was intended to help us learn and to understand ourselves. Most of us here probably can recognise how deep wounds, though painful at the time, actually make us deeper, stronger, and more resilient once they are healed.

    Now that these dense energies have been allowed to play themselves out, it is time to make the shift back to our natural state. We have played the out the good and evil dynamic to the fullest. Now it is time to infuse all those parts of ‘ourself’ that we have hidden in the dark, both on an individual and collective level, with incredible love. It is time to take the next evolutionary leap and re-unite in a wholeness that is deeper, wiser and stronger from our journey through separation.

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    United States Avalon Member Wide-Eyed's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    this is reality and reality is that people is living in illusion but still it is reality. Words words words how many meaning can you give to a single phrase. Does it feel good to be angry, if so then be angry. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it "The new age psy- op deception. Be what you are and be with yourself feel it han seek your rather than seek your truth on some reading material publish on the internet. Its very dangerous
    Marcel Messing!

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    France Avalon Member araucaria's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Let me offer an analogy to back up Carmody’s point. The general direction is up. Like we are cycling up a mountain. There is no point wishing it was flat land where we could move up through the gears. The mountain has beauties that the plain doesn’t have; it may or may not be where we want to be, but it is where we are at. What we need at the moment is to be able to move down a gear or two, only it’s beginning to look like someone has sabotaged our bike and removed our bottom gears. The only alternative – for there is an alternative – is turning round and going back down the way we came; but that solves nothing, because the journey still has to be made. The downhill ride is much easier (you won’t need to pedal at all), but instead of worrying about your gears, you will be worrying whether someone hasn’t sabotaged your brakes. Don’t worry about it: they have.

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    South Africa Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    I think a big mistake these new agers make is that they don't do their homework propperly. Thank you very much.

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    Scotland Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Mark nails it again.

    Underneath a lot of those false beliefs is an agenda- keeping people meek, passive, and servile.

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Quote Posted by Safari (here)
    I think a big mistake these new agers make is that they don't do their homework propperly. Thank you very much.
    It might be that they do too much homework of the wrong kind---smiling.
    Spirituality really should be simple.
    The truth is in simple statements as attributed to Jesus and others.

    "Be still and know that I am God"
    "The kingdom of heaven is within"

    Krishna in the Bagavad Gita urged Arjunan to defeat the enemy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita
    There is a lot within the text worth looking at.

    Spirituality is not passive, nor is it violent as such ---right action occurs---whatever that may be.

    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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    Avalon Member marique3652's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Quote Posted by Safari (here)
    I think a big mistake these new agers make is that they don't do their homework propperly. Thank you very much.
    I totally agree with that statement, you beat me to it actually. So often people will read something and embrace it without even taking into account the source and how reliable it is. There are many known disinformation sites and deceptive people on the net. If one is to believe something, I think people ought to really dig in and see if there is validity to the claims or statements. Known disinformation characters like Sacha Faal for instance and site like Before It Is News (my opinion anyway) are not always to be believed. For instance, just because you read something in the Enquirer does not make it the truth. So why not check the reputation of the person writing a new age article or book or video. Just because you watch a nifty you tube video, does not make it legit or valid. If one does not check into who is relaying the information, then one can very easily believe deception. Concerning channeling, many read pretty and sweet promising channelings and take it as fact. That concerns me about many new age members. Why do they not say to themselves, how do I know the alleged entities speaking are reliable and not just trying to influence people into a certain way of thinking or embracing a certain scenario. People as a whole are easily influenced by words. My point is there seems to me just too much blind faith in new age circles. In my day (I am old) they called this gullibility and unfortunately I see far more of this for comfort within the movement. As Safari said, people really need to do their homework, and I personally am not seeing a whole lot of that overall. That creates vulnerability that is easily exploited. Being knowledgeable about the source of information could make a huge difference. Just because something your read coincides with your personal viewpoint does not necessarily mean it is valid, so researching and digging a little into things is very important.

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    United States Avalon Member Sean's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    This is why I walked away from Theosophy. The people I encountered refused to accept that humanity had opposition. They insisted that any opposition came from ourselves.

    I beg to differ.

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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    I do love Mark Passio, he takes no prisoners and is not PC in anyway. His natural law seminar was very good.
    This is an initiation of sorts, how much wakefulness can you take. The minefields are a given, how to get through them without blowing yourself up.
    If it was easy walk in the park, where is the fun in that?
    All those thousands of names for Gods, it seems they are all from the same source, the annunaki.
    Jesus, Buddha, they were taken over after, first they were this then they got turned around and I think they did a fine job at convincing us we need to worship some angry and jealous god.
    Don't forget confessions and the money.

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    Why do people think individual power is a myth?

    by Jon Rappoport Oct 16, 2016

    I say this to old and new readers alike: all my work over the past 15 years ultimately points to individual power. That is where I make my stand. That’s where I plant my flag.

    The power to analyze information, to see through its lies and deceptions.

    The power to discover truth at the bottom of the lies.

    The power to employ reason and logic.

    ***And most of all, THE POWER TO CREATE REALITY, because that is what individual power is all about.

    That is what is buried at the bottom of the well.

    We live in uncertain times. But the more things shift, the more provisional and unsettled they become, the greater the need for authentic individual power.

    Why do people think individual power is a myth? Because they form limited images and ideas about themselves. Because they think conformity to the customs of society will grant them a payoff. Because they accept and buy into various wave-frequencies of speech and emotion that promote The Group.

    Let me discuss that last point a bit. Yes, speech and feeling are transmitted along certain frequencies. All actors know this. They know how to change frequencies. It’s like learning to sing well. In many cases, the words are less important than the tune (the frequencies). And promotion of The Group as the end-all and be-all of existence is transmitted along what we could call “sympathetic frequencies.” These wave-forms act as GLUE that tends to bind the individual to feelings that ultimately STICK him to The Group and Group-Think.


    However, if he isn’t embarked on that path, he is prone to being “caught in the web.”

    Why? Because he is a “still object” in the landscape. He is at rest. In his case, the force of inertia is in the direction of zero creative action.

    I used to spend Sundays going from channel to channel, watching the television preachers, assessing their styles. I was on the lookout for their most convincing moments. In virtually every case, when I found those moments, the sympathetic frequencies were being played at their best. The “join us” aspect was often tinged with a combination of sadness and uplift. Perfect. The concept of the free and independent individual was momentarily eradicated. That was the key.

    In case you haven’t noticed, these days there are thousands of speakers and broadcasters and writers who are transmitting wave-forms intended to bind the individual to The Group and Group-Think. It’s everywhere. It’s conscious propaganda, and it’s also dupes who, themselves, have been caught in the web and are following its dictates (frequencies).

    It can be very tempting.

    I stand at the other end of the spectrum: the free individual, with his own power. And most of all, with the power to create reality of his own choosing.

    This is why I put together my deepest research in my three Matrix collections.


    This is about your power. Not as an abstract idea, but as a living core of your being. This is about accessing that power, expanding it, and using it.

    On this road, there are no limits.

    Jon Rappoport
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    Default Re: The "New Age" Psy-op

    The law of attraction: garbled fragment of a lost tradition

    by Jon Rappoport Nov13, 2016

    There is no way to state the law of attraction with finality, because thousands of people have tinkered with it, and some of them earnestly believe they have the only “true” version.

    I’ll present several of the more popular descriptions first, and then comment.
    “The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim ‘like attracts like’ which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life…” (Wikipedia)

    “The Law of Attraction is no scary science or heavy philosophy – it is all about turning good intentions into positive action. It really is as simple as that. Simple exercises like filling your thoughts, words and energies with positivity and possibility, knowing exactly what it is that you want and then simply ‘allowing’ the universe to flow.” (thelawofattraction.com)

    “Someone has said, ‘the Universe has imagined it even better than you have.’ And we like to add to that: The Universe got all of its information about what you like from you, and it has remembered every piece of it and has put it together in perfect formation. And so, the things that are on their way to you are so much better than you even know that you want. And as you allow them, the essence all of these things that the Universe knows that you are wanting make their way to you and appear in perfect timing for you.” (abraham-hicks.com)
    The first thing to notice about these formulations is that they have a major passive component. You’re just there, thinking good thoughts, and the universe delivers its gifts to you. Hello! Incoming! And the second thing to notice is how the universe itself is characterized. It isn’t planets, stars, and galaxies. It’s a mystic “everything” that is paying close attention to you. It’s an outside force that is ready and willing to pass along positive results in exchange for positive thoughts.

    It’s no surprise that the law of attraction has flourished in modern America. The law, in its own strange way, is a marvel of optimism. “No need to worry, all you need to do is accentuate the positive in your thoughts, and good things will descend upon you.”

    There is even a more “sophisticated” version of the law, whereby, if you think-positive and don’t receive what you want, you didn’t really want it. That is, your higher self didn’t want it. Therefore, disappointment and failure aren’t possible.

    The law is also an expression of a severely declining culture, in which large numbers of people, living in a superficial land of plenty, just can’t seem to be happy. They’re not getting what they want. The presents under the Xmas tree aren’t the right presents. The dreams they’re dreaming aren’t coming true. Therefore: build a better Santa Claus. Call him Universe.

    The law of attraction also has a dark side: don’t entertain negative thoughts or negative things will happen to you. This may as well be an overt piece of mind control, because…who can avoid a trickle or a stream of negative thoughts? The individual is being set up. “Be a cop. Monitor yourself. Be your own Surveillance State. Keep those negative thoughts away. Don’t think of a pink elephant driving a truck on the sidewalk as you step out a café…”

    The law of attraction: it’s as if someone read an ancient torn manuscript, tried to reconstruct a valuable piece of information, and missed the mark by a few miles. He got it all wrong. He got it backwards. Everything he could get wrong he did get wrong.

    Why do I say that?

    First of all, re the law of attraction, we’re talking about “positive and negative thought” at a level of power that is weak, weak, weak. We’re talking about an inconsequential level of thinking. We’re also talking about thought that is divorced from action. The individual is characterized as if he were a radio antenna, a receiving apparatus. Thoughts are coming in, good ones and bad ones. His job is to filter out the bad ones and strive to accentuate the good ones. This is preposterous. This is a losing proposition.

    In ancient Tibet, before the priest class took over and established a theocracy, the practitioners of the art of manifestation were operating at a truly profound level of creation. If someone had come up with the law of attraction, he would have been encouraged to see it and invent it with all the sustained intensity he possibly could—and then, when he had it before him with alive and electric force, he would have been told:

    get rid of it.

    The whole notion of Tibetan magic was: creation and destruction.

    Through long-term grounding in this practice, the student would eventually come to see, first-hand, that he could invent anything and also dispense with it. Now we’re talking about power.

    Not the inconsequential static of “positive and negative thoughts.” Not the little amateur radio station. Instead, the Niagara, initiated by the student and gotten rid of by the student.

    “You’re in love with the idea of a beneficent universe that delivers all good things? All right, create that universe with all the energy you can muster. Spend months creating it. And then, when you’re quite sure you’ve got that marvelous invention, and it’s going to hand down to you everything you want, get rid of your invention. You see? You’re the artist of reality. You invent it. You can invent whatever you want, and you can destroy it, too. You’re the painter with an infinite canvas. You can fill it up with anything you want—and you can also paint over it and erase it out of existence. And there’s no need to feel sad about it, because you KNOW you can create endlessly. You’re living in a sea of abundance, not because the universe is mandating it, not because any entity or force or field or personage is mandating it or allowing it, but because YOU are the beginning and end of the abundance.”

    The Tibetans weren’t fooling around. They weren’t taking a stroll through a mall. They weren’t pining over some fervently wished for relationship that never was. They weren’t cooking up some little religion with rainbows and marshmallows. They weren’t a terminally sentimental culture. They weren’t living and dying by dreams of abject hope. They weren’t inventing some good guy at the center of universe who comes down the chimney every night to deliver presents.

    For that twisted version of the truth to flourish, there had to be a culture that was seeming to produce a consumer paradise. A place where every toy and machine and frizzle and frazzle on shelves of plenty were within arm’s reach—and still the people were unhappy. Then, the people would imagine that a higher St. Nick was available by merely “thinking good thoughts.” Then, people would believe this St. Nick was “giving them permission” to be happy.

    Re the law of attraction, those early Tibetans would say: “Are you really worried about thinking a negative thought? All right, take one of those negative thoughts and invent it sky-high. Go to the quarry and cut out a two-ton block of granite and have some horses drag it back home and spend a few months engraving that negative thought on the stone and put lights on it and hold a week-long boggling celebration—and then blow up the stone. Do this whole process many times as you need to, until you realize you can invent anything and then get rid of it. Until you realize you’re an artist of reality and you’re infinitely more powerful than some weak sister of a ‘negative thought’.

    An artist of reality puts together a vision of something he deeply, deeply, deeply desires, and then he strides out and brings it into being in the world. Because he wants to. Because he’ll walk through whatever he has to walk through to bring it to fruition. And that’s “the law of attraction.” It’s not a law and it isn’t attraction. It’s art. It’s creation. It’s invention. Nothing is “allowing it to happen.”

    The individual, as an artist of reality, can go anywhere and access anything: he can tap into fields of data, oceans of being, other people’s minds, this consciousness and that consciousness, this role and that role; he can merge and un-merge—or he can do none of that. He can invent power out of nothing. He can, as artists have since the dawn of time, experience the joy and ecstasy of bringing to life his greatest dreams. He can invent and choose those dreams. And he can also, if he wants to, put all that on the shelf, and just walk down the street in the rain and hold a newspaper over his head and hail a cab and ride to a restaurant and have a drink and eat a meal with a friend and talk about the horse who won the fifth race at Del Mar.

    And just in case you think I’m excluding all the “necessary work” that needs to be done to make this world a better place, a client I worked with, some years ago, told me: “I just woke up to my dream. I’m going to take down [a major evil corporation].” There was joy in his eyes, like a man on a high cliff looking out to sea contemplating glorious unknown lands. He is making progress, real progress. I wouldn’t want to be that corporation.

    What I’m describing in this article is an open path. Major steps on that path are embodied in my three Matrix collections, because I’m not only interested in characterizing the journey, but also taking it.

    Jon Rappoport

    The mechanical structure of the Matrix

    by Jon Rappoport, August 10, 2016


    You see, when you really unpack the “everything is everything” wow, it’s not as sensational as it first seemed.. Any more than, say, the fact that every national newscast covers the same stories from the same point of view.

    “I can’t believe it. ABC just did a piece on the Supreme Court, and now CBS is highlighting it, too. Let’s light a candle and kneel.”

    “Everything/connected” is supposed to signal that the universe is conscious, and to boil the argument down, since universe is also so much larger than a human being walking around on a street in a city on planet Earth, he is obligated to defer to universe.

    He is programmed from a young age to defer. He learns how politically incorrect it is to reject this church…


    You have a choice. You can go along for the ride in Matrix, or you can imagine imagination and embark on the journey of journeys.

    Artists create worlds and universes. Therefore, the idea that “The Universe” is somehow our greatest guide and mentor and gift-giver is a joke of the highest magnitude.

    Most people are not up to contemplating the idea of consciously creating, much less spontaneously improvising, which involves a kind of merging with what they would create.

    But for those who can grasp such an idea, the world and the universe aren’t any longer arbiters and rule makers and guides. They are inventions that are already here.


    Jon Rappoport
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

  33. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Hervé For This Post:

    Cara (15th November 2016), Enola (14th November 2016), gord (14th November 2016), Rich (26th November 2016), seko (14th November 2016), transiten (14th November 2016)

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