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Thread: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

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    Default Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    This is a very interesting demonstration of how pulsed dc into an open extension cord results in an energy boost from the envrionment. This is a potential breakthrough in free energy research.

    It is as if pulse DC into an open system makes the environment feed energy into the system. When you open it up the output seems to at least double in voltage. From that point the sky is the limit, because the environment is at this point a variable you can tweak. For instance, does it increase if you move the extension cord high up in the air or low into the ground. What happens if you place a magnet in some particular configuration near the cable. What happens at low room temperature, or at high room temperature? What happens when you have the cable/system in vacuum or in some other ether than oxygen. All kinds of things suddenly become very interesting to try out...

    Ultimately you want to create an infinite energy loop where you are able to "tap" the energy from the environment in a controlled fashion. So in this case you want the original energy to come from batteries and the excessive energy to constantly charge the batteries, so that although energy is drawn from it, the batteries never discharge.

    Can anybody here replicate this?
    Last edited by WhiteLove; 24th April 2016 at 16:36.

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    That meter does not measure DC, only AC. His source is also AC. A capacitor will always develop a charge exposed to an AC circuit. I did not see any pulsed DC apparatus. What does he mean by pulsed DC? I think he means a half wave DC power supply. Pulsed needs an electronic circuit with capacitors and a full wave bridge rectifier. The pulse comes from the capacitors. The meter is being tricked by whatever is in that plastic container he calls his pulse converter that he never shows you. In electrical parlance, what is happening is a floating neutral situation. Without a grounded neutral the meter displays an anomalous reading. Nothing ground breaking here. I get called out a lot to fix this sort of problem.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Ernie Nemeth (here)
    That meter does not measure DC, only AC. His source is also AC. A capacitor will always develop a charge exposed to an AC circuit. I did not see any pulsed DC apparatus. What does he mean by pulsed DC? I think he means a half wave DC power supply. Pulsed needs an electronic circuit with capacitors and a full wave bridge rectifier. The pulse comes from the capacitors. The meter is being tricked by whatever is in that plastic container he calls his pulse converter that he never shows you. In electrical parlance, what is happening is a floating neutral situation. Without a grounded neutral the meter displays an anomalous reading. Nothing ground breaking here. I get called out a lot to fix this sort of problem.
    Aha. So it is basically not any excessive energy, just a meter not showing the correct values in the particular configuration, in combination with someone who does not understand how to correctly validate what is truly at the output?

    I wish you are wrong, but the truth is what matters. Thanks buddy!

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by WhiteLove (here)
    Aha. So it is basically not any excessive energy, just a meter not showing the correct values in the particular configuration, in combination with someone who does not understand how to correctly validate what is truly at the output?

    I wish you are wrong, but the truth is what matters. Thanks buddy!
    unfortunately electricity is a much more complex topic than most people understand (I barely understand it). Phasing and timing are important, the sinusoidal wave form too... but these are generally not even known of & that lack of knowledge leads quickly to "false positive" results on "FE" experiments.

    If a testing methodology & necessary equipment list could be crafted & referenced a lot of this might clear up (hint hint Ernie... I'll edit the video if you do the smart guy stuff )
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    Germany Avalon Member Aviator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    The guy doesn't know what he is talking about. No basic knowledge about electricity. Don't waste your time to listen to things like this.

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Sinusoidal waveforms seem so complicated but it is not really. The title of an average electrical textbook would make it far clearer: Rotating Machines. It is the circular motion of electrical generators that causes the sinusoidal waveform. As the machine turns it pumps out a varying rate of voltage and current, depending on windings and configuration, that completes a 360 degree circle while turning. Each turn or portion thereof can create a full sine wave, again depending on configuration and number of poles in the machine. The sine wave is the natural output of a rotating machine.

    It is called the sine wave because it is trigonometry that describes the mechanics of rotation. The cosine coefficient is the relational unit, like miles or kilometers for distance, that relates degrees of rotation to its component effects of current and voltage. In a rotating machine, voltage and current are constantly changing their value as lines of force are cut at varying rates as the rotor turns within the field of the stator. This creates the familiar sine waveform, starting at zero and rising to a maximum positive value, then falling back to zero and reaching a maximum negative value, and then back to zero.

    This rising and falling action is typical for all rotating machines. To create DC directly with a rotating machine requires a new piece of equipment - the commutator, which flips the polarity of the connection as the rotor crosses the poles of the machine during rotation. This causes the output to remain a steady polarity (DC), instead of flipping polarity (AC). The resulting DC power from such a generator has a rising and falling characteristic but only in one direction - ie. zero to a max positive value then back to zero then back again to high positive value. This fluctuating DC wave can be smoothed out with electronics but can never be a completely smooth output of a given value. For that you need a non-rotating source like a battery.

    Hope the crash course helps

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Ernie Nemeth (here)
    Sinusoidal waveforms seem so complicated but it is not really. The title of an average electrical textbook would make it far clearer: Rotating Machines. It is the circular motion of electrical generators that causes the sinusoidal waveform. As the machine turns it pumps out a varying rate of voltage and current, depending on windings and configuration, that completes a 360 degree circle while turning. Each turn or portion thereof can create a full sine wave, again depending on configuration and number of poles in the machine. The sine wave is the natural output of a rotating machine.

    It is called the sine wave because it is trigonometry that describes the mechanics of rotation. The cosine coefficient is the relational unit, like miles or kilometers for distance, that relates degrees of rotation to its component effects of current and voltage. In a rotating machine, voltage and current are constantly changing their value as lines of force are cut at varying rates as the rotor turns within the field of the stator. This creates the familiar sine waveform, starting at zero and rising to a maximum positive value, then falling back to zero and reaching a maximum negative value, and then back to zero.

    This rising and falling action is typical for all rotating machines. To create DC directly with a rotating machine requires a new piece of equipment - the commutator, which flips the polarity of the connection as the rotor crosses the poles of the machine during rotation. This causes the output to remain a steady polarity (DC), instead of flipping polarity (AC). The resulting DC power from such a generator has a rising and falling characteristic but only in one direction - ie. zero to a max positive value then back to zero then back again to high positive value. This fluctuating DC wave can be smoothed out with electronics but can never be a completely smooth output of a given value. For that you need a non-rotating source like a battery.

    Hope the crash course helps
    Yes, this crash course helps a lot!

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to WhiteLove For This Post:

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    UK Avalon Member Nick Matkin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Sorry, the op video is load of nonsense. For the none technical the language may sound plausible, but it's all gobbledygook!

    He avoids stating the frequency of the pulsed DC. He does not describe the circuit creating the voltage, and worst of all he makes the classic error of confusing increased voltage with increased power. There is no 'excess energy'. If it were that easy don't you think... oh - never mind - others have said it already anyway.
    Last edited by Nick Matkin; 24th April 2016 at 22:11.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Nick Matkin (here)
    Sorry, the op video is load of nonsense. For the none technical the language may sound plausible, but it's all gobbledygook!

    He avoids stating the frequency of the pulsed DC. He does not describe the circuit creating the voltage, and worst of all he makes the classic error of confusing increased voltage with increased power. There is no 'excess energy'. If it were that easy don't you think... oh - never mind - others have said it already anyway.
    I'll take your smart guy stuff too.. any of you pixie wranglers! I just don't have a solid enough grasp to make anything useful.

    a "how to test power production" video or somethign that could be referenced for fledgling inventors would be useful I think.
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  18. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to TargeT For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    I agree that this guy knows very little about electricity. The voltage will always rise in circuits like this because there is no load. That has nothing to do with power out vs. power in.
    To get this ratio, you first carefully measure your power in to the apparatus from the wall with a good watt meter. Then take any alternating current output, run it through a bridge rectifier and filter cap (turning it to DC), then measure the voltage across a known fixed resistance, and with some simple math you get real power out. Then you can compare the power in to the power out.
    It's actually a very simple and accurate way of getting an efficiency measurement.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Ernie Nemeth (here)
    That meter does not measure DC, only AC. a neon bulb measures DC or AC. as long as you exceed the breakdown voltage it will glow.
    His source is also AC. his source at the meter, is pulsed DC.
    A capacitor will always develop a charge exposed to an AC circuit. correct, there is absolutely nothing special with what he shows using the capacitor, it is behaving as expected
    I did not see any pulsed DC apparatus. he clearly shows the black rectangular computer power supply 100-240v AC in -> 19v DC out (3:08 min mark).
    the output from the power supply is fed into a PWM circuit, this creates the pulsed DC.
    the PWM circuit is located in the plastic tupperware box (he does not open the lid and show the circuit)

    in electrical parlance, what is happening is a floating neutral situation. Without a grounded neutral the meter displays an anomalous reading. the entire circuit is floating. the meter is measuring the potential difference across the output of the PWM circuit.
    Quote Posted by Nick Matkin (here)

    <snip> and worst of all he makes the classic error of confusing increased voltage with increased power. absolutely correct
    Quote Posted by Ted (here)
    I agree that this guy knows very little about electricity. The voltage will always rise in circuits like this because there is no load. That has nothing to do with power out vs. power in.
    To get this ratio, you first carefully measure your power in to the apparatus from the wall with a good watt meter. Then take any alternating current output, run it through a bridge rectifier and filter cap (turning it to DC), then measure the voltage across a known fixed resistance, and with some simple math you get real power out. Then you can compare the power in to the power out.
    It's actually a very simple and accurate way of getting an efficiency measurement.
    when evaluating free energy devices, one absolutely needs to measure the input vs output power, without doing this, one would not be able to confirm if the elusive "free energy" phenomenon exists. however there is a caveat to this, be very careful where & how you measure. often the actual measuring operation, particularly at the intermediate stages, will destroy the phenomenon completely. in some cases you can't even measure at the output without upsetting things, you need to measure indirectly. ie. how much light or heat or motion is created vs the amount of energy put in or use a before (without the device) vs after (with the device) comparison. in some cases, things can get quite "etheric", though absolutely valid.

    we need to be very careful when looking at devices like this chap (OP) has shown, don't be so hasty in your replies, look carefully for any form of strangeness, we can easily throw the baby out with the bath water, without even realising it.

    i'll make a bold statement: there have been quite a few so called "free energy" devices that absolutely had a phenomenon worth investigating. in most cases (not all) the conclusions of the evaluation process, erroneous conclusions, whether by the inventors themselves, or 3rd parties, have unintentionally or intentionally killed the development process.

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    Last edited by Aurelius; 25th April 2016 at 03:06.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Nick Matkin (here)
    Sorry, the op video is load of nonsense. For the none technical the language may sound plausible, but it's all gobbledygook!

    He avoids stating the frequency of the pulsed DC. He does not describe the circuit creating the voltage, and worst of all he makes the classic error of confusing increased voltage with increased power. There is no 'excess energy'. If it were that easy don't you think... oh - never mind - others have said it already anyway.
    Yeah, but how is it possible that the meter reacts like that just from sticking in a cable that leads to nowhere? What is it about that additional cable in this setup that makes it react like that? A lose cable like that should not have any impact. Obviously something changes about the setup, maybe not adding any energy, but definitely something about the electrical flow of energy seems to become different. And if it actually can't have any impact whatsoever it means this is a video created to try to fool everyone by doing stuff behind the camera while connecting the extension cord. Something about this confuses me. (a lot)

    If this is pulse DC as he said, then maybe what happens is that it becomes plain old DC at the same or twice the initial power input? Totally impossible?!

    I do agree though, what a sloppy demonstration in terms of the measurements... He claims much and forgets to measure it all. I'm convinced.

    Last edited by WhiteLove; 25th April 2016 at 18:31.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by WhiteLove (here)

    Yeah, but how is it possible that the meter reacts like that just from sticking in a cable that leads to nowhere? What is it about that additional cable in this setup that makes it react like that? A lose cable like that should not have any impact. Obviously something changes about the setup, maybe not adding any energy, but definitely something about the electrical flow of energy seems to become different. And if it actually can't have any impact whatsoever it means this is a video created to try to fool everyone by doing stuff behind the camera while connecting the extension cord. Something about this confuses me. (a lot)

    here's what he did ...

    1. he adds only one lead of the loose cable to the circuit, the voltage reading increases.
    2. then, in addition, he adds the 2nd lead of the loose cable to the circuit, the voltage reading increases even further.

    my thoughts on explaining the phenomenon: we need to bring transmission line theory (see Twin-lead) into this. depending on the length of the loose cable and the frequency that the PWM circuit is operating at, a standing wave (resonance) can be established in the loose cable. think of plucking a guitar string, of a particular length, it will vibrate at a particular frequency. if the PWM frequency is a multiple (harmonic) of the length of the loose cable, one would see a voltage increase as he shows. if my theory is correct, as he changes the PWM frequency, one would see the voltage rise and lower, rise and lower as he traverses the various harmonic frequencies.

    he has pre-set the PWM circuit to operate at a harmonic, to show this voltage increase.

    one could easily calculate the approx. frequency he has set the PWM to by estimating the length of the cable. the characteristics of the cable are also important, but the length of the cable is the main item in this case.

    imho there is no underhanded business, nor any attempt to fool anyone in his demonstration.
    Last edited by Aurelius; 25th April 2016 at 23:37.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by WhiteLove (here)
    If this is pulse DC as he said, then maybe what happens is that it becomes plain old DC at the same or twice the initial power input? Totally impossible?!
    That's sort of like saying that if you stir water to the right, you get more water (and if you are measuring the level of water based on where the "top of it" reaches the side of the container, you will infact seem to gain more water; but in reality there's no change, loss if anything (due to stiring) & what happens if you stir to the left?!)

    That claim is totally impossible.
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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote I sometimes find people better understand output impedance if they think of it as a sink cold water tap. The voltage is the pressure at the tap and the current is the amount of water flowing through it.

    Imagine the tap suddenly exploding due to a pressure shock. It will explode almost identically to many other kinetic explosions, and the decay time almost as quickly too.

    That's the extemities of the dynamic involved. a power dynamic.

    Why do I mention output impedance?... you may well ask.

    I know I'm coming at this with conceptual limitations mainly from standard electronics but I tend to imagine that "magical power resource" as being contained somehow by impedances that more than match it's splashiest "voltage" potentials.

    An electronic impedance is an active version of an inactive resistance. Either forms will deny atomic access for streaming electrons under 'pressure'.

    But, for me, impedance does it most interestingly.

    Then I think, Is it our own "num-sculls" that are, to knowledge, what impedance is to electron flow? I really don't think "free energy" that is truly clean, and coming directly from source, is going to give up it's secrets without our massive leap in learning to lower the impedance to being immersed in it, systemically.

    A 'device' out of an engineering workshop, is only likely to be re-inventing 'the engine'. At least, all the pictures I've seen look like that. Is the knowledge of the raw energy the first nut to crack?

    Will it only respond to absolute respect?

    Or, at least, absolute respect could lower the impedance enough for it to 'conduct' through us. Perhaps it might be willing to trade in small human sized units, and we can have human scale signal levels and ranges.

    In this attempt to delight your curiosities, I've almost made it into a Deity.

    Or, perhaps, that's not such a bad idea ?
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    DC has no frequency, being a steady voltage. Pulsed DC gives the cycle aspect that mimics frequency. PWM - power wave management or duty cycle. Such a power pack hardly constitutes a true DC source. If the power source is floating then the reference point has been compromised and odd readings will occur. The meter the guy is using is an AC meter, incapable of reading DC. So what is being read is the unreferenced neutral and the fluctuating nature of the so-called pure DC source. Most likely an effect of harmonic resonance. The length of cable is a source of impedance, not the same as resistance. The impedance matching is very important in electronics, more so than in electrical. Again, that is why that is an AC only meter. As the frequency of the source changes, and the impedance is increased the meter converts frequency into an incorrect voltage.

    This is the same as the high efficiency, high frequency electronic ballasts being used in industrial lighting situations. Such a ballast cannot be read by an ordinary meter because of the frequency of the power. It might be operating under 120, 240, 347 or even 600 volts but the pumped up voltage is around 1,000 volts at frequencies of 50,000 hertz. Such power is very safe and requires no mechanical protection at all. The ends of a wire from such a ballast can be held in your hands without injury! High voltage, high frequency, almost no current...

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    I'm also not convinced that the fellow in the video is "proving" an overunity effect here, but I think it does deserve mentioning that pulsed electricity, often in a square wave, is a key element in many of the overunity systems out there. Moray King has some excellent videos describing how this is done. But you'll often see the pulsed electricity being used to get HHO (water fuel) systems to go overunity, and in things like the Solar Hydrogen Trends overunity hydrogen production units. Basically, electrical pulses seem to create order in the usually chaotic zero point field, and this might be allowing extra energy from a higher-dimensional space to seep into the system, thus creating the overunity effect.

    I suspect something similar is happening when people use those Beck Blood Purifier devices (just google Robert Beck Blood Purification if you're not yet familiar with it). With those devices, people are allowing their blood to pass through a pulsing electrical field (usually 4Hz, though some machines go higher) as the blood passes through their wrists or ankles. Microbes seem to hate this; I've noticed wonderful results with these machines. If these machines are in some way cohering the zero point energy in the patient's blood, it might be in effect what Harald Kautz-Vella talks about when he speaks of increasing one's scalar potential, i.e. opening up the biological system of one's body to more of the energy streaming into physical reality from higher dimensions.

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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Aurelius (here)

    my thoughts on explaining the phenomenon: we need to bring transmission line theory (see Twin-lead) into this. depending on the length of the loose cable and the frequency that the PWM circuit is operating at, a standing wave (resonance) can be established in the loose cable. think of plucking a guitar string, of a particular length, it will vibrate at a particular frequency. if the PWM frequency is a multiple (harmonic) of the length of the loose cable, one would see a voltage increase as he shows. if my theory is correct, as he changes the PWM frequency, one would see the voltage rise and lower, rise and lower as he traverses the various harmonic frequencies.

    he has pre-set the PWM circuit to operate at a harmonic, to show this voltage increase.

    one could easily calculate the approx. frequency he has set the PWM to by estimating the length of the cable. the characteristics of the cable are also important, but the length of the cable is the main item in this case.

    imho there is no underhanded business, nor any attempt to fool anyone in his demonstration.
    To add a little to the concept of standing waves... What he has here is a simple antenna. There will be some sort of standing wave, even though he may not have the length right with the frequency. Consequently, if voltage measurements are taken along the length of the wire they will rise and fall according to the position of the standing wave. If he happens to be measuring at a point of high voltage, that's exactly what he will get. Still doesn't mean anything in terms of power.

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    UK Avalon Member Nick Matkin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Ted (here)
    Quote Posted by Aurelius (here)

    my thoughts on explaining the phenomenon: we need to bring transmission line theory (see Twin-lead) into this. depending on the length of the loose cable and the frequency that the PWM circuit is operating at, a standing wave (resonance) can be established in the loose cable. think of plucking a guitar string, of a particular length, it will vibrate at a particular frequency. if the PWM frequency is a multiple (harmonic) of the length of the loose cable, one would see a voltage increase as he shows. if my theory is correct, as he changes the PWM frequency, one would see the voltage rise and lower, rise and lower as he traverses the various harmonic frequencies.

    he has pre-set the PWM circuit to operate at a harmonic, to show this voltage increase.

    one could easily calculate the approx. frequency he has set the PWM to by estimating the length of the cable. the characteristics of the cable are also important, but the length of the cable is the main item in this case.

    imho there is no underhanded business, nor any attempt to fool anyone in his demonstration.
    To add a little to the concept of standing waves... What he has here is a simple antenna. There will be some sort of standing wave, even though he may not have the length right with the frequency. Consequently, if voltage measurements are taken along the length of the wire they will rise and fall according to the position of the standing wave. If he happens to be measuring at a point of high voltage, that's exactly what he will get. Still doesn't mean anything in terms of power.
    This is one of the many subtle effects amateur 'free energy' researchers must contend with, but often are ill equipped to even comprehend, let alone take account of.

    I often suggest amateur scientists would be an excellent foil to reveal so called hidden agendas. For example, Nibiru always approaching but never seen by amateur astronomers, HAARP weather control transmissions that are seemingly completely undetectable in the EM spectrum, despite using conventional radio antennas, and a pole shift that anyone with a sundial would detect!

    Nevertheless, for those experimenting in a very technical subject like electricity generation, a thorough understanding of the limitations of their test and measuring equipment is essential, along with understanding standing waves, the relationship between voltage, current and power, and power factor (voltage/current phase angle) and waveforms in AC circuits.

    Then there's the elephant in the room. Despite their plans released across the internet, no one (including Hope Girl and the QEG or Keshe and his Magrav device) has clearly, unequivocally demonstrated a working device. Perhaps TPTB wouldn't allow this. Well in that case the developers could approach a charity like Oxfam and offer to use the device to illuminate an African village; that publicity would look good for all involved in such a project. But of course if these devices worked, TPTB would not have allowed working blueprints to be propagated all over the internet, would they?

    BTW, has anyone here built a working over-unity device yet - even to light that elusive LED?

  38. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Nick Matkin For This Post:

    Eram (27th April 2016), Ernie Nemeth (28th April 2016), happyuk (27th April 2016)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Pulsed DC into an open extension cord results in energy boost from the environment

    Quote Posted by Nick Matkin (here)
    BTW, has anyone here built a working over-unity device yet - even to light that elusive LED?
    Technically, yes. Although it won't power much. I found that Orgone energy will partially charge batteries using no other source of energy. It's certainly "over unity", but beyond that it's in the novelty category. Nevertheless, it does show an interesting phenomenon.
    I've tried for years to build an over unity generator, but have so far been unsuccessful. I've gotten very close, but no cigar. Starting a new one this weekend. Probably more tilting at windmills, but fun to build anyway.

  40. The Following User Says Thank You to Ted For This Post:

    Ernie Nemeth (28th April 2016)

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