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Thread: President Obama Signs Dark Act - GMO/Food Labeling

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    Finland Avalon Member rgray222's Avatar
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    Default President Obama Signs Dark Act - GMO/Food Labeling

    President Obama signs bill that forever exempts Big Food from placing GMO labels on food packages

    (NaturalNews) While Americans were bustling about in preparation for their weekend, President Barack Obama quietly signed a bill late Friday afternoon that will likely forever keep people in the dark about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their food.

    Drafted by Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, the legislation gives food producers the option to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes, instead of the mandatory, on-package labels called for by 90 percent of citizens.

    Consumers wishing to learn about GMO ingredients will have to use smart phones to scan a barcode on food packages that reads: "Scan here for more food information." The percentage of GMOs in a food product that requires QR code labeling will be decided by the future Secretary of Agriculture.

    Future USDA secretary to decide which GMOs qualify for digital labeling

    Arguably, the most devastating component of the faux GMO-labeling law is that it effectively overrides existing (and genuine) labeling laws in various states such as in Vermont, Maine and Connecticut.

    The bill indefinitely bars Americans from their right to vote at the state level in the future for any sort of mandatory GMO-labeling. Under the law, it's possible that genetically engineered salmon will not be labeled as such in Alaska.

    More than a decade ago, the state became the first in the nation to pass a GMO-labeling law, requiring genetically engineered fish be "conspicuously labeled to identify the fish or fish product as a genetically modified fish or fish product," applying to both packaged and unpackaged products.

    Americans to eat GMO animals without knowing it

    Many believed that Alaska's labeling law paved the way for other states to enact similar legislation – and it did – that is until the federal government gave in to industry pressures. Although GMO salmon is not yet on the market, advocates fear that once it is available, it won't be labeled.

    "What we've been told is that if these genetically engineered salmon are out on the market, those who are marketing these salmon can voluntarily label them," said Senator Lisa Murkowski R-AK.

    "Well let me ask you, who do you think is really going to voluntarily place a label on something that says, 'This is not the real thing. This is not your wild Alaska salmon. This is a genetically engineered species?'"

    Food and chemical industry wins battle to keep Americans in the dark about GMOs

    The legislation signed by Obama is a huge win for the food and chemical industry. Never again will they have to spend large sums of money defeating labeling at the state level, as was done previously in California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington – where hundreds of millions of dollars were spent by Big Food and Big Ag.

    Never again will they bear the responsibility or fear of having to place on-package GMO labels, which would have surely caused substantial losses in revenue. The biotech industry will also be exempted from labeling gene edited foods, which just like GMOs are altered to withstand noxious herbicides that would normally result in plant death.

    Obama's decision not to label GMOs highlights the false promises routinely made by candidates on the campaign trail.

    "Here's what I'll do as president. I'll immediately implement Country Of Origin labeling because Americans should know where their food comes from. And we'll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what they're buying," said Obama while campaigning in 2007.

    But instead Obama perpetuated the conflict-of-interest between powerful industries and government regulators, appointing a former Monsanto executive as the head of the Food and Drug Administration.

    Rather than labeling GMOs, Obama made it so they may never be transparently labeled.

    "I don't know what kind of legacy the president hopes to leave, but denying one-third of Americans the right to know what is in the food they feed their families isn't one to be proud of," said Andy Kimbrell, executive director at the Center for Food Safety.

    "This law is a sham and a shame, a rushed backroom deal that discriminates against low-income, rural, minority and elderly populations. The law also represents a major assault on the democratic decision making of several states and erases their laws with a vague multi-year bureaucratic process specifically designed to provide less transparency to consumers."

    Avoid GMOs altogether by growing your own organic veggies in the Garden Tower, a vertical grow box that produces healthy food without the need for chemical fertilizers. The Garden Tower allows you to grow up to 50 food-producing plants in about four square feet of space – making it the perfect solution for urban dwellers.












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    Their time is very short and their evil will be vetted and over soon.

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    United States Avalon Member Michelle Marie's Avatar
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    Unlawful laws are not laws at all.

    All who damage Life are responsible and accountable.

    Universal Law is still intact.

    Our evolution gives us the intuition to select wholesome foods; raise the vibration and choose the effects of what we consume and physically process.

    Integrous companies will label their food regardless.

    I agree with OMG.

    ~*~ "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker ~*~ “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson ~*~ "Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training." - Anna Freud ~*~

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    Canada Avalon Member Tyy1907's Avatar
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    Default Re: President Obama Signs Dark Act - GMO/Food Labeling

    Obama the biggest sellout president EVER

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    Avalon Member East Sun's Avatar
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    Presidents count on most people being dumb ed down as they planned. Humans are referred to as sheeple in their thinking..

    We are awake and awakening others daily.

    So, take heart, and do your part..................
    Question Everything, always speak truth... Make the best of today, for there may not be a tomorrow!!! But, that's OK because tomorrow never comes, so we have nothing to worry about!!!

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    Michelle Marie. You are right about the Integrous companies , We need to keep pushing the GMO labeling and educate friends and neiborgs to do not buy products with gmo, there is many ways to acsess info about wich one is safe or not , like " food babe" she is on the web researching all she can about what food is safe to consume, or avoid. I myself grow some of my veggies , we have eggs , milk and cheese at home. Even we try hard is kinda impossible to live gmo free, Cereals, salsas, mayo, mustard, beer, wine, flour, and some of the supermarket veggies are gmo. but we must keep the pressure,. thanks.

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    United States Avalon Member Michelle Marie's Avatar
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    Thank you, Yetti! I checked out her website. I didn't know about her before.

    I'll only buy food labeled non-GMO. I'll also get local. Our county voted out GMO crops.

    The people's voice comes in many forms -- wise choices hit their pocket books and bottom lines.

    That's the only way I vote; how I spend my money and attention.

    We've got this!
    ~*~ "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker ~*~ “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson ~*~ "Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training." - Anna Freud ~*~

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Michelle Marie For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: President Obama Signs Dark Act - GMO/Food Labeling

    Amazon buys Whole Foods
    Buy your food from the CIA
    by Jon Rappoport
    Quote When Amazon boss and billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, he also had an ongoing $600 million contract to provide cloud computing services to the CIA. That meant the Washington Post, which already had a long history of cooperation with the CIA, renewed their wedding vows with the Agency and doubled down on the alliance.

    By any reasonable standard of journalism, the Post should preface every article about the CIA, or article sourced from the CIA, with a conflict of interest admission: TAKE THIS PIECE WITH A FEW GIANT GRAINS OF SALT, BECAUSE OUR NEWSPAPER IS OWNED BY A MAN WHO HAS A HUGE CONTRACT TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE CIA.

    Now Bezos and his company, Amazon, have bought Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. Whole Foods is the premier retailer of “natural” foods in America.

    The degree of profiling of Whole Foods customers will increase by a major factor. Amazon/CIA will be able to deploy far more sophisticated algorithms in that regard.

    It’s no secret that many Whole Foods customers show disdain for government policies on agribusiness, health, medicine, and the environment. Well, that demographic is of great interest to the Deep State, for obvious reasons. And the Deep State will now be able to analyze these customers in finer detail.

    At the same time, the Amazon retail powerhouse will exercise considerable control over the food supply, since it will be selling huge numbers of food products to the public. Amazon will have new relationships with all the farmers Whole Foods has been using as suppliers.


    Then there is this. The CIA has its own private company, called In-Q-Tel, which was founded in 1999 to pour investment money into tech outfits that could develop new ways to facilitate “data collection,” and service other CIA needs. In-Q-Tel, Jeff Bezos, and Amazon are connected. For example, here is a 2012 article from technologyreview.com:

    “Inside a blocky building in a Vancouver suburb, across the street from a dowdy McDonald’s, is a place chilled colder than anywhere in the known universe. Inside that is a computer processor that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and the CIA’s investment arm, In-Q-Tel, believe can tap the quirks of quantum mechanics to unleash more computing power than any conventional computer chip. Bezos and In-Q-Tel are in a group of investors who are betting $30 million on this prospect…”

    Nextgov.com described the deal this way: “Canadian company D-Wave Systems raised $30 million to develop quantum computing systems. Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment company of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and CIA venture capital arm In-Q-Tel participated in the latest funding round, the firm announced. The company’s quantum computing technology seeks to speed up data-crunching. If successful, the technology could aid automated intelligence gathering and analysis.”

    Yes, automated intelligence gathering and analysis are exactly what outfits like Amazon and the CIA need for profiling the public. Other companies who have purchased products from D-Wave Systems? Goldman Sachs and Lockheed Martin. Let’s see: Amazon, CIA, Goldman, Lockheed—a formidable collection of Deep State players.

    “Buy your food from the purest natural retailer in the world, the CIA. Oops, I mean Amazon. Oops, I mean Whole Foods.”
    Last edited by onawah; 19th June 2017 at 23:32.
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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: President Obama Signs Dark Act - GMO/Food Labeling

    C.A.Fitts talked about food, the economy and health in the latter part of this talk, and it will be interesting what she will have to say about Amazon buying Whole Foods.
    Each breath a gift...

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