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Thread: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    BCI's aren't big yet.. but they will be & the fact that this is already being talked about is a bit concerning.

    thought police could be a very real thing... mandatory BCI ? or just implanted BCI?

    Quote Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Hackers placed images in apps and record your brain's response with BCIs
    Could find out anything from religious beliefs to sexual orientation
    May one day be used by advertisers, police and government

    Cyberthieves might be mining personal information from your brainwaves at this very moment.

    And although this may sound like a plot from a science fiction film, it is a growing concern among researchers who have demanded officials implement a privacy and security framework to block hackers from reading our neural signals.

    Experts at the University of Washington have revealed how hackerscould inserting images into dodgy apps and recording our brain's unintentional reaction using brain-computer interfaces.
    Brain-computer Interfaces (BCIs) are widely used in the medical field and other industries, including marketing, gaming and entertainment.

    Although this technology was initially created to improve and enhance the quality of human lives, in the wrong hands it will wreak havoc on them.

    Researchers at the University of Washington say that time is running out and officials need to employ a privacy and security framework to stop those who would use our own brains against us, reports Motherboard.

    'There's actually very little time,' electrical engineer Howard Chizeck told Victoria Turk with Motherboard over Skype.

    'If we don't address this quickly, it'll be too late.'

    Chizeck and fellow engineer Tamara Bonaci are conducting hacking research that includes the use of BCIs, combined with subliminal messages inserted into video games to gather users' private information.

    For example, when playing a video game users may see logos of familiar brands pop-up on the screen that just vanish.

    It wasn't your eyes playing tricks on you, hackers put those images in the game and they were recording your 'brain's unintentional response to them' using a BCI, which can be a wearable that monitors stress levels or a cap covered in electrodes.

    And hackers won't just stop at narrowing down your favorite retailer.
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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    I have been seeing articles every week on the headline page that when connected
    tell us the minority report is not far away and in some respects is here already.....

    This article may not be at that level but is another small dot....

    This temporary ‘tattoo’ keeps tabs on your blood alcohol levels and can call police if
    you are over the limit

    By David on 4 August 2016 GMT The Police State

    MAIL ON LINE.....

    The smart stick-on tattoo that can monitor your alcohol levels - and even call police if you're over the limit
    Monitor a wearer's sweat to test blood alcohol levels
    Links to a smartphone app to show users their results
    Can be adapted to be used by police and doctors to monitor people

    By Mark Prigg For Dailymail.com

    Published: 23:57, 3 August 2016 | Updated: 03:57, 4 August 2016

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...#ixzz4GORzMkrM
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


    'Pre-Crime' Arrives In Chicago - Big Data Tells Cops Who's Next To Be Shot

    By David on 25 May 2016 GMT

    ‘In Chicago, where homicides are out of control and estimated to top 550 in 2016 (the most since 2012),
    police are so desperate to correct the problem that they are throwing good old fashioned police work to
    the wind, and turning to ‘Minority Report’-esque algorithms to do the work for them.



    Scientists Create a Mind-Reading System That Projects Your Thoughts on a Screen

    By David on 6 July 2016 GMT

    Scientists Create a Mind-Reading System That Projects Your Thoughts on a Screen

    Science & Tech
    Jun 29, 2016

    In the climate of global surveillance that surrounds our daily lives, the only safe place
    we can hide in is our own head. They are watching us through the surveillance cameras
    while everything we write, say and do online no longer belongs to the field of privacy.
    Only our thoughts and memories can’t be accessible to other people. Guess what? Not anymore.

    Scientists from the University of Oregon have invented a mind-reading system capable
    of reading people’s thoughts using brain scans and then project them on a screen.

    Read more.....

    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 4th August 2016 at 20:10.

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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Hackers could get inside your BRAIN?

    That has been happening for a long time but like many things, it appears to be getting more sophisticated with each passing day.

    One old school hack: SSRIs

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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    They hijacked my feelings! lol
    I was "programmed" to think remote control people are funny
    That's NOT funny!

  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to petra For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Hey TargeT , If all this crap keep going like that, will be better start living like an Armish w/ no tv, radio , computer , or smatrphone.. and live from the land.....

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Yetti For This Post:

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    Avalon Member sdv's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    I wonder if experiments are not ongoing (USA has a history of experimenting on its people without permission or disclosure!), especially when I see something like the attack by that young man in London. He was a quiet shy young man (bullied a little at school, which is not unusual, years ago and did have friends so he was not isolated) and this was obviously and clearly not a terrorist attack or motivated by fundamentalism. Mental health issues? If a person is so seriously disturbed, then surely that person is hospitalised or supervised in some way.


    I just wonder ...
    Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. (Carl Sagan)

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sdv For This Post:

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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Quote Posted by Yetti (here)
    Hey TargeT , If all this crap keep going like that, will be better start living like an Armish w/ no tv, radio , computer , or smatrphone.. and live from the land.....
    Nah, anything that can be done, can be undone, or blocked... just be educated & u'll be fine.

    this is just a reminder that there is a penalty for carrying a device connected to the internet with you at all times, just like there will be a penalty for not being aware of the signals you are putting out naturally (IE: if someone can read your body language & tone of voice, or neural patterns, how different is that?).. if there is a way to read them there will also be a way to mitigate that.

    Quote Posted by sdv (here)
    I wonder if experiments are not ongoing (USA has a history of experimenting on its people without permission or disclosure!), especially when I see something like the attack by that young man in London. He was a quiet shy young man (bullied a little at school, which is not unusual, years ago and did have friends so he was not isolated) and this was obviously and clearly not a terrorist attack or motivated by fundamentalism. Mental health issues? If a person is so seriously disturbed, then surely that person is hospitalised or supervised in some way.


    I just wonder ...
    I wouldn't be surprised at all, but I wouldn't speculate with out a bit more evidence either... maybe we should all start carrying EMF detection devices that will warn us when a spike in activity happens, or when certain frequencies are being directed at you... It wouldn't be that hard to create something semi-discrete...

    million dollar idea? sell to the alt crowd?
    Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times.
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  13. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to TargeT For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Omni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    This is already happening and has been for decades, except it is the military industrial complex and blood thirsty illuminati mind hacking people. I've experienced end game BCI's and David Icke is completely wrong about them as long as it's not an implant based one. AI + Electronic Telepathy and BCIs are the future, and after thoroughly experiencing future tech via black project and Extraterrestrial technology, I think "New Agers" and the conspiracy crowd partially has it's head up it's ass about these technologies honestly.

    Remote Neural Monitoring law could be reality and yes AI and future tech can be used in evil ways(it is as we speak), but there is balance to these techs and they don't "Take you further from source" if used correctly, that is complete new age psy op nonsense. There is a very good side to these technologies that isn't apparent yet, because they are almost exclusively used in black ops right now. When they come out publicly and are mastered people will have more practical views of them hopefully.

    Try out a crisp vivid reptilian energy signature via electronic telepathy and i bet most people's mind's would be changed.

    One thing I don't get about Icke is he says the whole universe and everything we are and perceive is an illusion; A computer matrix made by aliens. So if that is true everything is technological including psychic ability, and demonizing future tech makes no sense at all.

    The way these techs can do anything close to "bring you further from source" is when one replaces genetic and soulular influence on consciousness with AI. I believe this has repercussions on the soul after time. So yes they have a dark side and massive potential to be misused. But the conspiracy crowds are missing the other side of the story. Target seems to have a reasonable view about technology, but that is kind of rare in conspiracy circles. The psy ops about these technologies have been assimilated. Lies seem like the truth and the truth seems like lies.

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    About 1.5 weeks ago I was sitting on my stationary exercise bike and pondered that the seat was rather narrow. Within the hour I was on the internet and got hit with advertisements for bicycle seat covers that I never searched for. If they're reading my thoughts and sending that information somewhere then where's the receiver? Is it local, cell tower, satellite or do I have brain implant(s)?
    Last edited by Inversion; 23rd December 2022 at 22:13.

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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Quote Posted by Inversion (here)
    About 1.5 weeks ago I was sitting on my stationary exercise bike and pondered that the seat was rather narrow. Within the hour I was on the internet and got hit with advertisements for bicycle seat covers that I never searched for. If they're reading my thoughts and sending that information somewhere then where's the receiver? Is local, a satellite or do I have brain implant(s)?
    Is your pc/laptop in a position where the camera could see you on the bike? Or your phone maybe?

    I use to have a drum kit behind me where I sat at my pc and I would always see adds for cymbals - because the camera on my pc could see the cymbals behind me.

  19. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Patient For This Post:

    Bluegreen (20th April 2022), HillzC (16th May 2023), hm337 (25th April 2022), Inversion (20th April 2022)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Quote Posted by Patient (here)
    Quote Posted by Inversion (here)
    About 1.5 weeks ago I was sitting on my stationary exercise bike and pondered that the seat was rather narrow. Within the hour I was on the internet and got hit with advertisements for bicycle seat covers that I never searched for. If they're reading my thoughts and sending that information somewhere then where's the receiver? Is local, a satellite or do I have brain implant(s)?
    Is your pc/laptop in a position where the camera could see you on the bike? Or your phone maybe?

    I use to have a drum kit behind me where I sat at my pc and I would always see adds for cymbals - because the camera on my pc could see the cymbals behind me.
    There's no camera on/in the monitor to my knowledge. The bike is about twenty feet directly in front of the monitor. I have a Tracfone flip phone. The camera is usually covered by the carrying case and if out it's pointed at the ceiling. I do recall hearing that there was a group/government that wanted a camera developed the size of a grain of rice possibly so they can watch us without us knowing.
    Last edited by Inversion; 20th April 2022 at 23:39.

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    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    I went on so-called Duck Duck Go for a rather odd and innocuous purchase, and got hit within the hour by both youtube and msn.com with ads for same. I don't own a camera or microphone (to my knowledge). Maybe you went online about bicycles and stuff in the past. Tesla invented a camera that could see through walls in 1901, which can be attested to by Sparky Sweet and others, and as we know that information and more has been kept secret from us and used by the gov and cia ever since. And that was a hundred years ago.

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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Quote Posted by Bluegreen (here)
    I went on so-called Duck Duck Go for a rather odd and innocuous purchase, and got hit within the hour by both youtube and msn.com with ads for same. I don't own a camera or microphone (to my knowledge). Maybe you went online about bicycles and stuff in the past. Tesla invented a camera that could see through walls in 1901, which can be attested to by Sparky Sweet and others, and as we know that information and more has been kept secret from us and used by the gov and cia ever since. And that was a hundred years ago.
    Here's a similar account of a technology that can see through walls.

    In vol. II: Link

    Quote Drunvalo claims there were several additional rooms found in the Great Pyramid. One was a room filled with radioactive sand and another was empty except for a gold statue. He said Japanese archaeologists asked for permission from the Egyptian Antiquities Minister to enter the room and he said no. They entered the room anyway and removed the statue and it hasn’t been seen since. They only knew because they found fresh mortar and the minister at the time was fired. They discovered the hidden room because they were equipped with a technology that could see through walls.

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Thinking along the same lines as Deep Fake images and videos, if brain hacking using stealthy technology becomes known and legally recognised, can anyone ever again be accountable for the crimes they commit ?

    A similar conundrum to "Can any mRNA platform injected human still claim to be human and have human rights".
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    Canada Avalon Member Chakra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals

    Quote Posted by norman (here)
    Thinking along the same lines as Deep Fake images and videos, if brain hacking using stealthy technology becomes known and legally recognised, can anyone ever again be accountable for the crimes they commit ?

    A similar conundrum to "Can any mRNA platform injected human still claim to be human and have human rights".
    They'll probably make you think you did it so you couldn't pass a lie detector test.

    On the other subject of the targeted - I heard once from a tech guy that a tens machine can kill the nano tech from the vaccines. He didn't tell me what the settings needs to be though. LOL

    Any electrical engineers around here that can jump in on this?

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