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Thread: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

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    Avalon Member Shantsai's Avatar
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    Default Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    Taking again with Gary Heidt, on how everyone’s a Nazi, capitalism & evolution, US eugenics movement, body, soul & spirit, body-world inter-subjectivity, communicating without language, soul rapport, a disconnect within oneself, facts & feelings, a denial of malevolence, smartness & sociopathy, shutting down empathy, the stronghold of the intellect, cognitive empathy & affective empathy, Jonathan Franzen: braggart of cognitive empathy, NLP & the science of cognitive empathy, singers and the divine, the soul & body expression, simulating soulfulness, facing the divine, Gary’s implants, resisting the machine, the pulsation of the divine, a comedy of malevolent errors, the need to control the environment, the purpose of endless malevolence, restless entity syndrome, music as mechanical entrainment, the opposite of individualism, the artistic process, the intellect, & empathy, the value of the arts, the work of the soul, getting inside people’s heads, post-structuralism again, an ethical mine-field, ethics & consequences, the human food chain, a sense of being watched, facing shame, a comfortable rut, Whitley Strieber’s interstellar Nazis, externalizing the soul, the self-bound universe, the Old Testament as self-destroying book, Jehovah’s room of shame, Ahriman & the principal of intellect, Kabbalah’s control system, the credo of the malevolent, the courtesy of awareness, arbitrary divisions in a continuum, Strieber: the boy in the box, the spectrum of the malevolent, a trick of perspective, trauma fetishized, communicating with alters, talking about shame, twinky culture, owning the abuse, alters in plain sight, gay liberation and abuse identities, homosexuality & abuse trauma, anthropology & the incest taboo, Lloyd de Mause, reframing trauma as a positive, AI & capitalism, Marx’s oversight, when computers get funky, the logic of empathy, quantum complexes.

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    England Avalon Member Ashy67's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    I don't understand your point, it looks like a lot of sound bites. Can you elaborate on the subject?

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    Quote Posted by Ashy67 (here)
    I don't understand your point, it looks like a lot of sound bites. Can you elaborate on the subject?

    I'm forever wondering why folks wish to post an article and or a youtube video without giving a synopsis.
    Especially when starting a thread. Unless you are prepared to expand on the article and some of the points you feel give the article merit, then don't bother.
    So yes Ashy67, I agree with what you are saying.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to DNA For This Post:

    Ashy67 (3rd January 2017), bettye198 (3rd January 2017), Shantsai (3rd January 2017)

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    Avalon Member Shantsai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    Thanks for the critique, Ashy 67 and DNA.

    This is the third in a series of discussions with a MILAB experiencer who grew up near a NASA/Black Ops facility outside of Houston, was experimented on, has multiple personality syndrome and PTSD, and who has been consistently abducted for re-implantation and manipulation over the years.

    Is that the sort of sentence that helps? I want to make this material available to the Avalon community because I think people here would find it interesting, but I am not interested in "marketing" it or making it "sexy." It's all loose ends, not tied up neatly in a package that's easy to label, but I think it's important for other abductees to be able to hear a sympathetic voice. This MILAB is not sure if he was trained as a flying saucer pilot in a Nazi space org or if that was just the cover memory for his sexual abuse, for example (the way the saucer was controlled involved anal penetration.) He definitely was involved in a Satanic ceremonies led by high-level Freemasons that were high up in the space program, and definitely has had various kinds of implants and extremely advanced congnitive, psychic and empathic abilities.

    The previous two interviews are here:

    The interviewer is a well-known writer on alternate consciousness, Jasun Horsley, who is also a bloodline subject of manipulation (although on the Tavistock side of things) and the discussions go rather fast and don't really stop to spell everything out. May not make sense to everyone. As Jasun said, it's like two lab rats talking to each other.

    I mostly posted this for other Milabs to check out. I am not interested in promotion or forum sports, I just thought that if I posted it here the people who need this information will be able to find it. For me, hearing other people's experiences is important because a lot of people deny unusual experiences, and it reinforced the programming that "no one will believe you if you tell."

    If it doesn't make sense to you, you're probably not the intended audience! And if so I apologize for having intruded.
    Last edited by Shantsai; 3rd January 2017 at 16:25.

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Shantsai For This Post:

    Ashy67 (3rd January 2017), DNA (4th January 2017), Hervé (3rd January 2017)

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    England Avalon Member Ashy67's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    Quote Posted by Shantsai (here)
    Thanks for the critique, Ashy 67 and DNA.

    This is the third in a series of discussions with a MILAB experiencer who grew up near a NASA/Black Ops facility outside of Houston, was experimented on, has multiple personality syndrome and PTSD, and who has been consistently abducted for re-implantation and manipulation over the years.

    Is that the sort of sentence that helps? I want to make this material available to the Avalon community because I think people here would find it interesting, but I am not interested in "marketing" it or making it "sexy." It's all loose ends, not tied up neatly in a package that's easy to label, but I think it's important for other abductees to be able to hear a sympathetic voice. This MILAB is not sure if he was trained as a flying saucer pilot in a Nazi space org or if that was just the cover memory for his sexual abuse, for example (the way the saucer was controlled involved anal penetration.) He definitely was involved in a Satanic ceremonies led by high-level Freemasons that were high up in the space program, and definitely has had various kinds of implants and extremely advanced congnitive, psychic and empathic abilities.

    The previous two interviews are here:

    The interviewer is a well-known writer on alternate consciousness, Jasun Horsley, who is also a bloodline subject of manipulation (although on the Tavistock side of things) and the discussions go rather fast and don't really stop to spell everything out. May not make sense to everyone. As Jasun said, it's like two lab rats talking to each other.

    I mostly posted this for other Milabs to check out. I am not interested in promotion or forum sports, I just thought that if I posted it here the people who need this information will be able to find it. For me, hearing other people's experiences is important because a lot of people deny unusual experiences, and it reinforced the programming that "no one will believe you if you tell."

    If it doesn't make sense to you, you're probably not the intended audience! And if so I apologize for having intruded.
    Hi Shantsai, thank you for clearing up the context for me. I found it very interesting but didn't understand why there was a collection of sound bites and i didn't know that it was part of a series of posts. I like to try and understand alternative ideas and concepts which is why I found your post interesting and I get some of the comments so I hope you didn't think I was critical in any way, I just wanted to understand the post.

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    Avalon Member Shantsai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    Well I appreciate your asking! I always feel a bit reticent and unsure as to what people want to know so it helps to be asked.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Shantsai For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Flash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Milab / MK Ultra subject discussing empathy, shame, malevolent entities

    A pretty good basic video on Mk Ultra and mind control.

    For the new members, this is a good start to understand mind programming.

    How to let the desire of your mind become the desire of your heart - Gurdjieff

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Flash For This Post:

    onawah (6th November 2018)

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