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Thread: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

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    United States Avalon Member Skywizard's Avatar
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    Default Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    Google Earth images of Antarctica shows what appears to be pyramids in the icy landscape.
    The images show what appears to be three pyramids with four sides similar to the famous
    Giza pyramids in Egypt. Could these be authentic man-made pyramids created by an ancient

    Who Made the Pyramids?

    There are numerous theories about the origin of these pyramids. Some of the more controversial suggestions are that the pyramids were remnants of an earlier Atlantean civilization in Antarctica, or that they were built by extraterrestrials.

    Other researchers have suggested a natural geological explanation for the Antarctica pyramids. These scientists have suggested that the “pyramids”, may actually be nunataks. Nunataks are the peaks of mountains that protrude through the ice and are higher than the surrounding terrain.

    The Research of Dr. Charles Hapgood

    Two of the ‘Antarctica pyramids’ can be found 10 miles (16 kms) from the coast. The third pyramid is located near the shoreline.

    The discovery of these pyramids suggests that Antarctica may have been inhabited by humans sometime in the past 6,000 years. It was around this time that man was building pyramids in the Old World. Charles Hapgood’s research supports the possible existence of an ancient civilization on a continent which is now covered by ice.

    In Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings , Dr. Charles Hapgood published the Piri Reis Map of Antarctica. This 16 th century map shocked the world because it showed the way Antarctica looked without ice.

    The Piri Reis map was found in Turkey. A Turkish Navy officer sent the map to the U.S. Navy Hydro Graphic Bureau in 1953. M.I. Walters, the Chief Engineer of the Bureau, sent the map to Arlington H. Mallery to be evaluated. Mallery determined that Piri Reis map was completely accurate and may have been copied from a map made 6,000 years ago.

    Map of the world by Ottoman admiral Piri Reis, drawn in 1513.

    Confirming the Piri Reis Map

    The Piri Reis map of Antarctica is very accurate. Using seismic soundings and sonar, researchers found that underneath the ice-cap the coastlines, mountain ranges, plateaus etc. on the Piri Reis map matched the Queen Maud land, Antarctica. Olhmeyer, leader of the British-Swedish expedition to Antarctica wrote Hapgood the following letter:
    “Dear Professor Hapgood,
    Your request of evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis Antarctica map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctic, and the Palmer Peninsular, is reasonable. We find that this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. This part of Antarctica ice free. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513.”
    The letter from Ohlmeyer confirmed Dr. Charles Hapgood’s theory that the Piri Reis map was probably copied from a map made in ancient times. Dr. Charles Hapgood wrote in Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings that he was sure that although the Piri Reis Map contained latitudes and longitudes plotted out at right angles in a traditional plane geometry, it had to have been based on an earlier map. Hapgood was sure the map was ancient in origin because the Piri Reis map’s creator used spheroid trigonometry which was thought to have been invented in the 18th Century, even though the Piri Reis map has been dated to 1513.

    No matter what the origin of the snow pyramids may be, the discovery of these mysterious features will increase speculation on the possible human habitation of Antarctica in recent history.

    Antarctic pyramid. Location of the pyramid: 79°58'39.2"S 81°57'32.2"W.
    ( Google Maps )

    Source: http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancie...arctica-021093

    Last edited by Skywizard; 2nd March 2017 at 01:06.
    ~~ One foot in the Ancient World and the other in the Now ~~

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    Canada Avalon Retired Member Karma Ninja's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    For the most part, the photos do not really resemble pyramids. They resemble mountain formations that take on a partial pyramid shape due to natural erosion. There are hundreds of these mountains all over the world.


    In this article, it states that this mountain is over 1.23 kilometers high. This is almost 10 times higher than the highest pyramids in the world.

    Dr Charles Hapgood is known for making some extremely dubious claims in his works. While educated in history he is not a geologist or all that qualified in researching ancient maps.

    While Piri Reis is a fascinating map, there are more plausible theories that it depicts a poorly drawn coast of North and South America.

    All in all, the article in the OP is an extremely poorly drawn hypothesis.
    Last edited by Karma Ninja; 2nd March 2017 at 03:03. Reason: grammar

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    From a cursory look, it appears that the mountain apex(es) is/are formed from the intersection of two sub-perpendicular sets of dikes like at Shiprock:

    Last edited by Hervé; 2nd March 2017 at 17:46.
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    Default Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    Quote Posted by Hervé (here)
    From a cursory look, it appears that the mountain apex is formed from the intersection of two sub-perpendicular sets of dikes like at Shiprock:

    I lived in the town of Shiprock (New Mexico USA) in 1979-80. Beautiful and majestic geology. Thanks for the photos.

    PS. You can see, especially from the last photo, why the Navajo tradition is that Shiprock is a sacred bird.
    Last edited by Satori; 2nd March 2017 at 03:31.

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    Bhutan Avalon Member enigma3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    It is my understanding that the Piri Reis map accurately depicts the northern coastline of Antarctica, and more, before there was ice. So how long ago was there no ice (or very little ice) in Antarctica? Best guess is 4000BC at the latest, but probably much older. Piri Reis said he made the map from much older maps that he saw. On a list of historical anomalies this map is in the top 10.
    On a pyramid note I am much more interested in the pyramid complex 2500 feet below the surface of the ocean west of Cuba. There is a true mystery. Can't wait to see more detailed photos of that site.

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    Canada Avalon Retired Member Karma Ninja's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    The Piri Reis map might be an accurate depiction of the North coast of Antarctica but it is far more likely that it is not.

    To suggest that it accurately depicts the northern coast of Antarctica is a pretty big stretch since it requires a rather large leap of faith. That is, you need to accept that there was a period of time where we were advanced enough to crudely map the coastlines of continents on 2 sides of an ocean and that this period took place during, or bridged, a period where the gigantic sheet of ice that covers virtually the entire landmass did not exist. I say crudely because the map is a poor representation of the European and African coast lines and yet people seem to marvel at the accuracy it allegedly depicts of the Queen Maud Land coastline which is buried under a thick sheet of ice. Why so inaccurate in the region in which the map compiler was familiar with and somehow more accurate in a land that remains inhospitable to this day.

    Then you need to ignore all other similarities the map contains to known, previously traveled coasts on both sides of the Atlantic.

    You need to ignore the references to Columbus who, we know, traveled the Caribbean and South American coasts. You have to ignore dozens of notes which describe regions on the map and ignore the knowledge we have of the people who provided the 15 source maps that make up the Piri Reis.

    You need to pretend the similarities to the coast of South America and the warmth of the region described in the notes and the knowledge of those coasts by some of the cartographers is all irrelevant when compared to the far more difficult to assume theory of it being the Antarctic coastline.

    It also is not really that accurate a depiction of the coastline. It is missing major landmarks and seems to not know of the existence, just a little further north, of the coastline of Argentina.

    All that being the case, it is still an amazing piece of history. With incredible information for the time it originates during.

    Quote Posted by enigma3 (here)
    It is my understanding that the Piri Reis map accurately depicts the northern coastline of Antarctica, and more, before there was ice. So how long ago was there no ice (or very little ice) in Antarctica? Best guess is 4000BC at the latest, but probably much older. Piri Reis said he made the map from much older maps that he saw. On a list of historical anomalies this map is in the top 10.
    On a pyramid note I am much more interested in the pyramid complex 2500 feet below the surface of the ocean west of Cuba. There is a true mystery. Can't wait to see more detailed photos of that site.
    Last edited by Karma Ninja; 3rd March 2017 at 04:38. Reason: grammar

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

    Antartica bears all the signs, to me, of having been an extremely ancient remain of an ancient advanced civilization which very likely continued as the Inner Earth People.

    As for the under sea pyramids around Cuba and the Bahamas, this area was obviously above ground before either the meteor hit OR the gas under the Gulf of Mexico leaked out sufficiently to cause the area surrounding Cuba to SINK or both simultaneously.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to amor For This Post:

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