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Thread: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 25th May 2017 at 21:46. Reason: some improvments & correctionsC
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Switzerland Avalon Member Nasu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    From what little I know, chem trails and geoengineering are public terms for the practice. As such they are easily debunked as a conspiracy. The real term as I understand it is Albedo management. Look it up. I recommend stop using the terms they wish us to use so that we look silly. Albedo management......x..... N

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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Where is the proof that this is actually happening? And if it is, could seeding clouds (has been going on overtly for decades) to bring rain to an area, be benign in intent? Why do those who are so concerned about the corporatocracy and the military industrial complex, on one hand, worry that the same powers want to kill them off? That would destroy their tax and customer base. Makes zero sense.

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    I can't remember the last time that I looked up at the sky and did not see the streaks and the overcast that follows. Sometimes it's hard to picture in my mind a cloudless sky. YES: STOP SPRAYING US!

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Where is the proof that this is actually happening? And if it is, could seeding clouds (has been going on overtly for decades) to bring rain to an area, be benign in intent? Why do those who are so concerned about the corporatocracy and the military industrial complex, on one hand, worry that the same powers want to kill them off? That would destroy their tax and customer base. Makes zero sense.
    Where's your proof that the unnatural formations in the sky that these trails make that have been solidly and worldly documented for way over 10+ years are totally natural, benign and harmless?
    What is the sum total of the research you've done yourself both con and pro the issue, including all the people who have chemically analyzed samples from various sources?
    How many documentaries on the subject have you watched and cross referenced for yourself?
    Who is saying the sole purpose is to kill everyone off?? Actual research posits a multitude of possible purposes. Do you know any of those?

    It's hard to read comments like yours which are usually from people who aren't willing to do the massive amount of legwork themselves it takes to sift thru all the info/disinfo on subject yet demand 'proof' on a silver platter and in most cases it's just to bait so they can then search for the (usually shallow) arguments against the answers they asked for so they're still right.
    Last edited by waves; 26th May 2017 at 00:27.

  19. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to waves For This Post:

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    United States Avalon Member mojo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    The chem trails here can be bad at times but why do you suppose the people in the know ie pilots/aircrew and the PTB allow for this to continue if it's harmful to us because they are breathing the same air? I could never figure that aspect of the conspiracy out ...

  23. The Following User Says Thank You to mojo For This Post:

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Where is the proof that this is actually happening? And if it is, could seeding clouds (has been going on overtly for decades) to bring rain to an area, be benign in intent? Why do those who are so concerned about the corporatocracy and the military industrial complex, on one hand, worry that the same powers want to kill them off? That would destroy their tax and customer base. Makes zero sense.
    Where's your proof that the unnatural formations in the sky that these trails make that have been solidly and worldly documented for way over 10+ years are totally natural, benign and harmless?
    What is the sum total of the research you've done yourself both con and pro the issue, including all the people who have chemically analyzed samples from various sources?
    How many documentaries on the subject have you watched and cross referenced for yourself?
    Who is saying the sole purpose is to kill everyone off?? Actual research posits a multitude of possible purposes. Do you know any of those?

    It's hard to read comments like yours which are usually from people who aren't willing to do the massive amount of legwork themselves it takes to sift thru all the info/disinfo on subject yet demand 'proof' on a silver platter and in most cases it's just to bait so they can then search for the (usually shallow) arguments against the answers they asked for so they're still right.
    10+ Possible Reasons Why They Spray us with Chemtrails and most Sheeple can not name 1 Motive ... WTF?

    ~There are 10+ possible reasons why they are spraying us with Chemtrails:

    01. NWO Depopulation Agenda.
    02. Weather Modification as a Weapon of War.
    03. HAARP-ESCAT-CERN- LOFAR connection.
    04. Helping Advanced Radars Worldwide.
    05. Blocking or enhancing certain Frequencies.
    06. Enhancing Secret Government Mind Control Projects.
    07. Tracking Tools like using "Smart Dust"
    08. Spreading Artificial Synthetic Life Morgellons Nano-Tech & Bio-Tech!
    09. Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
    10. "Global Shield" "Global Dimming" Project!

    11. Heavy Poisonous Metal & Aluminum Particles attacking our nervous-system & affecting our Brain-functions!
    12. 100’s of Confirmed “GeoEngeneering” Projects.
    13. Google search: “Stratospheric Aerosol Injections”.
    14. Google search: “Australia Aerosol GMO Cholera Vaccines Via Chemtrails!”.
    15. Mass Sterilization?

    Why is it that most sheeple can not think of 1 reason or motive why they chem-trailing us! Are they willingly play/act dumb or ARE they dumb due to chemtrail-poisons in their brains?

    cheers :'), John Kuhles aka ExomatrixTV
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  26. Link to Post #14
    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Quote Posted by mojo (here)
    The chem trails here can be bad at times but why do you suppose the people in the know ie pilots/aircrew and the PTB allow for this to continue if it's harmful to us because they are breathing the same air? I could never figure that aspect of the conspiracy out ...

    Military basic training is all about breaking a person down and rebuilding them as order taking robots. It's not in the order taking ranks of the military mindset to join 2 dots that have not been joined for them.

    It's effectively a hypnotic state.
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    UK Avalon Member ktlight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Black chemtrail in West London on 24th February 2017

    This video is about a black chemtrail issuing from a plane in West London on 24th February 2017. We do not know what this black stuff is that is falling on is, nor do we know who owns the plane or who gave instructions for this to happen - but we should know.
    Last edited by ktlight; 26th May 2017 at 13:48.

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Switzerland Avalon Member Nasu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Where is the proof that this is actually happening? And if it is, could seeding clouds (has been going on overtly for decades) to bring rain to an area, be benign in intent? Why do those who are so concerned about the corporatocracy and the military industrial complex, on one hand, worry that the same powers want to kill them off? That would destroy their tax and customer base. Makes zero sense.
    Where's your proof that the unnatural formations in the sky that these trails make that have been solidly and worldly documented for way over 10+ years are totally natural, benign and harmless?
    What is the sum total of the research you've done yourself both con and pro the issue, including all the people who have chemically analyzed samples from various sources?
    How many documentaries on the subject have you watched and cross referenced for yourself?
    Who is saying the sole purpose is to kill everyone off?? Actual research posits a multitude of possible purposes. Do you know any of those?

    It's hard to read comments like yours which are usually from people who aren't willing to do the massive amount of legwork themselves it takes to sift thru all the info/disinfo on subject yet demand 'proof' on a silver platter and in most cases it's just to bait so they can then search for the (usually shallow) arguments against the answers they asked for so they're still right.
    Good call. It is so easy to be a skeptic. The scale defies logic or reason. The PTB are being sprayed like the rest of us, ergo it makes no sense to the logical mind. However it is, they do, it is happening. For the longest time I too was a skeptic. Until I realized with my own eyes. Until I understood that it is much deeper than the PTB. Qui Bono?? Not sure. But that doesn't change the facts...x.... N
    Last edited by Nasu; 26th May 2017 at 02:58.

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  34. Link to Post #18
    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    A few years back, I cadged a ride home with an acquaintance and we got into quite an argument about the validity of searching on the Internet for the secret truths about what's really going on in the world. I gave her my elevator brief of what I thought MIGHT be going on and with each sentence she became more and more enraged with me.

    Only when I got to the part about the possibility that an alien race was tweaking our climate to make it more suitable for them did she suddenly stop and exclaim " Now THAT DOES make some bloody sense !"

    I was quite shocked that it was that idea that finally got through to her.

    I've no idea if that is even true.
    Last edited by norman; 26th May 2017 at 03:10.
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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  36. Link to Post #19
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Where is the proof that this is actually happening? And if it is, could seeding clouds (has been going on overtly for decades) to bring rain to an area, be benign in intent? Why do those who are so concerned about the corporatocracy and the military industrial complex, on one hand, worry that the same powers want to kill them off? That would destroy their tax and customer base. Makes zero sense.
    Where's your proof that the unnatural formations in the sky that these trails make that have been solidly and worldly documented for way over 10+ years are totally natural, benign and harmless?
    What is the sum total of the research you've done yourself both con and pro the issue, including all the people who have chemically analyzed samples from various sources?
    How many documentaries on the subject have you watched and cross referenced for yourself?
    Who is saying the sole purpose is to kill everyone off?? Actual research posits a multitude of possible purposes. Do you know any of those?

    It's hard to read comments like yours which are usually from people who aren't willing to do the massive amount of legwork themselves it takes to sift thru all the info/disinfo on subject yet demand 'proof' on a silver platter and in most cases it's just to bait so they can then search for the (usually shallow) arguments against the answers they asked for so they're still right.
    I looked into it a few years back and found most of the so called anomalies had prosaic explanations--but I only followed a few people and there may be more legitimate info out there than I was exposed to.
    Last edited by AutumnW; 26th May 2017 at 16:31.

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    Default Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!


    I am wondering if you can point me towards scientific documents that back up the claim that there is much more aluminum, strontium, etc...in the air now than historically?

    When I was in the Southwest, i noticed the skies were very crisscrossed one day and commented to husband about it. And I did get pretty sick the next day -- headaches, etc... But am prone to flu like symptoms and there was just a LOT of air activity. There has been a tremendous increase in air traffic in last twenty, thirty years, so there are more contrails, as well.

    I would love to get really clear information on this subject, not just YouTube videos. I think there are attempts to modify climate going on, but the chemtrail info is presented as if it is an intentional genocide.

    And that may be realistic or it may be paranoid. Clarity is required as disinfo and fear mongering by you tubers can obscure the reality. And the reality could very well be worrying enough.

  39. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to AutumnW For This Post:

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