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Thread: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

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    Default Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    This statement rang rather true with me.

    Quote As long as Trump is in office, there will be no financial collapse. Why? Trump will not come to the elite's rescue with another round of quantitative easing
    My take on this is... 'As long as Trump is in office, there will be no financial collapse'... that will be controlled by them (the elite). Because it will be the 'Andrew Jackson' side of Trump that will see to it.

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Sierra passed in April 2021.
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Ah. Yas, the side of Andrew Jackson that executed the Trail of Tears, genocide in exchange for real estate.

    These money grubbing slime balls really do like to mess with humanity for profit and giggles don't they.

    Centuries pass, and it still goes on. Now that's long range planning!

    Blind and deaf sheeple still don't get it, sigh. Line up folks, here comes the next one.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Ah. Yas, the side of Andrew Jackson that executed the Trail of Tears, genocide in exchange for real estate.
    President Andrew Jackson: March 4, 1829 – March 4, 1837
    President Martin Van Buren: March 4, 1837 – March 4, 1841
    Trail of Tears: The removal of the Cherokee Nation in 1838.
    True, more than 45,000 American Indians were forcibly relocated to the West during Jackson’s administration. He is often blamed for the Cherokee Trail of Tears, where 4,000 Indians died during their journey westward. This was a human tragedy that could have been alleviated by a more humane relocation plan. This actually happened in 1838 under the Van Buren administration.

    Historians are divided regarding Jackson’s treatment of the Indian tribes. There was no stopping the western expansion of white settlers. Violent clashes between Indians and white settlers were a growing problem. Further fierce conflict was inevitable. By moving these tribes west of the Mississippi, some contend Jackson saved more Indian lives than were lost on the journey. It will always be regarded as the most controversial issue of Jackson’s presidency. -- The Burning Platform
    Cherokee forced relocation
    Main article: Cherokee removal
    By 1838, about 2,000 Cherokee had voluntarily relocated from Georgia to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma). Forcible removals began in May 1838 when General Winfield Scott received a final order from President Martin Van Buren to relocate the remaining Cherokees.[23] Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died in the ensuing trek to Oklahoma.[45] In the Cherokee language, the event is called nu na da ul tsun yi (“the place where they cried”) or nu na hi du na tlo hi lu i (the trail where they cried). The Cherokee Trail of Tears resulted from the enforcement of the Treaty of New Echota, an agreement signed under the provisions of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which exchanged Indian land in the East for lands west of the Mississippi River, but which was never accepted by the elected tribal leadership or a majority of the Cherokee people. -- Wikipedia
    Last edited by turiya; 1st June 2017 at 19:21.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Whew! Turiya, for a minute there I thought you were going to blame the 'Trail of Tears,' on Hillary!😀

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Whew! Turiya, for a minute there I thought you were going to blame the 'Trail of Tears,' on Hillary!😀
    By the time we "see", plans were already discussed, designed, and put in motion.

    Plans initiated by one president "can" be executed by the next, continued by the successor, completed by his replacement, regardless of party, so for all we know, Prezzy Drumph *is* part of the Illuminati long range genocide program.

    But you're right. It coulda been Hillary!

    Quote Text of The Indian Removal Act, 1830
    Passed into law during Jackson's second year as President, this Act set the tone for his administration's handling of all Indian affairs. In fact, Removal outlasted his tenure: the last of the Cherokee were infamously forced on the Trail of Tears death march in 1838, two years after Jackson's second--and final--term ended.
    Though all Eastern tribes were eventually relocated West of the Mississippi, the government failed utterly in its pledge to enact the policy on a strictly voluntary basis (a policy notably not written into the act.) Nearly all relocation was carried out under duress, whether by military escort, or when no other option remained after tribal decimation by broken treaties, fraudulent land deals and the wars these often caused. Here is the Act's preamble:

    CHAP. CXLVIII.--An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

    Indian Removal Policy
    Developing & Applying the Removal Act
    Andrew Jackson Addresses Congress.

    In seven of his eight annual messages to Congress, US President Andrew Jackson devotes several paragraphs to the policy of Indian removal (without ever mentioning the Indian Removal Act of 1830 by name), along with other oblique references to the perception and treatment of aboriginal Americans. To a certain extent the Indian issue defines his Presidency; no other policy spans Jackson's entire eight-year term with such a steady concentration of resources.

    Being a British Columbian, living in a Canadian province still struggling with both its Indian affairs legacy and its present relations with its aboriginal inhabitants, what disturbs me most when reading these documents is just how little our language for discussing these issues has changed in 170 years, how subtly and insidiously ingrained the patterns of thought apparent in these messages remain in our present culture.

    First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1829
    In which Jackson reassures the Indian tribes that their treatment under his administration will be liberal, just and in accordance with the beliefs of the American people:

    "It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people." -- Andrew Jackson

    First Annual Message to Congress, December 8, 1829
    In which, in the closing paragraphs of the speech, Jackson lays out his policy for relocating Indians of the east to territories west of the Mississippi. This policy becomes law as the Indian Removal Act by his next annual address. An excerpt from the speech:

    "Our conduct toward these people is deeply interesting to our national character. Their present condition, contrasted with what they once were, makes a most powerful appeal to our sympathies. Our ancestors found them the uncontrolled possessors of these vast regions. By persuasion and force they have been made to retire from river to river and from mountain to mountain, until some of the tribes have become extinct and others have left but remnants to preserve for awhile their once terrible names. Surrounded by the whites with their arts of civilization, which by destroying the resources of the savage doom him to weakness and decay, the fate of the Mohegan, the Narragansett, and the Delaware is fast overtaking the Choctaw, the Cherokee, and the Creek. That this fate surely awaits them if they remain within the limits of the states does not admit of a doubt. Humanity and national honor demand that every effort should be made to avert so great a calamity." -- Andrew Jackson

    Second Annual Message to Congress, December 6, 1830
    Jackson announces Indian Removal nearing consumation; the Chocktaw and Chickasaw peoples agree to relocation; this development will induce other tribes to follow; states his good-will toward aboriginal people;

    "Toward the aborigines of the country no one can indulge a more friendly feeling than myself, or would go further in attempting to reclaim them from their wandering habits and make them a happy, prosperous people." -- Andrew Jackson

    Third Annual Message to Congress, December 6, 1831
    Funds are appropriated for the removal of eastern tribes; treaty negotiation for actual removal of the Choctaw and Chickasaw underway; Cherokee registration in Georgia recommences with hopes of up to two-thirds participation; removal efforts concentrated in Ohio and Indiana where treaties extinguished all Ohio reservations; philanthropists and missionaries invited to help removed Indians advance "from barbarism to the habits and enjoyments of civilized life."

    "It is pleasing to reflect that results so beneficial, not only to the States immediately concerned, but to the harmony of the Union, will have been accomplished by measures equally advantageous to the Indians. What the native savages become when surrounded by a dense population and by mixing with the whites may be seen in the miserable remnants of a few Eastern tribes, deprived of political and civil rights, forbidden to make contracts, and subjected to guardians, dragging out a wretched existence, without excitement, without hope, and almost without thought." -- Andrew Jackson

    Fourth Annual Message to Congress, December 4, 1832
    Substantial deficit reduction despite Indian 'removal and preservation' costs; oblique reference to economics of converting Indian land first to public land, then selling parcels to settlers at cost; Sac and Fox uprising put down -- disaffected tribes 'dispersed or destroyed'; the 'wise and humane' Indian removal policy is steadily pursued and approaching consummation -- Secretary of War reports; Georgian Cherokees resist removal.

    "After a harassing warfare, prolonged by the nature of the country and by the difficulty of procuring subsistence, the Indians were entirely defeated, and the disaffected band dispersed or destroyed. The result has been creditable to the troops engaged in the service. Severe as is the lesson to the Indians, it was rendered necessary by their unprovoked aggressions, and it is to be hoped that its impression will be permanent and salutary." -- Andrew Jackson
    But not quite. Six years later:
    Quote Eighth Annual Message to Congress, December 5, 1836
    Indian wars force massive mobilisation of troops, militia and volunteers; Seminoles refuse to relocate and win early upper-hand in Second Seminole War; Urgent need for further appropriations to 'suppress hostilities;' Creek defeated and relocated West of Mississippi; Cherokee country pacified and secured by ongoing military vigilance; Mexico authorises expeditions to quell Indians beyond US frontier; Commissioner of Indian Affairs suggests larger military presence in Indian country to protect Western frontier from Indians, and the Indians from each other; Jackson prematurely declares Indian Removal to be consummated--Cherokee forcibly relocated two years later in 1838.

    "The national policy, founded alike in interest and in humanity, so long and so steadily pursued by this Government for the removal of the Indian tribes originally settled on this side of the Mississippi to the West of that river, may be said to have been consummated by the conclusion of the late treaty with the Cherokees." -- Andrew Jackson

    101 Years of Westward Expansion and Native Genocide
    The text of the Westward Expansion Museum's History Wall

    And to come full circle, Prezzie Drumph had big bucks invested in the Dakota Access pipeline across the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. that recently got rammed through.

    Guess it's time for more contaminated drinking water problems.
    Last edited by Sierra; 3rd June 2017 at 07:05.

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)

    And to come full circle, Prezzie Drumph had big bucks invested in the Dakota Access pipeline across the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. that recently got rammed through.

    Guess it's time for more contaminated drinking water problems.

    There are more than 2.5 million miles of pipelines across the U.S. and 18,000 places where they cross under rivers, streams and lakes.

    There are roughly 8,000 people living on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation that would be affected if something happened like a major pipeline leak.
    My question here is, what makes those 8,000 people more important than the tens of millions throughout the US who are affected by this?
    Where is your outrage where Trump isn't concerned?

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Sierra passed in April 2021.
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)

    And to come full circle, Prezzie Drumph had big bucks invested in the Dakota Access pipeline across the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. that recently got rammed through.

    Guess it's time for more contaminated drinking water problems.

    There are more than 2.5 million miles of pipelines across the U.S. and 18,000 places where they cross under rivers, streams and lakes.

    There are roughly 8,000 people living on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation that would be affected if something happened like a major pipeline leak.
    My question here is, what makes those 8,000 people more important than the tens of millions throughout the US who are affected by this?
    Where is your outrage where Trump isn't concerned?
    Trump is merely a continuation, but we seem to be blind and deaf. Nonetheless, there it is, to take note if we wish.

    It's just that we, the people, our government, have broken every single promise we have made. Every single treaty. Genocide. We're still doing it. It is shameful. A deal is a deal is a deal.

    What is wrong with that? Well, I look at it this way. From what I've read of stuff that cannot ever be proven (until we can read the Akashic record), every human epoch seems to end in disaster, with a few survivors. Yet, I do think we continue to evolve, a point I will come back to.

    As an example (that cannot be proven), the Atlanteans were of the red race, and the white race were slaves, animals, beasts of burden, not humans. So, at the end of their epoch (think major arcana, Wheel of Fortune) karma comes to visit. I think that is what the end of an epoch means, you graduate or flunk (some think we've flunked four times, some think we've flunked seven times. Those who think seven, say this is the last chance). Look at the red race now. Practically gone.

    Now, look at the white race, and what we've done all over the world. We've killed millions with our greed and selfishness. It would take TWELVE PLANETS worth of resource to give everyone else the standard of living we've enjoyed, yet, we are whiny cry babies demanding more, even to the destruction of the earth.

    Note: The red race is very aware of planetary health now. Their suffering has caused extreme growth in that aspect. How to live lightly, with respect, on the planet.

    You think karma is not coming to get us at this epoch's ending? Our birth rate is falling, we're inevitably going to become a minority (which is the real fear imo, responsible for the extreme alt right reactions we see today in the news).

    So, back to Evolution. Time of choice is upon us, according to prophecies from many races who have been there, done that. Do we consent or do we object?

    What IF it is a time of choice? What IF the various epoch endings ARE a form of high school graduation, to separate those who graduate from those who must confront their karma because they haven't learned? What IF?

    I seek the win win. Not to stand upon the dead bodies to hoist myself up.

    All of the above is just my opinion. I know karma is karma, don't ask me how I know. There is individual karma, and then there is collective karma. I seek to make my individual, and collective karma congruent. So I must, for the sake of my soul, object to the crap.

    Yes. Tens of millions will be affected. By karma, not oil. We already have solutions for energy, but they are denied to us by the white race.

    Does that make sense?

    I speak here, from the heart, Marcus. As Carmody might say, its the differential that creates growth. We choose. We each choose.

    Just my opinion...
    Last edited by Sierra; 3rd June 2017 at 18:05.

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Trump is merely a continuation, but we seem to be blind and deaf.
    I do not believe that to be the case in regards to Trump.
    I know you believe that the elite are so powerful and in control that no one could be president if they did not desire it.
    And for the most part I believe that to be the case, but as Robert David Steele has presented it seems Trump is an accidental President, Trump is an exception to this. Hillary had the machine's all rigged in her favor, and this is the honest to God truth. You can find proof of this in Jill Stien's recounts done for Michigan. It showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the machine's were fixed FOR HILLARY. And when this data became self evident she immediately terminated her efforts.
    Where the accident came from was in Hillary stating before the election that Russia was responsible for the wikileaks evidence against her and she accused Russia of fixing the election. This caused each state to evaluate their voting mechanisms and service them right before the election, too close to the election for Hillary's people to go back in and reprogram them.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Nonetheless, there it is, to take note if we wish.
    It's just that we, the people, our government, have broken every single promise we have made. Every single treaty. Genocide. We're still doing it. It is shameful. A deal is a deal is a deal.
    We the people have done no such thing!
    If someone buys a day care center and then blackmails the caretakers of the children to do things not in the best interest of the children in the daycare center are the children to blame?
    Are the parents of the children to blame?
    We have evil upon evil in our Government and they are the caretakers of the US citizens and they have been blackmailed to allow horrible things to happen to the citizens of this country and the world at large."We the People" did not allow this nor did we sign on for this. The rare exception seems to be a man they cannot black mail or bribe, the single greatest hope we have for honest to god stewardship of this country and maybe the last in our lifetime. TRUMP!

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    What is wrong with that? Well, I look at it this way. From what I've read of stuff that cannot ever be proven (until we can read the Akashic record), every human epoch seems to end in disaster, with a few survivors. Yet, I do think we continue to evolve, a point I will come back to.
    As an example (that cannot be proven), the Atlanteans were of the red race, and the white race were slaves, animals, beasts of burden, not humans. So, at the end of their epoch (think major arcana, Wheel of Fortune) karma comes to visit. I think that is what the end of an epoch means, you graduate or flunk (some think we've flunked four times, some think we've flunked seven times. Those who think seven, say this is the last chance). Look at the red race now. Practically gone.
    Now, look at the white race, and what we've done all over the world. We've killed millions with our greed and selfishness. It would take TWELVE PLANETS worth of resource to give everyone else the standard of living we've enjoyed, yet, we are whiny cry babies demanding more, even to the destruction of the earth.
    Note: The red race is very aware of planetary health now. Their suffering has caused extreme growth in that aspect. How to live lightly, with respect, on the planet.
    You think karma is not coming to get us at this epoch's ending? Our birth rate is falling, we're inevitably going to become a minority (which is the real fear imo, responsible for the extreme alt right reactions we see today in the news).
    Edgar Cayce has in fact stated that the Navajo Indian of today is the closest in genetics to being the Atlantian of old.
    I happen to live in the vicinity of the largest Navajo Native American reservation in the United States.
    I run into these folks all the time, and let me tell you something they are basically as clueless as the rest of us.
    There is no genetic imprint in a reincarnational aspect in my opinion and Edgar Cayce has never said there was.
    Today you are the racist slave owner who is cruel to his charges and tomorrow you are born a slave and reverse the situation until you learn better.
    I do not subscribe to an idea that we are racially identifying as a soul.
    As a soul you are rainbow colored and you are born as every race.
    I also do not believe any number of humans are going to be karmically responsible for what an elite few do just because we happen to be described as belonging to the same race.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    So, back to Evolution. Time of choice is upon us, according to prophecies from many races who have been there, done that.
    And you could have been a member of anyone of those races as well as I myself could have been.
    I had a conversation once with an Apache woman who was unapologetically racist against whites.
    She made no secret of this and we were only aquaintences because of a mutual black friend, her roommate.
    One day I decided to ask her a few questions.
    I asked her if she was a Christian as the whites were who did horrible things to her ancestors, or did she believe religiously as her ancestors did?
    She was pretty pissed and told me she would never believe in the white race's devil religion. I nodded in agreement.
    I then mentioned that it was the belief of her ancestors that people reincarnated when they died. She nodded in affirmation and told me that was what she believed as well.
    I then told her by that rational, I could have been a Native American attacked and killed by a white soldier and she in fact could have been the white soldier who killed me. I asked her what she thought of the irony in that given situation regarding her racism towards whites and especially against me the Indian Woman of whom she killed in my allegory. This angered her greatly, but I could tell it caused her to pause in so far as her convictions were concerned.
    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Do we consent or do we object?
    What IF it is a time of choice? What IF the various epoch endings ARE a form of high school graduation, to separate those who graduate from those who must confront their karma because they haven't learned? What IF?
    I seek the win win. Not to stand upon the dead bodies to hoist myself up.
    All of the above is just my opinion. I know karma is karma, don't ask me how I know. There is individual karma, and then there is collective karma. I seek to make my individual, and collective karma congruent. So I must, for the sake of my soul, object to the crap.
    I think you are building a matrix of factors and depending on there being no errors in your findings. You have too many variables contingent upon one another in your theory. If in fact any of your variables are wrong your entire theory kind of doesn't work. And I for one see flaws here. No offense to you, I'm with you on a lot of your thinking here, just not in so far as where your racial karmic ramifications are concerned.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Yes. Tens of millions will be affected. By karma, not oil. We already have solutions for energy, but they are denied to us by the white race.
    They are denied to us by the elite, not the white race. I do not know why you feel the need to burden yourself with this guilt and or push it on to anyone else just because of the color of their skin.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Does that make sense?
    No, not in the context you are presenting it.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    I speak here, from the heart, Marcus. As Carmody might say, its the differential that creates growth. We choose. We each choose.

    Just my opinion...
    You are operating out of a place of racial shame. A shame that has been placed on you by the education system and is now being used as a tool of the very elite you espouse to despise. My recommendation is to not fall into this trap.
    You are not responsible for the sins of your ancestors.
    Further more you are not responsible for the sins of the elite, quite the contrary you are trying to expose them and fight them.
    A good day to you.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Oh for crying out loud, Marcus. White shame is an alt-right meme, a construct, and I know damn well what I feel.

    Mansplaining me my feelings. Snort. (taking a deep breath... 1-10)

    Dinna trying to change your mind Marcus. You asked, I answered. End of conversation from my POV.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Oh for crying out loud, Marcus. White shame is an alt-right meme, a construct, and I know damn well what I feel.

    Mansplaining me my feelings. Snort. (taking a deep breath... 1-10)

    Dinna trying to change your mind Marcus. You asked, I answered. End of conversation from my POV.
    See how triggered you get.
    You may know how you feel, but do you know why you feel it?
    We have all been brainwashed throughout our lives to be triggered a certain way.
    I grew up being told how I need to feel guilty about the Native American genocide. I grew up being told I need to feel guilty about slavery. I grew up being told I need to feel guilty about the devastation taking place in the environment. I've been told I need to feel guilty about the Nazi holocaust.
    But you know what?
    I don't feel guilty anymore because I didn't do anything to anybody.
    So I'm not assuming responsibility for it.
    It took a lot of work and introspection. This didn't happen over night.
    I too was triggered, all the freaking time. It took a lot of time before I was able to overcome my "white guilt".
    Your being triggered isn't you really, it's your programming.
    And I know this from experience.
    I'm not trying to attack you in the least bit, and if you reread my last post I'm of the opinion you will see that.
    Also you should try to absorb what I was saying in terms of reincarnation.
    And case in point with that would be Edgar Cayce.
    You state that the ruling class of Atlantis would be the Red Man, or more aptly what we consider to be the Native Americans.
    And I agree with this as Cayce has stated that the Navajo Indian is the closest thing now to what we would consider to be the native Atlantean.
    Cayce has also stated quite frequently what his role was in Atlantis, he was the high priest of the ruling caste.
    Now we know Cayce's incarnation here in the early 20th century was of course caucasion, but he was obviously a red man, or more aptly what we would consider a Native American in Atlantis.
    Do you see what I'm saying?
    We do not incarnate based on discrimination.
    We incarnate based on situation, and we incarnate as any and all races.
    You should re-read my last post and just ignore everything I said about Trump because I think that information would be good for you.
    Take Care

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    I don't know about Sierra but imagine she is like me in that we realize that we are representatives of our culture, have absorbed attitudes of that culture and have compassion for different cultures who have suffered because of that.

    We are probably older than you. We weren't brought up to feel guilty, we were brought up to feel racially superior. It was different then. I feel bad about that, not guilty, just bad, lousy, sad.

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Sierra passed in April 2021.
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    I'm so sorry for the the sense you made of your experiences, Marcus.

    Meanwhile you go right ahead, and believe what the man in the corner said about Trump. Do ignore what Trump is actually doing to the old, the young, the poor, the sick, the crippled, the retired, the Syrians, and the immigrants who make America great.

    I have to point out though, if minorities are fair game at 8,000 for Indians, and at 15,000,000 for blacks, does one have to be an actual majority to NOT be fair game?

    Current birth rates will continue to make whites a minority in the near future, it might strike a sensible person as illogical, even hypocritical to push that meme, but fear not! So many countries are ruled by fascist minorities put in place by the imperialists of the last three or four centuries. Course, it requires fascism to rule as a minority, democracy simply won't work, no... it won't. But who needs liberty, right?

    As for how we incarnate, you might want to ask Carmody about his last two lifetimes. Karma can be terribly swift sometimes.

    I think you are so far from where I'm at, I see no point in you, and I carrying on a conversation. Seriously. Just not possible, given you sought to instruct me on what I feel, sought to instruct me on how I ought to feel, and think, lol.

    I refuse your invitation to be a Stepford wife. There will be no knowledge exchanged, no growth achieved, only dissension, correct? But I wish you all the best luck in the world on your particular path. May wisdom, and love for all beings come to you, one way or another, as painlessly as possible.



    Damn straight, let's call ourselves what we are, the ones who cause extreme suffering, both home and abroad.

    Not so much a representative of culture, just... Fair is fair. Truth, not lies about history. A simple statement about the Trail of Tears genocide, and the response is, didn't happen on Andrew Jackson's watch. Well, it did. Why is that something to be lied about? Because he was a white slaver racist, and some seek to hide what he believed? Is it whitewash (lol!) time? Can't really whitewash the barfy things he said, and did, now can we? Seriously, that is 1984 nuts.

    Then the lie is ignored to attack me for objecting to yet to another broken agreement on the exact same grounds, "We want what you have.", on Drumph's watch. Why is this something to be justified?

    Okay, well, as ye sow so shall ye reap, is the basic law I attempted to explain, silly me.

    Nobody has to lift a finger when it comes to karma. People do it to themselves, all by themselves.

    Buddhists say, ignorance is the most harmful element to human development. So I think, let's stick to historical truth, at bare ass minimum.

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    I'm so sorry for the the sense you made of your experiences, Marcus.
    I don't really appreciate the sarcasm, I've done nothing but try to enter into a respectful dialogue with you.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Meanwhile you go right ahead, and believe what the man in the corner said about Trump. Do ignore what Trump is actually doing to the old, the young, the poor, the sick, the crippled, the retired, the Syrians, and the immigrants who make America great.
    Do you know that Barack Obama used more drones to bomb other countries than any other president in history including Bush Jr.?
    Well you see when you bomb the hell out of a country the citizens of that country will absolutely hate your guts in the future.
    It's not really that hard to understand if you think about it.
    But there really isn't too much thinking going on by the left right now. Just a lot of emotional reacting.
    What just happened in Manchester, you can look forward to that happening to your children, your grandchildren and basically everyone you love if you keep inviting people into this country who have been bombed relentlessly for the past 15 years.
    But maybe you feel so guilty you think you disserve this or something.
    I on the other hand do not share your sentiments and I do not want to see these people coming over here.
    And if you want to understand how and why we have a refugee problem you can look no further than Obama and Hillary and their actions in the last 8 years.
    The Wikileaks documents are absolute in the knowledge they share showing the actual creation of ISIS as a proxy army by Hillary and Obama.
    This is undisputable. And unlike the detestable CNN,NBC,ABC and CBS Wikileaks has never been wrong, and thus far has never had to retract a statement.
    The only method the left has for dealing with this truth is to not deal with it. The left avoids the truth like the plague and instead wraps themselves in guilt and ideology.
    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    I have to point out though, if minorities are fair game at 8,000 for Indians, and at 15,000,000 for blacks, does one have to be an actual majority to NOT be fair game?
    Current birth rates will continue to make whites a minority in the near future, it might strike a sensible person as illogical, even hypocritical to push that meme, but fear not! So many countries are ruled by fascist minorities put in place by the imperialists of the last three or four centuries. Course, it requires fascism to rule as a minority, democracy simply won't work, no... it won't. But who needs liberty, right?
    I don't know what you are saying here with 8,000 Natives Americans and 15 million African Americans. I don't know what meme you are talking about.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    As for how we incarnate, you might want to ask Carmody about his last two lifetimes.
    What does Carmody have to do with this conversation? Just for the record I've never been a big fan.
    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    Karma can be terribly swift sometimes.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    I think you are so far from where I'm at, I see no point in you, and I carrying on a conversation. Seriously. Just not possible, given you sought to instruct me on what I feel, sought to instruct me on how I ought to feel, and think, lol.
    We all feel Sierra. And it is my opinion that we are all fairly similar beings. I was just trying to communicate that I have felt things that are in a manner very similar to what you are describing, and that I felt I knew where you were coming from due to experience. My personal experiences.
    You say it is impossible for us to carry on a conversation.
    So are you saying you are allowed to make political attacks on this forum and no one is allowed to counter you?
    That pretty much sums up the Modus Operandi of the left as of late. That is the result of the left having no substance to their argument right now except for emotion.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    I refuse your invitation to be a Stepford wife.
    Another classic example of the left, whenever possible make yourself look like the victim. Classic. Right out of Kathy Griffin's playbook right now.

    Quote Posted by Sierra (here)
    There will be no knowledge exchanged, no growth achieved, only dissension, correct? But I wish you all the best luck in the world on your particular path. May wisdom, and love for all beings come to you, one way or another, as painlessly as possible.
    Notice here your air of superiority as you think you can dictate karmic repercussions. Notice also your comment dripping with sarcasm as you seek to wish me the best of luck. This statement is actually a curse of sorts. You are cursing a present member of this forum for not agreeing with your politics.
    And it is my opinion that this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable as a mod, much less an administrator.
    You can talk about your feelings all you want. But when they compromise your ability to do your job you should step down.
    And you should step down and or Bill should remove you.
    It's not like this is the first time you have acted like this recently.
    This behavior is tolerable I suppose if you are a regular member, but it is not tolerable as any kind of official representative of this forum.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    ...Notice here your air of superiority as you think you can dictate karmic repercussions. Notice also your comment dripping with sarcasm as you seek to wish me the best of luck. This statement is actually a curse of sorts. You are cursing a present member of this forum for not agreeing with your politics.
    And it is my opinion that this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable as a mod, much less an administrator.
    You can talk about your feelings all you want. But when they compromise your ability to do your job you should step down.
    And you should step down and or Bill should remove you.
    It's not like this is the first time you have acted like this recently.
    This behavior is tolerable I suppose if you are a regular member, but it is not tolerable as any kind of official representative of this forum.
    Seems mod forgot to announce that they had taken their "[mod hat: OFF]"
    Kathy Griffin has similarly forgotten to tell everyone that she took her "[comic hat: OFF]" ...

    and, replaced with "[victim Hat: ON]"
    Last edited by turiya; 4th June 2017 at 17:27.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes


    Whether you are aware of it or not, Project Avalon, was starting to read like the 'Storm Front' forums.

    Those who wished to engage in genuine discussion about race, class, culture, were hotly debated, and drawn into black and white arguments where they were asked to 'prove,' for example, that systemic racism exists in the U.S.

    Sierra has provided a very valuable service by countering that impression with her own point of view.

    I have learned from opinions contrary to my own on this forum, particularly from whites who are feeling displaced and sh** on by the powers that be. I thank you for your contributions and ask that you try to understand other points of view as well.

    Discussion is good. Debating is bad.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by turiya (here)
    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    ...Notice here your air of superiority as you think you can dictate karmic repercussions. Notice also your comment dripping with sarcasm as you seek to wish me the best of luck. This statement is actually a curse of sorts. You are cursing a present member of this forum for not agreeing with your politics.
    And it is my opinion that this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable as a mod, much less an administrator.
    You can talk about your feelings all you want. But when they compromise your ability to do your job you should step down.
    And you should step down and or Bill should remove you.
    It's not like this is the first time you have acted like this recently.
    This behavior is tolerable I suppose if you are a regular member, but it is not tolerable as any kind of official representative of this forum.
    Seems to be the growing modus operandi...
    mods are no longer announcing that they've taken their "mod hat: OFF"
    Seems to coincide with the ever growing inability to cope with our new president:
    Trump Derangement Syndrome - A mental dysfunction causing those detractors with hateful thoughts and feelings about Donald Trump to go unhinged -- Urban Dictionary

    Kathy Griffin has similar symptoms...
    Turiya, you too, need to learn how to discuss rather than debate.

    Say your bit quietly and kindly and put the bullhorn down, would be my request. Your threads, IMHO, reflect VERY badly on the forum.

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)

    Sierra has provided a very valuable service by countering that impression with her own point of view.

    I have learned from opinions contrary to my own on this forum, particularly from whites who are feeling displaced and sh** on by the powers that be. I thank you for your contributions and ask that you try to understand other points of view as well.

    Discussion is good. Debating is bad.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with discussion and or debate if both parties are respectful of one another.
    Your tactic here at stating how people "should" or are "allowed" to communicate with one another is an attempt at controlling how people can or should communicate.
    It has nothing to do with the conversation and is a classic example of a kid trying to change the rules mid-game because they do not like where the game is going.
    And in opposition to the point you are trying to make Sierra does not debate, she reacts emotionally with outbursts and then demands that people cease the dialogue because she does not like the direction the conversation has gone.
    She could just not respond.
    But her "demands" that the conversation cease is a not so subtle gesture to her status on the forum as an administrator and she is attempting to silence people based on her perceived power.
    So in my opinion Sierra is not concerned with discussion and or debate, she is only concerned with being right.
    I was a liberal not so long ago.
    I too thought of my fellow man and wanted certain provisions for the poor. But most importantly I sought a counterpoint to the Neo-Cons who brought war and destruction to the world. I hated the Neo-Cons with all my heart and I voted for Obama over McCain in his initial election. It didn't take long to see that Obama regardless of what he called himself was also a Neo-Con.
    I'm not a Trump fan because he is a Republican. I'm a Trump fan because he is fighting the Neo-Cons and Globalism which are the two biggest threats to the world right now.
    And compared to that, pipelines that affect 8,000 people IF anything goes wrong with them is pretty small potatoes.

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Whether you are aware of it or not, Project Avalon, was starting to read like the 'Storm Front' forums.

    Those who wished to engage in genuine discussion about race, class, culture, were hotly debated, and drawn into black and white arguments where they were asked to 'prove,' for example, that systemic racism exists in the U.S.
    Try being on the other side of this.
    People who have an alternate view to what is being pushed through the main stream media have very few places to go and share opinions.
    People who share your liberal point of view regarding these things can go ANYWHERE and find people who agree with you.
    Main stream media acolytes are everywhere for you to fraternize with.
    People with my opinions and views are routinely kicked off of facebook, twitter and any other number of social media outlets.
    So we shouldn't tolerate this same kind of behavior taking place here on Avalon in my opinion.
    Last edited by DNA; 4th June 2017 at 19:50.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    It's the lies, dear, the lies. Who wants to carry on a dialogue constantly derailed with lies? So disrespectful. So untrustworthy. So pointless to discuss what is not real as if it is real. With lies, it eventually becomes clear, there is a campaign going on.

    I didn't even know Turiya had lied about Andrew Jackson, and the Trail of Tears. I googled Jackson to find sayings, and damn, there it was.

    It's sort of an Avalon thing (or I'd be gone in a heartbeat), to respect the truth, for conversations to have a foundation of truth. Now I know there is a hell of a lot of lying going on with these alt facts, but I think we should leave the lies at the door when on Avalon, don't you? If one can't make a point without lying, what's the point?

    Whoever said I approved of Obama or Clinton? I SAID:

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Whew! Turiya, for a minute there I thought you were going to blame the 'Trail of Tears,' on Hillary!😀
    By the time we "see", plans were already discussed, designed, and put in motion.
    Quote Posted by Sierra (here) Plans initiated by one president "can" be executed by the next, continued by the successor, completed by his replacement, regardless of party, so for all we know, Prezzy Drumph *is* part of the Illuminati long range genocide program.
    But you're right. It coulda been Hillary!
    As for the 8,000 people living on the Red Rock reservation, you brought that figure up originally, and repeated it, as justification for another broken treaty. How can you not know what I am talking about? Sure, I understand what you're saying, you've made your position quite clear. So? That's your problem, not mine. I object to that sort of behavior, and it's my problem that I object, not yours. And really, in this conversation, we could discuss a multitude of illegal actions performed by our illustrious government run by the already obscenely rich corporations. And now, we have the richest cabinet, the richest congress, the richest senate, in our history. Greed can never be satisfied, and this does not bode well.

    I've never said a word on the current immigration issue, policy nor expressed an opinion on what should be done. Nor have I said a word on other topics that it would clearly shock you what my opinion is. Assumptions, assumptions. As if every human being of the liberal bent, therefore thinks a certain way on all topics. What am I, a robot? Oh yeah, you think my opinions, are a result of programming, lol. Must be a Stepford wife, indeed. But then, I have "emotional outbursts", so maybe I'm not quite the bland, and oblivious Stepford wife yet.

    Welp, I guess taking no responsibility, making no objection to what our government has done is one way...

    Quote Don't fall victim to the pseudo arguments of the ACLU. Such sentiment provided the very foundation from which the SS proceeded to perpetrate their horrendous crimes against their own people with impunity. The incremental escalation of denial of rights, liberty and the pursuit of happiness progressed from small carefully chosen, seemingly trivial ones, through apparently logical rational ones, all the way to genocide - one small step at a time. If you truly respect Freedom and the souls of the millions who sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to purchase and maintain the reality we enjoy today, you must oppose every attempt to dilute or make obsolete any portion of the rights reserved unto the American people. The primary obligation of our Republic's Federal Government of Laws is to provide for the common defense. We must withdraw support of all types from those who would exchange liberty for security. Such people deserve neither.

    You think this can't happen here, now? Andrew Jackson did it in less than ten years. Hitler did it in less than ten years. Pol Pot did it in less than five years. Stalin took longer but damn, he killed more than the above, combined. All, against their own citizenry. Fascism is bloody dangerous.

    Turiya, how silly you are. I've explained before what the default is for all mods. But apparently it wouldn't matter whether I said mod hat on or off. No one has an issue with it but you. If mod hat on or off doesn't produce the reaction you want, you'll find something else to complain about. When I attempted to comply with your strictures anyway, you then went rampaging off on how I use the invisibility feature used by mods, and members alike, as if this were a subject for put downs. And then you nastily used me through several posts to point out how the system won't let you put mods on ignore status. Again, I'll let Avalon know when I'm wearing a mod hat or a member hat.

    You could do better than that for the sake of your own reputation, and legacy. Don't attack a member, don't lie, refute POVs if you can, with REAL data, if you wish to make a point.

    But there it is, I'm a liberal and apparently it is just a terrible thing to be (though, uh oh, we *are* the majority) lol, but at least, I don't lie, and I don't tell lies to the best of my knowledge.

    Sure, do report me, if you think I've done something to be reported. You keep threatening me, but then you don't do it. A better way; don't threaten, don't broadcast as a way to bully, and put down, just do it, giving your reason for the report, at the prompt.
    Last edited by Sierra; 4th June 2017 at 22:18.

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    Default Re: Split from Lindsey Williams - "This Summer Panic Up" DVD Notes

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    And you should step down and or Bill should remove you.
    Not on my watch, if I have any say in the matter .

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    This behavior is tolerable I suppose if you are a regular member, but it is not tolerable as any kind of official representative of this forum.
    We don't really have "official representatives". We are blessed to have various sovereign individuals donate some of their time and energy to the forum and our shared endeavors.
    My quite dormant website:

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