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Thread: Recurring dreams

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    Puerto Rico Avalon Member Madeira's Avatar
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    Default Recurring dreams

    Good morning, first of all I am really glad to have found this great community and after a long time considering it and a few exchanges with some people here ( thank you Bill Ryan and Billy) I decided to post this up.

    When I was around 5 years old ( 40 now), I went to my mom's bed because I could not sleep and I just lay besides her, I believe it was around 1 or 2 AM when my mom started to talk in her sleep, it wasn't Spanish or English (I was raised bilingual, to this day I believe it was some kind of Arabic / middle-eastern dialect), she was having like very long conversation, I've been witnessing all of this and at the end she said really loud in Spanish " Yes, I know I am the queen, granddaughter of Sabba?* "* (no idea what this means or how is spelled). Going forward, I got moved up in grade twice in school, teachers told me I was really smart for my age ( lol, I still laugh about it). When I was in 7th - 8th grade I asked my mom about that experience and she said she remember it but it was a cool dream, I told her it was not a dream because I saw and did in fact listened to her, she was kinda in shock still, he rarely talk about the subject to this day, it still feels weird.

    Moving forward it was a normal life, high school then joined college which I dropped because I found everything so... easy?...boring?, mom was pissed off, she wanted me to become an astronaut, lol. I joined the Air Force, got really drunk the night before the asvab test, I passed it with a high score, the rest of the young guys with me failed, no idea how it happened because I smelled like rum really bad. Because of my MOS I had to wait a few months (dunno why) to get to basic training and between those months 9/11 happened.

    Stationed in Alaska. Alaska is strange, nothing against it, but the base I was was weird, I was Civil Engineering, nothing fancy but kept me distracted and I learned a lot.
    Things that happened while in that AF Base in AK:

    1- feeling observed or spy 24/7
    2- got access to some places where my clearance wasn't supposed to let me
    3- Medical facility lost a vial of my blood ( yes yes, I know)
    4- In AK the earth shakes technically everyday, I could know it was gonna shake like 10 - 30 seconds before it happened ( won some bets on it $$)
    I can continue but let's move forward

    Honorable Discharge, I didn't re-enlist.

    Looked for work when I got home, competed some engineering vacancies with people who got BA and masters degree, got the job.

    I have never used any drugs in my life, only drink (in a non alcoholic way whatsoever), bought a house, nice job, beautiful wife, great kid, and now I am having weird dreams:

    1- Got touched in my should and someone told me " Look for the truth in Ra, he knows who you are"
    2- Voice telling me "the blossom of the moon reach it" (this one happened like 9 times)
    3- One night I was playing video games and fell asleep in the couch and I could hear myself talking in my sleep with something / someone and they told me "you special, you are the charmer". Then my dog (which I believe is special too) woke me up.
    4- Just a week ago, "you are the son of the queen, just be yourself"

    TL;DR, yeah, weird dreams and weird stuff...just want some opinions and insights on what all this could be about, even though, I have been doing a research myself, would love to see / read what my fellow "avalonians" have to say about the matter.

    Blessings to everybody!


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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. All fascinating! Until after reading your post, I never associated the moon with a blossom. The full moon in May is called the "Flower Moon." How about that!

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    Puerto Rico Avalon Member Madeira's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Wow, that is good to know, thank you for your words. By the way, most of my dreams are positive I would say and have them all written down. Funny how I had that dream in May, fascinating.

  6. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Madeira For This Post:

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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Keep trying to make sense of the experiences. You will probably have more, which may bring more clues. Sounds like you are recording your experiences in a journal -- a very good thing. Just like this reality is a cosmic-scale puzzle, so each of us is an individual puzzle. As above, so below.

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Very cool. But when they start telling you you are special - watch out!

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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Quote Posted by Ernie Nemeth (here)
    Very cool. But when they start telling you you are special - watch out!
    That's because we all are special, something that they don't want us to know.

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  13. Link to Post #7
    Canada Avalon Member Justplain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    I honestly think that just by keeping your mind open to the great mysteries of life, actually helps bring light, and love into the world. By being kind and conpassionate to others, this has an amplifying effect. By exploring your dreams, and what they mean, Madeira, you are opening space for yourself and others. It matters not much if in a past life you or your mother were royalty somewhere, although it might be interesting, what it may be pointing to of importance is spiritual achievements you made in past incarnations may be available to you in this life, thus the reference to 'Ra knows you'. I would suggest following your intuition as to where to take your steps on your spiritual path because it sounds like your are receiving direction from your spirit guides.

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    Puerto Rico Avalon Member Madeira's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Thanks Justplain, I do not care about royalty or material things (obviously they are needed in the world we are living), I've been having an open mind for spirituality from some time now by treating every being I encounter with respect and love, taking out of my life toxic persons and avoiding toxic environments and such, my life overall have been increasingly rising to new levels of happiness and joy... I AM FREAKING HAPPY and look forward everyday to get even better.

    Thank you all for your words, blessings!

  16. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Madeira For This Post:

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  17. Link to Post #9
    Puerto Rico Avalon Member Virma De Ris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Interesting, Madeira, interesting indeed. First of all, welcome to Project Avalon. I visit the forum often but usually keep to myself (for personal reasons) but do login when something catches my eye.

    I want to tell you something someone I trust told me a while ago. He said to me that PR is pretty much a gigantic vortex for all sorts of entities: terrestrial and non-terrestrial. I too have my share of things that had happened to me while living in the island. That's a story for another day.

    We are beings that have experiences through multiple “lives” so your experience with Egypt isn't as far-fetched as you think it might be.

    And for some reason people with certain traits get pulled into the military one way or another.


    I added my comments in bold.

    1- feeling observed or spy 24/7 It does happen and you caught the frequency which makes you stand out of the group, which…
    2- got access to some places where my clearance wasn't supposed to let me …will happen, just to see what you do or don't do. They may have thought you were a candidate for certain jobs (if you get my drift)
    3- Medical facility lost a vial of my blood ( yes yes, I know) Again, same stuff. They were checking your ancestry.
    4- In AK the earth shakes technically everyday, I could know it was gonna shake like 10 - 30 seconds before it happened ( won some bets on it $$) You're a sensitive that's why you can feel energies fluctuating around you. You probably can do more stuff that you shared with us.

    I have never used any drugs in my life, only drink (in a non alcoholic way whatsoever), bought a house, nice job, beautiful wife, great kid, and now I am having weird dreams. Alcohol disrupts the brain no matter what. You will see or feel or hear stuff while under the influence, any kind of influence.

    1- Got touched in my should and someone told me " Look for the truth in Ra, he knows who you are" Just be careful with this kind of stuff. They're love to flatter (and that's how they trap you-free will kind of stuff).
    2- Voice telling me "the blossom of the moon reach it" (this one happened like 9 times) Anything related to the moon is related to grays and reptilians. Do not willingly listen to this. If you're lucid you can shake them away. My husband can tell you many stories about this.
    3- One night I was playing video games and fell asleep in the couch and I could hear myself talking in my sleep with something / someone and they told me "you special, you are the charmer". Then my dog (which I believe is special too) woke me up. Again, same stuff. Your dog probably felt the entity trying to interact with you. That's a good girl.
    4- Just a week ago, "you are the son of the queen, just be yourself" Maybe you're starting to remember your past life in Egypt? And most likely these entities are manipulating these dreams for their own benefit.
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  19. Link to Post #10
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Recurring Dreams...

    as i thinking about this Recurring Dreams wonder any of you guys having it? having same dream or same story over and over again? for me is continuation of the story over many periods of dreams.

    i have experience recurring dreams of tsunami waves higher as empire state building and running for safety about years ago over many period of days in totals and last night it came back agian, previous dream we running about a week prior to the event and eventually in my final dreams in more safe land look at ancient geek or European styles of building like italy/rome as people need to get to mountain top..the vision is incredible as if i'm there.

    Last night dream was abit wierd got told by someone local or friends gonna happen month time or weeks but people surrounding thought its conspiracy and i believe in that person so myself and other female along with few people running for safe place...as we went people hearing the news and they panic just like in my previous dream, need go to this land as in my first dream to stay safe.

    i remember when i was young 6 to 10 something having Recurring dreams of falling down from high wall..
    Last edited by apokalypse; 20th May 2023 at 11:29.

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  21. Link to Post #11
    Australia Moderator Harmony's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dreams...

    I also have had many dreams over my life time of large tsunami type of waves, but I haven't had them as much over the past couple of years, until last week I had another. This time it was a place in the mountains I recognised and the wave was coming up to places that I believe are from 700 to 1000 metres high and then receeding.

    It would be interesting to see if others are having dreams with similar themes each day or each week and what that might mean.

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    UK Avalon Member mizo's Avatar
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    Recently my recurring dream is about trying to find something that I've lost or misplaced ... the disturbing trend is my dream tends to wake me up at 3:33 AM

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Question Re: Recurring Dreams...

    Does anyone know how much % (on average) of all dreams are meant as symbolic language and not "literally"?

    ... like: you can dream driving a car in a rainy day and your car-window wiper is not working anymore being a SYMBOLIC subconscious communication that you may have eye-sight problems soon!
    • and the list of examples like this are endless.
    John 🦜🦋🌳
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  27. Link to Post #14
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dreams...

    Quote Posted by Harmony (here)
    I also have had many dreams over my life time of large tsunami type of waves, but I haven't had them as much over the past couple of years, until last week I had another. This time it was a place in the mountains I recognised and the wave was coming up to places that I believe are from 700 to 1000 metres high and then receeding.

    It would be interesting to see if others are having dreams with similar themes each day or each week and what that might mean.
    I had recurring dreams for many years when I was younger — all about tsunamis and giant waves.

    This does appear to be a common theme. Linda Howe has discussed multiply-reported dreams of giant waves several times in her Earthfiles livestreams. (But interestingly, I've not had any dreams about this at all for well over a decade, maybe longer.)

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    United States Avalon Member Vangelo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dreams...

    Quote Posted by Harmony (here)
    I also have had many dreams over my life time of large tsunami type of waves ...

    It would be interesting to see if others are having dreams with similar themes each day or each week and what that might mean.
    I had dinner Wednesday night with a business associate who also has had recurring "Huge wave" dreams throughout his life.

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    Does anyone know how much % (on average) of all dreams are meant as symbolic language and not "literally"?

    I don't know the answer to your question but I believe the vast majority of dreams are symbolic. This is because I believe we dream for a specific purpose; to heal our inner wounds or make sense out of disturbing events in our lives. I believe our dreams are coded in the language of the way our brain associates things and makes meaning i.e. through symbols and metaphor.

    During dreams we are trying to make meaning out of the repressed things stuffed in our unconscious in an attempt to heal our inner wounds. During our dreams we see these repressed things in the form of their symbolic representation and metaphor but only within the context of our individual brains (i.e., my symbology is different from yours).
    Happiness comes from within, nowhere else.

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    I have reoccurring dreams that I describe as Escher-like. It’s where I either walk down a hallway or up and down stairs or pop into or crawl from one place into another time period/life experience. Some of the dreams I recognize family members and often my dog that’s passed joins me. My thought is that I’m recalling a birthing process for the ones I crawl into because I feel claustrophobic and the entryway gets smaller as I make my way through.

    I haven’t had those Escher-like dreams for the last several months. My current thoughts are these rooms, these different eras are simultaneous aspects of me. A speculation is that I’m collapsing my timelines back into the original, organic one intended before the fracturing.

    Last edited by RunningDeer; 21st May 2023 at 02:11.

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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    (In case nobody has said this already)

    JRR Tolkien had a recurrent dream of a great wave rolling over green countryside - which he called his 'Atlantis haunting' and put into his work as the drowning of Numenor, and the bringing of its survivors (Elendil, Isildur etc) to Middle Earth in nine great ships which foundered far inland.

    His son Michael inherited this dream (but without ever being told about it). In JRRT's unfinished posthumously published The Notion Club Papers, where this is discussed, it seems that Tolkien felt (rather than 'believed') that this dream was true in some way - in which myth merges into history.

    dreams and visions were very much a part of JRRT's creative process, as I wrote here:


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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Harmony’s tsunami waves reminded me of another dream theme I have where the lands are flooded, but the waters are calm and clear. No one is around. There’s always a long pathway of sand that I’m able to walk, but I don’t recall nor can see what’s beyond.

    I interpret it as new life beginning. The calm, clear waters support a fruitful journey and for me to trust what unfolds.
    Last edited by RunningDeer; 20th May 2023 at 14:50.

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    Australia Moderator Harmony's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)
    Harmony’s tsunami waves reminded me of another dream theme I have where the lands are flooded, but the waters are calm and clear. No one is around. There’s always a long pathway of sand that I’m able to walk, but I don’t recall nor can see what’s beyond.

    I interpret it as new life beginning. The calm, clear waters a supports fruitful journey and for me to trust what unfolds.

    I find that facinating Paula, because I have also had that dream with the calm waters and the long pathway of sand, wonderful interpretation

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring dreams

    Quote Posted by Harmony (here)
    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)
    Harmony’s tsunami waves reminded me of another dream theme I have where the lands are flooded, but the waters are calm and clear. No one is around. There’s always a long pathway of sand that I’m able to walk, but I don’t recall nor can see what’s beyond.

    I interpret it as new life beginning. The calm, clear waters a supports fruitful journey and for me to trust what unfolds.

    I find that facinating Paula, because I have also had that dream with the calm waters and the long pathway of sand, wonderful interpretation
    Oh yeah! and thanks, Harmony. I’m grateful and tickled when confirmations come my way.

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