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Thread: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Brook passed on 25 Oct, 2018.
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    Default JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    I'm not certain if Joe knows but we have a whole section in Living Off The Grid: Food and Water section.

    I decided to start a Q & A for Joe as I personally have several questions.

    Yesterday after the CG video he put out a video here and even mentions my double squash. Thanks Joe!

    Well I've viewed several of your videos Joe and one shows the tiered permaculture harvest you did recently.


    I don't have a tiered place to plant but it's on a slight decline. I'm surrounded on two sides by a forested area and one side is a neighbor fence. Just beyond and behind that fence and where if the wind kicked up or say some field mice decided to visit my property or deer which there are plenty of here and have spent time in my yard through the forested area...my concern is there is farmer who plants sometimes corn, or soybeans, or alfalfa which the deer love. When I first moved out here I started a really nice garden in the back yard there and while driving home one day I noticed a sign to that farmers field...which said it was a "government experimental soybean project" and cautioned against anybody disturbing or picking the beans.

    My question is this if you perhaps might know. I've not seen anymore signs after that first one..but what about the field? Can it potentially effect my garden via the mice or deer that tread over there to my back yard or can the wind blow stuff over that 7 foot fence that might effect my garden? As you know here in the Carolina's the winds can kick up here as well and plenty of rain. The runoff should not be a problem for me because the field is more down hill to my property.

    Thanks in advance and I don't expect you to respond here in writing but perhaps in your next vlog you might answer for me.

    BTW: Great Youtube channel and very informative. I subscribed!

    Here's a photo of my first garden. Not too bad for a city girl eh? I've learned a lot since then. The chairs are for watching the garden grow. LOL If I remember correctly the first squash plant to the right is where the double squash came from.

    To the left are cucumbers and some of the best water Mellon I've ever eaten!

    Last edited by Shadowself; 31st July 2017 at 13:14.

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    Moderator (on Sabbatical) Joe from the Carolinas's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Thank you very much for starting this thread for me, and I'd be glad to work it into my next VLOG! This forum is so massive, I'm glad to see an area for off-grid

    I appreciate you subscribing to my channel as well.

    Once I start up my garden podcast/radio program again (probably in a few months), there will be a way for folks to call-in with garden/permaculture-related questions or reports. I broadcast on Liberty Tree Radio Network (www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com) on Tuesdays at 7pm eastern, 4pm pacific.

  4. The Following 23 Users Say Thank You to Joe from the Carolinas For This Post:

    alexius (30th July 2017), Bill Ryan (31st July 2017), Billy (30th July 2017), Callista (30th July 2017), Chester (31st July 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), drneglector (17th December 2017), Foxie Loxie (30th July 2017), Ioneo (30th July 2017), Ivanhoe (30th July 2017), Jean-Marie (30th July 2017), Kristin (30th July 2017), Linderlou (22nd August 2017), Michelle Marie (31st July 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (30th July 2017), Noelle (21st August 2017), Paprika (31st July 2017), robinr1 (31st July 2017), RunningDeer (31st July 2017), sandy (31st July 2017), Shadowself (30th July 2017), sunflower (31st July 2017)

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Brook passed on 25 Oct, 2018.
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Good morning Joe!

    I thought you might like the off grid section: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/foru...g-Off-The-Grid

    We have lots of thing archived at this forum over the years. Book, documentaries, articles and such.

    One particular area archived in the off the grid done by Bill is here. Several posts of various things identified for being off the grid here:

    Major must archive directory of off the grid how to information

    That's just for starters. There are of course over time on the various threads much more.

    ps; I changed the title of the thread to accommodate your radio show when it goes back on.
    Last edited by Shadowself; 31st July 2017 at 13:15.

  6. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Shadowself For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (31st July 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (31st July 2017), Chester (31st July 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Foxie Loxie (31st July 2017), Ivanhoe (31st July 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (1st August 2017), Michelle Marie (31st July 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (31st July 2017), RunningDeer (31st July 2017), Shannon (29th August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Quote Posted by JoefromtheCarolinas (here)
    I appreciate you subscribing to my channel as well.
    Joe, if you need instruction on how to start a thread check out post #25. If you have any questions, you know how to contact me.


    You don’t need a YouTube account to subscribe to Joe from the Carolinas. Here’s a 2 minute instructional vid that shows how to sign up for email notifications.

    Last edited by RunningDeer; 31st July 2017 at 21:33.

  8. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    anandacate (1st August 2017), Bill Ryan (31st July 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (31st July 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Foxie Loxie (31st July 2017), Jean-Marie (13th August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (1st August 2017), Linderlou (22nd August 2017), Michelle Marie (31st July 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (31st July 2017)

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    England Avalon Member Did You See Them's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Here is a little question for all you budding gardners - Have you ever come across a pototo ( grown from a seed potato ) that as well as producing potatoes below has sets of tomatoes growing at the top ?

  10. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Did You See Them For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (1st August 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (1st August 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (1st August 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), RunningDeer (1st August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    “A veg plot in a pot.” It's not genetically modified, rather individually and carefully hand grafted.

    TomTato plant grows both tomatoes and potatoes. Ben Coxworth October 1, 2013. The TomTato consists of the top of a cherry tomato plant and the bottom of a white potato plant, that have been grafted together at the stem. The potatoes are said to be fine for boiling, mashing or roasting.

    Plant Grows Both Tomatoes and Potatoes

    Published on Sep 27, 2013

    Stores in the UK have started selling a single plant that grows both tomatoes and potatoes at the same time.

    More and more city dwellers are interested in urban farming but limited space is a significance hindrance.

    A mail order plant company in the UK has started selling a single plant that grows both tomatoes and potatoes at the same time.

    Called the TomTato, it can yield over 500 cherry tomatoes while a bunch of tubers suitable for soups, stews, and roasting grows beneath.

    Thompson & Morgan, the company that's selling the dual-purpose plant, calls it "a veg plot in a pot".

    They also stress that it's not been genetically modified, rather individually and carefully hand grafted.

    The grafting that enables the existence of the tomato potato combo has been around for decades.

    What makes the TomTato unique is that it's been commercially produced and widely available.

    According to the company's horticultural director, that accomplishment has been a long time coming.

    It all started about 15 years ago when he saw a potato someone had planted under a tomato plant to be funny.

    He started to think about whether or not a plant that would grow both was possible.

    Many years of experiments and trials later, it became a reality.
    Quote Posted by Did You See Them (here)
    Here is a little question for all you budding gardners - Have you ever come across a pototo ( grown from a seed potato ) that as well as producing potatoes below has sets of tomatoes growing at the top ?

  12. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (1st August 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (1st August 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (1st August 2017), Krist (1st August 2017), Linderlou (22nd August 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Reinhard (3rd August 2017), TargeT (2nd August 2017)

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    Moderator (on Sabbatical) Joe from the Carolinas's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Quote Posted by Shadowself (here)
    Good morning Joe!

    I thought you might like the off grid section: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/foru...g-Off-The-Grid

    We have lots of thing archived at this forum over the years. Book, documentaries, articles and such.

    One particular area archived in the off the grid done by Bill is here. Several posts of various things identified for being off the grid here:

    Major must archive directory of off the grid how to information

    That's just for starters. There are of course over time on the various threads much more.

    ps; I changed the title of the thread to accommodate your radio show when it goes back on.
    Thanks so much, that's very helpful

  14. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Joe from the Carolinas For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (1st August 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (1st August 2017), Chester (2nd August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), RunningDeer (1st August 2017), Shadowself (1st August 2017)

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    Moderator (on Sabbatical) Joe from the Carolinas's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

  16. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Joe from the Carolinas For This Post:

    alexius (1st August 2017), anandacate (2nd August 2017), Bill Ryan (1st August 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Callista (2nd August 2017), Chester (1st August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Ron Mauer Sr (3rd August 2017), RunningDeer (2nd August 2017), Shadowself (2nd August 2017), Swan (2nd August 2017), TargeT (2nd August 2017)

  17. Link to Post #9
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Brook passed on 25 Oct, 2018.
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Thanks Joe!

    That helped a lot. I was concerned about the animals bringing over some of the chemicals in the soil. Just to mention that was the only time they had that sign up just that once. The year was 2011 if that was when you were thinking.

    Ben and Jerry's is off my list and I will for sure share this message/video.

    Thanks once again!

    Edit to add:

    I had an idea for the RV garden you might want to share with Pete Peterson...Get one of those shoe racks which can be taken inside for herbs and then when settled in taken outside. Of course he'd have to modify some way to hang it both inside and outside but it would probably work for the herbs at the very least. Like this which I've seen before...He wouldn't even have to make it that big...just two tiers might be enough.

    Last edited by Shadowself; 2nd August 2017 at 04:50.

  18. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Shadowself For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (2nd August 2017), Billy (13th August 2017), Callista (2nd August 2017), Chester (2nd August 2017), Daozen (13th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (2nd August 2017), Linderlou (22nd August 2017), Mike (2nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), RunningDeer (2nd August 2017)

  19. Link to Post #10
    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Quote Posted by JoefromtheCarolinas (here)
    I’m still listening to the Ben and Jerry’s video. (I download your vids.) I eat mostly a clean diet with the exception of Ben & Jerry’s every now and again. This may be the news that helps me stop.

    I keep on hand frozen bananas and pineapples for homemade ice cream. The liquid base is oatmeal milk. It makes it thick and creamy. You can substitute with cold water or ice cubes and a little water.

    Pineapple-Banana ice cream:
    • 1/2 c oatmeal milk
    • 1-1.5 frozen bananas
    • generous handful of frozen pineapple pieces
    Toss in blender and let thaw for about 15 minutes before blending.

    Oatmeal milk:It yields about a pint and keeps in the refrigerator.

    • Break up bananas & place them into sandwich bags and freeze. Ripe bananas are sweeter.
    Last edited by RunningDeer; 4th August 2017 at 14:04.

  20. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (2nd August 2017), Billy (13th August 2017), Callista (2nd August 2017), Chester (2nd August 2017), Foxie Loxie (2nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (2nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Reinhard (15th August 2017), robinr1 (2nd August 2017), Shadowself (2nd August 2017)

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    Moderator (on Sabbatical) Joe from the Carolinas's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

  22. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Joe from the Carolinas For This Post:

    Alekahn2 (13th August 2017), anandacate (13th August 2017), Bill Ryan (13th August 2017), Billy (13th August 2017), Callista (13th August 2017), Chester (22nd August 2017), Daozen (13th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (13th August 2017), Ivanhoe (14th August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Reinhard (15th August 2017), RunningDeer (13th August 2017), Shadowself (13th August 2017)

  23. Link to Post #12
    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Quote Posted by JoefromtheCarolinas (here)
    latest vlog

    Hi Joe, I left a comment under the video and your email address only because you passed it along to your audience:

    It appears that Peter Petersen's account isn't set up to receive emails. Maybe he'll catch your email address here. Another suggestion is to find where he's posted to you and leave your email address there. - joefromthecarolinas@gmail.com

    PS Yup, still Ben and Jerry's free.

  24. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (13th August 2017), Callista (13th August 2017), Chester (29th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (13th August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (14th August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Reinhard (15th August 2017), Shadowself (14th August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Speaking of diatomaceous earth, i.e. in video above, I use SilaLive. It detoxes the body of harmful pollutants.

    Product description:
    Human-Grade D.E. (SILICA) is known for its superior ability to aid in cellular-regeneration activity and systemic detoxification pathway stimulation which allows for the removal and elimination of excess metabolic waste, environmental toxins, weight & digestive problems & much more.
    SilaLive Silica With Enhanced Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Supplement Review

    Last edited by RunningDeer; 22nd August 2017 at 15:51.

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

  28. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Callista (13th August 2017), Chester (29th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (13th August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (14th August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)
    Quote Posted by JoefromtheCarolinas (here)
    latest vlog
    Hi Joe, I left a comment under the video and your email address only because you passed it along to your audience...
    Joe, in case you didn’t catch Peter Petersen’s response from your video, here’s his message from the comment section:

  30. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Callista (14th August 2017), Chester (29th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (14th August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (22nd August 2017)

  31. Link to Post #16
    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Informative and relaxing to watch
    all the way through to the rain water
    harvesting system. Thanks, Joe.

    Permaculture Garden Harvest Tour

    Published on Jul 19, 2017
    a tour of my permaculture zone 1-2 garden tour. Garden for Victory!

    Quote Posted by JoefromtheCarolinas (here)
    latest vlog

  32. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    Billy (22nd August 2017), Chester (22nd August 2017), Foxie Loxie (22nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (22nd August 2017), Nasu (22nd August 2017), Noelle (21st August 2017)

  33. Link to Post #17
    United States Avalon Member Foxie Loxie's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Thanks for the tour Joe & loved your "talking lady", Paula!!

  34. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Foxie Loxie For This Post:

    Billy (22nd August 2017), Chester (22nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (23rd August 2017), RunningDeer (22nd August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    Something sweet for you, Foxie Loxie.

    Quote Posted by Foxie Loxie (here)
    Thanks for the tour Joe & loved your "talking lady", Paula!!

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    Billy (22nd August 2017), Chester (22nd August 2017), fourty-two (29th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (22nd August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (23rd August 2017)

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    United States Avalon Member Foxie Loxie's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    You always make me laugh, Paula!! You are SO talented with this computer stuff!!

  38. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Foxie Loxie For This Post:

    Billy (22nd August 2017), Chester (29th August 2017), Joe from the Carolinas (28th August 2017), RunningDeer (22nd August 2017)

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    Moderator (on Sabbatical) Joe from the Carolinas's Avatar
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    Default Re: JoefromtheCarolinas Vlog/Radio Q&A

    New stuff! My series on prepping and property selection.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  40. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Joe from the Carolinas For This Post:

    Alekahn2 (29th August 2017), Callista (29th August 2017), Chester (29th August 2017), Daozen (29th August 2017), Foxie Loxie (29th August 2017), Nasu (29th August 2017), RunningDeer (29th August 2017), Shadowself (29th August 2017)

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