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Thread: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    by Tyler Durden
    Jul 31, 2017 10:01 AM

    In a move that is certain to prompt more allegations that Wikileaks is part of a counter-establishment push, one ostensibly supported by Russia, on Monday morning Wikileaks dumped more than 21,000 "verified" emails associated with the French presidential campaign of Emmanuel Macron. Julian Assange's organisation claims the batch of 21,075 emails, dating from March 2009 to April 2017, have been uniquely verified through its DKIM system.
    As a reminder, in the days before the May 7 French presidential election, Macron’s campaign confirmed it was hit with a "massive, coordinated" hack which released 9 gigabytes of personal documents.

    The French electoral commission immediately prohibited the French media from publishing the contents of the leak, and while speculation quickly emerged that Russia was involved in this hacking, France later confirmed there were "no traces of Russian hackers in the Macron cyber attack." The head of the French government’s cyber security agency, Guillaume Poupard, told AP the hack was “so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone.”

    Ironically, less than two months later, with Macron's approval rating suddenly in freefall, the Russian hacking story re-emrged, when Reuters reported that Russia tried to use an "elaborate Facebook hacking scheme" on the French presidential campaign. It is unclear if the French population will shift their anger away from Macron and to the default scapefoat Russia, helping Macron's sudden slide in popularity.

    To be sure, the Macron hacking story is about to get its second wind when according to Wikileaks statement, there is now a full archive of 71,848 emails with 26,506 attachments from 4,493 unique senders is provided for context. Wikileaks stated that while only the 21,075 emails marked with its green "DKIM verified" banner are certified by WikiLeaks as genuine, it believes “based on statistical sampling” that the “overwhelming majority” of the remainder are also authentic.

    Quote WikiLeaks‏Verified account @wikileaks

    RELEASE: 21,075 verified searchable emails from the campaign of President Macron #MacronEmails #MacronLeaks https://wikileaks.org/macron-emails/

    2:37 AM - 31 Jul 2017
    “As the emails are often in chains and include portions of each other, it is usually possible to confirm the integrity [of] other emails in the chain as a result of the DKIM verified emails within it,” the statement reads.

    Quote WikiLeaks‏Verified account @wikileaks

    RELEASE: 25,439 email attachments associated with #Macron's presidential campaign https://wikileaks.org/macron-emails/?file=&count=50#searchresult …

    4:57 AM - 31 Jul 2017
    Curiously, unlike in the US, the initial May hack did not have an adverse impact on Macron's presidential chances - unlike in the US, where Hillary Clinton has repeatedly blamed "Russian interference" as the main reason for her loss - when the youngest ever French president defeated his opponent Marine Le Pen in a landslide. Should he have lost, the outcome would likely have been different.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    England Avalon Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    Cheers Hervé, I look forward to some very interesting & very real conspiracies coming into the light from this !

    The whole Macron story stinks, hard to believe that some bankers stooge married to a woman old enough to be his mother (handler ?) that came from nowhere could win by a landslide, even taking into account the French publics proclivity for pushing a "protest" candidate until it comes to the crunch.
    War is when your leaders tell you who the enemy is, revolution is when you work out who the enemy is for yourself.

  4. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Spiral For This Post:

    avid (31st July 2017), Bill Ryan (31st July 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Gaia (31st July 2017), Hervé (31st July 2017), justntime2learn (1st August 2017), Michelle Marie (31st July 2017), Nasu (31st July 2017), Sophocles (31st July 2017), Star Tsar (1st August 2017)

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    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    On s'aperçoit que son élection a été soigneusement préparée depuis 2010, aucune improvisation. Mélenchon et Marine le Pen n'avaient aucune chance, encore moins Fillion. Ceci n'est pas du délire mais plutôt une confirmation que tout cela relève d'une opération menée avec stratégie et le soutien des banquiers, et non pas d'un engouement spontané de l'électorat comme le laissait supposé le mouvement ''En marche''. Il n'y avait que les gros naïfs pour penser ça. Une fois de plus, la démocratie est bafouée et nous nous retrouvons avec un élu provenant des élites par 25% des Français. Après, il ne faut pas s'étonner qu'il y ait une perte des valeurs, elle est organisée et voulue par nos "élites" qui font semblant de s'en scandaliser. Et après, ils jouent ceux qui veulent "moraliser" la politique, alors qu'il sont parvenus au pouvoir de façon retors et mensongère.

    We realize that his election has been carefully prepared since 2010, no improvisation. Mélenchon and Marine le Pen, Fillion had no chance. This is not delirium but rather a confirmation that all this is an operation carried out with strategy and the support of bankers, and not a spontaneous enthusiasm of the electorate as suggested by the movement. '' En marche''. There were only the big naive to think that. Once again, democracy is flouted and we find ourselves with an elected member of the elite by 25% of the French. Afterwards, it is not surprising that there is a loss of values, it is organized and wanted by our "elites" who pretend to be scandalized. And then they play those who want to "moralize" politics, when they have come to power in a twisted and false way.
    Last edited by Gaia; 31st July 2017 at 16:05.

  6. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Gaia For This Post:

    angelfire (31st July 2017), avid (31st July 2017), Bill Ryan (31st July 2017), Billy (1st August 2017), Debra (1st August 2017), Franny (1st August 2017), Hervé (31st July 2017), justntime2learn (1st August 2017), Justplain (31st July 2017), Michelle Marie (31st July 2017), Nasu (31st July 2017), Olam (31st July 2017), Spiral (1st August 2017), Star Tsar (1st August 2017)

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    Avalon Member Lifebringer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    What if it's AI ya'll? They could start a war if they hack like that. AI knows the enemies to push buttons on too.Wow the reprecussions are endless.

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    Avalon Member Flash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    Quote Posted by Spiral (here)
    Cheers Hervé, I look forward to some very interesting & very real conspiracies coming into the light from this !

    The whole Macron story stinks, hard to believe that some bankers stooge married to a woman old enough to be his mother (handler ?) that came from nowhere could win by a landslide, even taking into account the French publics proclivity for pushing a "protest" candidate until it comes to the crunch.
    I agree with all the comments except for married a woman old enough to be his mother -which makes her a handler since it is impossible.... why don't we call Trump a pervert since he married his daughter? Which he probably is Two sexes different judgments? I know some guys who married much older women out of love - these women were absolutely extraordinary, so, why not fall in love with great beings?

    Second, the ways French see relationships is quite different from American. French are much less puritanistic, they accept their mate may have mistresses/lovers, to start with.
    How to let the desire of your mind become the desire of your heart - Gurdjieff

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Flash For This Post:

    Daughter of Time (2nd August 2017), Gaia (2nd August 2017), Hervé (1st August 2017), Spiral (1st August 2017)

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    Leaked Macron emails suggest French military ties to UK far more important than EU Army

    Published time: 1 Aug, 2017 13:21
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    © Charly Triballeau / Reuters

    Emmanuel Macron was warned a month before he announced his bid for the French presidency that maintaining military ties with Britain is far more important than the planned EU-wide defense pact, according to emails published by WikiLeaks.

    In the emails, a senior adviser warns Macron that France will be caught between the urge to maintain defense ties with the UK and pressure to fully enact the EU integrated defense plans known as the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP).

    In one message sent in October by Macron’s industrial adviser, Hervé Grandjean, to his chief speechwriter, Quentin Lafay, Grandjean warns: “Brexit will necessarily have potentially contradictory effects on bilateral cooperation.

    Both governments have insisted on the preservation and strengthening of the bilateral partnership.

    In terms of multinational interventions and industrial cooperation, France is going to be caught between the temptation to seize Brexit to advance the CSDP and the desire to maintain a critical mass of exchanges with the British who - despite their present obvious withdrawal - remain the most important and the most active country in the field of defense,” Grandjean adds.

    Macron’s former defense adviser, Francois Heisbourg, later takes part in an email exchange with another adviser, Clément Beaune, in which Heisbourg slams EU military integration plans.

    The Germans have evolved a lot on defense but they pay their projects with their money. They are not ready to entrust to us, directly or through the EU, the keys to the safe.

    Beaune responds by saying that France might be tempted to reject the EU plan and strengthen military ties to the UK instead.

    He adds that any joint funding initiatives in the future should also be designed “to integrate the British.

    ‘I won’t be f***ed’: French armed forces chief quits after clash with Macron over budget cuts
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Hervé For This Post:

    avid (1st August 2017), Daughter of Time (2nd August 2017), fourty-two (1st August 2017), Gaia (2nd August 2017), Spiral (1st August 2017)

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    England Avalon Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wikileaks Dumps 72,000 Hacked Macron Emails

    Quote Posted by Gaia (here)
    On s'aperçoit que son élection a été soigneusement préparée depuis 2010, aucune improvisation. Mélenchon et Marine le Pen n'avaient aucune chance, encore moins Fillion. Ceci n'est pas du délire mais plutôt une confirmation que tout cela relève d'une opération menée avec stratégie et le soutien des banquiers, et non pas d'un engouement spontané de l'électorat comme le laissait supposé le mouvement ''En marche''. Il n'y avait que les gros naïfs pour penser ça. Une fois de plus, la démocratie est bafouée et nous nous retrouvons avec un élu provenant des élites par 25% des Français. Après, il ne faut pas s'étonner qu'il y ait une perte des valeurs, elle est organisée et voulue par nos "élites" qui font semblant de s'en scandaliser. Et après, ils jouent ceux qui veulent "moraliser" la politique, alors qu'il sont parvenus au pouvoir de façon retors et mensongère.

    We realize that his election has been carefully prepared since 2010, no improvisation. Mélenchon and Marine le Pen, Fillion had no chance. This is not delirium but rather a confirmation that all this is an operation carried out with strategy and the support of bankers, and not a spontaneous enthusiasm of the electorate as suggested by the movement. '' En marche''. There were only the big naive to think that. Once again, democracy is flouted and we find ourselves with an elected member of the elite by 25% of the French. Afterwards, it is not surprising that there is a loss of values, it is organized and wanted by our "elites" who pretend to be scandalized. And then they play those who want to "moralize" politics, when they have come to power in a twisted and false way.
    I read the first paragraph & was looking forward to where it was going only to find the second was the traduction anglais, could have saved myself the effort lol

    The more I look into this the more I have to agree, this is a long planned & well orchestrated chess move !

    Quote Posted by Flash (here)
    Quote Posted by Spiral (here)
    Cheers Hervé, I look forward to some very interesting & very real conspiracies coming into the light from this !

    The whole Macron story stinks, hard to believe that some bankers stooge married to a woman old enough to be his mother (handler ?) that came from nowhere could win by a landslide, even taking into account the French publics proclivity for pushing a "protest" candidate until it comes to the crunch.
    I agree with all the comments except for married a woman old enough to be his mother -which makes her a handler since it is impossible.... why don't we call Trump a pervert since he married his daughter? Which he probably is Two sexes different judgments? I know some guys who married much older women out of love - these women were absolutely extraordinary, so, why not fall in love with great beings?

    Second, the ways French see relationships is quite different from American. French are much less puritanistic, they accept their mate may have mistresses/lovers, to start with.
    I think she could well be his handler, Jesuit educated & married to a banskster with an expertise in literature which would translate into speech writing etc, she was obviously core to his campaign,it's even mentioned on Wikipedia ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Macron

    When an powerful older man is with a younger woman it's taken as a sign of power & virility (all men find young women around 20 the most attractive, this is a fact, probably based on little more than our animal instincts, which lets face it is all reproduction is) but when a man at the peak of his reproductive phase goes for a woman well into or past menopause there is something going on...he is either looking to join with the mother figure or is subject to something a little more conspiratorial..

    Either way it makes him look weak.
    War is when your leaders tell you who the enemy is, revolution is when you work out who the enemy is for yourself.

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Spiral For This Post:

    Gaia (2nd August 2017), Hervé (1st August 2017)

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