
Bill Ryan


The Avalon Interview Part 1, April 2011


Interview with Freedom Central, November 2009:

Click here to download the video (MP4)
Click here to download the audio (MP3)
Click here for the transcript
[PC users right-click and then Save As; Mac users option-click]

Zurich Conference Keynote Speech, July 2009:

Click here to download the video (MP4)
Click here to download the audio (MP3)
Click here for the transcript
[PC users right-click and then Save As; Mac users option-click]

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot interviewed by Arjan Bos, August 2009:

Click here to download the video (MP4)
Click here to download the audio (MP3)
Click here for the transcript
[PC users right-click and then Save As; Mac users option-click]

Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For 27 years he was a management consultant specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients included BAe (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research and alternative medicine (he is trained as a kinesiologist) for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006, having founded Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy.

Please click here to read more of the history of Project Camelot - which is a topic in itself, way beyond this brief summary. Essentially Camelot was a bold (and highly successful) adventure into cutting-edge investigative alternative media research, generating over 100 full-length video interviews on a number of alternative and controversial subjects addressing some of the most important issues of our times.

Some of the subjects addressed are summarized in the embedded videos opposite, each of them excellent summaries of Camelot's work in general - and Bill's philosophy and personality in particular.

Bill currently lives in Ecuador. Project Avalon is his site, which he runs independently. He is dedicated to continuing the mission of Project Camelot, addressing current global problems with a spiritual focus and a proactive, practical and community-based approach.

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Bill Ryan

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