Richard Dolan

Project Camelot LA Awake and Aware:

Conference transcript

This page is a reformatted version of the original Project Camelot publication.

Richard Dolan
Project Camelot LA Awake and Aware Conference

19 September 2009

[Ed note: Normally the transcripts that had any parts in them that had been difficult for the transcribers to hear were put in “audibles” in square brackets in red for Bill Ryan to attend to, fix, then he’d post the transcript; however, due to unexpected interruptions in the normal working process in Project Camelot, this normal process was not able to proceed forward, so the audibles were left in the square brackets.]

KERRY CASSIDY (KC): Okay, Rich Dolan! How’s it looking?

RICHARD DOLAN (RD): I think we’re ready.

BILL RYAN (BR): You’re ready to go?

KC: Okay. We’re going to tell everything we know about Rich Dolan, because we kind of know him well. [laughs].

He’s such a political guy that he has his hand on the political pulse, and he’s got a brand-new book out. Bill has actually read it. I haven’t had time lately. I read his other book, though, and I can tell you, he’s a wonderful writer. UFOs and the National Security State – we’ve been waiting forever for the second volume and finally it’s out and apparently it’s absolutely phenomenal.

Rich is just an amazing guy. Let’s see, do we say Rhodes Scholar finalist? Whatever. And historian; brilliant, brilliant mind; very level-headed; politically-astute. He’s also himself an intuitive. He doesn’t tell you that, but he is! And I’ve known him from before Camelot, so I have to say that I actually tried to spur him on to more radicalism. [laughs]

I know we have to move things along, Bill. Okay, Bill, why don’t you do the official introduction? I think I’ve pushed around enough dirt here.

BR: That was the unofficial one? Okay. The official introduction is very brief. Twenty years ago I read Timothy Good’s Above Top Secret, which was known by many in those days as the Bible of UFOlogy. That’s the book which you give people who doubt the reality of the phenomenon and then you say: Okay, read that and we’ll talk again.

Now there’s a new book that supersedes this in every way. And, as Kerry was saying, it’s not just one book, it’s a trilogy, and Rich has just published the second of three volumes, 638 pages. It’s the second volume which takes it from... is it ’78 to...?

RD: ’73 to ’91.

BR: ’73 to...?

RD: ’91.

BR: ’73 to ’91 – some very interesting years in UFOlogy. And Volume 3 is from ’91 to the present.

Rich has got no other role here than being an academic historian, with all the combination of intellectual rigor and thinking outside the box. He’s surfing on the waves of history itself here, chronicling these times which are unique in the history of the human race, we believe. I believe that Richard believes this too, and he knows probably more about this subject now than almost anybody else on the outside of the inside.

KC: On the outside of the National Security State.

BR: I'm not going to say anymore. Richard, take it away and tell them everything you know. You’ve got one hour.

KC: Okay.

RD: Thanks very much. It’s a pleasure to be here. I’d like to thank Bill and Kerry for that very gracious introduction and other people here at Camelot, who’ve made my trip here a lot easier and more pleasant. I thank them, also.

I’ve already enjoyed meeting a number of attendees here. As I’ve often felt that – I absolutely mean this – I learn more at the conferences, I think, than you do from me. The reason is that there is never a lack of brilliant people who know an awful lot about this, and they typically will come up to me; some of them will come up to me during the conference, and proceed to tell me these incredible things. So, it’s always worthwhile for me to come here, and I also just enjoy meeting people.

I do have a new book out. It’s the second volume of UFOs and the National Security State. I do have some copies here. I hope I brought enough, but the book is easily available now at my website [ ] and on, and I will be talking a little bit about that.

For my quarry today I have titled my lecture Exopolitics in a New Key: Creating a Fresh Roadmap. I don’t know if that’s a bit ostentatious or not. I wrote it on the plane on the way out here, so, literally, it’s a brand new lecture.

So let’s begin. I’ve got three basic themes that I want to cover today. First, I do want to talk a little bit about my book, not to market it, but, really, because it’s relevant toward the later theme that I want to discuss today.

I’ve developed some thoughts over the last several years about Exopolitics. I’ve never written explicitly about Exopolitics, but, for various reasons, I am often asked to comment on Exopolitics.

I have, for example, spoken at every one of the Steven Bassett’s X-Conferences. In fact, I think I’m the only person who’s spoken at all of them, and I’ve attended and spoken at all of the National Press Club events that he’s had. So, that’s something of an Exopolitical event and that’s put me within that whole discussion.

So, I have some thoughts about Exopolitics, which I think are my own and I’d like to share those with you today. And I’d like to wrap it up, continuing along those lines, with my own thoughts on where we are headed as a society, as a civilization -- indeed, as a species. I think it all works together rather well. So, we’re a little bit behind schedule and I’ll move right ahead.

My new book is subtitled The Cover-up Exposed. It took me about five years to write this book. Actually it’s impossible for me to know because my first volume went through two editions. The second edition came out in 2002 and people – back then I was brand new in the field at the time – and people said: Oh, that’s a pretty good book. What about the rest of the story? [laughs]

And I thought: Yeah, I have to do that, don’t I? But then I wrote a lot of articles and I did various public speaking venues, and so forth, and I estimate about five solid years of working on this particular volume.

It took a lot out of me in a lot of ways, to be perfectly candid with you. It was a hard book to do, harder than the first volume I wrote. I was lucky because, after that first book came out, a lot of people came out of the woodwork and offered me their resources.

I had one very, very dear friend of mine, an elderly gentleman who, when he passed away, left me his entire immense library of nearly – the shy side of 1,000 books, not to count numerous journals. An enormous, enormous library collection which I actually read; I went through all the journals.

You have to understand. When I read these things, I’m very methodical, if you know me. So, when I read a book, I don’t just read it and say: Oh that’s a good book. I have my notes and usually my word processor and I take notes all the way through. Every little datum that I think is interesting goes in the notes with the citation: page 77 of this issue of this journal, whatever. And it goes in, so that I put them all together into an enormous database.

My UFO database is equal to, I think, about a 3,000 or 4,000-page book and it’s from that that actually I put all my narrative together. So it comes from literally hundreds and hundreds of different sources dealing with UFOlogy, but also dealing with politics and geopolitics and para-politics and whatever else you want to call it, and all other sundry weird things that strike my fancy, and it all goes into my database.

So then, when I come to year, say, 1977, I’ll look at everything from that year and it all comes together in a way that I would not probably have otherwise thought to do. That’s how I write my books. It’s not what they teach you in graduate school, but that is what I do.

This is a pretty big, fat book. It’s a little over 600 pages. I’ve got lots and lots of end notes and index entries. In fact, the other way to look at this is a series of a little over 200 specific article-length sections that I’ve tried to weave together. Each subsection of this book, I think, can just be taken independently and read as its own unit. So, if you had a particular interest in one little thing, you could open the book and read that, but they all do work together.

If you are interested in more information about this, you can go to my website which is – just like looking through a key hole, an image I’ve always enjoyed regarding this topic.

What I tried to do in writing all books and all articles that I’ve done, and all public appearances that I’ve ever done, is to try to provide a reliable guide to our past -- our recent past, in particular.

It’s long been my feeling that our past is somewhat unknown to us, and if we’re going to proceed as a responsible society, we have to know our past.

Much of our past exists in the form of official government documents and archives. You may not know this, but in fact it is now widely understood that the vast majority of U.S. government documents ever created remain completely inaccessible to you and to me. They are classified. In other words, a large – not a little, but a large – majority of our own history is off limits to us. This isn’t just UFOs. This is everything.

We are in a very, very difficult and dangerous state when the large majority of our written documentary history is not available for us to study. There is a very serious problem with that. So, what I’ve tried to do with the UFO topic is my part in salvaging our history. Literally, that’s how I look at it. I don’t know how complete it is, but it’s as complete as I’m able to make it.

Toward that end, I’ve used the largest amount that I’m able to of government documents, that is, proven documents that you can’t make an argument against: journals, reliable journals or at least in my opinion good journals, and that includes journals by UFO investigative organizations doing on-the-spot investigations, a wide range of such journals; various books, of course.

And I’ve done a lot of interviews for this particular book. I actually don’t know how many individuals I interviewed, maybe a couple of dozen. Maybe 20 or 30 people directly involved in the events that are in this book, I either met with in person, or did extended telephone interviews, or conducted correspondence with, and got their stories directly. And all of it, again, trying to weave together as reliable an account as I can.

I want to emphasize that everything in this book, with a couple of very specific exceptions, is verifiable data. Now, there are some exceptions.

Any researcher, as I’m sure you will understand, who’s been in this field long enough, is going to have individuals that come up to them and say: I appreciate your work. I have this bit of information that I would like to share with you. Here it is, but you have to promise that you cannot give up my identity. I have a sensitive position, etcetera, etcetera. And that happens; that’s life. It’s unfortunate that it has to be that way, but there it is.

Now, any time a researcher gets that information and then repeats it, keeping the anonymity of the source, of course, it’s a difficult situation, because it puts you, the recipient of that information, in an unequal position. This is something that I never, ever believe in doing.

My attitude as a writer and as a communicator is that we speak as equals, so that anything that I know, you should be able to know as well. That’s how it should be. That’s how good history, that’s how good science is done, so I try to go easy with that.

I’m sometimes distressed by some researchers in this field, and I’m not really going to name names. I’m not interested in doing that today, but there are people who really do this to excess, in my opinion.

Maybe they feel they have no choice; they feel that they have to get the word out. But the problem is that when you do this, you’re not necessarily helping the public discourse on this. What you’re doing instead is creating a lot of uncertainty about it.

So, we’re in a difficult position. We have what we feel are certain truths and realities that we want to communicate to the rest of the world, which we feel is in the dark and asleep. I think that’s true.

But we have to be aware of who we are speaking to when we engage in this kind of conversation. We have to be as responsible about this as we’re able to be and not unduly place the public’s trust in what we have to say, but rather, as I’ve been saying, the public should be able, any time, to check and verify the things that we say.

Okay, enough said on that.

This book really is, as I see it, three major themes that I tried to weave together. The first theme is what we might call the encounters, something of an encyclopedic account of this particular 18-year period of UFO history.

So, if you had an interest in the Travis Walton event, you could read about it in my book and my hope would be that you would read the best, most concise, most complete [and] great account of it in roughly – I think about 10 pages I spent on Travis Walton – that you would find anywhere; or on the Hudson Valley waves of UFO sightings of The Eighties, ditto; or the Hessdalen case in Norway; or the Bob Lazar phenomenon in the late ‘80s, or anything else that happened in that period of time.

My goal was that you could use this book as a reference and a reliable guide and know what you needed to know, learn what you needed to learn. So, that was the first, and that’s a lot of the book.

The second major theme, though, I guess would be the politics. Obviously there’s politics to this. So, what I tried to do, again, is learn and analyze the primary military and intelligence community documents that describe this -- not just those of the United States, incidentally, but trying to gain the attitude of responsible agencies from any and all nations that encountered this.

The Soviet Union figures heavily in this book, as does to some extent even China; the European nations most definitely, and other countries as well: Australia, Africa [and] Middle East. They’re all in here.

And to the extent possible I’ve tried to weave their take on this and their attitude in here -- attitudes of various Presidents, of all the Presidents; Presidential policy that’s relevant to the UFO phenomenon. The man in the center, of course, is David Rockefeller. [referring to overhead display] He’s in the book. I’ll get into that a little more in just a few minutes.

The third major theme or strand of this book would be the research. In a sense this book is a history of UFOlogy, which is a fascinating story. In fact, of all the things that I researched in doing this book, there were times when I felt that this to me, was personally the most interesting.

Back in the old days when I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was studying history and English literature. That was my dual major. My focus in history back then was what is called intellectual history. It’s kind of like the history of ideas.

I’ve always been interested in that, and really it occurred to me in writing this volume that the story of UFOlogy is a part of intellectual history, without a doubt, and this is a story that I feel, in reviewing the literature, really hadn’t been done in a synthesized, coherent way.

I think this book is actually a first true history of UFOlogy. We’ll come to that again in a moment.

There’s a backdrop involved in this book and it’s one of global transformation. You have, for example, geopolitical transformation, the breaking up of the Soviet Union by 1991 at the end of this volume. You have the birth of personal computing and even the Internet before the end of this particular period. And you have throughout – I tried to look at what we might call advanced, either open or covert, cutting-edge technologies. The image on the top there [referring to overhead display] is the famous ARV – Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

I think I saw Gordon Novel here in the audience; Gordon, hello, if you’re there.

So, in other words, there are things in the larger world at large that affected this story, and again, I tried to pay as close attention to them as I could. So, I just wanted to expand a little bit on each of those three themes and then move on to the next part of this talk.

The encounters: The thing that strikes me when I reviewed the cases involved, the UFO encounters that took place, is the quantity of well-documented, just astonishing, mind-blowing encounters that took place --military cases galore; hundreds and hundreds of them.

I was fortunate in getting access to a database provided to me by the researcher and former Aerojet employee, Ron Regehr. Ron worked on… he was involved in building what was called the DSP satellite. That’s Defense Support Program satellites. A very interesting kind of satellite in which Ron argued, I think with a lot of persuasion, that they are designed perfectly to be UFO-spotting devices.

In any case, Ron was able – accidentally, but legally -- to obtain a list of DSP tracks of Fast Walkers during this period of time; in other words, Fast Walker being the code word for UFO in the upper atmosphere in space.

There were... I’m trying to recall... from 1973 to 1991 about 283, I think that’s right, Fast Walker trackings by the DSP satellites during that period of time. It’s like one every month or more, 15 a year, I believe. A couple of them were really interesting, one in which an object came in from space and did a U-turn in the vicinity of one of the satellites.

There was also a DSP tracking of a UFO during the spectacular 1976 Iranian jet fighter intercept. Many people are familiar with this and I, again, cover this at length in my book.

To make a long story short, in September 1976, over the city of Teheran – and, of course, this is back in the days of the Shah when Iran was an ally of the United States – a large number of Teheran citizens saw this very unusual object in the evening sky. They called the local airport.

The air traffic controller person at first thought it was silly, then he went out and looked [laughs] and saw exactly what people were reporting, and he called the Iranian Air Force. They sent two F-4 fighter jet interceptors in succession, and we know all about this because – we know a lot about it because – we have a very extended defense intelligence agency memo describing this in fascinating detail.

What happened is that in each case of the F-4 encounters, when they got to within a range of 25 nautical miles of this object – which they tracked on airborne radar, which they saw visually, which astonished the pilots, each of them – when they got to within 25 nautical miles, their key electronic systems went offline. In one case, right before one pilot was about to fire a missile at this object. It disabled the missile system.

It so happens that we have DSP tracking data of a Fast Walker in exactly that spot at that time -- pretty interesting confirmation, indeed.

Back to the quantity of these encounters, and what we find is just an enormous amount of unexplained events going on that any responsible researcher would have to inquire about. Forget the issue, initially, of aliens.

The biggest frustration I have when I talk to skeptics about this is that they jump ten steps ahead of the argument and they’ll say something like: Well that’s impossible because it’s impossible for aliens to come here from another planet. Don’t you know anything about astrophysics, or space travel, or the impossibility...

Well, okay. I can’t argue that and I know as well as the next person that we don’t have a way, ourselves, of getting to the nearest star; not officially.

But nevertheless, the real issue is in looking at these UFO reports and then trying to make sense out of them. Sure, it’s easy to just say it’s impossible, but the question is: What do you do with the reports? What most people do is they ignore them, of course. That’s the easy thing.

A number of other very interesting developments during these years... Abductions: I actually write quite a bit about that phenomenon, and again, I’m going to come back to that shortly.

The mutilation phenomenon: Is that or is that not related to the UFO phenomenon? I think it is. Crop circles, ditto. I think that there’s a relationship there, and all of these I tried to deal with as well as I could.

So concluding, provisionally, regarding the encounter thread of this book, there’s a lot of conclusions we can make. Let’s keep it simple: There is an overwhelming evidence for UFO reality.

To me, if I were to have the opportunity to speak to somebody on NBC or some major network, this is the message I think that I would emphasize – that let’s take one step at a time here, and the evidence is overwhelming. This was my first primary goal in putting this book together, was to lay that evidence out as persuasively as I could.

The politics: I’m going to expand a little bit on this. Let me just jump, put all of these out there and we can talk about them. There’re a lot of themes in my book that deal with what we would call the politics of UFOs. Each of the presidential administrations, I tried to deal with, I did deal with.

1973: We had Richard Nixon still in the White House. There’s some pretty good Nixon UFO – there’s one great Nixon UFO story. That’s the Nixon / Jackie Gleason story and that’s in my book.

Jimmy Carter and the whole... oh, skipping Gerald Ford through Carter, through the Reagan and Bush years -- it turns out that each of these Presidents has some fascinating connections to UFO history. So that’s one aspect of it.

Then the military/ intelligence-community-confirmed documents inform a lot of this book as well. One thing that is very clear from looking at the mass of that data is not simply that the phenomenon is real, but that they were very, very concerned about this phenomenon. [laughs]

It makes perfect sense when you’re in charge of managing security over an Air Force base and an object that you can’t identify is coming over your base, doing things that are not supposed to be possible.

For example, in the wave of airspace violations in 1975 along the northern US border into Canada, over many bases with the Strategic Air Command, triggering maximum-level alerts, sirens going, lights flashing and all of that, with objects hovering 500 feet over weapons storage facilities.

Yes, it happened and it happened multiple times during a brief period in late 1975. And we know for sure that this excited the concern of responsible agencies. We learned about this because we were at a very unique stage in American history in the late ‘70s, and that was when the Freedom of Information Act was actually kind of, sort of, useful.

Back in those days – this was the early Carter years – Jimmy Carter had a very liberal attitude about FOIA and did promote a relative amount of openness in relation to these government documents.

There’s still a great deal that was never released and, in fact, of all the Freedom of Information Act documents we have, almost none of them were of the level of Top Secret or above. The highest good ones we have are classified Secret and below. There’s a couple of documents we have that were Top Secret, and they were all excised, blacked out or whited out, so you really can’t read what’s in them.

But nevertheless, a lot of good information came out and during that period we learned about these airspace violations in the mid ’70s.

During the late ’70s, early ’80s, there’s overwhelming evidence to show that intelligence groups infiltrated UFO research organizations. They clearly did this earlier, as well, but my argument in this book is that circa 1979, 1980, there is an active effort by agencies once again to infiltrate the field, and to stir up the mud and make it essentially a lot more difficult for us to know what direction is up and what is down.

But there’s more than this. One of the things that I brought into this volume that I really did not do a lot of in my first book, because I don’t think I was there mentally myself ten years ago, is what I would now call the larger geopolitical realities.

Forget UFOs for a moment. I think that most people can now recognize that the United States President is probably not the guy in charge of the country. Okay. So we all know this. So then the question becomes: Well, who or what is? And that’s a harder question sometimes to answer.

Certainly this is not a question that I see getting raised in the standard halls of academia. I don’t see this raised in political science departments or history departments around the country or beyond. I think that they’re still stuck in a much more conventional mindset.

But the fact is, what I try to do is analyze each of the Presidencies and their relationship to the elite organizations – the infamous Bilderberg group, CFR, Trilateral, and so forth. Is there a relationship? Well, the answer is absolutely, 100% yes. Absolutely, yes. Not maybe, but yes – and this is important.

The kingmaker of the United States for the past half century easily has been David Rockefeller. You don’t get to be President until he says you are going to be President. Gerald Ford was a five-time Bilderberg attendee back in The Sixties. He didn’t just come out of nowhere to become the first unelected President in American history.

Jimmy Carter is probably, as most people in this room know, was lifted almost directly by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski and dropped into the White House. That’s really the case. [laughter] I mean, Jimmy Carter interviewed with them before he got the Democratic Nomination. They were impressed by him; they said: Yes, you’re going to be our man.

Brzezinski, of course, became his National Security Adviser, and he’s now, of course, one of the key advisers and point-men for Barack Obama. Some things never change.

The influence of the Trilateral Commission in the Carter administration was actually much commented on at the time, and 1980 presidential candidate Ronald Reagan made a lot of political capital out of this fact.

Ronald Reagan, in 1980, sounded a lot like Ron Paul did last year, believe it or not -- he really did. Ronald Reagan campaigned in 1980 against the elites, campaigned against the Council on Foreign Relations, campaigned against George Herbert Walker Bush in that regard and said in fact: That man will never be part of my administration.

Well, it so happened that Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager was one William Casey, a key leading CFR man and a close friend of the Rockefellers, and all of that changed, obviously, when Ronald Reagan selected Bush as his running mate, causing a number of long-time Reagan supporters to walk off the stage at the Republican Nomination, in fact.

A month or two after that, in September of 1980, Ronald Reagan had a pre-victory campaign party, September of ’80, and seated to his right was David Rockefeller himself. So, that’s how it all works.

I have some points, even, that I make on the assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr., son of John Hinckley Sr., who was a very close friend of George Herbert Walker Bush -- a very close friend.

Hinckley’s older brother, Scott Hinckley, that night, the night of the assassination attempt, was due to have lunch with Neil Bush, son of the Vice President -- very interesting indeed, a confluence that major media really did not delve into at all.

Okay. Moving ahead, then, to other themes... Well, before I leave this, I’ll just then say that the United States Presidency, as I argue, that the U.S. President, let me put it this way, is essentially a sales rep and his job is to sell you, really, two things these days.

The first thing that he’s got to sell you is globalization, which is a bitter pill for many Americans to swallow, so he’s got to be good at that.

And then the other pill he’s got to make you swallow is whatever new war comes down the pike, and they do this on behalf of international financial groups.

One of the other things that I will mention before moving on is that I did a brief, but I think concise, analysis of the Gulf War. It’s not a UFO event per se, but it’s important. It’s important in order for all of us to remind ourselves that we need to take the veil away and see our power structure for what it is, and the reason is that if we are interested in what we call disclosure and openness from our government, then we need to know exactly what that government is.

We can’t go through our lives rerunning our 5th grade civics class version of the government in our mind. You know that version: You vote for your member of congress – this was all on Schoolhouse Rock, if you lived through that – your member of congress, and then how a bill becomes a law, and checks and balances, let’s not forget that, and on and on and on.

That’s really not our world anymore. We’re in a different world and we need to understand the true structure of power as it exists. So, this is an important part of what I try to do in this book.

The other aspect, we’ll loosely call it under politics, would be the technological considerations. Again, asking a question which I don’t have a complete answer to this: the ours versus theirs issue, so if you see a UFO -- who made it? Did we make it? Did they make it?

It’s a hard issue always to resolve, at least in my own view. I try to look at this by understanding what was the state of our official technological achievements at certain periods in the history of this? What were the possible states of achievement in the black world [i.e., black ops], in the covert world, in trying to piece this together.

Black budget matters and privatization of the secrets also figure into my book. What is the black budget? Well I think you all know. It’s not just classified federal spending, though.

I think there’s a lot more that goes into what we call the black budget. I think there’s a great deal of what we would all call illegal money going into black budget, into what we would call Special Access Programs or Waived Special Access Programs or Unacknowledged Special Access Programs. There’s actually a whole host of other program names that I’ve come across in my research.

They have little to no – let’s say no – oversight by congress. They have little to no oversight, sometimes, by their own agencies, whether it’s the Navy, Army, or Air Force, or any of the intelligence groups. Who knows who runs some of these things?

It appears that there’s a lot of illegal money flowing through, whether that’s narco-trafficking dollars or securities fraud, stock market fraud, you know, flowing through our government like the blood in your veins.

And by privatization of the secrets, what I mean is... again, forgetting UFOs for the moment; I think it’s not hard for all of us to see how government agencies – and this is not simply the U.S. – have become completely dominated by private money. I think we can see this. And so, it’s also the case with the UFO secrets.

One of the points that I make – and some of this, not all of it, does come from a couple of sources that, unfortunately, I’m just not at liberty to say who these people are – but I’ve been given information that I think is valid. It indicates a massive runaway nature of the UFO secrets in the hands of private, semi-public, but often very private interest groups.

Certainly when you look at the Special Access Program – that whole world – the few studies that have been done on it do indicate that private contractors are the dominant partner, rather than DOD personnel, who function for their part primarily as gatekeepers for money to flow in. But the actual decisions are run by, whether it’s Boeing or Lockheed or SAIC or Raytheon or whoever is running the programs, they’re the dominant ones.

And it makes sense because -- think about it: If you’re a Pentagon Four-Star General, when you retire, who’s going to hire you? Well, those companies will, at a nice cushy job making a lot of money; and all this revolving door that goes on.

It’s also very much easier for keeping the secrets when you privatize this, because the information then doesn’t become classified -- it becomes proprietary, which is a much, much better way to keep this information from the public, and it becomes profitable, of course.

If you assume, as I do, as I’ve come to believe, that much of this involves retrieval of acquired technologies, exotic technology not manufactured by human hands, so then you’ve got this little artifact that you’ve got to study and you may not be able to duplicate it right away, but you might after ten years come up with some pretty nifty ideas on what you can do, and you’ve got a great money-maker there.

So really, the incentive for giving the secrets up becomes less and less and less over the years. So, it naturally becomes private. Of course it does.

So, the obvious conclusion – this is the kindergarten-level conclusion of the politics portions – is that there is an active international cover-up of the core of the UFO phenomenon. There’s obviously much more that I try to say regarding that. But again, if there’s a single take-away message, that would have to be it: It’s a real phenomenon and yes, Virginia, there is a cover-up.

The research... I’ll get a little bit more into this. As I say, it’s a history of UFOlogy, a fascinating bit of history. It's, in a sense, you might say that the history’s a part of the history of the development of human consciousness.

Think of it this way: We’ve had this phenomenon that’s observed us for who knows how long, right? And it’s really during, I believe, The Seventies and then The Eighties when researchers, in a sophisticated way, tried to understand who these other beings were. It’s our attempt, in a sense, to turn the tables and understand who they were.

Sure, there were researchers in The Fifties and Sixties. I don't really think that researchers in The Fifties and Sixties were quite there in asking the kinds of questions that came up in The Seventies.

Something of an intellectual revolution in UFO research took place during these years. A lot of new issues came up that hadn’t existed before. The whole concept of crash retrievals became big; there was a lot of resistance to it. It’s a story, again, that I document, the story of those people who tried to bring this issue to the fore and those who said: No, that’s a lot of nonsense.

It was a very heated issue – it still is, to a lesser extent. In The Seventies and Eighties, it was a big issue; people got very upset over it [and] the topic of abductions, probably more so.

Yes, it had been known that there were probably isolated cases of what appeared to be abductions by aliens. Everyone knew about the Barney and Betty Hill case of 1961 and a few others. But, the idea back then was: Well, don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time because if they see you, they may just take you.

What happened during The Eighties was a completely different understanding of that phenomenon. People like Budd Hopkins, foremost among them, argued: No, no, that’s not how it is at all. This phenomenon appears to be very widespread, based on my investigations, and seems even to run in families. People are repeatedly experiencing this phenomenon.

In other words, a kind of way of looking at it that, again, met a tremendous amount of resistance at the time.

The mutilation controversy really reared itself in a significant way during this period. Again, there had been some cases of ‘mutes’ in The Sixties, but they didn’t get a lot of attention until the mid ’70s and they’ve continued. Mutilation cases are disturbing, fascinating.

Crop circles, not so disturbing but equally fascinating, came up as a major topic during this period of time.

The other thing to say about the research is the effect of the Internet on research. We all know how the Internet has changed the world, and it certainly has. It also changed UFOlogy. What it really did is -- starting around 1987 -- it just caused UFOlogy to explode. That’s basically what happened.

Prior to 1987, if you were an interested researcher in that topic, your venues for expressing your ideas were very limited, basically. There were some journals that were out there with a limited distribution. You could try to create your own journal, which some people did, and have an even more limited distribution. All the journals had their own editorial policies for submission, of course. You had to be careful what you wrote. And that was about it.

Starting in 1986 and 1987, we get the very beginnings of what we now would call the Internet. Back then there was no World Wide Web, but there were newsgroups, bulletin boards, and, in fact, the earliest non-computer-programming bulletin board was dedicated to UFOs.

The UFO topic is one of the true pioneers of the Internet, and by 1987, it allowed people in this field to publish their thoughts without having to worry who was going to edit them – it just went out there. And suddenly, they were getting more readers than those people who’d submitted their articles to the MUFON UFO Journal.

Suddenly the old guard of UFOlogy lost control over this domain. You could say that’s a good thing, you could say that’s a bad thing, but that’s what happened, for better and for worse in fact, because after that, a flood of information then came out. And again, a fascinating story.

So, that’s the story of the research. And the conclusions of the book, let’s just say, roughly speaking: The phenomenon is undeniable; the cover-up is undeniable.

There’s a confrontational nature to this phenomenon. There are many of them. Militaries around the world have been chasing these things, not just the American military. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re the bad guys or that we’re the good guys – that’s a different issue. What it does mean, though, is that there is some trouble in paradise. Someone’s not getting along with someone else -- that we can say.

Abductions: In my assessment of this, there is no question there is an abduction phenomenon -- and it is NOT, as has been argued by some people, mostly notably Dr. Steven Greer -- simply a military phenomenon. In fact, I think it’s irresponsible to make this argument. There is something...[applause] Yes, you can clap for that. [applause continues]

It boggles my mind, to be perfectly candid here, that a researcher can make such a blanket statement. You have a phenomenon that’s gone on globally for a long time. You have individuals that are describing highly consistent things in terms of their abduction experiences, and I don’t know what else it can be other than a kind of religious-like zeal that can cause a person blindly to say the only abductions that occur are military. This I find indefensible, and I think that a careful review of the evidence certainly leads to that conclusion.

Another conclusion that I draw in this book is the runaway nature of the black budget and, in a sense, what I’ve come to call a Breakaway Civilization. What do I mean by that? Let me explain.

In the course of human history, we’ve had multiple civilizations coexisting at the same time. Go back a thousand years – the civilization of China was very different from the civilization of the Near East or of Europe or of North or South America.

Over the course of the last millennia, of course, these civilizations have increasingly come to merge and to interact with each other. In a sense, the story of our civilization is the coming together of these various cultures and civilizations, and yet we have this history of separate coexisting civilizations, so it’s really not a new concept.

Even during the Cold War, certainly the scientific infrastructures of the United States and the Soviet Union didn’t share their information with each other all that much, right? The Soviets had this belief in the theories of a fellow named Trofim Lysenko -- utterly absurd biological theories, but the Soviet scientists held to this as a part of state dogma through The Sixties. So my point here is that we have examples of separate scientific infrastructures.

What I’m suggesting in this book is that what we call the Black World – existing as it does with, essentially, an infinite amount of money to play with, for all intents and purposes, and an incredible amount of secrecy within which to perform what they do -- really no oversight [of] what would actually happen if after, as is inevitably the case, a couple of brilliant genius Black World scientists stumbled across a new scientific reality based on these technologies that they’re looking over? They come up with some really super-nifty ideas.

Would they share it with the rest of us? We have this idea that there’s a spin-off technology involved, but is it necessarily so?

And what happens – as always is the case with science, where one breakthrough leads to another one, which leads to yet another one – the next thing, before you know it, they’re up here and the rest of us are down here and that gap may in fact continue to increase to the point where they have the ability to do things that we would consider absolutely impossible.

They would be so different that with justice we can call them a separate, or what I call Breakaway Civilization, with a completely different understanding of certain scientific principles, and certainly a different world view, because very likely, as I believe, they’re interacting in a much more up-close and personal way with “them” [points up] than we are, so they have a different set of principles by which they live their lives.

You have to wonder how would they even be able to talk to us easily about what they know? Just as if we were to be time travelers going back a thousand years, how would we talk to people of any society of a thousand years ago? How would be able to tell them the things that we know? It might be difficult.

I think that’s something that we need to consider that’s already happened.

I’ll do a little quick glimpse into my forthcoming book, Volume 3, which I have tentatively subtitled The Fight for Disclosure, and it will cover the year 1992 to the present.

Really, nearly all of my research for that is done. It’s one reason it took this book so long, is I ended up doing research for Volumes 2 and 3 all at once, so I think it'll be a lot less time for me to do this book.

These are just, off the top of my head on the plane flying here, my thoughts on how this book is going to come together. The Internet revolution, obviously... I don’t think it needs to be again said here. What also happened in The Nineties is an explosion of reported UFO sightings. It’s incredible.

Go to the National UFO Reporting Center on the web run by Peter Davenport, and you’ll find [that] he catalogs about 5,000 UFO sightings each year. Now, most of these don’t get investigated, clearly. They’re what you’d call raw reports, but they’re pretty interesting.

I, myself, investigated two cases out of that database and I came away feeling that both of those were legitimate. I’m not saying all of these cases are legitimate, but I think a lot of them probably are.

The fact is that in our own age, it’s easier and easier now to report this. There’s no official government body that you can report this to, which is a failure of our republic – very much so – because, frankly, if you encounter what is the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen in your life, one would think there should be an agency in your government that is charged with dealing with it.

That’s why the government is supposed to be responsive to you, right? And yet there isn’t any. But yet, there are places on the Web and it’s easier and easier to report it, so there’s an enormous amount there.

There has been the release not just of some legitimate documents. Really, the glory age of freedom of information, I think, was in the late ’70s, but what we’ve had since then are continued releases of official documents, but also the release of a lot of disputed documents. These are the so-called Majestic documents – you can read all of them at the website of Ryan and Bob Wood [ ].

I think that a very good case can be made for the authenticity of many of those documents; but, the point is that they’re disputed. What that means is they’re of unknown provenance, and again, it serves to muddy the waters of this field. I think it’s important that we continue to try to do research on those documents to try to authenticate them or not.

There have been a lot of initiatives in The Nineties and in our own century toward Disclosure. I’ll deal with the Rockefeller Initiative, the whole Roswell GAO – General Accounting Office – fiasco of the early ’90s under the Clinton years.

The efforts of Dr. Steven Greer in The Nineties leading up to his press conference in 2001 are very important; the efforts of my friend, Stephen Basset, I think figure into this equation; the Sci-Fi/ John Podesta event of a couple of years ago – all of these are important.

In other words, what I think we’re seeing is very much an increase in the attempts now for citizen groups publicly to grab this issue and make major statements about the need to end the cover-up – much, much greater than had ever happened in the past; much, much more so.

There’s also a very significant part – and this conference is obviously a very strong reflection of this – is the growth of what we might call higher consciousnesses attitudes within the UFO community. Back in The Eighties and Seventies, there was a little bit of this. If you go back further to The Fifties, certainly what we could call the contactees would be considered sort of “New Agey” for their time, without a doubt.

But really, I think this is a different order of magnitude, what we’ve been experiencing through The Nineties. l think it’s probably connected with greater communication through avenues like the Internet. Certainly, it’s an important part of what’s going on, and it’s something that I’ll need to deal with in an appropriate way in my book.

The other big thing, geopolitically, is the death of the nation-state, the New World Order. Okay? This is probably the greatest unremarked-upon -- at least in the mainstream -- event of our lifetimes, at least geopolitically. Nations? I don’t even know what a nation is anymore. Do they even exist? If groups of people [are] living with the same language in an area... is that a nation?

Who's sovereign? Are you sovereign? Are we sovereign in our country? Well, we are in theory and we must continue to fight for this. In reality, our world has become something very different, and this has got to be part of any study of the UFO realities in the last 20 years because, again, we have to understand the true nature of the structure of power.

A new Exopolitics; well, maybe that’s an overly-dramatic statement. Look, any time we’re going to talk about Exopolitics – that is, the relationship of us and them -- well, those are the two variables, us and them, and we have to have a clear understanding of both of these variables to be able to talk intelligently about what we will call Exopolitics. It’s got to be done.

So, through all of this, as well, it is essential – absolutely essential – that we ask ourselves: How do we know what we know? What is our source of data? And who are we saying this to?

What I mean here is that if we’re going to be talking about other entities in the galactic civilization, we’d better damn-well back up what we say with something other than: I got this through a remote-viewed bit of information or through direct contact with an alien being.

I’m very sorry. That’s not enough. It may be enough in a private conversation with other researchers, if that’s what you believe. Everyone’s entitled to have their beliefs; I speculate all the time. But, we do ourselves a disservice as a community when we go fast and loose with this kind of thing. We’ve got to be more disciplined with how we speak to the world.

How would it be if, when you get an opportunity to say what we’re believing to a larger media organization, we go just off with this and look ridiculous? We’re not in a position where we really can afford to do that. We have to be more careful.

We can speculate, but we must distinguish between what we know and what we believe. They’re not the same. It’s not hard to do – it just means qualifying one’s statements a little bit, okay? I don’t think that’s asking too much.

Let’s look at us a little bit, let’s understand who we are. What we’ve had is a situation where we’ve been retrieving exotic technologies. Now, there’s a big statement by me, I grant. It is something that I believe I back up sufficiently in my book. There has been a great deal of information on this. Everyone knows about the Roswell case, and there have been many others, frankly.

These technologies – this is my hypothesis here, okay? – have to be kept secret. You’ve got a cold war going on back in those days – we can’t let the Russians see what we’ve got – requiring secret budgetary appropriations, i.e. the creation of a black budget.

The UFO phenomenon is almost certainly the key factor in the creation of the black budget world that we have today. Not the only one, but one of the key motivators, I think.

Privatization... I’m just going to have to run through this... runaway technological achievements: This is our secret infrastructure. That’s part of us.

Okay. When most of us – I’m excluding the present company here – but I think most people go through our lives with the assumption that we get our sources of information from, like, the media; and that would include TV, but also Internet.

We have a political system. We have an academic community in which there is a back-and-forth kind of exchange there, so that they also are responsive to us, in theory. The media, of course, we’re told: Well, they give the public what the public wants.

And the academic world, of course, is supposed to be responsive to the inherent value of truth and there’s a back and forth there. The political system’s supposed to be responsive to us: Throw the bums out, and so forth.

How is it really? Well this is how I think things have actually shaped up. The arrow’s going one way here. [referring to overhead picture] It’s going at you. And it’s not just media and the politics and the academics. There’s a corporate system in place. This is something that Exopolitical analysis doesn’t fully get.

It’s great to talk about personal transformation, but we live in a world of corporations and they don’t give a crap about personal transformation. They’re driven by profit and shareholder value. That’s all they care about. They can be driven by beautiful people who really do care about the world, but if they’re not increasing shareholder value, they’re gone.

Corporations have an iron law in which they must increase shareholder value. That is their raison d’etre. If they’re not doing that, then the CEO is gone, which means that they must behave in certain ways, and those certain ways, unfortunately, are not typically designed to increase higher consciousness among the people. They are, instead, designed to take money out of your bank account. That’s what they do!

That’s our world, and there’s a great deal of interaction between those major worlds, and there’s other branches I probably could have thought of if I had more time.

Under a rubric, though, of an elite – yes, there is an elite. I don’t know what to call them anymore. I used to call them the National Security State. Well, they’re not quite national.

They’re a little bit more than that, aren’t they? International Financial Maximum Security State... toss in Entertainment State. [Ed comment: The “elite” are the Supranational Sovereignty of an Intellectual Elite and World Bankers; this term was coined by David Rockefeller in 1991, when he thanked a gathering of the Bilderberg attendees for their dedicated efforts to conceal and cover up the truth of who the elite really are.]

If you looked at America as a room of 100 people, okay? And if there’s $100 in the room – assuming the dollar’s still worth something when we do this – one of those guys would own $40 to $45 of those dollars. That’s America. That’s the world, really. And then another guy would have another $11 bucks, and then the last 80 people would have really nothing.

So, that’s the room that has a political system; it’s got a media, it’s got all these things that make it go. It’s not hard, really, to figure out who’s going to be in the best position to manipulate all of these things for his own benefit. Obviously, it's the guy with the $40, $45 bucks.

That’s our world. It’s not complicated, and yet, of course, it’s never analyzed in this way in our mainstream media, precisely because they’re owned by that guy with the $45 bucks. [laughs] So, we have to disabuse ourselves of the notion that we have a truly open process in any way. We don’t. It’s not.

And this matters when we talk about UFO Disclosure, because doesn’t it matter, if you get Disclosure from your government, what the nature of that government is? If it’s a Republican system [i.e. Constitutional Republic] that is responsive to you, that‘s one thing, but what if it’s a proto-crypto-post-modern fascist state instead?

Well, guess what? It is! We’re not moving toward democracy, and by the way, as I said earlier today, I don’t think democracy is bad. What I think is uninformed citizens of a democracy is a very, very dangerous thing.

Are we moving toward a world of slaves and slave owners? Yes, we are. That’s the direction. Escape into your own little private Idaho, where you can play your video games and watch TV and zone out. It’s a lot more fun, frankly, than dealing with all the stuff we have to deal with. If your house is on fire, but you’re having a really wicked-cool dream, who wants to wake up [laughs] and deal with the crisis?

What is our world moving toward? We’ve decoded the human genome. We’re making amazing strides right now in the world of nanotechnology, what will be called quantum computing, artificial intelligence, creation of a super race? Maybe. Getting rid of redundant people like us? There’s that word... you hear that word a lot these days: redundant. Isn’t that scary? It scares me. People are not redundant.

So, we’re in a post-modern dystopia. We’re depleting our resources -- we all know this; threatened cascading failure of the global ecosystem [and] failing global infrastructures. Is there an endgame scenario being discussed by those people in the know? Are they planning something? Other people have discussed this earlier. I’m going to let you just ponder that one yourself.

Now let’s look at them. Who are they? How can we learn about them? This should always be at the forefront of our thinking.

Well, we can learn a little bit about them through reviewing some of the UFO sighting literature. There are many cases of people who have described... I mean, seemingly honest, very, very low-key people have said: Yes, I had an encounter with a being that... I don’t think they were human. There’s a lot of that and we can learn a lot from that.

Abduction literature, yes, also, but let’s be careful, and the only reason I say that is because when people are taken, or seem to be taken, it’s not under the best of circumstances and there certainly seems to be a lot of manipulation going on there.

Experiencers, remote viewers, yes, but we have to be very careful. Let us not be irresponsible. I’ll leave it at that because I’m running short.

Who are they? Here’re a few factors about them: They operate by stealth, at least usually. They don’t seem to be that interested in letting us deal with them in an open, public way. I think, personally, that there’s more than one group involved, with diverse agendas, probably.

According to abduction and other kinds of research, they’re highly telepathic. They have an ability to manipulate human thinking, human emotions, as do, in fact, a lot of current military covert technologies.

They appear to have some mastery over space-time. They don’t seem to have the kinds of emotional responses that we do, at least not most of the time. Do they look like us? I think some would suggest, well, maybe they do. It would be logical, if I were an alien here on Earth, if I wanted to deal with the native species, I would probably enhance or manipulate my own native humans and have them do work from me.

Where are they from? Are they from another planet? Are they from another time? Are they from another dimension? I don’t know, I don’t know, don’t know.

Are they truthful or not? Ah! Okay. Again, let’s pretend that we’re time travelers. You go back a thousand years, you talk to the most intelligent person in the world a thousand years ago, let’s say, I don’t know, some monk in an abbey who happens to be a genius. You sit down with this person for a day and you try to describe our world.

How many mental revolutions is that person going to be able to handle before they just say: I can’t take it. Okay? Probably not too many. Tell them that the Earth goes around the sun, or that there are these little things called viruses, or, you know, all kinds of technological capabilities. There’s only a certain amount that a person can handle.

If they’re coming here to deal with us, I think it’s reasonable to assume that they’re not telling us everything, either.

Did they create us? Did they manipulate us? Did they enhance us? If so, do they see us as their investment? Do they see us as their property? How long has this been going on?

There’re fallacies involved here. Here’s a fallacy: If they’re so technologically advanced, they must have solved their major social, economic, and political problems. You hear this a lot. I hear it a lot. I don’t buy it at all.

Again, we go back in time. Let’s say all of us go back, with our iPods, and our cell phones, and maybe a couple of laptops. It doesn’t matter where we go. We meet some people of a thousand years ago and they look at this laptop and they’re like: Whoa, man, that’s cool! For you to have gotten to this level, you must have solved all of your social, economic, and political problems! [laughter]

And then, right, we would look at each other, we’d say: Well, okay, you take care. Oh, and keep that on “safety”, you know. Whatever. [laughter]

Okay? They may not have either. In fact, when you really think about it, if you look at the species that we know of on Earth, it’s only the highest intellectual species – us – that has the ability to be sadistic, that tortures. Maybe the higher up the ladder you go, the greater the range, from the angelic to the truly demonic? And, again, maybe that’s the case with them. I don’t know.

Are they ready to welcome us with open arms to the cosmos? This is a statement, I admit... This is what Dr. Steven Greer actually, literally, said at Barcelona a couple of months ago. I watched it on YouTube thinking: W-h-a-a-t? I’m sorry. I beg to differ. I beg to differ. [applause]

There’s a Disclosure Paradox here: It’s impossible, it can never happen, but it’s inevitable.

Let’s talk about some of the fallout of Disclosure. These are some, and certainly not all, of the issues that a true Disclosure’s going to have to deal with: Why have we been chasing them? Why is this confrontation going on? How have you been able to keep this secret, Mr. President? What does that say about the structure of our secrecy?

Oh, that’s going to be a lot of fun to talk about.

What are all these secret programs about? Is there a secret space program? That might a tough one for the President or any other responsible agency to discuss. Yeah, we actually are going off-world, people, and we’ve been going to Mars and the Moon for “x” number of years.

You know, a lot of people might be a little upset about that, having paid for a program that they may not have known about and might have wanted some control over.

And then, dealing with who these other beings are may not be an easy issue, understanding why they’re interested in us.

There will be challenges -- I guarantee you -- to the structures of power in this world, politically, finance, industry; all of these. I will not have time to go through these. This was an expansion of what I was just telling you.

I will just pause here, though: Their interest in us. Why are they interested in us? Well, it’s not that hard for me to see this one. This is an easy one.

A hundred years ago we had horses pulling carts. That was our world one hundred years ago. We’re now at the verge of having your computer be as intelligent as you are. This is the latest from AI experts. In ten years, they say, your computer will have the full computational power of one human brain. That’s a major milestone.

And of course, once they achieve that, they’re going to surpass that. You’ll wake up and you’ll chat with your computer. Your computer will sound like a person except, well, it’ll be a little bit smarter than us, you know? Do a quadrillion number of calculations per second or pull any data off the Internet like that [snaps fingers], so... a really good personal assistant.

Let’s hope they don’t pull a Terminator, or Matrix, or an I, Robot on us.

The point that I’m making is that we’re about to reinvent our whole civilization. Other intelligent species that are looking at this must be able to know this. They must be able to know that we are about to leap into their world. We’ve actually been in their world all along; we’ve only been asleep. Now, it is time for us to wake up.

Many, many, many Disclosure problems – where do you want to start? How do you undo a lie this big without angering so many people, without threatening your own status?

Think back just a little more than two decades ago to Gorbachev and his glasnost which, six years later, ended the Soviet Union. The spiral of reform became too much. It just got out of his control. You start talking about openness, and suddenly, the Baltic States say: Great, we don’t want to be in your country anymore. Remember how you took us over in 1940? Oh yeah, that. Right. We’re gone. Okay.

So, what would happen after 60-plus years of the UFO secret? Would there be a spiraling out of control? It might start off real manageable; it might not end that way. Would there be vigilantes? Let’s get the aliens. You’re an alien.

What if we got free energy? Everyone talks about free energy like it’s going to be the greatest thing. What if it isn’t? We used to have free energy – it was called oil. Oil, I mean, for all intents and purposes was free for a long time and we did things with oil that really weren’t all that heartwarming to the Earth.

Now, it’s true that with free energy, we might not have to hack down the whole global ecosystem. You might be able to heat your home forever for free, I guess. You might be able to make a really neat bomb, too, and blow up the Pacific Ocean with that same source of energy, if it’s not tightly controlled. I don’t know.

There’re a lot of possibilities here. The Fire of Prometheus can be good and bad, and again, I’m not arguing that we shouldn’t move ahead. We have no choice. History is bigger than we are. Read Tolstoy, he’ll prove it to you – history is bigger. Things are going to happen and we’re going to get it. It’s going to happen, but it may not be fun. It may not be easy.

And in the short term, all right, if we discover through the secrets that, well, there’s a better version of petroleum, we don’t need that – hey, that’s great. Steel? Pfff. Awesome... we’ve got this nano-tektite, whatever. Electronics?

Well, okay. In the long run, this is fabulous; in the short run, it will mean major financial disruptions. How long will that last? Ten years? More? It won’t be fun, or it may not be fun, certainly not for those elites who may own those industries.

But, it may not be fun for us, either. It’s going to be a bumpy ride, and nevertheless, it will happen. They can’t stop this. You can’t stop history. The pace of change is so rapid, it’s so revolutionary -- it will not be stopped.

Bill Joy, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems, was very concerned, is concerned, over the runaway nature of Artificial Intelligence, and is afraid of a kind of Terminator-like scenario, or some other equally-bad thing that may happen, and for a number of years, has been calling to other executives to try to slow down or even stop the development of advanced AI.

It’s impossible. It’s spitting into the wind; you can’t win. There’re always going to be forces that will... Let’s tweak this program here; we’ll fix this software here. It’s going to happen, and it’s the same with Disclosure.

We’re in a very unstable period of our history, it’s like everything’s bouncing around. That is exactly my view of the type of environment in which some monumental mistake will occur in which the secrets will come out in some way. I don’t know how. I don’t know what the trigger will be, but it’s going to happen. When, I don’t know either. I predict within ten years.

Now, when it happens, there’s going to be attempts, you know this, to control the spin. Okay? It’s going to happen, and so it’s going to be our job, the job of any responsible researcher – and your job -- to ensure that that does not happen.

We’ve got to make sure that the actual truth comes out, even if it’s horrible, even if it’s horrible – especially if it’s horrible. There’s no other way we’re going to be able to deal with the reality, until we learn the full import of what is going on.

At the bottom here, I see not one enemy, but maybe two, maybe several. By that, I mean the enemy isn’t just the national security state which has been hiding this information from us for all these years... they are a problem to deal with.

But, there may be some extraterrestrial, or interdimensional, or non-human intelligences that may not be working toward our best interests. If we don’t acknowledge that, at least as a distinct possibility, I think we’re fools.

We have to, even if their intentions may not be bad. What happens to indigenous cultures when they encounter a highly-technically-proficient society? We know. It may be in the long run [that] things get better for them. I don’t know. You can decide that for yourself, but the point is that we have to be vigilant against a variety of fronts here.

Hope and fear: Fear is an enemy. We know this because when we are afraid, we react irrationally to things, we don’t think through. Hope is an enemy, too, though. That sounds kind of wrong, doesn’t it? Everyone likes to have hope: Don’t give up hope. But, here’s the problem with hope: Hope also deludes.

We need to have a cold eye. We have to be able to look at reality in as alert and awake a fashion as we can. This is why I love the title of this conference: Awake and Aware. That is exactly right.

What is true higher consciousness? Well, it starts with awareness, with seeing things as they are, not as you want them to be, not as you hope they can be – you have to see them as they are. It is only through going over that first large hurdle, I feel, that we can really attain a true higher consciousness, a true awareness in which we are awake, not asleep.

Kerry often writes in her emails: Awaken the dreamer! I think that is exactly the attitude that we all must have. We’ve been in a dream state and we have to wake up.

That’s everything. Thank you very much. [applause]

If you have any questions, you can go to my website: [] [applause continues]

Wow. Thank you. Thank you very, very much. [applause continues]

I just want to say that I have, unfortunately, a limited number of books here. I will be at my table in the back, right outside there, and if you are interested in the new book, I have it. I’ll be glad to sign it for you. If I run out, they’re easily available on my website or through

Thanks very much. [applause]

KC: Richard, thank you.

BR: Thank you so much!

RD: Thank you.

[applause continues]

Click here for the video interview

**Transcript provided by the hard-working volunteer members of the Divine Cosmos/ Project Camelot Transcription Team. All the transcripts that you find on both sites have been provided by the Transcription Team for the last several years. We are like ants: we may be hidden, but we create clean transcripts for your enjoyment and pondering.**