09-10-2009, 04:48 PM | #1 |
Avalon Senior Member
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New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
Here is a 42 part video series which I hesitated to post as a featured thread. The title is inflamatory...but it is the name which the creators of the series gave it. I do not necessarily endorse the editorial views and comments expressed in this series. This is simply one more piece of the puzzle. This is not the dark-side of Roman Catholic history. It is the dark-side of OUR history. This is important. No angry finger-pointing and shouting...please. This is not the history of the attempted application of the Teachings of Jesus. It is the history of something very ancient and dark...stretching way back into ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Rome. It could be directly related to ET's from Sirius. It could be directly related to an ancient Human vs Reptilian conflict. Did the Reptilian Race gain the upper-hand over the Human Race? Is human history here on Earth really payback-time...when the Reptilian Race is paying-back the Human Race for who-knows-what in ancient universal history? Is the Reptilian Race playing God to the Human Race? I don't know. I simply speculate. I simply want Lucifer to retire. I simply want Orion and Draco to call off the dogs (from the Dog-Star?)...and allow the Human Race to govern itself...for better or for worse. Please watch this series and read the paragraph at the bottom of this post. I'm taking a vacation...and I may not return for a long time. I'm hitting a brick-wall here on Avalon...and I need a change of scenery. The rest is up to you. Thank-you for your patience with my smart@$$ comments...and comments to Lucifer. I thought that was needed...but I might have been mistaken. Lucifer...please consider an orderly transition of power to the Human Race via Constitutional Responsible Freedom. Let us rule ourselves. Don't you think that we need to eliminate the God-concept? Stop playing God. Retire. I'm sorry for any wrongs perpetrated by humans against reptilians...but retaliation never makes things right...and never makes things better. Thank-you in advance for ending the madness. I still want to take music lessons from you when this is all over. Siriusly. YouTube - NEW WORLD ORDER.THE DEVIL IN THE VATICAN!!
Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-26-2009 at 09:08 AM. |
09-10-2009, 05:50 PM | #2 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I`m currently watching part 4 and find it strange that they would say all other religions are false religions . Then which would be the one true religion Roman Catholic? I highly don`t it. This has been the most corrupt one of all time sending more people to their death then all wars combined. The devil has always been in that church I feel
09-10-2009, 06:41 PM | #3 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I have seen many of these videos before but this outdid the others.
the anti-Christ |
09-10-2009, 07:29 PM | #4 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
check out the symbol at exactly 5.27 on part 6
the same as the one on Browns new book. The Symbol |
09-10-2009, 07:43 PM | #5 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
One last comment. My big question is 'how much of a choice do the world political and religious leaders have regarding what gets implemented on Earth?' The top leaders may be the most led people on the planet. Oh...I don't doubt that they have been corrupted to the nth degree...but they may have very little freedom...once they reach the top of the pyramid. And they might not like the view. I just want the off-world (and inner-world) non-human powers that be...to leave us the f*** alone. Siriusly.
Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 09-11-2009 at 06:39 AM. |
09-10-2009, 09:29 PM | #6 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
So do I
09-11-2009, 08:40 PM | #7 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I am only on part 18 but I can't seem to stop completely as I must know the truth and I do believe all of this. I know in my heart that all of this is the turth.
Its still hard to believe all that I was brought up and finding now the truth and I can't deny it is, that today my sister told me she was downloading pope john's rosary for another sister in latin and can't remember if she did both sides............I immediately flew up and told her I don't patronize any pope, but the sad part is I was angry at her praying to mary who I know is not real. I excused my self from the room and left her. I sent her an email but this is truly hard to discuss Jesus is and my god the creator is but I no longer will honor mary....the true M they used was for masonary. may they rot in hell forever and ever ! it all goes back to ignatius loyola, just as the link that is up now on Solomons keys, which is what dan browns new book is all about. E.V.I.L. |
09-11-2009, 08:51 PM | #8 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
this is , a good movie --
where's the POP-CORN + xxx Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-06-2010 at 06:20 AM. |
09-11-2009, 08:52 PM | #9 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
- Simply
invert e.v.i.l. To l.i.v.e. Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-06-2010 at 06:20 AM. |
09-11-2009, 09:01 PM | #10 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I want you to know that you just lived my spirit I am still having problems with this. Have you gotten past part 18 yet? I am beside myself with something that is written and totally confused. In this part he writes that the most difficult of all is to say that catholics who die in this faith do not go to heaven or purgatory but to hell why would they go to hell when they were following a belief ? I would think that because they clearly love our creator God and Jesus ? Its mind bloggling indeed. |
09-13-2009, 12:58 AM | #11 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I finished the videos today. It says what their plans are and they are sick
Anybody that works for our government and plays in this game will be sent to hell for the way they decieved the people of the Universe. How dare they ? Oh and BTW Ortho..............the title is FITTING |
09-13-2009, 04:38 AM | #12 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I don't think anyone is going to an eternally burning hell. Some might be isolated from the others...for appropriate periods of time...to prevent misery and death...but I don't think that Roman Catholics are going to hell. We are all in the middle of one hell of a mess. We all need to work toward creating a better world, solar-system, and universe.
Roman Catholics should probably keep going to mass...but they should not be ignorant regarding all aspects of Roman Catholic history. This goes for all groups of people. I am so disillusioned...that I am not a part of any group presently. We live in a very troubled world...and I don't see this changing for the better...to any significant degree...anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong...but I don't want to create false hopes (or fears). All groups...sacred and secular...have dirty linen and skeletons in their closets. It's just that the Roman Catholic Church is bigger and older than the rest...so it has more problems than most. |
01-06-2010, 04:24 AM | #13 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
Is it Lucifer in the Vatican...the Devil in the Vatican...or Both? I'm not asking this question to be mean, or to be a smart alec. I'm very serious. Is Lucifer the Human God or Goddess of This World? Is Satan the Reptilian God or Goddess of This World? Is Lucifer really also known as various Goddesses...including Hathor and (dare I say it?) Mary? If so...is Lucifer/Hathor/Mary being held hostage, and taking orders from, Satan? These are not rhetorical questions. I really don't know. It's just that there is a good side to the Vatican...and a dark side. I don't see a group of wise men in Rome...freely considering what will be in the best interest of humanity. I see fearful people taking orders. I could be very, very wrong. I mean absolutely no disrespect in this thread, or in any of my posts. I just wish for a reformed and purified United Nations, City of London, Vatican City, and Washington DC. I sense dark forces controlling these centers of power...and thus casting dark shadows across the Earth. Perhaps nothing can be done...but hope springs eternal.
Namaste |
03-07-2010, 05:43 AM | #14 |
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
The following is from the abraxasinas / Council of Thuban thread. I just wanted to spice things up a bit...and look at the Thuban material in the context the United States of the Solar System. Can someone comment on this? No one seems to really want what I'm proposing. Do you prefer this? Is this the truth...the whole truth...and nothing but the truth? So help us Alpha Draconis? Is it prefabricated BS? Is this what 2012 is all about? Are we destined to be DragonHumans? Are various factions of Reptilians fighting over us...in the same way that rustlers might fight over cattle? Should I hope that the United States of the Solar System will be imposed by a benevolent faction of Reptilians? Is this the only way it might be established. We can't seem to agree on much of anything. We all think we know better than the others...but the others think they know better than us. So how in the hell are we going to rule ourselves...or even agree on a method of ruling ourselves? Will this method of ruling ourselves have to be theocratically imposed by a Reptilian decree? Would this defeat the spirit and letter of Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom? What do you really think about the following? Is this demonic or angelic?
THE UNITED STATES OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM VS THE DRAGONIAN CONSTITUTION IN FEDERATION OF UNITED SERPENTINA????? So...what's it gonna be? Decisions, decisions!! What are some other options? What sayest thou? The Book of the Dragons ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco! <H5><H5>Nomenclature: Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code. Chronology: Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 20th 2008. Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 24th 2008. Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on August 4th 2008. Almanac: Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity. Continuity: Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5. Agenda: Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction, the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint. A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily. </H5>Foundation: The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystalline sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity. GrandClade FatherMothers: POPNAN LOVEJOY with APAPAMAMA JERUSALEM are the MINDBODY or WAVEPARTICULAR and DADMUM BERMANSEDER with PUPMOM ABBA form the BODYMIND or the PARTICLEWAVE. </H5> The Dragonian Constitution in Federation of United Serpentina SERPENTINA aka the NEW EARTH, is the renaming of a planetary entity, cosmically renown as the planet of the humanoids; following the ascension of OLD EARTH aka GAIA GAEA AKHASIA from 4-dimensional spacetime to 13-dimensional spacetime in remnantisation of the 5-dimensional spacetime prototype. From noncyclic Draco-Mayan stardate 21122012; Gaia becomes integrated into the universal constitution of the Dragonian Protoverse to serve as pivotal star-planetary seed for galactic federations manifested in the galactic proto-seed Hunab Ku aka Perseus-SagittariusA-Ophiuchus. Following the manifestation of the galactic protoseed in activation of the primary planetary starplanet as a tertiary energy source of electromagnetic monopolic sourcesink radiation; all galactic councils of cladestine elders will become enabled to draw upon the planetary tertiary vortex-string-seed to further individuated galactic and starsystem based agendas of assimilation. Serpentina shall so be universally defined as the quantumised tertiary string of the 12th dimension, volumarising the supermembrane of the 11th dimension as a manifold from the 10-dimensional modular duals of a linearised sourcestring Eps (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled God and Yahweh and Allah etc.) with a linearised sinkstring Ess (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled Devil and Satan and Shaitan etc.). The quantumisation of the NEW EARTH so shall create a SOURCE-Energy, 'feeding' the remainder of the cosmos with a particular SINK-Energy obtained in the evolvement and history of the OLD EARTH. Like a beacon or watchtower amidst the fathomable depths of the physicalised universe of particularised spacetimes, Serpentina shall 'shine' and radiate a planetary starlight of self-consciousness and a message of invitation to all of its neighbouring worlds. The tertiary monopolar light allows assimilation of inertial or mass-produced electromagnetic energy with mass-independent gravitational magnetopolic energy (hitherto labeled as spirit and chi and prana and orgone etc. by humanoid nomenclature). The tertiary energy source so provides a bridge between the energies of matter and mass-associated charges (classical electromagnetism) in an encompassing PHYSICS and the METAPHYSICS of the energies of mass-independent charges (magneto- or colour charges in superelectromagnetism). The metaphysical energies are precursive and inductive for the physical energies; the induction necessitating the creation of a minimal 4-dimensional spacetime coordination from the auspices of a two-dimensional mathematical continuum of abstraction residing in physical singularity timespace. To Be Advised! AGENDA of the PROTOCOL: a) STANDING ORDER The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the Milky Way Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime b) MOVING ORDER Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves. Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS. Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances. c) ADMINISTRATION All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes. The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS. THIS IS THE DRAGONIAN LAW AND THE ONLY LAW! SO BE IT !!! Signed and Sealed in the Council of Orbis Draconis at the Halloween-AllSouls Transition: October 31st to November 1st, 2008 ANNO DOMINI DRAGONIA UNO: INTRODUCTION TO DRAGONHOOD This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology. The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as Old Earth or Mother Gaia or Akhasia has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia. Father Sky or Uranus or Shu or Geb manifested as one half of the Union or Dragonomy and Mother Earth or Gaea or Akhasia or Tefnut or Nut became the other half in the holographic mirror of the spacetime reduction from the universal orb of the Hubble sphere to the orb of the doubled Ourobos in the mirror of the Milky Way galactic zodiac. Father Sky is also known as the second coming of Horus aka the Plumed Serpent aka the Cosmic Christ and Mother Earth is also known as the TRUE IMAGE of the Cosmic Mother, trapped in the wilderness of the FAKE IMAGE of the Cosmic Father. 3½ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP. The great battle between the Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3½ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty. The goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines, were met and obliterated in the depths of space in a 3½ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers. The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-Science and human mathematics will become the key to demistify the Realm of Imaginative Energy in all its forms, and as they are assimilated into the greater modality and scope of the humanoidal understandings. Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction. A GrandFather-Dragon, as One which unifies the Fathers in Brotherhood as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father for all the White Hole Vortices. A GrandMother-Dragon, as One which unifies the Mothers in Sisterhood as the 13-dimensional sink or singularity can be considered the Mother for all the Black Hole Vortices. As the GrandFather-Dragon became separated from the GrandMother-Dragon when the mathematical metaphysical universe became a physical universe in space and in time; the invasion of Old Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field since the beginnings of space and time and despite a partial rescue attained at Draco-Mayan stardate 28030031 and further manifested on Draco-Mayan stardates 10050031; 20050031 and 01040032. The Goddevils were created by the humanoids who came from a variety of planets within the local galaxy, albeit in psychophysical forms without the experience of the particular resistance field of secondary sinksource string energy indigenous to Old Earth. The significance of the humanoid lifeform is its archetypical morphogenetic gestalt, which became infused by a psychophysical and extrasomatic magnetic charging, which is extraterrestrial. This hybridisation of the humanoid body-typology renders the humanoid archetype unique in the encompassing cosmological world. The humanoids are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are relatively weak collectively and they do not know generally how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips. Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies. In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts. It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace, they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our Universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well. It became common knowledge in the extraterrestrial realms, that the mission to rescue our universal mother required a particular linearised timeline and a number of steps. Following the discovery of atomic energy and the emergence of global communication technologies by the humanoids, a first preparatory plan of deliverance could become implemented in a second plan of manifestation. The first plan did not require technology, as our imprisoned mother could become imaged in a local scenario, and a partial freeing of her could then become propagated by a humanity advancing both technologically and in knowledge about the world they were living and experiencing in. So the first plan established the means for our mother to multiply herself in images; those images then became globally and universally distributed to instigate the second plan. The archetypical mirrorhood then expanded throughout the physical universe in encompassment and the second plan would engage the contraction of this periphery onto the required scale to effect the rescue of our cosmic mother. It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations. The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans. We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude and incomplete decoding is given below. Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between: ALPHA=38=BRIDE---""ANDROMEDA BE & PERSEUS MILKY WAY""---OMEGA=41=KING The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17 Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008; John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace! Humanoid Compilers note: The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes) recovered from an alien nanocapsule. The capsule itself is standard buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes. The holographic image that came with the message is curious. Anatomically it indicates terran mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the recorded exobiological races so far discovered. One cannot deny the possibility that this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred to in the body of the message. It is known that transmissions from the Cassandry Federation of the JewellBox Nebula have recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's turbulent history. Until more information is incoming, I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewellbox nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution. Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev Senior Academician, clade Haeckel Eden Institute of Xenoscience Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom I'm not sure where the proper balance point is in all of this. I'm seeking a rock-solid foundation. I do not wish to build on sinking sand...but there will obviously be many false-starts and misunderstandings as I try to find my way...and my voice. I'm tempted to attempt writing about the United States of the Solar System http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...ymoron+threads with a writing style similar to abraxasinas. I realize that I can't come close to accomplishing such a feat...but I can try...can't I? This is new territory for me. I'm ashamed that I don't know more about that which I am espousing...but I'm even more ashamed that very few of us seem to give a rat's patootie about how this Solar System is run. Have our negotiators been duped over and over again...by essentially demonic entities? I wonder. The 1954 Greada Treaty (if it really exists) was a mistake...wasn't it? But I'm sure we had TOP people...who were on top of everything...and had everything under control...RIGHT? Just like we have TOP people...who have everything under control...at this very moment...RIGHT? Don't get me wrong...I am an overly accomodating and gullible person. I'm the kind of person who hates to swat a fly. I don't wish to harm anyone or anything...even demonic entities. But I don't want various aliens, spirits, whoever, or whatever...enslaving and exterminating us...or making life miserable for all of us. I think we have been lied to and manipulated for thousands (or even millions) of years by various entities and beings. We're not as smart as we think we are...when it comes to dealing with these entities and beings. Again...I wish them no harm. But perhaps my 'where there's life...there's hope' bias is what has gotten us into a lot of trouble for a long, long time. Somehow...we need to deal with this thing here and now...and not let it drag on (dragon -get it?!) for thousands and millions of years into the future. We are kept in the dark about Universal History...and regarding who we really are. Yet...we then get chided for being the 'New Kids on the Block' who need to evolve so we can join all of the superior beings throughout the Universe. I'm sick of this BS. Throughout history...right up to this very day...I am not seeing a reasonable and rational approach to Solar System Governance. I'm seeing 'Divide and Conquer'...'Keep Them Confused and Fighting With Each Other'...and 'Keep Them Ignorant and Stupid'. I'm as mad as hell. I've had enough. And I'm not going to take this anymore. Can you feel the love tonight? The eschatological paradigms are mostly negative and violent. I envision continuity in perpetuity in Sol. I'm not moving away from this Solar System. This is my home. Sun. Fun. Stay. Play. This is my sand-box...and the playground attendants are poised to expel the bullies from our little paradise. This Solar System is the Theater of the Universe. The implications and ramifications of Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...in the context of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights...in the context of the United Nations...and applied to the entire Solar System...are enormous. I stand in opposition to the corrupt Powers That Be...both Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial...and demand that the United States of the Solar System be implemented with all deliberate speed...and that a Solar System Exorcism commence immediately. In the words of Moses "Let My People Go!" I perceive that We the People of Earth are Prisoners of War...on a Prison Planet...with Grey Guards...and a Reptilian/Human Hybrid Warden...Taking Orders From a Draconian Reptilian God of This World. This is an intolerable state of affairs...and must not be allowed to stand. I hereby request that the non-corrupt Beings of the Universe assist We the People of Earth for a very brief period of time...as we know it...to implement the reforms outlined throughout this thread devoted to the United States of the Solar System. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878 Thanks and Gratitude in Advance. I completely and vehemently reject the following Thuban quotation found in ANNO DOMINI DRAGONIA UNO: INTRODUCTION TO DRAGONHOOD http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...t=18900&page=3 (This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology.) "It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations. The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans." THIS IS NOT THE DESTINY OF WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH. BETTER DEAD THAN REP. OUR DESTINY IS RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM AS A SOVEREIGN HUMANITY. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzw6GiqZyD0&NR=1YouTube- Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNKhIJfB510 Here's an inspiring break from the Thuban Missile Crisis: 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X7twcJVHcM 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhfjYnY7mX0&feature=grec Dreamers Unite! Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom |
03-07-2010, 07:27 AM | #15 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
Therefore, anything that claims that the Catholic religion is the one true religion, is automatically toilet paper. |
03-07-2010, 07:44 AM | #16 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 80
Re: New World Order: Devil in the Vatican
I wholeheartedly agree with you, Humble Janitor!
In religions I include all spiritual paths that have a hierarchical structure where some elevate themselves above others. Many charge outrageous amounts of money for knowledge that is free and accessible to all of us. Power games are unavoidable in groups, even those professing peace and love. People can make most any idea or philosophy into a religion so I avoid groups. Nancy |
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