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Old 11-06-2008, 06:36 AM   #1
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Default Remote Healing with Intention

Intention Experiments
Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment and sponsor of the associated experiments, talked about the power of intention to alter lives and change the world.

McTaggart's extensive research of numerous scientific studies involving 'spiritual healing' has led her to conclude that the human mind has the capacity to change physical matter. As an example, she cited Elisabeth Targ's study, which examined the effects of distant healing and prayer on a group of patients with AIDS.

McTaggart reported on the results of her initial intention experiment. In this experiment, she instructed a group of 16 experienced meditators in England to direct their intentions to four remote targets (two kinds of algae, a jade plant and a human volunteer -- all under stress) located in physicist Fritz-Albert Popp's laboratory in Germany. According to McTaggart, Popp and his team measured a change in the amount of light being given off by the targets during the times intentions were sent by the meditators.

McTaggart provided details on an intention experiment developed by psychologist Gary Schwartz, in which a group of 400 conference attendees were asked to focus their intentions on increasing the biophoton emissions of one of two geranium leaves. Using sensitive CCD cameras, Schwartz found a significant difference in the amount of light being given off from the target leaf, she said. McTaggart also discussed her web-based intention experiments, as well as Schwartz's upcoming 'ecosphere' experiment.
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:40 AM   #2
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Default Re: Remote Healing with Intention

Salk’s Fred H. Gage on Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain

Despite the fact that the human brain is composed of some 100 billion neurons, it’s always been easy to imagine that this number is somehow fixed at birth—that we’re born with our full complement of neurons and then it goes downhill from there. Certainly these neuronal cells will not divide, as other cells do. Not with their enormously extended axons, and tree-like dendrites averaging a thousand synaptic connections each. So how would an adult brain ever add new neurons, and how would it possibly wire them successfully into such an unimaginably complex system?

Ever since the mid-1980s, with the discovery of new neurons in the brains of adult songbirds, this question of adult neurogenesis has been one of the most controversial areas in biology. Among the issues neuroscientists have struggled to understand is not just the how and why of this neuronal birth and development in the adult brain, but how this capacity might be enlisted and enhanced to repair trauma and age-related nerve damage in humans.

“The nervous system has the capacity for self-repair,” says Fred H. Gage of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California. “I hope to understand how this occurs normally and to learn about the molecular, cellular, and environmental factors that control it.”

Photo: Manuello Paganelli

In the past decade, no single researcher has had a hotter track record or more influence in the study of neurogenesis than neurobiologist Fred H. Gage of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the University of California, San Diego. Gage currently ranks second in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Web product listing of the hottest researchers in neuroscience & behavior, with more than 10,000 total citations. He also has the single highest citation average per paper of anyone in the field as tracked by ESI—averaging some 90 citations for each of over 100 articles since 1995. At this writing, Gage’s seminal paper, "Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus," published in Nature Medicine in November 1998, has alone racked up nearly 900 citations in just seven years (see the table below).

Gage, 54, did his undergraduate research at the University of Florida, and then earned his doctoral degree in neuroscience in 1976 from Johns Hopkins University. He spent the next four years at Texas Christian University before heading off to Sweden to work with Anders Björklund at the University of Lund in 1981. In 1985, Gage returned to the U.S. to become an associate and then a full professor at UC San Diego. Since 1995, he has also been a professor in the Laboratory of Genetics at the Salk Institute.

Gage spoke to Science Watch from his Salk office in La Jolla.

Why has it always been so hard for people to people to believe that the adult brain could give rise to new neurons?

First of all, neurons are very complex cells—long branches, receiving hundreds of thousands of connections. The idea that confused people is how something as complex as a neuron could undergo cell division. This idea was not well integrated with the emerging notion that maybe some primitive cells remained and that those were doing the dividing. That was part of the problem. The other roadblock was that there were several prominent statements in the literature contending that adult neurogenesis couldn’t happen, because the brain and structures like the hippocampus need to be stable for memory to be stable. If new brain cells were added, that would make it hard to store long-term memories. It was a loose statement, but it resonated with many people. The long-standing model for the brain was a computer, and this model required that the brain be hard-wired. This idea that there was re-wiring going on was not consistent with that computer model, and the data for structure changes in the adult brain weren’t that strong anyway. The methods were not definitive, so we spent a lot of time on methods trying to convince ourselves that it was true.

How did you, in fact, convince yourself that neurogenesis was going on in adult brains?

Among the important elements that helped convince us of this phenomenon were the application of the molecule BrdU—immunocytochemistry, combined with confocal microscopy and quantitative stereology to the measurement of neurogenesis led by Georg Kuhn when he was a post-doc in my lab. In addition, and equally important, was switching the environment of the mice we studied. We let these animals grow up in little mouse cages as they normally do, and then, when they were adults and were matched for sex, age, genetic background, etc, we took half of them out and put them in this big complex environment and let them stay there for 45 days. Then we just asked simply, are there any changes in the numbers of neurons in the hippocampus? We found this very big effect, and that was the paper we published in Nature in 1997 with Gerd Kempermann, who was then a post-doc in my lab. [See table, paper #3.]

We also knew that we had to find out whether or not this phenomenon was really occurring in primates. And I knew that some people were looking in monkeys and that the results were pretty controversial. So I got together with all the post-docs in the laboratory, some with a clinical background, and we noted that this experiment is being done in humans all the time. The data are there. I’ve mentioned this certain molecule, BrdU, which is sometimes used in cancer patients to mark tumors. Any cell undergoing cell division will incorporate it. Pathologists used to give a single dose of BrdU in various forms of cancer so they could then do biopsies and see how rapidly the tumors were developing. From deceased patients, you could get brain sections and see how the tumors had progressed. BrdU could be seen in the brain because it easily passes through the blood-brain barrier, but it wasn’t very convincing. What was needed was fresh tissue. So after we had this discussion, some of the physicians working in my laboratory went back to their own countries and linked up to clinical trials in order to obtain fresh tissue. This was done, for example, by Peter Eriksson, who went back to Gothenburg, Sweden, and worked with medical staff there to get fresh tissue from deceased patients. He and the others would send brain sections back to San Diego for us to work on, and this is how we showed that neurogenesis occurs in humans. That was an important finding for us, because it showed that this phenomenon could be generalized to other species. It happened in mice, in cats, in primates, and in people. All species so far examined. There was this proliferative event occurring in the hippocampus that gave rise to new neurons.

Did that put an end to the controversy?

Between that and the environmental-enrichment story, it got to be a very hot issue in neuroscience. By that point, several of the researchers who had been very critical of this phenomenon had taken to using this BrdU methodology and convinced themselves that neurogenesis actually did occur. A couple of the key papers were by skeptics, and when they came out in favor, that turned the tide. There was also a controversy about the cortex, and whether neurogenesis was going on there. By virtue of everyone looking at that very, very carefully to see whether or not it occurred in the cortex, it became clear that it certainly did occur in the hippocampus.

So does it occur in the cortex also?

So far we haven’t seen it under normal conditions. It’s been claimed in other areas as well, and we’re not saying that it doesn’t happen at very, very low frequency or under damaged conditions, but we haven’t seen it. I’m still open to the idea, however, since we’ve shown that even cells from the spinal cord can be induced to become neurons after being cultured and transplanted to the hippocampus, and there’s no neurogenesis going on naturally in the spinal cord. So our conclusion is that there are neural stem cells all over the brain and in the spinal cord, but they don’t give to rise to neurons under normal conditions because the local environment doesn’t provide them with the appropriate cues.

Can other adult stem cells give rise to neurons, or just these neural stem cells?

This is the plasticity issue that gets a lot of attention, and it’s one that’s been claimed but not proven—that stem cells, particularly from the blood, can give rise to brain or other kinds of tissues. That was a very popular idea, and it would be wonderful if it’s true. But it’s confused by the phenomenon, which has been observed, of fusion. That means that a stem cell can fuse with a somatic cell. Its nucleus would be in the same cell. If that happens, then proteins could be made from the stem cell in the somatic cell, and you would get this confusing picture in which a neural stem cell or blood stem cell appears to give rise to a neuron, when in fact it’s just fused to it and expressing the same proteins. In the last couple of years people have had to take that into consideration any time they evoke the concept of pluripotentiality of somatic cells. Thank goodness, it put this whole idea of stem-cell plasticity into a much more cautious light. It’s more difficult for someone to make claims now without demonstrating thoroughly that the cell has actually transitioned from one lineage to another. And that’s a very tough experiment to do.

So what role does neurogenesis play in the brain, and why in the hippocampus in particular?

That’s an open question. Why has this part of the brain reserved the capacity to generate neurons? It’s not a ubiquitous phenomenon. So why does it happen in this brain structure? We don’t know yet, although I think it will be resolved in the next couple of years. In order to know what role neurogenesis plays in hippocampal function or system-wide function, we have to know what role the hippocampus is playing. We’re not able to understand neurogenesis itself, without understanding this structure in which it occurs. So this is a very exciting time for developing model systems—knockout technologies, for instance. Every day in the literature, there’s another neurogenesis article published. There are some really smart people getting into this field, and they’re discovering some wonderful things.

How would you describe the overall theme or evolution of your research?

We’re working to understand the system-wide role that neurogenesis plays in normal, healthy brain function. Others are looking from the perspective of disease, asking the question that if neurons are being born, can we then recruit them in some way to repair the brain—for depression, stroke, or epilepsy? Others are looking into the role these cells play and how knowledge of their function and variability could be used to enhance, modify, or assist in any kind of functional recovery. Since we’ve had an in vitro and an in vivo system, we’ve spent a lot of time looking at the molecular mechanisms underlying how cells make choices. That’s been a major area of research in our lab for the last five or six years. And we’re making good progress on this, in terms of separating phenomena into a couple of different categories. The cells divide, for instance, so what are the mechanisms that control cell division? The cell differentiates. It makes the choice to become either a neuron or an astrocyte or an oligodendrocyte, the three lineages. How does the cell make that choice to stop dividing and become one of these cells? And once it makes that choice, how then does it mature? What conditions induce it to migrate, to move, to fully differentiate into a fully working cell? By dividing the process up that way, we can get in vitro models for each part and try to get at the underlying mechanisms.

On your website, it says that one focus of your laboratory is to induce recovery of function following damage to the central nervous system (CNS). How do see yourself getting from this basic research to that clinical application?

We are convinced that in the mammalian nervous system there are many residual, immature, uncommitted progenitor cells—stem cells—that exist. And so one of the goals of this kind of discovery work we do is to understand enough about these endogenous cells that we can activate them and get them to participate in the repair process. Everything I have done so far in the CNS leads me to believe that the nervous system tries to repair itself after an injury. It does this at one level or another, and usually it accomplishes some moderate level of recovery. I’m less interested now in engineering from the outside and transplanting cells, but rather in activating and amplifying the existing cell-repair process that’s already there in the CNS. I think this harks back to the original reasons I was interested in the brain. It has this capacity for self-repair, and by discovering and working within this field of neurogenesis, I hope to understand how this occurs normally and to learn about the molecular, cellular, and environmental factors that control it. And once we do that, maybe we can then control the environment and molecular and cellular events locally to effect repair in an injured state or an aging state.

Highly Cited Papers by Fred H. Gage et al.,
Published Since 1995
(Ranked by total citations)
Rank Paper Citations
1 L. Naldini, et al., "In vivo delivery and stable transduction of nondividing cells by a lentiviral vector," Science, 272(5259): 263-7, 1996. 1383
2 P.S. Eriksson, et al., "Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus," Nature Medicine, 4(11): 1313-7, 1998. 887
3 F.H. Gage, "Mammalian neural stem cells," Science, 287(5457): 1433-8, 2000. 772
4 G. Kempermann, H.G. Kuhn, F.H. Gage, "More hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment," Nature, 386(6624): 493-5, 1997. 682
5 H.G. Kuhn, H. Dickinson-Anson, F.H. Gage, "Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat: Age-related decrease of neuronoal progenitor proliferation," J. Neuroscience, 16(6): 2027-33, 1996. 559
SOURCE: Thomson Scientific Web of Science
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:43 AM   #3
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Default Re: Remote Healing with Intention


The Anti-Dementia effect of Lion's Mane mushroom and its clinical application - Hericium erinaceum - Lion's Mane

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, April, 2004 by Hirokazu Kawagishi, Cun Zhuang, Ellen Shnidman


Medicinal Mushrooms have become a hot item in the mass media in the last few years but the information being disseminated about them is not always scientifically accurate. Most of the studies on the efficacy of medicinal mushrooms that are available to the public are based on animal studies (usually in mice) or cultured cells. In these cases, the bioactivity of the mushroom extracts cannot always be correlated to their activity when ingested by humans--either orally or by injection.

Our research on components of Lion's Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceum) and their biological activities in cell culture is a case where positive antidementia results in the laboratory have been confirmed by analogous results in human use. In this article, we will introduce both the results from the laboratory and their clinical application.
Related Results

Conventional Treatments of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is primarily a disorder of aging in which individuals become agitated and uncomprehending, with profound loss of cognitive function, ultimately requiring institutionalization. About 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 and as many as 5 out of 10 people over the age of 85 are affected. This disease is characterized biologically by the death of neurons in the forebrain, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex.


The most conventional approach to treatment of Alzheimer's disease currently in practice is to treat the symptoms caused by the death of cholinergic neurons. Four pharma-ceutical products approved by the FDA that are presently on the market work by potentiating neurotransmission at cholinergic synapses. These drugs are: Aricept[R] by Pfizer, Exelon[R] by Novartis, Reminyl[R] by Janssen, and Cognex[R] by First Horizon. None of these products, however, reverses the damage done to cognitive functioning. They simply delay further deterioration. Recently, a new drug called memantine, produced by Forest Laboratories, was approved for use by the FDA. Memantine works by blocking the receptor for the glutamate neurotransmitter whose overactivity may be responsible for the neurotoxicity of Alzheimer's disease. Likewise, its beneficial effect is only temporary.

Inducers of Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis in vitro

One of the major new approaches to the study of treatments for Alzheimer's disease concerns the search for agents that stimulate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) production in the brain. NGF is part of a family of proteins that play a role in the maintenance, survival and regeneration of neurons during adult life. Its absence in the adult brain of mice leads to a condition resembling Alzheimer's disease.

Nerve Growth Factor itself cannot be used as an orally administered drug to regenerate brain tissue because it does not cross the blood-brain barrier. If bioactive substances with low molecular weight can be found that penetrate the barrier and induce the synthesis of NGF inside the brain, such substances may be applied as oral agents to prevent this disease. Even if these substances cannot go through the barrier, the enhancement of NGF production would be beneficial for disorders of the peripheral nervous system since NGF has a similar effect on neurons in the periphery.

We have been engaged in a study to search for NGF synthesis-promoting agents in medicinal mushrooms since 1991. We discovered a class of benzyl alcohol and chroman derivatives in the fruit body of Lion's Mane mushroom called the hericenones C-H that stimulate NGF production from mouse astroglial cells in culture. (1-1cool2 Subsequently, we discovered another group of cyathane derivative compounds from the mycelium of the same mushroom called the erinacines A-I that also induce NGF production. (4-22) (Figure 1)

Hericenones Isolated from the Fruit Body of Lion's Mane

The hericenones were derived from Lion's Mane as follows. The fruit body of the mushroom was crushed in acetone by a blender and left for 1-2 days to allow extraction of nonpolar substances. The liquid extract was processed with vacuum filtration and the mushroom fruit body was further extracted twice by acetone. The extract was concentrated using an evaporator until 2 liters of volume was obtained, and then this was fractionated with chloroform. Ethyl acetate was added to the aqueous phase for an additional extraction.

The fractionation of the extract is an essential step for applying the compounds to the NGF assay, because there is an optimum concentration for the activation of NGF synthesis, and also most of the fractions at this stage exhibit cytotoxic activity. For separation purposes, silica gel chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography (TLC) were employed, and two types of fractions were obtained: one with hericenones C-E and the other with hericenones F-H. Both fractions were spotted at almost the same distance on the silica gel TLC and thus separation was only possible by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), using an ODS column.

These compounds were the first active substances found in natural products that are as effective as epinephrine in inducing NGF synthesis in vitro. Each group of hericenones, C-E and F-H, contains a characteristic alcohol site, and each hericenone contains one of three simple fatty acids. Hericenone D demonstrated the strongest stimulating activity in synthesis of NGF from astroglial cells. The activity level of these compounds varies according to the structure of its fatty acid constituent.

Erinacines Isolated from the Mycelium of Lion's Mane

The erinacines were obtained from Lion's Mane as follows. Following 4 weeks in culture, the mycelium was extracted with 85% ethanol. The ethanol extract was concentrated, and then fractionated with ethyl acetate and water. Erinacines A-I were isolated by silica gel column chromatography on HPLC and preparative TLC.

Erinacines A-I are a series of diterpenoids, with different chemical structures from those of the hericenones, that have powerful activities in stimulating NGF synthesis. The activities of erinacines A-G in vitro are shown in Figure 2. As can be seen, all of these compounds are more potent inducers of NGF synthesis than epinephrine. The newly-discovered erinacine H stimulated 31.5 +/- 1.7 pg/ml of NGF secretion into the medium at 33.3 [micro]g/ml concentration, which was five times greater than NGF secretion in the absence of the compound. The erinacines are the most powerful inducers of NGF synthesis among all currently identified natural compounds.

Clinical Study of Lion's Mane Mushroom on Dementia Patients

Lion's Mane mushroom, therefore, contains at least two types of compounds--the hericenones and erinacines--that strongly stimulate NGF synthesis in vitro. Both of these types of substances, potentially, can cross the blood-brain barrier. The question is, do these substances work when given orally to human patients?

To answer this question, a study was done in a rehabilitative hospital in the Gunma prefecture in Japan, with 50 patients in an experimental group and 50 patients used as a control. (23) All patients were elderly and suffered from cerebrovascular disease, degenerative orthopedic disease, Parkinson's disease, spinocerebellar degeneration, diabetic neuropathy, spinal cord injury, or disuse syndrome. Seven of the patients in the experimental group suffered from different types of dementia. The patients in this group received 5 g of dried Lion's Mane mushroom per day in their soup for a 6-month period. All patients were evaluated before and after the treatment period for their Functional Independence Measure (FIM), (24), (25) which is a measure of independence in physical capabilities (eating, dressing, walking, etc.) and in perceptual capacities (understanding, communication, memory, etc.).

The results of this preliminary study show that after six months of taking Lion's Mane mushroom, six out of seven dementia patients demonstrated improvements in their perceptual capacities, and all seven had improvements in their overall FIM score (see Figures 3 and 4). A more extensive clinical study is currently underway to further investigate the findings from this small sample.

The focus of research on medicinal mushrooms until now has been primarily on their anticancer and immune-enhancing properties. The preliminary findings from the studies described above on Lion's Mane mushroom suggest that this mushroom may be a potent inducer of brain tissue regeneration. More research on this subject is clearly needed.

And then follows two pages of references.
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:05 AM   #4
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Default Re: Remote Healing with Intention

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
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Some of my collegues have been having a dialogue on Post Traumatic Stress and its Treatment. I thought there might be some folks here who would be interesting in this ongoing exchange. Some of the language is a bit technical given who these folks are but it is an interesting exchange never-the-less for some nesters.

Hello all:

I ask about PTSD because despite working with it for going on twenty years I find that few people have a very solid grasp of what the basic problem is, and that even those who have had success describing and resolving this difficult condition (Somatic Experiencing--questionably the most indepth and advanced modality-various Danish school energy field therapies, to a lesser extent, EMDR, tapping, traditional SMR NF work, medications, et al) are rarely in agreement as to what PTSD actualy is, what caused it and how it is resolved.

Most people who concentrate exclusively on trauma resolution now realize that the problem is first and foremost a physical, instinctual-level deregulation of the SNS, and that while there are emotional and cognitive components (often very robust), it's rarely productive to work "top down," and in fact, the big breakthroughs most often happend on the level of body sensations (sensations being the language of the brain stim). Once things are resolved on the biological and instinctual level, you can effectively move on up to the limbic and neocotex level (feelings and thoughs), but unless you do the instinctual level stuff first, the other interventions won't stick well, or at all.

In PTSD, the biology is basically stuck, wound too high from hyperactivation (sympathetic overload) and (according to Levine and the SE folks) a whole slew of defensive responses need to complete. The fact is, those responses will automatically complete if a holding environment can sgtabalize the biology for a time. I've recently been trying to have clients lay down flat on their backs, place the MagStim on the frontals and the blue green glases on the eyes (both at super low power-barely on) and run an emwave at the same time. The combo can really calm a person down. Then, when you titrate or toggle between activated parts of their body and calm spots, the twitching and sweating and somtimes flopping (especially with very early trauma) kicks in and the symptoms start to unwind.

The trick is to work very,very slowly, at at the lowest possible intensity.

Those are my observations, and I'd be interested in hearing others who have seen actual energetic shifts (heat, sweating, trembling, et al) during training.


Hi JL and All,

I have used the pRoshi (nuro biofeedback flashing glasses ) with folks with severe ptsd. with very good results. Im thinking back on several and still amazed at what was possible with the pRoshi. I used the pR1 for weekly sessions of "talk therapy" and as the client's anxiety decreases and rapport and trust increased they were able to finally do the work on the traumas that afflicted them. I have used the pRoshi2 now for a month and am impressed with what Im seeing. I suspect than now I'll be able to get to the ptsd a lot sooner and I think that will be very helpful for a variety of reasons.

After the anxiety lowers we did TFT or BSFF while they had the pRoshi on. Its a little tricky but they can tap with the glasses on. I really like using the BSFF protocol because it includes a forgiveness process that seems very helpful. After doing this on the major aspects of the trauma, clients usually have a noticeable improvement in symptoms.

Interestingly, symptoms don't resolve totally but clients report a substantial improvement. Then we work on the residuals and ...sometimes this includes what I call transpersonal gestalt. When people have been perpetrated upon or victimized there is a sabotaging energy that can attach to them from the perpetrator and this needs to be released. After this release there is a tremendous shift in improvement and the client notices more peace, more energy, lower stress, and all symptoms decline.I highly recommend reading: Healing Lost Souls (William Baldwin); Freeing the Captive (Louise Ireland-Frey); The Unquiet Dead (Edith Fiore)

I'd love to do a training of clinicians on this process which includes Energy Psychology, PRoshi and Regression work to complete the transpersonal
gestalt processes. I dont know if this would be something that mainstream therapists would consider but I have certainly found it to be very
effective. I'd like any input from group members on this idea..

Im going to include the BSFF process here. its the older version and Larry Nimms has a newer protocol that he teaches. He has a website and a
book that can be downloaded. BSFF is one of the Energy Psychology methods. I also use TFT or Thought Field Therapy which is also effective.
These are fairly simple techniques to use but it is helpful to have someone show you the points to tap. I'd be glad to talk to anyone about this
process on the phone over the weekend. (I have no vested interest in BSFF or the energy psychology methods other than that I am a trainer in the TFT
method, but have not done trainings recently) Ive posted this protocol previously but for those who may be new here it is again and this time Ive
added some info from my notes that some might find helpful as well:

Cheers, Marie

Be Set Free Fast (BSFF)Trauma Relief and Rapid DE-Stressing Method by Dr Larry Nimms.
Choose a positive word (or words) that you would like to recall whenever you are experiencing a negative emotion or stress. Words such as love,
peace, horse, tulip or anything else that you view as a positive in your life, will do. Be creative.

Roots means negative emotions. They are the depest cause of problems in the belief system, and are directing and controlling the problem.

States means all the many levels of who we are, such as States of Consciousness.

Each statement must be repeated until a muscle test confirms that the process is clear. If a statement will not clear after three repeats, re-test the set up and repeat if if necessary.

Set up - Find and rub “the sore spot” (go to the base of the neck in front, go down 3 inches and right or left 3 inches. Feel around until you
find a sensitive spot. Then repeat out loud/follow me and say): “I am saying this to my subconscious mind:. Whenever I a eliminating any
problem, I am also eliminating anything that would make me keep the problem, ever take it back, ever passively allow or permit it to come
back or ever be receptive to it coming back, even under duress. My subconscious mind will do this for r me. No further setup ever necessary – any further problems are already incorporated into the treatment process.” Muscle Test – “My subconscious will do this for me from now on”

1. Identify the problem/issue that you wish to resolve

2. As you think about (focus on) the problem, say
or think the statements and tap on the points as
outlined below. You will be releasing your
problem/issue in all of the layers and in all of the personality states.

3. EB(eyebrow): “I am gently & safely releasing
and eliminating all of the SADNESS in all of the
roots and the deepest cause of all of
this_(example: shooting of my son and loss of all
my friends due to misunderstandings and
litigation)____” (Muscle test: “SADNESS CLEAR.”)

4. UEunder eye) “I am gently & safely releasing
& eliminating all of the FEAR in all of the roots
& the deepest cause of all of this__(example:
shooting of my son and loss of all my friends due
to misunderstandings and litigation)_____” (Muscle test: “FEAR CLEAR.”)

4. TH(top of head at crown): “I am gently &
safely releasing eliminating all of the GUILT in
all of the roots and the deepest cause of all of
this__(example: shooting of my son and loss of
all my friends due to misunderstandings and
litigation)____” (Muscle test: “GUILT CLEAR.”)

5.AW (Across wrist, palm side-tap with flat
fingers):“I am gently & safely releasing and
eliminating all of the GRIEF in all of the roots
and the deepest cause of all of this__(example:
shooting of my son and loss of all my friends due
to misunderstandings and litigation)____” (Muscle test: “ GRIEF CLEAR.”)

6.EB (beginning of eyebrow):“I am gently & safely
releasing and eliminating all of the PHYSICAL
TRAUMA in all of the roots and the deepest cause
of all of this__(example: shooting of my son and
loss of all my friends due to misunderstandings
and litigation)____” (Muscle test: “ PHYSICAL

7.EB (beginning of eyebrow):“I am gently & safely
releasing and eliminating all of the EMOTIONAL
TRAUMA in all of the roots and the deepest cause
of all of this__(example: shooting of my son and
loss of all my friends due to misunderstandings
and litigation)____” (Muscle test: “ EMOTIONAL TRAUMA CLEAR.”)

8. WP (wrist point-depression at wrist directly
below ring finger): I am gently & safely
releasing and eliminating all of the PAIN in all
of the roots and the deepest cause of all of this
__(example: shooting of my son and loss of all my
friends due to misunderstandings and
litigation)____________: Muscle test: “PAIN CLEAR.:”

9. UE: “I am gently & safely releasing and
eliminating all of the SHAME in all of the roots
& the deepest cause of all of this____(example:
shooting of my son and loss of all my friends due
to misunderstandings and litigation)___” (Muscle test: “SHAME CLEAR.”)

10. LF/CF (little finger inside, base of nail or
for RAGE tap side of eye crow foot) “I am gently
& safely releasing and eliminating all of the
ANGER/RAGE in all of the roots and the deepest
cause of all of this __(example: shooting of my
son and loss of all my friends due to
misunderstandings and litigation)_________”

NOTE: without forgiveness, the anger work is not
really complete. Make sure all the anger is
released before attempting the forgiveness.
Forgiveness for self is always done last.

11. IF=(index finger, thumb side, base of nail
level) continuously, say (or think) three times,
“I FORGIVE you (Mom, Dad, Pete, Sally, ___) and
anyone and everyone associated with this
_(example: shooting of my son and loss of all my
friends due to misunderstandings and
litigation)_____problem. I know that you were
only doing the best that you knew how.” (OR “The
best that you could.”) (Muscle test: FORGIVE OTHERS clear.”)

12. IF (index finger): “I FORGIVE everyone who in
any way, at any time, has ever hurt or abused me.
My recovery is no longer dependent on anyone’s
apology or approval.” (Muscle test: “DEEP FORGIVENESS clear.”)

13. IF(index finger): “I FORGIVE you
God/Lord/Father, I know that you are/were always
doing the best/right thing for me.(Muscle test: FORGIVE GOD clear.”)

14. IF(index finger): “I FORGIVE myself - I know
that I am/was doing the best that I can/could.”
(Muscle test: “FORGIVE SELF clear.”)

15. Thymus: Tap clockwise with fingertips, in a 2
inch diameter circle, approximately 2 inches
below base of neck) “As I leave this room and
move throughout the worldk, I will continuye
processing –and it will be easy for me. It will
be gentle. I give myself permission to heal
myself in all places of my being.” (Muscle test: “FURTHER PROCESSING clear.”)

16. Muscle test the entire sequence to make sure
everything cleared. If not repeat. (Muscle test: ENTIRE SEQUENCE clear.)

17. From now on, whenever you experience a
negative emotion, simply recall the positive word
that you chose initially. Repeat the word or
words (silently or aloud) until the negative emotion is completely gone.

NOTE: This is the “older” version of BSFF. The Newer version is published in the book: Be Set
Free Fast which is downloadable from the Web. This newer version in the book does not
incorporate tapping but rather uses words to incite the subconscious to do the work. It’s a must read.
Used with permission from Dr Larry Nimms. Dr Nimms does trainings and has a new training DVD
out. Contact him via the Web:

3674 N. 159th Avenue, Goodyear, Arizona 85338,
Business phone;: (623)466-4112. for Telephone
Consultations, BSFF Training, Personal and Life
Coaching. larry@besetfreefast.com
Dr. M. Marie Green 877-670-3968 toll free,
Ogden, Utah,


(as interpreted by Pat Esborg, so this is not “gospel” but just a guide!)

NOTE: This only has to be done in the initial session.

Explain the concept of energy pathways (acupuncture, etc.) and emotional blockages.
Discuss briefly how the BSFF protocol can eliminate these “stuck places” and help the
client get free of whatever is holding him/her back from being where he/she wants to be.

Explain what emotional roots and deepest cause mean. (I say something like):

Emotional roots: “All the things that happened to you which helped
create and kept adding to this particular
problem. They often begin to pile up from the
time when you were very little. They get
expressed most often as aspects of sadness, fear and anger.”

Deepest cause: “The basic belief which is at the bottom of all this
stuff...your ‘take’ on life and your place in it
in relation to this problem (i.e. ‘I'll never be
free’ ‘The world's not a safe place’ ‘I'm damaged goods’).

Discuss Muscle Testing (MT). Say something like:
“Your muscles will test strong or weak and that
lets us know something about information which is
hidden from us.” Get permission to try MT with the client.

Demonstrate MT on paired statements/facial
expressions, etc. so the client can see how the
subconscious is her/his “faithful servant.”

Demonstrate the BSFF tapping sequence on
yourself. Mention to do it gently and with either hand.





MT: “I can use this simple procedure to eliminate every problem I choose to treat.’” (About 1/2
test negative. Correct reversal by having them rub K27 (corrects for 25-30 minutes; take them
through the BSFF steps now to correct permanently).

Read this statement to the client before the first BSFF procedure:




Unless the client has a pressing issue which
overrides this. If you don’t do it in the first
session, be sure and take the client through it in the next session.

Check Self-Image/Self-Confidence statements (by MT each one)

SELF-IMAGE (human being)
I like myself
I’m a good person
I have personal value and worth
I deserve good things in life
I deserve to be loved…by myself…by God…by everybody
I have a good mind
I have a good body

BSFF for all the “weak” ones. Re-check to make sure they’re all strong.
MT: “I’m strong in all of these areas now.” If not, pin down which ones need further BSFF sequences, treat each one and re-check.

SELF-CONFIDENCE (human doing)
I am good at things
I am a capable person
I can learn to do most anything and do it well
I have many talents and abilities
I have a skillful mind
I have a skillful body

BSFF for all the “weak” ones. Re-check to make sure they’re all strong. If not, pin down which
ones need further BSFF, treat each one and re-check.

Note: Re-check Self-Image and Self-Confidence in
the next session to make sure your corrections
are holding, especially those relating to self-image. Treat as needed.

Begin treating the presenting problem(s) with the BSFF sequences.


TREAT: (anger at x, forgive x; then treat anger at y, forgive y, etc.)
At each person worked on in the session (if you
didn’t do it during the treatment) + check to see
if there’s anger at God, “Fate,” the world, life, etc.

Check for HURT or DEEP HURT and treat. This should also clear SADNESS and FEAR

“I forgive you (mom, dad, etc.); I know that you are/were doing the best that you can/could” x3

“I forgive you (God); I know that you are/were always here/there and doing the best and right thing for me” x3

“I forgive you (world, life, etc.); I know that you are/were just being the way that you were designed to be” x3

MT: “I completely and permanently forgive x for this problem”

MT: “I’m mad at myself/judge & criticize myself/ashamed and
guilty about having these problems/not about to forgive myself for having these problems/…and for keeping them so long.”

Tap Index finger and say: “I forgive myself, I’m
doing (was doing) the best I can (could)” x3

MT: “I accept myself even though I have (have had) these problems.”

MT: “I completely and permanently forgive myself for this problem”
..and I won’t take back/give myself permission to be free permanently/give myself permission to be
completely free in every circumstance or situation I’m ever in”

MT: “I will skillfully, alertly and consistently
apply everything I’ve learned today.”


STRONG-STRONG: Polarity may be switched; doesn’t
want you in; Discuss “resisting and letting go”


Check also for exhaustion (treat by rubbing K 27)

“My subconscious mind knows the answer to this question”
“I don’t want to know the answer to this”
“There’s a part of me from the past that won’t let this problem go”
“There is at least one other reason why I’m not resolving this problem”
“I don’t want to test accurately on that issue”

“I don’t want to remember these words”

“I’m afraid one or more of the problems I’ve treated will come back”
“I don’t trust myself not to take it back”
“If I feel like a victim again, I might take it back anyway”
“The treatment I did worked, but I took the problem back again”

“This problem has emotional roots”
If test negative,
There are other problems which affect my condition:
mental cause/physical cause/spiritual cause

“There are problems in me which would be obstacles to having a healthy, fulfilling relationship with him/her.”


Rub K27 10+ seconds….

Thymus tap

NAEM (Negative Affect Erasing Method) (Fred Gallo)
Tap third eye 1 min> UN (under the nose) x 5 > UL
(under the lower lip) x 5 > tap K27 x15

NLR: (at sore spot on left chest) “I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my problems and limitations” 3 times

KARATE: (tapping the side of one hand into the palm of the other) “I deeply and profoundly
accept myself even though I have this problem”
three times

Cook’s Curl

Have them drink a glass of water

Have them do “zipper” (wisk your hand from about
the level of their knees up to their forehead to “zip up” their aura)

Tap crown chakra

Polarity switch…face ¼ turn in another direction

Walk in place, swinging arms

Cross crawl: Right hand to left knee (raising knee)/left to right while counting/humming 1-2 minutes.

MT myself for doubt, etc.

Have them hold rescue remedy (or bee pollen/spirulina) to see if that changes the test
(it should correct a “switched” test)


I want to get over this problem…I want to continue to have…”
(Rub the NLR…”sore spot” on left chest: “I deeply and profoundly accept myself even though I have this problem” 3 times)

“I am willing to get over this problem”

“I am willing to get over this problem now.”

“I will do everything necessary to see to it that I get over this problem”

“I give my self permission not to have this problem anymore.”

“It’s O.K. for me not to have this problem any longer.”

“I deserve to get over this problem.”

“I will be able to get over this problem…I will continue to have..”
(Tap UN…under nose: “I accept myself if I never get over this problem”)

“I want to be completely over this problem….I want to continue to have some of this…”

….”I accept myself even though I still have some of this problem”)

“It’s safe for me to be over (completely over) this problem” (UN)

“It’s possible for me to be over (completely over) this problem”

“I will allow (not allow) myself to be over (completely over) this problem”

“Getting over this problem will be good for me”

“Getting over this problem will not hurt others”

“I will not be deprived if I get over (completely over) this problem”

“I want to live…(I want to die)”

“I want to be happy…I want to be miserable” (NLR:

“I deeply and profoundly accept myself with all my problems and limitations”)

“I want to accept this treatment and fully receive it”

“I want to accept this treatment and fully receive it starting now”


“I deserve: “to like myself”
“to be a good person”
“God’s love”
“to give and receive love”
“to heal”

“I deserve: “to be (wealthy, live effortlessly,
be, be confident, be relaxed, etc.)”
“I deserve to be my true self”
“I’m willing to be (wealthy, live effortlessly,
be, be confident, be relaxed, etc.)”

You can also do BSFF on: “Any negative core belief or self-sabotaging belief that I’m not aware of”


“This stuff is too spooky”

“It’s too hard to understand”

“It won’t work for me”

“My problems aren’t so bad…I can live with them a little longer”

“I’m worried who will I be if I make these changes?”

“I’m not ready to do this yet”

“I’m afraid I’ll never get over this”


MT: “I want to muscle test accurately on myself every time I test for anything”
If negative:

“I don’t think I’m smart enough….”

(check also: deserve such elegant help/too weird/believe/safe/ possible/ allow/will hurt others/be deprived)…

MT: “I can use my intuition to enrich my treatment”
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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