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Old 02-18-2009, 11:37 PM   #1
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Default Syphoning

I've asked this several times and never got a real response so I figure this deserves its own thread.

Can somebody point out or refer other sources as to how exactly spiritual energy can be syphoned through mere attention? This seems to be a statement that's always left hanging in the air.
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Old 02-19-2009, 12:49 AM   #2
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Default Re: Syphoning

Buddha says - You are what you think

You become what you aspire to be
You associate with your likeness

Spritual energy one gets from hanging out with spritual people - Reading watching hearing spiritual stuff - Story and messages of saints and sages -
Nature Wildlife is a spiritual high - Cultivating relationship with God - Prayer Meditation Charity Cleanliness - Do and Be Good

There is no syphoning spiritual magic occuring needing to be mystical interpreted ...its a natural flow of your mind being colored by the object of attention...
- Out of Sight Out of Mind -

Unfortunatly the ruling elite of our world are hellbent to dumb us down by poisoning and portraying gossip sex violence as cultural entertainment -
Furthermore the PTB have a money printing machine to keep the masses in meaningless slave labors for worhtless pieces of paper -

Its time to take a time out from this culture we have been born into -
Time to stop the turning of this wheel on the road to hell
Time to look to God to God in Man and God in Nature - Truth Love and Beauty
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Old 02-19-2009, 01:19 AM   #3
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Default Re: Syphoning

I am not familiar with the term "syphoning" of energy. However, what I do know is that whenever two people, or a person and a member of the animal kingdom come together in close contact, there is a transfer of energy from on to the other. The reason is (1) because our energy make-up is electrical and (2) because the major part of our soul essence/light is outside and extends to about 3ft around our physical bodies. It is believed that the more dominant energy always impact greater on the less dominant. It does not matter whether the most dominant is negative or possitive. The school of thought or advice, particularly in mystical circles, is to stay away from toxic/negative beings, and if you are to be in, really close, or physically intimate with another being, ensure that their energies are as possitive or at least on par with yours..
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Old 02-19-2009, 02:16 AM   #4
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Default Re: Syphoning

Everything i've read here so far rings true to the best of my knowledge-sometimes though one has to tolerate negative energies to try and help the person who's emanating them-try and be unselfish and soak up a a little for a small amount of time at least and talk to them about this spiritual realm which most appear to be ignorant of in this electromagnetic soup we live in.The more that are aware of getting back to roots and nature the more momentum will be gained in the long term for a general positive shift.
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:09 PM   #5
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Default Re: Syphoning

Let me rephrase.

How is it accomplished that energy is syphoned off events like group meditations or concerts?
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:54 PM   #6
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I'm not sure that it is as such.........

But watching Eastenders, for example, may well bring down the individual and collective vibrational index to lower than it might otherwise be.
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Old 02-19-2009, 10:33 PM   #7
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Default Re: Syphoning

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
Let me rephrase.

How is it accomplished that energy is syphoned off events like group meditations or concerts?
By just being there
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Old 02-19-2009, 11:10 PM   #8
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Default Re: Syphoning

Okay, I will translate this article that I read regarding the topic. Sadly it breaks off before the actual explanation sets in and I hope this thread can gather up into more research along the same line.

Let me credit the article first of all:
It's from the German magazine ZeitenSchrift (similar to Nexus, it's swiss and the name is a pun on the German word for magazine, Zeitschrift.... in this pun it takes on the meaning of TimesWriting or Writing of the Times... possibly even Writing of the Tides....)

Link to the article excerpt indexed on their website:

Link to an online version that I can actually copy this from, luckily there is just about one:

Here it goes:

All asleep, one awake
(Taken from the second line of "silent night" which in English is 'All is calm, all is bright'. This however is the proper translation)

How the group-consciousness can alter reality. Of interesting experiments and random generators.

Washington, 7th of October 2001. In a TV announcement, US President George W. Bush announces the beginning of air strikes against Afghanistan. For weeks, US Diplomats worldwide have exerted themselves to build a large anti-terror alliance and in fact: the world security council unanimously granted authorisation to the USA which was probably unique in the history of the united nations. In his announcement Bush formulated it like this: "We are being supported by the collective will of the world."
Has he affirmed the solidarity expressed worldwide again? No, he has expressed far more. It is in fact a matter of 'collective will', the group- or human-consciousness. This term is not overstated because, apart from a few states, all the world has declared its solidarity with the American people. This is about a completely different level of conflict which has nothing to do with bombs or cruise missiles - a conflict on mental/spiritual [German term can be misleading, direct translation is 'ghostly' which also refers to the intellect]. Modern science has just recently discovered these mechanisms. The Americans keep emphasising, and that probably with good right, that the war on terror can not be won with bombs and rockets alone. There must be a deciding change in the consciousness of the whole of mankind - the 'collective will'.
This sounds like highly developed consciousness, like a chance for world peace and evolution. However, there is a second side to this - it also requires a to pass a blank cheque to the leading instance - an unlimited trust (which was asked by all of us at this time). This is why heightened awareness is in order.
In our book "Networked Intelligence" (ZS-Book Market) we explained in much detail, what monstrous forces are unleashed by group-consciousness, according to the latest scientific insights. Forces which can alter reality. [I guess this is the often called 'window of opportunity']
For this to work, as mentioned in the book, there are a few requirements:
1. The group must be large enough to activate a group consciousness (in the case of the Afghanistan conflict it was thus extremely important to forge a global anti-terror coalition as otherwise the effectiveness would not be guaranteed) [that could coincide with the phi grid on a more local level]
2. The consciousness of the whole group must be directed toward a shared focus.
3. The group must furthermore be unaware of the actual intent in which these forces are actually used (to further minimise a risk of thwarting).
The principle is hence often called 'all asleep, one awake'.
Item 2 and 3 stand in a certain opposition to each other. To fulfil item 3 it was necessary to keep a large part of the public in the dark. Yet, without daily news from the setting of war, the mass of people would quickly have lost interest in the issue, and each would have returned to daily routine. That would in turn hinder the fulfilment of item number 2. The media policy of the USA thus found a compromise - information around the clock without actual informing.
Tapping in Consciousness Energy?
Now it also becomes clear why the president has not mentioned that some of the important plans will never become public, as he held his speech in front of the congress after the 11th of September. This is not only a matter of usual military secrecy but also a matter of the 'all asleep, one awake' principle. In this case then, the USA are the one that wake. How then can we control if the collective will of the world is put to right use by 'the one that wakes'? Not at all! And this is the danger in this widely unknown technique.

Why do these forces of group-consciousness only work when the group is unaware of the actual intent?
A simple example: Let's assume that a group of people wants to influence an object through mental concentration, possibly a lamp. They enter a state of concentration, possibly meditation. Each visualises the intended target - the lamp.
One of them will imagine a desk lamp, another a chandelier, a third possibly Alladin's flask [German: Lamp]. You already see where this leads: due to the differences in imagination of each participant the complete pictures becomes diffused, it spreads in various directions instead of being focused.
The principle of 'all sleep, one awake' illustrates how this is done properly. The concentration of the group is brought to a shared focus, as for example, the news about the war or the fear of new terror attacks. Other events are similarly appropriate: international football [soccer my American friends] matches, Techno-Gatherings like the Berlin Love Parade [Oh you know this article is German!], natural events like the solar eclipse of 12.8.1999, but most and foremost large mass meditations.

My dear friends. This is only the first part of the article, but as fate would have it, I forgot my laptop charger at work today and I've got 15 minutes of battery life left. I shall let that be a sign to now frolic in my own solitary meditation and will bring you the next part of this essay tomorrow. Meanwhile, discuss away!
(And to the American faction, please excuse that 'the American people' are used in this context. We're aware it's your government and not the whole of America, but Germany's articles sometimes are rather blatant in their argumentation and have bought into the hate-parade against America, as well. I'm aware that you're aware. Please don't take offence.)

Last edited by Czymra; 02-20-2009 at 06:43 PM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 02:52 AM   #9
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Default Re: Syphoning

My guess would be that many times what we take in and focus on is psychologically affective by the presence of subliminal or other cues so that the mind is split between what we are consciously witnessing and what our subconscious is doing at the very same time. I think this happens naturally as a function of how the human mind is generally acknowledged to function but the process can be commandeered to the ends of others. We participate energetically without even knowing it. The folks who produce this stuff are very good at it. Just think of advertising.
Also , it may be a matter of conditioning so that the content doesn't even have to operate subconsciously. I love love but, sadly , can watch a murder on screen and not really flinch much, because of my conditioning. I have to say though that lately my sensitivity to this type of content has been increasing a great deal.
I'm not sure of the veracity of this statement, but Super Bowl Sunday, I was told, is one of the biggest days of the year for incidences of domestic violence to occur.
Doesn't really seem like much of a stretch to me.

Last edited by cantaloupe; 02-20-2009 at 02:59 AM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 03:28 AM   #10
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Default Re: Syphoning

my humble opinion ;just like in the biologic world,you have the same relatioships in the world of souls and the world of spirits: parasitism.mutualism.commensalism,symbiosism and other intermediats "isms"
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Old 02-20-2009, 04:09 PM   #11
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Default Re: Syphoning

Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
That is THE question, isn't it? I would imagine it takes years and years of discipline, entrance/induction to a secret society of sorts to be able to accomplish it. If we had the answer to that question imagine the "power" WE would have....to harness the energy from a catholic mass, satanic mass, any celebration, fireworks display...anywhere where a group of people are gathered experiencing an emotion. It must take enormous wealth to set this up...and an entirely devious mind to accomplish it.

I deduce from the article you linked that you are referring to an event like 911 or an assasination or some such event that gets into the psyche of a people that can then be used for various assorted nefarious means....

(My question would then be; can it be thwarted by being aware of it?)

I personally don't intend to build such a system. I just want to recognise it. 777 over on the 'Breaking Codes' thread never accomplished to answer my questions regarding this either, yet he knows so many intricacies behind this system. It's still beyond me how a can with 7up written on it can actually influence me.

My threads always seem to drift on here. Are my questions off? Am I being manipulated? The Symbolism/Language/Focus thread is basically about the same.
Let me tell you one thing though, this time I'm going to nail it in, even if I have to discuss it with myself.
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Old 02-20-2009, 06:52 PM   #12
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Syphoning

Its the secret of the black indestructuble box on the plane. There is no - thing in the box ,yet all things manifest from the box based on focused intention. The box is the womb of dark matter of the sacred feminine.This box does not judge you or operate based on duality of good and evil. Its aladin's lamp.Your wish is my command.The brotherhood knows this so they keep the masses focused on their intention of what they desire from the box. I'm not sure if you watched the tv show lost,but there was the black box on the island that would give you anything you ask.The eye land is the pineal gland sorounded by water.Its the G8 way or starg8 to infinity.

You see there are no things because if all matter is empty space so no thing can occu pi the space.All is conciousness,even the can of 7up.
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:19 PM   #13
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Default Re: Syphoning

Part 2:

The external motive, that which the group focuses on, is just a way of assisting concentration, like an anchor, as they say. It has nothing to do with the actual target of the energy (at least not imperatively).
The actual targets are thus concealed from the group. The participants are thus the 'sleepers' who simply lend their focal energy as a kind of 'free energy'.
The one who wakes is the one who knows the actual vector powered by the groups force that is being tapped into (of course this doesn't imply that this is just one person, but the avengers [not sure why this term is used here] may be in no way a part of the 'sleepers).
A few more questions come up immediately in response to this:
1. How is the energy of a group tapped into?
2. What changes to reality can a group of humans actually make?
3. Can one, as an outsider to the process, prove that such a dynamic has as described here has taken place?
Let us get back to item 1 later. In the course of this article, you will find that these group energy processes exist and that they are being used already. The 'how', however, is usually kept top secret by the initiated.
One item 2 I want to remark that it has nothing to do with the famous 'moving of mountains'. British research has recently proven that even the synchronous jumping of thousands of people can not cause an earthquake [strange proof, these issues have nothing to do with each other in my mind]. Yet, there are processes and happenings in the world that aren't as solid as mountains because they are unstable or chaotic in nature. The weather is such a system just like the stock market and the big financial markets, generally all individuals and collective human consciousness processes, and also in science all kinds of random processes as they appear in quantum physics. In the quantum mechanics of the smallest part there are no longer any exact sizes. One can only calculate probabilities for the speeds and positions that describe where the part[icle] can be found. Also the decay of radioactive material can only be predicted with probabilities, that is why such materials are excellent for the construction of randomness generators.
Researchers in the USA have observed the impact of large mass happenings on such quantum mechanic randomness generators for years. Their results show, that the group consciousness can in fact imprint a structure [of non-randomness]. Hence, physical processes are being manipulated as well.
Rather similar results can be observed with a computer program, a particular randomness generator developed by us can be found as a part of the Hyper2000 Professional software package.

Peace Meditations change the Randomness
For a long time already we work side by side with the polish fringe scientific magazine Nieznany Swiat (Unknown World). We are very familiar with the chief editor [?] Marek Rymuszko and his wife, publishing executive Anna Ostrzycka and have, shared many experiences in the last few years. What we experienced on the 30th December 2000 was quite extraordinary, however. The editorial staff of Nieznany Swiat has called on its readership to conduct a large group meditation to support world peace. The magazine appears monthly with over 50 000 copies and is read not only in Poland but also in Canada, the USA, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Australia and other countries.
The readership was not asked to meet somewhere but to meditate at home. The shared focus should then concentrate the energies. The set time was the 30th December 2000 between 20:00 (8pm) and 20:30 (8:30pm). We agreed by telephone that we would not participate but instead observe if the groups energy would influence the randomness generator. As the program was tested 18:30 (6:30pm) on that day, all was as usual and within the expected fluctuations.
We then turned the machine on between 19:55 and 20:35, during which the program executed 13 650 000 simulations of a dice roll, a rather large amount of data, that allows statistical interpretation. The task of this program is to guess the most occurring number within 30 000 rolls.
We don't want to bore you further with statistical details. However, there is no doubt that during those 30 minutes of the meditations duration the results where way beyond the usual (randomness).
The graph [not included here but you will get the same experiment in Gregg Braden's research if you're not already familiar with it] also shows clearly that the group was very well tuned into the state of deep meditation (clear undercutting of the normal values). The probability of these deviations from randomness being a result of chance is about 1:246. Please pay close attention to the following parts in the graphic [I skipped this as the graphic is not present].
The graph shows clearly that the randomness generator has reacted to both the beginning and the end of the meditation. When the sum of successful hits in a certain interval are displayed in a histogram of six minutes per pillar, it is obvious that there are many more hits between 20:00 and 20:30 than usual. We want to clarify once more that we ourselves have not participated in the meditation nor observed the results of the randomness generator during this time to diminish other direct influence (i.e. psychokinetic). To understand how such a mechanism operates one has to understand what the term 'random' means in today's scientific context. Many of you are sure to remark at this point that 'chance' doesn't exist in an esoteric context.
It is indeed possible that randomness (something that falls toward us [German word is to-fall - Zufall] is just a term for something that science can not yet explain. On the other hand, we also know that an effect without a cause is impossible. If we thus conclude that something is 'chance' or random, we actually mean that the incident does have a cause, yet we do not know that cause. The cause can be in the past or even in another dimension.
Other recent research lets us assume that consciousness processes, especially in context with group consciousness, can be the cause of randomness interference. Researches in America, as stated, observed randomness for many years now and the results are pedantically logged. The cause is to find out whether the randomness is interfered with on days of mass happenings. The answer to this question is a decisive 'yes'. The peace meditation of Warsaw is not the only incident during which such strong changes can be observed in a randomness generator.
Another example of recent times are the first days of military conflict in Afghanistan in October of 2001 which leads us back to the beginning of the article. It seems as if the Americans [as mentioned before, this shall mean 'American government'] had succeeded in generating a consciousness focus that held vast amounts of the world's population in front of the TV.
Our randomness generator showed even stronger deviations on the 9th of October, between 10:30 (am) and 14:30 (2:30pm), Washinton Time. The probability of this being a cause of randomness [random non-randomness?] was 1:6500 this time around. The reason for this is probably that the group was that much larger than in the previous example. What the energies of these weeks has really been used for can only be speculated.

Who uses this unleashed energy?
Only a single time could we measure no impact at all when a large happening was occurring. It was christmas eve [24. of December in Germany] of 1999. At midnight, Pope Johannes Paul II. [John Paul?] opened the Holy Gate in the Vatican and initiated thus the holy year. The ceremony was broadcast into the whole world, even Cuba [why do they mention that?], and was observed by about two billion people from their home TV sets. Yet, the randomness generator run as usual. Does this imply that the catholic church has means of channeling this spiritual energy?
Also in the case of the Afghanistan conflict, probably not all of the energy was 'available' to our randomness generator as we have seen deviations much more extreme. The most of extreme deviation in fact was during the solar eclipse of the 12th of August 1999. While millions of people in all of europe were witnesses of this exciting spectacle our randomness generator registered a deviation of more than one to one million!
Surely the group of people that observed the solar eclipse must have been smaller than the one watching the news broadcast about the war. Where large amounts of their energies also channelled? You might want to say now that the influencing of a dice program isn't too impressive. Please regard that we use of measuring this as neutrally as possible on purpose. Our goal was to prove the possibility of influencing reality, not utilising the energy to any end! What other, who understand the connections of these processes, make of this however is only left for us to imagine as there is very little talk in the public about such topics.
Mankind stands on the threshold of a new age of consciousness. It is clear that ego-thinking will be of little use in today's time. The development of a higher group awareness will be necessary if mankind as a whole wants to survive on this planet. Simultaneously we have to be aware that almost all discoveries are firstly available to the ones in power. Attention should thus be paid by us to evaluate whether they are worthy of our trust.

Grasping Randomness
Most of the scientific randomness generators run on the principles of quantum fluctuation. Such a non-predictable process is present in, for example, the radioactive decay of Thorium or the radioactive isotope Strontium 90. During the decay of Strontium 90, super fast electrons are being emitted in unpredictable intervals. This is used as a source for very reliable randomness generators in psi-experiments.
For example, this can be used in connection with a apparatus which has differently coloured lamps. This way one can cause a completely random glowing pattern. By the force of her will the experimenter tries to predict the next lamp to light up. During incidents of global resonance [nice rhyme], scientists turn on these kinds of apparatus even without the presence of an experimenter and observe their behaviour.
A similar principle lends itself to our Hyper 2000 Professional Randomness Generator developed by Franz Bludorf. It is connected to the system clock of a computer. Instead of lamps, the rolling of a die is simulated. Simultaneously, the computer attempts to guess what numbers comes most often. Every five seconds, one of these guesses with each 30 000 rolls is completed.
According to general probability, about each sixth throw should be a hit (a success rate of 16,7%). Should the hit-rate deviate drastically from this value, one can assume that certain external factors are taking responsible.
If one wants to measure a persons ability to use psi forces, one has to incorporate that person into this loop.
To test outer influences however, such as cosmic influences, magnetic field fluctuations, sun activity or human mass movements, the apparatus can be left in 'autopilot' so to say. Then, the computer itself guesses each 5 seconds and logs the results. The experimenter doesn't need to stand by and watch over the experiment being conducted, she can indeed even leave the room. Like this, unintended influence can be prevented and the evaluation remains neutral and objective.
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:22 PM   #14
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Default Re: Syphoning

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Its the secret of the black indestructuble box on the plane. There is no - thing in the box ,yet all things manifest from the box based on focused intention. The box is the womb of dark matter of the sacred feminine.This box does not judge you or operate based on duality of good and evil. Its aladin's lamp.Your wish is my command.The brotherhood knows this so they keep the masses focused on their intention of what they desire from the box. I'm not sure if you watched the tv show lost,but there was the black box on the island that would give you anything you ask.The eye land is the pineal gland sorounded by water.Its the G8 way or starg8 to infinity.

You see there are no things because if all matter is empty space so no thing can occu pi the space.All is conciousness,even the can of 7up.
I somehow see where you are coming from but it is still highly abstract. Why then can I not conjure things out of the nothing?
In a sense you're also talking about schroedinger's cat, I think?

Thanks for joining the discussion, I follow your 'Breaking the Code' with excitement but at the same time it seems rather ludicrous to me!
(no offence)
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:34 PM   #15
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Default Re: Syphoning

To syphon something is to take or empty something into another container.
Focus is a point at which rays of light, sound, or heat converge(energy). To focus energy or attention to something is a ritual. Symbols are used to invoke, focus, or emote energy.

If you think symbols have no energy then walk into a synagogue with a swastika on your arm and see what power a symbol has. But the swastika was a revered and loved symbol before Hitler, a symbol being neither good or bad, its the intention.

We are sold or marketed events and rituals to direct ,or syphon our energy if you are not watching your focus is not going on what is really going on just directed in the direction they want or , hocus pocus, sleight of hand.

9/11 marketed a product and a ritual, the Patriot Act, sold with flags waving, your rights removed for your protection, home of the free doomed. It marketed the Home Land Security, another fraud selling what is said to be good as a document very similar in content as what the Nazi Homeland sold when they burned the Reichstag.

Products like 7UP, keep one down. What they say is up is down, what they say is good is bad and people buy it, the trademark. 7UP is just chemicals in a can that keep you down, distract people from drinking water. Right there that is enough but it is also laden with other meanings that even if you do not wish to see them they are there.
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:12 PM   #16
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The question still remains, how does one harness the energy. We speak of ritual, behaviour, diffusion of our awareness, buying into a lie, loading a symbol with intention.
I say not that this has nothing to do with a process of syphoning, but it is not the direct process alluded to in the article above.

How does meaning influence reality? Why would I care that 7up from M is G. What is G? A C and a T? So now I have my tools to make new words and meanings. Why do I even need those meanings when the intention is enough?
I can give you toothpaste with the intention of helping you build a castle. Is that random? No? I'm sure I can find a connection somewhere in our communication systems. Do I need it?

Meaning influences us when understood, also subconsciously. Does the conscious override the subconscious or vice versa? Can they work together? Have we been manipulated to have conscious and subconscious oppose each other? Are they turned upside down?

I ask you for a cup. You give me the tea. Do you expect me to burn my hands?
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:28 PM   #17
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Syphoning

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
I somehow see where you are coming from but it is still highly abstract. Why then can I not conjure things out of the nothing?
In a sense you're also talking about schroedinger's cat, I think?

Thanks for joining the discussion, I follow your 'Breaking the Code' with excitement but at the same time it seems rather ludicrous to me!
(no offence)

You are conjuring things out of Mt space all the time. You conjured this thread up out of Mt space. What i do is try to show that there is order in the Kaos, and that all things are connected and there are no random occurences. This is actually a self initiated process that has awakened me on a soul level and has taken away fear. Everything that we see is an archetype of some higher principle.

For xample,the computer is the archetype of collective conciousness that you can enter your desire ,and it will appear in some form or another by connecting cross time and space.But you can't get the message by pressing one key.In order to learn the language of music you must use all the keys and notes on the instrument.

The symbols cause you to play all the keys and overides the sound of one note. Thats just how i feel personally.I can only speak for what it has done for me. First we must become Mt of this and that,and then we can be filled.
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:40 PM   #18
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Syphoning

I don't think you realize the power of words and speech.You can create a thread on this forum that will drag someone through the mud ,based on their level of conciousness.It can literally drain the energy from someone especially if they are drowning in emotions. I have been around such individuals that are energy vampires.You leave the conversation feeling depleted and they are skipping away because they have taken all your energy.

Create a thread and put emergency martial law and watch what happens. It will get 1000000000000000 hits because people are afraid of their circumstances changeing.But i bet you martial law has another meaning besides the one given to the masses.

There is a section on this forum called what does it mean.When you ask that question,it means you have to think.We suffer because we stop thinking and asking questions and gave a small group from the collective the power to think for the whole.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 02-20-2009 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 10:08 PM   #19
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Default Re: Syphoning

Is the root of your avatar to represent this principal. Czym ty jestes? - a question suggesting a derogatory answer. Are you telling me you have never had the experience of being around someone that drained your energy?

One does not need to harness something that has been given by docile masses, but the intent to use it can then be directed by the one who is awake. Energy is energy and the intent to direct it is enough. Also the observer has been shown to change an experiment in science so the observer wanting to can direct the energy of what they believe to be the outcome whither it be ritual, ceremony or science experiment. Your own postings seem to hold the question answered.

(I ask you for a cup. You give me the tea. Do you expect me to burn my hands?quote czymra) This seems a derogatory question to me. I gave you a cup I perceived as full of what you had asked for (my thoughts on the subject), you perceived it as I gave you tea. Maybe burning questions burns your hands?

Last edited by judykott; 02-20-2009 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 10:58 PM   #20
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Syphoning

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
I somehow see where you are coming from but it is still highly abstract. Why then can I not conjure things out of the nothing?
In a sense you're also talking about schroedinger's cat, I think?

Thanks for joining the discussion, I follow your 'Breaking the Code' with excitement but at the same time it seems rather ludicrous to me!(no offence)
Thats fine because it can stand on its own without any validation.I don;t post things to get validation.I just love to 5612945376394 i'm counting right now how many times you ask the same questions in different form.Thats the power of speech. 1348548394 I count every thing i'm still counting. I can't seem to stop I won't stop

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 02-20-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:34 PM   #21
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Default Re: Syphoning

I don't think you realize the power of words and speech.You can create a thread on this forum that will drag someone through the mud ,based on their level of conciousness.It can literally drain the energy from someone especially if they are drowning in emotions. I have been around such individuals that are energy vampires.You leave the conversation feeling depleted and they are skipping away because they have taken all your energy.

Create a thread and put emergency martial law and watch what happens. It will get 1000000000000000 hits because people are afraid of their circumstances changeing.But i bet you martial law has another meaning besides the one given to the masses.
I am aware of energy vampirism. I see this is a part of the equation but not my original concern. When a person faces another, I know there a countless ways in which one can drain or energise the other.

What I'm trying to get at is through what means exactly, and moreover, how this is done on a scale as indirect as tapping into a mass meditation.
As I understand it, the mental force can open a window of opportunity, the stronger or larger the group (or individual) the stronger the effect. Now I can imagine that around such a window (focus) a net is spun that somehow diverts the energy to the true goal. I wonder how that diversion is achieved.

Is the root of your avatar to represent this principal. Czym ty jestes? - a question suggesting a derogatory answer. Are you telling me you have never had the experience of being around someone that drained your energy?
I'm not as skilled as you are in the art of dissecting. Please explain further as I'm not able to follow, however I'm curious as my nickname 'just came to me' and I have yet to find a deeper meaning in it.
I'd be surprised to find one I'm can be convinced of. The closest I found is Welsh in Welsh which is 'cymraeg'.

One does not need to harness something that has been given by docile masses, but the intent to use it can then be directed by the one who is awake. Energy is energy and the intent to direct it is enough. Also the observer has been shown to change an experiment in science so the observer wanting to can direct the energy of what they believe to be the outcome whither it be ritual, ceremony or science experiment. Your own postings seem to hold the question answered.
I think I see where you are coming from but how can you say that one does not need to harness it? I mean, 'where' or 'how' is this energy? Has somebody put it in a jar meanwhile? I doubt one can keep it stored, but then, as explained above, I'm curious as to the diversion. Can one re-intend the energy? If so, isn't Astralwalker's 'make sure you send the right intention with your love energy, marking it so it will reach Gaia and Gaia only' rather useless?
Again it seems according to these statements that one can do all sorts of things. That is wonderful, but my mind still doesn't know HOW. Is it intent? Is it emotion? Do thus, whenever there is a force to be captured and diverted, a bunch of occult priests sit in their cellar and conduct a ritual that somehow symbolises the diverting of that energy? Is it then symbols again that channel and lead this process? Can it be anything? Can I sit here and with enough intensity of meaning behind, words, intents and symbols make my own little powerful diversion? Is it just a matter of externalising and manifesting those intents I have in a physical manner?
And if so, why would I need to bring what is not of the third dimension into the third dimension?

I agree, somehow my own posting seems to answer the question, yet... not. I'm not sure how to put it. Maybe I'm just riding on semantics but as I said, I'd really like to get this nailed and any assistance is highly welcomed!

(I ask you for a cup. You give me the tea. Do you expect me to burn my hands?quote czymra) This seems a derogatory question to me. I gave you a cup I perceived as full of what you had asked for (my thoughts on the subject), you perceived it as I gave you tea. Maybe burning questions burns your hands?
I am deeply sorry if I offended you. I am aware that my blatancy seems cynic but it is not meant as such. I am merely trying to illustrate that I feel like I'm being given content without a form to hold it and it's flowing through my fingers faster than I can lick it from them.
I would understand to turn of my intellect here if it was a matter of meditation and stillness but this magick seems to be a play on the mind, so I'm keen to let my mind penetrate it.
(And yes, I'm sure I'm burning my own fingers playing with fire...)

Thats fine because it can stand on its own without any validation.I don;t post things to get validation.I just love to 5612945376394 i'm counting right now how many times you ask the same questions in different form.Thats the power of speech. 1348548394 I count every thing i'm still counting. I can't seem to stop I won't stop
What you and Judy are up to is way beyond me and impressive to say the least. You see what position I currently take and from there I'm not sure if I should even start to engage with it, but don't think I don't respect it. In fact you might see some things from my end sometime soon that I will be unable to explain to myself for similar reasons, I believe.
I know I'm asking the same question again in different ways but I'm sure you understand it's necessity at times.

Thanks for all the input so far!
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:09 AM   #22
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Default Re: Syphoning

Just as an addendum to illustrate the concept described in the article I translated, this article discovers the same kind of focus on Obama:
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:30 AM   #23
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Syphoning

Here is another response for you to consider.
Ritual works like this,create several places where people come together, and call these places atlantis,create a movie called atlantis,give a pop star the name atlantis,create a film production company called atlantis,make products labeled atlantis.

This all is focused into the black box.What ever we focus our attention on, is what we become concious of.

Another example,say or show the numbers 911 to someone in the corporate world, and you will get a response.Not because of sept 11,but because it had already been planted in the mass conciousness to mean emergency.Who new that emergency had a dual meaning of emerge and see from the illusion of duality..

Is the average person aware that every time they click on that red x in the corner of your monitor,that they are being trained to recieve the mark of the beast, and also pay no attention to the duality of things at the same time.X marks the spot.I've heard that since i was a kid and now i know what the intention is behind the phrase.Every time we click on that x it goes into the box.Xbox 360 or 666

Here is another ritual that took place with the space program. The shuttles went up like this.Endevour,Discovery,Atlantis and the Challenger was destroyed.Here is the message that went into the box.An endevour for the discovery of Atlantis and the Challenger will be destroyed. Ask any one in the world what happened to the shuttle Challenger? Think like Satan ,and then rise above the archetype. No one can control you when you know what they know.We are all seeking enlightenment and eternal life

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 02-21-2009 at 12:50 AM.
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:53 PM   #24
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I'm not sure what to say, your info is highly valuable, but it's info. Nothing more.
I'll get back when I found another method of approaching this.
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Old 02-23-2009, 04:07 PM   #25
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Default Re: Syphoning

oedilroad ... this resonates with me ... the syphoning of energy to be inclusive of the sexual component ... yes ... old school knowledge indeed ... where it stemmed from ...

i am not familiar with the knowledge in text although i know it in my own way ...

interesting ...

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