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Old 05-04-2009, 05:21 AM   #1
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Default Freemasons...

"Ordo Ab Chao"

Jewel of the 33rd Degree
Sovereign Grand Inspector-General

"Satanic doctrine teaches that, ultimately, the New World Order can be established in society only after a time of planned, great world turbulence and chaotic disorder. It is this very concept- "order out of chaos"- which is at the foundation of all Masonic doctrine. Significantly, Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 degree are given a "jewel" to wear proudly. This jewel is decorated with the sign of three, interlocked triangles, representing both the unholy trinity and the number 666. The jewel is also inscribed with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao," interpreted as "Order Out of Chaos."

What brought on this post you may wonder? I just find it a little disconcerting that "ordo ab chao" is used by someone on the forum as their signature...

Or maybe it's just the result of a very long night shift lol

Would be very interested in hearing if anyone has any opinions?
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Old 05-04-2009, 02:43 PM   #2
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Originally Posted by Alterego View Post

"Satanic doctrine teaches that, ultimately, the New World Order can be established in society only after a time of planned, great world turbulence and chaotic disorder. It is this very concept- "order out of chaos"- which is at the foundation of all Masonic doctrine. Significantly, Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 degree are given a "jewel" to wear proudly. This jewel is decorated with the sign of three, interlocked triangles, representing both the unholy trinity and the number 666. The jewel is also inscribed with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao," interpreted as "Order Out of Chaos."
Can you provide your source for the quote? I'm not disputing anything; I'm just curious...
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Old 05-04-2009, 03:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Hi Alterego,

I think Order out of chaos makes perfect sense, as it did also in the Bible. Was there not a huge mess on the Earth so God sent the huge flood that Noah built his ark for to clear it allout and start again anew?

If you make a mees of things at home, do you not implant a new regime so that the mess doesn't happen again?

I think the meaning of Order out of Chaos is merely a reminder that better times will evolve after bad things happen, a bit like an "it's always sunny over the other side of the hill" sort of way.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
"Ordo Ab Chao"

Jewel of the 33rd Degree
Sovereign Grand Inspector-General

"Satanic doctrine teaches that, ultimately, the New World Order can be established in society only after a time of planned, great world turbulence and chaotic disorder. It is this very concept- "order out of chaos"- which is at the foundation of all Masonic doctrine. Significantly, Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 degree are given a "jewel" to wear proudly. This jewel is decorated with the sign of three, interlocked triangles, representing both the unholy trinity and the number 666. The jewel is also inscribed with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao," interpreted as "Order Out of Chaos."

What brought on this post you may wonder? I just find it a little disconcerting that "ordo ab chao" is used by someone on the forum as their signature...

Or maybe it's just the result of a very long night shift lol

Would be very interested in hearing if anyone has any opinions?
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Old 05-04-2009, 04:49 PM   #4
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Default Re: Freemasons...

The responses the posted here are very reassuring, it's good to see people do research of their own, and brings their own thoughts to the table... This in no way means i'm accusing thewatch(s) of anything untoward, i am grateful of their input and will continue to follow the thread with interest.

Many thanks

Many thanks everyone
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Old 05-04-2009, 05:05 PM   #5
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Why can't we create a better world by creating a better world? Why do individuals and organizations seem to be hell bent on making things worse...to try to make things better?

I think a lot of individuals and organizations have sold their souls to the devil...or the 'prince of this world' aka Lucifer. I don't think this is a fairy tale. Unfortunately, I don't know the details...or the rest of the story. Historically people have done business with the most powerful game in town...no matter how evil or destructive that power was, or is. I fear that our horrible and violent history has been the result. All of these organizations and individuals need to tell Lucifer to go to Hell.

The rank and file members of these various secret societies, religions, etc...generally don't have a clue how evil and rotten the core of their organizations really are. Everyone needs to get informed about what is really going on in this stupid, crazy world. Personal responsibility is the key concept.

I don't hate any of the people or organizations we love to hate. I just want them to exorcise the demons from their organizations. This may be a very painful process...but it must happen...and it must happen now. Conduit closing.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 05-04-2009 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 05-04-2009, 05:23 PM   #6
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Needless to say that the original ideas behind freemasonary were as pure as honest and set as direct opposition to worlds secular and religious hierarchies, offering equanimity and brotherhood to all who wanted to learn, to aspire for lofty spiritual goals and society free of stupid conventional values..
The New World once meant for many of us Spiritual World on Earth..

Whose fault is it that the ideas were sold out and corrupted ?

The Elders say that it is because Mysteries were revelead to unripe, knowledge was sold for riches.


In another words..duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem..two doing /saying the same is not the same..

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Old 05-04-2009, 05:50 PM   #7
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Default Re: Freemasons...

There was massive Masonic involvement in the founding of the United States...and in the composition of the Constitution. Might the U.S. Constitution epitomize the non-corrupt Masonic ideal? There is spiritual and financial corruption EVERYWHERE. We need to clean up our act.
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Old 05-04-2009, 07:34 PM   #8
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Order out of K Os ,never meant physical K Os.This idea is based on the Christ concsiousness bringing order out of chaos.

This is biblically depicted ,when the deciples were in their ship being tossed and turned by the waves of ignorance and dellusion. After being overwhelmed by circumstance,they went into the bottom of the ship at the base of the spine, where the Christ energy was sleeping.

Once this energy is aroused,it comes on deck and say peace be still.Thats order out of Chaos.

Their desire is to bring the world to a state of K Os,so they can come as saviours at the golden Dawn. In the bible this is known as the fourth watch,the time before sunrise.

This idea was depicted in the movie the lion king,where all the animals bowed down at the time of the rising sun, and worshiped the beast.

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 05-04-2009 at 07:55 PM.
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Old 05-04-2009, 08:39 PM   #9
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Problem, Reaction, Solution

Just Don't Play Their Game. You will be manuplated from one case to the other. Open your eyes.
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Old 05-04-2009, 08:59 PM   #10
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
The responses the posted here are very reassuring, it's good to see people do research of their own...
Will you be posting an answer to my question? (Post #3)
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Old 05-04-2009, 09:23 PM   #11
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Thanks for the explaination of the latin words Alterego did notice this on the watchers thread yes.

Order out of chaos.

This knowledge that the freemasons keep secret from all is how they control the rest of us.
It's about time we were given this knowledge and i feel that time will be coming soon.
By putting that very signiture at the end of that post just shows how arrogant and a slap in the face they can be giving us this info and blatantly showing us that they are part of that particular fraternity.
Nothing new there then
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Old 05-04-2009, 09:37 PM   #12
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Freemasons...

These kinda put it in a nutshell, if you haven't already read them.Documents well over 100 years old,written by the Freemasons and comming in to fruition ,word for word.

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Old 05-04-2009, 09:41 PM   #13
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
These kinda put it in a nutshell, if you haven't already read them.Documents well over 100 years old,written by the Freemasons and comming in to fruition ,word for word.

Thanks for that link 777 i'll take a look and read on.
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Old 05-04-2009, 10:47 PM   #14
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Default Re: Freemasons...

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
Will you be posting an answer to my question? (Post #3)
Sorry about that, i'll have a look for the link for you

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