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Old 12-01-2009, 07:30 PM   #1
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Default The Tenth Amendment Center

I am pleased to know that members of State Legislatures across the country are working together to try to restore Constitutional government in the United States.

Here is a website that they have set up to facilitate this:


From this website, here is a list of things the Legislators feel need to be done:


1. State Legislatures need to pass 10 key pieces of legislation “with teeth” to put the federal government back in its place.
2. The people must pass the legislation through the Initiative process if any piece of the legislative agenda fails.
3. County Sheriffs must reaffirm and uphold their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

I think we the people need to support this initiative, as well as the Articles of Freedom coming out of Continental Congress 2009.
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Old 12-04-2009, 07:23 PM   #2
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I am pleased to know that members of State Legislatures across the country are working together to try to restore Constitutional government in the United States.

Here is a website that they have set up to facilitate this:

The website offers a newsletter, which I signed up for.

I have received my first newsletter.

Here is a copy and paste of it:


New Podcast: Nullification: A Constitutional History

"The President is bound to stop at the limits prescribed by our Constitution and law to the authorities in his hands, [and this] would apply in an occasion of peace as well as war."
--Thomas Jefferson


It's Not Just Obama, It's the System
by Timothy Baldwin
(read more and comment here)

A new President would no more change the form and system of the federal government than would pumping trillions of dollars of tax payer monies create a stable and sound economic system in America.

Just as America’s paper currency (the dollar) is not backed by a solid foundation (e.g. gold-silver standard), so too the executive branch of the federal government is not backed by substantive principles of freedom.

Make no mistake about this: there has not been a United States President elected since 1861 that has advocated for the true principles of federalism and freedom, and both major political parties have only cemented and built upon the previous President’s legacy of federal power at the expense of the states and people.

If you think that freedom will be restored because a Republican who claims to be pro-life, pro-family, or pro-business sits in the White House, you are mistaken. If you think that Obama’s true birth place being revealed will restore all that we have lost for over 100 years and will somehow decapitate the head of the beast (thereby granting victory to “conservative America”), think again.

(read more and comment here)

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Old 12-04-2009, 08:08 PM   #3
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
This podcast looks interesting. And it seems to me that learning this stuff could give us ammunition (speaking metaphorically of course) with which to try to restore our republic.

Here is a copy and paste from that page:


Kirk Wood: Nullification, A Constitutional History

03. Dec, 2009

Walter Kirk Wood, professor of history at Alabama State University and expert on the principle of nullification, explains the history of nullification in the American Constitutional tradition, a federal system as a check on arbitrary, centralized power, Imperium in Imperio and the American colonies, the three prominent nullification movements in early American history, James Madison’s “report of 1800,” Madison as the father of nullification and his notes on the Constitutional Convention, the extended-republic of the anti-federalists, how nullification acts as a check on central power and is inherent in a federal system, how nullification was virtually lost for over a century, its return in recent history, America’s first freedom as freedom from government, and more.


Here is the blurb associated with a YouTube video that is linked on the page:

The Classical Liberal States' Rights Tradition

The fourth of ten lectures from the 2006 Steven Berger Seminar: Thomas DiLorenzo on Liberty and American Civilization, recorded at the Mises Institute, 06-06-2006.

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Old 12-07-2009, 02:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Today there is a The Tenth Amendment Center blog post that includes an audio file and a link to a video entitled, "Sheriff Mack: The County Sheriff, America’s Last Hope":

07. Dec, 2009

Click here to download

Sheriff Richard Mack, the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, talks about how the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions, how the sheriff has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies – foreign and domestic, how presidents use the IRS as a political hit squad on their opponents, his landmark court case – and supreme court victory – in response to the Clinton administration and the Brady Bill back in the 1990’s, the federal government’s authority being only that which has been delegated to it in the Constitution, how to approach your county sheriff to encourage them to stand up for the Constitution, and more.

Mentioned in This Show


Book: The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope

Printz v United States

"YouTube- Sheriff Mack Supremacy Clause"

Copyright © 2009 by TenthAmendmentCenter.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

I looked up the Supremacy Clause because I had forgotten what it means.

An online dictionary says this:

"The Supremacy Clause is the common name given to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which reads:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The Tenth Amendment reads:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Last edited by Seashore; 12-19-2009 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Correct a bad link
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Old 12-07-2009, 07:25 PM   #5
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
This is a good interview. It lasts 21:56 minutes. The Sheriff talks about the need for the Sheriffs across the United States to "interpose themselves" to protect their citizens against the Federal government exceeding their authority as provided in the Constitution. He says that citizens in 20 states have provided all the Sheriffs in their state a copy of his book, which he says is only 50 pages long, and is written to help educate Sheriffs. He said that also, he provides Constitutional training for Sheriffs.
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:19 PM   #6
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

I looked up the Supremacy Clause because I had forgotten what it means.

An online dictionary says this:

"The Supremacy Clause is the common name given to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which reads:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The Tenth Amendment reads:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
At first I was confused by by "any Thing in the Constitution" but now I realize this is referring to the State Constitution.
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
This lasts 6:19 minutes. He talks about the United Nations not being in our best interests, which I agree with wholeheartedly.

He explains that the Supremacy Clause only applies to the limited Federal sphere as enumerated in the Constitution.
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Old 12-07-2009, 10:57 PM   #8
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
New Podcast: Nullification: A Constitutional History

"The President is bound to stop at the limits prescribed by our Constitution and law to the authorities in his hands, [and this] would apply in an occasion of peace as well as war."
--Thomas Jefferson
This lasts 22:49 minutes. It points out that the term "nullification" is one that was applied by the opposition, to cast a negative pall upon, the concept of strong states' rights.

It talks about America's first freedom being the freedom from government!

The professor has a website: www.nullificationhistory.com.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:25 AM   #9
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Nullification: When a state ‘nullifies’ a
federal law, it is proclaiming that the law in
question is void and inoperative, or
‘non-effective,’ within the boundaries of that
state; or, in other words, not a law as far as
that state is concerned.


My understanding is that this is based on the Federal Government exceeding its authority under the U.S. Constitution.
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Old 12-08-2009, 04:06 AM   #10
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Here is a website that they have set up to facilitate this:


From this website, here is a list of things the Legislators feel need to be done:

1. State Legislatures need to pass 10 key pieces of legislation “with teeth” to put the federal government back in its place.
The above comes from the article "Resist DC: A Step-by-Step Plan for Freedom" by State Rep. Matthew Shea (WA-4th).

Here is the first part of the list of legislation the States need to adopt:

It is clear then that State Legislatures can stop the unconstitutional overreach of the Obama administration through nullification. Here is a list of proposed nullification legislation to introduce in all 50 States.

1. Nullification of Socialized Health Care current efforts example legislation
2. Nullification of National Cap and Trade example legislation
3. Federal Enumerated Powers Requirement (Blanket Nullification) [This Link Doesn't Work]
4. Establishment of a Federal Tax Escrow Account example legislation

If imposed, socialized health care and cap and trade will crush our economy. These programs are both unconstitutional, creating government powers beyond those enumerated by the Constitution. If those programs are nullified, it will give the individual states a fighting chance to detach from a federal budget in freefall and save the economies of the individual states.

Next, blanket nullification.

The Federal Government, particularly the House of Representatives, needs to abide by its own rules. In particular, House Rule XIII 3(d) specifically states that:

“Each report of a committee on a public bill or public joint resolution shall contain the following: (1) A statement citing the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the law proposed by the bill or resolution.” 3

Needless to say, this rule is generally ignored. The idea behind blanket nullification is that if the Congress does not specify the enumerated power it is using according to its own rules, or the power specified is not one of the enumerated powers granted to Congress in the United States Constitution, then the “law” is automatically null and void.

Lastly, the federal government cannot survive without money. I know that seems obvious but many states are missing the opportunity to use money as an incentive for the federal government to return to its proper role. Most visibly, states help collect the federal portion of the gasoline tax. That money should be put into an escrow account at the state level and held there. The Escrow Account legislation includes a provision that all consumer, excise, and income taxes payable to the federal government would go through this account first. This would do two things. First, it would give states the ability to collect interest on that money to help offset revenue shortfalls. Second, it would allow states to hold that money as long as needed as an incentive for the federal government to return within the enumerated boundaries of its power.
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Old 12-08-2009, 10:25 AM   #11
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Exclamation Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

One thing is certain: if we are going to save our republic, we're going to have to come together at a grassroots level, which means throwing out the left-right paradigm.

This blog article from the Tenth Amendment Center website is music to my ears:

Is the Left/Right Crossover Moment Upon Us?

08. Dec, 2009 Written by: Bryce Shonka

Bryce Shonka is Media and Grassroots
Director for the Tenth Amendment Center.
He resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Anyone who reads comic books knows the term ‘crossover,’ in which two heroes from different books join forces for some greater cause, a cause not unlike that which faces all Americans right now.

One thing that the sovereignty movement has lacked during its surge these past few months has been proportionate participation from both sides of the political spectrum, a requirement for any successful non-partisan movement. We at TAC have recognized that this was a matter of timing, that the sovereignty movement represented opposition to what many saw as their beloved Obama and therefore was met with closed minds.

Has that phase run its course? It would seem likely. Between the recent announcement of US military escalation in Afghanistan, the revelations of very Bush-like opaque tactics continued under Obama and the impending announcement of what may be a concession of the entire republic’s sovereignty at the Copenhagen conference, the Obama ecstasy may be thinning.

We as a movement must take advantage of this opportunity and let the newly disillusioned know that we were on their side all along- despite round after round of misinformation by the establishment media. We must use this opportunity to build our mainstream coalition.

The potential is staggering indeed, when one considers the idea of the formerly left grassroots merging with formerly right grassroots, the result would be a superhero partnership of epic proportions, it would be a force capable of resisting even the most desperate tactics by the centralizers.

I encourage you all to consider this line of thinking right now- in terms of tearing down walls and combining our strength. In terms of ripping down the curtain that hides the true center of power, which is not the president but rather the system itself, a system that is beyond reform and drastically deviant from the intentions of our founding fathers.
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Old 12-08-2009, 09:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
The above comes from the article "Resist DC: A Step-by-Step Plan for Freedom" by State Rep. Matthew Shea (WA-4th).
Here is the second part of the list of legislation the States need to adopt:


Step 2: Erect an impenetrable wall around the County Sheriff and the 2nd Amendment.

As recently stated in the famous Heller opinion by the United States Supreme Court, the right to bear arms “is an individual right protecting against both public and private violence” and “when the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized they are better able to resist tyranny.” 4

Thus, it is clear that the 2nd Amendment not only protects the right to self-defense but that right extends to defending oneself against tyranny. As with any historical attempt to establish a dictatorship weapons must be seized or severely regulated. 5

Here is a list of legislation to prevent this from happening, some of which has already been introduced in states around the country:

* Sheriff First model legislation
* Extension of the Castle Doctrine (right to protection) sample legislation
* Prohibition of Gun and Ammunition Tracking [see above]
* Firearms Freedom Act current efforts model legislation

The county Sheriff is the senior law enforcement officer both in terms of rank and legal authority in a county. This comes from a tradition of over 1000 years of Anglo-Saxon common law. Anglo-Saxon communities were typically organized into “shires” consisting of approximately 1000 people. 6

The chief law enforcement officer of the shire was the “reeve” or “reef.” Hence, the modern combination of the two words, as we know them today, “shire reef” or “Sheriff.” 7

Consequently, the Sheriff’s pre-eminent legal authority is well established. This was confirmed in Printz v. United States. 7 Justice Scalia quotes James Madison who wrote in Federalist 39:

“In the latter, the local or municipal authorities form distinct and independent portions of the supremacy, no more subject, within their respective spheres, to the general authority, than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere.”9

Sheriff 1st legislation would formally declare that all federal agents and officers must give notice of, and seek permission before, any arrest, search, or seizure occurs. Thus, federal agents and officers seeking to enforce unconstitutional laws must go through the county Sheriff first.

Extending the castle doctrine to one’s person would go a long way toward eliminating the arbitrary “no carry” areas. Like Virginia Tech, it is these areas where guns for self-defense are most needed.

Many gun and ammunition tracking schemes have been, and are still being, attempted. The intended purpose of “reducing gun related” crime is never realized. Instead, law-abiding citizens are punished with regulatory burdens and fees. Quite simply we need transparency in government not in the people.

Montana started the firearms freedom act to rein in the federal government’s use of the Commerce Clause to regulate everything within the stream of commerce. The original intent of the Commerce Clause was to regulate commerce between states not within states as Professor Rob Natelson points out in his 2007 Montana Law Review article.10

The Montana FFA simply returns to that original understanding regarding firearms made, sold, and kept within a state’s borders.

This list is by no means exhaustive. However, it does contain some immediate steps that can be taken toward freedom and restoring our God honoring Constitutional Republic. Hitler’s laws of January 30 and February 14, 1934, should serve as a stark reminder of what happens when state sovereignty is abolished.

In the coming few weeks I will publish the next part of the plan.

Matthew Shea send him email is a State Representative in Washington’s 4th District. He’s the author of HJM4009 for State Sovereignty. Visit his website.

Copyright © 2009 by TenthAmendmentCenter.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


The more I read and listen and watch from this website, the more I realize the potential here to save our republic through the states.
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Old 12-10-2009, 12:57 AM   #13
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Hi Seashore, the large amounts of useful information offered in your thread is a veritable gold mine . It is possible to DO something and MAKE a difference!!!

I have just finished reading what happened to Serge Monast (1994) after he researched Project Blue Beam. Now I am going to start paying closer attention to what's going on in Canada.
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Old 12-10-2009, 01:07 AM   #14
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by sunflower View Post
Hi Seashore, the large amounts of useful information offered in your thread is a veritable gold mine . It is possible to DO something and MAKE a difference!!!
Thanks for posting!!

Originally Posted by sunflower View Post
I have just finished reading what happened to Serge Monast (1994) after he researched Project Blue Beam. Now I am going to start paying closer attention to what's going on in Canada.
I'm not familiar with his story...
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Old 12-11-2009, 02:56 PM   #15
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

Is the Left/Right Crossover Moment Upon Us?

I hope so!!

It's what we need...

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Old 12-17-2009, 06:29 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Tenth Amendment Center

This article appears on the Tenth Amendment Center website today:

Feds Attempting to Annex ALL Water in the U.S.

17. Dec, 2009
Written by: Bryce Shonka

Bryce Shonka is the State Chapter Coordinator for the California Tenth Amendment Center. He also serves as the Media and Grassroots Director for the National Tenth Amendment Center. He resides in Los Angeles, CA.


Russ Feingold, whose previous work successfully impeded all manner of grassroots activism (McCain/Feingold), has now set the stage for a Federal takeover of any and all bodies of water in the 50 states. If you think this is an exaggeration, here is an excerpt from the text of his new bill:

“…all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting them, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution.”


So basically, in addition to putting a gun to your head and forcing you to purchase health care, bail out the banksters and fund the murder of brown people in various international locales, this congress now wants control over our water- including your backyard Koi pond and Farmer John’s watering hole.

U.S. Senator James Inhofe went on record with these words,

“Allowing EPA and the Corps to exercise unlimited regulatory authority over all inter- and intrastate water, or virtually anything that is wet, goes too far and is certainly beyond anything intended by the Clean Water Act. But, that is what S. 787 does. It vastly expands Federal control of private property, despite assurances contained in S. 787. In fact, the very premise of the bill is to override a State’s fundamental right to oversee waters within its borders and to usurp the power of land owners to manage their property as they see fit. The Constitution never envisioned federal jurisdiction being boundless; it carves out room for state and local governments and private property owners to manage their resources.”

Many of course, will give S.787 a free pass because of the bill’s stated intentions of reducing pollution, though it would be ironic for one to entrust the Federal government with such a responsibility considering the Feds have contributed more pollution to the environment than any other source. Federal contractors can dump wherever and whenever they want, a phenomenon witnessed firsthand and described by Becky Norton Dunlop in her book Clearing the Air.

Indoctrination in government schools leaves the masses convinced that DC is there to make their lives better and so yet another loss of freedom and individual rights is on the way under the guise of "environmental protection."You can make a difference by demanding that your state and local officials move to nullify S.787 should it pass. It is your right under the 10th amendment to stand up to Federal tyranny such as this, will you exercise that right?


I suspect that S. 787 is simply rubber stamping United Nations mandates.

And I suspect that nullification by the States is our only hope...
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