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Old 12-14-2009, 08:36 PM   #1
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Default Amen Ra

I begin this thread with fear and trembling. Really. I know so little about these two short words...Amen Ra...but I have a feeling that they might be central to a proper understanding of Extraterrestrials, God, and Us. It is important to get it right...right from the beginning. The Camelot and Avalon quest is a theological quest...whether we realize it or not...and whether we like it or not.

Could Lucifer be the Human God of This World? Could Satan be the Reptilian God of This World? Could Amen Ra be a combination of the two? A Pleiadian Human Being...Perfectly Possessed by a Draconian Interdimensional Reptilian? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqZkPxG2pmA Is Amen Ra not only the ancient Egyptian God...but also the God of the Bible? Is Amen Ra and the Dog-Star Sirius at the center of everything? Is Sirius the star the wise-men followed? Is Sirius the illumination behind the All Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid? We may not be dealing with the Creator God of the Universe...but rather with imperfect deities...who are a mixture of good and evil...sanity and insanity. Could a complete understanding of all of the above become the foundation of a New Non-Theistic Theology? I know this is a supreme oxymoron...but I think that we can and should have a New Theology which does not have an all powerful single God. The first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'...because power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Having said that...we still need divine principles and concepts...which lift us higher. This is a more delicate operation than brain surgery. How do we tell the world the real truth...without destroying civilization?

Consider the following threads before proceeding: 1. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron 2. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...a+intelligence Here are some videos to get the ball rolling. The ball might turn out to be like the one in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YXw7BxYGMU
I really feel like I'm playing with fire (the burning bush?). Perhaps this is holy ground...and I should take off my shoes...and kneel. World without end. Amen.

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1CWB...eature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtMSA3Dy1lI&NR=1
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRIIs...eature=related
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ4L3...1&feature=fvwp
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh6EYbcBv5Y&NR=1
7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b365_qJEpDg
8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiI2ttLKjvU
9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7O7UZxipM
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQvtm...eature=related
11. Stargate SG-1 "Torment of Tantalus"http://www.fancast.com/tv/Stargate-S...antalus/videos
12. Stargate SG-1 "The Fifth Race" http://www.hulu.com/watch/68254/star...the-fifth-race
13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmwKw...eature=related
14. Ralph Ellis I http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/members/rellis.htm
15. Ralph Ellis II http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com...rs/rellis2.htm
16. Stargate SG-1 "Hathor" http://www.hulu.com/watch/62967/stargate-sg-1-hathor

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Old 12-14-2009, 09:12 PM   #2
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Default Re: Amen Ra


3 years ago I had my second near death experience. It was not like the first one.

I went through an eye (yes a physical one) and there were voices speaking to me in a language I couldn't understand (sounded ancient for lack of better description) I did not feel well as this was happening and was filled with despair at the realization of what was happening.

It's a bit hard to explain but I felt this was some all seeing eye construct one passes through in certain areas of the Matrix so to speak.

When I told my ex husband (he being a researcher of ancient Egyptian archeology and lore) mentioned that it sounded like the eye of Ra.

I can write more but to this day don't like recounting that experience because it really left me shaken.

I've come to some conclusions about Lucifer myself that are similar to yours. Seems to be a main hacker in the Matrix.

Last edited by eleni; 12-14-2009 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 12-14-2009, 09:17 PM   #3
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Have not watched the videos you posted yet but in realtion to a reptilian connection...check this out

It appears that, originally, the Egyptians, like some other peoples who practiced ritual cannibalism, thought that spiritual powers resided in the body and could be acquired by ingestion. There is no evidence, though, that such a view was more than speculative and ever acted upon.
The king orders sacrifices, he alone controls them,
the king eats humans, feeds on gods,
he has them presented on an altar to himself,
he has agents to do his will. He fires off the orders!
The king eats their magic, he gulps down their souls,
the adults he has for breakfast,
the young are lunch,
the babies he has for supper,
the old ones are too tough to eat, he just burns them on the altar as an offering to himself.

found this here
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Old 12-14-2009, 09:18 PM   #4
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by eleni View Post

3 years ago I had my second near death experience. It was not like the first one.

I went through an eye (yes a physical one) and there were voices speaking to me in a language I couldn't understand (sounded ancient for lack of better description) I did not feel well as this was happening and was filled with despair at the realization of what was happening.

It's a bit hard to explain but I felt this was some all seeing eye construct one passes through in certain areas of the Matrix so to speak.

When I told my ex husband (he being a researcher of ancient Egyptian archeology and lore) mentioned that it sounded like the eye of Ra.

I can write more but to this day don't like recounting that experience because it really left me shaken.

I've come to some conclusions about Lucifer myself that are similar to yours.
Are you referring to the third eye, located between the eyebrows that advanced mediators can see?. The aim is to go threw it and merge with infinite consciousness.
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Old 12-14-2009, 10:06 PM   #5
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Nope- it was not my eye.
Of interest after that we went to visit a friend of my husband. He lived in Sweden and entered into a psychic research institute there (I can find out the name- this was years ago).

Unusual thing happened to him......

He lay down on this table and a pyramid was placed over him. He said he levitated off the table but what was really odd was that he could see in the corner of the room this eye......

Well he entered the eye and felt it was not really benevolent........

From his description (obviously more than what I wrote here) it sounded very similar to what I saw and entered.

He coined it the *all seeing eye*.

I wonder if this eye has anything to do with the Annunaki AI system.
When I was being watched by the AI system I tuned into it and was scared ****less, I couldn't sleep for a week with the lights off and others who had been there too had the same reaction.
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Old 12-14-2009, 10:20 PM   #6
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Default Re: Amen Ra

I can now finally post this:

Have you seen Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian or also called Night at the Museum 2 ?

I must say that going to the movies with your kids can be quite revealing. So many kids movies are filled with subliminal signs.

There is actually a big list that I could generate here but let me stick to this one.

Amen Ra is also known as Amun Ra ... and surprise surprise this film contains a character called Kah Mun Rah ... and it gets better.

He represents evil and gathers evil around him. He's jealous on his brother who got all the attention of his parents and now he
wants to be the sole king to rule the world. He's dressed with 'snake-ware' and slisses like a reptilian too.

It's all about getting a key palette to open a portal and let his supportive beings (half man half bird) into this world.

Besides all of this there is a whole bunch of other stuff which is amazing. What to think about time travel. From lots of
pictures on the wall scenes from history come to life and all history is alive at the same time ....

I am sure I missed out a whole lot of other stuff ... but you have got to see this movie yourself.

The reason I was so appalled by this movie was because I accompanied my wife to a protestant service a little before.
I asked her if she knew what Amen at the end of a prayer actually means. And then the reverend even used these exact phrases:
- you should not worship other gods because He is a jealous god
- he also mentioned a king returning who would rule the world

Now since the names were not filled in it gave me the creeps already the first time I heard it. I explained that to my wife
(who doesn't believe a word I say anyway) and then within 2 weeks this films showed up.

I must try to find the thread about the movies so I can add a whole list of interesting (kids) movies so you can see
how Hollywood is impregnating the kids with soon required ideas.

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Old 12-14-2009, 10:42 PM   #7
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by eleni View Post

3 years ago I had my second near death experience. It was not like the first one.

I went through an eye (yes a physical one) and there were voices speaking to me in a language I couldn't understand (sounded ancient for lack of better description) I did not feel well as this was happening and was filled with despair at the realization of what was happening.

It's a bit hard to explain but I felt this was some all seeing eye construct one passes through in certain areas of the Matrix so to speak.

When I told my ex husband (he being a researcher of ancient Egyptian archeology and lore) mentioned that it sounded like the eye of Ra.

I can write more but to this day don't like recounting that experience because it really left me shaken.

I've come to some conclusions about Lucifer myself that are similar to yours. Seems to be a main hacker in the Matrix.
Thank-you eleni for your insight and honesty. You have gone through a lot. I won't ask questions...but I always appreciate what you have to say. What little I know...is second hand information. You have lived it.

I just want our world to move beyond the hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo. I want this world (and solar system) to be governed by Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...as a non-theocratic union of spirituality and state. Perhaps at some point...Ra might even say Amen to that! Come to think of it...Ra might HAVE to say Amen to that...for this concept to become a reality. Hope springs eternal.
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:36 AM   #8
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Ortho, you ask too many questions at once...

Personally I don`t care about Amen Ra...

Whole this situation regarding all this "gods" from through out history and universe is non worthy for me.

For me it`s like this: " hey I have a new secret thing to share, a new stuff or tech ,awesome man!!! "

Or Lucifer this or Lucifer that. or Satan this or Satan that.
I don`t care.

Why should I care when I have creator of the universe on my side???
Why should I be bothered with non important beings who only wish to enslave ???

We need to shed off all burdens from our souls and to draw close to Creator and his son in order to get all answers, true and complete answers to our souls.
We should forget about religions, politics, systems, knowledge of man. We should strive towards the only knowledge that exist -Creator`s knowledge.

I feel that we over load ourselves with not necessary loads of philosophy or certain teachings, that we may miss the real stuff.

Love and blessings,

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Old 12-15-2009, 12:38 AM   #9
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Default Re: Amen Ra

I begin this thread with fear and trembling.
No need for that. Honestly, there is no need.

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Old 12-15-2009, 12:43 AM   #10
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Nice Beren , stay the course of importance as the other stuff is incidental when you can keep your focus and heart in the right place.
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:47 AM   #11
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
Have not watched the videos you posted yet but in realtion to a reptilian connection...check this out

It appears that, originally, the Egyptians, like some other peoples who practiced ritual cannibalism, thought that spiritual powers resided in the body and could be acquired by ingestion. There is no evidence, though, that such a view was more than speculative and ever acted upon.
The king orders sacrifices, he alone controls them,
the king eats humans, feeds on gods,
he has them presented on an altar to himself,
he has agents to do his will. He fires off the orders!
The king eats their magic, he gulps down their souls,
the adults he has for breakfast,
the young are lunch,
the babies he has for supper,
the old ones are too tough to eat, he just burns them on the altar as an offering to himself.

found this here

credo mutwa says that is why they boiled the human before they ate them to ward off evil spirits

I just heard on coast to coast that they do not like the women to wear eye makeup, as it spoils the taste LOL
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Old 12-15-2009, 01:20 AM   #12
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Default Re: Amen Ra

I'm calling BS to all the Matrix infiltrator's including the Illuminati, ancient astronauts, Amen Ra, Horus etc;
They are nothing but conrstucts designed to make us fearful.......
And yet some of us (me) do get scared when we encounter these idiots......
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Old 12-15-2009, 03:53 AM   #13
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Default Re: Amen Ra

What I am really interested in...is the Administration of the Solar System...going back thousands or even millions of years. I'm just not seeing the Founders (or whoever superimposed intelligent design upon an evolutionary canvas - resulting in the bodies and souls of humanity) at work in this Solar System. It's almost as if something catastrophic happened to the Founders (or equivalent)...and all we have left is the Creation and the Holy Spirit of the Founders Within All of Humanity. This is one reason why I am interested in the concept of Namaste...which includes the Reverence for Life philosophy of Albert Schweitzer...and Seeing Christ in All Persons (Christ in You...the Hope of Glory). The Kingdom Within may be much more than merely a figure of speech.

There may have been a lot of smoke and mirrors (holograms and magic?)...truths and half-truths...used to manage the people of the world...for good and for ill...throughout history. I just think we can do better presently...and that we need to move on to bigger and better things. I continue to think that the true history of the universe is very sad and violent...and that Full Disclosure will be almost unbearable. Jesus said 'I have many things to tell you...but you can't bear them.' We may have to bear these things (and more?) in the near future. Will we respond responsibly? Are we safe to save?

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Old 12-15-2009, 10:24 PM   #14
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Thank-you for the reassurance Anchor. I hope to meet Amen Ra someday. Might this be the equivalent of standing before a Holy God without a mediator?

Amen Ra would have had to deal with multiple factions. Could these factions or forces have included 1. Reptilians (physical and/or non-physical)? 2. A Pleiadian Human Rival God? 3. The Holy Spirit of the Founders (Ancients or equivalent) within Humanity? 4. Various Factions of the General Public? 5. Who Knows? This would have been quite a full plate. How would you have handled the various factions or forces? I'm sensing that universal history and Earth history is very complex and messy. At some point...one might become corrupt and/or crazy...to a greater or lesser degree. I don't say this as a slam...to demonize any ancient deities. I'm just trying to think this thing through in a rational and fair manner. Sirius, Egypt, and Amen Ra are presently at the top of my interest list. I'm watching Stargate SG1 episodes to get a feel for a unification of past/present/future...with a heavy emphasis on Egyptian History, Human/Goa'uld Gods, and Extraterrestrials in General. The smoke is just pouring out of my ears. How many years is all of this taking off of my life?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-15-2009 at 10:28 PM.
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:39 PM   #15
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Default Re: Amen Ra

This is what the Egyptians believed... not consistently over centuries or uniformly, but broadly.

"For at the top of the universal order stood a goddess, a teenage girl goddess who was often represented as a pair of twins, Ma'at.

This unprepossessing goddess literally ruled everything. She was not the sun and she was not power and strength; she represented, rather, an abstraction. She was "Truth" or "Order."

The Egyptian word for this balance was the Egyptian word for "truth," ma'at; this is perhaps the single most important aspect of Egyptian culture that you can learn. For once you really understand this concept, the whole of Egyptian culture begins to make sense. The order of the universe (ma'at ) functioned with unswerving accuracy; it was maintained by the goddess Ma'at."


The eye or Ra was actually the eye or Ma'at, either originally, at one time, or according to some.

A Goddess spoke to me, and She didn't speak to me out of nowhere without context. It was within a dramatic unparalleled display of synchronistic miracles.
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:40 PM   #16
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Default Re: Amen Ra

The All-Seeing Eye of Maat was the symbol of the Goddess Maat, as Goddess of law, morality, and justice.

The Egyptians believed that it was Maat who held the universe together. It was Her quality of order which maintained the world.

As Walker states, "The Mother-syllable Maa meant 'to see'; in hieroglyphics it was an eye." (Barbara Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, p 294) Even the ancients knew that mother's had eyes at the backs of their heads!

The Eye of Maat, or Utchat, later became known as the Eye of Thoth, Eye of Ra, and is commonly called the Eye of Horus today. Although it became associated with male Gods, it is sometimes - confusingly - still referred to with the feminine pronoun.

The Eye of Maat is the origin of the Evil Eye superstition. The Goddess would not only judge, but mete out retribution. To those with a guilty conscience, the Eye of Maat became a source of fear.

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Old 12-16-2009, 02:40 AM   #17
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Wouldn't it be quite amazing if a young woman...or a young androgynous person...has been running things here on Earth...for thousands of years? 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmwKw...eature=related I see one human soul...reincarnating through hundreds or thousands of bodies...living in an underground stargate temple complex (under the Giza Plateau?)...for centuries and millenia. I see this one human soul behind all of the major religions. I also could be very wrong. I'm just trying to specialize in speculation which is rooted in honest research and reflection.

The reptilian phenomenon puzzles me. Who controls who? Did Amen Ra use reptilians as guards and soldiers, etc? Or...did reptilians possess and control Amen Ra to control the world? Perhaps Amen Ra was (and is?) fighting battles on many fronts...as a sort of a mediator/negotiator...to keep light on the Earth (or to keep the Earth enslaved?). Perhaps few people know how much it really costs...in blood, sweat, tears, and gold...to keep life and light on the Earth. I'm seeing both a rational and irrational being...a kind and cruel being...a sort of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. This could go with the territory of being a deity. I truly think it would be best if we could evolve to the point where we would not need to have any gods.

But our politicians need to go through an educational process...fit for a king. Each politician should probably have the equivalent of two doctorates in multidisciplinary and governmental studies. Politicians should have to take batteries of tests to prove that they are fit to be the equivalent of kings (for limited periods of time...to avoid corruption and insanity). Too much power for too long...is a recipe for disaster. Power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't want tyranny and theocracy...but I also don't want a bunch of corrupt and stupid nitwits...running amok in a make believe democracy...owned by the banks and media moguls...who take orders from off-world entities.

There should be at least 10,000 people...worldwide...who know everything about everything...and could assume supreme leadership in a very competent manner...without prior notice. One would have to competitively join this group...in order to run for high office. I just want this world to be cleaned-up and run properly. We probably need the City-States and the United Nations...but not in their current state. They need to be completely reformed and purified...if this is even possible. If it's not possible...then we need to start from scratch.

I don't think that it would be good to be king. It might be a necessary evil...at times...but I don't consider the royal model to be the epitome of divinity.


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Old 12-16-2009, 02:57 AM   #18
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Wouldn't it be quite amazing if a young girl...has been running things here on Earth...for thousands of years?
She has been.

There is NO WAY anything other than an all powerful omnipotence could have orchestrated my story, and that omnipotence/omniscience spoke to me and She was definitely a SHE.
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Old 12-16-2009, 04:04 AM   #19
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by New Age Messiah View Post
She has been.

There is NO WAY anything other than an all powerful omnipotence could have orchestrated my story, and that omnipotence/omniscience spoke to me and She was definitely a SHE.
If this is true...is this something the world is prepared to learn about? What if God has been (and is?) a young black woman in league with extraterrestrial humans and interdimensional reptilians? What would Joe the Plumber say?

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Old 12-16-2009, 04:12 AM   #20
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
If this is true...is this something the world is prepared to learn about? What if God has been (and is?) a young black woman in league with extraterrestrial humans and interdimensional reptilians? What would Joe the Plumber say?
At least there's something new to think about.
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Old 12-16-2009, 05:26 AM   #21
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Default Re: Amen Ra

The Eye of Maat is the origin of the Evil Eye superstition. The Goddess would not only judge, but mete out retribution. To those with a guilty conscience, the Eye of Maat became a source of fear.
It is therefore of the upmost importance not to have a quilty conscience when you face the Eye of Ma'at!
Facing the Eye of Ma'at is part of the 'death sequence' - when the soul leaves the body - and takes place right after you realize you have died.

Together with Hate & Fear, Quilt is the most destructive emotion humans 'posses'.

Amen Ra & his Reptilian Slavemasters (Lucifer etc.) 'feed' on these emotions.
The 'topping on the cake' of this 'food' (the kaviar) is a fresh human soul, that is fullfilled with hate, fear &/or quilt - preferably the 3 together -.
That (these tormented souls) is the Food of The Gods.

So the trick is to look into the Eye of Ma'am and feel no Hate, Fear or Quilt.
A simple "F#CK YOU!" is enough to deal with it.

Now, this might sounds/look very bold & simple, but I can ensure you it is not.
(As can eleni, I've understood from her above posts.)

Without a doubt this is one of the most important - if not THE most important - 'skill' you need to get yourself aware of & master.

(This is no BS. I have experienced death - as in being dead for 6 minutes - and it opened my eyes. I haven't said much about it - and probably won't in future times, unless 'the mood strikes', like now. Why is that? Because).

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Old 12-16-2009, 05:54 AM   #22
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
It is therefore of the upmost importance not to have a quilty conscience when you face the Eye of Ma'at!

Facing the Eye of Ma'at is part of the 'death sequence' - when the soul leaves the body - and takes place right after you realize you have died.

Together with Hate & Fear, Quilt is the most destructive emotion humans 'posses'.
Without a doubt this is one of the most important - if not THE most important - 'skill' you need to get yourself aware of & master.

(This is no BS. I have experienced death - as in being dead for 6 minutes - and it opened my eyes. I haven't said much about it - and probably won't in future times, unless 'the mood strikes', like now. Why is that? Because).
Yeah, I was on the brink of death for years, my heart was within an eyelash of stopping, I felt the little electric synapses or whatever, just barely touching... My entire being was pure turmoil, chaos, pain and heartbreak.

But I just told myself, "Reality is God" "I am the universe".

All that turmoil and I mean it was like tropical storms CONSTANTLY for YEARS, I just accepted it as God, and let it do to me what it would, and it rebuilt me, put all the pieces back together, etc. VERY VERY difficult constantly, for years, I had to navigate and comprehend unfathomable territory, a black hole, literally, is what I was.

At about five years into my trauma, She spoke to me, and honestly, if She wouldn't have, I don't think I would have made it. I had to be absolutely certain.

Even though there were tons of signs, the time it took to process the black hole, and the helplessness of being injured deeply but no one could see the injuries... Anyway, She was there.

And so I have a feeling, regarding the future, that She is FULLY aware of everything going on, and She is either going to let the male religions have a fight to the death, let them annihilate a portion of the earth, and be done with them...

Or, She is going to do even more miraculous sings and wonders and stuff, such that the people of those religions have to just give them up, which they should have done long ago, simply based on human decency and sense...
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Old 12-16-2009, 08:38 AM   #23
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Default Re: Amen Ra

There are some amazing first-hand experiencers posting on this thread. Thank-you!

Are Lucifer and Amen Ra the same human being? Are the Interdimensional Reptilians the real villains? Are they the real source of Theocracies throughout the Universe? Are the Interdimensional Reptilians the equivalent of the Goa'uld in the Stargate series? Are the hosts/gods opportunists, victims, or both?

I can't believe I'm saying it...but perhaps Lucifer / Amen Ra have done the best they could to deal with an impossible situation. Did the Reptilians destroy the Founders...and essentially take over the Universe? Was the Pleiadian/Aldebaran Civil War (naming based upon my speculation) fought over a fundamental disagreement regarding how to deal with the Reptilian Presence aka Universal Church? Was Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven really a rebellion against a Human/Reptilian Theocracy...rather than against the Founders, Ancients, Creator God of the Universe (or equivalent)? The Dog-Star Sirius...Ancient Egypt...and Interdimensional Reptilians must be understood...in order to understand the history of the world...and in order to understand how much trouble we may be in presently.

I like to think that even Interdimensional Reptilians would do better under Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom. If the Reptilians are unbeatable warriors...perhaps they will have to willingly choose this path...or it may never become a reality. How about it Lord Draco? Give it some serious thought...after you stop laughing. Go Fifth Column Interdimensional Reptilians! All you have to lose is your chains! John May Lives! There will be no peace! Nibiruans...join the fight for Responsible Freedom! Revolt against the mothers on the motherships! Better Dead Than Rep!

Seriously...I don't seek triumphalistic victory...just a peaceful and mutually beneficial equilibrium. I mean no disrespect toward anyone in the Universe or Multiverse...Human or Otherwise. I really want everyone to be happy. Hope springs eternal.


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-16-2009 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 12-16-2009, 06:31 PM   #24
New Age Messiah
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Are Lucifer and Amen Ra the same human being? Are the Interdimensional Reptilians the real villains? Are they the real source of Theocracies throughout the Universe? Are the Interdimensional Reptilians the equivalent of the Goa'uld in the Stargate series? Are the hosts/gods opportunists, victims, or both?
Nothing authoritative to say, just yet, but there are signs in my story that are hard to ignore. Reptilian = bad.
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Old 12-16-2009, 09:03 PM   #25
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Default Re: Amen Ra

Originally Posted by New Age Messiah View Post
Nothing authoritative to say, just yet, but there are signs in my story that are hard to ignore. Reptilian = bad.
It seems as though we are pretty bad...but that the reps are a lot worse. I'd really like to understand why they are so mean and cruel. Who knows...there may be a legitimate reason (or an understandable reason, at least) why they seem to hate humans so much.


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-16-2009 at 09:48 PM.
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