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Old 09-08-2008, 05:44 AM   #1
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Default Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

As per Dan's first phone in on TruthBrigade Radio on April 29, 2008 [http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.ph...c,1304.0.html], mass mind control consists of:

1) Neuro-linguistic programming [NLP]
2) Neuro-associative conditioning [NAC]
3) Crisis management
4) Conflict management

so attenuating mass mind control on a society-wide scale means recognizing
these four controls and using counter-measures:

1) Neuro-linguistic programming [NLP] counter-measures: kill all 'automatic negative thoughts', like telling yourself, "I'm so stupid", by asking yourself, "Is it true?". Kill negative trains of thought by stopping yourself and saying, "Mind, these thoughts are not useful and will bring only more suffering and misery." Automatically reroute negative thoughts to positive memories or subjects of personal interest. Recognize that 80% of communication is non-verbal (body language) and there are subtle influences everywhere, like the magazine racks on the grocery store. That stuff is there to make us compare ourselves to professional models, actors and celebrities. 9 times out of 10 we come up short, hating ourselves a little bit in the end. Women, ask yourselves, "Why do I wear a bra?" Recognize framing, i.e., TV news, information spin. Think for yourself or someone else will! Use love as your defense mechanism. Use positive language instead of negative (like saying, "Yes" instead of, "I don't see why not?" because that's just a double negative! Be your own leader, LOVE and TRUST YOURSELF! Know that the real 'you' only wants your mind, spirit and body to be happy and well. All other thoughts are false, they can be ignored and not given a second thought.

2) Neuro-associative conditioning [NAC] counter-measures: awareness of association, what thoughts come up with other thoughts. Like, men's association of crying with weakness. Ask yourself, "Is it true?" Other associations are people of certain creeds as badguys in movies
(african americans, arabs, latin americans) wealthy people w/ truthfulness, poor people w/ lying), 9/11 with fear of terrorism, etc. Peer pressure is an example
of NAC, recognize it for what it is.

3) Crisis management counter-measures: Recognize that crises like cancer, AIDS, poverty, etc. are created and managed in order to keep masses of people occupied with thinking about and dealing with their problems. Selling a problem, then selling the answer. DON'T BUY EITHER! Basically, creating a negative vibe on a mass scale to make us easily controlled. Families, stay together when ever possible, there is strength in togetherness.

4) Conflict management counter-measures: Recognize that conflicts are created (Iraq war, credit crisis, food and oil shortage) and broadcast to occupy minds on a mass level, to keep a lot of us fixated on negative subjects. Don't buy into stereotypes, they exist to divide society into little cliques (cliches, really) that hate one another. Really, the cliques hate themselves deep down, having given up individual free will in order to belong to the group.

I need input and feedback on these counter-measures, BIG TIME. Everyones' insights and additions to this are welcome and very valuable. Thanks!
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:34 PM   #2
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Dr Steven Greer says we should practice higher consciousness training.

I won't go into details, but his book called
'Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge'
is very highly rated. And it has information
in that book on how to counteract
the actions of rogue groups.

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Old 09-10-2008, 12:12 AM   #3
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Nice breakdown, info. As I was reading, I realized that is exactly what people need to practice to free ourselves of cultural level mind control. Very easy to do....just being WILLING to is the issue-as it has been through the millenium. Free will is the ultimate issue-we can't be enslaved without our consent...Oui?
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:59 AM   #4
Martian Tigress
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Periodic energy-clearing also helps. Any set routine from chi gong 'chi-circuits' to yogic chakra meditation to shamanic spirit-cleansing, etc., is helpful, because there is an energy-component to everything that manifests in the physical. I find I have a much simpler time staying focussed and shedding extraneous garbage if I take the time to meditate for about an hour and clean my psychic space about 3 times a week.

Another thing that sounds kind of silly but really does work is shaman-style rattling or bell-ringing to clear negative vibes. The idea is that the rhythmic noisemaking damps and/or breaks up non-healthful wave-forms. I made myself a small bell-tree (essentially a handle with bells attached to one end instead of something that rattles) and I have found that shaking it over my bed for about a minute before I go to sleep helps really clear my dreamspace. Instead of wallowing in everyone's general 'night-garbage', I am able to dream clearly and in ways that are helpful to my work, both physical and spiritual.

As an experiment of sorts, I started carrying my bell-tree with me when I went to work (I work for the Public Library system), and when it was well-received, I offered to do a simple, 5-minute space-cleansing before we opened for the day. On the days I 'rattled', our patrons seemed much more mellow, and we definitely had a smoother, less troublesome work day. Now, my co-workers routinely ask me if I brought my bells with me...

I know these things may sound a bit strange, but I am discovering that the more one actively claims one's own space, the less outside crap is able to stick.


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Old 09-10-2008, 01:06 AM   #5
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Really strange this has happened 3 times today to me -i was just reading about your bells and as i read bell it was mentioned exactly on the tv news next to me!!Also this happened exactly the same on this site with the word simple and system at different times today!!>> wild, it's quickening with me-occurring all of the time!Had to mention that whilst it just happened-i think radio masts,cell phones etc. have some sort of play in mind control scenarios.Sometimes i receive a high pitched hum in my ear/head area when sitting quietly for a minute or two then when i concentrate and identify it,it turns off!!
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:30 AM   #6
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

This is in reply to mind control protection. I agree with Martian Tigris about shamanic clearing. This helps alot. I also believe that sending out pleasant thoughts and intentions lifts dark energies. Meditation is a must. I avoid cell phones too.
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:42 AM   #7
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

The synchronicity of some of these posts is amazing!

About an hour ago, I posted in "experiences with light beings" thread about my experience and what was communicated to me.."let go of what no longer serves you"... I have been confused by this message for 3 months. Now, after reading about letting go of automatic negative thought patterns on this thread, it's like a light came on! This is what the light beings meant!

Does anyone else feel the synchronicity of this forum?

Thanks so much, Information, for this enlightening post!

Peace to you!
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:47 AM   #8
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Originally Posted by OpenEyes View Post
The synchronicity of some of these posts is amazing!

About an hour ago, I posted in "experiences with light beings" thread about my experience and what was communicated to me.."let go of what no longer serves you"... I have been confused by this message for 3 months. Now, after reading about letting go of automatic negative thought patterns on this thread, it's like a light came on! This is what the light beings meant!

Does anyone else feel the synchronicity of this forum?

Thanks so much, Information, for this enlightening post!

Peace to you!

I do!!! It is divine and perfect!
Our energies being bound, even in this electronic forum is expanding exponentially ALL of our power.

Let it out as LIGHT and LOVE and it will only grow.
I am so loving you all right now. We are becoming ONE.
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:14 AM   #9
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Turn off the TV and radio. Get your news and weather from on line. Reading gives you the chance to ponder over what, why, and how, something is being presented to you.

That would be a good start against unwanted programing.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:22 PM   #10
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Ditto that Norval. Any and all of the techniques mentioned will work, my preference is smudging and rattling to clear an area. I've never thought to try clearing my bedspace before sleeping though- I'll certainly give that a go tonight! Thanks!
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:16 PM   #11
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

info, you make a lot of sense!

concerning bedspaces...I've heard somewhere that the metal springs/coils inside mattresses are harmful to your health physically and mentally, and disrupts your dream time while sleeping. you should also take the measurements and dimensions of your bed + mattress into account, as well as what material its made out of (organic cotton, regular cotton, silk, wool etc) sounds kind of BS I know, but I really do think that everything is significant, including little details like this.
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Old 09-10-2008, 07:45 PM   #12
Martian Tigress
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

There is a good book called 'Shape Power' by Don A. Davidson that covers some of this kind of thing (like the way bed-springs are shaped, etc.). I think it is out-of-print, though, so it may require some online digging to find a copy. Personally, I've never noticed any difference between sleeping on a mattress and box-springs or just sleeping on the floor on a futon. I think this is because our bodies are exposed to spiraling energies and hidden gaps (like the empty spaces inside mattresses and some chairs) as part of our natural environment anyway. What blew me away (and continues to do so) is that one minute of shaking some bells over my bed makes a huge difference in the content of my dreams.


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Old 09-12-2008, 08:39 PM   #13
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Does anyone hear this weird noise when there is complete silence? It is sounds like a beep with frequencies changing. I can hear it for good 10 years or more. First I thought I can hear kind of voltage in the electric devices but I can hear it even if everything is off.
Does it mean there are some frequencies used to keep us asleep? Or I should contact my GP? ;-))

I will stay rather with mind control option.
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Old 09-12-2008, 10:22 PM   #14
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it could be your essence/or higher self
talking to you

listen carefully, there is often good stuff blowing in the wind

the eXchanger
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:15 PM   #15
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Hello beloveds...

There is a saying " man is known by his company " that will very much hint
what could be important. Especially now when lot of "things" are happening in a very rapid pace.
It seems that people in here have grasped this idea to connect as much as possible and natural to them..
This whole Avalon forum is a good sign on that...

Info, i think you allready have a good list of tools..
Education, good association, consentrating stuff that make you happy are good tools.
Trust and listen your emotions about what should be done or not.

sarajane, good point about mobile phones and i could add the list any strong
electromagnetic device...

conjuredUp, you put it right, we all contribute simply by being here and breathing...and it is increasing all the time...

Yorkie, chek your bloodpressure

However eXchanger gives a good advice. If one starts to deal with spirits, or any being in higher dimension be positive, have manners and above all
be charge in yourself

Lots of hugs to all you
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:59 PM   #16
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

you guys are great in the useful info depatment..thanks

i do keep certain crystals beside my bed that i clear weekly but never thought of the bells..i will do that tonight
i do use a shaman drum cd to clear the house every so often ..and it does

i have also found that two things help with the sounds the ears get..
one is vit C with flavanoids for the physical and they other is
saying out loud..ok..the radio is on..tune to a channel with what i need to hear..the info comes in many ways..

thanks so much for the thread
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:30 PM   #17
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

One true physical way to know if something is in the same room with you is to smoke up the room and look for voids in the haze. Two things cannot occupy the same space at once. Old, old, knowledge.

Watch your cats and dogs, they detect things you can't.

Just a thought on this aspect of the conversation.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:30 PM   #18
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

you might want to check out this link.."pine gap" , "north west cape", "HAARP", etc.....


it says a lot about UFOs in there ...

but i have heard that the hexagon-shaped "north west cape" facility operates in a frequency range that has an elating effect on people, while it reduces their critical faculties..
besides that i noticed end of this summer a hexagonal shaped linear opening in the grey overcast over zurich (switzerland) (looking like the hexagon cloud of saturn).

"the mind has no firewall" -leonard horowitz-

Last edited by capreycorn; 10-14-2008 at 08:32 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:47 AM   #19
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know your enemy...........
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Old 10-16-2008, 03:59 AM   #20
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

YOGA poses also helps with detoxifying the mind and body from toxic energy and helps with channeling your own center.
Very important also to maintain a support system of awakened people.
Like we are doing right now.
There's so much mind control "out there" as well as on a psychic level that you can doubt yourself. I think it's very important to strengthen each other on a daily/weekly/whatever basis.
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Old 10-16-2008, 04:42 AM   #21
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
That would be a good start against unwanted programing.
IPODS Those are the evil devices...

Ever see people with them on the street? They are so tuned out of the world its a wonder they survive traffic...

And turn off the darn computer... try socializing with REAL people instead of cyber chat/sex/networking whatever... I know its more difficult because you have to be the real you... but try it..

It USED to be how we humans connected

Now anyone with a glib story (Blossom comes to mind) can brainwash thousands of people to look at the sky and walk blindly off a cliff like Lemmings

And to tune out those beams... THIS will work.. We have MIT studies to prove it... just don't buy a cone shaped one... those act as antennas, not a Faraday cage

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Old 10-16-2008, 04:56 AM   #22
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Sounds at Night...

Have you ever heard the Earth moaning? Deep low sounds... like when a boom box is far off and you can only hear the base? Sound waves so low you don't really hear them, but feel them?

You will hear them late at night... more inside than outside due to resonance...

Mystery surrounds humming noise

One solution simple as the wind...

Put a small fan in your bedroom on low at night. This creates white noise. A fountain or bubbling aquarium also works for this. The fan will also circulate the air in the room, preventing a CO2 pocket from making you suddenly bolt awake at night with an anxiety attack caused because you are literally gasping for air.

Also arrange your bed so your head points North (Magnetic north) Since we are electrical beings, aligning your body to the natural magnetic flow of the earth will help

Your cat also knows where to sleep based on null points
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Old 10-16-2008, 04:38 PM   #23
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

I have traded my tinfoil hat for a complete tinfoil suit. I make my whole family wear them - sure, the kids get teased a bit at school but at least they're immune to the brainwashing.

(sorry couldn't resist a little levity)

All of the above are good suggestions.

Last edited by arcora; 10-16-2008 at 04:42 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 04:52 PM   #24
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

an old design adage 'less is more' should be applied to every aspect of your life.
you'll be amazed at how much clearer you think & the more you actually DO.
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Old 10-17-2008, 07:23 PM   #25
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Originally Posted by arcora View Post
I have traded my tinfoil hat for a complete tinfoil suit. I make my whole family wear them - sure, the kids get teased a bit at school but at least they're immune to the brainwashing.

(sorry couldn't resist a little levity)

All of the above are good suggestions.
Could get very hot in summer, also just had the thought come to mind about the "fart trapped in a spacesuite"

Sorry - Bad Vibes, I know
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