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Thread: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

  1. Link to Post #341
    United States Avalon Member edina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Quote Posted by stal (here)
    hint; high level djinn worshippers and their subservient 'terrorist' cells are being tracked down and neutralised. some of them were on 'our' side.
    This is curious.

    The djinn are a big deal in that part of the world.

    It's hard for westerners to wrap their mind around the topic.

    I came across a mention of what was referred to as a "6000" year old enemy, and natural "star gates" in the mix.

    I think others have referred to this enemy as "Y"? Maybe there's a relationship, maybe not?

    People seem unaware of Soliemani's role in Benghazi?

    And unaware of Khamieni's vast personal wealth, close to 95 Billion dollars?

    I think the photo of John McCain with some of the terror players is taken in front of the embassy in Tehran.

    To me, it looks like bad players in the IC paid bad players in MENA, to take actions for the purpose of "endless wars".

    Which serve the needs of beings or entities that most would prefer to pretend don't exist.

    And Soliemani was a hinge in all of the above.

    But, I haven't made up my mind about all of this yet.

    Still observing...

    Any insights are appreciated.

    Also, I feel shaberon would also have more insights on this topic, too?
    I happily co-create a balanced world culture harmonized with Infinite Intelligence. ~ edina (Renaissance Humanity)

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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    All I can really say from personal knowledge of Islam is that yes, djinn or mimoun are part of their arsenal, and it has been many years since they have been conjuring and sending hordes of djinn at the U. S. Starting around 2006.

    Soleimani was a U. S. agent in at least three scenarios; again like Saddam Hussein, or Osama bin Laden. If one was to historically review British manipulation of Shi'a Islam, it is with the line of Agha Khan, and possibly Baha'i and Ahmaddiya.

    Is the McCain photo really Tehran? It looks similar to when he was in Syria illegally, hanging out with Al'Qaeda. I think those are Arabs.

    There perhaps is an attempt to wash away Babylon, Assyria, Sabians, Mandeans, and the Yezidi. If we force everyone to pick between Torah, Bible, and Koran, we can get a lot of fights that way.

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  5. Link to Post #343
    United States Avalon Member edina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Quote Posted by shaberon (here)
    All I can really say from personal knowledge of Islam is that yes, djinn or mimoun are part of their arsenal, and it has been many years since they have been conjuring and sending hordes of djinn at the U. S. Starting around 2006.

    Soleimani was a U. S. agent in at least three scenarios; again like Saddam Hussein, or Osama bin Laden. If one was to historically review British manipulation of Shi'a Islam, it is with the line of Agha Khan, and possibly Baha'i and Ahmaddiya.

    Is the McCain photo really Tehran? It looks similar to when he was in Syria illegally, hanging out with Al'Qaeda. I think those are Arabs.

    There perhaps is an attempt to wash away Babylon, Assyria, Sabians, Mandeans, and the Yezidi. If we force everyone to pick between Torah, Bible, and Koran, we can get a lot of fights that way.
    I think you're right. I had seen a photo once that showed more of the building they are standing in front of, and sometime in the last few days, I saw an old photo of the embassy at Tehran, it looked familiar and I wondered if they were related.

    Do you know what the "spider web" on that building is about?

    Thanks for the rest of the information in your comment.

    I've not heard the word, "mimoun" before? Is it just another name for djinn?
    I happily co-create a balanced world culture harmonized with Infinite Intelligence. ~ edina (Renaissance Humanity)

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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    i got a warning from one of the mods for my djinn post itt so maybe won't be adding anything else for the moment. thanks for reading.

  8. Link to Post #345
    United States Avalon Member edina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Quote Posted by stal (here)
    i got a warning from one of the mods for my djinn post itt so maybe won't be adding anything else for the moment. thanks for reading.

    I've experienced djinn myself. Most are surprised when they discover I can see them.
    And, one time, for some reason I don't understand, some showed up out of nowhere to protect me from a psychic attack.

    The personal experiences are off-topic, but the comment of how it fits into the Soliemani situation isn't.

    Thanks again for the bit you did share.
    I happily co-create a balanced world culture harmonized with Infinite Intelligence. ~ edina (Renaissance Humanity)

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  10. Link to Post #346
    United States Avalon Member edina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Quote Posted by shaberon (here)
    All I can really say from personal knowledge of Islam is that yes, djinn or mimoun are part of their arsenal, and it has been many years since they have been conjuring and sending hordes of djinn at the U. S. Starting around 2006.
    I was thinking about your comment, shaberon, did this start in 2006, or was it that you became aware of it in 2006?
    Last edited by edina; 14th February 2020 at 14:55.
    I happily co-create a balanced world culture harmonized with Infinite Intelligence. ~ edina (Renaissance Humanity)

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  12. Link to Post #347
    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Quote Posted by shaberon (here)

    I was thinking about your comment, shaberon, did this start in 2006, or was it that you became aware of it in 2006?

    From what I was told, it was a reply to the same militaristic adventurism that keeps going on, and something happened around then that was a "red line" to at least some sects who started doing it regularly. "Mimoun" sounds like what the guy was saying, and he was trying to mean Mammon or something close to that.

    McCain was meeting with Mohammad and Zahran Alloosh in this contested area shortly after that. I have no clue about what the designs in the background are. It looks familiar and I am pretty sure it was somewhere around Aleppo or Idlib.

    Syria has regained the entire Damascus-Aleppo after nine years destroying several Turkish-supplied vehicles in the process, and for the second time in two days, the U. S. was told to quit driving around, this time by the Syrian Army:

    US commander tells the Syrian officer "we are here to bring peace just like the Russians" , Syrian officer replied " Wherever US goes it brings death& destruction, u are not welcomed here"

    At this point there is artillery shelling and Russian bombing basically right at Erdogan's border so he had probably better be careful.

    As if on cue, there was another missile shower on Damascus from Golan, which Netanyahu suggests was probably done by Belgium. On Tuesday, Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett told Iran that it had “nothing to look for in Syria,” and said that Israel has been “fighting the arms of the Iranian octopus in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza” for “generations.”

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  14. Link to Post #348
    Germany Avalon Member Iyakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Thx. shaberon for this post
    I agree with you Soleymani has worked for US intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA. He became too annoying and no longer portable then it was over for him.

    But what is very annoying is Turkey's presence in Syria. Where they have lost absolutely nothing. No more than Iran in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. But that was already planned by the mullahs right after the revolution.

    However, an enormous amount of energy is required to send out invisible forces that may have a negative effect. Even more so if they are not individual but a small army. But that is not proven, however it works, they don't seem to be able to control it. It could get out of hand and cause some chaos. They'd better stay away from it.
    All the questions we have, all the answers we are looking for, about the meaning of life. Mother Nature, she has already answered, we just have to read it.

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  16. Link to Post #349
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    Turkey and Syria are in armed conflict by now. I suppose Gulen is still being protected in Pennsylvania or something like that. He was a pretty big deal. An arm of the Maurice Strong type movements I believe. I don't know what kind of political future Erdogan has, attacking Aleppo and telling Syria they will not enter Idlib. U. S. and Israel are happy for him to be there. But, he doesn't seem to be doing it "for them". I guess he can always finger the "Kurdish situation".

    The contact lines are set, so he will lose something.

    It is pretty amazing how, once breached, most of the proxy armies fall apart within days. Nothing much left to keep Syria away from the Turks. The mercenaries are very good at harassing unarmed civilians but they are no Peshmerga.

    The Green Zone swallowed a few more rockets, this time, not at the embassy, but evidently at a barracks at 3 a. m., so that was a sheer attempt for fatalities.

    Saudi Arabia admits that Ansarallah now has a surface-to-air missile that took out one of their Tornado jets. That is also a game changer.

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  18. Link to Post #350
    Germany Avalon Member Iyakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    It was obvious that Turkey wanted to invade Syria and did so. Erdogan planned to invade Syria before his election. Because the Kurds have been causing problems since the revolution in Iran, and before. But it is their land, whose territory it belongs to them. It can be compared to Palestine and Israel only that Kurdistan is a little bigger.

    An example from the time I traveled to Iran. That was around 1972/73, when the revolution began, Kurdistan had already tried to declare itself as unsuccessful what had failed. But even during the time of the monarchy there were conflicts with the Kurds in Iran as well as in Turkey and Iraq. I visited Kurdistan, across Kurdistan. At that time, other laws were in effect in Kurdistan in Iran. A day was divided by three, early in the morning it was basic and committee, then the Revolutionary Guard also known as Sepah Pasdaran the club to which Soleymani belonged. In the evening, however, the state authorities did not really venture onto the streets. The Kurds ruled and that armed, even during the day Kurds were armed. But at night they raided the barracks of the state institutions and many basic, committee and pasdaran were murdered in their sleep.

    I don't know how it is today, but as you have already described correctly @shaberon the Kurds still rule, since you mention the Peshmerga I assume that the Kurds are well equipped in Iran. But due to the war in Syria, Erdogan was finally able to take a blow that was not possible before. Like Iran, who carried out a very bloody blow with the help of Putin. I think that was even at the beginning of the war in Syria. Putin's navy was in the Caspian Sea, which partly also belongs to Iran. I don't know exactly what the attack against the Kurds took place in Iran, but as far as I remember it was two racts that hit Kurdish territory.

    Erdogan got a lot of money to stop the Syrian refugees at the border. This money naturally disappeared after the attack in the Turkish military. So Erdogan had the justification to invade Syria. But it looks like Erdogan has overdone himself. He still hangs in Libya and doesn't get anywhere there. The EU cut his funding by 75%. Adios Erdogan you little power hungry usurper. Erdogan will have to withdraw from both countries sooner or later, he cannot maintain his military presence. Not even with Putin's "alleged" promise of support. Ha, ha, ha, Erdogan really thinks he's smart enough to take on Putin ...

    Now Erdogan not only has to downshift one gear but two gears at the same time and with his finger, he can do it himself ...
    All the questions we have, all the answers we are looking for, about the meaning of life. Mother Nature, she has already answered, we just have to read it.

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  20. Link to Post #351
    Germany Avalon Member Iyakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    In this thread I wrote something about Djinns.

    Last edited by Iyakum; 16th February 2020 at 18:50.
    All the questions we have, all the answers we are looking for, about the meaning of life. Mother Nature, she has already answered, we just have to read it.

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  22. Link to Post #352
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    Kurdistan has never had a "country" as far as I know, although they can be found indigenous to the Zagros mountains since 12,000 years ago; the earliest forms of domesticated cereal are attributed to them.

    At this point, they mainly are now sided with Syria against Turkey, at least the YPG is. The so-called Free Syrian Army that the U. S. put millions into is, if anything, in Libya. Although they were extreme right-wing child-conscripting autocrats, I have not heard of them causing problems for months. Some of them probably have an enclave near Al Tanf. But the majority of their population seems to be fine with being part of Syria, if they can keep their language and customs. Hafeez Assad had probably not been too lenient towards them. Bashar seems to have accepted the legitimate complaints of Syrians, while rejecting the false complaints of paid-for gangs. From what I can tell, he has been pretty open to change if it is fair, and has acquiesced to zero demands.

    The kicker of course is that most Islamic radicals are terrified of the women's YPG since it will cause them to go to hell.

    Of around seventy tanks that Turkey supplied to the gangs, about twenty have been destroyed in a few days.

    Erdogan can certainly stonewall against the "flood of refugees", which makes many more of them drift into Europe. And when we look at the people that are being treated lightly by the courts, or the violence in England by guys who just got out of jail on related charges, most of that is not the "displaced Syrian community". He probably can really open the faucet if he so chooses. So he carries influence due to that. Some blackmail remains effective, while there are certain "economic sanctions" that simply force the target to find a better work-around.

    If there was a way for any other country to be on Turkey's side, it could become a major problem, but it looks like he will be limited to working on his own, in a semi-threatening crossroads of two continents way.

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  24. Link to Post #353
    Germany Avalon Member Iyakum's Avatar
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    No, the Kurds never had their own country, only the area in which they were staying. But it is strategically important, for Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. The Zagros Mountains are rich in mineral resources and the Islamic Republic knows that. Petroleum, natural gas and others.

    After another rocket attack in Baghdad in the green zone. So far, no group has committed to this. But that enables Trump to send US troops to Baghdad again.
    To protect its diplomats and soldiers in Iraq, the United States announced that it would send 3,000 to 3,500 additional soldiers to the region.

    Wait to see how the election continues in the United States. It looks like Trump will remain US President for the next four years.
    All the questions we have, all the answers we are looking for, about the meaning of life. Mother Nature, she has already answered, we just have to read it.

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  26. Link to Post #354
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    Here is a new Soleimani statue in Lebanon by the Israeli border:

    Meanwhile, the majority of Afghan servicemen say the Taliban is not really even their enemy, and there would be far less conflict if not driven by the U. S. In their view, they are mainly used as cannon fodder.

    Likewise, Denmark plans on returning its personnel to the attacked air base in Iraq in order to fight ISIS.

    Syria is at the Turk-occupied Taftanaz air base in Idlib, meaning, at the edge of its artillery range. According to The Guardian, Assad's murderous assault on his own people is about to erupt. In fact, they feel a need to use a phrase of this nature six or eight times in order to give basically the same information that can be provided without it.

    Nobody has said they fired at the Green Zone, although it appears the National Guard ate a reprisal again anyway.

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  28. Link to Post #355
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    Here is current opinion on the Green Zone diplomatic mission from Iraqi Parliament:

    "The US embassy in Baghdad has turned into a center for Israel's Mossad and ISIL terrorists," Hassan Salem was quoted as saying by the Arabic-language al-Soumeriyeh news website.

    "The US embassy's violation of laws and forgetting its responsibilities based on the international laws mean that the center could not be called an embassy and therefore, its closure is legally necessary," Salem said.

    Meanwhile, the National or Popular Defense unit that was attacked in the first reprisal says:

    "Many people are not aware that now the Americans are fully surrounded in Iraq because they cannot traffic in Baghdad streets and they cannot go from one base to another but by helicopters,"

    Americans have called for mediation of different figures and groups to prolong their presence in Iraq, but the resistance forces have rejected the demand.

    "The US merely understands the language of force,"

    The additional 3,000 are, as far as I know, in Kuwait. In order to project ground force, it would take ten times as many.

    Among whatever else Turkey is doing, they have issued 700 fresh Gulen-related arrest warrants, which is only a drop in the bucket compared to over 200,000 who have already been disciplined. Like Soleimani, this attempted coup is not likely to disperse from the minds of its witnesses any time soon.

    Iran is having Parliamentary elections in a couple days, with the two main agenda being:

    the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018, which, coupled with Washington’s so-called maximum pressure campaign, then hit the Iranian economy hard, and the assassination in January this year of Iranian Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani by the US

    One might think the tons of opium or weapons that keep flooding in would be of great national concern, but, evidently, it pales in comparison.

    Yemen says that the downing of the Tornado was not a one-off, but now, "Violating the Yemeni airspace will no more be a walk in the park”.

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  30. Link to Post #356
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    Ick. Moscow is in a position to show Turkish self-propelled howitzer providing fire cover for a large HTS attack on Syria. Since this was highly unlikely to succeed, the likely reason was to probe the reaction--which was that the Russian Air Force immediately neutralized the assault, more or less proving that any of these attacks just are not going to happen.

    A few Syrian helicopters have been shot down recently, but, the immediate aftermath of militants not being able to hit the planes was that Turkey asked the U. S. for Patriot systems to use against the Russians in Idlib. They took some casualties in the air strikes. Since that request is unlikely to be granted, there is nothing more for Erdogan to do, unless he is asking for an open battle with Russia. A tank and several armored cars wiped out and heavy losses rolled back any advance made with the Turkish artillery.

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  32. Link to Post #357
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    The U. S. was told to quit driving around in Hasakah and the Taliban seem optimistic that the U. S. might go away from their area. At least they are trying to sign such a deal.

    Erdogan's luck is such that he is losing lives in Idlib and at Tripoli. In both cases it seems like he is the only one on his side.

    According to Thierry Meyssan, the modern U. S. plan is not the old British System of moles and puppet governments like Muslim Brotherhood. It is more the removal of governments and instigation of strife in the red area:

    "...to prevent any form of resistance and to allow transnationals to exploit this area without political constraints. It is therefore a colonial project in the Anglo-Saxon sense of the term (not to be confused with a colonization of settlement)."

    I doubt it will really work since the majority of African countries now prefer a Chinese deal, for two reasons, the payments aren't as bad, and they don't try to tell you what to do.

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  34. Link to Post #358
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    The U. S. is now attempting to negotiate with terrorists, with HTS or Al Nusra, which is just the same Al Qaeda that supposedly attacked the Trade Center, etc., and still classified as terrorists by their own Treasury Department.

    Most of the jihadists in Idlib province are collapsing, while the Turkish army appears to be receiving blows from both Syria and Russia. Netanyahu's response has been to announce they attempted to assassinate the leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad near Damascus; most of these missiles were repelled, although a couple of members were killed. Iron Dome was effective against 13 of 21 from the last salvo from Gaza. What happened with the rest of them is as murky as what happened to Aramco from its most recent attack.

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  36. Link to Post #359
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Here is what happens concurrently with liberation of all Aleppo province:

    Most likely Syrian airstrike on Turkey's position killing at least thirty-three soldiers, so, Erdogan called NATO, and also said Europe can have its refugee flood.

    Israel responded by attacking Syria or Hezbollah right there in the Golan.

    At this point I think you could say there is sustained fire exchange between Syria and Turkey. If any other countries could really come to Turkey's defense, this would be very worrisome, but I do not see how they can get any support and they are just going to have to eat it.

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  38. Link to Post #360
    Germany Avalon Member Iyakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States kills Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani

    Well, now that Erdogan's strategy hasn't worked, he's screaming for help. no, screaming would not be the right expression for it, he cries for help. Putin dropped him, which was clear he would do it. The EU is now the main culprit, cutting 75% of the aid to the refugee crisis. Erdogan has no choice but to see the EU as the main culprit for his megalomania. Hence the threat of calling NATO. The EU can now have its flood of refugees.

    Bravo Erdogan, standing ovations for you. Now there is nothing left for him but to withdraw from both countries, Syria and Libya. Before Turkey is on the verge of bankruptcy.
    Now that Iran has brought the Afghans into the game and has come to terms with the Taliban, Erdogan's madness for the time has stopped.
    Now the threat to the EU no longer works. He signed the deal, got lots of finances, and didn't stick to the deal.

    Shaberon I see it like you. Erdogan now has to swallow the bitter pills that he has distributed so nicely. The deal, which was about 6 billion euros, is over.
    Israel attacks Hezbollah at the Golan Heights, as has always been the case. So one would be less in Syria.

    Which country should rush to help Turkey? Russia, no, certainly not. Iran, definitely not. USA, keep dreaming Erdogan. Otherwise I see nothing there, Erdogan has taken over, now he has to see how he can handle it. I don't care what Erdogan has to answer for now. But opening the EU borders for 72 hours is by no means possible.

    The danger that exists is that the Corona Virus has already reached Europe. Iran is affected and is Turkey's direct neighbor. If Erdogan lets the refugees go, the EU opens its borders. So what ?
    All the questions we have, all the answers we are looking for, about the meaning of life. Mother Nature, she has already answered, we just have to read it.

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