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Thread: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

  1. Link to Post #101
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by SilentFeathers (here)
    Observing him as a person is a complete distraction, it was designed and planned (VERY WELL PLANNED) to be this way. While every one is arguing and debating if he's an alien, anti-christ, an American citizen, Muslim or Christian, gay or straight, etc. etc etc, or even if he's black or white, is basically just a strategy to pull a whole nation down a rabbit hole of nonsense while they move forward with their shift of greed and destruction, enslavement and control. This is really actually genius and IMO, well thought out. They have pretty much left no stone unturned and made it about impossible to come to any verifiable and solid conclusions about the guy. He's basically just an invention of someones imagination, created out of thin air.
    I would not be surprised to learn that Obama the human has been replaced by Obama the clone. The 'powers that be' appear to have that capability.

    Whichever is the case, puppets are always expendable, as are the banksters and illuminati who manipulate humanity. The plan may be to get rid of them all when they are no longer useful. If the NWO and a new religion is established that incorrectly portrays ETs as our saviors, why would the non-human 'powers that be' let any human manipulator live who may later offer a first hand story that contrasts with the official story of a new religion?
    Last edited by Ron Mauer Sr; 16th November 2013 at 17:31.

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  3. Link to Post #102
    Netherlands Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote There are worse scenarios than Obama. Sarah Palin could be president. We could be in more wars.
    Correct, pro life Christian extremists love it when they can send their former babies of to some war to die in as soon as they turn 18, someone should tell them how abstinence actually works.

    Don't f@ck around can be interpreted in as many ways as you see fit to do this expression justice
    Last edited by 778 neighbour of some guy; 16th November 2013 at 18:01.

  4. Link to Post #103
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by T Smith (here)

    My guess, given all the information, is that Barack Obama is a fully-controlled asset, a highly and fully-functioning Mark David Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan or David Hinkley type. It appears he may be a CIA asset from birth. Colin Powell or any other more credible prospect--and you are right there are scores of them--would bring far less baggage. But what Barack Obama, the asset, offers, if indeed he was groomed from birth, is a complete tabula rasa. This type of individual would be a dream prospect to an MK-ULTRA black-ops engineer(s), and probably the most successful type of mind-control asset. Even if you were to infiltrate other more prominent individuals with some success, and even at some point early on in their lives, they would be far less malleable, in the psychopathic sense, and in some regards, far more risky. Perhaps what appears on the surface to be more risky by inserting Barack Obama as manchurian is really the lesser of two evils. I would also guess that the little handicap of Barack Obama's dubious past is probably something his handlers, given their ever-increasing hubris, calculated as manageable in the infowar. We have to consider that somehow this quality of individual has managed to win the election of POTUS TWICE without any serious vetting, and despite all this information, which in some circles is commonly known. And of course even if all this information blows up and becomes unmanageable, the architects can capitalize on the crisis in the exact manner as you suggest in your P-R-S dialectic. It may even be the desired plan in the event their asset does not execute their agenda in precisely the intended manner.

    I am speculating, of course, but all the information and data points I've come across--and I've done a fair amount of study and research on this--strongly points to this conclusion.

    Good analysis (and I do sincerely appreciate everyone's reflections and input on this thread): I agree with GoodeTXSG (see below)... I think you may have nailed it.

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Very good info,
    I am tired of hearing that he is a white hat and secretly will save us all... Sick of it!

    He is a PLANT and an ASSET!!! A Puppet... A Cut Out... Pure and simple (A lot easier to control than Clinton would have been... but they moved their agenda as wanted and she will get her shot I am sure!)..

    The last video and the description of him as a teen age boy is very similar to what has been described to me by some people that spent time with him. They have to rotate his SS Agents to make sure one of them doesn't spend too much time around him and WOULD take one for him... "THEY" shake up that Military and Secret Service tree pretty often up there, I see why there is so much paranoia.

    A LOT can be rolled back that has his signatures on it IF we ever have the peaceful coup that is needed and the "ELITE" Bankster Dark Souls are removed from our "YOKES"...

    TY For the info Bill

    Exactly. He is no 'white hat', and never has been. He's actually very dangerous.

    This was the first 15 mins of the Jeff Rense interview with Mia Pope, which followed a few days after she broke her story.

    I'd VERY much appreciate a link to the full interview, privately or publicly (I'm not a Rense subscriber).

    Quote Posted by Amzer Zo (here)
    Well, it would go along with this:

    The First Time I Heard of "Barack"
    By Mr. Tom Fife
    California businessman

    During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid-1994, I was making frequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was named V. M. He had a wife named T.M.

    V. was a level-headed scientist while his wife was rather deeply committed to the losing Communist cause - a cause she obviously was not abandoning.

    One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture was invited to V. & T.'s Moscow flat as we were about to return to the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions. As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge - one her husband tried to quietly rein in.

    The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went something like this: "You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven't you had a woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice-president and you didn't do it." (She was referring to Geraldine Ferraro.)

    The general response went something along the lines that you don't vote for someone just because of their sex. Besides, you don't vote for vice-president, but the president and vice-president as a ticket.

    "Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon."

    The consensus we expressed was that we didn't think there was anything innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she black or not.

    "What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?"

    The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, "Well, you will; and he will be a Communist."

    It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, "It sounds like you know something we don't know."

    "Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. (snip racist comment) And he's going to be your President."

    She became smug as she presented her stream of detailed knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly - as though all were foregone conclusions. "It's all been thought out. His father is not an American black so he won't have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a Communist. He's gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America."

    We sat there not knowing what to say. She was obviously very happy that the Communists were doing this and that it would somehow be a thumbing of their collective noses at America: they would give us a black president and he'd be a Communist to boot. She made it quite obvious that she thought that this was going to breathe new life into world Communism. From this and other conversations with her, she always asserted that Communism was far from dead.

    She was full of little details about him that she was eager to relate. I thought that maybe she was trying to show off that this truly was a real person and not just hot air.

    She rattled off a complete litany. He was from Hawaii. He went to school in California. He lived in Chicago. He was soon to be elected to the legislature. "Have no doubt: he is one of us, a Soviet."

    At one point, she related some sort of San Francisco connection, but I didn't understand what the point was and don't recall much about that. I was just left with the notion that she considered the city to be some sort of a center for their activity here.

    Since I had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a comment: "If I remember correctly, 'Barack' comes from the Arabic word for 'Blessing.' That seems to be an odd name for an American." She replied quickly, "Yes. It is 'African'", she insisted, "and he will be a blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become the number one power in the world."

    She continued with something to the effect that America was at the same time the great hope and the great obstacle for Communism. America would have to be converted to Communism and Barack was going to pave the way. So, what does this conversation from 1992 prove?

    Well, it's definitely anecdotal. It doesn't prove that Obama has had Soviet Communist training nor that he was groomed to be the first black American president, but it does show one thing that I think is very important. It shows that Soviet Russian Communists knew of Barack from a very early date. It also shows that they truly believed among themselves that he was raised and groomed Communist to pave the way for their future. This report on Barack came personally to me from one of them long before America knew he existed.

    Although I had never before heard of him, at the time of this conversation Obama was 30+ years old and was obviously tested enough that he was their anticipated rising star.



    “This is Tom Fife

    Background: I have a degree in Physics and have worked primarily in aerospace and software development. In 1991 I became involved with an Englishman who was performing relief efforts into the collapsing Soviet Union. These efforts were performed through Orthodox churches in Britain and the US plus some churches in Germany. Money was raised from all over and sent to Germany to purchase the goods, which were then trucked into Moscow to be distributed by the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.While doing all of this, I met many talented people in the Russian Academy of Science and eventually formed a Joint-Venture with some to develop sophisticated software.Dr. M. headed the Russian side. He had a wife whom people told me was a staunch Communist. It is my understanding that she was one of the party officials that worked in a company to be the contact point and keep a party eye on things. She was degreed in her own right and was a solid right hand to her husband.Why did she get so loose-tongued? I am not sure, but there were traditional Russian toasts being delivered through the evening and each of those were punctuated by a shot of very cold vodka. Also, there were some remarks made by an American in our group concerning his observations of the racial make up of the Russian people. This visibly irritated her, and I believe that was the emotional trigger for her to want to predict a racial comeuppance for the white America to which we were returning.Why didn't I publish the story upon my return in 1992? At that point it was talk. It was very disturbing talk, but I had a life that I was living and that kept me busy while I wasn't sure how I could every attempt to track down this mystery man she mentioned. In the end, he never left my mind really, but I didn't ruminate on it, either. I did mention this to my son upon my return and it was because of that that he is my most solid defender. He remembers me warning him in 1992 to beware of a mulatto guy running for president with such and such laundry list of attributes.”

    “Tom Fife is legitimate. I worked with him in the aerospace industry that he makes reference to. I was also associated with him in an ultimately unsuccessful research company. I have known Tom since 1982. I have never know him to lie about anything. Everything he says in his original essay and in this blog are consistent with the facts as I know them. He has told me the full names of V. and T. He does not want to reveal their names before they are tracked down and interviewed.

    When this is all verified and fully exposed it will be the biggest news in at least a generation.”
    American Town Meeting

    Very important indeed, and many thanks ... I had NOT been aware of this.

    Quote Posted by childs hood end (here)
    listing to mia pope I honestly have to say I think shes talkin ****.
    even with all barack barry has done I think he is part of an agenda for the better of all...

    You could not be more wrong, on both counts.

    Mia Pope is definitely the real deal: just listen to her. Ignore the interviewer if that influences your judgement about HER.

    She is no storyteller. She's a Christian, motivated by her sincere conscience. To me, this seems obvious.

    Obama "part of an agenda for the better of all"? I respect all Avalon members, but... give me a break. This is either totally unintelligent, totally uninformed, or maybe both.

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  6. Link to Post #104
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Last edited by TODD & NORA; 12th August 2016 at 06:24.

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  8. Link to Post #105
    United States Avalon Member Robin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by Blacklight43 (here)
    Remembering the interview with Andrew Basiago (Jumproom to Mars) where he said he met the bushes,clinton and obama in New Mexico and they were talking about all of them were going to become POTUS someday... is Andrew next? Do we really have a choice when we go to the polls? Is he as compromised as obama? What happened to America? Or the world!!!
    To me, I think that what Pope has to say gives Andrew Basiago's claim that he and Obama were roommates in the Mars program more likelihood of it have happened.

    Basiago's claim is completely separate from Pope's claim, of course, but I do think that Obama has been groomed in more ways than we know.

    It is also a possibility that he did not expect to be controlled and manipulated to the degree that he has in his presidency. Because of that, he may secretly want to remove his shackles from the PTB, but that doesn't mean he is a White Hat. He may want to overthrow the PTB for his own selfish reasons.
    "Rather than love, than fame, than money, give me truth."
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  10. Link to Post #106
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by SilentFeathers (here)
    Quote Posted by blufire (here)
    I would suggest we don’t go down the ‘usual easy path’ of they are all insane psychopaths out to enslave and murder us.
    For most, this would be the most difficult path to wander down IMO, for most wouldn't believe this to be actually true.

    Personally I believe that insane psychopaths may indeed be out to enslave and or murder us, that sometimes the obvious is the truth
    You know, I used to really believe this ‘conspiracy’ that you have said (people being murdered and enslaved), but not any longer.

    For the simple fact that if ‘they’ really wanted this it would have already been done or ‘they’ would not be advancing technology that is actually doing the opposite.

    If ‘they’ truly wanted to simply eliminate millions or even billions of people worldwide then they would STOP advancing medicine that keeps people alive for longer than ever before and especially people in 3rd world countries that are ravaged by complicated ruthless diseases or how about global hunger? I know this is a huge sore topic for most on Avalon but if it weren’t for gmo grains billions in third world countries would be dead. Remember the massive starvation of the 60’s and 70’s? This has nearly been eliminated.

    The technology that is being quickly advanced and implemented is in all actuality saving billions of people and although not in any way near perfect.

    Look at the people that are suffering in the Philippines from the typhoon. I watched a news broadcast where thousands of tons of food and water is being brought in by the US military. Guess what is in those crates of food . . . . . rice and other foods made grains that are gmo.

    I have seen the thread about this typhoon being geo-engineered by ‘them’ to murder these people . . . . okay but then why send food, water and medicine? Did the ‘haarp technology’ create this typhoon or did it actually do something to lessen the effects? The typhoon was already formed and almost in top of the Philippines before the haarp signature appeared.

    Do I believe there are other reasons for these ‘manufactured events’ and rescues’,

    But not in order to enslave or murder. Yes! We are being manipulated and herded into a global unification under one government. Will this be easy or will this new world be comfortable for the majority . . . sadly NO. But this technology will at least give people a fighting chance.

    If ‘they’ wanted millions or billions of us dead it would have already happened.

  11. Link to Post #107
    United States Avalon Member gripreaper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    OK, I’ll bite. Obama is part of an agenda for the betterment of all, as is GMO foods saving billions of lives, as well as other emerging technologies designed to preserve the genome and advance towards a unified consciousness and one world structure.

    So, the elite are not evil psychopath’s hell bent on managing their human assets for any personal hedonistic aggrandizement of their baser instincts of power and control. The elite are steering their corporation earth towards the best possible outcome.

    So, please expand on this theory and fill in all the missing blanks and refute those who claim, based on thousands of years of recorded history, that earth and the human genome was manipulated and altered, and that these interlopers have a personal agenda which goes against nature and the collective will of all sentient beings.

    Lets drill down and put this one to bed as soon as possible.
    "Lay Down Your Truth and Check Your Weapons
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  13. Link to Post #108
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.


    @ blufire: after reading your post #106 above (with some disbelief, I have to admit), I'd like to ask you this question:

    Quote Posted by childs hood end (here)

    even with all barack barry has done I think he is part of an agenda for the better of all...

    Do you agree with this statement that Obama is "part of an agenda for the better of all?"

    Please answer definitively and with detailed reasons. Many thanks.

  14. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    Blacklight43 (16th November 2013), Curt (16th November 2013), Gardener (17th November 2013), Hazel (17th November 2013), Magnus (17th November 2013), Mark (17th November 2013), mojo (16th November 2013), Nasu (16th November 2013), RMorgan (16th November 2013), sian (17th November 2013), SilentFeathers (16th November 2013), soleil (19th November 2013), T Smith (17th November 2013), Wind (16th November 2013)

  15. Link to Post #109
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote You know, I used to really believe this ‘conspiracy’ that you have said (people being murdered and enslaved), but not any longer.
    Blu, as far as I know you by means of your birth certificate and social security number are traded as a future on the stock market, they are betting with what they assume you will earn for the rest of your natural life.

  16. Link to Post #110
    Avalon Member SilentFeathers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by blufire (here)
    Quote Posted by SilentFeathers (here)
    Quote Posted by blufire (here)
    I would suggest we don’t go down the ‘usual easy path’ of they are all insane psychopaths out to enslave and murder us.
    For most, this would be the most difficult path to wander down IMO, for most wouldn't believe this to be actually true.

    Personally I believe that insane psychopaths may indeed be out to enslave and or murder us, that sometimes the obvious is the truth
    You know, I used to really believe this ‘conspiracy’ that you have said (people being murdered and enslaved), but not any longer.

    For the simple fact that if ‘they’ really wanted this it would have already been done or ‘they’ would not be advancing technology that is actually doing the opposite.

    If ‘they’ truly wanted to simply eliminate millions or even billions of people worldwide then they would STOP advancing medicine that keeps people alive for longer than ever before and especially people in 3rd world countries that are ravaged by complicated ruthless diseases or how about global hunger? I know this is a huge sore topic for most on Avalon but if it weren’t for gmo grains billions in third world countries would be dead. Remember the massive starvation of the 60’s and 70’s? This has nearly been eliminated.

    The technology that is being quickly advanced and implemented is in all actuality saving billions of people and although not in any way near perfect.

    Look at the people that are suffering in the Philippines from the typhoon. I watched a news broadcast where thousands of tons of food and water is being brought in by the US military. Guess what is in those crates of food . . . . . rice and other foods made grains that are gmo.

    I have seen the thread about this typhoon being geo-engineered by ‘them’ to murder these people . . . . okay but then why send food, water and medicine? Did the ‘haarp technology’ create this typhoon or did it actually do something to lessen the effects? The typhoon was already formed and almost in top of the Philippines before the haarp signature appeared.

    Do I believe there are other reasons for these ‘manufactured events’ and rescues’,

    But not in order to enslave or murder. Yes! We are being manipulated and herded into a global unification under one government. Will this be easy or will this new world be comfortable for the majority . . . sadly NO. But this technology will at least give people a fighting chance.

    If ‘they’ wanted millions or billions of us dead it would have already happened.
    Obama the person; a man from a broken family now married with two beautiful children and he even has a dog! Through determination and hard work, and now model family man, Obama all on his own succeeded and made it all the way to the White House.....wow! proof the American dream is real!

    "The journey is now, it begins with today. There are many paths, choose wisely."

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  18. Link to Post #111
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)

    @ blufire: after reading your post #106 above (with some disbelief, I have to admit), I'd like to ask you this question:

    Quote Posted by childs hood end (here)

    even with all barack barry has done I think he is part of an agenda for the better of all...

    Do you agree with this statement that Obama is "part of an agenda for the better of all?"

    Please answer definitively and with detailed reasons. Many thanks.

    You are gonna have to clarify Bill before I can answer.

    Do you want me to answer in the context of child hood’s end statement because you used his/her post?

    Because if I did answer within that context then it would be an undeniable emphatic no.

    Also, if we are going to go down the road that Obama is the antichrist or the forerunner of the ‘true’ antichrist, then we are going to have to define who Christ was and if we support/believe the organized religion and dogma of Christianity

    My short answer to that is I do not believe he is the antichrist OR the forerunner to the true antichrist because most have not a clue who Jesus Christ actually was and why his bloodline is so important . . . .

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by 778 neighbour of some guy (here)
    Quote You know, I used to really believe this ‘conspiracy’ that you have said (people being murdered and enslaved), but not any longer.
    Blu, as far as I know you by means of your birth certificate and social security number are traded as a future on the stock market, they are betting with what they assume you will earn for the rest of your natural life.

    LOL . . . .I will give them all the goat milk and firewood they need. I’ll even throw in some peach moonshine I just finished up.

  19. Link to Post #112
    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Last edited by Redstar Kachina; 4th April 2015 at 23:57.

  20. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Redstar Kachina For This Post:

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  21. Link to Post #113
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by gripreaper (here)
    OK, I’ll bite. Obama is part of an agenda for the betterment of all, as is GMO foods saving billions of lives, as well as other emerging technologies designed to preserve the genome and advance towards a unified consciousness and one world structure.

    So, the elite are not evil psychopath’s hell bent on managing their human assets for any personal hedonistic aggrandizement of their baser instincts of power and control. The elite are steering their corporation earth towards the best possible outcome.

    So, please expand on this theory and fill in all the missing blanks and refute those who claim, based on thousands of years of recorded history, that earth and the human genome was manipulated and altered, and that these interlopers have a personal agenda which goes against nature and the collective will of all sentient beings.Lets drill down and put this one to bed as soon as possible.

    . . . .and you actually believe all those years of ‘recorded history’ grip?

  22. Link to Post #114
    Brazil Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Here´s my take on the subject.

    Is Obama a puppet? Yes, just like most other politicians, probably a little bit more controllable than the rest.

    Is Obama exclusively an actor? No. He's not the only politician who received professional acting lessons. Acting coaching is common in politics.

    Does it matter if he's secretly gay or an ex drug addict? No, at least we can't judge anyone on these merits alone. There are many good gay people and drug addicts. I have no prejudice against them at all.

    Is Obama honest? No. We have enough evidence to prove it already. He was caught telling lies a lot of times and he didn't fulfill any of his major electoral promises.

    Is he significantly different from any possible contemporary president? No. Money is what wins elections, and the people who finance political campaigns are always the same, meaning that ultimately they're the ones who control everything, independently of the elected president...Whoever wins an election is subjected to be controlled by the people who invested in his campaign.

    So, for me, he's just more of the same. Probably a little bit worse, but just a little.

    The next ones will be no different as long as it's permitted for private companies to donate money to political campaigns. Private companies don't donate, they invest.

    Last edited by RMorgan; 16th November 2013 at 19:09.

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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by addsub (here)
    Don't EVER lose sight of the fact that the name of the game is CONTROL.
    Yes and whether one understands the outcome and reason of the control.

    Then I would suggest once you (if you want to) understand the reason and supposed outcome of the control you then read Sun Tzu’s book ‘The Art of War’

    Once one understands the foundational reasons ‘control’ slips away. . . . but if choose to apply your own ‘control’ in defense then you become a victim (again) of their initial control.

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    I think the following, just posted by Simon, may have some bearing on this discussion:
    Quote No, what happens to the US, happens to the world - the US is the key to the situation, and anyone who splits Europe away from the happenings in the states is not connected to the game plan.

    1) Fukusyhima was not a natural accident, had there been no intervention from " another place" it would have been far, far worse. I have been sent a satellite picture, which I put up on the web, showing the spread of radation into the sea.
    your own West coast onwash, who would eat fish from many parts of your shores ? There is a school of thought that radiation is a key to advancing human frequencies and indeed although governments are hiding the facts there are more and more earth Humans who actively seek out radiation without a breakdown in their cell structor - watch this space -
    2) Bees - correct GMO do not need bees - as a standby in your country the patent has been filed for micro-robotic-bees - GMO is to be used as a weapon in terms of cash crops when food collapses from its present production rate to 65 - 75 % of its current base.
    3) vacines are used to prevent earth Humans re-joining their DNA strands and to weaken the body - this tactic has failed, dna strands are re-forming.
    He hasn't answered any questions yet about Obama, that I am aware, but the thread is here, if anyone wants to ask:
    Each breath a gift...

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    United States Avalon Member mojo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Wonder what happened to the birther issue that Sheriff Arpaio was pushing for? Can we expect Mia Pope to be protected by a whistleblower program? Not very confident in that program any longer after Dr Judy Woods tried using it and the courts didnt take her case. Would the courts listen to Mia?

    Always thought the true story of him would eventually come out by his relationship with past associates.

    Reverse speech might be a tool to corroborate.

    Here's what researcher David John Oates says about the use of this technology. (web site linked below.)

    "Human speech has two distinctive yet complementary functions and modes. The Overt mode is spoken forwards and is primarily under conscious control. The Covert mode is spoken backward and is not under conscious control. The backward mode of speech occurs simultaneously with the forward mode and is a reversal of the forward speech sounds."

    There were some intriguing prognosticators uncovered by using reverse speech on Obama speeches that sort of validate what Mia Pope is saying.

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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)

    @ blufire: after reading your post #106 above (with some disbelief, I have to admit), I'd like to ask you this question:

    Quote Posted by childs hood end (here)

    even with all barack barry has done I think he is part of an agenda for the better of all...

    Do you agree with this statement that Obama is "part of an agenda for the better of all?"

    Please answer definitively and with detailed reasons. Many thanks.

    . . . .and which part are you in disbief with (gmo part?). . . or is it my entire post?

  30. Link to Post #119
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    It seems clear the methodologies used to cull the population cannot be so direct as simply wiping us out in one fell swoop.
    That would have serious repercussions from other off-worlders for the perpetrators.
    It appears they can, however, implement a multitude of insidious ways and means to wear away at our existence which are not so easy to prevent or combat, such as GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, weather weaponry, etc. etc.
    And perhaps the most effective one of all, channeled messages that enlist the energies of the most gullible humans to create an energetic umbilical cord to the negative off worlders, and all due to human "free will", though it totally subverts and perverts that concept and is actually a kind of mind control.
    Last edited by onawah; 16th November 2013 at 19:30.
    Each breath a gift...

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  32. Link to Post #120
    United States Avalon Member gripreaper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who, really, is Barack Obama? THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TRUTH.

    Quote Posted by blufire (here)
    . . . .and you actually believe all those years of ‘recorded history’ grip?
    Well, I've been to Egypt and seen the pyramids, stood in the kings chamber, sailed down the Nile and stopped at every temple and sacred site, looked at the things "carved in stone", the hieroglyphs, drawings and such, studied ancient Greek, Chinese, Indian, Hebrew and Roman history as well as the Sumerian stone tablets, Gilgamesh, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadhi, Plato, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and all of the other ancient carvings which basically tell the same story. Of course you could refute all this and a case could be made that all history is written by the victors, and is manipulated as well.

    I’ve also read and studied Micheal Cremo, Joseph Farrell, Graham Hancock, Nassim Haramein, Michael Tsarion, Zacariah Stichen, Bruce Lipton, Eustice Mullens, Michael Tellinger, Andrew Collins, Gregg Braden, Ken Wilbur, and a host of others.

    Even though I have never been (in this lifetime) in the Vatican library, or the ancient monasteries of Tibet where all of the history of planet earth has been preserved, it is undeniable that a central theme remains and can be corroborated with the archeological and genomic records as well as what we are witnessing now in our current experience.

    If you have an alternative reality, which can be corroborated and substantiated based on the archeological records as well as the genomic records, please elucidate. Otherwise, I am leaning toward all those years of historical evidence, based on the archeological, genomic, biological, and written records in stone.

    What else you got?
    Last edited by gripreaper; 16th November 2013 at 19:51.
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