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Thread: The Heather Material

  1. Link to Post #81
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by morguana (here)
    blue, i dont think the truth will ever be reached as the truth is something that means different things to different people, and i am not saying that it shouldnt be discussed, what i was pointing out is that there are REAL people involved in all this (fellow avalonians ) and therefore it may be a good idea for some respect and thoughfullness given to them. have i made sence? i have no intentions of 'brushing anything under the carpet' and to be quite honest i was concerned with regards to kerry's post . my concern being that unfinished biz between bill and kerry may over spill onto forum (no disrespect towards b and k and i sincerly hope that they reach peace). i like the feel of this forum after weeks of wading though muck on the last one its been a breath of fresh air, and i guess i just wish for harmony.

    edit to add links
    Hello Morguana ,
    I know you want peace and harmony , we all do, however, you are saying that the truth is SUBJECTIVE....HOW MANY TRUTHS ARE THERE?....there are people trying to discern the real truth. Secondly, there are 400 people on this forum trying to make 6 Billion people ,who are deaf and blind,hear and see and have no notion of what is going on.Therefore it is in all our interests to get to the truth , even if it makes waves.....Bill and Kerry is a spiritual archetype which has gone wrong why?Activating the 3rd Eye is all well and good...working with intuition alone is only available for the few, as the Ego gets in the way...therefore what is the real truth?
    Last edited by blue777; 16th April 2010 at 10:59.

  2. Link to Post #82
    Avalon Member Dougall's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    I don't get the impression that anyone was put in harms way by words posted on Avalon one or two.
    If I thought a Black Van was coming to pick me up, I might not post my photo or my Child's photo.
    It's a nice picture Ben, and I hope you and yours are well. I'm guessing things will get better soon.
    Can you say if Heather was facilitating some of these transcripts and became frightened as the message grew?
    Perception is Everything

  3. Link to Post #83
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    The question that we should always ask ourselves when reading new "secret" information is...

    Is any off this information logistically beneficial in any way to the path I am on?

    If the answer is no, then skip it and move on.

    There is a mime (mind virus) that there always has to be apposing sides to things. What if the whole idea of apposing sides of anything is just an artificial construct of the control matrix? This team vs. that team, this country vs. that country, this material vs. that material. It is all there to distract you from focusing on the work you need to do on yourselves. So long as you consciousness is outside of yourself, they have got you by the short hairs.

    I know, I know "I am entitled to choose sides!" Well good luck with that. You are being sucked into the illusion created for you to prevent you from evolving spiritually.

  4. Link to Post #84
    Avalon Member Indigo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    tone3jaguar, an interesting point of view about opposing sides, but imho, opposing views can serve a benefit, if one is prepared to see things from both points of view. Sometimes we can get bogged down by our own thought paths, so we are blinded to things that don't tally. However, if you can view the sides without having an emotional attachment to either, a new element can be revealed that aids growth.

    Just my point of view, of course, feel totally free to ignore it )

  5. Link to Post #85
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by tone3jaguar (here)
    The question that we should always ask ourselves when reading new "secret" information is...

    Is any off this information logistically beneficial in any way to the path I am on?

    If the answer is no, then skip it and move on.
    It gets back to what ive said. Believe it or not and move on now. There is more important things to do. All of this is not helping the world to awake or to evolve. So can we get back to that? The world need love and light, not confusion over ONE material. If you dont agree, just stop searching on this material. Move to something else.

    lol enjoy the ride of life, we are here to experience! haha

  6. Link to Post #86
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Hi, All:

    OK. Here we go.

    I read Kerry's post with a degree of disbelief. All you researchers out there, I defy anyone to find ANYTHING I have ever said or written about Kerry that was not complimentary.

    Look at the Open Letter to Jeff Rense:

    Look at the 2009 year overview:

    Look atthe 'About Project Camelot' page on the Avalon site:

    Listen to the radio show we did after the Steven Greer interview:

    I have pointed out serious anomalies in the Heather material.
    -- I was trying to protect Camelot.

    I have pointed out SOME of the MANY serious anomalies in John Burns' association with Camelot:
    -- I was trying to protect Camelot. (There's a very great deal to this, by the way.)

    I have made strong values-driven statements that I would not endorse advertising on the Camelot site (something John Burns was pushing REALLY hard when he wanted to "turn Camelot into a million-dollar operation")
    -- I was trying to protect Camelot.

    I have sat patiently (and quietly) when Kerry had for the last several weeks locked me out of the Camelot server and out of the Camelot YouTube account, in both cases by changing the passwords. That was never posted on my blog.

    I did not explain publicly that the Anglo-Saxon Mission video was deleted from the Camelot account by KERRY: not by YouTube. (This happened twice.)

    I did not make any public fuss when Kerry deleted the entire introduction to the Dane Tops interview after we had agreed that the Camelot Library would remain untouched and intact.

    So the problems have been severe.

    I have to go now... I will continue later.

    Very best wishes, Bill

  7. Link to Post #87
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Bill you are a Gentleman ,
    and you would not and have not said anything derogatory about Kerry...infact you have always praised sounds like lilith energy is coming out...
    Last edited by blue777; 16th April 2010 at 16:31.

  8. Link to Post #88
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    OKay thats great that you are trying to protect camelot. It is a good thing Bill. Im sure you are doing your best for the world and i appreciate that. But maybe you are a bit exagerating with the heather material?? I dont know but what you did to Ben was not very nice in my opinion. Maybe you tried to protect camelot, but you should have tried to talk to him one on one maybe before starting all this thing. Communicating should have been used better than that. (Im just talking about this Ben/heather thing so I don t know about other problems you had.) Anyway have a great day Bill. I think we are loosing time here that could be use for more important things.

  9. Link to Post #89

    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Thanks for the clarification of events, Bill. It puts an interesting slant on things. You have integrity and that in itself has to be admired.

  10. Link to Post #90
    Norway Senior Administrator Tommy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Bill, can you at least stop telling people what they want to hear? Much of this you are stating is not true. Sitting silently? Not bad-mouthing Kerry? How come we got ton's of e-mails stating the total opposite of what you are saying here? You have also not presented any evidence (at all!) regarding what you say about John Burns. How are you going to handle this if Kerry actually release some of the e-mails? Stop feeding people bull**** and show that you still got some dignity left. I can't believe you are doing this, and you must be fully aware that this will come back to haunt you?

    All I am left with in relation to you Bill is lies, stalling, rudeness and broken promises.

    Give us a break and show some humility. Psychological tactics like these rarely give you something good in return.

    Sorry mate, but I can't stand on the sidelines watching this, you know that.


  11. Link to Post #91
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    Default Re: The Heather Material


  12. Link to Post #92
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    okay this is really going stupid. serves nothing and helps nobody. Im out of this thread of none sense.

  13. Link to Post #93
    Hungary Avalon Member Solace's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    You are a good man, Bill. I hope you can continue your mission without further problems.

    Edit: BTW, the "divide and conquer" thing seems to be working (even in camelot). This is sad.
    Last edited by Solace; 16th April 2010 at 18:19.

  14. Link to Post #94
    Norway Senior Administrator Tommy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Ok Bill, questions for you:

    - The links you agreed to put on avalon refering to the portal and the other sites. What happened? Was this not agreed on months ago now?
    - You expect us to add this and that to the portal and etc while you never even reply to our questions regarding things not appearing like agreed on your site, how is that just?
    - Someone in the translation crew posted "The Project Camelot translation\transcript crew has moved to avalon....." on the original library pages (that you keep insisting needs to be untouched), when we addressed the issue we did not get a response other than "John does not read your e-mails anymore", why? You keep seeking support because you got "locked out" of the original site, did it ever occur to you that non-agreed edits sending people over to avalon in the original archive might be seen as an issue?

    - Do you now indirectly acknowledge that you did not follow the mission statements when dealing with Ben (Heather material)? Is this obvious now?
    - Again I stress the link issue. You would rather link CNN than PC or PLW, why is that? Did you not agree to do this in the first place as a mutual gesture after we set up the portal? And we do btw still include you regardless of your unwillingness to do the same in return?
    - Do you at all understand why we do not trust you any more? Honestly?


    All the best,

    Last edited by Tommy; 16th April 2010 at 18:15. Reason: typo

  15. Link to Post #95
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by Solace (here)
    You are a good man, Bill. I hope you can continue your mission without further problems.

    Edit: BTW, the "divide and conquer" thing seems to be working (even in camelot). This is sad.
    yes the divide and conquer or call it Dialectic thought...however Bill has been upright and has showed a lot of humility......yes it is dividing us up...but at least we will get to the truth
    p.s seeingterra
    All I am left with in relation to you Bill is lies, stalling, rudeness and broken promises.....

    funny that is the opposite of the way I see him!!
    Last edited by blue777; 16th April 2010 at 18:34.

  16. Link to Post #96
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Wow , this is all very confusing . I'm still a newbie at all this , I haven't been awake for a long time so I'm catching up here basically . When I found PC I thought , ok , I've found the place where all my questions will ( if not answered ) at least be addressed . Then the whole PC vs ED happened and I thought , s**t ! . But I stayed with PC because they seemed way more credible than Dan B. Now there is this issue , and I'm not saying anyone's asking me to pick sides ( nor do I want to ) but it's the whole hesaid/she said again , I just don't know what to do !

    I know a lot of people are going to say " just forget about it it's not important concentrate on your own awakening " but the problem is , PC was one of my greatest tools for awakening ! how can I use something that's broken and expect good results ! and I mean it's not just them , you have to realize , like I said earlier I'm playing "catch up " with all this so while I'm reading things here on PA I'm also researching other places and it seems like every time I find something I think makes sense, it seems that two minutes later I find someone who discredits them I know I know , you're probably thinking well, welcome to the world of disclosure and that's fine I guess , but, how do you navigate through all of this when you're not fully awake and having trouble following your own judgement ? Am I making any sense ? anyway it's not important I guess after all it's just my little world in the grand scheme and it's probably not all that important , I just wish I knew the truth ya know ? I feel my life coming apart at the seams right now and it's cool, it's scary ,it's a whole bunch of things at the same time, I've no problem with that , i'm pretty strong and can handle myself but I wish I could trust someone to help guide me ..... I guess I'll have to do it on my own ....

  17. Link to Post #97
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by seeingterra (here)
    Ok Bill, questions for you:
    - Do you now indirectly acknowledge that you did not follow the mission statements when dealing with Ben (Heather material)? Is this obvious now?
    My 2 pence worth is that this is a non-issue. It would be relevant if the Heather material were factual and true. Being as the general consensus is that's its bogus Kerry is not only doing herself a disservice, by making a big deal out of it in public, Kerry is also doing Camelot and Avalon a disservice.

    I don't understand why Kerry has essentially released a contactee story. That's all it is when you take out the Heather material.

  18. Link to Post #98
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by SteveX (here)
    My 2 pence worth is that this is a non-issue. It would be relevant if the Heather material were factual and true. Being as the general consensus is that's its bogus Kerry is not only doing herself a disservice, by making a big deal out of it in public, Kerry is also doing Camelot and Avalon a disservice.

    I don't understand why Kerry has essentially released a contactee story. That's all it is when you take out the Heather material.
    yes , I agree with you Steve

  19. Link to Post #99
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by seeingterra (here)
    Ok Bill, questions for you:

    - The links you agreed to put on avalon refering to the portal and the other sites. What happened? Was this not agreed on months ago now?
    - You expect us to add this and that to the portal and etc while you never even reply to our questions regarding things not appearing like agreed on your site, how is that just?
    - Someone in the translation crew posted "The Project Camelot translation\transcript crew has moved to avalon....." on the original library pages (that you keep insisting needs to be untouched), when we addressed the issue we did not get a response other than "John does not read your e-mails anymore", why? You keep seeking support because you got "locked out" of the original site, did it ever occur to you that non-agreed edits sending people over to avalon in the original archive might be seen as an issue?

    - Do you now indirectly acknowledge that you did not follow the mission statements when dealing with Ben (Heather material)? Is this obvious now?
    - Again I stress the link issue. You would rather link CNN than PC or PLW, why is that? Did you not agree to do this in the first place as a mutual gesture after we set up the portal? And we do btw still include you regardless of your unwillingness to do the same in return?
    - Do you at all understand why we do not trust you any more? Honestly?


    All the best,

    OK, Tommy:

    You're showing your true colors.

    Ask me specific questions (1, 2, 3 etc) and I will answer them all in detail, depth, and with documented evidence. Be prepared. You have taken sides rather too early. I thought you were smarter than that. You don't even know me.

    Everyone else, stay tuned. I've had enough of this. I told you earlier you didn't know the full story. And clearly you do not.

  20. Link to Post #100
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    Default Re: The Heather Material

    Quote Posted by SteveX (here)
    My 2 pence worth is that this is a non-issue. It would be relevant if the Heather material were factual and true. Being as the general consensus is that's its bogus Kerry is not only doing herself a disservice, by making a big deal out of it in public, Kerry is also doing Camelot and Avalon a disservice.

    Yes, correct!

    When i read her post, i thought of posting this, but i refrained myself, because if you attack, then where remains a proper discussion? It goes down the drain.
    But seeing this attack by seeingterra, i can not any more hold it back:

    Just look at Kerrys post here: Obviously she had not read the thread, otherwise why refering to something which did not happen? Stated by the guy involved! She just jumped in, posted a simple "Copy-Paste" statement and vanished into the light.
    Is this her Due Diligence?
    Can`t she just read these few posts and reply properly?
    Is it not worth doing it?
    Is it her way of saying: " I don't kerry any more?"

    Mixing one thing with another does not help, terra. Missing links have nothing to do with the Heather material.
    Its a least an off-spring, action-reaction type. But i dont know, just guessing.
    But what i know is that your post does not contribute positively to a clearing discussion.

    Maybe something is going on in your own forum, where you are looking for somebody else to blame.

    Please use your laser light only on your warriors.


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