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Thread: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

  1. Link to Post #101
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by sygh (here)
    Dear Bill,

    I couldn't agree with you more, Ollie. And as far as clean-up crews go, I, along with so many others, am happily working upon that very thing. We will build, plant, and use our resources more, and more wisely with each passing year. Here, in the U.S. we will build trains for mass transit. We will plant trees, and clean rivers. We will create ocean farms, releasing a % of that which is created back into the wild. Our towns and cities will become sustainable. We will utilize our waste material. And we will over-come our dependence upon oil, weaning ourselves from that bottle. Life will change for the better, as we wave goodbye to forecasts based on projections of "business as usual". The scientists and engineers at companies like Monsanto, will wake up and realize they have an absolute moral responsibility to the universe itself, which surpasses any paycheck they could possibly earn. These people will turn Monsanto around.

    All this, and more, so much more, will be accomplished. And it will be done because what we are talking about here is sacred.
    Ollie, sounds great. How do you account for waking up the Earth civilization? Also, what is your plan for balancing accrued karma from war, child abuse etc.? imho Our civilization is SO far gone that it has to be "purified" by some unforseen/unknowable Earth shattering event. Getting at the populations consciousness seems the only way to help the planet. So far we have 5-15% at best waking up. What about the other 80-90% clueless consumers of religions and Earth limited resources?
    Please help me wrap my head around how you see this consciousness awakening happening. I would be willing to get in the trenches with you but, I don't apply band-aids on terminal disease. I don't even know to begin dismantling 500 nuclear reactors.....
    Thanks Gooty64

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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    hmmm maybe the quote is a clue What part of "Elenin is just a cloud of snowballs" don't you understand? Have you read the link? are you going to call the man who discovered it in the first place and is now saying it has broken up, a liar. i think you are in denial, but ok hang on to it for a few more days if it makes you happy and when the snow balls have all melted by the sun you can start on the next comet that's coming
    The question actually had a purpose. I asked it because it seems you are not reading me right (nor Bill's post).

    I never denied Elenin is broken up. In fact, I keep on emphasizing that fact, since Bill's post practically leveled Elenin down to dust and tombstone. Its one thing to say Elenin no longer represents the danger many feared, but its pieces (at least some of them), are still on the same trajectory.

    And I said it before, I'll say it again - Numerous space agencies are tracking the Elenin pieces as you are reading this post. If you are interested, go ahead and take a look, don't quote me and tell me I'm "wrong", just because you don't like some of the facts presented.

    There is so far no official status if the pieces are reducing in size. It will probably take a few more days for an update. And yes, we should pay attention to another, this time real, comet coming our way.
    Mate if I have got the wrong end of the stick then I appologise but quite frankly I don't think the bits will amount to anything more than a snowball fight

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  5. Link to Post #103
    Avalon Member joedjemal's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    I agree with pretty much everything Bill said with one slight quibble about his suggestion that the economic collapse is deliberate. They wouldn't smash their milking machine on purpose. It's just that a delusional system is coming face to face with hard reality.

    Here's my perspective on it.

    Humanity never stopped evolving and during that process a couple of variants emerged. The first one was the psychopath. Their lack of empathy permitted them to do things that no empathic person could contemplate and so they took over the societies they encountered by force. This gave them advantages during mate selection so they chose partners with beauty and intelligence and ended up increasing their charisma and capability as a predator. They then applied selection pressure on the populations they conquered by killing off resistancs pushing their captive populations to be better prey so you ended up with the emergence of the sheople.

    So they took over everything within reach getting more and more powerful until we end up with the world we have today, ruled by sociopaths.

    Now they didn't get it all their own way. Along with the tendency to have no empathy or conscience they also have an extremely serious flaw. They are literally incapable of imagining themselves in the wrong so their minds create a fantasy version of reality that they believe to ne reality. Therefore the systems they create reflect the nature of their minds, they are delusional. (interest creates permanent growth which is in conflict with reality and eventually when the delusional meets the real you can imagine which will prevail)

    So now we're at a point where the delusional milking machine meets the reality of peak resources. It can no longer grow so it will collapse. (there are sound physical reasons for this which I won't go into right now).

    Now they have a serious problem. They can't introduce free energy devices because they can't be metered so they can't continue milking and will lose their power. They can't continue expanding industrial agriculture because they're destroying too much of the biosphere. There's a lot more to this but it boils down to one thing. They are an evolutionary dead end and their prey are also evolving and new types of mind are emerging that are immune to hierarchy, one of their main control mechanisms. So, what are they to do?

    They number about one percent of the population. (about right for a predator species) if their awakening prey works out en masse what's going on they'll probably be sterilised at the very least and that's the end of their species. They have to prevent their prey from recognising what's happening so they turn to one of their strengths. Manipulation. (they haven't quite speciated yet they can still interbreed with the prey but they tend to stick to their own kind mostly)

    Now they control most of the information systems (msm) but the arrival of the internet has given their prey a back channel that was designed to survive even a nuclear war, they can't turn it off and in any case even if they could it would collapse their milking machine.

    So they poison the well with as much disinformation as they can, mixed with just enough truth to make it believable to divide and confuse any possible opposition to their dominant position. The more confusion there is the more easily they can keep the prey focussed on anything but what can harm them.

    Meanwhile, because of the net their main mind control mechanism (religion) is failing and true spiritual knowledge is getting out, allowing those who are growing spiritually to apply discernment and their deceptions are being seen through.

    They have to kill off the majority of us to reset the milking machine and enable growth again in order to survive.

    Interesting that all this is happening around the end of the Mayan calendar but the ability of the human mind to transcend time has been repeatedly proven by things like the global consciousness project and the web bots.

    Meanwhile the aliens seem to have turned up just as all the graphs are going vertical. Very interesting timing. I have yet to see a single scrap of believable data about who they are though.

    You need to understand that any information you get from the net that defies the physics we are certain of is likely to be a lie. Anything that is dependant on one person's information without hard verifiable data is likely to be a lie also.

    One more thing where I disagree with Bill on is that there won't be a sudden awakening. You're forgetting the hundredth monkey effect Bill, once enough of us do the hard work it will suddenly be a whole lot easier for the others to get it. Where it's been observed before the effect was instant once the threshold was breached.

    That's my perspective anyway. Never trust any source till you see hard data from multiple sources.

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  7. Link to Post #104
    United States Avalon Member Mark's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Arrowwind (here)
    Quote Posted by Rahkyt (here)
    Please correct me if I am wrong here but did Bill not just make some predictive statements here regarding the future? Does he not, in effect, tell us what the truth is? [/I]
    I will not be correcting you because I think you are absolutley correct.

    Like so many others on this forum Bill speaks his truth as though it is absolute.
    Hello, with just a bit of moderation from my absolute statement I can accept the contextuality of Bill's statement and the Admin's recasting of it ... this thread is quite interesting because it speaks to something that is now very pressing for not only this community but for the world. As the ptb and their news media are now criminalizing the Awakened and the Sovereign, people have a choice to make. When I originally stated that I would love to live out a normal life with a few bumps leading to a few more bumps later which seems to be the tone of Bill's original msg, I was quite serious. I have kids, another on the way, would love to seek normality. But a lifetime of gradual to extreme ramping up of earth changes, psychic phenomena, extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional incursions lead me to the conclusion that what is coming is something different from what has been.

    But it is happening so gradually - within the context of this time compression - that we have the choice to accept or deny the full ramifications of what seems to be unbelievable potentialities. To be safe is nice, and safe. To risk the more extreme potentialities is to make that final descent from which there is no turning back. Once you go wingnut you can't be normal again. They won't let you. Can't re-enter the Matrix. And, of course, there is the possibility of being wrong and having to say you're sorry.

    One thing that I've experienced personally is that when things seem to be getting better in your life, you wish you weren't living in the end times and you try to find justifications to change your mind. To believe that you were just being extreme and surely the world can't change this way. But then something else happens that seems to be the universe doubling down on consciousness shift in the most amazing and extreme manner. lol

    Arrowwind, I'm assuming you don't believe there are any Absolutes in this human reality ... a big assumption, but just judging by your words. Whatever the case may be here, we will all most certainly see for ourselves.

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  9. Link to Post #105
    Avalon Member joedjemal's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    I also wanted to make a comment about the world splitting based on something I learned to do a year and a half ago.

    One day my dog decided he was going to be naughty and refused to come back to me. Suddenly I saw the world in a very surprising way. Instead of seeing things as I normally do suddenly everything became a blur of probabilities. I could see multiple trails like watching a 4d snapshot (3d +time 5d actually because there were multiple 4d trails) I could see that I could choose which of those potential realities I would end up in so I chose the one where the dog shaped sausage ended up by me and suddenly everything snapped back to normal with my dog beside me.

    I think for a moment I could see a smear of different parallel worlds and could choose which one I ended up in. i've only been able to do it a few times and i'm still thinking about the ethics of it. Was I usurping my dogs free will or was I not because I moved myself between different realities
    Last edited by joedjemal; 10th September 2011 at 13:07.

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  11. Link to Post #106
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    Yeah right, some people just don't know when to quit and admit they are wrong do they.
    Was that directed at me?
    Don't worry. It's just the 'Paranoids out to get you'.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Healthy Skeptic For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #107
    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Just doing a little research...found this...

    US Navy Website Goes Offline, After It Shows Elenin Is Not Broken Up.Coincidence?

    "Things are heating up out there! Latest/Last images of Elenin from the SECCHI depict that Elenin did not break up and also shows the comet turned sharply.

    But as much we know comets don't make sharp turns.

    Also, the establishment has been reporting that it had broken up. But according to the latest images from SECCHI it has not broken up.

    After people started talking about these discrepancies the SECCHI website went offline.


    And its not a first time that they had CENSORED the information, Earlier also NASA Buzzroom was taken down after post reveals Comet Elenin trajectory.

    Long Period Objects in elliptical Orbit:

    long period Objects are a big danger for the inner Planets. There are different reasons for that.

    First historical: LPO are not recognised in the younger human history, and therefore forgotten. Only written down in metaphor and symbolic languages from ancients culture, like the Atlantians Sumerian and also recorded to the old testament.

    Second scientific: LPO with an elliptical Orbit of ~11800 Years, can not have a small mass, that is simple given from the law of physics. Objects with smaller mass having short elliptical Orbit, from 2 up to 1000 years or so, like Asteroids or Comets.

    Therefore: Objects with bigger mass staying in long period Orbits. The fact that Elenin comet (C2010 X1 ) enters our solar system close to the ecliptic with a Period of ~11’800 Years, makes this Object very dangerous. So it is good to keep an eye on it.

    Comet Elenin Fulfill 2012 Hopi Prophecy ?

    If Elenin is the Blue Kachina AND the Red Kachina is following behind it. Then there may be big problems.
    The colors come from a Hopi Prophecy, where there will be a Blue "star" that precedes a Red "star". According to the prophecy the Blue one kinda shakes things up and is a warning indicating that the main event is about to come around, referring to the Red "star".

    Here's an image that claims to be the actual color of Elenin. Sure looks blue to us."


    Last edited by Eric J (Viking); 10th September 2011 at 14:50.
    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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  15. Link to Post #108
    Avalon Member OnyxKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by DeDukshyn (here)
    Wow, I just read this fully again. Oxy, try for a moment to consider how each of these responses is correct from it's point of view instead of how you saw this as a confrontation towards Anurak. What I don't understand, is how you see these posts as being confrontational. Herein lies the issue. I love you man but I'm strong on this statement. Consider it before responding.
    Maybe 'confrontational' is a too hard term for this. Engaging maybe?

    I do agree with some of the points made by all three of you, but looking at them overall, and together, you seem to be seeing only "calling Bill out" in Aranuk's post, which I tried to explain further with mine. And why I side with him on this issue. Nothing against you personally, you know that. Just this particular post got me responding.

    Quote Posted by DeDukshyn (here)
    My point was extremely specific why .. is there a question for me? I'd be glad to respond.
    It had to do with your defense about Bill letting the Atticus scenario play out, and confronting Aranuk about it. I'm too upset about it too, since he knew what Atticus was all about, but he didn't mind stealing so much of our personal time and energy to devote on the video interview, and on the various threads that entertained his material. You could say its the people who were interested in him's fault for going that route, but if Bill didn't hype him out like he did and present him as the "real deal" like so many other shady characters, nobody would have spent even a minute on him.

    Aranuk raised a lot of good points on which I totally agree with. Hence why I didn't appreciate him being confronted by a few other people solely because of that post. You say he is out of line. Well when will be the right time to get out of line and say something that needs to be said? When a few more other shady characters cross the Avalon halls? When a few more people get pissed for their time being wasted? When?

    Quote Posted by Healthy Skeptic (here)
    What about the following?

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :
    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. 31 December 2008"

    Found on : http://projectcamelotportal.com/
    Under "Disclaimer" in the left hand column.

    Bill, is not responsible for Atticus or anyone else.
    It is up to "US" to interpret/decide the truth, or lack of, the material presented.
    Actually, to a large degree, he is. And I'll explain: When you present certain people as the "real deal" in a matter-of-fact attitude, and hype them beyond necessary measure, you are effectively getting the viewers/readers/members hooked on these overhyped characters. And these people will waste their time, energy, even money (a lot of them sell books and that sorta crap), only to be let down later on.

    Bill and Kerry also emphasized that they are a different portal then the rest of the media sources for various insider / whistleblower testimony. If things continue on this path, I really don't see any difference in the things offered from any other web portal dealing with the same subjects.

    Quote Posted by truth4me (here)
    Look at your first sentence in your original reply. "Bill what are you going to tell us next?" The main point in Bill's thread is that Elenin is gone.
    That's the thing. Its not gone, yet. "Chunks" are still traveling.

    Quote Posted by dreamer (here)
    i wonder how this will resonate at the conference... think i would get weird vibes with David Wilcock teaching of the ascention, prophecy, and all.. and then..

    hmm.. ill have to think about this.

    man.. dismising all the mayan 2012 material... thats a bit for me to do at this point, ive ben shown so much, and it all fits, i would apreciate somthing to back this dismissal up...
    You don't have to dismiss "Ascension" as a fact. Just dismiss '"Ascension" by December 2012' as a fact

    Do you think it would be that hard to let go of the predicted year?

    Quote Posted by Spacyman (here)
    I did not want to confront the guy... He was in my opinion, overreacting in a negative way. Just wanted to put some perspective into play. You are indeed allowed to disagree but my intervention was made with good intentions.

    Yes, and if he didn't make a post like that yesterday, I would have, some other day. A lot of us are pissed senseless, about certain things that happened here. A lot of us also haven't expressed the anger in its all raw glory. Yet.

    There was nothing negative in his post, in fact, he raised a lot of good questions about what should we expect from Bill's future statements and dismissals.

    Engaging him for questioning is in fact, a negative approach.

    Quote Posted by Arrowwind (here)
    Oh and in regards to the break up of Elinen,

    I had been wondering how long it would take for another terror story to hit the net when Elinen didn't pan out.

    How long do you think? a Year? a month? a week?

    We should not fear! We all know the Glactic Federation destroyed it to save humanity, right ? eh?
    after all, according to some, they had been driving the dang thing
    The new comet heading this way will serve a purpose.

    Quote Posted by sandy (here)
    So IMO staying fearful keeps one from realizing that we are being destroyed daily and soon there will be so little food that starvation will be upon the earth
    This is why I work on desalinatior devices and hydroponic systems. And I'm not alone. Don't worry about food and water .

    Quote Posted by sandy (here)
    Just baffle me how this whole scenario is not mentioned let alone talked about???
    I don't know, but now that you raised a question about it, I think its due time. Maybe start a thread with this post?

    Quote Posted by jcocks (here)
    Here's another thing to think about :

    What about the debris field of this comet? Aren't we still to go through it in... november I think? (I may be wrong - please correct me if I am)

    Now that the comet has apparently broken up, this debris field should be larger right?

    So perhaps this story won't be over until we've gone through the debris field... if anything, it may be quite a lightshow....
    Yeah, I don't think people really understood why I keep going on and on about the Elenin pieces (of which 2 huge ones are still heading close to Earth).

    Some even interpreted it as simply me going against something Bill said, just for the sake of it.

    Quote Posted by apokalypse (here)
    Damn sad that so many people debunk and not considering zeitgeist, it seems they stick with current system instead of consider utopia systems like zeitgeist. zeitgeist might not work for us but it's a start for alternative model. only one way to get out of this mess is known our true past otherwise we can't.
    I ensure you that nobody has successfully debunked the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement. Most of them are people scared of change and paradigm shifts. They usually do not allow ratings, comments and video responses, which alone says a lot about them even if you haven't watched the videos.

    I'd perform argumentative surgery on every single one of those videos and articles ( but there are too many, and I have too little time to waste on that).

    The Zeitgeist Movement's goals and principles do intersect with a lotof the goals and principles the general Truth movement globally is about and the particular part of it here, on Avalon. So I think Peter Joseph and Jacque Fresco could be a great interviewee material for the next "FutureTalk" sessions.

    As far as plausibility goes, its entirely plausible even with the current technological span available in the public sector and in some homes of the alternative community. Let alone with technology available in the private sector.

    It doesn't have to be 100% exactly like Jacque has envisioned the RBE-type society should be. Even he himself said that's only his proposal for the best possible solution he personally sees, and that future generations might tweak his ideas or use them as a platform to devise even more complex ideas that would be even more positive and beneficial for humanity.

    I'm working on some models myself at present time.

    Quote Posted by apokalypse (here)
    Kerry said something going to happen based on insiders and other sources but bill don't...interesting
    I find that very interesting as well.

    Quote Posted by Agape (here)
    I did a quick search and these are the closest relevant sources I found ...

    Leonid Elenins' blog :


    Entry from 9/9 reads :

    The First Radio Observations of Comet Elenin

    American radio astronomers report that did not detect any water coming from any remains of comet Elenin. Amy Lovell observed it for 7 hours on Sept 7 using the Green Bank Telescope (it is not yet in the Arecibo declination window) and did not detect any OH line above the noise level of 2.4 mJy. This puts a limit of a few times 107 molecules/second on the gas production rate, which is about 100 times less than earlier predictions. This data may confirm disintegration proccess in comet’s nucleus which stareted on mid August. The next radio observations may be carry out on October by Arecibo radio observatory, of course if we will see comet Elenin on images from SOHO spacecraft.
    Thanks Agape. Maybe we won't have to worry about the pices for much longer, if those reports are true. I'd stay alerted till everything is water vapor though. But that's just me.
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 10th September 2011 at 14:58. Reason: trim quoted material

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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    i saw Elvis today too the lengths you people go to and the straws you clutch at to maintain your beliefs amuses me Anyway as I said in the other thread, no point in talking about it, not long and we will know for certain won't we, Why don't you nip over in your space ship and have a look?

  18. Link to Post #110
    Avalon Member Maia Gabrial's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Thanks for sharing this Illuminati video. I REALLY don't like this "man" or his condescending attitude, though.

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by joedjemal (here)
    I also wanted to make a comment about the world splitting based on something I learned to do a year and a half ago.

    One day my dog decided he was going to be naughty and refused to come back to me. Suddenly I saw the world in a very surprising way. Instead of seeing things as I normally do suddenly everything became a blur of probabilities. I could see multiple trails like watching a 4d snapshot (3d +time 5d actually because there were multiple 4d trails) I could see that I could choose which of those potential realities I would end up in so I chose the one where the dog shaped sausage ended up by me and suddenly everything snapped back to normal with my dog beside me.

    I think for a moment I could see a smear of different parallel worlds and could choose which one I ended up in. i've only been able to do it a few times and i'm still thinking about the ethics of it. Was I usurping my dogs free will or was I not because I moved myself between different realities
    One enlightened teacher has said.
    We are about to see the world totally differently.
    Its not a physical change but a change in perception

    At the moment our awareness of sound and vision is in a relatively narrow band.
    A range of colors we cant at this moment see-- sounds that we cant hear already exist.
    We could call them different realms.

    Time will tell.

    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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  22. Link to Post #112
    Avalon Member OnyxKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    i saw Elvis today too the lengths you people go to and the straws you clutch at to maintain your beliefs amuses me Anyway as I said in the other thread, no point in talking about it, not long and we will know for certain won't we, Why don't you nip over in your space ship and have a look?
    Its kinda hard to accept an apology if your next post smacks me (and others) with the same etiquette. It shows you didn't mean it and you probably did it as a joke.

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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    No matter what happens

    It will be ones own perception and beliefs of things that really matter

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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    judge my actions by your standards all you wish mate, I will not get into a petty argument with you, there is far too much of that in this forum. I am fully entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.

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    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Hello Oxy at all, if the ''First radio observation...'' report /blog entry from L. Elenin is correct , there is no sign of water vapours ( frequency of ) increase being detected ( in another words, could be no snow balls ) .

    I've requested update on the identity of the object in the STEREO B images as I'm genuinely curious to know whether this is observable event .

    The object ( could be an asteroid ) is so small and so far away that the hype surrounding it is clearly made up by 2012 world-end fans .

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    Hungary Avalon Member Malachi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    hello everyone and hello Bill,

    I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. much needed and wise words I think.
    this world is a beautiful and peaceful place without the fear that the PTB plant in many people's mind.

    thank you again and blessings to all of you!

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  31. Link to Post #117
    Avalon Member OnyxKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    judge my actions by your standards all you wish mate, I will not get into a petty argument with you, there is far too much of that in this forum. I am fully entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.
    Then don't say "I apologize".

    It makes you a liar.

    And lying is not gonna get people to take your opinion (which you are of course entitled with) seriously.

  32. Link to Post #118
    Avalon Member joedjemal's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by greybeard (here)
    Quote Posted by joedjemal (here)
    I also wanted to make a comment about the world splitting based on something I learned to do a year and a half ago.

    One day my dog decided he was going to be naughty and refused to come back to me. Suddenly I saw the world in a very surprising way. Instead of seeing things as I normally do suddenly everything became a blur of probabilities. I could see multiple trails like watching a 4d snapshot (3d +time 5d actually because there were multiple 4d trails) I could see that I could choose which of those potential realities I would end up in so I chose the one where the dog shaped sausage ended up by me and suddenly everything snapped back to normal with my dog beside me.

    I think for a moment I could see a smear of different parallel worlds and could choose which one I ended up in. i've only been able to do it a few times and i'm still thinking about the ethics of it. Was I usurping my dogs free will or was I not because I moved myself between different realities
    One enlightened teacher has said.
    We are about to see the world totally differently.
    Its not a physical change but a change in perception

    At the moment our awareness of sound and vision is in a relatively narrow band.
    A range of colors we cant at this moment see-- sounds that we cant hear already exist.
    We could call them different realms.

    Time will tell.

    I agree with you Greybeard. All of my spiritual work seems to end up being about perception in the end.

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  34. Link to Post #119
    Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    judge my actions by your standards all you wish mate, I will not get into a petty argument with you, there is far too much of that in this forum. I am fully entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.
    Then don't say "I apologize".

    It makes you a liar.

    And lying is not gonna get people to take your opinion (which you are of course entitled with) seriously.
    My appology to you was sincere, it's only in your mind and in your judgement that it was not. Please don't accuse me of being a liar it is far beyond forum etiquet and shows your age and mentality

  35. Link to Post #120
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote The Trojan
    "This being "the get out clause",does it also apply to the statements made by Bill that initiated this post?"
    I fail to see your point. All I am saying is that we all have the right to our opinion/s, whether it seems to be 'right or wrong'.
    I take 'no sides' with anyone. All I ask is that people look at things with an 'open mind'
    and be 'very careful' about passing 'judgement' on other people's differing views.
    Last edited by Healthy Skeptic; 10th September 2011 at 15:22.

  36. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Healthy Skeptic For This Post:

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