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Thread: Integrity

  1. Link to Post #121
    United States Avalon Member Whiskey_Mystic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Please indulge me to complain for a moment.

    One of my pet peeves is seeing people on other forums complain that they or someone they know was banned from Avalon for disagreeing with the Bill Ryan party line. Especially when I witnessed myself exactly why they got banned. This is a slap in the face to the integrity, honor, and patience with which Bill offers us his coaching. I would never be able to show the kind of restraint that Bill does. I get angry when I see his approach of compassion and warm-hearted engagement be spit on like that. Grrrrrrrr! I have learned a lot from watching his example. I don't always agree with Bill, but his model for communication is a gift. How we say what we say is more important to the building of a higher vibrational community than the actual content of our posts. It is the foundation, in my opinion, and everything else is just details.

    So... I invite each of us (me included) to ask before we hit the Post button if we are bringing the vibration of the community up or down with our choice of words. This too is an integrity practice.

    Hey mod team, I've been watching you guys and my hats off to you. You're doing great and I know we don't see it all. Good job. Have a carrot juice with ginger.
    Last edited by Whiskey_Mystic; 23rd April 2011 at 02:20. Reason: Typos. Always typos.
    "We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains." -Li Po

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  3. Link to Post #122
    England Avalon Member K626's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    One thing we did on a football board I used to mod on was have an amnesty at the end of the season and the posters could vote on 3 people to bring back. The only caveat was if they were banned for racism. Worked quite well.

    Food for thought.


    In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.
    Alan Watt

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  5. Link to Post #123
    United States Avalon Member Whitehaze's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    It seems to be me that we are entering times where we need to be building bridges and pooling energies. Even the best of friends can have a disagreement or argument, but they do not burn the bridge between them. At the end of the day we all want and envision the same thing. There are times, more often than not, where I personally do not agree with anothers point of view or comment. However, I respect that persons view and their comments simply because it belongs to them.

    If we are truly spiritual, enlightened, awakened beings then perhaps we should act accordingly so. For it is these type of beings who would find solutions to whatever problems they encounter. Even disagreements and arguments can be resoloved between people, and goals met. If humanity continues to burn the bridges between themselves, then we are most certainly lost.
    In the light of the day the other light is hidden, never the less that other light still exists seen by other eyes.

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  7. Link to Post #124
    United States Avalon Member Ivanhoe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    I don't post often, I prefer to watch, it's my nature.
    I agree with your post and appreciate your honesty and forthrightness.
    I honor honesty and integrity perhaps the most of all the adjectives we bestow upon ourselves and others. It is to me the only way to live.
    I don't have a house to invite you to, I'm stuggling to survive, but I'd love to buy you a beer or three down at the bar.
    Peace to you.

  8. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Ivanhoe For This Post:

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  9. Link to Post #125
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Not all decisions have been made by me at all. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. The moderators PM and e-mail members frequently, and there's a great deal of routine 'walking the beat' activity like that which I don't have time to get involved in. We usually try everything we can before we ask someone to leave. You might be astonished at our patience.
    That is really encouraging to hear, and very much to Avalon's credit. The policing of the forum should be a group effort. The power to silence an individual voice should not reside in the hands of a single person.

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Chicodoodoo For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #126

    Default Re: Integrity

    Integrity. Yes, in my opinion, this is very important for anyone who want to accelerate their personal expansion of awareness, growth, abilities, and ascension.

    Integrity, to me, means to be complete. Whole. It means being one's true self at all times, without exception, without white lies, or big lies, or irrelevant lies, without pretense toward oneself or others. It's hard. But it IS doable.

    Thanks Bill for this important thread.

  12. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Inelia For This Post:

    Belle (22nd April 2011), DoubleHelix (23rd April 2011), elysian (22nd April 2011), Hervé (22nd April 2011), Jake (23rd April 2011), magicmanx (23rd April 2011), Whiskey_Mystic (23rd April 2011), Yoda (25th April 2011)

  13. Link to Post #127
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by jjl (here)
    Does the separation occur between the "knowing" and "unknowing"?
    I mean people, not the concept, those that innately "know" and those that don't yet.
    I'm not speaking of a new elitism, I know perfectly well where I fall. No illusions there. But I am trying to understand where the separation takes place.
    Thanks for the thread Bill.
    jjl you fall where you are at.
    as we all do.
    enjoy what you have.

  14. Link to Post #128
    Australia Avalon Member Brodie75's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    I too have experienced a purge of old friends about 5yrs ago and to be honest
    it wasn't really a hardship. What i mean by that is it felt right, natural and
    Another symptom if you could call it that is persistent dreams about my old
    friends. Again this is probably just natural.
    I do miss them from time to time but know they will make their own journey.

  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Brodie75 For This Post:

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  16. Link to Post #129
    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)

    Dear All:

    The best definition of integrity I ever heard is when one's beliefs, actions and statements are all in alignment.

    With integrity, there is no two-facedness, no camouflaged position, no variance of view depending on the circumstances or who one is with.

    Or what forum one posts on.

    I’ve not posted here on Avalon in quite a while. I’ve been extremely busy lately with helping get the Fukushima info videos out, (Nexus Community Japan Updates) and honestly, haven’t even kept up with a fraction of the threads I usually do on Nexus, much less had a chance to see what’s going on here at Avalon.

    And when something IS brought to my attention RE:Avalon, it seems to always be negative.

    Rarely has there been anyone as vocal as I in regards to ‘keeping the peace’ between Avalon and Nexus. (I’m not going to bother with links, as anyone who has even been paying a cursory amount of attention the past few months between the two boards should know what I’m talking about here…)

    I’ve tried to ‘hold a space’ for us to all meet in the middle, as friends and kinspeople should.

    That has been increasingly difficult as of late.

    And I am growing weary.

    Do you not realize that banning longstanding and respected members of any community only serves to create hostility at a time when we need to be UNITING into a powerful driving force for positive change, and, as you say, being the change we want to see in the world?

    By getting rid of those ‘problem’ people, you are also getting rid of your most creative 10%. What is left, ultimately, will be stagnation.

    Some of those whom I’ve just learned today that were banned, have contributed MUCH to Avalon.

    So, I am asking you publicly, here and now, to reverse these bans and put an end to this foolishness.

    We need to present a united front, not fractured ‘cliques’. If someone wants to leave voluntarily, that is one thing, but forcing someone out is another thing entirely.

    And as someone so eloquently quoted, I’ve never had to throw anyone out of my house that I’d invited in. Why are you feeling the need to do so with increasing frequency?



  17. The Following 19 Users Say Thank You to Janos For This Post:

    Brodie75 (22nd April 2011), Buchanan561 (23rd April 2011), Chicodoodoo (23rd April 2011), DevilPigeon (24th April 2011), Dorok (24th April 2011), edina (23rd April 2011), Icecold (23rd April 2011), Isostool (23rd April 2011), Jendayi (23rd April 2011), K626 (23rd April 2011), katewilliams79 (22nd April 2011), Lord Sidious (23rd April 2011), luciole (23rd April 2011), magicmanx (23rd April 2011), manny (22nd April 2011), TigerLilly (23rd April 2011), ViralSpiral (23rd April 2011), winnasboy (23rd April 2011)

  18. Link to Post #130
    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    As this thread has evolved, I think the most important part may be what I was suggesting on my post #63 about how come some old, trusted friends cannot understand each other any more, and new alliances are being formed -
    In spite of the communication being unhindered, intellect and intelligence unimpaired… O’ weird.

    So… it is happening… that separation. Except that instead of being the usual density settling down of particles from troubled liquid… it’s going through a very high tech, high speed and specialized centrifuge.

    I read somewhere that some individuals who are set in a certain frame of mind can’t help but misconstrue into something negative or destructive, anything that’s expressed as positive or constructive.

    If one takes such a frame of mind as a specific signature of a vibratory frequency – let’s say socio/psychopathic – it follows that such a signature has harmonics all the way of the frequency scales of densities/dimensions, both directions… as above so below… and corollary.

    Hence, one finds these STS/STO energy harmonics from elemental realms up to… who knows where and which realm/density/dimension.

    This has been going on for eons, what’s amazing with this place and time is that the masks are falling down as the energies seem to have become “immiscible.”

    A good illustration of this would be Duncan O’Finioan’s decision on which side to go with. Spiritual integrity.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

  19. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Hervé For This Post:

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  20. Link to Post #131
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Sierra passed in April 2021.
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    We usually try everything we can before we ask someone to leave. You might be astonished at our patience.

    When I made the call on several members who we recently unsubscribed, for example, there was a collective massive sigh of relief among the moderators. This is not meant to be unkind - it's simply true.
    Not just the moderators, I've been feeling much safer lately lol!

    Quote Posted by Whiskey_Mystic (here)
    Hey mod team, I've been watching you guys and my hats off to you. You're doing great and I know we don't see it all. Good job. Have a carrot juice with ginger.
    Hear Hear! Pushing the thank you button is not enough! The mods are doing a WONDERFUL job!
    Last edited by Sierra; 23rd April 2011 at 14:15. Reason: Removed an HTML format bracket

  21. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Sierra For This Post:

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  22. Link to Post #132
    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Integrity

    IMO, FWIW, people will be lost to Avalon one way or another, Janos. If the people that have been banned return, some of us will leave. I have spent more and more time lurking rather than signing in lately. It is annoying to be on a thread I enjoy only to have it interrupted by someone who feels they must attack a poster rather than discuss the ideas that are presented. It would be hard to believe that their aggressiveness was not a deliberate personal attack, no matter what their justification for such behavior may be. There is enough of that in the world.

    I respect your desire to "hold a space" for all to meet in the middle. Your desire to be a peacemaker is to be commended. Perhaps with time understanding may grow, but the anger and frustrations need to be worked through first.

  23. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Belle For This Post:

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  24. Link to Post #133
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    Default Re: Integrity

    for those that have been removed.
    for those that have left.
    for those that choose to stay.
    for everyone.

    it,s your journey.
    no matter what happens ,it is your personal journey,
    times will be sad,times will be bad,
    times will be good,
    it,s your experience.
    enjoy it.
    it,s you that matters.
    Last edited by manny; 22nd April 2011 at 21:46.

  25. Link to Post #134
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)

    In connection with this, there's a kind of 'separation' happening. I can see it all around. I even talked about this with Kerry two years ago, and since then it has gradually intensified and amplified. You can see it in the YouTube comments on any alternative video you care to pick at random.

    Longstanding friends are parting company. Relationships are ending. New alliances are forming. Lines are being drawn. I do not understand all this yet. But it's clearly happening.
    I've been noticing this, to put it mildly. Although I would describe "it" now as RAPIDLY intensifying and amplifying. It certainly is not easy to describe either, sort of like trying to relate a powerful dream to someone else, something usually gets lost in the translation. The closest analogy I can come up with would be how people were compelled in Stephen King's The Stand to gravitate either to Randall Flagg or the old black woman. Like what Bill's alluding to here, there was no intellect involved, people simply did what they had to do.

    Don't know if that analogy works or not, but what I can say personally about this is that I see it every day too, although I don't think most people realize it, even though it's happening to everybody. What I do know is that I've already jumped into that great rushing river the Hopi's talk about, and am anxious to see who's gonna be there with me.

    Let the four winds blow baby, it's show time.

    Fred S.

  26. Link to Post #135
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Janos (here)
    And as someone so eloquently quoted, I’ve never had to throw anyone out of my house that I’d invited in. Why are you feeling the need to do so with increasing frequency?
    If you're really asking that question, you've either not read or not understood anything I've written.

    (And this disconnect of understanding is exactly what I was describing...)

    I did not throw the first stones. I'm willing to engage with a extremely wide range of people. Anyone who knows me personally knows this.

    But after a while (and often after really quite a long while) - I draw the line at offensive, ignorant, destructive trolling and backstabbing. This offends one of my very core values. To draw that line is not a weakness.

    As one member wrote to me (quite true - and this made me laugh):
    This forum has become a haven and a refuge and is, in my view, only preserved by your willingness to actively guard and protect it. It is your house after all, and if someone repeatedly hoists their muddy boots onto the couch, carves their initials in the table, drinks too much, makes an ass of themselves and absconds with the silverware, then good riddance.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 22nd April 2011 at 22:41.

  27. The Following 26 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    7eagle14 (23rd April 2011), Charlie Pecos (23rd April 2011), Corncrake (22nd April 2011), cowens66 (23rd April 2011), Dennis Leahy (22nd April 2011), DoubleHelix (23rd April 2011), Gardener (23rd April 2011), Hervé (23rd April 2011), Icare (26th December 2021), Isthatso (23rd April 2011), jjl (22nd April 2011), John Parslow (24th April 2011), loveandgratitude (22nd April 2011), magicmanx (23rd April 2011), mosquito (23rd April 2011), Nate (23rd April 2011), Nortreb (23rd April 2011), panopticon (24th April 2011), pilotsimone (3rd May 2011), Roseheart (23rd April 2011), Sebastion (22nd April 2011), Sierra (22nd April 2011), Whiskey_Mystic (23rd April 2011), Yoda (24th April 2011)

  28. Link to Post #136
    UK Avalon Member Corncrake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Belle
    'IMO, FWIW, people will be lost to Avalon one way or another, Janos. If the people that have been banned return, some of us will leave. I have spent more and more time lurking rather than signing in lately. It is annoying to be on a thread I enjoy only to have it interrupted by someone who feels they must attack a poster rather than discuss the ideas that are presented. It would be hard to believe that their aggressiveness was not a deliberate personal attack, no matter what their justification for such behavior may be. There is enough of that in the world.'
    Belle - I have been feeling just the same. It is hard sometimes not to take certain comments personally and as has been discussed on the forum ad infinitum this is mostly due to the way they are phrased. It is amazing the difference a few smileys or the occasional IMHO can make! In fact there was a whole thread devoted to this a while back.
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd April 2011 at 04:46. Reason: fix quote'ing

  29. Link to Post #137
    UK Avalon Member Mr54's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Corncrake (here)

    Quote Posted by Belle
    'IMO, FWIW, people will be lost to Avalon one way or another, Janos. If the people that have been banned return, some of us will leave. I have spent more and more time lurking rather than signing in lately. It is annoying to be on a thread I enjoy only to have it interrupted by someone who feels they must attack a poster rather than discuss the ideas that are presented. It would be hard to believe that their aggressiveness was not a deliberate personal attack, no matter what their justification for such behavior may be. There is enough of that in the world.'
    Belle - I have been feeling just the same. It is hard sometimes not to take certain comments personally and as has been discussed on the forum ad infinitum this is mostly due to the way they are phrased. It is amazing the difference a few smileys or the occasional IMHO can make! In fact there was a whole thread devoted to this a while back.
    Hey corncrake can you point me in the direction of some of the posts that have inspired this thread. I've been here intermittently and haven't seen any. Sounds like things are getting crazy again!
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd April 2011 at 04:47. Reason: fix quote'ing

  30. Link to Post #138
    Costa Rica Avalon Member ulli's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    What many don't understand is that with increased popularity comes a point where setting limits becomes necessary.
    Suddenly one has to think in terms of agenda.
    It's time to define one's self....self definition is the new agenda.
    Old thought patterns become completely outdated and have to be replaced...what used to be considered cruel suddenly becomes a new form of kindness. Things are now upside down. When this happens it is a sign one is standing at the threshold of a dimensional portal.
    Suddenly the phone is ringing 200 times a day and that number was still climbing.
    No way can one accomodate every caller...choices have to be made.
    All of a sudden one needs explanations about where some of these callers are at with their motivations,
    or even in their level of consciousness development.

    This is all part of spiritual growth. Here the earlier egalitarianism no longer applies.
    All of a sudden people are being judged because of their exaggerated sense of entitlement, where there is no merit.
    Why do people feel entitled at all?
    Maybe it's because of decades of hearing about human rights,
    and no parallel teaching about being considerate, or responsible, or respectful.
    Yet all kinds of levels exist in an infinite universe. As one moves from one level to the next there is a painful transition...squeeze of the vortex...
    I'm glad and feel priviledged to be allowed to be watching this process, and congratulate Bill for the way he is mastering this new stage of leadership.

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  32. Link to Post #139
    England Avalon Member DevilPigeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by Mr54 (here)
    Quote Posted by Corncrake (here)
    Quote Posted by Belle
    'IMO, FWIW, people will be lost to Avalon one way or another, Janos. If the people that have been banned return, some of us will leave. I have spent more and more time lurking rather than signing in lately. It is annoying to be on a thread I enjoy only to have it interrupted by someone who feels they must attack a poster rather than discuss the ideas that are presented. It would be hard to believe that their aggressiveness was not a deliberate personal attack, no matter what their justification for such behavior may be. There is enough of that in the world.'
    Belle - I have been feeling just the same. It is hard sometimes not to take certain comments personally and as has been discussed on the forum ad infinitum this is mostly due to the way they are phrased. It is amazing the difference a few smileys or the occasional IMHO can make! In fact there was a whole thread devoted to this a while back.
    Hey corncrake can you point me in the direction of some of the posts that have inspired this thread. I've been here intermittently and haven't seen any. Sounds like things are getting crazy again!
    I disagree, I don't see things getting crazier... there'll always be the odd bit of noise, that's expected, but I think of late things have settled.

    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd April 2011 at 04:48. Reason: fix quote'ing
    "Stop getting Bond wrong!" (Alan Partridge)

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  34. Link to Post #140
    UK Avalon Member Mr54's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integrity

    Quote Posted by DevilPigeon (here)
    Quote Posted by Mr54 (here)
    Quote Posted by Corncrake (here)

    Quote Posted by Belle
    'IMO, FWIW, people will be lost to Avalon one way or another, Janos. If the people that have been banned return, some of us will leave. I have spent more and more time lurking rather than signing in lately. It is annoying to be on a thread I enjoy only to have it interrupted by someone who feels they must attack a poster rather than discuss the ideas that are presented. It would be hard to believe that their aggressiveness was not a deliberate personal attack, no matter what their justification for such behavior may be. There is enough of that in the world.'
    Belle - I have been feeling just the same. It is hard sometimes not to take certain comments personally and as has been discussed on the forum ad infinitum this is mostly due to the way they are phrased. It is amazing the difference a few smileys or the occasional IMHO can make! In fact there was a whole thread devoted to this a while back.
    Hey corncrake can you point me in the direction of some of the posts that have inspired this thread. I've been here intermittently and haven't seen any. Sounds like things are getting crazy again!
    I disagree, I don't see things getting crazier... there'll always be the odd bit of noise, that's expected, but I think of late things have settled.

    Hey Devil Pigeon! That was my sense too, things seem much more ordered recently to me too. I was just wondering where all of the dissent and aggression was to be found?
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd April 2011 at 04:48. Reason: fix quote'ing

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