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Thread: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

  1. Link to Post #81
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    I welcome Bill's opinion and grounding presence here again.
    The more we can get away from fear-based interpretations of the current news stories, the better, and there has seemed to be a lot of those lately.
    Bill has a huge advantage over most of us in that he has had direct contact with a lot of people who have direct experience and knowledge about a lot of what we discuss here, and has access to relevant insider information that doesn't get circulated publicly.
    While that doesn't make his perspectives infallible, it certainly makes them worthy of close consideration.

    I would like to hear Bill's views on the theory of the 2 earths and the splitting of realities, which I personally think will go the way of the Elenin story.

  2. Link to Post #82
    Australia Avalon Member astrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a
    midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person.”
    ~ Plato

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  4. Link to Post #83
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    I'm completely with you Bill. I was saying something very similar in another thread and getting flamed for it.

  5. Link to Post #84
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    What Bill has obviously forgot to mention, or include in his post, is that the comet may be in pieces, but the pieces are still on their trajectory, and are tracked with individual designation by the space agencies around the globe.

    Sorry to spoil the fun, folks, but the story of Elenin is far from over.

    Before I'm labeled a fearmongerer, I ask people to check my point of view on all-things-Elenin in the couple of threads where I have discussed it.
    Yeah right, some people just don't know when to quit and admit they are wrong do they.

  6. Link to Post #85
    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Hi Everybody ... just my 2 cents...

    We all have a right to our opinion and to express our freewill ect etc ...

    Yes, lets be rational... but at the same time lets not forget our spiritual side, and how we got here ... take your thoughts to where you want to go, towards the reality you want to create...after all, is it not our thought processes that got us here in the first place... our limitations have been somewhat stifled ... for obvious reasons ... they will no longer be supported by the old pardigms ... collapse is inevitable ... and with this, new ways will be introduced.

    My gut feeling tells me that we are on the cusp of huge change and humanity will be going somewhere amazingly wonderful...don't be kept within the confines of what is presented to us daily...remember we are the creators...lets keep an open mind as to whats around the corner...no one person knows exactly what will be the next few years, and no one has been gifted with such knowledge...change is in the air, and we all here to for a reason ...

    I think we will be invited to be part of the Galactic family very soon...we have been shrouded for thousands of years, and our time is coming... when the veil is lifted humanity will rise to extraordinary heights and awareness/consciousness will be far greater than what anyone can imagine at this moment in time ... we are limted at the moment ... but it will change.

    Last edited by Eric J (Viking); 10th September 2011 at 11:05.
    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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  8. Link to Post #86
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Here's another thing to think about :

    What about the debris field of this comet? Aren't we still to go through it in... november I think? (I may be wrong - please correct me if I am)

    Now that the comet has apparently broken up, this debris field should be larger right?

    So perhaps this story won't be over until we've gone through the debris field... if anything, it may be quite a lightshow....

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  10. Link to Post #87
    Germany Avalon Member christian's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    2) Ascension. Inelia described it, beautifully, as the expansion of awareness. That definition works for me. This does not happen en masse in one day, one year, or even one decade. One has to work for personal and spiritual development. Unfortunately, wisdom is not bestowed upon us by a date in anyone's diary... not even the Mayans'.
    At the end of the day it's all about personal responsibility anyways, I agree, but what about the notion, that due to our solar system's movement to a "higher charged" part of the universe, we can profit from a higher energy permeating the whole solar system, like David Wilcock says and he does make quite a case with plenty of scientific evidence.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    3) The Earth has not 'divided in two' (and nor will it) - and no-one's going to be 'left behind'. Really. For anyone still confused: please think, with the aid of a grounded friend if necessary, about the reductio ad absurdum involved.
    The universe doesn't have to apply to your or anyone's logic. From my understanding myriads of parallel universes are created in any given moment, so whatever, the current situation seems totally unprecedented in the whole universe. I wonder 'who' exactly the 'subconscious' is, that feeds Dolores Cannon with all the information about the splitting of the earth.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    4) 'Planet X' (a brown dwarf star several times the size of Jupiter) is out there, heading this way, but we'll only be informed of it officially in a few years' time. It will not cause any civilization-destroying cataclysm, but is likely to trigger extreme weather and various forms of seismic activity - mainly due to its influence on the sun.
    That's a pretty bold statement. How do you know 'what' Planet X is and when it will be 'announced'? How do you know that some Annunaki wouldn't come down, when and if it passes?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    So what will happen?
    No one knows. What you see for the future is pretty much conservative common sense, far from all-encompassing. How about the wars? How about the spreading insurrections and civil unrest? How about the creation of more and more intentional communities and the awakening? How about free energy and technological breakthroughs? How about more false flags and so many other possibilities?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    In summary: we're not going to be magically and suddenly raptured or ascended out of the mess we've all made of Planet Earth. We have to face what we have done. It'll take a while. And we're the clean-up crew.

    We may be able to relax a little after another couple of generations. There's no vacation, or celebration, just yet. But we are most definitely headed in the right direction - for sure.

    Work on your own personal and spiritual development (there's a huge array of tools and techniques available to do so, and many of them work really well); be kind; be smart; and take responsibility for absolutely everything you can.

    No-one else can do that apart from yourself.
    When or if that happens... is entirely up to you.
    These are indeed grounded and inspiring statements, Bill. Nevertheless, occasional celebrations do provide a substantial boost, to keep the moral high, I figure, in fact all life can be a joyful celebration, you get through it either with a smile or you don't make it at all, I heard.

    Quote Posted by MiguelQ (here)
    I just want et to come and disrupt political system.
    Everything different its not important, disclosure would be good, but they are already late, thats like a fact to me. However i feel sad,since they,et,do nothing in public, huge,just to let people know. This world must shift. And im getting sick of this stories... its always waiting, i want action now.
    ITs always bad news, the economy, the quackes, the earth end, the depopulation, the viral weapons,weather control,.. when this is going to end??

    How can et watch this, and do nothing? I dont understand, but something must be wrong!!
    How about instead of waiting for the ETs taking self-responsibility? Didn't your hear about the prime directive of non-interference and that humanity learns most efficiently through self-responsible action? We're not here to put our feet up and let someone else come to do the job, support is given though in a subtle manner when it is asked for and appreciated.

  11. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to christian For This Post:

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  12. Link to Post #88
    United States Avalon Member spiritguide's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    After reading through this entire thread and the diverse viewpoints my conclusion is as it was and will be......"The Universe is unfolding as it is meant to do and to be at Peace with oneself as part of it is what feels right!" There are countless points of light and together they make for a brilliiant daylight and if we do not let them shine for what each is we will descend into the darkness of night.


  13. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to spiritguide For This Post:

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  14. Link to Post #89
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Lord Sidious (here)
    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    What Bill has obviously forgot to mention, or include in his post, is that the comet may be in pieces, but the pieces are still on their trajectory, and are tracked with individual designation by the space agencies around the globe.

    Sorry to spoil the fun, folks, but the story of Elenin is far from over.

    Before I'm labeled a fearmongerer, I ask people to check my point of view on all-things-Elenin in the couple of threads where I have discussed it.
    Fearmonger isn't one of the labels I would plant on you.
    Nugget yeah, fearmonger? No.
    Welcome back too.

    Funny enough, I agree with Bill about the calendar deal.
    Now don't go getting stunned out there avalonuggets, it is all ok.
    2012 to me is pure nuggetry.
    How many calendars have we had in the west? How do we KNOW that 2012, even if it did mean something hasn't come and gone?
    And, if you recall, we have been told that things are event driven on this planet, not time driven.
    I think that is more true than not.
    Has anybody considered that there may be a Mayan calendar that continues on from the last one that they haven't found yet? Could it be that there just wasn't room on the damn stone to carve any more dates? Maybe the bloke who carved them got another job? maybe he only had one chisel and broke it on that entry? maybe the chief said why the hell are you carving so many dates on there, we won't live to see them? and he said, oh I just wanted to fill up the empty space to make it look nice

  15. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Daft Ada For This Post:

    christian (10th September 2011), Ernie Nemeth (10th September 2011), kathymarie (11th September 2011), Lord Sidious (10th September 2011), OnyxKnight (10th September 2011), Snowbird (10th September 2011)

  16. Link to Post #90
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    The scenario you are telling us Bill is that for another couple years we going to live with the fear mongering while all these catastrophies are happening like earthquakes/volcanoes/floods etc... even solar flares is danger!
    You say ascension takes a long time. I think you are referring to the ascension of the person in 3D instead of your actual soul?
    If time is speeding up, why is it so unconceivable to think that ascension (for the old and educated souls out here) is possible?
    What i'm seeing from Bill (which is very good but there's sumthing missing^^) is that he presents his toughts from an entirely information gathering stand point, namely 'information' from this 3d reality.

    and you also state about the ancient calenders that they are 'just' calenders. If they were 'just' calenders why would they in ancient times make calenders so big and so durable to last for millenia.
    Isnt the calender suppose to indicate where WE as souls are in the evolution of consciousness???
    Last edited by SkepticSoul; 10th September 2011 at 11:36.

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  18. Link to Post #91
    Avalon Member OnyxKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    Yeah right, some people just don't know when to quit and admit they are wrong do they.
    Was that directed at me?

  19. Link to Post #92
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Lazlo (here)
    One more thing for the record, if Elenin really is done, I am going to put Hoagland up on a pedestal that I currently have reserved for Sorcha Faal.
    I already have

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  21. Link to Post #93
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    i don't have expectation or believe any of those but only listen-read with open mind. one thing i really want to happen a bit of a kick like Elenin beam down or send down audio signal information about true past and everyone can access that information not even TPTB can stop it. one problem with mankind is we live and grow in belief system, i have tried to awake people up but they still fall asleep. i told people at least do research on Roswell UFO crash incident and at least demand for the truth but they seems to ignore. Damn sad that so many people debunk and not considering zeitgeist, it seems they stick with current system instead of consider utopia systems like zeitgeist. zeitgeist might not work for us but it's a start for alternative model. only one way to get out of this mess is known our true past otherwise we can't.

    Kerry said something going to happen based on insiders and other sources but bill don't...interesting
    Last edited by apokalypse; 10th September 2011 at 11:55.

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  23. Link to Post #94
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    Yeah right, some people just don't know when to quit and admit they are wrong do they.
    Was that directed at me?
    hmmm maybe the quote is a clue What part of "Elenin is just a cloud of snowballs" don't you understand? Have you read the link? are you going to call the man who discovered it in the first place and is now saying it has broken up, a liar. i think you are in denial, but ok hang on to it for a few more days if it makes you happy and when the snow balls have all melted by the sun you can start on the next comet that's coming

  24. Link to Post #95
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by viking (here)
    Hi Everybody ... just my 2 cents...

    We all have a right to our opinion and to express our freewill ect etc ...

    Yes, lets be rational... but at the same time lets not forget our spiritual side, and how we got here ... take your thoughts to where you want to go, towards the reality you want to create...after all, is it not our thought processes that got us here in the first place... our limitations have been somewhat stifled ... for obvious reasons ... they will no longer be supported by the old pardigms ... collapse is inevitable ... and with this, new ways will be introduced.

    My gut feeling tells me that we are on the cusp of huge change and humanity will be going somewhere amazingly wonderful...don't be kept within the confines of what is presented to us daily...remember we are the creators...lets keep an open mind as to whats around the corner...no one person knows exactly what will be the next few years, and no one has been gifted with such knowledge...change is in the air, and we all here to for a reason ...

    I think we will be invited to be part of the Galactic family very soon...we have been shrouded for thousands of years, and our time is coming... when the veil is lifted humanity will rise to extraordinary heights and awareness/consciousness will be far greater than what anyone can imagine at this moment in time ... we are limted at the moment ... but it will change.

    Mate I really do hope you're right, but i'm sorry I aint convinced. I will keep my coat handy though

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  26. Link to Post #96
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    Quote Posted by OnyxKnight (here)
    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    Yeah right, some people just don't know when to quit and admit they are wrong do they.
    Was that directed at me?
    hmmm maybe the quote is a clue What part of "Elenin is just a cloud of snowballs" don't you understand? Have you read the link? are you going to call the man who discovered it in the first place and is now saying it has broken up, a liar. i think you are in denial, but ok hang on to it for a few more days if it makes you happy and when the snow balls have all melted by the sun you can start on the next comet that's coming
    I don't know for a fact that it is indeed either a ''cloud of snowballs'' nor do I know that it is now cactus.
    I take no mans word for anything unless I check it out first if it is an important enough topic.

  27. Link to Post #97
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    deleted - I've just repeated myself
    Last edited by jcocks; 10th September 2011 at 12:05.

  28. Link to Post #98
    Avalon Member OnyxKnight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    Quote Posted by Daft Ada (here)
    hmmm maybe the quote is a clue What part of "Elenin is just a cloud of snowballs" don't you understand? Have you read the link? are you going to call the man who discovered it in the first place and is now saying it has broken up, a liar. i think you are in denial, but ok hang on to it for a few more days if it makes you happy and when the snow balls have all melted by the sun you can start on the next comet that's coming
    The question actually had a purpose. I asked it because it seems you are not reading me right (nor Bill's post).

    I never denied Elenin is broken up. In fact, I keep on emphasizing that fact, since Bill's post practically leveled Elenin down to dust and tombstone. Its one thing to say Elenin no longer represents the danger many feared, but its pieces (at least some of them), are still on the same trajectory.

    And I said it before, I'll say it again - Numerous space agencies are tracking the Elenin pieces as you are reading this post. If you are interested, go ahead and take a look, don't quote me and tell me I'm "wrong", just because you don't like some of the facts presented.

    There is so far no official status if the pieces are reducing in size. It will probably take a few more days for an update. And yes, we should pay attention to another, this time real, comet coming our way.

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  30. Link to Post #99
    France Avalon Member araucaria's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    What happens when 'synchronicity goes through the roof' (Nassim Haramein)?

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  32. Link to Post #100
    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Default Re: The death of Comet Elenin : a return to rationality?

    I did a quick search and these are the closest relevant sources I found ...

    Leonid Elenins' blog :


    Entry from 9/9 reads :

    The First Radio Observations of Comet Elenin

    American radio astronomers report that did not detect any water coming from any remains of comet Elenin. Amy Lovell observed it for 7 hours on Sept 7 using the Green Bank Telescope (it is not yet in the Arecibo declination window) and did not detect any OH line above the noise level of 2.4 mJy. This puts a limit of a few times 107 molecules/second on the gas production rate, which is about 100 times less than earlier predictions. This data may confirm disintegration proccess in comet’s nucleus which stareted on mid August. The next radio observations may be carry out on October by Arecibo radio observatory, of course if we will see comet Elenin on images from SOHO spacecraft.

    Further check : http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/

    Latest images : 10/9 /2011


    Can anyone confirm the identity of the bright scattered object close to Sun ?

    In my best opinion, wait for further updates . Space imagery ( not to speak about imagination ) can cause reflections , refractions and number of other anomalies .

    If the little comet /asteroid , no matter what it was went so close to the Sun and got hit by solar flare, termodynamic wave and disintegrated that's all we've got now .

    It would be ( astronomically ) thrilling to watch but I'm afraid there is no , I'm saying no reason to panic .

    P.S. : It looks like a dog
    Last edited by Agape; 10th September 2011 at 12:26.

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