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  1. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    I stepped away from this story after a serious accident but recently returned to it to update and revise my website, now at

    In the meantime Kerry released her 11th interview...
  2. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    To me, this is a more interesting question than who provided money to Kevin - although that does not mean it's relevant to the ultimate question that was originally posted: the problems with Mark's...
  3. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    I wish he'd abandon it all together and focus on his Emery Smith doc. I liked his interview with that guy. Kevin is talented and intelligent but I think his desire for things he doesn't have is...
  4. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    Everytime I go back to this thread I end up taking a deep breath and wanting others to do the same thing. I first began to look at Richards in 2012 after a friend asked if there was anything I could...
  5. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    Yes. Mark's father Ellis entered the army during the Second World War and became a fighter pilot. He was involved in four crashes, but the 1952 crash was particularly serious. Ellis suffered a...
  6. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    That alone is interesting. A helicopter pilot had to go through two levels of training, similar to boot camp. The accounts of people who went through it make clear it's intensity and length, which...
  7. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    A lot has unfolded while I have been tracking down petroglyphs in the Southwest. I don't want to get into matters pertaining to Kevin or Geoff. The documentary will eventually speak for itself and...
  8. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    Thank you. In some respects I feel sympathetic to Mark. Life Without Parole is promoted as an acceptable alternative to the death penalty but is very draconian - without acknowledging the...
  9. Re: Problems with Mark Richards' SSP testimony to Kerry Cassidy

    Several years ago I was asked by a friend if I thought there was anything that could be done legally for Mark. As an attorney, my practice was limited to death penalty appeals but I became...
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