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Thread: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

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    Avalon Member Gemma13's Avatar
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    Default Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    A VALUABLE LESSON - CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH taking the time to read this lengthy but moving, inspirational, and highly educational real life experience posted on a local bulletin board.

    The experiencer tells in vivid detail how they became mind controlled, what life was like under this mind control, how they eventually worked it out, and steps to recovery. The mind controller in this case is Deborah Taveres but any truth movement hoaxer/cult leader equally applies.

    Often hoaxers/cult leaders are excused because they frame their BS stories on very real and serious topics. Surely it can’t be a big deal if some of their stuff is BS because they are still helping get the truth out.

    This real life gripping story explains why it is not okay, how people are being insidiously traumatized, and why it is very dangerous to promote hoaxers, in any way, unless it is to debunk them. IT APPLIES TO ALL OF US!

    I am ever so grateful to this person for coming forward TO SHARE THEIR STORY.


    Greetings All,

    What follows is my experience as a curious newbie (turned) avid fan (turned) fear-porn addicted (turned) truth-traumatized (turned) devastated, dehumanized and disabled by fear (turned) confused but skeptical (turned) darkly disillusioned (turned) miraculously re-awakened (turned) decidedly ticked off (turned) determined to be free (turned) once-again able to experience happiness (turned) recovering and resolved to truth-telling listener of Deborah Tavares.

    Tavares was my first experience with the dangerous, radical side of the truther movement.
    I had been unsettled and curious about 911, and began searching youtube for speakers on the subject, that was the old days when people were allowed to challenge the official story on YouTube. I knew about chemtrails, because I was born in in the 1950s and vividly remember a natural occurring phenomenon called clouds(for those born after 1990, google it). Having discovered geoengineering authority Dane Wiggington on Youtube, I started listening as much as possible. I wasn’t crazy after all, this stuff is really happening.

    This, again, was back in the days when one’s viewing list would cause YouTube’s algorithm to suggest other presenters whom they might be interested in. (That algorithm has recently been inverted, so now the only suggestions I get are TED and Google talks, CNN and other mainstream news channels). Anyway, soon Rosa Koire speaking on Agenda 21 was brought up as a suggestion. Then Elana Freeman, again on Agenda 21.

    Eye-opening speakers who have their feet on the ground and are clearly pretty normal people, I began to think on what they said, they had my attention but still led a normal life in which I was able to concentrate on work, experience happiness, listen to music, go on walks with my daughter, laugh, cry, feel emotion, sleep, plan for the future, cook and eat regular meals in minutes instead of seconds. Then one day, up pops Deborah Tavares in my YouTube suggestion list. The title thumbnail image showed an expressionless but intimidating looking woman in expensive clothes with big, expensive hair, entitled “(something or other) Attack And More Bad News.” What? Attack? Bad News? Sh@#! I gotta find out, quickly!

    I listened to Deborah speak, and then moved on to more Tavares presentations. Methodical, almost monotone at times, forceful and punishing at other times. Dramatic pauses, sometimes loud, sometimes hushed and whisper soft. Repeated words and sentences. Often. Each. Word. Of. The. Previous. Sentence. Repeated. As. Though. It. Was. A. Bullet. Point. I Had never heard anyone speak or present like this before. She was bold, forceful and domineering. And, she had documents. Secret documents, many of them, and all of them official government documents that she and no one else had possession of. Secret government documents grabbed in night by she and her staff of stealthy researchers. Highly trained operatives who, together were able to go where no researcher or dangerous radical activist had gone before. Documents that NASA had mistakenly posted on their website for only a few hours before realizing the error and taking them down.

    Fortunately, Tavares’ ever watchful eye saw the opportunity, and downloaded that evil document before NASA ever discovered their error. The NASA War Document, outlining the evil plans NASA had in the works for the unsuspecting citizens of America and the world. I saw the document in a Tavares interview. She was holding it right in her hand, and held it up to the camera. Sure enough, that was the NASA logo. Tavares and the interviewer spoke in hushed tones. They had met in a motel room, probably to throw off any agents who might be following her. This stuff was real, and very scary. I had no idea NASA was secretly planning to kill us all. But now I knew, and I had to know more. My desire to seek other presenters was gone. I had found the gatekeeper of a secret cave of Truth. A cave in which story upon story, document upon document was available for public re-education. But only from Deborah Tavares.

    How silly and lazy, I thought, that other presenters had not dug deeper. How fortunate, I thought, for the few of us who were learning the truth. 70,000 by last subscriber count. And only 4 million listens to The NASA War Document presentation which did have ads. But Deborah must care not about money. She’s all about risking her life for the Cause, and she appears to be well-monied so the ads, thought I, are but a neccesary annoyance to this altruistic regal warrior goddess. But now I was truly alarmed. Thr cumulative effect of listening only to Tavares’ non-stop fear-mongering was beginning to have an effect on me. The end was nigh. I knew marital law would be laid down any day now.

    I began to withdraw all money from the bank, and prepare for the worst. I bought things that could easily traded such as canned food, water, cigarettes, alcohol even though I don’t drink, hold and silver in small denominations, coin instead of paper money because the metal would still be with something. Thank God I had clued in to Deborah Tavares, just in time time to get things in order and say my last goodbyes. What was I going to do to protect my daughter? I can’t tell her this stuff. Life is hard enough for young people these days. She would be devastated.

    Should i kill myself so I could leave her more money? She is surrounded by a circle of good friends, able bodied young people. She insists on living in Denver, it where she is happy, she’ll be ok. I’m am not going to destroy her life by sharing any of this horrible informatiom. Her generation already knows, or says they now, the government is a joke, politics is a trick, politicians are all criminals and cowards, TV is mind control, college is training to be a slave and a setup to be enslaved by debt they can never repay. At age 25 the world was a very different place for me. I’m not going to ruin her world by dropping a headcase into her thoughtsystem, and in retrospect I am so thankful for that decision. My daughters life remained her own.

    As I listened on to Tavares, I gradually became incapacitated with fear. I was traumatized. Scared out of my mind. I tried to act normal around my daughter, but she was beginning to pick up my vibe. Something was absolutely not ok with Dad. Then I heard Tavares mention “truth trauma.” I sought out a therapist, to confess my desperation and fear. My therapist told I was exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, and that I should stop listening to this crazy woman, resume normal activities in life, take a walk, enjoy leisure activities, focus on my work, which I had all ways loved but I had by then become incapable of engaging in.

    I kind of heard what the therapist said, but anyone who has had PTSD knows the condition can only be managed, there is no quick fix. Anyway. I was too alarmed, and had to learn everything I could before the sky fell and the whole shebang went up In flames, went down the tubes, was blown to smithereens, was irradiated into a cancerous screaming death-knell of Truth.

    I’m writing about this now in an almost humorous, faux-melodramatic tone for therapeutic reasons, but I can assure you there was nothing funny about the situation or the condition I was in. It was a horrifying time in life and I could not un-know this stuff nor could I escape it. I stopped eating, instead turning to Tavares on youtube immediately upon waking. Eating became all day snacking, I didn’t have the patience or focus to make an egg. It had become sugar and fast snack foods. Only when hunger pangs reminded me. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months.

    • One sleepless night, I remembered what a good and trusted friend had told me years ago, something to the effect of “knowledge is empowerment.” Clearly, I was not feeling empowered and so I decided to learn more. I needed to conquer this demon. My daughter needed me to conquer this demon. My co-workers needed it and my friends needed it. People were looking at me strangely and expressing concern for my condition. I couldn’t talk to them about this stuff because I simply did not have the strength or willingness to argue.

    So, I decided to empower myself with knowledge, and write to the grand wizard herself, Mrs. Deborah Tavares, an elite, seemingly wealthy, high striding , haughty, warrior of a blond woman with unmatched tenacity, bravery and a reasonable (if inconsistent) command of language who had (according to herself and legend) escaped many murder attempts, who was a targeted individual, cruelly beamed night and day with microwaves that government agents had installed near her house and in cars that waited to follow she and her family everywhere. A mother and grandmother, living in the pain of invisible torture and yet carrying her mission forward each day. Willing to risk not only her own life, but also put the lives of her children and grandchildren in harm’s way, because what mattered most was Truth, and alerting the public ASAP. If her grandchildren had to be sacrificed, it had been apparently been decided (I assumed) ti be worthwhile. A necessary sacrifice for the cause.

    We’ve all heard the confessions of FBI and CIA whistleblowers say they’d been told that their families would die first if they spoke out. Deborah said she knew all of this stuff, she knew everything, she knew things that the POTUS didn’t know, but she had escaped every murder attempt so far, she had gone into hiding so she said for 2 years between ca. 2014-2016 and she had underground. To hide. These were the end times, she had come out of hiding to rally and go down with the ship, and die an honorable death. I would write to her, plead my case, a few empower myself with knowledge.

    I went to stopthecrime.net, found the contact link, and began a letter addressed to DIGIGOD@stopthecrime.net. Geez, she thinks she’s a god, well I guess she is. Don’t tell her Christian supporters because they’ll think blasphemy. But sure she’s a god, DIGIGOD. After a week, no response. After 2+weeks I realized I better stop expecting one. I continued to listen to her presentations however. As I was listening, I decided to start reading listener comments below the youtube presentations. Maybe I would learn something there. I saw many people blessing Deborah, and calling upon God and Jesus to protect her. I saw others citing her as a prophet, their special angel who they prayed nightly for God and Jesus to protect. I saw those who expressed extreme desperation and fear. Frantic confusion with pleas for Deborah to please help them, please tell them what to do.

    People expressing that they were so debilitated with fear as a result of listening to that presentation, they were in panic. Others expressing thoughts of suicide and recommending suicide to others. Then there was the call to arms comments. Recommendations to gather together in violent mobs and take action. And finally, much to my dismay, a good number of listeners calling for murder. “Kill the Jews” it’s the “Jew world order.” “throw the Jews down the well” Deborah, white wizard goddess of Truth has told us, it’s “the Rothschilds”, and so we know. “those Jews, “kill them before they kill us”, it went on and on. I don’t like that stuff at all. I abhor it.

    I do my best not to hate ignorant people who espouse it. I have Jewish heritage in my family. Most of my best, lifelong friends are Jewish. Many of my mentors in the music business are Jewish. I have friends in Israel who protest Zionism and the abuse of the Palestinian people. I have as many Jewish friends and business associates as I do all other friends put together, but if wouldn’t matter to me if I had only one Jewish friend. I would still feel same way. This violent antisemitic stuff is bullsh*#. It dawned on me that Deborah, as owner of her youtube channel, could intervene in the comments at any time to comment on or correct the flow of information, such as all other YouTube presenters do. She is worshipped by her listeners. Her words are very influential. She could make a huge positive difference here. Yet not one word from Deborah.

    Then I remembered, on the homepage of her website, Deborah aka DIGIGOD features a large font statement from Dietrich Boenhoeffer which says “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. To not speak is to speak. To not act is to act.” WTF! Is this woman a hypocrite, an antisemitic coward with Nazi sympathies who excites vulnerable, desperate people to say what she is unwilling to say? “All our problems are because of the Rothschilds.” “Kill the Jews” Some listener encourages it in every single Tavares comments section. I was beginning to understand.

    At that point, having sent 2 subsequent requests for information to Tavares with absolutely no responses, I decided to take a look at these renowned “documents” Deborah tells her listeners to download in every presentation. Shock. These are not official documents of any type. These are self-created bullet points and scary illustrations put together with an official logo or letterhead at the top. On the bottom is usually written the 3rd party who edited the piece together. “Veterans for Truth”, “Oath-keepers” etc. some documents were hand typed screeds with the worst grammar and spelling, words scribbled out in ink with substitute words written above, and a hand typed title at the top. No logo, no reference. Anyone could have typed “CIA this and such”, “FBI this and that”. The “NASA War Document” was a list of high-school level “strategies” written as bullet points with the official NASA logo at the top of the page. “The Report From Iron Mountain”, the same. This is bullsh#@. WTF.

    • At that point my Tavares listening had led me to a series of appearances where she was the guest on internet radio shows such as Granada Forum. What I heard, I didn’t like. I had already began to tire of her talks, which left me feeling like an unfortunate third grade student who was having the fear of God hammered into them by some burned out wicked school administrator. Hearing her interact with hosts in an interview setting was a hole new and eye-opening experience.

    Tavares was cruel. Admonishing hosts to for participating in their own radio show, which was an interview format. Talking right over their attempts to participate and succeeding in backing them down through sheer willfulness. momentum and a willingness to be mean spirited and rude. Seemingly without conscience. Absolutely without gratitude. One such interaction I remember is from a Granada Forum appearance. The hosts had already been admonished, warned and talked over. Tavares is one intimidating woman.

    One host, after about 5 minutes, tried to ask a question. “I’m not finished!” Tavares snapped, “but since you’ve interrupted me, go ahead.” The host squeezed out a few words which Tavares ignored, interrupted and continued one with her intimidating screed of fear and doom. On presentations where there were multiple guests, Tavares would simply assume she was to speak first, interrupt the host’s introduction, bulldoze on in her self-important tone, and talk over anyone else who might be speaking until they backed down, and seize control of the show.

    Control, I realized is one of her big MOs. Her manner of speaking is controlling and her pedantic hammering rhythm does indeed seem to induce a form of mind control. Some of these shows are European. Europeans are by nature or culture, extraordinarily polite and gracious. It’s not in them to be aggressive, domineering and rude. When faced with it, they simply shut up. They are not dumb or weak, they are allowing the blowhard to make a fool of themselves. The blowhard is always an American. Any American with even the shortest antenna figures out pretty quickly and simply by paying attention to pick up on the grace of interaction that Europeans excel at. Anyone who has even the slightest interest in a colleague’s perspective will do the same knowing that these interactions present a fantastic opportunity to learn. Tavares seems to have no intellectual curiosity. In her line of work, or her method of work, learning from others is of little interest or use. For her it’s not about expansion, it’s about contraction.

    • By this time, for whatever reason, Tavares had stopped creating her own presentations, and was relying solely upon hosts of internet radio programs to invite her to be a guest. Not surprisingly, no one from past appearances was inviting her back. Granada Forum had begun to post unhappy complaints in the comments sections of her repost of interviews done on their channel. No one else was inviting her either, and so she went back to her old friend and unconditional supporter, Dr. Bill Deagle, who hosts regular radio shows on his channel.

    I think Bill is a good guy. He’s loyal, he smiles and injects humor. He also gives Tavares a wide berth and lots of room to speak, but he’s made it clear during these interviews that it’s his show, he’s the host, and he insists on participating even it’s Deborah Tavares who is the guest. Tavares, with no other options at that point, began to show some respect, gratitude and relative patience given her temperment. Bill was rehabilitating her, in a way. She gradually was learning to share time and act respectfully, and in return, she got weekly airtime and an edited recording to post on her channel. Tavares listeners are another story however. They are cold, cruel, nasty, impatient and verbally violent. They hate Dr. Bill.

    Most of the comments under Dr. Bill postings are “shut TF up and let the woman speak”, “you’re a slob and a moron, no one wants to hear you, don’t you know who you’re in the presence of? SHUT UP and let Deborah talk”. Unknown to Tavares listeners, Bill is dealing with a serious medical condition which affects his speech at times. Listeners rip him to shreds for this, cruelly antagonizing “you sound like an old drunk” “what are you doing, eating soup?.” “ you uncouth slob” and worse. The comments sink to the level of violent obscenity. It’s ugly to witness and very sad. Tavares never ever once has stepped in to defend her good friend. The guy who sticks by her when all others won’t have anything to do with her. I was enraged by this. “Not to speak is to speak.” Tavares blatantly used her good friend on a weekly basis and then just tossed him to the wolves. Again and again and again. No honor is an understatement.

    By this time I was getting ticked off enough to take some action, and so I posted comments and my unanswered questions under her videos. At first one of her staff answered as a response, “yes, what can I do for you?” I reiterated the question, which was a request for documentation on a new theme Tavares had been riffing on. How the city of Santa Rosa had hired London Accounting firm Ernst and Young to purposefully bankrupt the city. No response. I sent the request directly to DIGIGOD. No response.

    I wrote as a comment that I too was traumatized and living a disabled life as a result of unshakable fear from listening to Tavares’ presentations. MIRACLE. A knowing, seasoned Tavares listener responded, clueing me in to the hell she peddles, with a recommendation to check out (the now defunct) aplanetruth on youtube. MIRACLE. The owner of that channel truly educates, without the rude and punishing drama. With knowledge comes empowerment. I began to learn truth, real truth, starting with history. Sure the Rothschilds and part of international banking and local utilities, but they are just facilitators. Learn your history! The Knights Templar, the Vatican and Jesuits, the 13 illuminati bloodlines of which the Rothschilds are just one, British Crown Royalty the Windsors, Freemasons, Rome, London and Washington D..C. By learning the bigger picture and much more, my debilitating fear began to subside, and my ability to focus and work and be present for my daughter increased. Miracle.

    • Then, I decided to to a web search of “Deborah Tavares.” Major Miracle! I discovered Snoop’s thread “the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares” on the Project Avalon forum. My God I was not crazy, I was not alone, I was not imagining things. Here was proof. With multiple redundancies to assuage any doubts about a single source. I saw the Real documents. I learned the real stories. I was right! The documents of Tavares’ website ARE phony. Forgeries. The stories she had concocted were upside down. I will not detail every document and story but I did check them all out, and each one is a falsification, an edit, or an outright lie. None of them are real.

    Some of the subjects she speaks to are real, such as cellphone and smart meter radiation, 5G, Agenda 21 etc. But I came to understand that Tavares uses these basic truths as springboard talking points to launch off into conjecture, exaggeration, and plain lies. She bounces around so quickly, the listener is still realizing what they just heard as she is spinning off into an elaboration and connecting dots that doesn’t even exist. Why? Why not just tell the truth? Why not say “The Report From Iron Mountain” is a work of fiction, a very prophetic work perhaps, but still a political satire published in 1967 which went on to spend weeks on the NY Times bestseller list, and which was later pirated by ultra right wing extremist groups and republished under the false pretense of being a leaked secret government report. Given all of that it is remarkable how prophetic this book has turned out to be” etc. that’s the truth. Why not tell the truth?

    The only thing I can think of is that it’s easier to control people with lies. If you are the only purveyor of a given story, you maintain control over your public. And, as soon as you start revealing one truth, the whole ball of yarn starts to unravel, leaving you, an insecure narcissistic vanity activist, with nothing. No knowledge of history, no more hate and fear to peddle, no more Nazi sympathizers to excite, no more vulnerable people to scare the bejesus out of. No more myths of multiple murder attempts by the government, no more targeted individual woe is me stories to dramatically leverage people with. The show is over, they’ve pulled back the curtain and theyre moving the tables and chairs out of the building, you’re now just staring at a brick wall in an empty room. Even worse, now you must look in the mirror. Karma. Very scary to one who live a lie, feeds off of other people’s fear, uses props such as expensive clothes, big hair, reams if “documents”, projecting the impression of elitism wealth and money, and an carrying an air of arrogance which is used as a tool to leverage, manipulate and dominate others.

    Times are changing. Recently youtube and google have censored Truth, scrubbed videos, terminated entire channels and at the very least demonetized (no more YouTube placed ads) for all “Truther” channels. Remaining channels unite, and speak out when yet another channel is terminated. So much so, that there has been a small amount of success. all of these channels are Tame compared to Tavares on stopthecrimecrime. No one speaks as dangerously and outrageously threatening as she does. Not close. And while these channels have been under assault, there sits Deborah Tavares, as outrageous, as fear-mongeringa d hate inciting as ever, WITH YouTube placed ads still running! She’s the ONLY ONE. She never ever comes to the defense of newly censored “fellow” truther channels. No Honor.

    How can this be? To those of us that lived through the 1960s and have come to know controlled opposition, paid disinformation and nefarious government activities such as Cointelpro, I think youtube and google have now made it easy for us to know who is telling truth and who is not. Or who might be serving a useful purpose by steadily adding to the destabilizing of society.

    Whatever it is, youtube and the controllers clearly like her and approve of her activities. They even help to support her by running ads in her videos. But no one else’s. SGT Report, Black Pigeon Speaks, Shaking My Head productions, Logic Before Authority, Mike Morales, all demonetized. These are all level headed presenters to do not preach hate and fear. Some have 500,000 subscribers. YouTube’s words “ their audience is not deemed suitable for advertisers.” And yet Tavares, with her wild and dangerous radical propaganda - “your government is out to kill you” “this is all because of The Rothschilds” “NASA is a death machine” “protest, rebel, be fearful, hate is in the air.” YouTube’s tacit endorsement of Tavares “deemed suitable for advertisers”. “Hey, buy the Patriot Solar powercell” the “ Patriot this or that.” “Hey, 5G is coming and it’s going to be great!.”

    We live in an upside down world. We face significant challenges. This is no time to be disabled by fear, or to be incited to murder each other, or to worship false DIGIGODS, or commit suicide or encourage others to commit suicide. “Suicide is wrong in the eyes of God” lamented one recent commenter. “A bullet taken while in the spirit of resistance is honorable in God’s eyes” resounded another Tavares listener, as an act of encouragement, this past weekend, June 14, 2019. God help us.

    So there’s my Deborah Tavares story. You decide. Thanks for reading,

    Last edited by Gemma13; 20th June 2019 at 12:31.

  2. The Following 33 Users Say Thank You to Gemma13 For This Post:

    Andrew_K (1st July 2019), avid (20th June 2019), Bill Ryan (20th June 2019), Billy (25th June 2019), Caliban (20th June 2019), Chester (31st August 2019), Craig (21st June 2019), Denise/Dizi (20th June 2019), Forest Denizen (28th June 2019), Franny (20th June 2019), Gracy (29th June 2019), Hervé (20th June 2019), Ivanhoe (20th June 2019), justntime2learn (20th June 2019), Kevan (20th June 2019), Kryztian (20th June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), Mike (21st June 2019), Nasu (20th June 2019), Pam (20th June 2019), Patient (20th June 2019), Rosemarie (20th June 2019), RunningDeer (20th June 2019), Sandy123 (25th June 2019), silvanelf (20th June 2019), Soda (25th June 2019), spuddie (25th June 2019), Sunny-side-up (20th June 2019), thepainterdoug (20th June 2019), toppy (20th June 2019), Valerie Villars (20th June 2019), wondering (20th June 2019), xylo (21st June 2019)

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by Gemma13 (here)
    The experiencer tells in vivid detail how they became mind controlled, what life was like under this mind control, how they eventually worked it out, and steps to recovery. The mind controller in this case is Deborah Taveres but any truth movement hoaxer/cult leader equally applies.
    Cross-reference this thread:

  4. The Following 20 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    avid (20th June 2019), Chester (31st August 2019), Denise/Dizi (20th June 2019), Gemma13 (20th June 2019), Hervé (20th June 2019), Islander12 (20th June 2019), justntime2learn (20th June 2019), Kryztian (20th June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), Nasu (20th June 2019), Pam (20th June 2019), Sandy123 (25th June 2019), Sunny-side-up (20th June 2019), thepainterdoug (20th June 2019), toppy (20th June 2019), Valerie Villars (20th June 2019), wondering (20th June 2019), xylo (21st June 2019), yelik (21st June 2019), Yoda (23rd June 2019)

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    It is really worth the time to read this. I would love to say this kind of thing never happened to me, but I can't. I have made some very poor decisions based on fear propagated by various dooms day scenarios. I am so glad this guy took the time to share his story.

  6. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Pam For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (20th June 2019), Caliban (20th June 2019), Chester (31st August 2019), Denise/Dizi (28th June 2019), Gemma13 (20th June 2019), Hervé (20th June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), Nasu (20th June 2019), robinr1 (20th June 2019), Sandy123 (25th June 2019), snoop4truth (20th June 2019), Soda (25th June 2019), Sunny-side-up (20th June 2019), thepainterdoug (20th June 2019), toppy (20th June 2019), wondering (20th June 2019), xylo (21st June 2019)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by peterpam (here)
    It is really worth the time to read this. I would love to say this kind of thing never happened to me, but I can't. I have made some very poor decisions based on fear propagated by various dooms day scenarios. I am so glad this guy took the time to share his story.
    Hello peterpam,

    As always, your words say it all.

    You will note that the author of the story above credits the "Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares" thread here on projectavalon.net with saving him/her! https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...eborah-Tavares.

    He/She is referring to us, my friends. We saved him/her.

    The author of the story above originally posted his work here on this thread on Waccobb.net. https://www.waccobb.net/forums/showt...s-depopulation).

    We should let him/her know that he/she is not alone.

    If we were all being perfectly honest, I think we can all agree that this author's experience with Deborah Tavares (and her FAKE conspiracies) was no different than the experience of any of the rest of us with Deborah Tavares (and her FAKE conspiracies). While he used different words, he/she says exactly the same thing that peterpam, xylo and I have said.

    We have all suffered the same shared experience. It was painful and difficult for all of us. But, we came out the other side wiser and stronger.

    And, none of us will be duped again.

    All The Best,

    Last edited by snoop4truth; 21st June 2019 at 20:01.

  8. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to snoop4truth For This Post:

    avid (20th June 2019), Bill Ryan (20th June 2019), Caliban (20th June 2019), Chester (31st August 2019), Denise/Dizi (28th June 2019), Gemma13 (21st June 2019), Hervé (20th June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), Nasu (20th June 2019), Pam (20th June 2019), Praxis (21st June 2019), Sandy123 (25th June 2019), toppy (20th June 2019), xylo (21st June 2019)

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    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    The first tip off is often the attitude towards others and presentation in terms of appearance. If the whole thing is over done and dramatic, you have to watch out! She appears to be a malignant narcissist and that is never a good thing. Also the repeated invoking of 'truth'. I don't mean using the word a bit overmuch to emphasize a point either. Its the repetition that indicates the speaker is more involved in persuasion technique and selling me something than seeking 'the truth.'

    In my own life, I have found that those who harp on about truth, too much, are the ones least likely to have anything valuable to tell me.

  10. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to AutumnW For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (20th June 2019), Chester (31st August 2019), Denise/Dizi (28th June 2019), Gemma13 (21st June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), Nasu (20th June 2019), Pam (20th June 2019), snoop4truth (21st June 2019), xylo (21st June 2019), yelik (21st June 2019)

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Why is this thread deceptively titled "Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders" when it is a hit piece on ONE member of the truth community.

    There is something, very, very disturbing and suspicious about Mr. Snoop.

    I urge everyone to quick... before the countless references are removed.... to search on Snoop4Truth. You will find a HUGE campaign started by this guy last Feb/March on every alternative place he could find to post his EXACT same extremely long narratives, exact same BOLDING, COLORING, WORDING.

    These different forums include follow up posts saying .... 'This just in..." ........ that he had repeated many times weeks before other places.

    For one, try waccobb.net... https://www.waccobb.net/forums/showt...-depopulation)

    This is a very aggressive massive coast to coast campaign that would take someone a LOT of time. The odd thing to me is that Tavares's pushy, bolded, colored presentation has the exact same tactical 'odor' of 'Snoop'.

    Are we seeing a bizarre new pretending to be both sides method of disinfo and muddying the waters about these awful agendas, really ultimately concocted and controller by one source?

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Why is this thread deceptively titled "Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders" when it is a hit piece on ONE member of the truth community.
    I do get where you're coming from. But a couple of observations here, if I may:

    1) This title was 100% Gemma13's, when she started the new thread. Gemma (as you may well know) has done extensive dedicated research on Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Pete Peterson, Emery Smith, and others as well.

    So she's just pointing out the way seemingly charismatic and persuasive alt media speakers and bloggers can have a heavy-duty effect on quite a lot of people — and it really fits a pattern. This is just one case study, and there are many others.

    And I think it does fit a pattern. As you and I may agree, even 'Qanon' has these 'follow-me-blindly-and-don't-ever-question-me' traits in common, though that material has only ever appeared in enigmatic text form.

    2) I wouldn't call it a 'hit piece'. It really does seem to describe one person's authentic journey, very articulately, too. It's a warning, a story told against herself, how easy it is to have one's whole life turned around by blindly following some of these personalities, and believing them, initially without question.

    3) But yes, maybe others reading this can link to other articles or blog posts written by some who have been taken in, only to later realize their mistake and how it affected them. That might then build on the title of the thread, which doesn't actually mention Tavares.

    So this may be just a starting point for a useful discussion about quite a lot of people out there — who may not always be healthy influences on our emotional well-being.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 20th June 2019 at 21:02.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    What's not to like, Waves? She is a preposterous liar and Snoop4truth, nailed her on it. Good for him. There's waaayyyyy too much snake oil polluting the waters of 'truth.' And b.s artists like Tavares get away with it because their claims aren't properly vetted. I wish every guru wannabee and money grubbing psycho truth merchant was taken to task in the same way.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Thanks Bill, I mostly agree with what about my post you addressed. But more than anything, I wanted the rest of it to be more the point so I should have said it more plainly.

    I think the topic as the title states has tons of merit, but since the first post only talks about Tavares - AND - in this case, even the very aggressive person trying to bring Tavares down has just as many disturbing factors within his very pushy writing tactics and very suspicious sudden and urgent coast to coast campaign - the one person Gemma singled out to talk about may actually be only half of an even bigger weird agenda!

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by snoop4truth (here)
    Quote Posted by peterpam (here)
    It is really worth the time to read this. I would love to say this kind of thing never happened to me, but I can't. I have made some very poor decisions based on fear propagated by various dooms day scenarios. I am so glad this guy took the time to share his story.
    Hello peterpam,

    As always, your words say it all.

    You will note that the author of the story above credits the "Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares" thread here on projectavalon.net with saving him! https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...eborah-Tavares.

    He is referring to us, my friends. We saved him.

    The author of the story above originally posted his work here on this thread on Waccobb.net. https://www.waccobb.net/forums/showt...s-depopulation).

    We should let him know that he is not alone.

    If we were all being perfectly honest, I think we can all agree that this author's experience with Deborah Tavares (and her FAKE conspiracies) was no different than the experience of any of the rest of us with Deborah Tavares (and her FAKE conspiracies). While he used different words, he says exactly the same thing peterpam, xylo and I have said.

    We have all suffered the same shared experience. It was painful and difficult for all of us. But, we came out the other side wiser and stronger.

    And, none of us will be duped again.

    All The Best,

    Snoop, I am so happy to see your hard work and dedication to this cause are showing tangible results. If you look at how this kind of thing can devastate the life of someone who's only sin is looking for the truth (that and maybe not trying to verify "facts" presented). There are so many more out there and to varying degrees they have suffered because of this. Total immersion in this kind thing can't help but lead to some degree of hopelessness or possibly some kind of violent retaliation. It has to be very satisfying to know that this guys life and sanity were saved by your efforts.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Thanks Bill, I mostly agree with what about my post you addressed. But more than anything, I wanted the rest of it to be more the point so I should have said it more plainly.

    I think the topic as the title states has tons of merit, but since the first post only talks about Tavares - AND - in this case, even the very aggressive person trying to bring Tavares down has just as many disturbing factors within his very pushy writing tactics and very suspicious sudden and urgent coast to coast campaign - the one person Gemma singled out to talk about may actually be only half of an even bigger weird agenda!
    Snoop is a lawyer, and is very concise and logical in critiquing the inaccuracies in the documentation that Deborah provides. I set out to prove him wrong and ended up having to do a lot of self examination because I was the one who turned out to be wrong. Have you taken the time to actually look into what he is saying? A hit piece is only a hit piece if it is detrimental to someone because it is inaccurate and created just for the sake of defaming someone. I have found no inaccuracies in his writings. Don't let his direct style keep you from looking into what he has to say, I'm pretty sure you will change your mind if you really look at it.

    Grouping a bunch of people into this thing called "the truth community" and giving them all the benefit of the doubt is not doing anyone any favors. Just like everything else, the truth community has become corrupted by those that see a great opportunity to either make money or get their 10 minutes of fame. It is our responsibility if we have the abilities to call them out if they are inaccurate. Doesn't it make you wonder why Deborah has never confronted Snoop if he is making things up? Surely, she knows what he is doing.

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  23. Link to Post #12
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    I think there are big hoaxes within hoaxes unraveling here.

    The evidence is mounting that Mr. Snoop is not what he is representing himself to be EITHER.

    I know about waccobb.net from the inside and outside. It's a teeny new agey/leftist forum in leftist Sebastopol that used to be active, but has dwindled to nearly only the same 20 or so deeply blue pill Jews who barely discuss anything and alienated everyone else years ago. Autumn, your smug 'what's not to like?' with lots of projection and assumption disrespectfully completely ignores the POINT I made which is how BOTH Tavares and Snoop are displaying some very, very similar and suspicious behavior worth taking into consideration before buying that letter face value. I will now make a case that the OP letter is also part of the hoax.

    First, I propose that - BOTH Tavares and Snoop - are Step 1 and Step 2 of a planned opposition agenda.

    TASKED PERSON #1: Tavares - is tasked to be a prominent 'exposer' of Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda atrocities/plans - and was given many prepared false documents to use to gather a following for years. She is never censored, and is the often a promoted Youtube recommendation despite her frequent Rothschild/Jew blaming others are instantly banned for.

    TASKED PERSON #2: Snoop4Truth - is years later tasked to be the supposed exposer of Tavares - all the 'Tavares false documents he exposes' serve to paint a picture that absolves the culpability of the Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda of everything Tavares is accusing them of. Snoop's vast coast to coast duplicate mass postings to smear Tavares GO button was pushed this spring.

    The OP Letter by gongw is a rare, if ever posted, unidentified name/post on waccobb.net yet SNOOP instantly gloats: "He is referring to us, my friends. We saved him." How do you know gongw is male, Mr. Snoop?

    Snoop (mr accuracy) will say it's an oops, but who cares. What's important is that the next hoax figure being introduced is 'the 'thanker'. This 'letter to the world' writer 'gongw' is looking like TASKED PERSON #3. This figure is playing the role of the great thanker being enlightened by all the great 'hoax exposing' Snoop has done. It would make his/her letter also a crafted hoax within this campaign intended to also be word for word mass distributed in the countless places Snoop has posted his crafted narratives.

    It's looking to me like the true colors of this HOAX is to drip more juice on the "protect the Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda atrocities/plans social narrative". The gongw letter makes sure to include the very repeated 'poor Jews still victims' propaganda always about the 'lingering hatred and false accusations for no reason' (when in fact they're guilty as hell for having banking and msm MONOPOLY control for the worse - for only 2 major things):

    “Kill the Jews” it’s the “Jew world order.” “throw the Jews down the well” Deborah, white wizard goddess of Truth has told us, it’s “the Rothschilds”, and so we know. “those Jews, “kill them before they kill us”, it went on and on. I don’t like that stuff at all. I abhor it.

    ...I have Jewish heritage in my family. Most of my best, lifelong friends are Jewish. Many of my mentors in the music business are Jewish. I have friends in Israel who protest Zionism and the abuse of the Palestinian people. I have as many Jewish friends and business associates as I do all other friends put together, but if wouldn’t matter to me if I had only one Jewish friend. I would still feel same way. This violent antisemitic stuff is bullsh*#. ...


    The Jews DO NOT LIKE IT when their PRIVATE OWNERSHIP, MONOPOLY and/or CONTROL of the Federal Reserve, IRS, Stock Market and even Postal Service is exposed.

    Snoop snuck in the very Jewish-interests protective statement .."No true government or true government agency is actually a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION...." >There's a task - SELL THIS TOO.<

    But this Mossad/Tavares/Snoop Hoax is being exposed on waccobb.net by one rare non-leftist there named Mayacaman. Today he (HE's identified himself), did an awesome job of destroying Snoop's propagandizing attempt (please read Mayacaman's other Snoop-challenging posts there).

    Gemma, I think you happened to pick a much bigger and much more dangerous hoax than you even expected. If I'm right, look how quickly multi people even on Avalon fell for it face value.

    Tavares is an agent. Snoop is an agent. It's a multi-curtain hoax where even the so called hoax exposer is part of the hoax. Yes the game can be devastating, especially for vulnerable newbies, but tactics are also being 'improved' to fool the awake. It's a no-brainer necessity for the enemy.

    I think the motto/lesson of this thread should be: TAKE NOBODY FACE VALUE ANYMORE.

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    I think there are big hoaxes within hoaxes unraveling here.

    The evidence is mounting that Mr. Snoop is not what he is representing himself to be EITHER.

    I know about waccobb.net from the inside and outside. It's a teeny new agey/leftist forum in leftist Sebastopol that used to be active, but has dwindled to nearly only the same 20 or so deeply blue pill Jews who barely discuss anything and alienated everyone else years ago. Autumn, your smug 'what's not to like?' with lots of projection and assumption disrespectfully completely ignores the POINT I made which is how BOTH Tavares and Snoop are displaying some very, very similar and suspicious behavior worth taking into consideration before buying that letter face value. I will now make a case that the OP letter is also part of the hoax.

    First, I propose that - BOTH Tavares and Snoop - are Step 1 and Step 2 of a planned opposition agenda.

    TASKED PERSON #1: Tavares - is tasked to be a prominent 'exposer' of Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda atrocities/plans - and was given many prepared false documents to use to gather a following for years. She is never censored, and is the often a promoted Youtube recommendation despite her frequent Rothschild/Jew blaming others are instantly banned for.

    TASKED PERSON #2: Snoop4Truth - is years later tasked to be the supposed exposer of Tavares - all the 'Tavares false documents he exposes' serve to paint a picture that absolves the culpability of the Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda of everything Tavares is accusing them of. Snoop's vast coast to coast duplicate mass postings to smear Tavares GO button was pushed this spring.

    The OP Letter by gongw is a rare, if ever posted, unidentified name/post on waccobb.net yet SNOOP instantly gloats: "He is referring to us, my friends. We saved him." How do you know gongw is male, Mr. Snoop?

    Snoop (mr accuracy) will say it's an oops, but who cares. What's important is that the next hoax figure being introduced is 'the 'thanker'. This 'letter to the world' writer 'gongw' is looking like TASKED PERSON #3. This figure is playing the role of the great thanker being enlightened by all the great 'hoax exposing' Snoop has done. It would make his/her letter also a crafted hoax within this campaign intended to also be word for word mass distributed in the countless places Snoop has posted his crafted narratives.

    It's looking to me like the true colors of this HOAX is to drip more juice on the "protect the Rothschild/Mossad/Global Agenda atrocities/plans social narrative". The gongw letter makes sure to include the very repeated 'poor Jews still victims' propaganda always about the 'lingering hatred and false accusations for no reason' (when in fact they're guilty as hell for having banking and msm MONOPOLY control for the worse - for only 2 major things):

    “Kill the Jews” it’s the “Jew world order.” “throw the Jews down the well” Deborah, white wizard goddess of Truth has told us, it’s “the Rothschilds”, and so we know. “those Jews, “kill them before they kill us”, it went on and on. I don’t like that stuff at all. I abhor it.

    ...I have Jewish heritage in my family. Most of my best, lifelong friends are Jewish. Many of my mentors in the music business are Jewish. I have friends in Israel who protest Zionism and the abuse of the Palestinian people. I have as many Jewish friends and business associates as I do all other friends put together, but if wouldn’t matter to me if I had only one Jewish friend. I would still feel same way. This violent antisemitic stuff is bullsh*#. ...


    The Jews DO NOT LIKE IT when their PRIVATE OWNERSHIP, MONOPOLY and/or CONTROL of the Federal Reserve, IRS, Stock Market and even Postal Service is exposed.

    Snoop snuck in the very Jewish-interests protective statement .."No true government or true government agency is actually a PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION...." >There's a task - SELL THIS TOO.<

    But this Mossad/Tavares/Snoop Hoax is being exposed on waccobb.net by one rare non-leftist there named Mayacaman. Today he (HE's identified himself), did an awesome job of destroying Snoop's propagandizing attempt (please read Mayacaman's other Snoop-challenging posts there).

    Gemma, I think you happened to pick a much bigger and much more dangerous hoax than you even expected. If I'm right, look how quickly multi people even on Avalon fell for it face value.

    Tavares is an agent. Snoop is an agent. It's a multi-curtain hoax where even the so called hoax exposer is part of the hoax. Yes the game can be devastating, especially for vulnerable newbies, but tactics are also being 'improved' to fool the awake. It's a no-brainer necessity for the enemy.

    I think the motto/lesson of this thread should be: TAKE NOBODY FACE VALUE ANYMORE.

    After all that, did you actually read what he had to say?

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by peterpam (here)
    After all that, did you actually read what he had to say?
    Since you're only asking this question because you read what I had to say and honorably took the time to understand the entire big picture I laid out, I'll turn it back on you.

    Knowing the Tavares history and my reasoning, what would you guess I think are the numerous dead giveaways in that letter?

    forgot to add: And how do you know the writer really is a 'he' or Snoop is really a lawyer?
    Last edited by waves; 21st June 2019 at 06:11.

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    Avalon Member Gemma13's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    Thanks Bill, I mostly agree with what about my post you addressed. But more than anything, I wanted the rest of it to be more the point so I should have said it more plainly.

    I think the topic as the title states has tons of merit, but since the first post only talks about Tavares - AND - in this case, even the very aggressive person trying to bring Tavares down has just as many disturbing factors within his very pushy writing tactics and very suspicious sudden and urgent coast to coast campaign - the one person Gemma singled out to talk about may actually be only half of an even bigger weird agenda!
    Waves I appreciate your concerns and thank you for pointing them out as all “what ifs” are indeed important.

    I am not here to convince you, or anyone else. Can’t be done. I can only say that after I was prompted to look into Tavares et al because of Snoops body of work I was horrified at the nefarious web she has created.

    I believe cult mind control is endemic and needs us to be vigilant in exposing it. And as Bill mentioned, I did create this thread with the hope that:

    . it brings comfort to people in similar circumstances

    . it inspires courage and safety for others to share their stories

    . it reminds and educates us to be ever wary of the traps of seduction by hoaxers/cult leaders

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Quote Posted by waves (here)
    I think there are big hoaxes within hoaxes unraveling here.

    The evidence is mounting that Mr. Snoop is not what he is representing himself to be EITHER.

    The OP Letter by gongw is a rare, if ever posted, unidentified name/post on waccobb.net yet SNOOP instantly gloats: "He is referring to us, my friends. We saved him." How do you know gongw is male, Mr. Snoop?

    Snoop (mr accuracy) will say it's an oops, but who cares. What's important is that the next hoax figure being introduced is 'the 'thanker'. This 'letter to the world' writer 'gongw' is looking like TASKED PERSON #3. This figure is playing the role of the great thanker being enlightened by all the great 'hoax exposing' Snoop has done. It would make his/her letter also a crafted hoax within this campaign intended to also be word for word mass distributed in the countless places Snoop has posted his crafted narratives.
    As to Snoop having an alternative agenda, well I’m just not seeing it at this time, from the time I have invested, and will continue to support his efforts.

    As to gongw coming forward with an alternative agenda, well I’m just not seeing it from information I was privy to, that it is simply not my right to share, and will remain grateful for his courage and honesty. [And this is not suggesting that you, or anyone else should take my word that gongw is as he says he is.]

    If you have evidence to share Waves I would really appreciate you starting another thread to discuss whether Snoop or gongw are hoaxers. We can link to it from this thread. And I have no doubt there will be cooperative discourse to explore your statements.

    If we continue a discussion here, based on your theory, it will detract from the main purpose of this thread, which is:

    To encourage people to share devastating effects experienced from hoaxers/cult leaders.

    Should your evidence prove out your theory then we can link it back to this thread.
    Last edited by Gemma13; 21st June 2019 at 06:02.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Gemma, ya this great topic did get off on an odd foot.

    It's only today I put 2 & 2 together. When I realized that the letter you meant to illustrate what the effects of hoax might be... might be a hoax itself.... I felt compelled to spell out why. It would be very appropriate to have said so if true, but I don't need to argue the letter/Tavares/Snoop connection any more here. It wouldn't bother me if it got moved to his thread.

    Not sure though how to see the exact line you're drawing. I think one will have to say 'what' fooled them to talk about how 'what' affected them. I wonder if there will be any claimed 'hoaxes' that won't be controversial or contentious. :-)

    In other words, can't I talk about how the OP Letter hoax affected me? LOL.

    Thank you for your kind explanation of your feelings about it.
    Last edited by waves; 21st June 2019 at 06:52.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    This is a very important post I think, thanks for posting

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    I concur, and thank you Snoop4Truth and Avalon Forum for creating and hosting the “hoaxes of Deborah Tavares” thread.

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    Default Re: Devastating effects of hoaxers/cult leaders

    Waves no one should assume all “Jews” are political Zionists. Are all Italians in the mob? Are all Irish people drunks? All blacks have natural rhythm? All Mexicans happy, obedient yard workers? All Germans closet Nazis? All Russians drunk, brutal gangsters? All Canadians hockey players? All Chinese restaurant owners, laundry-people or dentists? All Arabs evil killers with long knives tucked in their belts? All white people racist? All Aussies genetically encoded criminals? Do I need to go on?

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    Akasha (24th June 2019), Denise/Dizi (28th June 2019), Gemma13 (22nd June 2019), Kryztian (26th June 2019), loungelizard (22nd June 2019), snoop4truth (21st June 2019)

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