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Thread: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

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    UK Avalon Member bogeyman's Avatar
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    Default Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals


    Shamanic practices can be pivotal in the postmodern world: their power to catalyze individual transformation can lead to deeper social change. What if we could see past the illusion of separation and remember that we are all entwined in a cosmic web? What if we could join transformational experiences that ignite our intuitive capacities and empower us to act for the greater good? What if we could cross the limitations of time and space and experience the wisdom of elders from ancient cultures?

    Shamanic rituals, ceremonies and traditions represent the first religious experiences of humanity. Yet shamanism is not a form of religion, since it is not based on any fixed dogma or system. Essentially, it is more of a worldview — a way to live in harmony with the spirits of nature. The shaman is psychically wired into the universe. There is no library, no lab, no doctrine, no dictionary of specialized terms, no how-to manuals, no peer-reviewed papers, no online courses, no hotlines to consult on issues as they arise in a tribe. Shamanism is a loose agglomerate of mind-blowing techniques, largely uncatalogued, intuitive methods of attaining a very special kind of experience — a journey to the edges of our inner cosmos. It is through these kinds of mystic encounters that we aim to reconnect with our roots, finding spiritual balance and understanding our place in the universe.

    'Wisdom keepers of ancient traditions are reaching out to the western world with answers.'

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    United States Avalon Member WhiteFeather's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Yes no doubt, and then there's Auyasca. I would love to try it one day with a Shaman in Peru perhaps. A bucket list for me.
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    Aaland Avalon Member Blastolabs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    I've spent a significant amount of time in altered states using plant medicines, meditation, and lots of improvising music.

    Although I am some what reluctant to admit this the profoundness of my experiences with plant medicines/ chemicals like DMT, LSD, ho-dmt (mushrooms), and ketamine stand distinctly above all but a few of my experiences without chemical assistance.

    Their ability to instill a sense of awe and wonder can be extremely significant.

    Having faith is different from having experienced something, and despite our cultures tendency to downplay the significance of "drug experiences" they feel have a feeling of such profound significance that I am somewhat embarrassed to admit.

    DMT is extremely close chemically to an amino acid that is found in nearly all comets, I find it hard not to believe that DMT can be used as some sort of chemical/ biological communication protocol created by the intelligence that likely created the amino acids/ life itself.

    When you "breakthrough" into the DMT world there is often a celebration when "your consciousness" first encounters other "entities"

    These other entities feel distinctly separate from my consciousness and behave with their own free will, it seems arrogant to claim that this extremely complex environment including other conscious entities are simply "manufactured" by the physical matter inside my skull (A figment of my imagination)

    What I am trying to say I guess is that shamanic plants and rituals should be viewed as some sort of advanced biological technology.
    Last edited by Blastolabs; 28th May 2022 at 18:17.

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    I have had the most profound spiritual experiences given to me by other holy, advanced beings, but I will not touch mind-altering drugs which are addictive and because of it, damaging to the mind and body. Learn from others who have done it and draw conclusions from that. They are usually low-grade experiences with Reptilians as far as I have heard. Protect your mind and body.

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    United States Avalon Member Strat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Phenomenal post bogeyman!

    Quote Posted by Blastolabs (here)
    I've spent a significant amount of time in altered states using plant medicines, meditation, and lots of improvising music.

    Although I am some what reluctant to admit this the profoundness of my experiences with plant medicines/ chemicals like DMT, LSD, ho-dmt (mushrooms), and ketamine stand distinctly above all but a few of my experiences without chemical assistance.

    Their ability to instill a sense of awe and wonder can be extremely significant.

    Having faith is different from having experienced something, and despite our cultures tendency to downplay the significance of "drug experiences" they feel have a feeling of such profound significance that I am somewhat embarrassed to admit.

    DMT is extremely close chemically to an amino acid that is found in nearly all comets, I find it hard not to believe that DMT can be used as some sort of chemical/ biological communication protocol created by the intelligence that likely created the amino acids/ life itself.

    When you "breakthrough" into the DMT world there is often a celebration when "your consciousness" first encounters other "entities"

    These other entities feel distinctly separate from my consciousness and behave with their own free will, it seems arrogant to claim that this extremely complex environment including other conscious entities are simply "manufactured" by the physical matter inside my skull (A figment of my imagination)

    What I am trying to say I guess is that shamanic plants and rituals should be viewed as some sort of advanced biological technology.
    I've only used psylocibin and in my opinion it's great at giving you a rundown on how you've been living your life, your perspective and where you should go in the future. It's like you're looking at a receipt of how you've been living your life.

    I see it as a sort of tool or medicine but it's not for everyone and it is not a substitute for actual work on oneself. It's a kind of poor man's enlightenment experience.
    Today is victory over yourself of yesterday. Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

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    Finland Avalon Member Wind's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Modern society barely understands shamanism or matters of the spirit. Corruption and delusion rules almost every aspect of society, especially so in the industrialized, McDonaldized West. It is a sickness of the spirit and only really shamans and healers have known how to treat ailments of the soul.

    Plants are tools and gifts from nature, are here to teach people how to heal and how to connect more directly to the realms of the divine. Are they needed for spiritual practices? No and they're not certainly for everyone. Beware of unearned wisdom. Or as Alan Watts said; "If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones."

    If one knows about ayahuasca for example then they know that it's a powerful healing agent, but it's not something to be taken lightly. It can show people more than they wish to see as it brings out stuff which has been buried or which has not been healed, integrated.

    Shamans, high priests and priestesses, healers have used plants for eons to heal others and to see the truth. They work with traumas and soul retrieval, dealing with their shadow. They have integrated knowledge into wisdom and that only comes with experience. They work with energy, of other realms too. We all are energy too.

    What truly matters when dealing with anything like this is intention, attention, and strong emotion. Those things make all the difference in the world as any alchemists would know. When man is out of touch with himself and nature, society is in disarray too. There are many kind of altered states, dream states. Are you awake or still dreaming? This reality of ours is just one more dream, an illusion which people take to be real because it feels like so. Many people live in a hypnotic state like robots without ever questioning their existence and reality while merrily going along with the ride. Much free will in that? That's debatable.

    Modern psychiatry is just an extension of shamanism and now they are slowly introducing some psychedelics into the treatments of patients after the disastrous war against drugs. The healthcare system is coming full circle again, except that of course western healthcare system or science doesn't really understand the real potential of plants or the human soul, at least not in this paradigm yet.

    There are many ways to induce altered states. Music is universal language of the soul which connects all in the Creation.

    "The Scottish Anthropologist Ioan Lewis, wrote the book Ecstatic Religion in 1971, in which he suggested a ‘shaman is not less than a psychiatrist, he is more."

    "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." ~ Joseph Campbell
    Last edited by Wind; 29th May 2022 at 08:11.
    "When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there." ~ George Harrison

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    Brazil Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    As a relative of someone that has schizophrenia, I had to attend many meetings with psychiatrist doctors on a Hospital where my relative was treating. The meetings were collective, which means that fathers and mothers of other pacients were present in the same room discussing the treatment of there relative with the doctors. Then I realized that a portion of the patients were at the hospital with psychosis symptoms that were triggered by drug usage. So I would not recommend drug usage for anybody cause you might develop a mental health decease permanently. I would recommend to try to reach your altered states by meditating. I hope that this contribute to the awareness that there are high risks involved with drug usage, a risk of being health one day and suddenly becoming schizoprenic overnight.

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    In ayuashca there is a ceremony prior to taking the concoction. 3 days of prep and few min of taking. Why the long preping. Because they need to put the subject in proper state. Those who have bad experience are normally the people who jump in the water without knowing what is in it

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    I challenge anybody to go on, say, ten vision quests , keep a diary , evaluate at the end , and not realise that healing , insight and progress had taken place , of some kind.

    Even if the process reveals a block - this in itself is such an important opportunity.

    Having guidance multiplies the value of the experiences .

    God bless
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Avalon Member mountain_jim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    As one whose spiritual life was greatly enhanced by these molecules, I recommend this book that I just finished, as related to this thread's subject.

    The relevance of Shamanic rituals and practitioners is covered some, though not the main thrust.


    How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence Hardcover – May 15, 2018
    by Michael Pollan

    A brilliant and brave investigation into the medical and scientific revolution taking place around psychedelic drugs--and the spellbinding story of his own life-changing psychedelic experiences

    When Michael Pollan set out to research how LSD and psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) are being used to provide relief to people suffering from difficult-to-treat conditions such as depression, addiction and anxiety, he did not intend to write what is undoubtedly his most personal book. But upon discovering how these remarkable substances are improving the lives not only of the mentally ill but also of healthy people coming to grips with the challenges of everyday life, he decided to explore the landscape of the mind in the first person as well as the third. Thus began a singular adventure into various altered states of consciousness, along with a dive deep into both the latest brain science and the thriving underground community of psychedelic therapists. Pollan sifts the historical record to separate the truth about these mysterious drugs from the myths that have surrounded them since the 1960s, when a handful of psychedelic evangelists inadvertently catalyzed a powerful backlash against what was then a promising field of research.

    A unique and elegant blend of science, memoir, travel writing, history, and medicine, How to Change Your Mind is a triumph of participatory journalism. By turns dazzling and edifying, it is the gripping account of a journey to an exciting and unexpected new frontier in our understanding of the mind, the self, and our place in the world. The true subject of Pollan's "mental travelogue" is not just psychedelic drugs but also the eternal puzzle of human consciousness and how, in a world that offers us both suffering and joy, we can do our best to be fully present and find meaning in our lives.


    Samuel W. Spangler
    5.0 out of 5 stars Best review of this topic in decades
    Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2018
    Verified Purchase
    Last night I finished reading Michael Pollan's latest book, How to Change Your Mind - What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence (Penguin Press, 2018). I'd ordered the book pre-publication, so they sent it to me on the day of its release. I'd been happily anticipating the book as I've admired Pollan's previous works very much. His journalism has long dealt with 'Gaia-related' topics and his even-handed, well written and researched presentations have always included the aspects of conciousness at their core. I can unhesitatingly recommend this volume. He presents both a history of modern (1950-70s) 'psychedelic' research studies & explorations and a current report of the newly resumed studies in the many uses of entheogens. This includes both overviews of clinical studies, practices of 'shamanic traditions', and his own personal experiences. I'm sure you'd recognize the names of many of the principle players & circumstances he describes; old friends of psychedelic literature & exploration.

    I think it's great that such a thoughtful book would be offered by this well-accomplished 'mainstream' journalist. This can only lend more weight to the general public & our authorities to developing a less reactionary and more sane view of these sacramental benefactors. Pollan, like all of us, is very concerned about how we can continue to sustainably exist as individuals, a society, a species. He sees that there may be some allies, close to hand, that have long been available to help us adjust our perceptions and continue on an evolutionary journey, to grow & to expand rather than self-destructing. "How to change your mind" is a well chosen phrase, an observation that often our 'problems' are ones of perception rather than actual unyielding obstacles. Good work, good book, good gracious.
    Last edited by mountain_jim; 30th May 2022 at 22:58.
    I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. - Robert Anton Wilson

    The present as you think of it, and in practical working terms, is that point at which you select your physical experience from all those events that could be materialized. - Seth (The Nature of Personal Reality - Session 656, Page 293)

    (avatar image: Brocken spectre, a wonderful phenomenon of nature I have experienced and a symbol for my aspirations.)

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    Avalon Member mountain_jim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    (wrong thread - removed)
    Last edited by mountain_jim; 31st May 2022 at 12:07.
    I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. - Robert Anton Wilson

    The present as you think of it, and in practical working terms, is that point at which you select your physical experience from all those events that could be materialized. - Seth (The Nature of Personal Reality - Session 656, Page 293)

    (avatar image: Brocken spectre, a wonderful phenomenon of nature I have experienced and a symbol for my aspirations.)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Yes, great book, even though it is ten or so years old. I would recommend microdosing, and it is covered in the book. Not that I have ever done it, but I have friends who have told me they have done it and the effects are quite positive.....

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    Avalon Member mountain_jim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Quote Posted by TravelerJim (here)
    Yes, great book, even though it is ten or so years old. I would recommend microdosing, and it is covered in the book. Not that I have ever done it, but I have friends who have told me they have done it and the effects are quite positive.....
    How to Change Your Mind was written in 2018
    I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. - Robert Anton Wilson

    The present as you think of it, and in practical working terms, is that point at which you select your physical experience from all those events that could be materialized. - Seth (The Nature of Personal Reality - Session 656, Page 293)

    (avatar image: Brocken spectre, a wonderful phenomenon of nature I have experienced and a symbol for my aspirations.)

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    Australia Avalon Member Craig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    I would love to try but wouldn't know where to gather the ingredients, very secretive around my area I believe

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    Canada Avalon Member Olam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    In ayuashca there is a ceremony prior to taking the concoction. 3 days of prep and few min of taking. Why the long preping. Because they need to put the subject in proper state. Those who have bad experience are normally the people who jump in the water without knowing what is in it
    I drank ayahuasca in Peru, 5 times.
    One time, a group of young Argentinians came over mentioning they wanted to trip out on ayahuasca.
    They drank the same stuff we did, but they had a terrible night.
    They got what they wanted with their powerful intentions.
    So the medecine does adjust itself depending on your intention and so it's really not a recreational drug....

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    UK Avalon Member Sunny-side-up's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Quote Posted by WhiteFeather (here)
    Yes no doubt, and then there's Auyasca. I would love to try it one day with a Shaman in Peru perhaps. A bucket list for me.
    For sure, same here.

    One of my impacting self induced experiences was while in deep mediation.
    I was pushing myself down, down, down a dark flight of stone stairs, It got darker until pitch black.
    I got faster and faster until I was plummeting downwards but still on my feet.
    I eventually after a great deal of concentrated effort I burst out into a constructed dark room.
    I suddenly found my self staring up into the face of a tall creature (A Jinn I think)
    I realised I was just staring and had lost track of time and couldn't just pull out, so I panicked.
    Only thing I could do to snap myself free was to spit in this creatures face, (I've always been upset with this action of mine but it was all I could do) you see I was suddenly worried that I might be doing something I shouldn't, like signing something I would regret etc.

    I sort of got what I had intended but that found myself out of my depth.

    You see I did this meditation with out doing any cleansing rituals before hand (I always used to) I wanted to confront something ( I was very upset with the negatives going on in the world)
    So I got my wish ha o.0

    Always cleans

    I'm a simple easy going guy that is very upset/sad with the worlds hidden controllers!
    We need LEADERS who bat from the HEART!
    Rise up above them Dark evil doers, not within anger but with LOVE

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    United States Avalon Member anasazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Love your experince, Alan--don't get gaslit by a Jinn!

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    UK Avalon Member Sunny-side-up's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Quote Posted by anasazi (here)
    Love your experince, Alan--don't get gaslit by a Jinn!
    Yes and all to easy to have happen. It is dangerous to alt reality if you go in gung-ho
    I'm a simple easy going guy that is very upset/sad with the worlds hidden controllers!
    We need LEADERS who bat from the HEART!
    Rise up above them Dark evil doers, not within anger but with LOVE

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    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Michael Harner (The Way of the Shaman) teaches using only drumming to facilitate journeying, but I can see that possibly guided use of a mild psychedelic might enhance the experience. I admit I was never fully satisfied with the "daydream" level of realness I experienced with Michael Harner and his protege Sandra Ingerman. Also, there are meditation soundtracks that might help with trance induction.

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Altered States: The Power of Shamanic Rituals

    Quote Posted by Sunny-side-up (here)
    Quote Posted by anasazi (here)
    Love your experince, Alan--don't get gaslit by a Jinn!
    Yes and all to easy to have happen. It is dangerous to alt reality if you go in gung-ho
    I had a number of spirit encounters. I would say they absolutely have no capacity to harm us. Our fear is what can hurt us. It comes from our free concieved ideas. No different than phsychedelics. Most people especialy first timers is already soak in fearporn before they even get their hands on one.
    Five or so yeras ago one of my children told me that she wants to try weed. I explained to her what is it and what it does. And if she wants to try it she had to do it in our place so I can watch over her such that anyone who tries to harm her will have to go over my dead body. She had a very good experience.

  39. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bubu For This Post:

    Ben (6th July 2022), TomKat (5th July 2022), Violet3 (5th July 2022)

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