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Thread: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

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    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    i had that idea long time ago and always popup everytime i looked around seeing so many cars park and the amount of usage...had that thought why we to own cars? can't we just have it community or public own? i had that in mind before aware Klaus Schwab which living in utopia world but comes to these TPTB is opposite so could we consider not the system but the people?

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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Quote Posted by apokalypse (here)

    i had that idea long time ago and always popup everytime i looked around seeing so many cars park and the amount of usage...had that thought why we to own cars? can't we just have it community or public own? i had that in mind before aware Klaus Schwab which living in utopia world but comes to these TPTB is opposite so could we consider not the system but the people?

    Here's a recent tweet about a clip where he announces something like this.

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    Avalon Member Isserley's Avatar
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    How he intends to implement it? I don't believe that people will just give up their tin pets..
    Is every mind connected to form a peer to peer network that creates the illusion of a shared reality, making the appearance of material reality a simulation created through shared beliefs?

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    • Klaus Schwab Hails Arrival of 'New World Order' As WEF Seizes Control over Nations

    Klaus Schwab's "World Economic Forum"Can not be proven? ... ("they are only theories") ... Really?

    Let's see what they say how they want to "Govern the Globe" aka "Global Governance" with their WEF publications most mainstream media willfully ignores:

    And I can go on and on and on and on ... meanwhile most mainstream media KNOWS this but calling it: "conspiracy theories" acting dumb about it.

    Having a conspiracy theory is not that different from having a crime theory ... so who exactly benefits if certain crime theories are not further investigated and systematically downplayed & marginalized?

    * If a conspiracy is (partly) in the open does NOT make it any less criminal nor less harmful ...


    Smart Meters connected to the rapid expanding "Smart Grid" connected to 4G/5G Mass Surveillance Grid (all millions of "SmartPhones" included!) connected to I.o.T. aka "Internet of Things" & I.o.B. aka "Internet of Bodies" connected to all kinds of Biometrics even "Internet of NanoThings" part of "Smart Dust" like this ...

    * All part of NATO's Sixth Domain of Operations aka "NATO’s Cognitive Warfare" (even openly admitted they wage a war against their own people!) using ChatGPT5 (or higher) type A.I. systems <<< also admitted!

    Needless to say, it is also connected to WEF pushed 15 min "Smart Cities" promoting among others Autonomous Self-driving Electric Cars equipped with many (cumulative harmful EMFs) surveillance sensors ... all serving Agenda2030 & NetZero2050 climate lockdowns connected to the upcoming conditional "Universal Basic Income" interwoven with ESGs & CBDC "Social Credit System" type Dystopian Technocracy with many Neo-Marxism tendencies like insane Wokism.

    * Eventually they want a Cashless Society where people are forced to use Digi-ID & "Covid (Track & Trace) Passports" having the power to shut down your account if you do not "behave" correctly like what you saw in Canada 🇨🇦 and The Netherlands 🇳🇱

    All the above CAN (easily) be weaponized against the people if need be!

    John Kuhles aka 'ExomatrixTV'
    October 6th, 2023 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 8th October 2023 at 11:13.
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!


    Apparently, there's been a stealthy coordinated worldwide effort that's taken decades to subversively separate people from their assets. The precedent has been set quite recently. The "protected class" sits above it all. They aren't even bothering to hide the term.

    THE GREAT TAKING: Who Really Owns YOUR Assets???

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Schwab's right hand man Harari makes the WEF's priorities clear

    "Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’
    Technology will ‘make it possible to replace the people’
    Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering.

    In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators.

    “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” said Harari, who is a historian, futurist, popular author and, most importantly, the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the extremely influential WEF.

    The WEF entertains thousands of devoted followers at its annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland. These devotees include heads of state, congressmen, governors, top corporate CEOs, even Hollywood entertainers and stars from the sports and music world. They are being fed a full diet of propaganda cooked up by Luciferian-influenced intellectuals like Harari and Schwab.

    I highly recommend listening to Harari’s interview with Chris Anderson (posted August 9), who is head of the TED media group. Let me know in the comments what you think of his statements and his worldview.

    Harari repeats his previous predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans. In past statements Harari has said these useless people will need to be kept pacified by drugs and entertainment, otherwise we’ve got a problem on our hands. How do we get rid of billions of useless eaters, or at least contain their anger and resentment at being cast to the societal curb?

    Harari says the 20th century was marked by three big “stories” that human beings told themselves in order to explain the world: Fascism, Communism and Liberalism.

    All three of these movements placed an emphasis on the “common man” in their propaganda messaging to the people, as opposed to earlier periods in history when kings and queens ruled by divine right and noblemen held ownership of the land, using the rest of the people as serfs.

    Now, in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future,” Harari says. They simply have no role. Humanity 1.0 is being phased out, and only those humans willing to make the TRANSition to Humanity 2.0 and join the all-new species of transhumans, will be welcomed in the emerging technocratic society.

    “It’s much worse, psychologically, to feel you are useless than to feel you are exploited,” Harari says in the above interview.

    That’s why Schwab said at the WEF annual meeting in May, 2022, that “we must prepare for an angrier world.”

    They are getting ready to phase out humanity 1.0 and they fully anticipate there will be riots, rising violence and chaos as many people wake up and realize they’re no longer needed, not by their employer, not by the military, not by anyone other than their family which they still must provide for.

    It’s true that having no purpose in life is the ultimate downer.

    But, as always, Harari is telling a half-truth while withholding the ultimate truth.

    Regardless of where technology is leading the world, a believer in Jesus Christ always feels they have a purpose because they don’t derive their meaning in life from their jobs, their reputations or their acceptance by any person or group. We strive to please God and Him alone.

    We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls, uttering silly human “hypotheses,” because they have no rudder to keep them on the path that leads to life, eternal life. All Harari can offer is hopelessness. Oh but he sounds so smart in delivering his dismal message.

    While the three movements he speaks of – fascism, communism and liberalism – did indeed dominate the political and cultural landscape from the period roughly between 1800 and 2000, there is a fourth story, an eternal story with no beginning and no end, that trumps all of them. That story is the biblical story of an Almighty Creator God and His Christ, who created mankind in His image and gave them a set of rules to live by. He raises up and brings down all human kingdoms, whether they be based on royal lineage, fascism, communism, the current “liberal world order” or the emerging technocratic beast system that is overtaking the nations.

    The book of Daniel explains in detail how a series of earthly kingdoms will rise and fall, with only one left standing in the end, that being the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.

    Harari, being an atheist, overlooks the biggest “story” of all. He’s so caught up in the story of humanity, so self-absorbed, that he can’t see the overarching story of God in his explanation of where we’ve come from as human beings and where we are heading as things spiral further and further off the rails. Technology is not going to be our savior. Artificial intelligence cannot save us. In fact many who give themselves over to the AI-controlled beast system will lose their souls.

    Harari can say that humans have been replaced by AI, machine learning, blockchain and bioengineering, and it’s true that these technologies are now driving the economies of the world as technocracy and globalism leads to a global end-times dystopian slave-state.

    But technocracy is heading for the same fate as the other “stories” Harari mentions. And, I would posit, the technocratic beast system won’t even last as long as communism or liberalism before it’s relegated to the dust bin of history.

    Harari hypothesizes that anxiety about being displaced by AI and a highly educated “tech” class is at the root of the world’s “disillusionment and backlash against the liberal order.”

    “Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. … Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’

    “Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari continued, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence and bioengineering.”

    Harari added that “these technologies increasingly will make redundant” …“whatever people are still doing which is useful,” and will thus “make it possible to replace the people.”

    While he conceded that technologies such as AI will open up new and “more interesting jobs,” Harari argued that “it’s not clear that many humans will be able to do them, because they will require high skills and a lot of education.”

    This is where modern technocracy starts to resemble the old gnostic paganism where a certain elitist class of people have access to secret knowledge that the common folks just aren’t able to tap into.

    It’s all just hopeless if you listen to Harari.

    Harari is full of clever lies and half-truths. He is book smart but lacks the kind of true wisdom and discernment that comes from above. Thus, he can’t see that he is on a path to destruction. Or maybe he does see it but wants to believe that it’s only the common folk who will be destroyed.

    Either way, he’s as lost as lost can be, and seems determined to take with him as many fellow humans as possible down the dark path to destruction.'

    Noted transhumanist now targeting our children: What’s inside Yuval Noah Harari’s new book for kids?
    Each breath a gift...

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    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Quote Posted by Isserley (here)
    How he intends to implement it? I don't believe that people will just give up their tin pets..
    No, not a chance!

    Do you think that Porsche and Ferrari are going to stop producing cars at a global level? What? Only release a very limited amount for TPTB? What about racing?

    Then there is the North American V8s - they are trying to change away from that (and they have been trying for years), but you see the Ford Mustang still pushing Dodge to make the Charger and Chevy making the Camaro.

    Some like the whine of a high revving European car but there is nothing to compete with the rumble of an American V8!

    If you have the passion for that you will find a way to drive one.

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Patient For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Operator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Quote Posted by Patient (here)
    Quote Posted by Isserley (here)
    How he intends to implement it? I don't believe that people will just give up their tin pets..
    No, not a chance!

    Do you think that Porsche and Ferrari are going to stop producing cars at a global level? What? Only release a very limited amount for TPTB? What about racing?

    Then there is the North American V8s - they are trying to change away from that (and they have been trying for years), but you see the Ford Mustang still pushing Dodge to make the Charger and Chevy making the Camaro.

    Some like the whine of a high revving European car but there is nothing to compete with the rumble of an American V8!

    If you have the passion for that you will find a way to drive one.
    I don't think it's that hard at all. I'm convinced they will use the transition to electric cars. It's set up to fail, they know it but
    they can use it to justify stopping the production of gasoline and diesel cars (already announced). Driving an electric car will
    become more and more expensive soon (e.g. in the Netherlands) and indeed the very expensive brands will continue etc.

    So yes, the elites wil still drive/have a car but not the general populus.

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    Avalon Member T Smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Quote Posted by Isserley (here)
    How he intends to implement it? I don't believe that people will just give up their tin pets..
    It will be voluntary. But not by willful individual capacity. Or such is the plan anyway.

    It will be implemented by force and psychologically impossible to resist (according to our illustrious overlords anyway). This is what Schwab is telling us is going to happen within the next seven years.

    In the words of Henry Kissinger:

    “...Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil (take our tin pets! PLEASE!). The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government...” ~ Henry Kissinger

    Or, perhaps even more concise, from the late Bertrand Russell:

    ...Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.... ~Bertrand Russell

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    UK Avalon Member avid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Klaus Schwab...End OF Ownership!!

    Quote Posted by Operator (here)
    Quote Posted by Patient (here)
    Quote Posted by Isserley (here)
    How he intends to implement it? I don't believe that people will just give up their tin pets..
    No, not a chance!

    Do you think that Porsche and Ferrari are going to stop producing cars at a global level? What? Only release a very limited amount for TPTB? What about racing?

    Then there is the North American V8s - they are trying to change away from that (and they have been trying for years), but you see the Ford Mustang still pushing Dodge to make the Charger and Chevy making the Camaro.

    Some like the whine of a high revving European car but there is nothing to compete with the rumble of an American V8!

    If you have the passion for that you will find a way to drive one.
    I don't think it's that hard at all. I'm convinced they will use the transition to electric cars. It's set up to fail, they know it but
    they can use it to justify stopping the production of gasoline and diesel cars (already announced). Driving an electric car will
    become more and more expensive soon (e.g. in the Netherlands) and indeed the very expensive brands will continue etc.

    So yes, the elites wil still drive/have a car but not the general populus.
    What’ll they do with all the old ev batteries? A nightmare….
    The love you withhold is the pain that you carry
    and er..
    "Chariots of the Globs" (apols to Fat Freddy's Cat)

  20. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to avid For This Post:

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