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Thread: Beautiful Beings

  1. Link to Post #61
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    I think it is time. Let's talk about portals.

    This clip specifically delves into WHEN to work with the crystal, the best times of day and seasons of the year when the signals easily come through, the contacts are abundant, and you are more likely to be graced with a LIVE call. Also, it had been brought to my attention that I have not yet been clear on exactly how I am going into the crystal with the camera so I touch on this as well.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #62
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    This body of work began in 2017, but it wasn't until roughly the year 2020 that I really began having the opportunity to work with it. At this time I began not only trying to understand it at a greater depth and to a greater degree but explaining the process involved to others. It has been a gradual but ongoing process of discovery. It is challenging to unpack something like this, that has at this time, to my knowledge, no originating precedence. In this compilation, which is far from complete is the real time unfolding of what I am learning AS I am learning it. Please note that the compilation flows BACKWARDS in time, with the newest clips added continually at the front.

    Covered in Chapters 4-6

    00:00 Chapter: Portals and Stargates
    00:05 How I am going into the crystal with the camera
    01:55 The best time to work with the crystal, the various portals
    03:15 The Lionsgate, the Sirius activation of the crystal
    04:38 First contact experience, Meeting Meshahare
    09:07 Working with the portals, notably the sun portal
    10:15 Charging yourself, developing your gaze, tratak leading into sun gazing
    13:05 Stargates within the human system
    14:52 Various ( additional ) ways to charge oneself
    15:35 The largest portal of them all—human consensus
    17:00 Readings—requests for renderings
    20:20 Chapter: Deep level connection
    21:15 A moment of gratitude to a major contributor
    22:15 Review, types of transmissions, LIVE and prerecorded and their details
    23:08 The Contact Series and its purpose
    24:20 The crystal in terms of excavating data from one’s past
    32:44 How the dormant skill with the crystal got activated
    39:38 Chapter: Reading the transmissions
    39:52 Going into and out beyond the body of the crystal ( local and long distance calls )
    40:26 Stored data, pre-recorded calls
    41:44 The first story to come through the crystal; my birth
    43:12 Brainwaves, shifting your brainwave patterns to read complex data
    44:09 6D Transmissions and stepping them down into 5D, 4D and 3D
    47:14 Isolating a being in a frame
    48:30 Not impinging upon free will
    51:18 Eye to eye contact with the beings
    52:45 Data that has come to me through the crystal— Titans, Ancient Egypt, Starseeding, Anunnaki, etc..
    55:12 Altering the brainwaves to match the frequency of the information
    55:50 The second type of call that can come through, LIVE transmissions

    It is my hope that this is helpful to someone out there,
    and to our world.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (4th May 2024), Harmony (5th May 2024), Inversion (3rd June 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), tessie999 (5th May 2024), Yoda (5th May 2024)

  5. Link to Post #63
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    This is Ijarah

    The name is pronounced : ( ee juh ruh )

    He is one of the coolest new beings to have come through.
    It is a distinct possibility he is wanting to work with me. Possibly on the vocal channeling. I am working on the connection.

    Light transmission forming through a mildly citrine quartz cut crystal
    Location and time: 6:12:10 PM, Lakeside, CA
    Original image captured April 15, 2024
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  6. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

    Agape (5th May 2024), Bill Ryan (5th May 2024), Bluegreen (5th May 2024), Eva2 (5th May 2024), Harmony (5th May 2024), Inversion (3rd June 2024), Mike (5th May 2024), Miller (5th May 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), tessie999 (5th May 2024), Yoda (5th May 2024)

  7. Link to Post #64
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    Michael Katz the founder of Gemisphere was on Coast to Coast AM last night. He claims to have spoken to the gemstone guardians.

    Quote Gemisphere founder Michael Katz joined guest host Connie Willis (info) to discuss the healing power of gemstones and wisdom from spiritual beings called gemstone guardians, whom he claimed to have met and conversed with in 1988. According to Katz, gemstone guardians are responsible for the energy flow of specific gemstones like quartz, amethyst, ruby, emerald, and sapphire. These guardians oversee the gemstones on Earth and other planets. He explained that communications with them culminated in the guardians requesting Katz compile their discourses into a book that captures their wisdom and experiences, and provides a detailed look at the spiritual and therapeutic qualities of various gemstones.

    In these discourses, Katz learned about each gemstone's unique purposes for Earth and humans. For instance, the guardian of quartz revealed how it attracts life force to Earth and individuals wearing therapeutic-quality quartz. These insights extend to other gemstones like amethyst, which aids in communication and wisdom. The book covers these specific qualities and explores broader concepts like Gaia as a living being and the intricate connections between gemstones and human health, Katz said, emphasizing the importance of understanding these qualities to appreciate the true therapeutic potential of gemstones.

    Katz highlighted the significance of gemstone quality, focusing on factors like color, clarity, and impurities. He discussed how optimal qualities for each gemstone differ and how these factors impact the stone's therapeutic properties. For example, a ruby's optimal color is a deep "pigeon blood" red, and deviations from this ideal reduce its healing effectiveness. He noted that many commercial gemstones are treated with toxic substances to enhance their appearance, which diminishes their natural energy and therapeutic value. Katz also shared experiences of testing and rejecting such treated stones, and advocating for using natural untreated gemstones to maintain their pure healing vibrations.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Inversion For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (3rd June 2024), Casey Claar (3rd June 2024), Harmony (3rd June 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), Yoda (3rd June 2024)

  9. Link to Post #65
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    Thank you for posting, Inversion, a bit of a different idea there but I know people are always interested in gemstones / gemstone jewelry. Crystals seem to be in a consciousness category all their own, with occupancy in the cosmic plane all the way through to the elemental all at once. It is always interesting to hear what others are experiencing. Even if just a glimpse at an idea. I am not a C2C member so I can't listen to the video.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (3rd June 2024), Harmony (3rd June 2024), Heart to heart (26th June 2024), Inversion (3rd June 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), Yoda (3rd June 2024)

  11. Link to Post #66
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    The is Ehruu Ek.

    The sounds are pronounced as : ( air-roo eckh )

    Sliding in cleanly through the Summer Solstice, always a wonderful time to work with the crystal, we have here a very nicely situated composite of FOUR beings nestled in together as one --(there are actually more, as always, but there are four MAIN consciousnesses coming through here). At the top beneath the mini black hole at the crown of the head we have a representative of the Universal sphere, often conceived of as angelic. We have a galactic representative, a blue tiger-like feline. A planetary representative, an elderly male. And that "spokesperson" we often see out in front at the nose/mouth/muzzle area of the face. An extraordinary collection of symbols. Just stunning! This should keep Biba, the person this contact came through for, busy integrating for quite some time.

    Light transmission forming through a mildly citrine quartz cut crystal
    Location and time: 3:36:34 PM, Lakeside, CA
    Original image captured June 21, 2024


    Note: Biba is from Ireland and shares ( this ) >> "Before Ireland was invaded it was known as Eriu."

    Ek is the symbol for kinetic energy, the movement of energy in the body.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th June 2024), Harmony (26th June 2024), Heart to heart (26th June 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), Yoda (26th June 2024)

  13. Link to Post #67
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    An extra bonus frame.

    I have been super focused this past year on what we have since coined "the contact series", these mirrored frames that face the beings to the front *which are used for eye gazing, eye to eye contact. But prior to this the frames we captured and put through were more casual and raw. There are plenty ( multiple hundreds ) of examples of ALL the types of frames out there now. They can all be seen and pondered. This frame is an example of the work that shows the internal framework of the crystal AND the being coming through in one shot. There was a period of about a year when these types of shots were the norm. I worked with the crystal much less back then, so there are maybe just a few dozen of these, and half of them reveal ENVIRONMENTS within Isza, the crystal I work with for these contacts. But this one, and perhaps a dozen more capture the crystal and a BEING coming through at the same time. I truly treasure these.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th June 2024), Harmony (26th June 2024), Heart to heart (26th June 2024), Pam (26th June 2024), Yoda (26th June 2024)

  15. Link to Post #68
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Beautiful Beings

    I recently did a podcast with Biba Logan ( from Ireland ) : The Biba Frequency Podcast.

    Some of you may enjoy the first hour of this 2 hour talk. At roughly 30 minutes we dive into the beings.

    Show Notes

    "Casey Claar elucidates the profound significance of extraterrestrial contact, showcasing her exceptional ability to communicate with these beings through advanced crystal technology. The diversity of the beings she channels is astonishing, with hundreds of different beings manifesting, as evidenced by the remarkable images produced through her methods. These images are unparalleled in their clarity and impact, serving a vital role in preparing our central nervous system for such extraordinary encounters.

    After years of rigorous training, Casey has honed her ability to connect with specific consciousnesses, facilitating communication with a multitude of multidimensional beings in the most exquisite manner. Additionally, she is reviving an ancient technology from the lost civilization of Atlantis, bringing back its advanced crystal techniques that are now re-emerging on our planet.

    Join us as we explore Casey's extraordinary experiences and insights, delving into the intricate ways this innovative crystal technology is enhancing our awareness, expanding our consciousness, and preparing our physical bodies for such encounters. This conversation transcends ordinary understanding, offering a glimpse into the complex and beautiful interaction with multidimensional ET beings

    I am delighted to share this remarkable conversation with an exceptional woman, and I trust you will find it as enlightening and transformative as I did."
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

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