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Thread: Juan O Savin's interviews

  1. Link to Post #21
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    Another fine Juan interview, as he goes into what's going down, and the sorts of "twists in the road" as we perform a major reset on the federal government and on the monetary system. Buckle up and hang on. Get out of paper, fiat and digital. The US Dollar will have a rough ride, but come out strong on the other side. The US will be going through bankruptcy, to clean out much of the fraudulent paper and debt, and recover stolen land and resources. Those with valuable skill sets to keep things working and food growing may be the most valued in town.
    video embeded in the next post by RunningDeer
    Last edited by Harmony; 1st July 2024 at 12:05. Reason: mod note
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    Quote Posted by ThePythonicCow (here)
    Another fine Juan interview, as he goes into what's going down, and the sorts of "twists in the road" as we perform a major reset on the federal government and on the monetary system. Buckle up and hang on. Get out of paper, fiat and digital. The US Dollar will have a rough ride, but come out strong on the other side. The US will be going through bankruptcy, to clean out much of the fraudulent paper and debt, and recover stolen land and resources. Those with valuable skill sets to keep things working and food growing may be the most valued in town.
    June 29, 2024

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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    During this video David tells Juan/John there's news Biden will resign next week. Both the democrats and republicans are in a meltdown. An early plan was to move Nancy Pelosi into the POTUS position. He also mentions Gavin Newsom who seems to be China's horse being put in the position. Gavin met with Xi in October. He shows the cover of Time magazine where Biden is walking off the cover.

    07/04/24 (26:49)

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v5338gb

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    United States Avalon Member Denise/Dizi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    The two names, Pelosi and Newsome should be banned in America, and they should be stripped of any and all political offices, as they're selling out America to the highest bidder. Newsome, crashing California faster than ever before, and begging for China to come take it... Pelosi? The woman is bat$hit crazy and just as dirty as her nephew.

    If people vote for either of them, then they're not very intelligent.

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews



    Contributed by Alexandra Bruce

    I’m not clear where this was taped but I can recognize a former associate of mine, Jim Price and it’s apparent that Juan O Savin has phoned-in and he advises listeners to “Get some extra provisions to get through at least a few weeks of the drama”, when bank machines and grocery stores might not operate for a few weeks.

    He says, “America is not shutting down, by any stretch. But it is going to be pretty dire at some of those stretches, in there. He suggests: “Move some of your financial stuff into something tangible that will be worth something on the other side.”

    And once the shaking is done, we, the survivors will shoulder up, rebuild and reengineer America’s blueprint for today.


    Juan O Savin: The problem is that we’re going to come up in a period where it’s obvious that, if we have the election, if we proceed forward with the election on time, the people that are currently in power would, as they come out of power, not be able to protect their positions or the people around them, legally.

    And many of them are going to go to prison for the rest of their natural life. And their families are going to suffer the consequence of seeing their fortunes eaten away, frozen, and captured.

    And that’s a very hard thing for people that have known power and have not had pushback to take. The people, there are literally, many of them, clinically insane. We’re about to see some kind of a massive crisis in the country.

    You cannot elect insane people, lunatics, run the country and not have some dire consequence. There is not a soft landing coming. And we all need to brace for impact with what’s coming – prayerfully.

    And I hope we come out of this in one piece – which we will. But it’s about to get epic. And this is the moment for prayer.

    We, this crowd, are the ones who God has put here, at exactly this moment to pray our way through, to help those around us, as we go through the most difficult period in American history.

    It is a Satanic spirit. And one of the attributes of Hell, it is a place where reason doesn’t exist. There is no reason there. And so we’re trying to bring reason to a situation in this world, in our country, where reason has been abandoned. You won’t be able to logically work your way out of this problem.

    And you can’t lose yourself, as we come to solutions in trying to work with some of these people. They’re going to have to literally be cuffed, spitting and screaming, and removed from power. So as we get closer to the Election, I believe that they’re going to try to stop the election.

    It won’t be the military, it won’t be the governors and the Trump people. It’s going to be this crowd that’s currently in power in D.C., because they will not leave that position without some kind of fight or destruction, to try to block the way.

    What I’ve tried to help people to understand is the imminent nature of the situation that we’re about to be thrust into and to get them into a mental position to stay viable to the other side.

    A lot of the people that you have around you will be so disoriented, so thrown off-kilter, that they will do things that wipe them out financially, emotionally. They won’t be able to see light on the other side and hold it together.

    By the grace of God, we are going to get through this. But when governments come unraveled, there’s a moment, where it’s just like being in a firefight. You don’t stick your head up in a firefight. You’re going to get it blown off.

    Some of the things that are in play right now are so big, so global, that it’s actually more than futile. It is stupid. It’s dangerous. It’s insane to stick your head up in the middle of this firefight.

    I want everybody here to be viable on the other side. So what are you going to do? You really do have to, hard as it might be, set aside a little bit so you’ve got some extra provisions to get through at least a few weeks of the drama. America is not shutting down, by any stretch. But it is going to be pretty dire at some of those stretches, in there.

    You need to have a little bit set aside when your credit card and the bank machine and the gas station and the grocery store don’t work right for a couple of weeks. You must put a little bit aside, even if it’s a little bit painful. And if you have the means, not just for yourself, but for other family members or a neighbor that isn’t able to care for themselves.

    You do so prayerfully. Things will get back to sane, but not instantly. So you just want to keep your head down, have a few resources to count on, move some of your financial stuff into something tangible that will be worth something on the other side, and have a mentality to survive the shaking.

    Just like when the Earth has an earthquake, you’re not going over to the grocery store to pick up groceries. You’re not even going to pick up your kids at school. You’ll be worried about them the second the quaking stops.

    But in the midst of it, the tsunami, it’s every man for himself. Everything that can be shaken about America will be shaken. And then on the far side, we’re the ones, this audience, who will, prayerfully help everybody, make sure everybody’s okay, and get your wits about you, and then be ready, because it will be a military operation to bring stability back within the country when all the other politics and other things that can be shaken are broken up pretty severely.

    What you should do exactly? You better be praying. And I don’t know for each and every person, but if you’re praying and asking for divine direction, God is faithful. He wants you to ask him for help. And he’s more than glad to give it as we go into this.

    And then we’re going to shoulder up. We are the ones, this crowd, this group, we’re the ones that will lead the way in wisely beginning the process of reorienting the country and finding the original blueprints for America, and reengineering them, applying them to today, and getting back on an even keel.

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v52jrbw/?pub=1yatds
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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  11. Link to Post #26
    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    Juan said he spoke with Clif High who feels there's a massive event on the horizon. He said it could be something spiritual like Fatima. Nino then said it could be the alien deception. The next four months will be bad and the four after that even worse. A lot of the things people like them claim never manifest. I appreciated Juan's view on reoccurring numbers in our so-called reality. One is by the hand of the creator and the other is artificial. An example he gave was Prince William's birth being induced during an eclipse. That might be part of the free will package where we have a choice between paths. I would compare it to a preexisting format or a choose your own adventure style.

    Quote Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, was born just a few hours after a solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a zodiac sign that speaks to family structure and traditions.
    07/06/24 (27:07)

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v53ijdm

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  13. Link to Post #27
    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    JUAN O SAVIN - SES, Secret Service, Power Plays - NINO 7 19 2024

    Here is the first part on YT: https://youtu.be/MO3HtK2G97c?si=QVyCRGDlF5ngenup


    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v55bn31/?pub=1yatds
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    This is mostly about the Opera Song at the RNC. Between the lines of the rest of it I see the case for bringing (someone like) Oprah [funny, that] out onto center stage at the DNC convention.

    Jul 21 2024 - Juan O Savin w/ Nino > Trump's Secret Message [The Payback]


    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v55l2hh/?pub=1yatds
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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juan O Savin's interviews

    oh my god ! who is the angel who sings Nessun Dorma aria by Puccini in this interview? I forgot i had tears just waiting behind my eye lids for such real true art and beauty.

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