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Thread: Getting to the truthL Humans v AI - with interesting results

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    Scotland Avalon Member scotslad's Avatar
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    Default Getting to the truthL Humans v AI - with interesting results

    I couldn;t believe the lack of detailed infomration coming out when I was watching a few videos yesterday, so it got me wondering...

    How can Chat GPT 4o help the House Oversight & Accountability Committee get answers from Kim Cheatle (the director of the secret service) to provide key insights to stakeholders & the the public far more than what appeared to be generated in 3+ hrs yesterday at that hearing?

    It certainly appeared that her lack of answers was putting herself in the firing line for what seemed a lack ignorance, a lack of professionalism and potential negligence.

    So, I thought I'd put chat GPT 4o to use with some interesting results (seems a lot more information and insights than what was shared at that hearing)

    Please test these prompts yourself to get more answers than what was achieved yesterday at that hearing...

    ** More importantly *** think how you could customise the following example prompts & chatgpt to help you analyse, prioritise, strategise & optimise your teams and operations to generate the answers you, your stakeholders and shareholders want.

    Event Summary

    "Summarize the sequence of events during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024."

    Event Timeline:
    "Create a detailed timeline of events from Trump’s arrival to his departure after the incident."

    Emergency Evacuation:
    "Detail the emergency evacuation procedures for high-profile individuals."

    Threat Assessment
    "Analyze the threat level posed by Thomas Matthew Crooks prior to the event."

    Security Lapses
    "Identify key security failings before, during, and after the assassination attempt."

    Communication Breakdown:
    "Detail any communication breakdowns between Secret Service and local law enforcement."

    Shooter Profile:
    "Provide a detailed profile of Thomas Matthew Crooks, including background and motives."

    Pre-Event Intelligence:
    "Summarize any pre-event intelligence reports about potential threats at the rally."

    Surveillance Analysis:
    "Analyze surveillance footage and news reports for any suspicious activities before the shooting."

    Eyewitness Accounts:
    "Compile and analyze eyewitness accounts from the rally."

    Agent Actions:
    "Evaluate the actions taken by Secret Service agents during the assassination attempt."

    Shooter’s Position & background:
    "Describe the shooter's position and how he accessed the vantage point. and what lead to him being there. Provide a background check too."

    Rally Attendees:
    "Provide demographic information and any relevant details about rally attendees."

    Security Protocols:
    "Review and critique the security protocols in place for high-profile events."

    Coordination with Local Police:
    "Evaluate the coordination efforts with local police during the rally."

    Public Communication:
    "Analyze the communication strategy used to inform the public and congress post-incident."

    Lessons Learned:
    "Summarize lessons learned from the assassination attempt. and list preventative measures to take to stop similar events occurring in the future"

    p.s. you may want to ask chat gpt 4o to cite sources (harvard style) & fact check it's responses too afterall, if someone can find answers to all of that in 10 minutes online, makes you wonder what was being done in the 9 days preparing for sharing intel at that hearing but answering nothing and sharing nothing when asked.
    Last edited by scotslad; Today at 15:26.

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    Agape (Today), Michi (Today)

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    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting to the truthL Humans v AI - with interesting results

    There isn't any meaning in blaming all the secret service apparatus for a failure in case of manmade events Sir ,
    it's a failure of intelligence not to recognise how far any kind of protection can go ,
    sorry if my answer to it all will disappoint someone out there immediately.

    Consider ..that protection granted to heads of state and other dignitaries are mostly symbolical and meritorious,
    not "real" in true sense .

    The same way air travel is specifically monitored and travellers scanned ad absurdum for signs of "terrorist threat",

    there is no "true way" to prevent any terrorist or criminal of this world from choosing a bus or any other "unmonitored" place for bomb attack.

    There is no way to protect anyone from terrorist or other attack unless they agree to complete physical isolation.

    Vis pres Biden as primary example, who got COVID infection soon after. Should it happen 3 years ago it would be considered "biological attack" on the president.

    Which brings up point 2 , that is "intent" vs "act" and use of obsolete, primitive weapons mostly points out unprpfessional attacker whose actions were after all, marred but proved no clue and no surrounding "conspuracy theory" worth mentioning because if the intent was true and some kind of latest ( read state of art military technology) was used,

    no single individual stepping out to public space would stand a chance.

    In risk of sounding ridiculous but weapons hidden in umbrellas and fancy boxes existed (coughs) probably thousands of years ago, not to mention advances of last century.

    Most recently, out technologies can be compressed to rings , ear rings, glasses or artificial mosquitos by DARPA ( and it's global class mates).

    Should any technically gifted kid with criminal mind and intent invented new weapon , of new class , there would be no way to prevent the idea from arising or being implemented , especially of its the first of its kind.

    The danger of military logic vs mathematical logic is in military logic - applicable in cases of national security - is always tilted to side and purposely blown up in order to enhance matters of state.

    Quite like after 9/11 most global security was blown up unnaturally,

    COVID 2019 nearly stopped world wide traffic from going,

    my own "automatic intel processor" suggests that if the same military logic will be used now following this very childish human event

    we will soon be walking in straight lines, in stripped pajamas and all Trumps of the world will ride a tank.

    Read WW3

    That's how much it costs to generate world events.

    With or without reserves


  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Agape For This Post:

    Yoda (Today)

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