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Thread: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies

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    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies


    ... that 2024-07-17 WSR reminded me of something I posted a while back:
    Quote Posted by Gwin Ru (here)

    ... on the woo side of the Woo:

    Following are excerpts form Laura Knight-Jadczyk's sessions with the "Cs"
    Nazis Trial Runs

    Session 2 November 1994
    Q: (L) Now you say there are 36 million Nephilim heading this way, are they 4th density beings?

    A: No. They live in 4 d but are 3 d. They are as physical as you. Behave like gestapo. Gestapo was inspired by Nephilim through Lizard beings' influence over Hitler. It was a practice run.

    Q: (L) Are any of the Nephilim going to be friendly toward us?

    A: No.

    Q: (L) Now, you said that the Nephilim were seeded on a planet called D'Ankhiar as were human beings. When you said we were seeded there, what did you mean.

    A: Was proper environment for molecularization.

    Q: (L) Are you saying that the physical bodies on planet earth, the various types of mankind such as Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Australopithicus etc., were generated on that other planet and then brought here?

    A: Yes.

    Q: (L) I am assuming that if the Nephilim are 3 d that they die like we do. Is this correct?

    A: Yes.

    Q: (L) So, we can shoot them and they will die?

    A: Correct. But wrong approach.

    Q: (L) What is the right approach?

    A: Knowledge protects.


    Q: (L) I don't understand. Are these Nephilim coming here to transition to 4 d also?

    A: They already live there as 3 density beings. Demonstration: When you are abducted you are 3rd density but you are taken into 4th density.

    October 5 1996
    A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was an experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the nephilim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all-time mind programmed figurehead.
    Session 22 July 2000
    A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.

    Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?

    A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.

    Q: (L) So, that is why they are programming and experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are "programmed," could be individuals who are raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only not nice ones?

    A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.

    Did you get that last bit? That means that super-duper NASTY 4D STS types are planning, and have already, just "moved into" certain humans who have achieved the correct FRV. And we suspect that some of these are doing "workings," calling on the aethyrs to open the gates of Hell. In fact, we suspect that we have directly interacted with a couple of them, if not more. They certainly bring new levels of meaning to the term "lowlife."

    25 July 98
    Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?

    A: Part, but not "the whole thing."

    Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?

    A: Replacement.

    Q: (L) Replacement of what?

    A: You.

    Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?

    A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?

    (Joe) Pierre asked about the trial run and who will be the Nazis and who will be the Jews this time. They said that should be obvious by now, and the objective was to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool. Does that have anything to do with the radical leftist ideology that's taking over in the Western world?

    A: Yes

    Q: (Pierre) The true Semites, do they have the extra moral taste buds?

    A: Yes

    Q: (Pierre) I knew it!

    (Joe) Are they really suggesting that this whole radical leftist ideology is going to go to an extreme in Western society?

    A: Like the Nazis, they will try. [Jonathan Haidt “moral tastebuds.” - Moral Foundations Theory]
    Session 18 September 2021
    (Pierre) Remember the session where the C's said they're preparing to control you in 4th density?

    (L) That's their goal.

    (Joe) They also said that Hitler's goal of creating a Master Race was just a trial run...

    (L) Oh Jesus... I never thought about that.

    (Joe) He didn't have vaccines mind you, but... If you want to create a new race or to change people by the billions, you have to inject them with DNA. They're basically being injected with DNA.

    (Pierre) But is it working exactly according to their plan?

    (Joe) Well, they said already about mutations and stuff.

    (Pierre) I would like to know why the 3rd dose, 4th dose, 5th dose... Is it only to...

    (Joe) That's to cover up the fact that it's not working.

    A: They keep hitting snags. It's not nice to try to control Mother Nature.

    Q: (L) So Mother Nature... Nature is getting in the way.

    ... why else would they want to inoculate the entire planet with an mRNA bio-weapon... which turns friends into nasties at the drop of a plunger?



  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    edina (20th July 2024), Harmony (20th July 2024), RunningDeer (20th July 2024)

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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies


    ... 2024 07 19 Kim update. Deep State angry, losing control. 1:22:


    1 hour ago
    - Tried new system - failed.

    - CHAPS.

    - War games.

    - Q claims dream control.

    - Frequencies.

    - Hacking.

    - Government validity questioned.

    - Trump assassination attempt.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    edina (20th July 2024), Harmony (21st July 2024), RunningDeer (20th July 2024)

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies

    Mask Technology: It’s been going on for a long time.
    Question: What is the most memorable moment being in disguise for you?

    Answer: ”I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president at the time while I was wearing a full face mask. We’re sitting this close to him and I’m telling him that I’m go to show him the best disguise that we have. And he’s looking for a bag, and he’s like where is it? Well I’m wearing it and I”m going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off and he said…”
    • George H. W. Bush's tenure as the 41st president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 1989, and ended on January 20, 1993.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to RunningDeer For This Post:

    edina (23rd July 2024), Gwin Ru (22nd July 2024), Harmony (23rd July 2024)

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    Netherlands Avalon Member Ashiris's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies

    Many people are bothered by the negative frequencies that DS constantly emits. No matter how many times Kim removes their equipment, they manage to keep coming back with nasty things.


  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Ashiris For This Post:

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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies


    ... what to do? Laugh or cry?:

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Light relief.

    From Rotten Tomatoes:
    Dave (1993)

    Shifty White House chief of staff Bob Alexander (Frank Langella) hatches a scheme to use a double for the president (Kevin Kline) at a public photo opportunity. Small business owner Dave Kovic (Kline) fits the bill, but after the president suffers a debilitating stroke, opportunist Alexander arranges for Dave to step in full time without even informing the First Lady (Sigourney Weaver). It doesn't take long before the press, the nation and the president's wife realize something is different.
    Here's the movie, downloadable for 7 days:

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    Ashiris (Yesterday), edina (Yesterday), Harmony (Yesterday), RunningDeer (Yesterday)

  11. Link to Post #2346
    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The Global Financial System Explained, Kim Goguen, LifeForce, & the Assemblies


    ... 2024 07 22 World Sit-Rep 1:03:20 WelshRebel

    31 minutes ago
    - Biden dead?
    - Q clock ran out - fear porn.
    - Plan to destroy Earth and leave in a spaceship? No: False info from A.I. Archons.
    - Deep State in panic.
    - Research Andromeda Blue Nebula.
    - Lots more.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    edina (Yesterday), Harmony (Today), RunningDeer (Yesterday)

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