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Thread: Is President Trump still in danger?

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    United States Avalon Member mojo's Avatar
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    Default Is President Trump still in danger?

    I'm not sure President Trump is safe from another attempt. The current leadership of the Secret Service is still in charge. They have denied President Trumps detail to get extra resources in the past. Some believe that the FBI & Secret Service leadership are complicit. Dan Bongino brings great insight to the OP question because he was a former Secret Service Protective Agent. The new acting Director Ronald Rowe was the assistant to the resigning Director Cheatle and was likely responsible for many of the failures at the Trump event. The Secret Service now wants Trump to consider stopping his outdoor rallies. They simply can not keep President Trump safe. Bongino reads part of Rowes letter stating how great a job Cheatle did for the agency. Rowe is also a Biden man and was around for the Pipe Bomb on Jan 6th and the cocaine at the White House. Now he is in charge of the agency.

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v55wwyl

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    United States Avalon Member wondering's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is President Trump still in danger?

    IMO it would be foolish to think that Trump is not in continued danger, probably intensified as time goes on. I can't imagine thinking otherwise, I am very sorry to have to say.

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    Avalon Member T Smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is President Trump still in danger?

    As I understand things, Trump has beefed up private security. Will this be enough? That's a big question. All the security in the world won't be able to stop a Ryder Truck packed with a dirty nuclear bomb pulling up to Mar-a-Lago.
    Last edited by T Smith; Yesterday at 19:03.

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    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Is President Trump still in danger?

    …nah, you can’t kill off the coming Anti-Christ…he’ll get thru it.

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    Avalon Member East Sun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is President Trump still in danger?

    Of course, he is not and can not be totally out of danger. Too many people hate him and some fear him because he
    can put a stop to their deceptive and traitorish ways.

    He is not perfect but he is the best we have and the best for the country. He may be our only hope!
    Question Everything, always speak truth... Make the best of today, for there may not be a tomorrow!!! But, that's OK because tomorrow never comes, so we have nothing to worry about!!!

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