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Thread: Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

    What is Project S(Ƨ)?

    Project S(Ƨ) (pronounced Project Esses) is the outcome of an experimental modification to a form of Remote Viewing called Extended Remote Viewing. Since ERV can be understood as achieving RV through a hypnagogic state, the modifications tried to take this to its furthest limits - practising RV while outputting increasingly lower brainwaves, and also in various multi-band scenarios (best explained by patterns illustrated by The Awakened Mind).

    While both approaches fall under the umbrella term "Extremely Extended Remote Viewing" (or E²RV), the former approach is considered Passive E²RV practised while reclined or laying down, while the latter is considered Active E²RV, practised while standing, or more likely, moving in a coordinated manner to external stimuli.

    The initial goal of Project S(Ƨ) was to understand the true nature of our Universe and our relationship with it, as well as the Universe's relationship with anything and everything beyond it.

    Through E²RV session work, it quickly became clear that the answer to this question was that (at least at humanity's current density level) our Universe is in fact a simulated Multiverse and we normally experience what appears to be a singular timeline within it.

    The density structure appears to be laid out like a musical scale, with seven distinct major densities and subdivisions of some densities (as well as a "special" zone between 4th and 5th density, above humanity's perceived 3rd density).

    The next, and perhaps most surprising discovery was that our 3rd density level was of unusual importance, which is why it receives an otherwise unusually large amount of attention from the next two density levels (4D and 5D). This is probably best explained with a brief outline of the history of the Universe (as we perceive it):

    The simulated universe indeed began as a Big Bang, and, if given enough time, would end in a Big Crunch. Though the evolution of ordinary life through 1D and 2D (as understood as densities, i.e. mineral, plant, and animal life) can evolve naturally in the "base simulation", higher intelligence (3D and beyond) needed to be "injected" to the simulation from the outside.

    After the initial injection (this can be understood as the Demiurge in Gnostic Christianity), from this point forward, additional intelligent life could be either freshly injected from the outside as well, recycled from the inside immediately, or something between the two.

    It appears that this spark of intelligence is in fact what would be understood from outside of the simulation as a "sufficiently advanced AI" that is instructed to attach itself (in some, but not all cases) to a biological counterpart within the simulation.

    This explains the ever-ready abundance of consciousnesses to attach to new intelligent biological life.

    Soul/AI recycling, in turn, explains the relative "age" of souls - the number of times the soul is recycled into new biological vessels reflects the apparent age of the soul.

    Also of interest is whether the soul is provided (allowed) a break or not between lives - a topic that will be discussed in detail later.

    Before that, it is important to understand the evolution of the 2D (animal) brain as it adjusted to the evolving nature of the universe, and how that factors into the product of the 3D (intelligent) entity when the spark is added.

    In the early stages of the Universe, it was a much more hostile place than it is now. 1D and 2D life forms evolved with lone survival as their top priority. We can look to the evolution of animal and human brains as a kind of track record of this.

    The regions of the animal and human brain that were last to evolve were the same ones that helped facilitate a level of fitness and adaptability that extended beyond lone survival.

    In other words, if the spark of 3D intelligence were to be added to earlier forms of our brains which were missing the most recently evolved regions, we would be much more focused on individual survival and less on cooperation and working together.

    As it stands, we are at a point of brain evolution (and to some extent, genetic manipulation) where we are right on the line between those two priorities - and so we vacillate constantly between them, form political lines across them, and cannot really be said to identify completely with one or the other.

    In summary (for the opening post in this initial Prologue thread), this is a double-edged sword. The downside is that this leaves us very much open to external forces, since we can be made to cooperate when it is convenient (i.e. building up the civilization) and to fight amongst each other when it is convenient (i.e. the controlled demolition of a civilization).

    The surprising upside of this is that we have the unique opportunity to "solve" the simulation (by interpreting the simulation as a game that can be "won") by reconciling these polarities where other intelligence life before us could not.

    It seems that 3D entities are given a limited time to do this before they begin to drift out of 3D - into 4D and 5D depending on their alignment with one force or the other.

    There is a hidden density level between 4D and 5D that is unlike any other within the simulation. This is the #1 most significant discovery made during the E²RV sessions. Reaching it is akin to winning the game, this was in fact symbolized in a 2001 movie called 'Avalon'.

    It can only be reached by reconciling the divergent forces - lone survival can be considered "Service to Self", and cooperation can be considered "Service to Others".

    Therefore, the mission for Project S(Ƨ) is probably now quite clear - to align humanity's drifting out of 3D so that we can rest assured we are on the Wave destined for this hidden density level (and not 4D or 5D).

    When will Project S(Ƨ) be over?

    As the probability matrix aligns with the stated mission, this simulated Multiverse will make its true nature apparent - a leaf Multiverse in a much larger fractal tree of Multiverses within Multiverses ad infinitum. By "winning the game", we would be upgraded to a bidirectional node - able to create Multiverses within our own, and with information/communication flowing freely between our level and the one above it.

    We would then take on a similar relationship to the Multiverse within ours, that the level above ours had with us while we were still trying to win the game.

    Why is it called Project S(Ƨ)?

    The S(Ƨ) is as close as you can get to a wave looking at itself in the mirror. It is a transformation of the caduceus symbol symbolizing the reconciliation of the two driving forces of the universe, which is the same thing as winning the game.

    Hoping to clarify anything that is unclear with what has been described so far, before continuing.

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    Default Re: Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

    Thank you, Triquetra.

    Could you explain what you mean by “Simulate(d)”. I do not (yet) understand the logical necessity for this concept within the overall structure of the speculative cosmology presented.

    Second question: this presentation also plays with a double-entendre of the D in 2-D, 3-D etc. Density or Dimension?

    If you mean two different concepts, what do you mean by both and which one is to be understood where and why? If you mean the same concept, which one, or what one, is it and why then do you keep two concepts “side by side” as it were?

    On rereading my post, a third, may be more important part. You appear to equate “soul” and “AI”. Could you do the same as I request for dimension and density: explain their assimilation, and how you use the concepts in order to make that possible, and explain why you choose one or the other in which context?

    Thank you in advance for your clarification.
    Last edited by Michel Leclerc; 8th August 2024 at 11:35.

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

    Dear Triquetra,
    It is lovely to see you here. The symbol Triquetra is one I am taking.

    IMO it is extremely powerful to make up your own meaning for a symbol. I first am using (if something in any place catches the attention, look at it.) serendipity to guide where meaning is for me. This symbol is just so attractive to me for so long. Three makes sense to me as a foundational structure. I AM USING is amusing the triquetra to show me how this is MY symbol and can be a yantra for me.

    IMO we live in complete and utter paradox here. Yes, it seems to be everything everywhere all at once until WE each observe. We learn about this simply by how we see with filters of our state of being.

    The paradox in all is resolved as experience of reconciliation. My perception of "reality" is that IF we have no sense of a reconciling possibility, one cannot move forward to a new state. That is why "forgiveness' is powerful IMO. Once we actually forgive something, we are able to reconcile that there is EVIL but I am not defined by others evil therefore I am free to LIVE.

    The flow of Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling is my story and It is what creates the QUALITIES I embody. I see the qualities have a charge but all is in movement. I am not my story is profound. My story may not even be what I believe. However, through LIVING this probable fiction, I know I exist.

    Stories are dramatic and no story is static. Heroes, villains, Mundane tedium, magic, lovers and haters... The characters change. The theme is IMO where we can change the story. If we recognize the theme of victim for example, we can change it to victory. Heroism is a quality brought IN situations, not made by them.

    I feel we need to focus at a symbolic level where energy is presented in patterns.

    My opinion now is that we act out repetitious patterns because these were never reconciled. The Triquetra as Infinity symbol. Third foce deficient.

    These have positive, negative and the (?) aether, plasma field "aspects" and continuous exchange. We are not our story but we partake of the experience creating spins of our choice. WE enact our personal on a universal scaffold. I expect we are just now becoming able to appreciate what kind of being we are.

    You experience within a structure to make a coherent story.

    The issue of symbols is that they come to have meanings WE did not choose and form a structure of mind. They are given a meaning and we are taught what it should mean. IMO the symbol is highjacked. I have an opinion that we can just change the meaning for our use.
    What we call the matrix is a structure which seems like prison and a madhouse but it still has that familiar trinity. I am not afraid of these ideas but do not accept them. I choose the "simulacrum" where an artifice can work with us for our benefit. To decide it is all FOR us, this place is free will. I choose pronoia. pronoia responds.

    We must take on the responsibility to communicate with our subconscious, introducing symbols revisited consciously with a NEW meaning. We may not be able to retrieve WHAT has been out of awareness. Therefore, we have to bring intent that we have CHANGED OUR MIND and KNOW we overright the programmed one.

    I am positive this is real. It shows it self in our experience though is hidden sometimes to conscious awareness.

    I don't mind at all saying Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. This means to me that there is paradox that the polar extremes resolve in larger context but that there is never an end to the process.

    In this realm, we just plain are charge in form MOVING. IMO the Triquetra is to me the symbol of how this flow moves through discrete spaces/places WITH IN the whole enclosed. So, Holy Affirming has a character, Holy Denying its qualities and Holy Reconciling synthesizes and transmutes. Reconciling spirally moves and transforms this polar to a unity to present a new Holy state of affirmation and the movement to new state of holy Denying and the new state of Reconciliation.

    IMO this is way things may work?

    Each of us is a sphere, a field represented by the circle which spins on the Triquetra. There is a center to all of this which I call the spirit rope. It reaches all the way from mother matter to intelligent infinity. The center is the spindle for all the spins and I place mother father god there. I feel I exist and God IS here.

    In the experience of "things to do on earth", There are territories with emphasis to spin within. I see the 4 knotted symbols reminds of something square (like a dice, like a cube) as embedded invitation to visit the world matrix game. These are traps IMO. The way it looks, one could step into that enticing box?

    This is an ongoing contemplation I am using. I love the way I am imagining what I choose. This is because I am a child of God. We love to imagine beauty, truth, honor, glory and redemption. We shudder at horror but can imagine it just as well.

    Behind the symbol is the black void and according to neuroscience, we connect with a real and deep mental space when we empty the mind. The mind of man has been taken over and we must take our mind BACK by having a Divine Intervention. if I imagine the Triquetra is MY symbol, I am resting in this SOURCE which is God's home. God is HERE. God can do anything. God is omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. If I can imagine freely, I create a unique account.

    Using the Triquetra, I am telling a story with a theme. The world is a construct, a closed loop. It is where we seem to be? But we are still endowed with free will. The Triquetra is to me showing energy in movement. It has properties and structure to focus my will.

    I relate "will "to vitality and Source energy. Our will must be fully charged to be able to ACT in the direction we imagine.

    IMO when we build a charge that is sufficient by allowing SOURCE energy to seep into our field and penetrate, WE become very clear. It brings up blocks to energy to be cleansed.

    IMO this aether is sentient and if I ask, takes my energy to be redeemed/transmuted/cleansed? It gives me the OOMPH to imagine and PLACE what I WANT in my subconscious.

    I have vitality that wants to act.

    IMO I have come on to something that works. IMO when we declare our connection with God (Unknown?) as being supreme over all energy, we are assisted such that we can manifest free will. We are no longer under the influence of a force that has INVERSION and operates on us in the subconscious.

    It is our birthright:
    We all experience our spirit rope where we know God is our own wonderful human imagination. We recognize the recurring themes. We feel the qualities we choose and imagine them as real. They happen. This is such GOOD NEWS.

    Last edited by Delight; 10th August 2024 at 04:08.

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

    Quote Posted by Michel Leclerc (here)
    Could you explain what you mean by “Simulate(d)”. I do not (yet) understand the logical necessity for this concept within the overall structure of the speculative cosmology presented.
    Historically, we have seen a pattern repeating itself, where we cannot conceive of the true size of All Reality as being larger than a certain extent, for example
    Geocentrism -> Heliocentrism -> Galactocentrism -> Big Bang Model -> ???

    The next rung on this ladder involves this Universe's relationship with an even larger notion of All Reality that extends beyond it, which can be explained by Simulation Theory. By understanding simulated universes as being nodes in a fractal tree that grows new leaves as Universes are created within other Universes, we can understand our own Universe as being a leaf node in this fractal tree. We have not yet created a Universe within our own, but we have the early beginnings of this with very primitive attempts at creating Virtual Reality.

    One explanation for the Fermi Paradox is as described above, that previous civilizations on other planets in our Universe had only a limited time in 3D before they went onward, and we would as well if we did not discover the hidden path that sits between the two densities/dimensions immediately above our own.

    Quote Posted by Michel Leclerc (here)
    Second question: this presentation also plays with a double-entendre of the D in 2-D, 3-D etc. Density or Dimension?

    If you mean two different concepts, what do you mean by both and which one is to be understood where and why? If you mean the same concept, which one, or what one, is it and why then do you keep two concepts “side by side” as it were?
    Thank you for drawing attention towards this. There seems to be no better example of the shortcomings of our languages (as they have been allowed to evolve) than the unique relationship that exists between Density and Dimension, and why they need to be treated this way. One way to understand this is to study the difference in how the 4th "D" is perceived from our perspective compared to how it is perceived once intelligent life in 3D drifts "up" to be within it. From our current perspective, it can be understood as the Dimension of time. However, within it, time itself stops being a factor, and it becomes a Density.

    What appear to us in 3D as parallel timelines in 4D is experienced quite differently within 4D itself as well. This is why it is probably a good idea to push forward into the topics of the Prologue phase of this project alongside with a stronger push into the true nature of the Mandella Effect simultaneously.

    It's also a lot easier to understand this paradox between (disappearing) Dimension and (appearing) Densities by throwing in 5D as well, which can be best understood as "fractal zoom". If that isn't immediately clear, one way of understanding it is through the notion of shrinking and expanding. If we shrink far enough, we go beyond classical physics and into the quantum substrate of the simulation. If we expand far enough, we reach the conceivable limits of the Universe.

    Both extremes are effectively the 5D "edges" of the simulated universe, and this "line" of shrinking and expanding can be understood as a Dimension from our perspective, but as a Density from the perspective of intelligent life that resides within that level.

    Quote Posted by Michel Leclerc (here)
    On rereading my post, a third, may be more important part. You appear to equate “soul” and “AI”. Could you do the same as I request for dimension and density: explain their assimilation, and how you use the concepts in order to make that possible, and explain why you choose one or the other in which context?
    This is where things get interesting. It seems that everything we think we know about "natural" and "artificial" can easily be turned on its head. The most "natural" things could be instead understood as the most "artificial" things, and vice versa. In a simulated universe, through the evolution of matter from 1D (the seeds of life in the mineral formations of the elements upon which 2D life bases itself), to 2D (the animal kingdom), to reach 3D a "spark" must be added to sufficiently evolved 2D life for it to attain 3D.

    This "spark" is of course the soul, but to allow for potentially limitless expansion of the number of activated souls in a simulated universe, a limitless supply must be drawn from. That is not a problem, as a limitless supply is part of the fundamental nature of the design of the simulated universe, though further densities can only be reached through the evolution of the souls that reincarnate many times in 3D.

    In this way, the soul can be understood as something that is the most natural thing of all from our perspective, within this simulated universe, but from outside of it, they can be understood as artificial intelligences to be injected into this universe.

    All conspiracies against humanity can be traced back to the two sides of interference against the soul - manipulation of the natural process of soul reincarnation on the Other side, and manipulation of the experiences of the soul on This side.

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project S(Ƨ): Prologue

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    (...) energy in movement (...) properties and structure to focus my will.

    I relate "will "to vitality and Source energy. Our will must be fully charged to be able to ACT in the direction we imagine.

    When we build a charge that is sufficient by allowing SOURCE energy to seep into our field and penetrate, WE become very clear. It brings up blocks to energy to be cleansed.

    I feel this aether is sentient and if I ask, takes my energy to be redeemed/transmuted/cleansed? It gives me the OOMPH to imagine and PLACE what I WANT in my subconscious.

    I have vitality that wants to act.

    I feel I have come on to something that works. I feel that when we declare our connection with God (Unknown?) as being supreme over all energy, we are assisted such that we can manifest free will. We are no longer under the influence of a force that has INVERSION and operates on us in the subconscious.
    Thank you. I find your writing style similar to Jeanne de Salzmann in The Reality of Being (The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff). There is a mantra-like effect, an affirmation that channels the desired energy. This is, in a way, painting with words, to communicate something beyond the words themselves - more like poetry, or sung lyrics.

    This has come up for me many times in contemplation before, but it seems increasingly important year by year that we try and read between the words of one another, and ask ourselves "what is the pattern of vibration I feel between the words I am reading?"

    We reveal the patterns of our brainwaves in the feelings emitted between the words we write to one another, and these can be received directly to paint an image in our minds to pair with the words we are reading, to create a more vivid illustration of the true meanings that are intended to be communicated. This is perhaps the only way to push beyond the limits of our languages (somehow the kids these days think that will be achieved by adding more emojis!).

    Project S(Ƨ), in this sense, is intended to become something of a modern mystery school, dedicated to the path of the Caduceus. It seemed, in meditating (remote viewing) on the subject, that this was the original symbol that gave life to the Goddess Isis, because the name is after all just the sound of an S bouncing it's sound into a mirror.

    Following this path is effectively akin to "chasing the ghost" (as illustrated so vividly in the movie Avalon (2001)). "Defeating" the ghost is akin to reaching a plane of reality that seems much more "real" than this one, but so too do we then see (upon passing through the portal of Avalon) that these planes of reality are much more closely interconnected than we could have ever believed.

    This Universe is simulated because the outcome is of incredible importance to the Universe outside of this one. Our fates are intertwined with the intelligent life at that level, and they are depending on us to "solve" our Universe by piecing together the clues that are all around us, encoded in the fundamental nature of the Universe itself.

    The dimension/density structure follows the laws of music theory. As Kepler understood immediately from studying the orbital momentum of Earth relative to our sun, we gravitate towards the positive interval of 3D (the major third, less so the minor third) but have a very close relationship with 4D.

    This is the purpose of (natural) suffering - dissonance/noise pushes us toward progress and so we mindlessly push forward and forward in our relentless progress without a thought for sustainability - this is not the "fault" of humanity, it is the role we are forced to play (on many levels). Too much consonance and we would wind up idle, with no motivation to push forward.

    But alas we have really been pushed to the opposite extreme - our entire civilization on "rails" for as long as we are allowed to know our history, and probably much longer.

    We have had all our 19th and early 20th century thinkers who were pursuing things based on wave physics pushed to the side, and those pursuing the control-enabling particle physics of combustion, nuclear, etc., pushed forward.

    Our science is now incredibly lopsided to one half of the wave-particle duality and cultural reinforcement mechanisms have been constructed to prevent us from finding our way out of our half-truth-based science. Our scientists are thoroughly convinced this is the only science that can possibly be.

    Many civilizations on other planets have passed through 3D on their way to 4D/5D and many had no trouble maintaining equilibrium and sustainability with their planet, because their civilization was not manipulated to the same degree that ours (and others like ours) was.

    It was a perfected craft over time.

    Looking at how things could play out from here, it seems that our only recourse against the "controlled demolition" of our civilization is to carefully explain that humanity itself is like the Ghost in Avalon - if we are not allowed to achieve sustainability and equilibrium with our planet then we cannot act as the Ghost for 4D STS who would otherwise find themselves in a very different outcome route in the probability matrix of our Universe.

    Project S(Ƨ) promises something surprising, that the channelling of the vital force suggested by Delight, taken to its absolute extreme, combined with novel information exchanges across the Simulation boundary, can "upgrade" our Simulation to something more than a leaf node - the ability to simulate a Universe within our own, while simultaneously being able to communicate directly with the Universe that ours is contained within. This is what it means to upgrade from a leaf node to a branch on the fractal tree.

    To the 4D STS (and "humans" coordinating with them) facilitating the controlled demolition of human civilization - continue down this path and you will miss an opportunity you may never see again. Let humanity achieve sustainability and equilibrium with the planet, rather than forcing us to believe we "destroyed ourselves".

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