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Thread: Comet Elenin, C/2010 X1

  1. Link to Post #861
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    Default Comet Elenin Is Not Alone

    TWO OBSERVATORIES confirm several objects inbound with Elenin.There has been speculation for a while that a collection of other ‘objects’ are travelling with Comet Elenin http://wp.me/pSRP2-4Rm . NASA obviously has the details but, as usual, they’re not saying—beyond admitting to being ‘confused.http://www.disclose.tv/frameset.php?...erto-en-la-nas

    Name:  elenin_video.jpg
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    The orbital diagrams of Elenin provided by JPL http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=C/2010%20X1 show the comet’s projected path and indicate how the Earth might pass through its tail, but the accompanying objects aren’t mapped. This may be a critical omission, because these unidentified objects may be destined for a much closer approach to out planet than the comet itself

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Views: 548
Size:  20.6 KB


  2. Link to Post #862
    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Comet Elenin Is Not Alone

    Good find The One!

    According to one commentator:

    Quote Those other 2 objects are asteroids... all you have to do is google them... Search for 13414 jpl and 55864 jpl...

    joelhodgson 8 hours ago
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  4. Link to Post #863
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    Default Re: 8 AU (1 to 2 years behind) behind ELENIN

  5. Link to Post #864
    Avalon Member nearing's Avatar
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    Default "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    This is a link to the thread on ATS that speaks to this issue. I wanted to bring it over to PA because the Elenin/Dwarf Star issue is a hot topic and really should be discussed by all thinking people.

    The best thread (and still very active!) on PA to read for background info is:

    Proof that Comet Elenin doesn't exists! We have Nibiru instead!

    Here is link to ATS thread:

    Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE that will settle this debate


    Hello all, this thread should be the thread to explain all the mysteries behind Comet Elenin and its discoverer, Leonid Elenin. It took me a while to write and research all this stuff, but I had to get it done in an orderly manner as information about this matter is unevenly spread around.

    Believe me, at first even I was sceptic about all this hysteria surrounding Elenin that I always debunked it. But after trying to search for its discoverer, Leonid Elenin, I'm afraid to say that this person doesn't exist and is indeed being played by an actor.


    This is the mysterious Leonid Elenin iasc.hsutx.edu...
    but check out the recent discoveries - theres no mention of his discovery of Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1).

    I tried to search him on the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (the place where he works) as normally anyone who makes an effort to have comets named after them and discover 10 variable stars, they should naturally be up somewhere on the university website - pretty much every university does this. I didn't find any mention of Leonid Elenin whatsoever anywhere on the university website. You can check for your selves here: www.keldysh.ru...

    I then tried to look him up on the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) which keeps records of every discovery made by an astronomer. Again, I found no record of Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) or its discoverer, Leonid Elenin. iasc.scibuff.com...

    I tried to search for Leonid Elenin on the International Scientific Optical Network observatory website (the place where apparently discovered Elenin C/2010 X1) and found a recent article in defence that Comet Elenin is not a threat and boy take a look what it says:


    “Countdown to 500 comets. Comet Elenin”. By Alan Hale
    July 15th 2011

    This has, undoubtedly, been one of the most eagerly-awaited comets in recent years. It was discovered back on December 10, 2010 by Leonid Elenin, an astronomer in Lyubertsy, Russia (affiliated with the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics in Moscow), who is an accomplished observer of comets and who has in fact made several recoveries of expected periodic comets within the fairly recent past; this is his first comet discovery.

    For a man who is supposedly an accomplished observer of comets, why can't I find this guy? He's not mentioned anywhere on his university website annd he's not mentioned on the IASC website.

    The only time he has actually shown himself to the world is on RT news, but then again - he looks nothing like the image on this website iasc.hsutx.edu...



    What is going on? Why is there so much mystery surrounding the man Leonid Elenin?
    Several Mainstream newspapers and even NASA have debunked the hysteria around Comet Elenin. Why on Earth would he do some random, insignificant interview in Russia when most of the Comet Elenin hysteria is here in the West?!

    In order to make Leonid Elenin a real person, they had to make a cover up article to show that he existed. I did find one, released on 8th November www.space.com...

    Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin, of Moscow, used the remotely operated ISON-NM telescope in New Mexico to observe the new Comet Ikeya-Murakami over the weekend.

    But boy oh boy, did the people behind the cover up make serious mistakes. When searching for the Ikeya-Murakami (C/2010 V1) comet, once again Leonid Elenin is not mentioned or even credited and this is from the NASA website!

    Hence, from all this evidence, I can safely conclude that the person called Leonid Elenin does not exist in reality and is just played by an actor. But why? Why must anyone create a fake identity to deceive the mass public about a mere harmless Comet called Elenin (C/2010 X1)


    The most obvious theory about the cover up of planet destroyer Comet Elenin, is the name of the discoverer himself.
    Leonid Elenin is hardly a Russian name - check any book/website about Common and Uncommon Russian names and nowhere will you find a name like that. The only comparison of names and nationality I can make is with the famous scientist Leonhard Euler - and that guy was Swiss!

    So what happens if we separate key words from the name Leonid Elenin?
    We get LEO, ELE and NIN

    I'm pretty sure by now you already know, from various threads and forums that:

    LEO refers to the constellation of Leo.
    ELE refers to Extinction Level Event
    NIN refers to the Ninth planet of our solar system (excluding Pluto)

    Some might say this is clearly a coincidence but whats so special about NIN?

    It has been long theorised by the Nemesis Theory (a currently legit Astronomical research topic) that there must be a twin companion of the Sun due to the statistical periodicity of mass extincition events here on Earth to be spaced roughly 26 Million years apart.


    The last major extinction event was about 5 million years ago, so Muller posits that Nemesis is likely 1.0 to 1.5 light-years (63,000–95,000 AU) away at present, and even has ideas of what area of the sky it might be in (supported by Yarris, 1987), near Hydra, based on a hypothetical orbit derived from original apogees of a number of atypical long-period comets that describe an orbital arc meeting the specifications of Muller's hypothesis.

    This is hardly a conspiracy theory because planets have been found in unusual orbits which MUST require the Sun to have a twin companion. A perfect example of this is the trans-Neptunian planet 90377 Sedna.

    en.wikipedia.org...(hypothetical_star)#Other_possible_evidence:_questions_about_orbital_path_of_Sedn a

    The extremely distant planetoid Sedna has an extra-long and unusual elliptical orbit around the Sun, well beyond Pluto, ranging between 76 and 975 AU. Sedna’s orbit is estimated to last between 10.5 and 12 thousand years. Its discoverer, Mike Brown of Caltech, noted in a Discover magazine article that Sedna’s location doesn’t make sense: "Sedna shouldn't be there," said Brown. "There's no way to put Sedna where it is. It never comes close enough to be affected by the Sun, but it never goes far enough away from the Sun to be affected by other stars." Brown postulates that perhaps a massive unseen object is responsible for Sedna’s mystifying orbit, its gravitational influence keeping Sedna fixed in that far-distant portion of space.

    Heres an article from The Independent for the search of a planet bigger than Jupiter and in our Solar System. The Nibiru theory suddenly doesn't seem so far fetched now does it?


    If you grew up thinking there were nine planets and were shocked when Pluto was demoted five years ago, get ready for another surprise. There may be nine after all, and Jupiter may not be the largest.

    The hunt is on for a gas giant up to four times the mass of Jupiter thought to be lurking in the outer Oort Cloud, the most remote region of the solar system. The orbit of Tyche (pronounced ty-kee), would be 15,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth's, and 375 times farther than Pluto's, which is why it hasn't been seen so far.

    But scientists now believe the proof of its existence has already been gathered by a Nasa space telescope, Wise, and is just waiting to be analysed.


    If you're interested, here are the results from the NASA WISE Project:



    By May 27, 2010, WISE discovered 12,141 previously unknown asteroids, of which 64 were considered near-Earth, and 11 new comets. This grew to 113 near-Earth asteroids and 16 comets by August 26, 2010. Two unambiguous brown dwarfs have been detected, although their distances are unknown, as well as some brown dwarf candidates.

    As you can see from all this evidence I have gathered, there is a ninth planet in our solar system (excluding Pluto) and "NIN" is blatantly NOT a coincidence.

    Another theory about Comet Elenin's significance is that it's orbit is apparently depicted in a 10 frank Swiss Bank Note. The immediate conclusion is that it is simply a depiction of how Leonhard Euler drew the orbit of a Halley's Comet. I'm not jumping to any conclusions but you can see and decide for yourself:


    So we got, LEO, ELE and NIN. But the question still is, why???


    You either love him, or hate him. Believers worship him as a prophet and sceptics debunk his every idea. Why am I bringing Nostradamus into the picture? Its not because I believe in prophecies and hocus pocus, its just that there is this image in his Lost Book which I think is too good to be true.
    Here it is:

    What does it mean?

    The video starting from 2:30 explains quiet well how the image is significant.


    And guess what - Elenin can be spotted somewhere around the Leo Constellation in the sky.
    What are the chances that Comet Elenin on a Direct path to Earth from the Constellation Leo "could" impact and become an Extinction Level Event?



    By now, all the facts are clear:

    1) The ninth planet in the solar system is far larger than Jupiter
    2) The Sun must have a twin companion
    3) Final Results from the WISE projects should be revealed by March 2012.
    4) Leonid Elenin is a fake

    So there you have it. You may not believe in the conspiracies surrounding Comet Elenin and even I may not believe in them - but what I do believe with all the evidence I have gathered, is that Leonid Elenin simply doesn't exist.
    The rest? Who knows! I guess we'll just have to wait and see


    Q: Why would an amateur astronomer have to be mentioned on news articles about the discovery of an ordinary comet?
    A: Tell me, why has there been extensive research done on Comet Elenin about its orbit, speed, location etc.? Why was he mentioned in Space.com about the discovery of another "ordinary" comet? www.space.com...

    Q: He has his own blog spaceobs.org...
    A: Impersonation is child's play.

    Q: Do you believe Comet Elenin is an Extinction Level Event?
    A; I don't know and frankly, I don't want to know. Some information is best not known. I don't want to worry myself with panic for the next few months or years if Elenin is a Massive planet to decimate the Earth. I just hope NASA and the government know what they are doing.

    Read the rest of the posts yourself and you decide. I, for one, think there are too many 'coincidences' with what is happening now in our world and the move Deep Impact. And I don't believe in coincidences.

    "Deep Impact" Movie Turning Into Reality, Comet Elenin Matches The Events Happening Now!!
    Last edited by nearing; 11th August 2011 at 19:49.
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    And, for the record, my thoughts about Elenin are that it's a comet (Blue Kachina) that is traveling just ahead of our Sun's binary sister star, the Dwarf Star (red kachina). The comet isn't the threat and it can be seen just fine with regular telescopes. The DS is the threat and cannot be seen without infrared telescopes. The DS is MASSIVE and when it aligns with the Earth and Sun and another body (as has been demonstrated by the JPL software tracking orbits) it causes massive earthquakes and volcanos to erupt due to the magnetic and gravitational pull.

    TPTW have suspected we live in a binary solar system for quite a while and launched the WISE infrared telescope for that very reason. They found it and turned off the WISE within 9 months! They didn't want the populace to know what they found as to not cause panic and chaos. And you can be sure they devised a plan to turn the coming catastrophes to their advantage. They want to set themselves up to be our saviors so that we may hand over all liberties to them and be slaves in the Aftertime.

    Last edited by nearing; 11th August 2011 at 20:34.
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    nearing, this is good information to know. i've been reading all of the elenin/nibiru threads trying to put the pieces together, and this is a lot of information to add to what is already there. much appreciated. thanks for pulling it from ats.
    regards, corson

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  11. Link to Post #867
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    Interesting post over at ATS:

    Quote I haven't read past this name in your post.
    Leonhard Eulern

    Ok, I added the n, yes. Actually my brain did (LoL) and found an interesting resonance with the phonetic pronunciation of Leonid Elenin. Oops my mistake. But when I googled the guy, I found a pretty interesting coincidence:

    His work in astronomy was recognized by a number of Paris Academy Prizes over the course of his career. His accomplishments include determining with great accuracy the orbits of comets and other celestial bodies, understanding the nature of comets, and calculating the parallax of the sun.


    Just found it interesting. I mean, he could have been famous for beet-farming or yodeling, but nooo... he was a Comet man. (among other things, of course.)

    So did they high-jack his name? Did somebody let the cat out of the bag and they had to tweak the facts to make it seem a new, hey looky there, discovery.
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    Germany Avalon Member The Truth Is In There's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    thanks nearing, maybe now the people who like to reference to leonid elenin and post stuff he allegedly said think twice before posting more deliberate disinfo.
    Among the blind the one-eyed is a madman.

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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    interesting article,i watched the youtube vid a couple of weeks ago and was surprised at how young looking the man was
    sooooo I decided to use your suggested link to see if the man in the video did indeed look different from his photo on the edu....
    here are the results,you tell me

    he looks the same,or am i missing something?

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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    The Trojan, they have similar rough features but I can"t really say from the photo since it's so far away if it is the same person for sure.

    Also, I am not sure that would prove that he isn't a plant for mass consumtion either. It's the name and the many coincidences that are most disconcerning.
    Last edited by nearing; 12th August 2011 at 18:02.
    "In science, I discovered, you cannot find the Truth."
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  18. Link to Post #871
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    Quote Posted by nearing (here)
    The Trojan, they have similar rough features but I can"t really say from the photo since it's so far away if it is the same person for sure.

    Also, I am not sure that would prove that he isn't a plant for mass consumtion either. It's the name and the many coincidences that are most disconcerting.
    I personally think that they are the same person but your point,Also, I am not sure that would prove that he isn't a plant for mass consumtion either. It's the name and the many coincidences that are most disconcerting.is quite right!

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  20. Link to Post #872
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    Default Re: "Astronomer Leonid Elenin doesn't exist and I have undeniable EVIDENCE"

    He does have a Wikipedia entry, though.


    He just celebrated his birthday.

    Oh, BTW, here's an interesting article.
    It's in Russian, though.
    (I know that it is "interesting" because of my rudimentary knowledge of Russian and some Google Translate help.)

    Surely there is a Russian here who can contribute a reliable translation or synopsis?
    Last edited by NeverMind; 13th August 2011 at 08:49.

  21. Link to Post #873
    Avalon Member MorningSong's Avatar
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    Default "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    To all Elenin Researchers:

    Interesting discussion going on over at The Chani Project Forum RE: GLP Forum discussion.

    Follow the links:


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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    Thanks MorningSong, the chani project link is an incredible read - if it's not a hoax, it's what most of us have guessed all this time!

    I can't view the godlike link, it says my IP is banned - which, considering I never visit the site is a wee bit strange
    "...when I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now. The child is grown, the dream is gone....."

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    Australia Avalon Member kevlor's Avatar
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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    a very nice read.

    best theory i have heard yet about elenin, cancels a lot of DOOM, great thank you ... kev

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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    here's the transcript:

    Captain S
    User ID: 1488297
    United States
    7/30/2011 10:58 AM
    Due to all the internet hype the Navy actually sent a recon mission to elenin. Let's just say it won't cause the excitement some think. But it may present a few surprises that no one expected.
    I'll be here for about 20 minutes to answer questions and then I'm off. Just trying to be nice because I know there is a lot of buzz about it.

    How long does it take to get there?
    From the moment the crew steps in the craft, preps, clears port, about 60 minutes. Actual travel time, about 20.

    Go into detail about a few of these surprises
    No doom from elenin. its not a comet, or not totally just a comet.

    What type of craft are you using (TR-B)?

    Ok, what exactly is it
    check into the properties of E-type asteroids. very similar. however if you connect the dots you 'll know that E types are codeword for something more interesting

    What effect does this elenin have on our earth, and what risks does it pose for us?
    it won't have any effects on earth. But it may be of interest to ham radio operators

    X-37, NOTE, Tin Can?
    sorry, can't go there

    is elenin artificial? Is anything riding it so to speak?

    Well if you aren't so cryptic, maybe someone would take you seriously. Explain further.
    Remember I don't want to lose my clearance buddy. Look at my response to captain (question directly above). Anyway my twenty minutes are up. Gotta go. I'll check back in 45 minutes or so for one more session of questions. Have a nice weekend all.

    whats your opinion op on the all the ex nasa employee's spilling the beens on everything they know since they are all getting canned?
    NASA is just a front for the public. their budget is miniscule. not enough money to really do anything but put a few probes in our solar system. The real space program falls in the military's domain, mainly airforce and navy. but the nice chemical rockets sure are fun to watch. as far as NASA spilling any beans. very few people from nasa are actually in the loop. they don't know anything to spill

    Lets just say if something or someone is riding it, would we have to worry as far as death and destruction go, or would it be more of a eye opener ? I personally don't have a opinion about Elenin, just asking questions....
    as I said before, there is no doom with it. so no need to worry

    Might there be a lot of vehicles? Say 7000?
    What do you mean by 'a lot of vehicles'? that's all classified and i am not privy to the overall actual numbers other than the area i work in

    Might the "Item(s)" in question be able to carry a lot. Say 7000?
    ok now I see what you are getting at. i really don't know, sorry. i know there are at least 2 more missions planned and after the next someone will have that answer, maybe. but i probably won't be a part of it.

    Did the US space command bring down the twin tower on 9/11 using some kind of powerful weapon?
    I don't know anything about that

    So why are you telling us this? What can we benefit from what you know? Just tell us what you obviously want to tell, but are afraid to
    go look up e class asteroids. also look up the ESA's rosetta mission to steins. where magically the high res cameras just happened to fail. and there is your answer. sorry i can't be more direct. but this one is a bit more operational and is talking. someone savvy will be able to 'hear' it pretty soon. there will be no denying that history isn't what we've been told. but much more interesting. no doom. just something pretty neat coming. i have said enough.

    If i were in the navy space command and wanted to talk to the public i would use a conspiracy forum such as glp... why? because no one will believe it lol. Are you using gravitational wave propulsion ships.? and is it true that the navy space command has stations on mars. and is there a collaboration with the grays?

    pisses me off that we have been putting astronauts lives in jeopardy with chemical rockets. when in fact we have been hiding a much more advanced safer spaced program all this time..
    i have complained about this exact same thing. all in the name of national security. whatever. now you know why there is no replacement for the shuttle. but times are ah changin. and what we do may become a bit more open very soon. we are bankrupt. can you imagine what giving the commercial sector some of this would do for the economy! they are considering it as we speak. instead of taking 5 1/2 hours for a coast to coast flight it would take a matter of minutes. interesting times. its hard to bite my tongue. but keep the faith. soon, very soon

    E Class Asteroids -
    A fairly rare, very reflective asteroid that is slightly red in color, probably due to the presence of some surface organic chemicals. E-class asteroids dominate the Hungaria family of the main belt, though some, including the two largest, (44) Nysa (see Nysa-Polana family) and (64) Angelina, are found scattered farther out. Their flat reflectance spectra in the 0.3 to 1.0 micron region and high albedos (usually above 0.3) suggest a connection with the aubrite (otherwise known as enstatite achondrite, hence the “E”) category of meteorite. However, this link is problematic because aubrites are clearly of igneous origin, whereas some E-class asteroids (including Nysa) show an absorption feature at 3 microns that points to water-and/or hydroxyl-bearing minerals and a nonigneous history.
    basically that means its highly reflective, metallic

    Do you fly your vehicles fairly low at night and change direction at nano second speed?
    not me. my CO is a hard ass. but i've heard stories, some funny ones. if i did it i'd probably be court martialed

    op what can you tell us about the program besides the fact that you went to elenin?
    that they know they gotta tell everyone soon, because the gap between what we have and what we admit is increasing to a point that they can't keep it all a secret forever. think 50 lightyears for a one or two day trip is easy. listen to what ben rich said. its all coming out soon or else i wouldn't be posting. we live in the most interesting times ever. and the next 5 years will be the most amazing starting with this year. the the old farts running things realize this and hate change, but its inevitable. thanks for participating guys. i'll check back later tonight.

    I'd say one would have to be one bad mofo to drive one of those. Can they see me watching them? Are their eye pieces able to see the fly I swat?
    actually its easier than flying a jet. most of it is automated. but they still pick the elite of the elite for this stuff. and yes they can see the fly you are swatting, your facial expression, and who exactly you are via facial recognition.

    Does the US Navy Space Command always send recon missions to comets and neo's? Or was this unique? Does something concern them about this Elenin or is this more SOP?
    if something is out of the ordinary than they will look at it using a wide variety of sensors. if there is still questions then yes they go out there and check it out.

    one thing that I must point out that you just don't get from watching on a tv is the absolute beauty out there.
    the earth and other planets are simply magnificent and awe inspiring. i have even suggested to take various world leaders out there to take a look at the earth and see its beauty from space. when you see how amazing it is you wonder what all these wars are about and wonder why we can't concentrate directing our efforts towards lifting mankind up.
    saturn close up, mind boggling. a few planets in other star systems would absolutely blow your mind. its too bad they can make an IMAX movie showing some of this stuff. it is so sad the universe is hidden and most are stuck on a rock and can't see the universe in all its beauty and wonder.
    and the sheer number of stars you can see without any interference from the atmosphere. WOW!!!!! its absolute paradise this universe.

    OP have you or your fellow officers traveled to Niburu/Planet X? If can say, will it come near to earth in a year or two?
    i have never heard anything about nibiru.

    Your welcome OP. Don't abandon us like so many do.
    no i'm back can't stay here forever but it really feels great letting curious folks in on a bit. like a weight off my chest. i admit i don't know everything about this stuff, not even close. but i feel happy sharing what i can.
    all that taxpayer money going to stuff like this and normally you aren't even told it exists! but change is right around the corner. i've never seen so much activity/excitement among the brass and civilians than i have the last 6 months. some just don't want to change and keep it all to themselves. but they are finding themselves to slowly be in the minority on that viewpoint.
    i think we may be heading in the right direction as far as the secrecy. these guys are paranoid by nature and rightly so. but even they realize this is too big to keep secret. humanity deserves to know.

    I have read that space is really blue not dark like NASA has fed is. Is this accurate?
    it is pitch black

    Did you go to flight school in Corpus Christi or Pensacola?
    i understand your curiosity. i don't want to talk about personal stuff though.

    I was just asking because I want to be a Navy Pilot and have been looking it up online.
    From what I understand if I join and pass basic I would probably go to Pensacola. Which is fine with me.
    The way I see it if you can land a plane on an Air Craft Carrier, then you are one of the best pilots in the world.
    you are 100% correct. carrier landings are insane. good luck kid.

    OP can you say what the furthest distance from earth you've traveled is? Another star system?
    about 250 ly, others much much further, and still heading out

    OP do other nations of earth have a Space Command, or is US alone in this ability?
    ok i'm not privy to all of this, but obviously from working in this field i will tell you what I have seen.
    yes and yes. some other guys are up there, the usual suspects, but so far we see they are only sporting conventional or just a bit more advanced than conventional NASA type tech. they mainly stay in L.E.O. and don't cause much interference with our operations. they are just a nuisance at this time

    so what are you talking about happening like first contact or something like that?
    as far as elenin, i just hope we have some ham radio operators out there who can listen to to it. we need to learn about ourselves and our heritage. elenin may help with this.

    OP thanks!!! for answering. You're point of view of the depth and beauty of space is uplifting for us earth bound ones. A final question about Elenin.... will it be so bright that it might light up the night sky like a double full moon or similar?
    you'd have to ask an astronomer. i'd guess its too small to be any sort of visual spectacle UNLESS, it becomes active that way also. that would be amazing. anything is possible.
    and yes, my first trip out there was a God smack in my face with the sheer beauty and awe. quite a humbling experience any one of us would benefit from. i hope one day everyone can.

    Hey OP, Can you tell us what hidden technology, in your opinion, would be the most valuable to humanity if released to all?
    Do we have the technology to end most of the suffering on this planet?
    we have a whole bunch of amazing stuff. yes we could end suffering and turn the planet into a total paradise. nothing makes my blood boil more than this. but there is hope. there are some men, a few with vision that are in the right positions now that maybe you'll start to see some of it. i really think we are heading that way.
    i guess i didn't answer you question. this is why i think this stuff has been kept in secrecy. they use nat.sec. as an excuse but its really to protect the oil profits. however fukushima has really rattled them.
    i am just a peon when it comes to this kind of policy, but there seems to be an internal struggle with one side wanting to get this stuff out and the other side being paid off to keep it secret. this is where i better shut the heck up. but you get the idea.

    Have you observed other civilized planets?
    yes, city lights from space, very similar if not identical in some cases to our cities

    Thanks. Still didn't even throw us a bone with a specific heretofore unknown tech., but that's OK. We don't want you to get into trouble. ;-`)
    So give us a name. Who is paying whom to keep humanity suffering and dying? Be a Patriot, give us a name. Thanks.
    this is a VERY sketchy area. if I gave you names i'd probably have a visit sometime in the next few days that i'd rather not. but really i can only speculate. maybe some of them really do have the view that this is better left to the military for now. or maybe they are getting paid to keep this view. i would really know. but i'm sure there are those that know very well in intelligence circles.
    these guys can be very short sighted. why not be the ones responsible for bringing heaven to earth? sad really, but the good guys are gaining ground, trust me.
    yes zpe is real. space is actually more energetic than matter. the trick is figuring out how to get it because there is very little to no energy gradient. but they have figured it out long ago.
    no need to ever pay another electric bill again or fill your tank up.
    they could desalinize all the ocean water they wanted for almost free and irrigate the deserts. the possibilities are unlimited. greed can only hold out and suppress this for so long.

    OP do you know what this is:
    [link to img253.imageshack.us]
    And does your propulsion system for traveling l.y. away has anything to do with a bogey owned by Ra and orbiting the Sun:
    [link to img167.imageshack.us]
    Haven't seen Ra out there yet, lol.
    If you really want to see some neat stuff, buy a pair of 3rd or later gen night vision goggles and spend some time looking up with them.

    OP, this crop circle represents the interception of Elenin by an antimatter weapon orbiting the Sun. It will depolarise Elenin's EM field represented by the small rocked thunderbolt at the tip of Apophis head and render the asteroid benin against Earth's EM field. I doubt the Navy Space Command has such a powerfull device to fulfill the work.
    [link to www.cropcircleconnector.com]
    [link to www.cropcircleconnector.com]
    if it is destroyed, that would be a travesty. there are some out there who could do this. i just hope whoever is making the crop circles is wrong about this one. elenin has been given a lot of doom and gloom press.
    it is quite the opposite. a beacon of hope and a glimpse into the past. a glimpse into who we really are perhaps, from all the clues that have been gathered. our guys are going wild like school children on xmas eve when it comes to this thing. i'd love to go back myself.

    David Wilcock got an anonymous tip that Air Force Space command was mining Element 115 somewhere in the Hercules constellation. Could this be correct?
    mining element 115? sounds like science fiction. is David Wilcock a science fiction writer?

    OK... OP... Appreciate that you can't share the actual vehicle designation...
    Can you give some idea of the technology involved?
    There are various advanced methods of propulsion. one time the discovery channel of all places aired a show about 5 years ago that spoke about some of these techs, at least the early days of it and i almost spit my coffee out watching. it had 'advanced aircraft' in the title. i really which i would have dvr-ed that show as I can't remember the whole title and i have searched for it and never found it. i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw what they were talking about. almost 100% accurate with nice graphics and visualizations. someone spilled the beans. i'm sure its been yanked but that show would have really wet your whistle. perhaps it wasn't yanked and i can't find it. i suggest looking for this and see if you can find it.
    as much as i'd like to share. i really can't go there. i'm sorry.
    but i will share this small tidbit. there are those that create their own sort of wave and ride it like a surfer.
    think about Einstein, when they drop a ball in a sheet to demonstrate how timespace gets warped by matter.
    they jokingly say we have front wheel drive. we are pushed not pulled and it certainly feels that way even though they say the inertia is canceled i swear i feel the 'pull'
    that's all i will say on this. sorry to be vague.

    So you have no information on the Nemesis Dwarf Star. Dr Bill Deagle and company claims it will be visible from the Southern Hemisphere with a high power telescope in about a month. And will start wrecking havic on earth in about 5-9 months?
    Never heard of it.

    OP: To your knowledge, what year did mankind (our current society) successfully breach the Van Allen Belt? TIA.
    i guess i should know this. the apollo missions?

    Op - have you seen any angels out there in your travels?
    Also, have you seen the so-called approaching "ribbon" or cloud of energy that Sickscent has done so much research on, and that the Boeing and NASA insiders have spoken of as threatening our planet?
    you can't see the ribbon but its funny you bring that up. that has been a HUGE concern for the scientists. they put out a cover story that it was the solar wind being reflected back, but that is baloney. its hard to tell. another poster just mentioned the van allen belt, which we don't even think about because we are protected from it. i wouldn't say it was a force field but all EM and radioactive particles cannot penetrate our craft. the system is so good that there is less radiation inside our craft then on the surface of the earth, including going through the ribbon.
    but there are experiments going on in the ribbon to see what kind of effects it will have when it reached the inner solar system. good question. so far they just don't know. the ribbon has some odd qualities to it

    Well I hope Dr. Deagle is wrong, but the guy is one of the most intelligent people I have ever listened to. Although he does seem prone to flights of fancy!! If the Nemesis Dwarf Star is as close as people are indicating then no doubt its been visited by advanced Space Command craft. He also confirms we have hyper light speed spacecraft, so he knows something concerning black programs! Please if possible ask something about this problem. Although I know that things are very compartmentalized, so its hard to find stuff out!!!!
    i would think something so epic i would have heard of. i will surely ask around. thanks for the heads up. I think I've heard Deagle on the internet a long time ago. From what I remember he did sound intelligent, but I can't remember him talking about this nemesis dwarf star. i'd wager it doesn't exists or I would probably have known. but this business is all about compartmentalization and secrecy. a need to know basis. so you never know! i'll ask around.

    You guys are the pilots of the huge black isosceles triangle mother ships, right?
    [link to www.soupmedianetwork.com]
    [link to x40.xanga.com]
    [link to www.ambergristoday.com]
    no, but the black triangles are ours. that is an airforce asset. they are mainly used below 150k ft. they aren't designed for interstellar travel.

    hi guys. i just wanted to get the word out that you should start listening with your radios, point them towards elenin. you should start picking up a signal soon if not already.
    thanks for the questions, this has actually been very fun.
    can't really go into anymore detail, but i must say, you are a fine lot here. thank you and i really mean that.

    one more thing. i'm not saying I won't be back. i have just told you as much as i can right now and duty calls. so i won't be able to post until i'm back on August 11th.
    when I get back I will post an update. i look forward to it. because 10 years ago i was on the net searching myself, i know what it's like.
    take care all. and i will catch up with you soon

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    WOW, that is the most interesting thing I've read on this forum in months -- THANKS.

  30. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Alan For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Operator's Avatar
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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    Interesting read indeed ...

    Quote OP: To your knowledge, what year did mankind (our current society) successfully breach the Van Allen Belt? TIA.
    i guess i should know this. the apollo missions?
    My gut feeling tells me this is wrong ... I have no evidence but my 'inner' knowing tells me that Apollo technology did not solve
    that problem (like there were more flaws). But they have been 'helped' and maybe this is meant.
    I think however that today's earth civilization traveled beyond the van Allen belt before the Apollo program.

    Main question is how trustworthy is all this info ? I mean, even if we pick up radio and/or television signals from Elenin how do we know
    they are not 'planted' disinfo to mislead mankind ? After all he admitted that they got the technology to go out there ...

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    United States Avalon Member Snowbird's Avatar
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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    Is Elenin however, being used as a cover for something else? Is Planet X real?

    Who or what can we trust for this information?
    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

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    Avalon Member MorningSong's Avatar
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    Default Re: "In The US Navy Space Command And I Have Been To Elenin"

    THAT, Snowbird, is a very good question!
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