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Thread: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    I enjoyed the video and felt Jessica was genuine. I won't judge anyone's means of making money unless they are doing something that takes another's choice out of the equation ie stealing or murder for hire sort of stuff. Be really careful judging others when you haven't walked in their moccasins.

    Much love to all,


  2. Link to Post #22
    Avalon Member Bryn ap Gwilym's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    I enjoyed the video and felt Jessica was genuine. I won't judge anyone's means of making money unless they are doing something that takes another's choice out of the equation ie stealing or murder for hire sort of stuff. Be really careful judging others when you haven't walked in their moccasins.

    Much love to all,

    Jessica mentions in the video I just posted she doesn't charge.
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    Hey, thanks Bryn. I don't care if she does or doesn't charge. I have my own views on the how people percieve the value of something which they don't have to invest something of themselves in. Be it time or money, if it's easily gotten most people put little value on it. Only the rare few recognize priceless things/truths no matter the cost.

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    Avalon Member pilotsimone's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    I have read all of Jessica's poems several times over. They were very helpful during some darker periods. I highly recommend them. You can find them HERE.
    Let go or be dragged. -Zen proverb

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    United States Avalon Member ghostrider's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    to get the best out of people, give them the best of yourself. To GET - GIVE. In giving you recieve. negative thoughts surface in the presence of positive. the old thinking will always war with change, Jessica is simply spreading love and understanding in her own way, it's her reality she is creating.
    Raiding the Matrix One Mind at a Time ...

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    UK Avalon Member Mike Gorman's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    I have to say DNA that I also feel uncomfortable with these 'Star Children', it smacks of elitism, the 'Arian' Uber menche
    all over again; it is as if these people are being held up as 'Very special' Human Beings who possess Super powers.
    When in fact they seem to be almost Precious, Bratty individuals who claim advanced perceptions. I am always wary
    of the cult of personality, seems like Conceit and worship of an "Ideal type"-i have yet to perceive any tangible reason
    as to why we should prostrate ourselves and chant "I am not worthy'. Irony aside, can anyone provide a rational reason as to why we
    should defer to these 'Star Seeds/Children'?

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    Avalon Member Kindred's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    I see this person as a messenger... a very gifted messenger with an important message to tell us ALL. She IS young and thus has yet to develop the 'hard shell' of experience, and all the negatives that come with it. It's those of us, particularly we 'older folks', that have been molded and hardened by these exterior forces and experiences, that can bring out such negative reactions to the truths this person divulges. This is the source of the 'elitism' that many feel. The 'we're older, and thus We Know More than this child' attitude. The Child threatens us in this hierarchical paradigm that we currently exist in.

    However, were we to look inside ourselves, through the lens of our own youth, we will see these truths for what they are. We need to rekindle our childish awe and wonder to allow the acceptance and the manifestation of these truths.

    "We must be the change we wish to see in the world" Gandhi

    In Unity and Peace

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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    The following paragraph in black is taken off of Jessica's website from part 5.

    I have to say that I felt that her writing was a revelation of my own soul. She says the things I think and experience thoughout my life. I was quite astounded. Its clarity is amazing. I had never heard of her before but it is like I am reading my own story in so many ways... a story that for myself has been hidden from the world and those around me, I infact work hard to hide it from myself... It like I am the great pretender. I pretend these things are not true in daily life when I clearly know that they are and I have known for a very long time.. a very long time. In my pretending it was made clear to me that the only thing that has remained clear is the importantance to live my days and to live my relationships with unconditonal love. I work on this as best I can.

    I has been a lonely existence to know this stuff and not have anyone to talk about it too. I was not blessed with a husband or family that can discuss these issues... yet I see the power of the work or the teachings or the perspective, whatever you may wish to call it unfolding before me on a regualar basis.

    Her writing is really opening my book of life today... I do think that a lot of stuff is about to pour out of me. so here goes. ... all becasue of the following paragraph, or in part by this paragraph, anyway. There was so much in her writing that brought to me what I push aside daily. Now suddenly I am taking the venture to write some of it down.

    "Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is a band of photon energy (hence the term photon “belt”). A photon is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero resting mass. Our star moves into that band for about 2,000 years, and this event happens about every 11,000 years. This last happened during Atlantean times. The 11,000th year out of the photon belt is often referred to as the “Galactic Night.” Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleiadian star group. Our star circles the star Alcyone, as do the other Pleiadian stars. Alcyone is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Billions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
    We are moving into the photon belt now and will be entirely in it by 2012. In the photon belt, the walls between the different dimensions will become increasingly thin or even nonexistent.
    My father spoke about this event all the time. Think about this: We are now poised to enter the photon beltbetween now and the end of this century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in detail in the Bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first into the photon belt, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured that this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars, and people will be seeing beyond the hologram. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, and things will become luminescent. There will be constant light. There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body."

    This energy of light, this light, is what has given me the most greif. When I allow it to happen within my body its as if I cant contain it without nearly exploding or something. It is a huge magnet to other people and that is the part that has bothered me the most. So I have worked really hard to contain it so that it doesn't show for I can't handle what comes with it. I haven't been able to handle the attraction and all the people it pulls to me, so I cut the energy, so that I can just be regular. ... just a regular person... does anyone else experiece this? This has plagued me for years and years and there has been a fair amount of guilt that I have not let the full expresion of myself manifest. But I just couldnt handle it... and especially I couldn't handle the attraction of men that it brought to me. I didnt want that so I cut it off not fully knowning how to manage all of it with integrity and it seemed to me that the people who were drawn to me wanted to suck that energy out of me in some kind of way, like riding on my wave, like using me to become what they were not... thats how it felt anyway. It scared me so I run from it. Even with my own husband I hide it..

    Which brings me to another self revelation. When this energy was more radiant from me in my life my power of attraction was much more honed. I could dream or desire something and it would be upon my reality in short order. I learned to be very selective in what I asked for... yes, this is the secret in manefestaion. Ask and you shall receive... but please be careful for what you ask for. This I learned.

    Then one day I was urged to move by an inner calling to leave the protective bubble of reality I had created. I had created magic all around me. The secret of attraction was working and continually every day. It was like the sky opened in my consciousness and I could see the azure sky of my creative palate... and there I was told that I would have to leave all this now. All the friends with in the protective bubble that were creating amazng realities around me would now have to be left behind. I would have to go out amongst the masses of those who do not understand this and that was where I was to create the larger part of my life. I went. I did what I was told. It has not been bad, but it has been lonley. The lonliness is at times so incredible profound. I went on to work in many places and do many things amongst those who know not this secret or this other reality of creation that exists right here on this earth... this reality where circles of people live closely to gether and co-create a very exceptional experience that is full of love and faith and deep compassion. It is like sub-realites within this larger one that we see on the news or watch in movies or that is played out on main street, in subburbs, apartment buildings , in stone houses, in mosques, in churchs, in temples, all across the world. I know for a fact that these sub-realities cannot be entered by everyone...yet anyone can and dose rub shoulders with them all the time, unaware of what they are rubbing up against.

    Being in the regular world drags me down. Instead of having people around me that remind me and mirror to me who I truly am and fortifying my creative abilities, I am fighting my own inclinations to sleep. Just to fall asleep in the common reality. to become a zombie like the rest. I have had to fight it daily. And yes, I still looked in on those who live in that circle... but from a far. I was told that this is what I must do to prepare, to be in this normal reality.. this reality where creation seems like it is in slow motion... but prepare for what?... since I was a little child I have known that I was to prepare, to awaken is to prepare and to awaken under the most adverse conditons it my challenge... to be as awake as I can possibly be no matter what is flung at my feet, or awake from whatever trys to obstruct my mind and spirit.

    I was told at a young age that I am from the Pleiades. So this is perhpas another reason why Jessica's writing so resonates with me. I was not just told I was shown. It happened spontaneously while on a beach in Mexico. I do not recall noticing the Plieades before in my life. This was actually the day that the star cluster was named for me. It had no name previously.. I was not really a star gazer. It always hurt my neck to look up at night.. but here I was on the beach and the Pleiades were before me.. and it was like a channel of energy and a channel of knowning opened between my body and this star group and though this channel came the message that this is my home. It was a spiritual expericen that has strong visceral feelings. Pleiades is my home, my point of origin was what was told to me in a way of communicating that is without words.. It was visceral. . That place where my soul coalaced out of the one source for the first time was Pleiades. I had been there for some time learning and being whatever spirits do on Pleiades.. but then the challenge was given to me to enter the human form. I accepted the challenge. the purpose was to assist humanity to awaken and rise in consciousness. to meet thie potential that the species holds. I have been on earth a long time. I also know that I will continue to be on earth for a long time yet. I do not have concern for the year 2012 for I know that I will be here much longer beyond this point in experience... or in time as our earth reality is commonly measured in.

    The other thing I know is that my experience is not uncommon. Jessica is a "Star Seed Child" but these star seeds are not new. They have been with us for a very long time. Each age, each awakening has them They are also the people who hold memory from one generation to the next. The great writers, musicians, philosophers, artists, magicians, and saints are all star seed. There are alot of us around to day...and I think that like me, they have been holding back for a variety of reason. I gave you some of my reasons but I suppose that those reasons are variable for many. Yet , even in our holding back comes the undercurrent of awakening. We take it where ever we go. It shows no matter how hard we try to restrain it for whatever reason. It is the force upon which the world is changing its ability to create and manifest in new ways. We are synched to the stars.. but the biggest secret of all is that all people are synched to the stars... they only have to wake up to it... it matters not if their origin is from Pleiades any other quadrant of the the stars out there... we all have our point of source origin and of course here on earth, for most, it is Earth, our collective mother. Even though my point of origin was elsewhere, the Earth is the mother of my physical sustenance and existence.. I am her daugher in the most physical of ways and I have chosen to link my soul journey with that of humanity, so I am human in all aspects that are of importance on any level of creation. Why is this so? Because I have chosen it and created it. Period.

    So all of this brings me to another paragraph Jessica wrote, also found in part 5.

    " There are certain people who have incarnated at this time to prepare others and help them understand so they can ease through the shock of the world changing into something else. We will find ourselves like Dorothy saying, “There is no place like home or Alice begging herself to wake up only to find herself already at home, her real home in bed as a creator dreaming about separation and duality? Will we say we had the strangest dream or will we understand this dream and purpose behind it?"

    Understanding the purpose behind it is quite clear to me. WE ARE ALL HERE IN TRAINING TO BECOME CREATOR GODS. Period. We will do whatever training is necessary within what ever level of society or caste, or economic or spiritual constraints or expansions that are required to bring to us exactly what we need to learn. This is a reflection of the first momentum that is the will and faith that comes to us at the coalsesence of our soul into individualization out of the one source. We are creating our destiny from our very first separtion and that destiny is to become fully creator gods equal to that which we have come out of.

    This may sound implausable, impossible. But IT IS HOW THE UNIVERSE CONTINUES TO CREATE , AT LEAST HOW IT CONTINUES TO CREATE THROUGH THESE VERY SPECIFIC TYPES OF POINTS OF LIGHT WE CALL SOUL. Out of soul comes the potential to create unbounded new universes.. and that is our misison encoded into our very soul material.

    If you do not recognize this that is OK. All good things in all good time. It matters not what you occupy your current day with at this moment in your creation. You are doing exactly what you need to do to learn how to master creaton. This moment in your reality is inconcequential in light of the larger reality you are preparing and already living in, even if you are alseep to it.

    So now my mind is doing a reality check. Is this manipulation. Manipulation is a topic that came up for me in another thread yesterday, the NLP thread. First of all am I manipulating myself?

    Manipulation is a creative endeavor backed by intent. Do I entend to meet my soul purpose? Do I understand that the reality I create is created by me? Do I accept my lessons and learn them well? Am I allowing my self to see the larger image of my very own existence? and if I am deluding myself does it really matter? that is always the question. We, as a collective humanity are so fearful of being taken for a ride, of being deceived. Of perhaps even going to hell or perhaps just not existing at all. In the end it does not matter what we fear for the program is designed to override it all in due time. We must not let our little earthly perceptions that are programmed by intricate manipulations of limiting beliefs hold us back. Just keep the larger picture of the potential reality in ones minds eye an have faith that this is what it is all about. This is how creation happens. The options are not too good to do otherwise for they hold the false beliefs of death and destruction which will only hold you back from your sacred dream, if just for a short time longer..

    So you see there is no way I can show you that this is not a manipulation or a lie. Jessica cannot prove it, nor can I. You must digest it for yourself within your own scope of comprehension. What will be will be.

    Please exuse my terrible spelling. I dont think I can return to this for a while to make corrections as I usually do.

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    UK Avalon Member huyi82's Avatar
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    Default Re: EN - Jessica Schab: A Crystal Child Speaks Out

    Quote Posted by Anno (here)
    the Derek Acorah connection and David's recent despondence after she tried to take all his money off him.
    can you elaborate on that more please?

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