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Thread: Videos From Forbidden Knowledge and More

  1. Link to Post #121
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Videos From Forbidden Knowledge and More

    The ET Reality in 2013

    (This sounds like fear porn to me. Gordon Duff says among other things he is the only self-admitted member of MJ12, (and admits he has been in Intelligence for a long time) that ETs are planning to come here to colonize Earth. Hard to believe this guy, even though he is editor of Veterans Today, which often publishes whistleblower info. )
    OK, time to get your weird on!

    We've all heard about underground bases
    and other Ufology classics about certain
    species that enjoy the taste of human flesh.

    We've all heard about how our technological
    development has been held back for the
    past 40+ years, due to pressure from the
    hydrocarbon cartels - but there are several
    jaw-dropping claims made here by Gordon
    Duff, during a radio interview last March,
    which is quite entertaining, if nothing else...

    Video (about 32 mins):

    Last edited by onawah; 9th September 2013 at 20:40.
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  2. Link to Post #122
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    The Truthseeker: 9/11 & Operation Gladio
    Quote Apparently Vladimir Putin walked
    away from the G20 Summit Meetings
    annoyed and angry enough with the
    clowns in the US Government to fully let
    the cat out of the bag and to strike
    his first real death blow upon the American
    Government's Official version of the events
    of 9/11: a suspicious yarn, to say the least,
    a BIG LIE which needs to be vanquished as
    if it were a vicious, bloodthirsty monster,
    before it kills again.

    Other world leaders have done this - but
    this is the first time this has been done by
    the Russian state-run TV outlet in the English
    language. And it kicks off weeks of truth
    movement events scheduled around the US,
    listed at the end of this program.

    As it's been said, "The first casualty in any
    war is the truth," and as the world teeters
    toward World War Three, this untruth, which
    has led to several wars, conflagrations,
    millions of unnecessary deaths and untold
    suffering over the past 12 years, this untruth
    needs to be issued its final death blow, in
    order for the world to move forward, toward
    anything resembling peace.

    Video (about 13 mins):

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Draw the line on Keystone XL
    This isn't from Forbidden Knowledge, it's from 350.org, re the Keystone pipeline
    Here's their message in today's email from them:
    Quote It feels to me like we’re getting close to the endgame on Keystone XL.

    Last week the Canadian government sent a letter to President Obama offering vague promises of reducing carbon emissions from the tar sands in return for the right to build the pipeline. Scientists and energy analysts quickly pointed out that this was nonsense -- it’s as if you were to begin your diet with two dozen jelly doughnuts, or plan to quit smoking by buying another carton or two of cigarettes.

    I think this means the Canadians are getting a little desperate. They know the tide has turned against this pipeline in the U.S.

    We only gotten to this point because of the heroic work you've put in -- a point that is made quite well by this video that I hope you’ll share around. It shows the beautiful work everyone has done for the past two years, and it's an excellent energizer for this critical stage of the fight:

    Click here to watch the video:

    An article in The New Yorker magazine this week called the fight over Keystone XL “the most prominent environmental cause in America.” The article also pointed out that now there are TV ads airing around the country telling the truth: that this is an export pipeline that will threaten every town it passes with ugly spills.

    Just two years ago everyone told us this was a done deal. Now we’ve clearly got a chance.

    The Canadian government is going all-out right now, and we need to do so as well. September 21st is the day -- that's when we will Draw the Line to oppose the pipeline and the tar sands it would carry. The President has made his promises, and now he needs to keep them. That means stopping the pipeline, and stopping it now.

    Click here to find an event near you to Draw the Line on Keystone XL: act.350.org/event/draw_the_line/search/

    Extra innings, overtime, at the buzzer: pick your sports cliché, but now’s the moment. Stopping Keystone XL won’t stop global warming -- but it would keep a huge pool of carbon in the ground, and perhaps begin to turn the tide against the relentless greed of the fossil fuel industry. That would be a big deal indeed.

    With fingers crossed, and fist clenched,

    Bill McKibben

    P.S. Here's a link to that New Yorker article, it's quite good: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2...6fa_fact_lizza
    Last edited by onawah; 10th September 2013 at 20:28.
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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    GMOs Are Mutating Microorganisms and Spawning
    Deadly New Life Forms
    Quote Dr. Don Huber, an agricultural scientist
    and expert in microbial ecology has
    discovered a new organism in genetically
    engineered animal feed.

    This mysterious organism, which he
    categorizes as a mycoplasma that has
    since been clearly linked to infertility and
    miscarriage in cattle, horses, pigs, sheep
    and poultry, which he also links to human
    fertility problems.

    Mycoplasma are the smallest living cells
    yet discovered. Their nature is essentially
    unknown, as far as their relationships with
    other organisms. They can survive without
    oxygen and are resistant to penicillin.

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  8. Link to Post #125
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    10 Years of Weather History in 3 Minutes
    Quote Now, onto something cuter: this animation
    shows one image from each day of the
    satellite's life -- a total of 3,641 full disk
    visible images. If you blow it up to Full
    Screen, you can clearly see the month
    and year and even look for memorable
    weather events in your own area, during
    this period. I love this!

    From April 2003 -- May 2010, GOES-12
    (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    Administration's "Geostationary Operational
    Environmental Satellite" system) provided
    an "eye in the sky", monitoring for such
    memorable events as the 2005 Atlantic
    hurricane season and the series of blizzards
    during the winter of 2009-2010.

    NOAA's GOES-12 satellite was decommissioned
    on August 16th, 2013 after 3,788 days in
    service. God bless the scientists!

    Video (about 3 mins):

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    Ben Swann Reality Check: More Americans "Rethinking" 9/11?
    Quote Dear Natalie,

    "Re-think 9/11" is a first-ever global 9/11
    memorial campaign, comprised of over 40

    To Re-think 9/11 is a lot more than to just
    re-open the examine the facts of the events
    of that terrible day.

    As Ben Swann sums up, at the end of this
    video, "Over the past 12 years, every civil
    and Constitutional Right that's been taken
    away from Americans has been done so in
    the name of "security":

    - Our right to due process.

    - Our to right to free speech.

    - Our right to our personal effects.

    - The right to privacy.

    We can have an argument about whether
    or not today we are more "secure" - but
    one thing that is beyond argument, is
    about whether today we are more "free".

    To Re-Think 9/11, means that we still have
    the right to question:

    - Who has taken our rights?

    - How have they taken our rights?

    - Why have they taken our rights?

    Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
    say the official story on the collapse of
    Building 7 is not only untrue, it is not

    A new poll shows that more and more
    Americans are now rethinking the official

    Video (about 3 and a half mins):

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Are Gov't Underwater Bases Testing Alien Technology?
    Quote In this episode of 'UFO Hunters,' the
    four cast members investigate the
    alleged undersea version of Area 51,
    the US Navy's Atlantic Undersea Test
    and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), located
    on Andros Island, Bahamas, in front of
    the so-called "Tongue of the Sea," which
    is one of the world's deepest sea
    trenches, at over 6,000 feet or about
    a third deeper than the world-renowned
    Grand Canyon; a shocking topological
    feature considering the extreme
    shallowness of the sea surrounding the

    But the cast of UFO hunters are drawn
    there by the testimonies of local
    witnesses of Unidentified Submerged
    Objects and to the bizarre time travel
    experience of a very normal-seeming
    pilot and by their interviews with a
    US government psychic and French spook,
    who each allege that the area, located
    at the tip of the Bermuda Triangle is
    actually an interdimensional portal that
    is populated by underwater aliens and
    that the Navy is doing experiments
    with these energies and entities.

    The crew dives and does find one
    mysterious communication cable leading
    from the AUTEC base down into the inky
    blackness of the trench's depths...

    Video (about 44 mins):

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  14. Link to Post #128
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Video (about 6 mins):

    9/11 Incontrovertible Proof: The Government is Lying
    Quote This clip is a mashup of 9/11 Truth Denier
    and Nist Investigator, Dr. Gross and
    dozens of first responders, contradicting
    all of his lies.

    There is simply too much that does not
    add up about the official story of 9/11.
    This clip does not even address the
    unforgivable NORAD stand down, which
    ends the "official" story for me, right there -
    but the fires, which raged for weeks and
    kept burning for at least four months
    (from where I could see, out of my
    window, which was a block away and
    which looked straight over the pile of
    Tower Number 2). The temperatures
    were reported to be over 2,000 degrees
    Fahrenheit - WEEKS after the plane impacts -
    and it is known that jet fuel burns at between
    500-600 degrees. It is possible that the
    advanced accelerant used in the building
    demolition trade, called nano-thermite
    could have been responsible for these
    unheard-of temperatures for a building
    fire involving kerosene and steel.

    And indeed, nano-thermite was discovered
    at the site, which by its very presence,
    would indicate that it was there for the
    purpose of bringing the towers down.

    People! Marvin Bush - Dubya's youngest
    brother - sat on the Board of Directors for
    Stratasec/Securacom, which ran electronic
    security at the World Trade Center during
    the 9-month elevator renovation that was
    done on the buildings by Ace Elevator Co.,
    completed just weeks before the attacks.

    Within the elevator shafts, access could
    have been gained into 4-foot crawl spaces
    between floors, where explosives could
    have been planted without workers in the
    buildings realizing it or seeing what was
    going on. It would have been relatively
    easy to hide this work from the tenants
    by blocking their access to one elevator
    at a time.

    Moreover, there were always several
    entirely empty floors in the buildings
    (I could actually watch the Sun setting
    *through* the buildings, weather
    permitting) - and, as it happens, at that
    time, occupancy of the towers was an
    all-time low.

    During the time of this elevator
    renovation, it was reported that there
    were strange noisy workers inside the
    buildings, operating on the empty
    maintenance floors. Look up William
    Rodriguez, Ben Fountain, and Scott Forbes
    if you need witnesses to this. And also look
    into the "power down" and evacuation drills,
    which were conducted the very weekend
    before 9/11.

    Who would you put your money on being
    the liars, here? NIST and the diabolically
    evil conspirators, eager to cover-up their
    gargantuan crimes - or the FDNY and
    other first responders?

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    TED Talk on Female Orgasm

    (I'm going to request that this thread name be changed to "Videos From Forbidden Knowledge and More", since I am finding more videos I would like to see posted on Avalon which don't necessarily come under any particular heading.
    I hope I'm correct in thinking that sometimes, instead of reading words, people just want to watch a video, and that this thread is providing a good selection from which to choose.)
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  18. Link to Post #130
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    I hope every woman on the site watches this. One I am most thrilled with is that a woman can get up and talk about this publicly. Hope exists. I know even more than she does but I am not near ready to talk about it. She gives me the motivation to meditate about this.

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  20. Link to Post #131
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    The Hittites: Narrated by Jeremy Irons

    [/QUOTE]The Hittites were an ancient people,

    originally speaking an Indo-European

    language and using a cuneiform script,

    based on that of the preceding Sumerians.

    They primarily inhabited what is today

    Turkey and Syria, and their empire

    reached its height during the mid-14th

    century BC. They were masters of the

    chariot and made numerous terrifying

    sweeps into the Egyptian Empire,

    whupping the army of Ramses II,

    leading to a protracted two-century

    war with Egypt, in a battle for control

    of the Mediterranean (does anything

    ever change?)

    The Hittites are written of in the Bible

    and they are the ancestors of many of

    the inhabitants of modern-day Syria.

    This film is narrated by the highly-

    acclaimed British actor, Jeremy Irons.

    Video (about 120 mins):

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    Buckaroo Banzai - Full
    Quote This is one of my all-time favorite
    films, 'The Adventures of Buckaroo
    Banzai Across the 8th Dimension',
    with an all-star cast, many of the
    actors going on to have great
    Hollywood careers (a very difficult
    thing to do), including Peter Weller,
    John Lithgow, Ellen Barkin, Christopher
    LLoyd, Jeff Goldblum and literally a
    cast of hundreds.

    This film might not be up for very
    long, so if you've never seen it, I
    wholeheartedly advise you to
    ignore the BS raging on your normal
    TV and to watch this underground
    cult classic!

    The film borrows heavily from
    Thomas Pynchon themes, with a
    disdain for the Military Industrial
    Complex and a very 'insider'
    view of the defense contacting
    industry and of extraterrestrials,
    It may have been too brainy or
    ahead of its time for the dumbed
    down masses of the mid-'80s.

    Video (about 102 mins):

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    The Power of Vulnerability
    Influential author and speaker,
    Dr. Brenda Brown tackles the myth
    that vulnerability is a weakness.
    Instead, she argues, it is the clearest
    path to courage and meaningful
    connection, and has the power to
    transform the way we engage and

    Video (about 22 mins):

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  24. Link to Post #134
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    NDAA: Obama Justifies Indefinite Imprisonment
    of Civilians without Charge

    (Personally, I doubt that Obama had a lot of choice in this matter, but that's a topic for another discussion.)

    Quote Today, all Americans have far less
    civil rights than all African-Americans
    did, prior to the passage of the Civil
    Rights Act, in 1965. It is both ironic
    and diabolical that the first African-
    American President in US History
    was the man who so sneakily signed
    the heinous National Defense
    Authorization Act (NDAA) into Law,
    when no one was watching, on New
    Year's Eve, 2013.

    This is what made it so unfathomably
    abhorrent, abominable, disgusting,
    disgraceful, odious, revolting and vile,
    when this President occupied the same
    stage as the leaders of the 1960s Civil
    Rights movement - and then he was
    even allowed to make a bogus, tele-
    prompted speech at the recent 50th-Year
    Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s
    March on Washington.

    If there is any consciousness left inside
    that shell of a man who we call our
    Commander-in-Chief, then Obama knew
    that he, of all people, did not belong
    there with those leaders, whose hard-won
    efforts had paved the way for Civil Rights
    and made America a beacon of humanity
    and righteousness around the world, a
    reputation that now stands in ruins, with
    Obama's help.

    This video is a short piece about some of
    the forces that are alleged to have helped
    to forward this noxious National Defense
    of Authorization Act, produced by a highly
    -biased organization called VATICANNEWS.

    I have no personal gripes (or contact, for
    that matter) with the Catholic Church and
    I do not buy into many of the claims in this
    piece, whatsoever but I do find that its basic,
    underlying argument is compelling and
    worthy of contemplation.

    Video (about 12 mins):

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  25. Link to Post #135
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man

    Quote What happens when scientific
    evidence conflicts with theory?
    In the early sixties, discoveries
    were made in Central Mexico,
    which were the handiwork of early
    man. Exquisitely carved animal
    bones and advanced spear points
    caused much excitement, including
    a Life Magazine article, until the
    dates came in.

    5 mutually-exclusive geological
    tests revealed they were over
    250,000 years old. In spite of
    the geochronology, archaeologists
    insisted the dates were too
    ridiculously old. This world-class
    archaeological region became
    off-limits for official research, a
    "professional forbidden zone."

    This is the story of the shocking
    events that occurred, told first-hand
    by many of the actual participants.

    Video (about 85 mins):

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    Ben Swann On Syria, Journalism and Leaving Corporate Media
    Quote Ben Swann is an award-winning
    television reporter who has worked
    in New Mexico, Texas and Ohio. He
    also produced a fact-checking series
    entitled Reality Check, which gave
    him national coverage for his
    reporting about controversial issues.

    He has won multiple Emmys and
    Edward R. Murrow awards.

    Swann left a job at FOX19 and
    launched the crowdsource-funded
    Truth in Media Project, to continue
    production of his show 'Full Disclosure',
    which he discusses here, uncensored
    with Buzzsaw host, Tyrel Ventura.

    Video (about 34 mins):

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    What Makes Us Fat
    Quote An eye-opening, myth-shattering examination
    of what makes us fat, from acclaimed science
    writer, Gary Taubes.

    Building upon this critical work in Good Calories,
    Bad Calories, Taubes revisits the urgent question
    of what's making us fat and how we can change
    in this exciting new book. Persuasive,
    straightforward, and practical, Why We Get Fat
    makes Taubes's crucial argument newly
    accessible to a wider audience.

    Taubes reveals the bad nutritional science of the
    last century, none more damaging or misguided
    than the calories-in, calories-out model of why
    we get fat, and the good science that has been
    ignored, especially regarding insulins regulation
    of our fat tissue. He also answers the most
    persistent questions: Why are some people thin
    and others fat? What roles do exercise and
    genetics play in our weight? What foods should
    we eat, and what foods should we avoid?

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    Quote This video was produced by the
    environmental activist group,
    Earth First.

    "Historic flooding across large
    portions of Central and Eastern
    Colorado has caused an unprecedented
    amount of damage.

    "Along with the rise in water levels
    came elevated concern over the tens of
    thousands of frack wells that scar the
    region's landscape.

    In one of the hardest-hit areas, Weld
    County, there are over 20,000 frack
    wells, alone.

    Video (about 4 mins):

    Colorado Fracking Site Flooding

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    Food is the Best Medicine
    Quote Sufferers of neurological conditions
    also suffer from digestive disorders.
    Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride is
    convinced that these two facts are
    inextricably related.

    She cites a recent Swedish study,
    which shows that 90% of human DNA
    does not come from the cells of the
    human body - but from the cells in
    the gut flora!

    That is certainly indicative of something.

    Video (about 49 mins):

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    Cancer: the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary
    Quote This documentary by Massimo
    Mazzucco open with hair-raising
    statistics about rapidly-increasing
    cancer rates. Then, it takes a look
    over the past 100 years, at doctors,
    scientists, and researchers have
    developed diverse and effective
    solutions against cancer only to be
    thwarted by the political and
    propaganda power of the drug-
    dominated medical profession.

    This is the story of Essiac, Hoxsey,
    Laetrile, Shark Cartilage, Mistletoe
    and Bicarbonate of Soda all put together
    in a stunning overview that leaves no
    doubt that inexpensive cures for cancer
    do exist but are systematically blocked
    by Big Pharma because they come from
    nature and cannot be patented.

    Highly informative.

    Video (about 73 mins):

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