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Thread: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

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    Great Britain Avalon Member
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    I haven’t watched the video yet,

    but it’s worth watching Project Camelot Interview Navy captain mark Richards which is fascinating to say the least.


    The reptilian, raptoids are currently the dominant race who are not all friendly but honour the working relationships with our military. They see earth as belonging to them. However they do and will eat humans hence the abductions. The Mantids appear to have much less power today due to internal in fighting.

    Different Governments have different arrangements with alien groups so it appears no one is really in charge because our governments also have differences. One of the main reasons the human race has survived so long is because of fighting and disagreements between different alien races

    Bill Cooper is right in that the elites have indeed become subservient to their masters through hybridisation where they have significant alien/reptilian dna and hence little sympathy for mankind. Hybrids like George Bush, Obama, Pope, The Queen will never attend a normal hospital.

    The solar system & earth is in a desirable location within our galaxy so many aliens have an interest in earth so we sought of get protected in the grand scheme of things.

    Many alien bases on both land and sea exist as well as many natural star gates which allow both materials and people to be transported to the moon and Mars. I understand most humans do not like this method of transport because it has detrimental effects, dematerialise & then re-materialised.

    Star Gates in Area51, Los Alamos, RAF Menwith Hill in UK, Australian outback deserts, Falkland Islands, Israel, mountain ranges between Pakistan & Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, Hence why we coincidentally have wars around these areas.

    Whilst I think that it is important for humans to learn to live in harmony with our planet without the need for greed and constant wars I'm thinking we could become easy prey for hostile aliens or any advanced AI alien robot or augmented human with AI.

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    Quote I haven’t watched the video yet,

    but it’s worth watching Project Camelot Interview Navy captain mark Richards which is fascinating to say the least.

    I have seen so many interviews and many have bits of the
    puzzle, I saw this when it was released but cannot remember
    it, but will as I watch it again. This probably will tie into the
    other thread I put up this morning, which is about the TR3B's
    and more......One tunnel usually links to another down the
    'Rabbit' hole...LOL

    Richplanet TV - 21/06/14.. Edgar Fouche & US Secret Space Fleet with resarcher Andrew Johnson Avalon member



    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 30th June 2014 at 14:02.

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    United States Avalon Member seeker/reader's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    Quote Posted by Becky (here)
    Quote Posted by Ecnal61 (here)
    i saw this film about two months ago and agree with becky in that it is shocking, because after you have been on this site for a few years..like it or not,complacency does creep into the way we think about the E T issue and we (avalonians) like to think we have a handle on whats going on in that field, and so seeing this richard d hall presentation can and does shake you/us off our collective E.T soapboxes and makes you realise how much we dont know. The real and whole truth is likely to be a lot more scary than we know now.The lies we have been fed for the last sixty years about E T`s now run so deep that the ptb cant come clean or dont know where or how to start without causing major social turmoil.hopefully there is a saviour out there,be it a man/woman or organisation or even a friendly E T who can soften the initial blow about realisation for us.
    I agree Lance. As I couldn't watch to the end - was there a strong conclusion / feeling that this must have been done by ET's or could it have been caused by humans? I guess we can't know for sure. But to me this is one of the most chilling and horrific events that has happened on Earth. Whoever /whatever is doing this has absolutely no compassion or regard whatsoever for earth creatures, be they human or cattle. To carry out inhumane acts/investigations then apparently drop the bodies from a great height (as was suggested by the Russian incident), is treating these bodies like rubbish to be discarded.

    It is very chilling indeed, and if this is caused by ET's then it does remind us that we should not be complacent about their presence or their interest in us as humans. I find this lack of compassion for others sickening and confusing. I don't understand it and I don't want to try to understand it.
    I would like to change it though - I wish we could change this - stop the evil and sick things that happen here on earth and around us! Maybe I just perceive this to be evil and sick, and maybe the ones carrying out these experiments/mutilations see it as helping the advancement of the human race?? Who knows...
    Rather than watching it, I listened to it while I was doing other things. I am glad that I did, I found the information very interesting especially the military source who spoke directly with Richard Hall and detailed what he saw with his own eyes.

    Thanks Cidersomerset for this posting this very important material.
    "The sleeper must awaken," quote by Duke Leto Atreides from the movie, Dune.

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    Avalon Member Carmody's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    The Dalby forest has a very 'ugly' Ley line running through it. Same line type as the mothman in the USA. It runs up the coastline, in a general sense.

    Draw a line through (starting in the south )Felixstowe, Ringstead, Saltergate, Loftus, NewBiggin-by-the-sea, Shillbottle, Holburn, Craighead, Kirriemuir, Braemar, Nethy Bridge, Inveran, etc.

    Along that line should be quite the record of odd things going on.

    This may or may not play into the issues found in the video. I do recall that this given line does seem to play into David Icke's records of nasty people and nasty behavior.
    Last edited by Carmody; 1st July 2014 at 03:57.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    UK Avalon Member Becky's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    I asked this question on Simon Parkes thread, and he replied - interesting reply which i feel is relevant to this thread...

    Quote Posted by Becky (here)
    Hi Simon,

    I have a question regarding a thread Steve (Cidersomerset) started about human and animal mutilation cover up.


    I tried to watch the film but it became too distressing and horrific to watch, so I haven't seen the conclusion. But clearly something very disturbing has been going on for a long time and it's being covered up. The thought is that these mutilations are possibly being done by ET's.
    I was wondering whether you had any knowledge about this from your sources - I know that your mantid mum wouldn't show you things that you find distressing and i personally find it hard to accept that mantids would have anything to do with this. I was wondering what species of ET's would/could be capable of doing this and why? The greys and reptilians come to mind. Sorry if this is a really tough/unpleasant question. Could it be earth humans who are using technology we don't know about to do this....and why???

    What upsets me is the complete lack of compassion and regard whoever is doing these mutilations has for earth humans and other creatures. It's horrific and I don't understand it. How can this kind of act be stopped, and this lack of compassion and care be transformed?
    Lots of questions, sorry!
    Thanks for your help on Avalon.

    Becky, HI,
    Most animal mutilations - to my knowledge are done by black operations run by human military - this year I am to meet the UK.s foremost expert on animal mutilations and join him ( with others) in the field over a few nights to watch. I have seen his un-published photos which clearly show helicopters being involved. Again to the best of my knowledge, there is only a small % that is alien induced, they are mainly grey "robotic" types undertaking this. The Mantids have no need for these cell tissue samples, the grey creatures do - either for themselves or for the Earth government where they have a contractual arrangement. The reptile grouping who are responsible for a very, very small part of this are not after tissue samples but organs for ritual purposes.

    Beings like you Becky who are filled with compassion and love can not understand how one creature can inflict such cruelty on another - many Human can and do, its in the Male make up ( taken from a reptilian book of values) as Arnold S said when playing the terminator in response to the question "will we ( the human race) make it ?"..... "no, its in your nature to destroy yourselves". While this is true, its also in our nature, and this aspect is growing, to be kind and compassionate - there is a massive gulf between the rank and file of humanity and the money / power elite - they have to be changed and made to relinquish the authority they project over us. simon x
    Last edited by Becky; 1st July 2014 at 21:49.

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    Canada Avalon Member Tyy1907's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    Richard Hall reminds me of David Paulides. Full of integrity and witnesses trust him very much. Once again the Greys/Reptilians DO NOT have our best interests in mind.
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    Canada Avalon Member Tyy1907's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    Richard Hall reminds me of David Paulides. Full of integrity and witnesses trust him very much. Once again the Greys/Reptilians DO NOT have our best interests in mind.
    "Without the human request, nothing will happen."

    "This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail."

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    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    I watched this last night but had to turn my monitor off after a while as I found the images disturbing and grotesque. This information was new to me. Although I did not think ALL ET's were benevolent and had heard of reptoids being incredibly viscous and aggressive towards humans ( I think in the film the NATO soldier said "demons" are they Reptoids or something else? ) and some have reported sexual assault as well as an overwhelming feeling of menace and terror when they are encountered. I have heard of humans being "Eaten" in D.U.M.B.S. it never really registered....Really ripping people and their car seats right out their car and just dumping bodies afterwards? No better then the animals they hurt...clearly they don;t think very highly of us... "human cattle"

    My understanding is that the NATO team

    A. Knew in advance where the ET's would be ....some form of special Radar Tech only America possessed
    B. Often some laser like device would shoot down/disable their craft and were located in the UK, USA, America and Russia.
    C. They would secure the craft but could not engage the ET's ? Would wait for US Teams to arrive
    D. Some craft were size of a car, suggesting a much larger mothership

    This suggests the the tech to detect and disable the craft were either incredibly difficult/expensive to produce or closely guarded tech. One would think that if they can detect, disable and down craft that would be VERY widely deployed.

    The NATO soldier reported that the ET's ( or the craft...unclear) could move incredibly fast...60 metres in a few seconds? Personal teleportation tech/ability ... THAT freaked me out. Can't run away!
    Disclosure of this nature would very likely freak out people to no end. I.E. we can't stop them and they're going to get you no matter what we do. Is there nothing we can do, could they not disable the craft before they hurt people?
    Is this some type of secret war governments are waging against this, or do we fear to antagonize them too much? OR are they complacent with this?

    What is it they gain from the specific body parts taken. Lips, tongues, organs, eyes, reproductive glands? Some special chemicals?

    Again, good work on their part and if you;re going to watch it....turn off your monitor

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    Avalon Member Star Tsar's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    2015 Update


    In 2014 we screened the film "UFO's & NATO - The Human Mutilation Cover Up", which looked at claims of human beings suffering surgical mutilation in connection with UFO activity. We described the detailed disclosures of a former military man who worked on "find and secure" missions in the 1990's. The missions involved securing areas on the ground that had been affected after military engagement with UFO's. He witnessed over 30 mutilated human beings, all of which had similar surgical injuries to those found in animal mutilation cases. Richard met with the military source and gathered further information. Since these meetings he has been searching for evidence to corroborate the claims. In today's show we give a re-cap on the 2014 film and also reveal what part of the military it seems was supplying personnel to special forces for the secret "find and secure" teams.
    I for one will join in with anyone, I don't care what color you are as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists on this Earth - Malcolm X / Tsar Of The Star

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    Thanks mate I did notice these two vids on Richards site but
    had not got around to watching them. The one below starts
    with a couple of UFO stories , then the second half is about
    seal mutilations............

    I rewatched the update you posted and it is a grim tale and
    the scale of it is quite staggering if you times it world wide.
    Must be in the thousands each year , especially if they are
    going to remote farm and tribal land and if they are clever
    which we must presume they are , who going to miss bodies
    in a war zone and we have had plenty of them.

    Published on 20 Feb 2015

    Please visit Richard D Hall's website RICHPLANET.NET http://www.richplanet.net ...
    to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues
    that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge.

    In part one Richard meets electronics engineer George Bagley. George has built
    equipment for night time and day time monitoring of the sky. During the day he
    monitors the sky in infra red and claims that objects can be seen which are not
    visible to the naked eye. The show also looks at some of what he has recorded,
    and some of it is difficult to explain. In parts two and three Richard speaks again
    to animal mutilation researcher David Cayton who has been researching the bizzare
    phenomenon of seal mutilation. This started on UK eastern coastal regions around
    2008. Patholigists are stumped, they do not know what is causing it. They have
    tried to guess what is causing it in their report, but this guess does not have a
    shred of evidence to support it. David Cayton is convinced this is a covert
    sampling programme being conducted by off planet intelligences.
    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 24th February 2015 at 22:46.

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: SHOCKING : UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL Film 2014....RICHPLANET

    This is the updated u/tube version.....

    RICHPLANET TV - UFO's & NATO - The Human Mutilation Cover Up UPDATE - 24/02/2015

    Published on 27 Feb 2015

    Please visit Richard D Hall's website RICHPLANET.NET http://www.richplanet.net ... to
    see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the
    mainstream refuses to acknowledge.

    In 2014 Richplanet TV screened the film "UFO's & NATO - The Human Mutilation Cover
    Up", which looked at claims of human beings suffering surgical mutilation in connection
    with UFO activity. They described the detailed disclosures of a former military man who
    worked on "find and secure" missions in the 1990's. The missions involved securing
    areas on the ground that had been affected after military engagement with UFO's. He
    witnessed over 30 mutilated human beings, all of which had similar surgical injuries to
    those found in animal mutilation cases. Richard met with the military source and
    gathered further information. Since these meetings he has been searching for evidence
    to corroborate the claims. In today's show he give a re-cap on the 2014 film and also
    reveal what part of the military it seems was supplying personnel to special forces for
    the secret "find and secure" teams.
    Link to original documentary - The Human Mutilation Cover Up FULL MOVIE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdJXA...

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