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Thread: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

  1. Link to Post #101
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Hey cosmored.

    Answer my questions. Let's get to the root of this.
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
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  2. Link to Post #102
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    It looks like you have beating the same drum and ignoring the same logical explanations that a plethora of people having been trying to relay to you for at least 19 years straight, based on a little research on you.
    "Duplicate posts over hundreds of forums" .. and this was in 2012, Where we can see the same explanations have been relayed to you over and over and over and over again - you admit yourself you have had threads closed and been banned from multitudes of forums. For over 19 years you have been ignoring the reasoning and logical explanations? Can this be true? Is this really who you are?

    Now, please ... answer my questions that I have proposed to you.
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
    Two steps ahead, and you are deemed a crackpot.

  3. Link to Post #103
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Answer my questions. Let's get to the root of this.
    Regarding post #98.
    If you insist on playing games, my answer is that's a silly comparison and it doesn't debunk what I said in post #97.

    Quote Hey cosmored, the earth is flat - I think this one is pretty solid too, don't you? Give me your take on the topic. Let me know if you think this is true or not and if not, let me know why you think its not flat.
    I've already addressed that.

    (post #5)

    You're behaving like a checkmated sophist*. When sophists are checkmated, they try to muddy the waters instead of modifying their opinions.


  4. Link to Post #104
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by Cosmored (here)
    Quote Answer my questions. Let's get to the root of this.
    Regarding post #98.
    If you insist on playing games, my answer is that's a silly comparison and it doesn't debunk what I said in post #97.

    Quote Hey cosmored, the earth is flat - I think this one is pretty solid too, don't you? Give me your take on the topic. Let me know if you think this is true or not and if not, let me know why you think its not flat.
    I've already addressed that.

    (post #5)

    You're behaving like a checkmated sophist*. When sophists are checkmated, they try to muddy the waters instead of modifying their opinions.

    Is it silly? I think birds on green screens with harnesses that explain their head tilting behavior is solid evidence. Please share why you think its silly. Maybe present us some evidence as to how you can explain this is not true? Please.

    Just because the earth looks like sphere doesn't mean its a sphere. Its just a circle as seen through a fish-eye lens - everything looks spherical through a fisheye lens. Is that really the only evidence you have for a sphere earth? Looks like you've been duped. Or do you have any other evidence to present.
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
    Two steps ahead, and you are deemed a crackpot.

  5. Link to Post #105
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote It looks like you have beating the same drum and ignoring the same logical explanations that a plethora of people having been trying to relay to you for at least 19 years straight, based on a little research on you.
    "Duplicate posts over hundreds of forums" .. and this was in 2012, Where we can see the same explanations have been relayed to you over and over and over and over again - you admit yourself you have had threads closed and been banned from multitudes of forums. For over 19 years you have been ignoring the reasoning and logical explanations? Can this be true? Is this really who you are?
    If you want to discuss the actual details, we can do so on these threads.

  6. Link to Post #106
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by Cosmored (here)
    Quote It looks like you have beating the same drum and ignoring the same logical explanations that a plethora of people having been trying to relay to you for at least 19 years straight, based on a little research on you.
    "Duplicate posts over hundreds of forums" .. and this was in 2012, Where we can see the same explanations have been relayed to you over and over and over and over again - you admit yourself you have had threads closed and been banned from multitudes of forums. For over 19 years you have been ignoring the reasoning and logical explanations? Can this be true? Is this really who you are?
    If you want to discuss the actual details, we can do so on these threads.
    I want you to answer my questions.

    The earth obviously looks spherical because space cams only use fisheye lenses. Is that really the only reason why you believe it is a sphere "because it looks like one"? Really? Don't you have any better evidence that the earth isn't flat? Any better logic or reasoning at all?

    Explain to me why birds on video tilting their heads not being because they are in invisible harnesses is silly ... I'm still waiting for you to provide me evidence that I am wrong ... you seem to be pretty convinced of any evidence you find, please share this with me.
    Last edited by DeDukshyn; 14th February 2021 at 07:48.
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
    Two steps ahead, and you are deemed a crackpot.

  7. Link to Post #107
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Is it silly? I think birds on green screens with harnesses that explain their head tilting behavior is solid evidence. Please share why you think its silly. Maybe present us some evidence as to how you can explain this is not true? Please.

    Just because the earth looks like sphere doesn't mean its a sphere. Its just a circle as seen through a fish-eye lens - everything looks spherical through a fisheye lens. Is that really the only evidence you have for a sphere earth? Looks like you've been duped. Or do you have any other evidence to present.
    I think the best thing for me to do is just wait for a serious poster to respond before I continue posting.
    Last edited by Cosmored; 14th February 2021 at 07:31.

  8. Link to Post #108
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by Cosmored (here)
    Quote Is it silly? I think birds on green screens with harnesses that explain their head tilting behavior is solid evidence. Please share why you think its silly. Maybe present us some evidence as to how you can explain this is not true? Please.

    Just because the earth looks like sphere doesn't mean its a sphere. Its just a circle as seen through a fish-eye lens - everything looks spherical through a fisheye lens. Is that really the only evidence you have for a sphere earth? Looks like you've been duped. Or do you have any other evidence to present.
    I think the best thing for me to do is just wait for some serious poster to respond before I continue posting.
    I am dead serious. Answer my questions.

    Why is it silly that birds are using invisible harnesses? Let me hear your reasoning and evidence?

    Tell my why you believe the earth isn't flat. What, are you afraid to assert that it isn't? "It looks spherical" isn't anywhere near good enough due to the fish eye lens explanation. Give me more if you truly believe its not flat. You must have lots of evidence and research - you are a serious researcher aren't you? .. or? no?

    Are you afraid to engage these questions? Well I guess the earth is flat then and birds use invisible harnesses - obviously - look at how their heads tilt all the time.
    Last edited by DeDukshyn; 14th February 2021 at 07:46.
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
    Two steps ahead, and you are deemed a crackpot.

  9. Link to Post #109
    Canada Avalon Member DeDukshyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    You seriously cannot explain why birds in videos aren't using harnesses and green screens? The same harnesses that cause them to tilt their heads? You really cannot explain why the earth isn't flat? You say one is silly and assert the other is not true ... yet you cannot give me any good evidence?

    You silence is speaking volumes ... answer my questions. They are very simple questions; I think my children could give me better explanations than "silly" and "it looks round" ... you must be able to answer them. After all - the evidence you present holds weight and is valid, so this should be easy for you. Or do you not believe that birds in harnesses are silly and that the earth is a sphere?
    When you are one step ahead of the crowd, you are a genius.
    Two steps ahead, and you are deemed a crackpot.

  10. Link to Post #110
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by Cosmored (here)
    Quote Is it silly? I think birds on green screens with harnesses that explain their head tilting behavior is solid evidence. Please share why you think its silly. Maybe present us some evidence as to how you can explain this is not true? Please.

    Just because the earth looks like sphere doesn't mean its a sphere. Its just a circle as seen through a fish-eye lens - everything looks spherical through a fisheye lens. Is that really the only evidence you have for a sphere earth? Looks like you've been duped. Or do you have any other evidence to present.
    I think the best thing for me to do is just wait for a serious poster to respond before I continue posting.

    The proof that the Birds tilting their heads is so clear that I'll just end up looking silly if I try to obfuscate it so I'd better avoid discussing the details.

  11. Link to Post #111
    Netherlands Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    I might have missed it, but I have not yet read a response to the very fundamental question Bill Ryan asked: (in my own words, not quoting): why should the ISS be fake?

    This is a very good question to ask before adopting the belief an accepted truth by the majority is fake.

    To the questions:

    - Why would very rich and influential people conspire to take maximum advantage of people by planning to enslave them?
    - Why would they use a false flag operation?
    - Why would the government cover up alien visitations? can give an explanation that can make sense (to people who think out of the box and don't resist having their world view being shaken) .

    I can't see how inventing a space industry (including ISS), round earth and inventing a thing called space would benefit The Powers That Be in such a way that all this effort to cover up a lie this big would justify their goal. Sounds like far, far, far too much trouble to go through, just to...yes, to have what accomplished exactly?

    In all the discussions about fake space (industry)/ flat earth, I saw this question come along many times. Never have I read a response that answers that very important question.

    I can tell you this: if the earth was flat, and I had been taught about this in school instead of (supposedly) being lied about it, I don't see in what way that would make me more free or be in a better position in my life than I am now, convinced the earth is round and space is real (including the ISS).

  12. Link to Post #112
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote I might have missed it, but I have not yet read a response to the very fundamental question Bill Ryan asked: (in my own words, not quoting): why should the ISS be fake?
    If there are clear anomalies, our not knowing why something is being faked doesn't make the anomalies go away. I can't think of a reason for their wanting to fake it and I'm still not sure that it's fake. As I pointed out before there seems to be a mixture of proof that it's real and anomalies that point to its being faked.

    I said this in post #61.
    Quote I don't think the idea that NASA is trying to cause confusion is such a crazy idea. Lots of people are finding out about the Apollo hoax so it's natural that NASA will try to create confusion. A lot of people who have started saying that the Earth is flat are also saying that Apollo was a hoax. There seems to be a campaign to muddy the waters and discredit Apollo hoax-believers. Putting some anomalies in the space station footage will cause confusion and help their cause.
    I haven't formed a firm opinion. All I can say is that something is definitely fishy.

    In post #1 I posted some videos that show continuous zero-gravity which can only be faked in a diving plane for less than a minute. I don't see any signs of splicing different footage together. It all looks continuous. Also, it can be seen and it's too big and complicated to have been put there by unmanned robotic craft. In spite of that there are anomalies that seem to point to fakery. The bubble*, the astronaut's slipping and the wire that seems to drop and hang** are too clear to simply be dismissed.

    Your post is a little bit vague. Tell us whether you think the Apollo moon missions*** were faked.




  13. Link to Post #113
    UK Avalon Member Ammit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Hi all,
    If I had a garage with lots of nice cars in but did not want to showw them as some cheeky bugger might try and pinch them, I would use another garage and use the green board to project things you would expect to see onto the back ground. I imagine this type of projection could have strange results if I passed in front of it.

    Just my pennies worth
    Love. peace and Blessings to you all.

  14. Link to Post #114
    Hong Kong Avalon Member syrwong's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by BoR (here)
    I might have missed it, but I have not yet read a response to the very fundamental question Bill Ryan asked: (in my own words, not quoting): why should the ISS be fake?

    This is a very good question to ask before adopting the belief an accepted truth by the majority is fake.

    To the questions:

    - Why would very rich and influential people conspire to take maximum advantage of people by planning to enslave them?
    - Why would they use a false flag operation?
    - Why would the government cover up alien visitations? can give an explanation that can make sense (to people who think out of the box and don't resist having their world view being shaken) .

    I can't see how inventing a space industry (including ISS), round earth and inventing a thing called space would benefit The Powers That Be in such a way that all this effort to cover up a lie this big would justify their goal. Sounds like far, far, far too much trouble to go through, just to...yes, to have what accomplished exactly?

    In all the discussions about fake space (industry)/ flat earth, I saw this question come along many times. Never have I read a response that answers that very important question.

    I can tell you this: if the earth was flat, and I had been taught about this in school instead of (supposedly) being lied about it, I don't see in what way that would make me more free or be in a better position in my life than I am now, convinced the earth is round and space is real (including the ISS).
    I can think of some reasons they may want to fake videos of the station. While the station is real, it is doing unspeakable things, not simple science experiments for the kids. They may be unethical experiments, dangerous tests, and using the station for the military destruction of enemy states. Any sort of things they don't want you to know. They have to show the earth people that some advances have been made in space technology so that the matrix can carry on logically into the far future. So they show you just the tip of the iceberg and hiding the great secrets underneath.

    Think of yourselves as already slaves. Why should they be candid about everything?

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to syrwong For This Post:

    Cosmored (14th February 2021)

  16. Link to Post #115
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Hi all,
    If I had a garage with lots of nice cars in but did not want to showw them as some cheeky bugger might try and pinch them, I would use another garage and use the green board to project things you would expect to see onto the back ground. I imagine this type of projection could have strange results if I passed in front of it.

    Just my pennies worth
    I have no background in film-making so all I can do is post stuff that I see on the subject of green screens and ask people for feedback. I entered "Space Station green screen" in and a lot of stuff came up.

    This video seems to show an anomaly.

    PROOF the International space station is FAKE? #ISSFakery

  17. Link to Post #116
    UK Avalon Member Ammit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Well Cosmored, Not saying it dont exist, I know something does as it often goes over my house and is confirmed by the iss website. Maybe they do show us it but not the real one?
    Love. peace and Blessings to you all.

  18. Link to Post #117
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Well Cosmored, Not saying it dont exist, I know something does as it often goes over my house and is confirmed by the iss website. Maybe they do show us it but not the real one?
    Something seems to be up there.

    Jarrah White's response to Flat Earthers and Space Travel Deniers
    (3:12 time mark)

    Yet, there are anomalies in the footage. I'm trying to figure out what the truth is. That's why I started this thread. I was hoping for some feedback from some objective people. I knew the sophists* would be all over this. They always are. Dealing with that is just part of talking about NASA lies on the internet.

    As I said before, all I can say right now is that something is fishy. I don't know exactly what's going on.

    Planting of provocateurs (and sleeper agents, etc.). These people will vary from the posters who suddenly show up one day under an alias attacking regular posters, to people who seem like regular posters themselves. They may work in teams, supporting each other and giving the illusion of popular support on the net. (Remember, net IDs are basically free, and one person can have many.) As cointelpro showed, there is little that is more poisonous to an organization than to have it tear itself apart from the inside with accusations of moles. (The CIA knows all about this from its own mole hunts.) Moles love to accuse others of being moles; then again, there are real moles. You have to judge for yourself who to listen to or what to believe.
    4) Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.
    Distraction by voluminous postings with no information by blowhards and empty name-callers. (Can be hard to distinguish from genuine blowhards.) People who wallow in the mud do not need to outdebate you; they only need to drag you down there with them. Kill files can help if your newsreader has them.
    Last edited by Cosmored; 14th February 2021 at 20:18.

  19. Link to Post #118
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote I can think of some reasons they may want to fake videos of the station. While the station is real, it is doing unspeakable things, not simple science experiments for the kids. They may be unethical experiments, dangerous tests, and using the station for the military destruction of enemy states. Any sort of things they don't want you to know. They have to show the earth people that some advances have been made in space technology so that the matrix can carry on logically into the far future. So they show you just the tip of the iceberg and hiding the great secrets underneath.
    Now this is feedback from an objective person. Maybe the inside of the real space station looks quite different. Thanks syrwong.

  20. Link to Post #119
    Netherlands Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by syrwong (here)
    Quote Posted by BoR (here)
    I might have missed it, but I have not yet read a response to the very fundamental question Bill Ryan asked: (in my own words, not quoting): why should the ISS be fake?

    This is a very good question to ask before adopting the belief an accepted truth by the majority is fake.

    To the questions:

    - Why would very rich and influential people conspire to take maximum advantage of people by planning to enslave them?
    - Why would they use a false flag operation?
    - Why would the government cover up alien visitations? can give an explanation that can make sense (to people who think out of the box and don't resist having their world view being shaken) .

    I can't see how inventing a space industry (including ISS), round earth and inventing a thing called space would benefit The Powers That Be in such a way that all this effort to cover up a lie this big would justify their goal. Sounds like far, far, far too much trouble to go through, just to...yes, to have what accomplished exactly?

    In all the discussions about fake space (industry)/ flat earth, I saw this question come along many times. Never have I read a response that answers that very important question.

    I can tell you this: if the earth was flat, and I had been taught about this in school instead of (supposedly) being lied about it, I don't see in what way that would make me more free or be in a better position in my life than I am now, convinced the earth is round and space is real (including the ISS).
    I can think of some reasons they may want to fake videos of the station. While the station is real, it is doing unspeakable things, not simple science experiments for the kids. They may be unethical experiments, dangerous tests, and using the station for the military destruction of enemy states. Any sort of things they don't want you to know. They have to show the earth people that some advances have been made in space technology so that the matrix can carry on logically into the far future. So they show you just the tip of the iceberg and hiding the great secrets underneath.

    Think of yourselves as already slaves. Why should they be candid about everything?
    That is not the question I asked. The subject of this thread is that the ISS could be fake. In your answer you point out you think it is real.

  21. Link to Post #120
    Netherlands Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The theory that the International Space Station is fake

    Quote Posted by Cosmored (here)
    Quote I might have missed it, but I have not yet read a response to the very fundamental question Bill Ryan asked: (in my own words, not quoting): why should the ISS be fake?
    If there are clear anomalies, our not knowing why something is being faked doesn't make the anomalies go away. I can't think of a reason for their wanting to fake it and I'm still not sure that it's fake. As I pointed out before there seems to be a mixture of proof that it's real and anomalies that point to its being faked.

    I said this in post #61.
    Quote I don't think the idea that NASA is trying to cause confusion is such a crazy idea. Lots of people are finding out about the Apollo hoax so it's natural that NASA will try to create confusion. A lot of people who have started saying that the Earth is flat are also saying that Apollo was a hoax. There seems to be a campaign to muddy the waters and discredit Apollo hoax-believers. Putting some anomalies in the space station footage will cause confusion and help their cause.
    I haven't formed a firm opinion. All I can say is that something is definitely fishy.

    In post #1 I posted some videos that show continuous zero-gravity which can only be faked in a diving plane for less than a minute. I don't see any signs of splicing different footage together. It all looks continuous. Also, it can be seen and it's too big and complicated to have been put there by unmanned robotic craft. In spite of that there are anomalies that seem to point to fakery. The bubble*, the astronaut's slipping and the wire that seems to drop and hang** are too clear to simply be dismissed.

    Your post is a little bit vague. Tell us whether you think the Apollo moon missions*** were faked.



    My post is a little vague?

    I ask a logical question....

    I give up.

    But my point is made: again no answer to the most asked question, but talking around it. I have seen this countless times before, and here it is again.

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