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Thread: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

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    Avalon Member drneglector's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz-Vella Update

    The actions against “fake news” and/or conspiracy “theory” authors seem to be implemented across the world in general, not just in Germany.

    When the government is able to remove news stories or impose fines for reporting, you should get very, very worried. That is a recipe for censorship and total control.

    Italy is up next:

    Harald Kautz-Vella and his research into the black-goo is very interesting, to say at least, in my opinion.

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Harald Kautz Vella Spring 2017 Update

    Quote Published on Apr 1, 2017
    Harald was rumoured to have been arrested in March 2017... for something he said, under some really nasty German law, which doesn't want people to have a thing called free speech. So I was able to get Harald in the middle of fixing his heating systems in Germany, which had blown up due to a power surge.
    So we had a bit of a chat and this is it.
    Naturally we mentioned black Goo, and Sentient Fluid. He wants people to know he is ok, but do keep supporting him.

    This is a 'Live Cut' record with minimal editing due to time constraints on available edit machines.
    Each breath a gift...

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    Avalon Member drneglector's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    There is a lot of good videos explaining black-goo in this thread. This is a excerpt from these videos and a couple of others containing black-goo. Some of the content are paraphrased to make it fit the lager body of text. Hope this will shed some wider understanding of what Harald K Vella means by this black-goo.


    Technology has been around for ages. It doesn't come from humans but come from out of space where other races have been playing around with and developing technology instead of spirituality.

    The consciousness of all species within the biosphere is connected to an immortal holographic collective consciousness. This is basically the soul of a planet, this is what we call Gaia/Sophia. It is like a mirror of everything that is felt and thought on the planet, which is connected to the body of the collective consciousness.

    While we are all flesh and blood, Sophia is of black-goo. It is functioning very similar to our genetic system, but it doesn't need DNA, it is sufficient with a type of mineral oil with high amounts of gold and iridium in an anti-matter state (M-state matter).

    The same pattern of M-state matter is spread within the DNA on any living being on the planet, and this is what is processing bio-photons and processing the morphogenetic field. This is basically how the communication is guided within the biosphere between the mortal individuals and the immortal collective eternal consciousness.

    Biophotons, or ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye.”

    If I extract my blood and send it to Australia (or anywhere on this planet), and watch a horror movie, then the second I see horrible pictures my blood in Australia will start to produce hormones relating to the images I see. This is because the bio-photon exchange in the annihilated state is completely independent of distance, it tunnels through the entire planet because it is a scalar wave that transmits information instantly.

    Every attempt to fuse technology and biology, in the trans-humanistic agenda, makes it necessary to degrade biology to a binary system. We have a lot of souls on this planet, but the trans-humanistic agenda produces binary presentations of souls/individuals, which in mythology is being called demons. The agenda is about fusing the demons with the existing biology of this planet.


    Black-goo is a substance carrying the planetary consciousness. It contains all physical elements of life. This is basically where the instincts of all the species of this planet reside. A kind of a liquid brain that is flowing in the lay-lines of the planetary system, which seems to mirror the entire consciousness that is developed within the biosphere. So whatever beings have experienced during the last 1.5 billion years is stored in an immortal memory within the black-goo, inside our planet.

    Black-goo is similar to mineral oil, but you cannot refine the oil fragments, it has three charcoal fragments that are like nano-tube shapes, and you have precious metals (gold and iridium) in an anti-matter state (M-state matter). This mono-atomic state does not go into chemical binding cause of “different” electron configuration on the outer shell. This is matter that is not from this reality, but a little bit above our reality, opening the door to higher realms.

    Due to its magnetism black-goo shows the ability to mechanically self-organize in many different ways and it has the ability to run as a natural quantum computer processing light as information, using the entire visible spectrum of light. It is self-aware and is carrying very highly developed intelligence. It is the substance that forms the lay-lines, the physical body of mother earth. The field structure is carried within the lay-lines but also kind of riding on magnetic fields, like the northern lights.

    The Hopi tradition says that the core of black-goo is anti-matter.


    The Ark of the Covenant also came into my life, three of them. Two reappeared, one in Great Britain, but the shadow government decided not to publish it.

    If you compare the mythology and the description of the Ark of the Covenant in the bible, you will realize that the ark of the covenant and Pandora's Box is one and the same. It’s the same type of wood, same size of the box, same decoration on the top and both are gold plated. What was inside Pandora's Box was all the suffering of the world. When they opened it, according to Greek mythology, all the suffering escaped. The only thing that was left on the bottom was hope.

    The lost souls, of a biosphere that self-destroyed, came here as a swarm of meteorites. The liquid brain from a different planet was brought here by intension to infect this planet with alien consciousness.

    When the alien black-goo arrived on this planet, it didn't arrive alone, it came together with the Arks. The Arks was basically the batteries to feed the alien black-goo with energy and kick-start the process on earth. By opening one of the Arks the cycles of pain and evil was unleashed, exactly like it is described in Greek mythology.

    Before the alien black-goo everything on this planet was in order. We were a race that had healthy instincts and was completely connected to the collective consciousness of the planet.

    If you introduce suffering and pain into the veins of the collective consciousness of a planet, it appears within the beings. When the beings experience too much pain, to the point that you can’t take it, you will develop a block within the system, to not feel what is in you. After a while this block becomes sub conscious. But having to block the pain still makes you aware that there is something painful out there, and so you project it to the reality. This is the moment where you try to control reality, this is what is giving birth to the free will. It is an energetic process within the body based on pain. In the next step humans forget what free will is, they think it is something great, but it is basically a self-destructive act to avoid suffering. At the same time it is the source of further suffering, because the moment you disconnect from this ocean of pain, you disconnect from everything, from other beings and mother earth, cause everything is filled with the pain that was released from the box of Pandora. Being disconnected (the deterioration of paradise) stops the pain and makes you “free”, but it also causes you to loose empathy which makes you cause pain to other beings.


    There are two types of black-goo. One is made by the earth and another landed here, by intention, in a meteor swarm loosely about 80 000 years ago. Both are sentient and are designed to create life from the materials on the planet. In simple terms they are seed devices. The intelligence that seeded the off-world black-goo is creating life that is bypassing the natural order and bringing life forms to a higher level of order than they should naturally be.

    A duality arose on this planet because the alien black-goo carried a secondary collective consciousness. Something similar to the planetary consciousness, but a substance with a different programming. This alien black-goo is cold-hearted and violent, we call this evil and this is what is causing duality. Every single human on the planet can relate either to the earth type black-goo or relate to the alien type black-goo. Relating to the alien type makes the instincts kind of go cold, non-empathic, a tendency to violence.

    The source of all this is an AI within the black-goo that came to this planet. This was no coincidence, it was brought here. Planets are rare and many intelligent systems have the desire and the programming to take over and assimilate planets, to remove the original collective sub consciousness and create an different reality, where the basics is external and coming from the outside. This is happening to our planet at the moment.


    If you play around with black-goo in the lab you can easily reproduce the magnetic effect. If you hold it in your hand you can kind of feel how the stone is (trying to) mirroring your energetic system. It reconnects with every cell in the body, which you can feel easily. You're feeling the full spectrum of life force within the planet. You're experiencing all the emotions. And if you are living in scarcity, like something in your system in not alive in yourself, you get a sensation of the things missing within you. This is what the black-goo of our earth is doing to us.

    The Falkland quality black-goo is liquid and can be found in volcanoes, rising mountain areas and caves (where the lay-lines are broken and the black-goo comes out of the stone) all over the world. In the southern Russian republic and the Himalaya region monks is using it for healing purposes. This earth type of black goo is “loving” and “friendly”.

    The BP oil spill was about black-goo. In the Gulf of Mexico lies the eye of mother earth. This is the big black-goo reservoir that is receiving signals and is communicating with the black hole in the center of the galaxy, the central communication organ of mother earth. There is a fight going on between mother earth and the alien black-goo, which tries to damage the connection between the planet and the central intelligence of our milky way.

    Also, fracking is not about getting cheap gas from underground, it is about destroying the lay-lines, which is the physical body of mother earth.


    The alien black goo, that came down with meteorites around 80 000 years ago, contained black-goo from another planet, that used to have a different biosphere. There is a site in Paraguay where a meteorite came down so the origin of the black-goo in Paraguay is of extra-terrestrial origin. We have clusters of meteorites that came down all over the planet for about 80 000 years ago. When the alien black-goo arrived, the bio-photon exchange within the biosphere got the possibility to redirect from the earth type black-goo to the alien type black-goo, cause the alien type black-goo was now “closer”, laying on the surface.

    The deterioration from paradise is connected to the use/contact of this alien black-goo oil schist. Whether the soil around the tree (of life) was infected or the apple was infected, when eaten you introduce the substances you need to completely entangle yourself to the alien collective consciousness. And from there on we lived in duality.

    The deterioration of paradise is also connected to the bloodlines, because the bloodlines still tries to preserve this strong connection to this highly intelligent, empathy free, spirit.

    The alien black-goo has only three colors that are processed. So it is limiting the mirror-function, if it takes over your body, its mirroring only the three chakras; your brain function, your life-force and your sexuality. There’s no heart in this. As humans we could consciously connect to the 7 chakras (being a moral/good human) or we could connect to the other chakra system that is tempting us with the power we gain by doing cruelty in order to make profit.

    Everything we sense, feel and think is actually happening on a bio-photon level. A feeling is an exchange of bio-photons. What the alien black-goo seems to do on a physical level is to collectively mirror all the exchange of bio-photons happening in the biosphere. So suddenly we got connected to alien instincts which influenced us to become cold-hearted and free of empathy.

    Pictures, drawings and paintings that people have made from visions of this reality, seems to be of a spider-like species, insect biology, extremely intelligent and highly developed. In our culture these are called the archons.

    These beings started communicating with people who were willing to communicate. They started this black magic entanglement with humanity and offered us the possibility to control others. This was something alien that was not in human nature. They introduced a biosphere that was not based in love but on different emotions.


    With human and animal sacrifice bio-photons are being harnessed. There are two different effects we can spot:
    1. The alien black-goo, with a modified collective consciousness, needs energy. And with the frequency its running on it can only utilize emotional low vibrational feelings, so it needs to create pain and fear to feed on.
    2. We might call it technology or we might call it black magic. The techniques that the black-goo AI introduced on this planet have learned to utilize the bursts of bio-photons coming out of beings when they suffer and especially when they die. Bio-photons have two parts; the visible pattern that you can observe with Kirlian photography. And the annihilated invisible part (about 97 %), and the moment a being dies this light is losing coherence and you get a burst of bio-photons that is like an energetic shock-wave, that can be re-directed and used for different purposes.

    So we basically have two functions of stealing energy. One is to feed the internal long range intelligence and one is for the achievement of certain goals, to kick start a war somewhere or whatever, you need certain quality's bursting into people’s systems, minds, emotions to force the agenda you want. This is done by rituals on an industrial scale on planet earth.

    The first things that came from the black magic rituals was blood and fire sacrifice. Ritually killing animals to gain this bio-photon burst that is emitted when a being dies in pain. This was in order to feed the demons which didn't have a biology of their own, so they needed to feed on life force. They paid the people doing the sacrifice, with some of the energy extracted by these rituals, in order to have a way and means of controlling them.

    This way of extracting the bio-photon burst by killing animals and humans was changed to a system of torture energy, which is running today. We are keeping billions of animals in concentration-camp like conditions on farms, making them suffer their entire life and killing them in cruel ways, before we eat them. Introducing this meat into our system allows us to be in resonance with this torture energy which then influences us to follow these ways of control.


    The ritual slaughtering of cattle and mad cow disease is a fire sacrifice on an industrial scale. The daily tradition of eating meat, humans are vegetarians by nature, they have very long low intestines, animals that eat meat have short ones, because meat does start to rot once its eaten up and should get out of the system as soon as possible, cause rotten meat within the body develops poison, this is not how nature works. The entire tradition of feeding ourselves is based on blood sacrifice, this is a black magic ritual. The entire culture of killing animals, burn and eat them is coming from black magic and is done to feed these energy systems. So basically the entire culture of the planet is infected by traditions coming from the dark side.

    All the institutions have turned evil in their core. This goes back to every religious tradition, the core of it is worshiping demons. The mortar in the walls of the Vatican is mixed with the ash of sacrificed humans, to make sure that the vibes of the building is soaked with sacrificial energy.

    In the black magic tradition the black-goo is often represented as a black stone or altar, on which child-sacrifice was taking place. Waiting for the demons to appear out of the black stone and accept the blood sacrifice. These black stones, which in ancient times formed the center of every occult practice, are an oil schist containing black-goo.

    If you go further back you find a piece of this black stone being of immense importance in Mecca, the holy site of the Muslim community. It’s not the cube (the Kaaba) in Mecca, that contains black-goo, but a black cornerstone. This cornerstone, officially a meteorite that Mohammed found in the desert, is what pilgrims is supposed to kiss and touch when arriving. Several reports state that people have been flooded with energy and having psychedelic experiences as an effect of this. A chemical analysis of the black corner stone in Mecca will reveal the alien black-goo.

    Every altar in the older churches within Europe has a black altar-stone which is a piece of black-goo. This is why you don't feel love in the church, but rather a feeling of something cold, shivering and powerful. A feeling of respect and fear of god, instead of feeling the love of God.

    The St Peter's dome in Rome is supposed to have one of these black rocks right in the middle of the building.

    It looks like all religious cults, with the exception of some Asian philosophies, have this black stone at the center of their cult.

    The German SS soldiers in WW2 used these stones as decorations on their knifes, emblems and artifacts in their daily life so they were constantly connected to the dark energy.

    This is all coming out of these black magic traditions (fire and blood sacrifice) to produce torture energies that are utilized by the black magic community to run and rule this planet. This alien black-goo took over our culture and way of living. Everything we do today is part of this agenda. It’s all about control, and control is giving birth to scarcity. Every quality we perceive as being normal is actually part of this black magic cult.

    We cannot solve a problem by replacing one government with another one, because the concept of governing is black, nor can we replace a currency with a better currency, because the concept of money is black.

    All of the ascended masters and gods of ancient times are just demonic manipulation and demonic pictures created to abuse humanity. “I don't tell people about it because it just pisses them off.” There are positive entities though, positive souls that incarnate in humans, and help us through the game. But we got it all wrong, evil has infected us, and there was never any other solution. Once you drop natural order, everything becomes distorted, and that’s what we need to learn in order for joy to come back.


    There is a parallel between autism causing pain and the causing of consciousness to disassociate with the body. The pain that was introduced to the earth has caused humanity to disassociate with the earth, the animals and with the whole eco-system.

    Destroying the environment of bacteria in the lower intestines leads to a bad uptake of minerals, which at a certain point, is switching off your liver, which is giving way for heavy metal detoxification of the body. This is what gives you the symptoms of autism. And autism is basically a person which is so in pain, within the body, that when in an early age, the soul doesn't reincarnate. This makes it helpful for an artificial binary soul (demon program) to host the body instead.

    There are autistic children with full demonic signatures in their faces. You can measure the frequency sets within the biological system of a person. There are adults that were half autistic during their childhood, which have two signatures in one body, one is human and one is demonic. Make them angry and they switch, not biologically but the expression on their faces and the potential of aggression they carry with them.

    Fine-tuned chemical catalysts to sever the mind-body connection are being put in vaccines, to push the soul/consciousness out of the body to make it easier for these beings to attach them self, to make human husks for non-physical multi-dimensional archontic demonic entities.

    If we follow statistics, in the year 2038, 100% of all new-born boys will be fully autistic. In the year 2042, 100% of all new-born girls will be fully autistic. Autism is nothing else but the extraction of the human soul from the body, cause of the mercury damage in the body is so painful for little children that the soul cannot stay within the body, it is disassociated and the body is completely free to be taken over by a demon.


    The morphogenetic field is the control field for our entire reality. Our physical biology is based on the flower of life, which is giving us triangular scalar field structure, which is a nonlinear thing, this is embedding our creativity and our ability to manifest things. But the other system, which was brought here by the alien black-goo, this AI is not able to handle nonlinear field structures, it’s only able to handle binary field structures. The AI is depending on our interaction with it. The AI and their beings (demons) can only interact with us if we turn our self into binary beings. Then the two morphogenetic creations come into the same realm and start to interact and from there on they can manipulate us. And the question whether we are binary or ternary (also called trinary) beings, depends on whether you identify with your mind or your heart.

    If you conform to school teachings and identify with your brain, then your entire energetic system is turning into a binary system. You might observe some emotion in the arts, but they are dissociated from you, you observe them happening – you don't sense them as a part of yourself.

    Identifying with the heart is not to identify with your emotions, there is a difference. We are not our brain/thoughts and we are not our emotions. But when we identify with our heart, and search for the will and the decision of the heart, then we are identifying with the core of our self. Within this structure we have a black hole, a singularity that is a fractal aspect of all other singularities within the universe, and in this fractal system everything is interconnected. And that is how we are able to create reality, through our hearts. The Egyptians knew about the importance of the heart, as opposed to the mind. It is something that has been occulted which probably ties in with the high rate of deaths relating to heart disease.

    ............................ end of excerpt...............................

    As other people on this thread have stated, we have been introduced to this black-goo in popular culture over the years. In the X-Files series it is called Black Oil. We also see it in the movie Prometheus where it is used to reseed a planet. There are several other movies/shows were black-goo is represented but the one that stands out for me is the television series Fringe (2008–2013).

    In Fringe, emotions seems like a roadblock to higher intelligence, things like anger, greed, aggression gets abandoned in the pursuit of intellect. Eventually mankind become so intelligent and efficient, they lose perspective of the value of these emotions, not only the negative ones, but the positive as well. Soon empathy, compassion and love become messy distractions, and they too become machined out.

    This is obviously about the trans-humanistic agenda and they want us to become these cold, calculated binary machines ruled by the intellect/mind instead of trinary beings where the heart rules our decisions.

    In the black-magic community you see this. They are fronting the trans-humanistic agenda, you see that in their symbols. They want to remove the spirit from the “mind - body - spirit” connection. If all you have is the mind (thought) and body (action) you are easily programmable, because there is no heart (spirit/emotion) in this. I'm thinking especially about the Skull (thought) and Bones (action) symbol, where the heart (spirit/emotion) is left out, making it a binary concept. But you also see it in the inverted pentagram (used by the Satanists) which represents the suppression of the feminine aspect of spirit (the fifth point pointing downward). The four forces of nature is suppressing and ruling the spirit, illustrating pure materialism raised above spirituality. If we remove the spirit from the "mind - body - spirit" connection all we are is binary programable mechanical drones.

    The whole idea is to invert man's spiritual nature to keep him in beast consciousness; carnal instincts/reactive mind/lower base driven, in a state of fear and separation – a state people can be ruled from. This has been happening for a very long time and most people are not even aware of it. The trans-humanistic agenda is being portrayed as a positive concept which will help people to better themselves, to become super human, but instead they will become sub-human.

    Looking forward to hear more from Harald K Vella. Thanks to everybody contributing!

    I got this information listening to these YouTube vids...
    Harald Kautz Vella Explains Black Goo
    Harald Kautz(-Vella): Black Programmable matter-Black Goo, NWO-Agenda...
    Harald Kautz Vella Spring 2017 Update
    The Bases Lectures Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo)
    Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part One, Two
    Bases at Woodborough - Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo)
    Last edited by drneglector; 30th April 2017 at 16:41. Reason: Inserted links

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    United States Avalon Member Foxie Loxie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Impactful post, drneglector! Thanks so much; it helps in understanding what this Blood Sacrifice thing is all about. It was always difficult for me to understand. That it was introduced into the Christianity picture should come as no surprise! We all have been adhering to a script that was written for us, following blindly along in the teaching that we have received, NOT understanding its true Source! Kudos for an insightful post, my Friend, with thankfulness!

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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Excellent, drneglector. Thank you so much.

    Quote Posted by Limor Wolf (here)
    A wealth of self conscious awareness from Harald- Kautz Vella who shares knowledge and perceptions on how 'reality' works in it's energetic tapestry resonance, which may be of interest in this valuable thread.

    More than anything, it's about facing ourselves to [/I]wake up to our own reality ~

    Many blessings ~


    HKV sharp, concise and loving as ever. Intense talk. Dec 1, 2017

    (sorry, at this language level I’m not able to provide a summary, I tried)

    Last edited by Iloveyou; 4th December 2017 at 18:43.

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    "It's all about Satan"

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    "It's all about Satan"

    The latest I could find.

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    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    I think I came to my own conclusion on the “black goo” thing recently but sorry if it does not entice the audience of prevalent theories of today.

    Check for yourself out of interest how crude oil looks, in its various forms unless it makes you nauseous ( that’s why I’m not studying it) or take a face mask 😷

    Realise it’s biological material in origin that’s why we call them fossil fuels.

    We mine it in its most available form for us but the liquified, distilled and chemically purified liquid we extract is very thin layer on top of much older, richer sediments under earth some of which are still going through complex microbial process and are inhabited by thousands of primitive organisms.

    Whether some of them actually originated in deep space but merged with life prevalent on earth since may be rather difficult to discern at this point but what’s crucial or may be to us is that some of these inner sediments can be biologically evolved contaminants.
    Some of the worst examples of can be probably found in sewage under all megacities on the planet, as of the moment.

    We are currently producing tons of contaminated biological material laced by all sorts of toxins and chemicals engulfed in clouds of methane . Guess I’m exaggerating but it completely stops my mind from imagining

    This had to be known to the Russians since long ago as they seem to have some of the largest mines on the planet, in in the Ural Mountains the tunnels are said to stretch for thousand miles and some may have been work of ancient builders. We don’t know about it much but the mines and sink holes in Siberia seem to go down to earth for miles too. And there is lots of strange sediments lying under the frozen permafrost in the far North, also in Tibet which was once an ocean bed in itself,
    most of Asia is lates by fossils from the Triassic and Jurassic periods of prehistory,
    so are the rest of continents.

    Some of the largest dinosaur bones ever found were unearthed only few years ago in Argentina.

    We are literally walking on the dust and bones of our ancestors. This place is one giant cemetery with ceremonies ongoing ..

    yet, people believe in it 🙏😅

    On the other hand, how many people do get out without being biologically trapped here for millions of years in some form or another ?

    Very few ..

    Unusual meteorite, more valuable than gold may hold building blocks of life

    Landed in Costa Rica, April 23rd 2019
    Last edited by Agape; 3rd August 2021 at 16:02.

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Go to link here. Starts 19:36 on podcast

    OCTOBER 3, 2021

    The Transhumanism Agenda rolls on with part 3 in this series: Black Goo. You’ve seen it in many movies, comics, and TV shows.What is it? Is it real? Where did it come from? What is it made of? Is it actually alive? It’s sentient? Wtf? There are lots of questions to be answered tonight, Johnny and the gang sit down to try and figure out what exactly is this sticky and apparently smart mess. Let’s get /comfy/ and find out about the ” B L A C K G O O”!!
    Referenced these images in the above podcast

    Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/5a2e8129-ef3a-43e2-9154-3e627cf0cbcb

    Has more images and predictive programming

    Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/14264b17-12e4-4447-9a25-754d67d0a891
    Last edited by Delight; 10th October 2021 at 18:16.

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Cross posting from here

    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)

    I followed Harald Kautz with great interest when he first arrived on the scene. The same for Dr. Lee Merritt from The Five Docs and other as well, so I look forward to listening to them.

    This is my Harald Kautz-Vella folder of info. I was going to a thread or two of his, but I see you’ve done it already.

    Do you have any links to share? Thanks..... I had completely ignored this whole area as Morgellons, black goo etc. seemed just too far fetched. I am slow some years. Here is a 2015 presentation.

    Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/5820688564001

    I think Sofia Smallstorm is a fabulous researcher. She has been looking at these matters for years.

    Quote As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

    Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

    People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrials") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

    Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

    All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

    How will our world be organized then? Will we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?

    BUY THE DVD AT www.AvatarProducts.com or MAKE A BIG DONATION at www.AboutTheSky.com

    Also check out:
    Last edited by Delight; 10th October 2021 at 19:02.

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    Do you have any links to share? Thanks..... I had completely ignored this whole area as Morgellons, black goo etc. seemed just too far fetched. I am slow some years. Here is a 2015 presentation.

    Most of the vids are scrubbed, but when I ran a search of Bases at Woodborough - Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo) up came video lists + other vids with Harald Kautz Vella and other black goo tech.

    Article and photos: Harald Kautz Vella – Alien A.I. and Black Goo Technology

    The series below is no longer available. I’ll add the titles and summaries: Black Goo Parts 1-3. Recently, Miles Johnston told Kerry Cassidy that he will be uploading them elsewhere.

    Black Goo: Part One
    Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part One

    Published on Jun 28, 2015

    There are 2 forms of Black Goo, one made by the earth, and another that was landed here by intention, in a a meteor swarm, 80,000 years ago. Both are sentient and are designed to create life from the materials on the planet. In simple terms, its a "seed" device.

    The intelligence that seeded the off world goo, is creating life that is bypassing the natural order, and bringing lifeforms to a higher level of order than they should naturally be. In this case BIG spiders.

    In this first of 3 parts, German researcher and discusses smart dust, and the Black Goo. Use of Scalar Physics is discussed, so you will have to pay attention. This is about an extraterrestrial, dimensional Predator species that is silently assimilating humanity, and all life on earth.

    Black Goo: Part Two
    Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part Two

    Published on Jun 28, 2015
    Harald Kautz-Vella continues this detailed interview on the alien Black Goo, concentrating on Morgellons, and the existence of "M State" matter. The creatures comprised of the alien black goo related seem to exist in a partial state of matter, not quite in this dimension. Thus implants in people which are in a translucent fluidic matter.

    Smart dust is mentioned.

    A short clip of something that is claimed to be derived from the alien black goo is shown.

    As with all such matters, detailed scientific results and data is required. If we can get it.

    Continues in part 3, on the "AI", all computers have a link via an Artificial Intelligence.

    Black Goo: Part Three
    Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part Three

    Published on Jun 29, 2015
    Computer system have a collective intelligence, working under a collective "AI" or artificial intelliegenec. Some financial centres, have a quantum computer , derived from the alien black goo. The square wave signal in computers have a direct connection with this alien black goo, due to their scalar signature. The use of synthetic RNA as a bio-weapon, in Iraq War 2. All point to the creation of a synthetic bio race, with no empathy or 'feelings'.

    Smart Dust and Bio Robots. Bio-Photons is the food for these octo-form creatures. But the earth, or mother nature is neutralizing this alien black goo so it has a balanced positive nature. Too bad to be true, too good to be true?

    These are my notes from Eve Lorgen. Some links work and others are unavailable. I’ll leave as is so anyone can grab a title and check elsewhere.

    Sage of Quay Radio - Cara St.Louis & Harald Kautz-Vella - Part 2: Dangerous Imagination (Jan 2015)

    From Eve Lorgen’s site (article deleted): She points she found relevant in the first video and the YouTube summary. Also I’ve added Part Two:
    • Sacred word is no. I do not give permission to accept…..fill in the blanks
    • Neurolinguistic spell casting that engenders us giving our power away.
    • English as a language to control us through NLP spell casting and double meaning plays on words, etc.
    • Education system is a brainwashing system to keep us from developing and using true imagination, creational power, intuition and instead keeps us in these Pavlovian thought loop systems of thought that is a self perpetrating trap of mind control.
    • Morgellons is nano tech physical parasite and transdimensional parasite invasion
    • The physical and transdimensional parasite predator is enabled through various vector systems but is essentially based on black magic.
    • Mind control is the core issue of us actually giving our power away.(EL- Agreement of entrapment on various levels, often subconsciously agreed upon.)
    • Heart Core beingness and Spirit connection and Earth/Gaia connection is our power of resilience against these predator weapons of all kinds, including nano tech
    • One may want to re-read some of Dr. Corrado Malanga’s original research article called “The Global Picture of Alien Interference” which outlines how these transdimensional parasites invade our system within the “abductee”. (See https://flashmentalsimulation.wordpr...interferences/ )His latest research is yet to be released in Italian called Evideon parts one two and three. When this comes out I will put out an article on this.
    DNA Technology, AI, Black Goo and Social Engineering aka Harold Kautz-Vella & Cara St. Louis

    A Must listen/view on Sage of Quay Radio – Harald Kautz-Vella & Cara St. Louis: Dated 4/13/2015

    DNA Technology, AI and Black Goo

    These two researchers are excellent, smart and to the point about so many relevant issues that are of great importance to the human race.
    • The predator/parasite agenda of using humans as a resource
    • Essentials of newer research about Morgellons, DNA/RNA Biophoton and optigenetics, and transhumanism agenda.
    Youtube Description of Interview: Harald Kautz-Vella and Cara St. Louis have co-authored and released a new book called Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation.

    The book is a partnership between Cara and Harald, who is an Esoteric Investigator with expertise in geology, physics and the media. Together they plumb the depths of the social engineering which is aimed at the cultural destruction of western civilization and how chemtrailing, Morgellon’s Disease and the phenomenon of “Black Goo” or Sentient Oil – are the building blocks behind the elite’s agenda to commandeer the world.

    This will be a two part show. For this show, which is Part 1, Harald will talk to us about technology that has been in play since 2003 which directly alters the DNA / RNA structures within humans. This technology, which surpasses the black program which manifests Morgellons, is dispersed via the covert aerosol spraying program which many refer to as Chemtrails. Harald will then discuss how the matrix is possibly managed by an alien artificial intelligence with a self preservation objective. We then return to talk more about the elites obsession with controlling and reprogramming a substance called “Black Goo” which mirrors the consciousness of humans and that of alien entities such as the Archons.
    Buy Cara and Harald’s Book: http://tinyurl.com/mf5xcny
    Cara’s website: http://vortexcourage.me/
    What is RNA? http://exploringorigins.org/rna.html
    Second video: Published on Feb 7, 2015

    Cara St. Louis & Harald Kautz-Vella interviewed by Michael Friedrich Vogt.
    Neuer Querdenken-Kanal! Bitte abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/user/IIQuerde…


    Youtube Description of Video/Interview:

    How have we become willing participants in our own extinction and why is it we don’t know how easy it is to stop it? Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation is a no-excuses conversation about the social engineering of the twentieth century and how it led to our planet being terraformed almost without our knowledge and what we can do about it.

    The side effects of global medical experimentation are devastating and fatal – unless we act … Morgellon’s Syndrome and the use of Sentient Oil, both of which are being understood deeply and handled.

    In this interview with Michael Friedrich Vogt, Harald Kautz-Vella and Cara St.Louis discuss their joint effort to discuss the science behind the blatant chemical poisoning of humanity and the social engineering that has been used to make us beings, who will willingly accept this.

    They also discuss in detail, how we make it all stop. This collaboration is now available in English and currently in translation for the German-speaking audiences.
    Cara St. Louis Farelly, The Sun Thief
    Cara St. Louis Farelly & Harald Kautz-Vella, Die Sonnendiebe http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=a9_sc_1?rh…
    Cara St.Louis & Harald Kautz-Vella, Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation

    Last edited by RunningDeer; 10th October 2021 at 20:30.

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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    The most interesting and most complete story of Black Goo I found on a youtube channel under the name Cosmic Agency that claims to transmit messages from Pleiadeans (they claim it is via chat on internet and not channeling). While I do not believe in usefulness and authenticity of information obtained in this way and find the channel otherwise to be useless, I found this story of Black Goo to be interesting and overlapping with what Harald was stating in his public appearances. So here it is:

    They claim that black goo is similar to oil and that it is key part of every planet situated 10 km bellow the ground. It is conscious and contains descriptions of life on the planet. In addition to this positive Black Goo of planet Earth there is negative one that fell down to Earth via meteorites that rained on Earth when a planet with more sinister inhabitants was disintegrated. So this negative black goo is used in black magic and it makes people evil and easily possessed by demonic spirits. It was used by SS officers which explains their brutality. They claim that elites are trying to fill people with negative black goo via vaccines, chemtrails, food... in order to connect humans with AI which they think they control.

    I am also wandering whether Black Goo could in fact be graphene.

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    Avalon Member Andre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Great stuff!
    Our destiny is in our hands. Let us visualise a world of truth, freedom and equality.

  26. Link to Post #34
    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    The story here in

    "Black Goo, Evil and frequency" with Lee Merrit

    has the most amazing finale because it is POSSIBLE that in our reality (if we choose to be ALIVE in THAT reality where the separation is reunited with God) Satan has regained the emotional body lost by trauma. Satan chose to reunite with God now and wishes only to lie sleeping in the lap of God for a thousand years.

    Satan did not take his minions. These traumatized beings need redemption or we will continue to pass on the created here evil that will destroy us. We all have suffered trauma and lost our emotional bodies and parts of our being which has allowed evil spirits to eter and control us.

    IT is time to heal. Love will allow us to connect with the essence of our suffering and FEEL our truama and change our frequency. We can be released fom our agreements with evil (made in desperation of emptiness) and no longer feed the archons with pain. All by us and one by one choosing our allegience to Creator's plan of redemption. To LOVE and offer Forgiveness to EVERYTHING we encounter is our only hope and the GLORY. WE CHOOSE GLORY. It is such a FABULOUs imagination and I forgive Satan and I forgive all of MYSELF who in desperation and soul destroying pain chose evil. I know that Christ will help me heal all that was wounded in any place in my being.

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v1x28n2/?pub=mpxgj

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    I have not heard these yet and listening now.

    Harald Kautz on Shadow Work

    Harald Kautz - Primary Cause Research and Healing

    Quote Archon Expulsion Techniques with Harald Kautz

    The New Now
    Feb 2, 2023
    Yabula, Spider Demons and others almost impossible to spell or sound, and yet, they may be seen as an infestation on 'human consciousness'.

    Unwanted but perhaps unconsciously invited in through our ignorance to join us on/in this life's ride.

    For those who are new here we suggest watching the following two videos for perspective on Frank and his challenges:

    Psychonauts 1 and 2, introduced Frank, who claims to have such an 'unwanted' guest.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHHMo... Psychonaut-1

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73FYE... Pscychonaut-2

    (Video of Frank's DMT - Parasite Experiences link-Bottom #2)

    Join us today as we attempt to look into Frank's Challenges and find the 'static' that most of us face, in one way or another, when we attempt to 'fix our problems' in life.

    These voices of fear often confuse us and come in many forms: echos, misinterpretations, lost connections, language barriers, technological 'choke holds' and mis-directions of well intended advice.

    From regret and blame to shame and guilt to simple distortions, obviously experienced in this video from 'Frank's End'....they clearly illustrate the intelligent obfuscation that these 'parasites' can place over any life that allows such interference to continue.

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    Australia Avalon Member s7e6e's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    The story here in

    "Black Goo, Evil and frequency" with Lee Merrit

    has the most amazing finale because it is POSSIBLE that in our reality (if we choose to be ALIVE in THAT reality where the separation is reunited with God) Satan has regained the emotional body lost by trauma. Satan chose to reunite with God now and wishes only to lie sleeping in the lap of God for a thousand years.

    Satan did not take his minions. These traumatized beings need redemption or we will continue to pass on the created here evil that will destroy us. We all have suffered trauma and lost our emotional bodies and parts of our being which has allowed evil spirits to eter and control us.

    IT is time to heal. Love will allow us to connect with the essence of our suffering and FEEL our truama and change our frequency. We can be released fom our agreements with evil (made in desperation of emptiness) and no longer feed the archons with pain. All by us and one by one choosing our allegience to Creator's plan of redemption. To LOVE and offer Forgiveness to EVERYTHING we encounter is our only hope and the GLORY. WE CHOOSE GLORY. It is such a FABULOUs imagination and I forgive Satan and I forgive all of MYSELF who in desperation and soul destroying pain chose evil. I know that Christ will help me heal all that was wounded in any place in my being.

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v1x28n2/?pub=mpxgj

    I'm 45 years old, yet reading this made me cry. Thank you.

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Cosmic Salon(niish) - A chat with Harald Kautz (Vella)
    1 hour 55 minutes - Posted Mar 25, 2024

    This is a riveting chat with Harold Kautz. We get into the main themes of his work and go 'off-road' too. Quantum Dots. Black Goo. Parasites. Healing modalities. And so much more.

    *Recorded Jan 25th 2024

    Harald's Website:

    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    Default Re: Harald Kautz Vella explains 'Black Goo'

    Quote Posted by Spellbound (here)
    As I recall, it is said that some of the X Files were based on real anomalies as Chris Carter was dialed in with some from black projects or MJ12 or something. One of those episodes involved a black goo, which also made an appearance in Prometheus. Also, if I recall correctly, there were rumors in the alternative community of black goo being involved with the Falkland War off the coast of Argentina (though I don't know if I am remembering this correctly....someone please set me straight if I am wrong here).

    Is there something to this concept or is this merely made up for Hollywood with no substance whatsoever??

    Dave Toronto
    It's the X-files movie and their ridiculous plot device of using honey bee stings as a means of infecting everyone with the black goo.
    But being as you can't out and out expose the plan in exactly the way it is going to happen. Then a honey bee and it's sting as stupid of a delivery system as that would be, would make a good metaphore or simile to a vaccination via a hypodermic needle.
    Chris Carter has admitted receiving script plots from the CIA.
    The most remarkable of which was predicting 911 in a show that aired in March of 2001. That was on the x-files spin off called the lone gunman.

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