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Thread: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

  1. Link to Post #61
    UK Avalon Member Sérénité's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    More blood clot and bleeding issues being reported;

    I read some startling things on a vaccine side effects telegram channel this evening.

    There was about 9 or so personal experiences being shared of ladies explaining their experiences with very extreme changes to their usual monthly routine.
    Some who was pregnant, now not.

    Many of the experiences included photos which was very graphic and probably not ideal to share directly, but I’ll put the link up for anyone wanting to visit directly.

    The issues was all heavy and abnormal clotting. Totally out of the normal and out of the blue for these people they say.
    Some had taken medical advice, one lady was informed that it was her uterus wall shedding and the medical examiner was confused as to how or why.

    Others were bleeding out of their noses, one simultaneously. Doctors reporting it was subchronic hemorraghe. The clots coming out of their noses after random nose bleeds was the size of a thumb.

    None of these people had been vaccinated.


    Edit-Should this be on the shedding thread? Just realised it’s not potential vaccine injury as such

    Mod note from Bill:

    Yes, many thanks, and moved. I also took the liberty of highlighting the potentially important part of this.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 25th April 2021 at 00:58.

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  3. Link to Post #62
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    Here's a question I forgot that some may wish to meditate on: If I'm now so toxic that I shouldn't be around others because I'm so infectious, and having the vaccine in me makes the dangers of Covid pale in comparison, why am I not sick? Typhoid Mary here can only infect everyone around her with all kinds of hurt (which hasn't happened), but she feels fine?

    Hmmmmm, someone needs to carefully explain that one to me. I'm not sick, but everyone (including my dog) coming into the slightest contact with me will get sick.

    Gracy May, I am clearly on the NO Covid vaccine side (as I have been and still are on the NO mask etc side). As in the past (up to the election threads) I practically almost always liked your posts, which were very balanced, mostly neutral and in a very, positive thought/meditation/musing provoking way, I felt very sad when I saw your comment regarding your taking the Moderna jab.

    Why I felt sad? Because, after having spend a tremendous time informing me about the virus and the experimental jabs I am not only on the NO vaccine side, but I am convinced that for most people the jab is not to their benefit.

    I certainly can very well understand your reasoning to take the jab (post #49) and I guess that many people take the jab exactly for the same reason(s). Having mentioned that, I would like to comment on some of your recent post on this thread

    Post #44
    You mentioned:
    "I'm saddened to see that this is becoming yet one more issue for people to divide themselves over, and the fact that a medical decision like this is largely based along political lines is quite something to behold."
    I am saddened as well that this issue probably will divide ourselves (although probably no much, as many are not really aware of this topic). However, I do not think that this is an issue for people to divide themselves over because of their believe system, but rather an issue that will force some people to take a decision or to accept the fact, that they have to be divided from some people (even the loved ones), but not so much because of their free will to be divided/separated from others (because of their believe system), including loved ones, friends etc, but rather of free will to have to separate oneself, in order not to have adverse health issues.

    That such a hard decision is based largely along political lines, I really doubt. Maybe, to some extend in the US political context, it might seem that it could be a decision along political lines, although, as mentioned before, I doubt it

    In any case, it certainly does not seem to be the case outside the US. At least in Europe and Latin America, the decision to take the jab seems rather be based on each persons believe system. If someone believes what is promoted by the mainstream press and their mouthpieces, taking the jab is highly likely. However, if a person is a bit more a critical thinker and does not accept all news promoted by them, the willingness to take the jab seems to be less

    Post #49
    At the end of your post you said
    "I'll continue wearing a mask for other's sake until basically everyone who wants the vaccine has gotten it, then that friggin thing comes off, and life goes back to normal again".
    I truly hope that life goes back to normal again. Would be really great. However I doubt it. Maybe to the "new normal" but to normal as we had it before???

    Unfortunately, it seems that the new normal will be mask forever and jabs forever at least on a yearly basis (maybe even several jabs per year). I hope I am wrong with this assumption, but the messages that some influential people in the "developed world" transmit, seem to indicate that NO mask or No more Covid jabs etc is rather wishful thinking

    The whole issue has nothing to do with retards vs smart people. In my opinion it has rather to do with one's belief system. The thinking/arguing along retards/smart people line, leads in my opinion to the separation issue you yourself, correctly I believe, criticize.

    Regarding the rest of your comments in post#52, I understand perfectly well that your stand against Trump and the past election has been tough as many of the Avalon members who posted about this topic, clearly were in the "other" camp. However, I really do not see what the Trump/past election/possible Q psyop etc. has to do with taking the jab or it's side effects?

    In my opinion there are too many Covid threads on the forum, which makes following the issue on Avalon more complicated than necessary. But although we have many similar Covid threads on Avalon, this thread about the issue of possibly passing some jab effects of vaccinated people to the no-vaccinated ones, to me seems interesting at least.

    I believe that the information about this issue is worth being kept separated from other Covid threads. Therefore, I hope that this thread is used to post interesting information about this topic only and does not lead to another party line discussion thread

    In my opinion the German/American doctor Sucharit Bhakdi (there are links on other Avalon threads) has given an accurate explanation regarding time and why some vaccinated people do have severe vaccine side effects and others not. Age and a strong or not so strong immune system might be the issue.

    Well, in any case, I would like to close my post with the following comments.
    1. I truly hope that I am completely wrong with my opinion that the jab (especially those with mRNA) might have some adverse health effects and therefore, I hope that nobody having taken the jab will suffer any serious side effects at all.
    2. I truly hope, that the theory of passing the jab ingredients to an unvaccinated person is only a theory and nothing else.
    3. In case that the jab ingredients really are passed along, I hope that the immune systems of the none vaccinated ones will be strong enough to absorb/eliminate the ingredients passed on.
    4. I further hope that this thread does not convert into a political/party line influenced thread or a retard/smart people discussion thread but, as so far, remains a thread with important information about a topic not yet known well, but nevertheless important.
    With my best wishes to all of you
    Last edited by chrifri; 25th April 2021 at 11:04.

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  5. Link to Post #63
    Avalon Member uzn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Old but still valid:

    Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
    Should the Recently Vaccinated be Quarantined to Prevent Outbreaks?

    February 02, 2015 14:34 ET | Source: Weston A. Price Foundation

    Washington, D.C., Feb. 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health officials are blaming unvaccinated children for the recent measles outbreak that started at Disneyland. However, with no blood tests proving the outbreak is from wild measles, the most likely source of the outbreak is a recently vaccinated individual, according to published science.

    Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

    Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.11,12,13

    "Numerous scientific studies indicate that children who receive a live virus vaccination can shed the disease and infect others for weeks or even months afterwards. Thus, parents who vaccinate their children can indeed put others at risk," explains Leslie Manookian, documentary filmmaker and activist. Manookian's award winning documentary, The Greater Good, aims to open a dialog about vaccine safety.

    Both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals are at risk from exposure to those recently vaccinated. Vaccine failure is widespread; vaccine-induced immunity is not permanent and recent outbreaks of diseases such as whooping cough, mumps and measles have occurred in fully vaccinated populations.14,15 Flu vaccine recipients become more susceptible to future infection after repeated vaccination.16

    "Health officials should require a two-week quarantine of all children and adults who receive vaccinations," says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. "This is the minimum amount of time required to prevent transmission of infectious diseases to the rest of the population, including individuals who have been previously vaccinated."

    "Vaccine failure and failure to acknowledge that live virus vaccines can spread disease have resulted in an increase in outbreaks of infectious disease in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals," says Manookian, "CDC should instruct physicians who administer vaccinations to inform their patients about the risks posed to others by those who've been recently vaccinated."

    According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, the best protection against infectious disease is a healthy immune system, supported by adequate vitamin A and vitamin C. Well-nourished children easily recover from infectious disease and rarely suffer complications.

    The number of measles deaths declined from 7575 in 1920 (10,000 per year in many years in the 1910s) to an average of 432 each year from 1958-1962.17 The vaccine was introduced in 1963. Between 2005 and 2014, there have been no deaths from measles in the U.S. and 108 deaths from the MMR vaccine.18

    The Weston A. Price Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 15,000 members, supports 600 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394, www.westonaprice.org, info@westonaprice.org.

    source and more references:

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  7. Link to Post #64
    Avalon Member uzn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    By the way, it´s in the name: ModeRNA

    Montana Daily Gazette:

    Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

    Unintentional effects of the Covid-19 vaccines should be expected as the vaccines are still on trial until 2023, but many of these adverse effects have startled the unvaccinated.

    The reports began with an unvaccinated Instagram user sharing with her followers that after years of regular cycles she missed her menstrual cycle two months in a row. Shortly after she shared her experience, the woman began noticing mainstream news articles drawing a connection between menstrual issues and the covid vaccine.

    After hypothesizing that women’s negative reaction to the experimental mRNA vaccines- even if they’re unvaccinated- may be due to shedding, many other women started sharing their testimonies.

    Sadly, abnormal menstrual cycles weren’t the only adverse reaction to the vaccine in unvaccinated women, many suggested their recent miscarriages may be due to being around the vaccine and those vaccinated.

    After reading hundreds of testimonies, the Instagram user learned many women experienced decimal casts, the lining of the uterus falling out. A quick Google search of the term showed a spike in search results in January 2021, when the Covid-19 vaccines were being introduced.

    Many theorized that the Covid-19 vaccines would affect fertility and it’s starting seem as though those conspiracy theories aren’t all that crazy. For more testimonials watch this video.



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  9. Link to Post #65
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  10. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to uzn For This Post:

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  12. The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to uzn For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #67
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    I'm not so sure about germ theory. I find it difficult to fear the viral shedding that is supposedly causing these reactions in the un-vaxxed. I'm more inclined to believe it's a spiritual, sympathetic reaction of some type. As a child I was partially "soul evicted" by a vaccine, and I wonder if the partially soul-evicted can have a spiritual effect on those around them, including leaching energy from others, maybe passing on symptoms in the process? Psychic self-defence might be the answer.

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  15. Link to Post #68
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    I'm not so sure about germ theory. I find it difficult to fear the viral shedding that is supposedly causing these reactions in the un-vaxxed.
    It might not be anything to do with 'viral shedding'. If this is a real thing, it's going to be connected with induced-spike-protein-antibody shedding, because those are what the mRNA vaccine generates.

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  17. Link to Post #69
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    I'm not so sure about germ theory. I find it difficult to fear the viral shedding that is supposedly causing these reactions in the un-vaxxed.
    It might not be anything to do with 'viral shedding'. If this is a real thing, it's going to be connected with induced-spike-protein-antibody shedding, because those are what the mRNA vaccine generates.
    How dangerous are antibodies floating around in the air?

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  19. Link to Post #70
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    I'm not so sure about germ theory. I find it difficult to fear the viral shedding that is supposedly causing these reactions in the un-vaxxed.
    It might not be anything to do with 'viral shedding'. If this is a real thing, it's going to be connected with induced-spike-protein-antibody shedding, because those are what the mRNA vaccine generates.
    How dangerous are antibodies floating around in the air?
    But they're not real natural antibodies. These are engineered things that are designed ('programmed') to attack spike proteins.

    The issue is that there are many more spike proteins in the body than just maybe some SARS-CoV-2 viruses that may or may not be there.

    Twenty different kinds of spike proteins, in many different organs. The placenta contains spike proteins.

    So if this whole artificially induced mechanism malfunctions, it might cause the immune system to attack the placenta, causing miscarriages or other birth defects.

    And if these things are airborne-transmissable, then one person's anti-spike-protein antibodies might also attack another person's body.

    It's a nightmare scenario, if there's any truth to this. This may or may not happen, but the very worst case rolling out here is that not only does the 'vaccine' cause auto-immune dysfunctions in the vaccinated person's body, but that in itself might spread from person to person as well.

    We're a long way from knowing whether this kind of thing is happening. Bits and pieces of circumstantial evidence are gradually accumulating. But the whole point of clinical trials are to show that this kind of thing can NOT happen. And those have been skipped completely.

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  21. Link to Post #71
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Constance (here)
    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    Here's a question I forgot that some may wish to meditate on: If I'm now so toxic that I shouldn't be around others because I'm so infectious, and having the vaccine in me makes the dangers of Covid pale in comparison, why am I not sick? Typhoid Mary here can only infect everyone around her with all kinds of hurt (which hasn't happened), but she feels fine?

    Hmmmmm, someone needs to carefully explain that one to me. I'm not sick, but everyone (including my dog) coming into the slightest contact with me will get sick.

    In a word, latency. Like herpes, prions can lay dormant in the nervous system until something like stress or a chemical or something completely unique triggers it.

    Okay, well there's a slight problem here Constance. First off, a 30 year type of latency is about the exact opposite of what is supposed to be going on with this shedding thing. Supposedly vaccinated people are the rough equivalent of being radioactive, meaning people had better stay the heck away from right now, or else.

    With latency, it may be years and years before they turn toxic. It can't be both.

    The other main thing is that the link made no mention as to a connection between Prion Disease, and the Covid vaccines. At all.

    It was based off of CDC research. Do we trust the CDC, or do we not trust the CDC?

    I'm still looking for evidence that this thing is real, and not just the latest alternative media sensation.

    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    You don't have to worry about avoiding GMO anymore. Now you are one :-)
    That's very sweet.

  22. Link to Post #72
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)

    I'm still looking for evidence that this thing is real, and not just the latest alternative media sensation.
    The first 13 minutes of this video might be very helpful — to quite a few who don't fully understand yet what might be going on, and who also genuinely want to learn more. (And do please be sure to listen to the last minute of those 13.)


    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BaOsaawg48VL
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 25th April 2021 at 14:51.

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  24. Link to Post #73
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)

    I'm still looking for evidence that this thing is real, and not just the latest alternative media sensation.
    The first 13 minutes of this video might be very helpful — to quite a few who don't fully understand yet what might be going on, and who also genuinely want to learn more. (And do please be sure to listen to the last minute of those 13.)


    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BaOsaawg48VL
    Well Bill, I can easily go and find a video of a doctor saying the complete opposite, but she certainly is adding to this new and rapidly upcoming narrative that it's people who have had the jab to worry about, and not Covid at all. That truly is putting this whole thing on it's ear.

    It's an opinion piece based on a certain anti vax outlook. Now I don't mind opinions, everyone is entitled to one, but she even says we don't know.

    I also couldn't help but notice that the host of the show, regularly highlights people the likes of Charlie Ward, and Simon Parkes, so he's seeking out people with outrageous things to say but are according to the narrative he wishes to put out there.

    Sorry but that's just not what I'm looking for. IMO all this is doing, unless some actual evidence is put forth, is singling out people that will have the ultimate effect of them being dehumanized as zombified idiots, and dividing us even further along those lines.

    We simple do not know, but are proceeding forward as if we do.

  25. Link to Post #74
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)

    We simply do not know, but are proceeding forward as if we do.
    Well, no. You're proceeding as if you do, as you've made the decision to take the Moderna shot. That can't be reversed.

    Anyone who's "hesitant" (this is a new word, like being a "conspiracy theorist") can still go take it if they change their mind.

    So it's kind of a one-way thing. You've already committed yourself, as if you know. But, maybe you don't.

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  27. Link to Post #75
    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)

    It was based off of CDC research. Do we trust the CDC, or do we not trust the CDC?

    I'm still looking for evidence that this thing is real, and not just the latest alternative media sensation.
    I am praying that all who get the jab are given a major boost of the Living God energy to overcome any physical, mental, spiritual issues. I also pray that all who are un-jabbed remain whole and unaffected by a component of the jab.

    It does make sense that it is the spike and I have been around a BUNCH of people getting the jab. The best thing any of us can do IMO is PRAY because that connects us up to the cleansing, boosting jolt that can overcome all.

    There are two main results arising for me with the fall of civilization and the shattering of all sense. One is, We cannot have mastery and sovereignty over our past experience (and everything we are aware of is passed) if we are COMING FROM the same level of energy that created it. There is so much in the language of church that I am aware is true... claiming victory with the help of God is a real process that works. I know that church has taken the truth and made it a self reference (my religion) but the TRUTH is that there is SOURCE of FORCE that seeks to be our own. We have to choose it and surrender to this force. There are miracles in that place of space of love of Source.

    The second is HELL NO do NOT trust the CDC. EVER!!! Do not trust any of these systems. They have been co-opted by an antithesis of the supposed intention to protect people. The systems MUST be shattered or we will be destroyed. The trajectory looks dire but may be OVER COME by divine intervention (which is us and ours but not at the matrix constructed level of awareness) The way to do move forward withdraws our trust, respect, consideration and participation from the matrix.

    This is the END or the Beginning. I choose beginning and that begins with ME and my power to withstand the crashing burning synthetic evil (opposite of live).

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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)

    We simply do not know, but are proceeding forward as if we do.
    Well, no. You're proceeding as if you do, as you've made the decision to take the Moderna shot. That can't be reversed.

    Anyone who's "hesitant" (this is a new word, like being a "conspiracy theorist") can still go take it if they change their mind.

    So it's kind of a one-way thing. You've already committed yourself, as if you know. But, maybe you don't.

    No Bill, this is not about me, I'm just here asking the questions that would otherwise never be asked, and challenging this new narrative on it's merits, that would otherwise remain unchallenged.

    My decision was a personal one, and I'm not out trying to sell anyone on it. I'm not out there telling people to never have sex with their vaccinated spouses again, stay away from their children if they're vaccinated, and calling people who have made the choice to vaccinate such endearing terms as "zombified idiots".

    No sir, no comparison there.

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    It was based off of CDC research. Do we trust the CDC, or do we not trust the CDC?

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    The second is HELL NO do NOT trust the CDC. EVER!!! Do not trust any of these systems. They have been co-opted by an antithesis of the supposed intention to protect people. The systems MUST be shattered or we will be destroyed.
    My question was rhetorical. If supposed evidence of this thing is based on CDC research, I don't then want to turn around and hear that the CDC can't be trusted as far as we can spit.

    It can't be both ways based on expediency.

  30. Link to Post #77
    Avalon Member uzn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Here, one of the 100 most trusted persons in America before corona.
    But some people have already made up their minds and no amount of evidence or eyewitness accounts will change their opinion.

    Dr. Christian Northrup

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/vdemxz
    Last edited by uzn; 25th April 2021 at 17:47.

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  32. Link to Post #78
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    The decision for me not to get the jab is based upon my research, risk-benefit analysis, probability evaluations and observations. (I have not had a jab in about 51 years since I was inducted into the Army in 1970.)

    Boiling the issue down to to its essence, in my mind it comes to this:

    1. The jab is admitted to be experimental by all those associated with its research, development and dissemination. As far as those charged with vetting it for efficacy and safety, they have not done that. They do not know if it is effective or safe. Period. (As if that really matters any more. It is documented that approval does not establish efficacy or safety.) They do not have the slightest clue about effects, short or long term, or side effects---which are effects, but which at one time in our history (maybe) were not the intended effects.

    2. These shots are also not approved. Rather, they are authorized on an "emergency" basis. I see no emergency anywhere, other than that created by the economic, political, pharma medical establishments and propagated by a steady diet of fear and repetition on all MSM sources of the risk of death.

    3.It is also well-established by mainstream sources that regarding those people who it is claimed contracted "CV-19 disease" (SARS Cov-2), the vast majority of them have moderate, if any, symptoms and that 99.5% of the people who it is said have CV-19 disease survived.

    Thus, when I stack up on the one hand moderate, if any, symptoms, coupled with a 99.5% survival rate on the one hand, against an experimental gene therapy with no trial studies for safety and efficacy on the other hand, and where in my personal experience and observations in New Mexico, Arizona, and California see no emergency or real medical crisis at all from the SARS Cov 2 virus, it is a very easy decision for me to make. I will not get the jab. Ever!

  33. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Satori For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Stephanie Seneff is another expert who understands MRNA and DNA. Viruses are actually our FRIENDS.

    Dr. Stephanie Seneff - COVID-19 Vaccine's Potential Effects on Human DNA

  35. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Delight For This Post:

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  36. Link to Post #80
    Wales Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Can a 'vaccinated' person pass on a jab ingredient to an unvaccinated person?

    Gracy May you made your decision based on what you believe in... End of...

    You are a moderator here at Avalon so you are well aware of what the 'chat' is regarding the 'jabs'

    You are well aware of the post and threads regarding it.

    You body your choice...

    You're beliefs...

    It is nobody else's business...

    You do not have to defend your decision to anybody but yourself

    I respect that

  37. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to EarthGirl For This Post:

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