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Thread: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

  1. Link to Post #61
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: BP well labled nightmare by BP engineer 1 week before explosion

    Quote I'm bringing this across from another thread...

    Quote Posted by peaceandlove (here)
    BP Bailout Petroleum

    A Series Of Lucky Coincidences Involving Goldman Sachs And BP plc

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/01/2010

    Earlier, when observing the US AG disclosure of a civil and criminal investigation into BP plc, we noted in passing that BP's former Chairman, Peter Sutherland, who left the firm is a Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Mr. Sutherland holds some other interesting titles, including a position on the Trilateral Commission, he was a chairman of the London School of Economics in 2008, he is a UN special representative for migration and development; he was the founding director-general of the World Trade Organization, he had previously served as director general of GATT since July 1993 and was instrumental in concluding the Uruguay GATT Round Negotiations. Needless to say, we focused on the Goldman relationship. When digging deeper, we uncovered some amusing correlations, most notably between the BP plc sellside ratings by Goldman BP analyst Michelle della Vigna and the Goldman Sachs Asset Management holdings of BP plc. These are summarized on the attached chart.

    Continues with chart: http://www.zerohedge.com/article/ser...n-sachs-bp-plc
    one thing that makes me almost sure Halliburton didn't know what was coming was them buying the oil fire company a few weeks before the disaster... it was like catching a kid with his hand in the cookie jar

    If they were involved there would be no trails pointing back at them...

    It was almost like they were set up on this one to look responsible...
    Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 15th June 2010 at 04:03.

  2. Link to Post #62
    Netherlands Avalon Retired Member Victoria Tintagel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Hi there, after reading this: The_BP_Deepwater_Horizon_Macondo_Well_Blowout_and_what_we_are_facing_in_the_Gulf.pdf (application/pdf) I thought about a different approach to find help. I suggest something that maybe some of you practice already: that we pray to mother Earth, to stop the flow of oil, if she's able to do that. The document that is attached above, originally posted by Bill, with details of technical issues and possible outcome of those kind of solutions, is quite clear in a horrific way: so far no stopping of the oil flow, chemicals being thrown in, clogging material and mud being used to stop the flow..... and recently I've seen a video with flames in the stream of oil and gas that is gushing out of the ocean floor.
    Here's the source:
    Greetings from Michael Knight, Editor, Earth Change Report.

    This'll make your stomach churn - there are flames at the well head in BP's blown out gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.
    We got some inside information that makes it clear that this is MUCH MUCH worse than any official is prepared to admit.
    This catastrophe has world wide ramifications - because it is only ONE of many earth changes that we are now experiencing.
    See the flames for yourself on the video I have posted at your special "oil spill latest" page - where you can also access a free report I have just written on the dire consequences facing people around the Gulf Coast - and even way up the East Coast.
    Click here http://www.buycontacthasbegun.com/oil-spill-latest.html
    to see the flaming gusher in the Gulf of Mexico and get a free Special Report - "Dire Effects - Evacuations Imminent."
    This is life-changing stuff for all of us - and life-threatening for many.
    Sincerely Michael Knight

  3. Link to Post #63
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Lefty Dave,
    I beleive those are all true. I have seen them reported elsewhere, even MSM, if I remeber correctly. SOrry, I don't have links. :0(

  4. Link to Post #64
    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Quote Posted by kriya (here)
    Sorry no question, just an observation. Maybe we should all put the call out for some assistance! And before people start on about its our mess etc....Sometimes people just need help, and an advanced race could do just that.


    The problem is, if they did offer to help, would mankind simply summon them every time a catastrophe like this takes place? We'll never learn if it gets to a point where "outside forces" have to step in and fix our stupid, stupid mistakes.

  5. Link to Post #65
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe


    Do you think that the controllers see this as their last attempt to seize power? Do you think that perhaps it's their last "card in the deck" as swine-flu and total economic collapse have both failed to materialize?

    Personally, I think they're in for a huge surprise. We have come too far to just perish over something like this.

  6. Link to Post #66
    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Well done! We HAVE to be proactive.

    We can't sit back and watch all this on TV like a disaster movie playing out.
    We can't live in fear of this disaster everyday either. It will always be there and it's important that people talk about it, stay aware of it and be alert. But, don't let it take over your life.

  7. Link to Post #67
    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Quote Posted by Humble Janitor (here)
    The problem is, if they did offer to help, would mankind simply summon them every time a catastrophe like this takes place? We'll never learn if it gets to a point where "outside forces" have to step in and fix our stupid, stupid mistakes.
    Of course not...it would change 'Humanity'

    Last edited by Eric J (Viking); 15th June 2010 at 08:50.
    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
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  8. Link to Post #68
    Avalon Member PINEAL-PILOT-IN MERKABAH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Quote Posted by Humble Janitor (here)

    Do you think that the controllers see this as their last attempt to seize power? Do you think that perhaps it's their last "card in the deck" as swine-flu and total economic collapse have both failed to materialize?

    Personally, I think they're in for a huge surprise. We have come too far to just perish over something like this.
    i think were away off the last card in the deck, next card in deck is ww3, then final card a false flag et invasion or real invasion if they can pull it off.. nuclear war first tho which is being prepared right now.. webbot sees november as a poss jump olff point for nuclear echange.. or it may be somethinh equally as bad.. whatever it is, its gonna be bigger than 9/11 by miles..

  9. Link to Post #69
    Avalon Member grannyfranny100's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe


    Your use of Veritas material (James Fox) is a sign that you, Mel and others are cooperating. Kudos!


  10. Link to Post #70
    Avalon Member THIRDEYE's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    bill,ty for posting this thread!!!and i must say what an honor to be part of the avolon forum my thanks to you and your staff bill,much light love an abundance my friend.as far as the golf leak is concerned im horrified over the devasataion to mother earth and all her children!!!!ive done some research on this topic as far as clean up is concerned.they have the technology to use microbiology and bugs that will eat the oil and leave no byproducts behind,in fact this technology states the can have the oil and the marshes cleaned in six weeks.for the love of the great creator i cant understand why they are not using this tecnology???ive als read that there are mantle shifts at this leak sight,in fact i saw a live video feed of flames coming off the oil plume...i think we as a collective need to send healing light and love and ask our et brothers and sisters for some divine intervention.i see no end to this leak for some quite time,however the paradox is the poeples our brothers and sisters are waking up!!!!this i see as a good thing cause awareness bring about change and the power to change timelines!!!!so it is my intention that other sources come to our aid in fixing this leak,i also believe that the galactic federation will not let us destroy this universal gift that we have been blessed with,the old saying goes bad things open doors to good things,i think the healing intention of all will be the answer to this dileema that civilization has been exposed too!!! again to everyone may all be blessed with ligh tlove and abundance.......thirdeye

  11. Link to Post #71
    Avalon Member HORIZONS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Question: What made the DW Horizon rig sink? How did the explosion and fire on top of the rig make the whole rig collapse and sink? It was built from the ground up to withstand major storm, and other types of damage--what gives? It looks like a twin towers scenario with building 7 collapsing for no good reason - and nobody much talking about it. Did I miss something?
    ~ If nothing changes then nothing changes ~

  12. Link to Post #72
    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Quote Posted by HORIZONS (here)
    Question: What made the DW Horizon rig sink? How did the explosion and fire on top of the rig make the whole rig collapse and sink? It was built from the ground up to withstand major storm, and other types of damage--what gives? It looks like a twin towers scenario with building 7 collapsing for no good reason - and nobody much talking about it. Did I miss something?

    You are absolutely spot on...I have been thinking about exactly the same thing for a couple of days...also one of the reasons why I believe this was not an accident!!!

    THIS AVENUE NEEDS TO BE EXPLORED... things dont add up!!!!

    Rupture at the botton of the sea thousands of feet below in one of the pipes!!!!!! And the whole rig goes down!!!!

    Horizon I dont think you missed a thing!!!

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  13. Link to Post #73
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    I have probably missed it somewhere, but has anyone explained why the oil is Reddish Brown in color?

    I have only seen Black looking oil associated with oil spills.

    I have not heard the TV or other media mention anything about this obvious difference or ask why the color is different.

    Also, does anyone what the terminology about Mud Volcanoes is all about?

    See the following post for YouTube videos that raise these questions.

  14. Link to Post #74
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Re- [Think-About-it] Unbelievable occult angle Interview on BP Oil Spill

    AntimatterRadio — June 12, 2010 — AntimatterRadio.com, TheEdgeAm.com. The gulf oil spill and the end of the world as we know it. Jeffrey Grupp on the Edge Broadcast with Daniel Ott, 6-12-10.

    http://antimatterradio.com/ -> okay

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    12 parts TheEdgeAm.com. The gulf oil spill and the end of the world as we know it. Jeffrey Grupp on the Edge Broadcast with Daniel Ott, 6-12-10.
    1 https://youtube.com/watch?v=pJWLbgsOfLE

    2 https://youtube.com/watch?v=C7WDVhcW4dY

    3 https://youtube.com/watch?v=3_1zutJg2Rg

    4 https://youtube.com/watch?v=Io_FqASRgV8

    5 https://youtube.com/watch?v=w09s1GxQ9xs

    6 https://youtube.com/watch?v=_QOK2ybNZok

    7 https://youtube.com/watch?v=Aj0Ghyxy8qw

    8 https://youtube.com/watch?v=sJUfpfIKi6A

    9 https://youtube.com/watch?v=3zxTjbcXrHk

    10 https://youtube.com/watch?v=gD_rawblxew

    11 https://youtube.com/watch?v=EMBVG4NoKoU

    12 https://youtube.com/watch?v=apBg6xIKrMg

    I do not know if the Project Avalon readership is familiar with these sites or the YouTube videos. I wasn’t.

    The conjecture here, though perhaps not in the general milieu of Project Avalon, still contributes to the amplification and spooling up of Contained Energy. This is just what the doctor ordered if you wanted to provide ample stores of ‘coal’ to stoke the mantle fires in the Planet with added fuel.

    If it were the plan to have the mantle become soft and liquid, so the tectonic plates could heave and move easily when Planet-X/Nibiru shows up, then this extra fuel stoking would be what you would expect.

    My assertion, my understanding, my information says that, no, the “old-story” Phoenix Phase/Genesis Cycle dynamic will not be permitted to continue again to produce another timeline and a sending off of the elites into their respective deep futures as a space culture as has happened repeatedly before (supposedly).

    What is to replace the “old-story” repeating survival dynamic of this illusion, this false-dimension(s)? The NEW STORY is arriving… quickly. The NEW STORY is not the New Age ascension story, either. That was all a memory of the “old-story” future.

    Why is this happening? The “boss”-gear showed up for its inspection tour of this experimental construction site and found it wanting. The construct can not do real-balance, the qualifying test to enter into real-dimension. So, it decided there will be no more “fixes”. There will be no more timeline attempts at achieving real-balance as an expression within the illusion. The illusion is to dissipate. Contained Energy of physicality is to dissipate. The old dead thoughtforms that are the foundational constructs from which this failed experiment were composed are being sucked up by the “boss”-gear. Conceptually it is a black hole bigger than the whole of the Cosmos or Universe evolved from the Big Bang.

    You will probably want to know more about why I have this information and the details of what is to happen to the human expressions, both stimulus-design and Male-soul design.

    Well, if I stay interested enough to make 50 posts, then I get to be able to start a Group or post a Thread of my own where I can address all of this in a cohesive manner for you. Until then you are censored from knowing much or being able to ask much. Sorry.

    It is a happy story.

    Stimulus designs get to go home, finally, to what I call for fun the energy Union Hall in real dimensions. It is from there that all which is ever expressed gets the energy do manifest that expression.

    The mass consciousness of the Male-soul is already existent in real-dimensions as MAN, whatever that looks like.

    The mass consciousness of the Male-soul design has a challenge. That challenge is to ‘remember’ itself as MAN in real-dimensions, to accomplish the action of doing real-balance. To do this the ‘cells’ of itself, the physical expressions, the ground crew member, have to be able to leave behind a present expression Experience they are doing and do another. Typically this was done in the past via Heroic Battle and physical death. But this was just a false-balance technique, not the action of doing real-balance.

    All that is needed is to accomplish real-balance is the act of Amnesia. Today you are a car salesman or ditch digger, for example. First you decide you are bored with that and decide to conclude or End that Experience. Then you simply do the expression of another Experience (any experience), which you then have the job of in-taking.

    The problem is to be able to forget the Experience you decided to End. Perfect Amnesia is required to do this. Without perfect Amnesia you have memories (good or bad) of that Experience. It is the memory stuff that spools up the amplification of excess Contained Energy, which then must, in turn, be expelled to obtain a non-disease inducing state of being. The memory stuff gets in the way of in-taking the new Experience. Only false-balance can be achieved this way. The act of doing real-balance is failed.

    You can see why this has never been done before; not from this plane of existence, this plane of slowed down expression, this failed experiment, this illusion of the false-dimensions.

    But do not worry. All the energy of all the stimulus-design Beings which have valiantly kept this failed experiment going until the “boss”-gear arrived will finally get to go home. If you will permit a bit of levity, I say that all unpaid beer tabs have been paid at the energy Union Hall tavern on the green.

    What happens to the energy composing the constructs of the Male-soul designs that were supposed to express here as MAN? I don’t know… not for sure, yet. I will guess that it will go to real-dimensions and hook up with the design it was assigned to in the first place… the 3U construct known as the MAN expression.

    3U (UUU) [Where U = amplification] equates to (U of stimulus) with (U of “boss”-gear) with (U of energy-expression)
    All three component “gears” (stimulus, “boss”, energy) work together in a Complete unit within the thoughtform or “feeling-energy-shape” of the MAN origination that the Big “boss”-gear deemed appropriate for its Experience collage.

    In real-dimensions there are Originations that the “boss”-gear has deemed appropriate for its Experience . They qualify for expression in real-dimensions because they can demonstrate the ability to do real-balance. Real-balance is defined as the Absence of Stimulus.

    There are now 11 such Originations, MAN being the ninth, JUDGEMET (discernment) being the 10th and the NEW STORY being the 11th.

    For Follow Up Information, see the blog: EductiveFutureGroup.com

  15. Link to Post #75
    UK Avalon Member Lyricus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    BP oil spill: 9 strange facts
    The ongoing tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico has produced more than a few unusual and unexpected outcomes

    Could Kevin Costner stop the oil spill? Photo: Getty SEE ALL 36 PHOTOS
    There has been no shortage of tragedy and heartbreak attached to what may already be the greatest environmental catastrophe in U.S. history. But elements of strangeness and irony have also been part of the story. Here, nine facts in that vein about the spill:

    1. BP execs were celebrating safety on the Deepwater Horizon at the exact moment it blew up.
    In a curious twist, BP chose April 20 as the date for an onboard party to commemorate "Deepwater Horizon going for seven years without an accident." A number of company executives reportedly flew out to the rig to take part in the festivities. The natural gas explosion that killed 11 crew members and eventually sank the rig "blew out the wall leading to the galley, where [the] party was being held."

    2. Kevin Costner is offering a Hollywood ending.
    After the Exxon Valdez spill, Costner sunk $24 million of his own money into developing a machine — it resembles "a giant vacuum cleaner" — capable of quickly separating oil from water. He says his patented "Ocean Therapy" system can recover much of the crude now marring the Gulf. "It’s prepared to go out and solve problems, not talk about them," Costner says.

    3. Louisiana's tradional "Shrimp and Petroleum Festival" will proceed as planned.
    Morgan City, LA, is celebrating the 75th annual Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival, even as gobs of sweet crude are threatening to wipe out the state's seafood business for a generation. "All systems are go," said Lee Delaune, the festival’s director. "We will honor the two industries as we always do. More so probably in grand style, because it's our diamond jubilee."

    4. BP thinks there are walruses in the Gulf of Mexico.
    In the company's "Regional Oil Spill Response Plan, Gulf of Mexico" — a document that tragically ignores the possibility of an event resembling the current spill — BP lists walruses as one of the "Sensitive Biological Resources" in the Gulf. As most average second-graders know, the blubbery mammals reside exclusively in the Arctic.

    5. The Soviets would have nuked the leak.
    According to the newspaper Pravda, the Soviet Union used nuclear weapons to shut down oil-well blowouts five times between 1966 and 1977. "The underground explosion moves the rock, presses on it, and, in essence, squeezes the well's channel," the paper says, arguing that the U.S. should try the same approach.

    6. Certain sea turtles just can't catch a break.
    In 1979, endangered Kemp's Ridley sea turtles were airlifted from Mexico to the Gulf Coast so they wouldn't be wiped out in the huge Ixtoc blowout, the oil disaster that most closely parallels the BP spill. Now, in their transplanted nesting ground, the species could be wiped out by the Deepwater Horizon gusher.

    7. BP may be charged royalties on every drop of spilled oil.
    Under the law, oil spilled is the same as oil sold. So with the Deepwater Horizon gushing tens of thousands of barrels per day (by many estimates), BP — which has been notoriously "conservative" with leak-rate estimates — may already be liable for as much as $35 million in taxes on the oil released into the Gulf.

    8. The disaster could thaw relations between the U.S. and Cuba.
    The spill has led the two countries to engage in rare talks as the U.S. tries to avert damage to Cuba's "pristine coral reefs, miles of mangroves, and nesting areas for green sea turtles." David Guggenheim, a senior fellow at the Ocean Foundation in Washington, says, "We caused this mess [so] how are we going to help them deal with it?"

    9. "Brownie" thinks a conspiracy is afoot.
    Michael Brown, who famously did a "heckuva job" managing the federal response to Katrina, thinks that the government's relative inaction in this latest Gulf Coast disaster is best explained by a conspiracy theory: The president doesn't really want to plug the leak, says Brown, because doing so might interfere with his secret plot "to bankrupt the coal industry, and basically get rid of the oil and gas industry."

    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.
    Albert Einstein

  16. Link to Post #76
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    What's refreshing for me on these comments ,is the lack of anti-British rhetoric that occurs daily in the US news beamed into Europe TV..Poor old Brits..we're getting a bashing from every angle these days. Why doesn't our new PM at least try to explain to the notoriously dimwitted U.S press that the BP blowout is entirely due to the American greed for oil..the rig was owned and run by Americans, with American engineers in situ, with American safety consultants insisting on a deep sea drill as opposed to offhore short bore drilling; with the end result being light crude oil for purely American consumption

    Obama is behaving like a bombastic Yahoo over this issue and is totally out of his depth here. We're all horrified about the potential enviromental damage caused by this leak, so let's all do our best to help (I'm flying from France this week to help if I can)..I'm just old enough to remember Exon valdez and the destruction that it caused in the British Isles..For many Americans that's ok though, as it didn't impact them; But it damned well impacted on us, without a peny of compensation paid as far as I am aware...


  17. Link to Post #77
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    P.S..Maybe this will force this useless President to bring about the free energery devices that we've all heard of and need..I doubt that it will happen though, as he seems to be a total wimp without a script!


  18. Link to Post #78
    Avalon Member PINEAL-PILOT-IN MERKABAH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    didnt john searl say he was going to try and meet obama.. im sure he said in july after the free energy tesla conference or similar.. it was on a recent coast to coast interveiw with george noory.. maybe searl has the answer to this too/?/ im sure the secret black ops govy crew would rather see this leak persist to get there nau agenda through.

  19. Link to Post #79
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    I heard on the news tonight that BP has ordered 30 of the Costner centrifuge devices. I think i hear also that they have been working closely with his engineer/professor/relative to advance the scale or size of the device.

  20. Link to Post #80
    United States Avalon Member Strat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Questions and Answers about the Gulf Oil Catastrophe

    Is there a link that has a detailed image of the damaged section of the pipe, or whatever is leaking? The live video feed doesn't really show much. Also is there a way I could send a suggestion on to the people that are trying to fix this? I heard they're getting thousands of suggestions but I can't seem to find a link.

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