View Full Version : Known Hoaxes and Other Bad Information

  1. David Icke is a Mason. [HOAX]
  2. Hollow Earth?
  3. The Dr. Jonathan Reed hoax
  4. HOAX: Lawrence Spencer's 'ALIEN INTERVIEW'
  5. Cow Abduction (likely two year old Youtube hoax)
  6. Dr. Jonathan Reed, real or hoax?
  7. [HOAX] Alien Chip Found In Napoleon's Skull
  8. Why would benevolent E.T.'s shoot down the Shuttle Columbia?
  9. (HOAX) Bon Jovi Dead At Age 49
  10. (update: hoax) Disclose.tv CENSORED by US Dept. of Internet Security
  11. Project Bluebeam Test? Return Of Jesus? Hoax?
  12. Alien Grey Captured in Brazil Amazing Video (HOAX)
  13. [HOAX] Warning from "NASA Scientist": claims Aliens warn of massive threat to Earth
  14. The earth is flat, not round. We are being mind set by Annunaki/Illuminati/TPTB
  15. 200,000 Year Old Statue Found On The Moon - HOAX
  16. Sun is not visible outside the upper Atmosphere?
  17. MASSIVE UFO spotted at the sun -- CTZ You Tube vid -- hoax or real?
  18. Alien Mummies Revealed On The Science Channel: Hoax Or Reality?
  19. Southern Television Broadcast Interruption - Hoax or Real?
  20. Napoleon's implant? [Hoax]
  21. Woody Harrelson is dead? (hoax)
  22. New poisonous spider in the united states (HOAX)
  23. Pope Benedict Comes Out as Gay (Feb 2013 Daily Currant hoax)
  24. [HOAX] NASA's 'End-of-the-World' document
  25. (Hoax or Real) UFO attacks space station
  26. Obummer *not* the brightest bulb on the tree (HOAX)
  27. SwissIndo: The Scam Exposed
  28. HOAX. Dragon Shot Dead In A House In West Malaysia
  29. Depot Thread For Sorcha Faal / David Booth Re-posted Fantasies And Disinformations
  30. (HOAX) George W. Bush Arrested for Cocaine Possession
  31. [hoax] Smithsonian Admits Destroying Thousands Of Giant Human Skeletons In Early 1900′s
  32. [hoax] The Worlds Oldest Tree was Murdered this week.
  33. The Obama administration ordered 30'000 guillotines... (hoax)
  34. Hoax: Ultimate Betrayal is about to Take Place - The Countdown is On
  35. Russia Orders Obama: TELL THE WORLD ABOUT ALIENS, Or We Will..!!! (Sorcha Faal hoax)
  36. After Being Dead For Almost An Hour, Priest Says God Is A Woman (errr... sorry folks... it's a hoax)
  37. The Blog of The Ruiner - Inside the Illuminati Mind
  38. FINALLY! A significant entity addresses what concerns us 'truthers'!'
  39. A Flat Earth not Round ...?
  40. Ancient Alien Structure in Afghanistan (HOAX)
  41. November blackout - Is this real?? (No, it's not)
  42. (HOAX) Pope Francis Warns of “Hellfire From Above” Ahead of U.S. Visit
  43. Cool stuff... Lunar wave
  44. Eric Dubay Flat Earth Theory - The Biggest Lie
  45. Flat Earth the ultimate conspiracy
  46. [Hoaxed 'confession'] Stanley Kubrick Confesses to faking Moon Landings
  47. [HOAX] 'Sumerian' object shaped like a cell phone
  48. Strange Ball Of Light Appears Over Canberra During Storm HOAX
  49. Hoax: Anyone fancy a McDonald's?
  50. (HOAX) Snowdon reveals more intelligent beings below Earth
  51. Coca-Cola is in trouble. Did they do it on purpose? (hoax)
  52. Head Of The US Army: General Says Prepare For 'Little Green Men'
  53. Eric P Dollard
  54. Reptilian "Mass Exit" Attempt, Massive Battle Fought on April 21st, 2016
  55. REVOLUTION has begun (?)
  56. [Likely Hoax] Agent commits suicide and reveals government plans...
  57. Obama out of the White House and New Currency Being Made
  58. Huge miles long object seen moving on ocean floor 5/19/16
  59. Nuclear weapons don't exist.
  60. Ex Illuminati tells what plans they have for us. Allegedly.
  61. (HOAX) Is NASA covering up a giant hole in the earth at the north pole?
  62. Billie F. Woodard - Flying saucers and Hollow Earth
  63. Teal Swan
  64. Billie Woodard & Zora - Area 51 and Telos Part 2
  65. Objects on the dark side of the moon/what's going on
  66. Massive object passes Jupiter, quickly.
  67. HOAX: Snowden; US Alien Hitler link
  68. Obama Declares End of Republic & Beginning of New World Order
  69. A Real Alien Skull?
  70. Dante Santori says alien invasion on Sept 9, 2016
  71. You gotta love countdown clocks LOL
  72. 'Stonehenge was built in 1954' (No, it wasn't. HOAX)
  73. Asteroid to strike planet in 3 days? (No, another hoax)
  74. John Titor II Time Travel
  75. HOAX: Earth Must be Warned ! -- French Astronaut warns before suicide attempt.
  76. Discernment - How can I avoid being fooled?
  77. [HOAX] Antarctica: NASA images reveal traces of ancient human settlement underneath 2.3 km of ice.
  78. Corey Goode Mt.Shasta Secret Space Program
  79. Human souls for sale to aliens for advanced weapons
  80. [Hoax] Alex Jones quit after being exposed by the mainstream media
  81. Hillary Clinton arrested ?? (HOAX)
  82. 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster video (HOAX)
  83. Revelation 6: The Sixth Seal
  84. Taj & Sarah Adams talk to Crrow777 about the moon, space and the nature of reality
  85. Alternative News Watch
  86. (HOAX) Cannibal Club: A private club where you can try human meat
  87. Top 40 Fakeries in the modern world.
  88. Are we allowed to discuss Flat Earth Yet.....?
  89. [HOAX] NASA admits 'Alien contact'
  90. New information re antarctica, black goo, and making sense and more of the jesus story.
  91. Awaiting on confirmation of possible arrest of ex-US President Obama.
  92. hoax killer brings own baggage
  93. (HOAX) 600 Million year old miniature human fossil
  94. Another Asteroid Hoax - 3BC2017 is not a name used by NASA
  95. Is it just about time to apply some basic analysis to spectacular claims?
  96. SORCHA FAAL and Whatdoesitmean.com: an infamous internet hoaxer
  97. Hoax soldier syndrome
  98. (HOAX) Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence Of American Moon Landings
  99. [HOAX] CNN Admits Chemtrails Exist June 2017
  100. Classified: Ultra Top Secret (New Hoaxed 'MJ-12 document')
  101. The false sign of September 23, 2017
  102. Dahboo77: "Look, there is a base on Mars." (Google hoax/joke)
  103. Air, water and life on the Moon
  104. Cornwall sightings, multiple angles from multiple people [concerted, orchestrated hoax]
  105. Rod Class & his many hoaxes
  106. Eddie Craig & the "former deputy sheriff hoax"
  107. [HOAX] J.F. Kennedy's Speech he was to give on the Day he was Assassinated
  108. [HOAX] False flag ... from a 33rd degree Freemason
  109. [HOAX] Formal Prosecution for Black-Ops 911 Attacks.
  110. People that have been called out as hoaxers
  111. The Sun Simulator
  112. They all Turned to Stone - Petrified/Densified/Crystalized Dwarfs/Trolls/Giants /Titans
  113. The problem with disclosure hoaxes and liars
  114. Baxter Dmitry/Sean Adl Tabatabais/yournewswire.com: FAKE NEWS
  115. Is this Bill Wood? Claiming to be 'John Titor II' to George Noory
  116. [HOAX] Human chipping mandatory now in France
  117. Hollow Earth
  118. A physical pole (axis) shift has NOT happened.
  119. [HOAX] Marines Militia = At War with New World Order mercenaries at the Mexican Border NOW
  120. The truth about the pyramid UFO over the Pentagon (admitted CGI fabrication)
  121. The Hoaxes of Deborah Tavares
  122. Sweden officially establishes a crypto as their official coin [hoax + scam]
  123. [HOAX] "Huge UFO spotted near Moon sparks invasion fear"
  124. Alternative Media Disinformation Money Grubbing Con Artists
  125. Corey Goode's fraud
  126. Satire: Texas man admits kidnapping 79 people to anally probe them while disguised as an alien
  127. [Sorcha Faal hoax] British Scientist 'who found Heaven' talked with top Russian scientist
  128. A Youtube channel named Quartz Crystal. Says many interesting things about how Source Players create the matrix.
  129. Shincheonji, Korean cult recruiting world wide
  130. [HOAX] "Project Coelacanth 8867": USB stick found with images/video of planets, UFOs, CGI battles
  131. Debra Jones & "The Debra Jones Hoax"
  132. The Carl Miller hoax
  133. [HOAX] "I pull the strings, and the elite dance" - Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran
  134. [HOAX] Taygeta - Pleiadian - Cosmic Agency - Communications from low orbit
  135. The Anthony Williams Hoax
  136. [HOAX] The Taygeta coronavirus video
  137. [HOAX] HISTORY IS BEING MADE IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES - but nobody's listening
  138. I'm Immortal Too
  139. [HOAX] True Earth, Nesara/Gesara How it works - explained with Jack Kidd & Charlie Ward
  140. PubMed science journal states 5G "could produce virus-like structures such as coronavirus"
  141. [HOAXER] Charlie Ward about the reset rollout (and much else)
  142. "Inner Earth Civilizations Exist and I Can Prove It": Agartha & Hollow Earth
  143. [HOAX] Vatican blackout - Pope arrested on 80 count indictment
  144. The Apollo Moon Missions Hoax
  145. [HOAX] The Lost History of Flat Earth / What on Earth Happened?
  146. UN international zone in Utah? [PS: FAKE NEWS, this was 2019]
  147. [HOAX] Germany suspends all vaccinations and licenses in the light of vaccine injuries
  148. The TRUTH about the Condon Report (or the Condon Con as I call it)
  149. They drilled into an ice wall near the firmament dome in the 1960's
  150. North Korea State Agency Confirms UFO Appearance in Wansan City
  151. [HOAX] Obama calls for global dictatorship
  152. What are they planning on 24 September 2022‼️
  153. About David Straight
  154. [HOAX} In Malaysia, the first physician was been put to death under the Nuremberg Code
  155. Hoax or real?
  156. Not flat earth but...
  157. All of the profits of the federal reserve go to the American people!
  158. Rare Footage - Alien / Egyptian? Hollywood or History?
  159. [HOAX] Fake Tucker Carlson/ Putin Interview transcript
  160. Globalism and Disease X . . . Mar 30 2024
  161. Fact Sheet Flyer Campaign Help/Suggestions
  162. Real Raw News, GITMO hoax and Derek Johnson