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Thread: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

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    Default Graphene in the 'vaccines'


    ... Big badaboom!

    No mNRA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer "Vaccine"

    by Des Marxants
    (henrymakow.com) June 30, 2021

    (l. Pfizer vaccine; r. Graphene)

    Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.

    There is practically NO evidence that this "vaccine" is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: Messenger RNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this "vaccine" has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn't developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program.
    Makow - If this is true, it would discredit a lot of MDs who are saying it is gene altering. Could that be the purpose?
    by Des Marxants

    The whole world is following the story released on the Spanish web site program la Quinta Columna.

    A June 28th report from the University of Almeria (in Spain) supports the findings of the two researchers hosting the daily broadcast.

    Surprising conclusions on the first results of the microscopy on one covid-19 mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer) sample.
    • Suspicions of the two researchers turned out true. There is almost NO Biological matter in the Pfizer covid-19 vial. What the lab in the University of Almeria found has nothing to do with mRNA. The main matter found was a substance more alike to nanoparticles of graphene or a very similar nanomaterial. Extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample, identified that 99% of the whole substance inside the vial was highly probable graphene oxide or something very similar, just very few genetic material was found.
    • Until now, no lipid nanocapsules were identified
    • The study mentions that there is a reduced form of graphene oxide (GO) when graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen it becomes MAGNETIC (MGO) it is also known as reduced graphene oxide (this happens when it is injected blood too)
    • Graphene oxide layers from scientific literature and from a commercial graphene oxide sample compared against the microscopy performed on the Pfizer sample show identical patterns in both electron and optical microscopy, letting no gap to doubts we talk about the same material.
    • The study offers solid evidence of possible graphene derivatives because the structure seen in the microscopy is characteristic. Academics who previously worked with graphene oxide were consulted and agreed there is no doubt about the presence of graphene oxide in the vial.
    The study was required by Biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and contrasts a graphene oxide sample bought in the market against covid-19 Pfizer mRNA Comirnaty. This preliminary study includes optical and electron microscopy conducted by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra team director in charge. Digital signature here.

    It has been only one brand jab but more tests are needed to be done with other vials. More studies are to come with some other different techniques. La Quinta Columna makes a call to other institutes and universities to join this research crusade for the truth.


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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'


    ... more about graphene: Graphene Oxide dangers and 5G 05:43

    Graphene Oxide - Michelle Mountain

  4. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    This is a very interesting video if you think in terms of graphene, which is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope. It is composed of carbon atoms positioned in a hexagonal design, which can be said to resemble a chicken wire or a bee hive or wasps nest.The video is the opening ceremony for "The Circle of Light" festival in Moscow in September. The symbology is of course subject to interpretation but it is worth a look under the current situation we are experiencing.

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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'


    ... incredible amount of graphene content... what the hell are they doing???


    Stew Peters Show
    Published July 5, 2021 97,097 Views

    Rumble — Scientists have examined the Pfizer 'vaccine', and what they found was HORRIFIC...It's Poison!

    www.StewPeters.tv | www.DrJaneRuby.com

  8. The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

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  9. Link to Post #5
    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by Gwin Ru (here)

    ... Big badaboom!

    No mNRA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer "Vaccine"

    by Des Marxants
    (henrymakow.com) June 30, 2021

    (l. Pfizer vaccine; r. Graphene)

    Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.

    There is practically NO evidence that this "vaccine" is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: Messenger RNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this "vaccine" has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn't developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program.
    Makow - If this is true, it would discredit a lot of MDs who are saying it is gene altering. Could that be the purpose?
    by Des Marxants

    The whole world is following the story released on the Spanish web site program la Quinta Columna.

    A June 28th report from the University of Almeria (in Spain) supports the findings of the two researchers hosting the daily broadcast.

    Surprising conclusions on the first results of the microscopy on one covid-19 mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer) sample.
    • Suspicions of the two researchers turned out true. There is almost NO Biological matter in the Pfizer covid-19 vial. What the lab in the University of Almeria found has nothing to do with mRNA. The main matter found was a substance more alike to nanoparticles of graphene or a very similar nanomaterial. Extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample, identified that 99% of the whole substance inside the vial was highly probable graphene oxide or something very similar, just very few genetic material was found.
    • Until now, no lipid nanocapsules were identified
    • The study mentions that there is a reduced form of graphene oxide (GO) when graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen it becomes MAGNETIC (MGO) it is also known as reduced graphene oxide (this happens when it is injected blood too)
    • Graphene oxide layers from scientific literature and from a commercial graphene oxide sample compared against the microscopy performed on the Pfizer sample show identical patterns in both electron and optical microscopy, letting no gap to doubts we talk about the same material.
    • The study offers solid evidence of possible graphene derivatives because the structure seen in the microscopy is characteristic. Academics who previously worked with graphene oxide were consulted and agreed there is no doubt about the presence of graphene oxide in the vial.
    The study was required by Biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and contrasts a graphene oxide sample bought in the market against covid-19 Pfizer mRNA Comirnaty. This preliminary study includes optical and electron microscopy conducted by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra team director in charge. Digital signature here.

    It has been only one brand jab but more tests are needed to be done with other vials. More studies are to come with some other different techniques. La Quinta Columna makes a call to other institutes and universities to join this research crusade for the truth.


    After having seen the video posted above (post 187) with Dr. Ruby claiming that she has practically almost 100% proof that GO is the only ingredient in the Pfizer jab, I decided to check the source she bases her claims on. Why? Because I believe that Dr. Ruby is not a serious researcher and just trying to be in the spotlight with claims of information which definitely is not always true. One example? The claim that Airlines are telling their vaxxxed clients not to fly. So far there is still no proof of that.

    To find out if Dr. Ruby's source is trustworthy and trying to find out a bit more about GO I checked first this thread and saw this post. As this post is using the same source I decided to post my comments regarding the source here. The source, as mentioned is a study from Spain posted on the webage of www.laquintacolumna.net.

    Now to the paper and the information above according to Henry Makow

    1. I was not able to find in the paper anythings that says that the jab contains 99% GO and hardly anything else.

    2. The paper does not state anywhere that there is practically NO evidence that this 'vaccine" is gene therapy, that there is ZERO genetic material: Messenger RNA or DNA etc Neither does the paper state that the vaccine has nothing to do with a so-called virus etc as per first paragraph above.

    3. The statement that the university of Almeria is supporting the findings is definitely NOT true. On page 23, which is a disclaimer, it says clearly "Los resultados y conclusiones de este informe no implican posición institucional alguna de la Universidad de Almeria". This means that the university does not take any position nor responsibility for this paper. So how can Makow or Marxants claim that the university is supporting the findings if the disclaimer does not confirm such support?

    4. On page 22 of the paper, it says the following; El estudio microscopico de la muestra aporta sólidas evidencias de presencia probable de derivados de grafeno, si bien la microscopia no proporciona una prueba concluyente. Although this sentence indicates that there is solid evidence of presence of possible derivatives of GO, there is no indication at all that it is a fact and as mentioned above, there is no mentioning of 99% GO or similar material. Furthermore the second part of the sentence is clear in saying, that the test does not provide any conclusive evidence. With this information on page 22, I cannot understand how Makow/Marxants can claim "Suspicious of the two researchers turned out true. There is almost NO Biological matter in the Pfizer Covid-19 vial. What the lab in the university of Almeria found ........

    5. Makow/Marxants claim; "Until now, no lipid nanocapsules were identified. That might be. However I was not able to find any comment on such a fact in the paper

    6. Makow/Marxants as well claim; "Graphene oxide layers from scientific literature and from a commercial gaphene oxide sample compared against the microscopy performed on the Pfizer sample show identical patterns in both electron and optical microscopy, letting no gap to doubts we talk about the same material. Well, again, these claims are not correct. In the paper, on page 13, it says "Las mágenes TEM de la muestra RD1 en general presentan una elevada semejanza con mágenes de OG de literatura obtenidas ......" Una elevada semejanza does not mean Identical. It means that it shows a high resemblance. So, unfortunately there is some gap to doubts.

    7. On page 14 of the paper it says; Para una identificación definitiva del GO por TEM, es necesario complementar la observación con la caracterización estructural mediante ....... and No ha sido posible por el momento obtener este patrón por la escasez de muestra disponible para su procesamiento, y la disposición caótica y la densidad de los plieges. So, on this page the authors say in order to complete the identification of the Grafene it is necessary to complete the observation with a sample(or samples) with other characteristics, which has not been possible for the moment being due to lack of available samples.

    8. as mentioned on page 22 of the paper, the study has been done with only one sample. In order to being able to make a more conclusive study, it is necessary to perform similar tests with lots of samples and furthermore it is important that the following tasks are performed correctly: the proof of origin, traceability and quality control during conservation and transport

    With my above remarks, by no means, do I want to claim that GO or the vaxxx is save. GO probably is toxic, although on another paper with the title "Safety Assessment of Graphene-Based Materials: Focus on Human Health and the Environment" (can be found as well on the laquinta webpage): it says "Notably, research conducted in the context of the Graphene Flagship and by other investigators in the past several years has shown that the hazard potential for different members of the GBM family may vary considerably, and it is not a valid statement that all GBMs are as hazardous as carbon nanotubes, nor is it true that all carbon nanotubes are hazardous. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.8b04758

    in any case, if the vaxxx developers would be transparent such studies would not be necessary
    Last edited by chrifri; 7th July 2021 at 01:25.

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    Avalon Member sms's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Graphene – in the vaccines, graphene in the air, graphen - everywhere!?

    When exposed to 5G frequencies: Graphene + 5G = Covid-19

    A graphenized human being = remotely controlled bio-chemical robot. How many of them have already been around?! In fact, it could be said that - they have been trying to graphenize everybody, while preventing the truth coming out.

    Normal human beings have been moderated and cenzored by the AI in this reality!


    Graphene – Potential applications:

    Quote Graphene is an extremely diverse material, and can be combined with other elements (including gases and metals) to produce different materials with various superior properties. Researchers all over the world continue to constantly investigate and patent graphene to learn its various properties and possible applications, which include:

    computer chips
    energy generation
    DNA sequencing
    water filters
    touchscreens (for LCD or OLED displays)
    solar cells
    Spintronics-related products
    So, a perfect interface in the human body to be connected to and manipulated by the AI, through 5G network?!

    As human beings, we have a natural right to say – NO.

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  13. Link to Post #7
    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by sms (here)
    Graphene – in the vaccines, graphene in the air, graphen - everywhere!?

    When exposed to 5G frequencies: Graphene + 5G = Covid-19

    A graphenized human being = remotely controlled bio-chemical robot. How many of them have already been around?! In fact, it could be said that - they have been trying to graphenize everybody, while preventing the truth coming out.

    Normal human beings have been moderated and cenzored by the AI in this reality!


    Graphene – Potential applications:

    Quote Graphene is an extremely diverse material, and can be combined with other elements (including gases and metals) to produce different materials with various superior properties. Researchers all over the world continue to constantly investigate and patent graphene to learn its various properties and possible applications, which include:

    computer chips
    energy generation
    DNA sequencing
    water filters
    touchscreens (for LCD or OLED displays)
    solar cells
    Spintronics-related products
    So, a perfect interface in the human body to be connected to and manipulated by the AI, through 5G network?!

    As human beings, we have a natural right to say – NO.

    Graphene in the vaxxx. In the first shot or in the second shot? Just asking. Maybe in the first shot the DNA changing stuff and in the second shot the graphene?

  14. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to chrifri For This Post:

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  15. Link to Post #8
    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by sms (here)
    Graphene – in the vaccines, graphene in the air, graphen - everywhere!?

    When exposed to 5G frequencies: Graphene + 5G = Covid-19

    A graphenized human being = remotely controlled bio-chemical robot. How many of them have already been around?! In fact, it could be said that - they have been trying to graphenize everybody, while preventing the truth coming out.

    Normal human beings have been moderated and cenzored by the AI in this reality!


    Graphene – Potential applications:

    Quote Graphene is an extremely diverse material, and can be combined with other elements (including gases and metals) to produce different materials with various superior properties. Researchers all over the world continue to constantly investigate and patent graphene to learn its various properties and possible applications, which include:

    computer chips
    energy generation
    DNA sequencing
    water filters
    touchscreens (for LCD or OLED displays)
    solar cells
    Spintronics-related products
    So, a perfect interface in the human body to be connected to and manipulated by the AI, through 5G network?!

    As human beings, we have a natural right to say – NO.

    Did not see that the link in your first sentence is the link to the study from the University of Almeria. I made a comment about that study https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...=1#post1438565
    Last edited by chrifri; 7th July 2021 at 01:54.

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  17. Link to Post #9
    Avalon Member sms's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by sms (here)

    Did not see that the link in your first sentence is the link to the study from the University of Almeria. I made a comment about that study https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...=1#post1438565
    The fact which can not be denied is: graphene is present not only in the Pfizer vaccine, but also in others.

    BREAKING: Graphene Oxide has been found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial

    Last edited by sms; 7th July 2021 at 02:35.

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Celeste Solum on graphene and hydrogel


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    Avalon Member jaybee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'


    when I went to the link ... https://www.laquintacolumna.net/

    there was an article discussing further the expose about the graphene oxide...

    at one point after the translation the link broke and then there was a problem with getting the translation back - but then it translated... this made me think that there was some interference with spreading knowledge about this subject so I copied and pasted the article in full to put here for anyone interested...

    the article is as follows - (and can be found on the link above)


    The debate on graphene in vaccines continues. Who is Pablo Campra Madrid, the scientist who directs the research?
    Enviar a un amigoCompartir en FriendFeedDiggsubmit to reddit

    Pablo Campra Madrid,

    By Magdalena del Amo.- Two days after the preliminary report was made public that confirms reasonable indications about the existence of graphene oxide in COVID vaccines, and in the absence of a conclusive study, a suspect anonymous statement, without signature or seal, which claims to represent to the University of Almería, denies the investigation. Are we dealing with an authentic document or is it a forgery?

    The preliminary report on graphene spread like wildfire on social media and was soon translated into several languages. A coup that the system did not expect, which made it activate the most immediate artillery, with the botch of an internet blackout throughout the municipality from where Fifth Column TV broadcasts. Chance? Rather, everything points to causality. On this occasion, the misinformation of maldita.es was of little use, always so eager to feed its followers with good carrion.

    The scientist in charge of the research is Pablo Campra Madrid, a graduate in biology, a doctorate in Chemical Sciences and a full professor at the University of Almería. The curriculum is not bad, despite the comment of some bad language insinuating that the author would be "a pelao pal". Admittedly, they have been saying too many inconveniences in the last two weeks. I still do not understand. But, before continuing, I find myself in the need to clarify some details about this mess.

    First of all, I am not at war with anyone. Amicus plate sed magis amica veritas, or what is the same, "Plato is a friend, but more friend is the truth." A journalist must bear this in mind. The truth is that as a result of the last articles that I published, reporting the very possible existence of graphene oxide in COVID vaccines, according to the aforementioned preliminary analysis of a scientific team from the University of Almería, commissioned by Ricardo Delgado , a gap has been created between several professionals, who do not admit this line of research. Another item, some deny that this extreme is important and insist that it hurts because it "distracts from the main thing." The latter is the phrase of a friend, an expert in Law, with whom I have a sincere and close relationship. Other people have questioned my position in favor of the graphene hypothesis, even hinting that I was being manipulated by Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano. It is not like this; I am not easy to manipulate. I am quite seasoned in diving through the stormy seas of "sensitive" information, sometimes with dangerous levels of contamination, even with the incursion of the odd shark. This is not the case.

    It must be said that the opinion is not generalized among the dissidents. Dr. Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas stated this on his social networks with this comment:

    “Although these reports are not 100% conclusive, they point with almost certainty to the presence of graphene in the Comirmaty vaccine. Congratulations to Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano for their research! Now we have even more arguments to reject these poisonous inoculations that are killing and injuring so many human beings. "

    Delgado and Sevillano are complying with their deontological codes by following Aridana's thread, in this Covidian labyrinth, which follows the trail of the dreaded minotaur, which is none other than the possible truth about this "monstrous thing", with the appearance of a vaccine, with a unspeakable and secret content, with terrible adverse effects and many deaths, which are not reported because they are placed under the heading of "coincidence". Family members silence the cause of death of their loved ones; not out of shame as was the case with syphilis or tuberculosis of yesteryear, but because of the manipulation of doctors, duly trained by the "experts" of the laboratories, with the complicity of all our politicians.

    I am not manipulated. As an investigative journalist, I investigate, process, deduce and publish, always leaving an open door on those topics on which we do not have the full answer, because new investigations or complementary works are pending. And this happens in this case. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano have started a study that has “resonated” with us from the beginning. Perhaps because already in the month of March 2020 we already intuited that the vaccines would include nanoparticles of "something" or the announced chips. Not because we had dreamed of it, but because we know the high-level research that has been carried out since the end of the Second World War, aimed at controlling society, and because Gates himself let us know through his talk on ID2020 quantum dots, a revolutionary invention to do us the great favor of having us all registered. According to him, many disadvantaged people on the planet do not even exist legally. What a great benefactor!

    For this reason, when the "magnetized" or pseudomagnetized began to appear and graphene entered the scene, I must confess that, in my mind, something clicked that led me to read the bibliography on the different applications of graphene that, for me comfort, it was duly selected and available on the website of the Fifth Column, which I appreciate.

    All research has invisible and subtle paths, apart from requiring a good dose of intuition. Intuition is not something mysterious, but an unconscious process of response, based on the information that the brain has stored in the different brain structures and dimensions. We see it frequently in police investigations, forensic science, archaeological surveys, and other areas. First it is sensed and then it is sought.

    This does not mean that I do not value the research carried out by virologists and the rest of the professionals who have been fighting for the truth since the beginning of this misnamed health crisis, from whose sources I have drunk, such as Dr. María José Martínez Albarracín, whom I value and I estimate, not only for his professional worth, but for his human qualities. I think that, as I have already expressed in other articles, everything is compatible, since, in my opinion, vaccines are multiple and varied, since they are an "experiment within an experiment", and the show has only just begun. Another thing is that they achieve their purposes. We will do our best to stop you.

    Returning to the supposed false denial, I would not be surprised if the University of Seville spoke out against the research, if not now, in the very near future, due to pressure or due to its own ideology. Let us not forget that universities, as well as colleges of doctors, psychologists or scientific teams also serve the system, and react when hot topics are raised that can destabilize institutional lies. In these highly bureaucratic collectives, riddled with rules and protocols, it is forbidden to think on your own. Let us not forget the persecutions and convictions of Dr. Ryke Hamer, already emblematic, for his contributions to the cure of cancer and, in general, to Germanic New Medicine; or Dr. Andrew Wakefield for discovering the relationship between autism and the MMR vaccine, known in Spain as triple viral, children are inoculated. The system is unforgiving when someone dares to contradict scientific or social dogmas. That said, we find the signature of an independent scientist as reliable as that of a university. Understand what I mean. Another thing is the legal aspect, in order to present allegations to stop the vaccination process, and that these are admitted as they are not based on the papers.

    We have made some inquiries about Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, the author of the investigation and signatory of the preliminary document and we have found something very positive. From the outset, he has no problem in investigating and dispenses with apriorisms. Science is that. The other is fanaticism and fear of the truth. We have found that you have long supported physicians working with alternative remedies with their research. He demonstrated this with his analysis of the maligned chlorine dioxide, a taboo, prohibited subject that, paradoxically, saved so many lives and continues to save. An inconclusive analysis, with many indications of the efficacy of chlorine dioxide, which Dr. Campra expresses with these words [1]:

    “What has been seen in published trials is that it oxidizes a large amount of virus. The plates stay at 99%, kill them all. So that is likely to act on plasma as well. Everything is likely, because there is nothing published. All we have is a great deal of reasonable evidence of efficacy, which comes to us from our Hispanic American colleagues; The good thing here is that Vanguard Science is being done in Spanish. This is not carried by the Anglo-Saxons, we carry it in Spanish. The investigation is very blocked, so this is a good thing. I think the vanguard in COVID-19 therapies is being done in Spanish ”.
    Dr. Cambra refers to his colleagues from COMUSAV, a group of which doctors from Latin America are members in a number of over twenty thousand. It is shameful that funds are wasted for design climate change and other ideologizing issues and, instead, projects are not financed for the benefit of humanity.

    In closing, I want to say once again that this artificially created pandemic is very surreal and cannot be analyzed logically. Other parameters work here. It cannot be understood if the graph of the strategies designed by the New World Order in the last decades is not known. That is why investigative journalism is so important at this time when it comes to ordering the different loose pieces of virologists, biologists, police officers and other institutions. For those of us who know fresco, not by infused science, but by having researched full time for many years, it is easier for us to understand. That is why we warn and insist so much. And this is one of my tasks, which I elevate to the rank of sacred, because only commitment moves me, bring to the general public the discoveries that I am making and consider important for our life and evolution. Sharing is a way of thanking the Creator for the talents with which I came into this life, which I try to multiply and share. As simple as that. A thousand blessings.


    https://madridmarket.es/dr-pablo-cam...gran-cantidad- virus-plaques-stay-at-99-kills-them-all-then-that's-likely-that /


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  23. Link to Post #12
    France Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Thank you for checking the spanish source and putting some things straight.

    On the other hand Jim Stone is stating as fact: If the Pfizer vax was mostly graphene, it would be black

    Do we know if reduced graphene can be colorless?

    Hereunder is a long, long list of scientific papers that also explain graphene as a good conductor of electricity


    Graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applications

    For instance:

    Yang C, Liu Z, Chen C, Shi K, Zhang L, Ju X-J, et al. Reduced graphene oxide-containing smart hydrogels with excellent electro-response and mechanical properties for soft actuators. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017;9:15758–67.

    Ren J, Zhang A, Zhang L, Li Y, Yang W. Electrically conductive and mechanically tough graphene nanocomposite hydrogels with self-oscillating performance. Polym Int. 2019;68:1146–54.

    Reassuring all these chinese scientists, isn't it ?
    Last edited by Philippe; 8th July 2021 at 15:35.

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  25. Link to Post #13
    Avalon Member jaybee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Official sources never talk about how many lipid nanoparticles carrying the spike protein code are in each injection -

    Dr Sherri Tenpenny a while back said that she had read one of the patents for a covid 'vaccine' and there were around 50 billion...

    If graphene oxide is used in the structure of the lipid nanoparticle then perhaps this is why there is such a high content - (that ultimately could be used in conjunction with 5G as well..?)

    I had a little look and there is a connection I think - for example from this link...

    I don't claim to fully understand what is being said but I think I get the gist ...


    Quote Graphene oxide (GO) is a single-atomic-layered material made of a sheet of oxidized carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure. Thanks to the notable physical and chemical properties of GO, GO-based nanomaterials have applications in many fields of research, including gene delivery. It has been reported that pristine GO can absorb single-stranded DNA and RNA through π–π stacking, which cannot be used as a gene carrier because it is hard to load double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). To tackle this issue, this work was aimed at developing a hybrid nanoparticle (NP) system made of GO coated with cationic lipids (hereafter referred to as GOCL) with suitable physical–chemical properties for gene delivery applications. To this end, nanosized GO flakes (nGO) were coated with the cationic lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP) by microfluidic mixing. Comprehensive characterization of GOCL NPs was performed by a combination of dynamic light scattering (DLS), micro-electrophoresis and atom force microscopy (AFM). Our results show that GOCL NPs exhibit adequate size (<150 nm) and surface charge (ξ = +15 mV) for gene delivery purposes.

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  27. Link to Post #14
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by jaybee (here)

    when I went to the link ... https://www.laquintacolumna.net/

    there was an article discussing further the expose about the graphene oxide...

    at one point after the translation the link broke and then there was a problem with getting the translation back - but then it translated... this made me think that there was some interference with spreading knowledge about this subject so I copied and pasted the article in full to put here for anyone interested...

    the article is as follows - (and can be found on the link above)


    The debate on graphene in vaccines continues. Who is Pablo Campra Madrid, the scientist who directs the research?
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    Pablo Campra Madrid,

    By Magdalena del Amo.- Two days after the preliminary report was made public that confirms reasonable indications about the existence of graphene oxide in COVID vaccines, and in the absence of a conclusive study, a suspect anonymous statement, without signature or seal, which claims to represent to the University of Almería, denies the investigation. Are we dealing with an authentic document or is it a forgery?

    The preliminary report on graphene spread like wildfire on social media and was soon translated into several languages. A coup that the system did not expect, which made it activate the most immediate artillery, with the botch of an internet blackout throughout the municipality from where Fifth Column TV broadcasts. Chance? Rather, everything points to causality. On this occasion, the misinformation of maldita.es was of little use, always so eager to feed its followers with good carrion.

    The scientist in charge of the research is Pablo Campra Madrid, a graduate in biology, a doctorate in Chemical Sciences and a full professor at the University of Almería. The curriculum is not bad, despite the comment of some bad language insinuating that the author would be "a pelao pal". Admittedly, they have been saying too many inconveniences in the last two weeks. I still do not understand. But, before continuing, I find myself in the need to clarify some details about this mess.

    First of all, I am not at war with anyone. Amicus plate sed magis amica veritas, or what is the same, "Plato is a friend, but more friend is the truth." A journalist must bear this in mind. The truth is that as a result of the last articles that I published, reporting the very possible existence of graphene oxide in COVID vaccines, according to the aforementioned preliminary analysis of a scientific team from the University of Almería, commissioned by Ricardo Delgado , a gap has been created between several professionals, who do not admit this line of research. Another item, some deny that this extreme is important and insist that it hurts because it "distracts from the main thing." The latter is the phrase of a friend, an expert in Law, with whom I have a sincere and close relationship. Other people have questioned my position in favor of the graphene hypothesis, even hinting that I was being manipulated by Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano. It is not like this; I am not easy to manipulate. I am quite seasoned in diving through the stormy seas of "sensitive" information, sometimes with dangerous levels of contamination, even with the incursion of the odd shark. This is not the case.

    It must be said that the opinion is not generalized among the dissidents. Dr. Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas stated this on his social networks with this comment:

    “Although these reports are not 100% conclusive, they point with almost certainty to the presence of graphene in the Comirmaty vaccine. Congratulations to Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano for their research! Now we have even more arguments to reject these poisonous inoculations that are killing and injuring so many human beings. "

    Delgado and Sevillano are complying with their deontological codes by following Aridana's thread, in this Covidian labyrinth, which follows the trail of the dreaded minotaur, which is none other than the possible truth about this "monstrous thing", with the appearance of a vaccine, with a unspeakable and secret content, with terrible adverse effects and many deaths, which are not reported because they are placed under the heading of "coincidence". Family members silence the cause of death of their loved ones; not out of shame as was the case with syphilis or tuberculosis of yesteryear, but because of the manipulation of doctors, duly trained by the "experts" of the laboratories, with the complicity of all our politicians.

    I am not manipulated. As an investigative journalist, I investigate, process, deduce and publish, always leaving an open door on those topics on which we do not have the full answer, because new investigations or complementary works are pending. And this happens in this case. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano have started a study that has “resonated” with us from the beginning. Perhaps because already in the month of March 2020 we already intuited that the vaccines would include nanoparticles of "something" or the announced chips. Not because we had dreamed of it, but because we know the high-level research that has been carried out since the end of the Second World War, aimed at controlling society, and because Gates himself let us know through his talk on ID2020 quantum dots, a revolutionary invention to do us the great favor of having us all registered. According to him, many disadvantaged people on the planet do not even exist legally. What a great benefactor!

    For this reason, when the "magnetized" or pseudomagnetized began to appear and graphene entered the scene, I must confess that, in my mind, something clicked that led me to read the bibliography on the different applications of graphene that, for me comfort, it was duly selected and available on the website of the Fifth Column, which I appreciate.

    All research has invisible and subtle paths, apart from requiring a good dose of intuition. Intuition is not something mysterious, but an unconscious process of response, based on the information that the brain has stored in the different brain structures and dimensions. We see it frequently in police investigations, forensic science, archaeological surveys, and other areas. First it is sensed and then it is sought.

    This does not mean that I do not value the research carried out by virologists and the rest of the professionals who have been fighting for the truth since the beginning of this misnamed health crisis, from whose sources I have drunk, such as Dr. María José Martínez Albarracín, whom I value and I estimate, not only for his professional worth, but for his human qualities. I think that, as I have already expressed in other articles, everything is compatible, since, in my opinion, vaccines are multiple and varied, since they are an "experiment within an experiment", and the show has only just begun. Another thing is that they achieve their purposes. We will do our best to stop you.

    Returning to the supposed false denial, I would not be surprised if the University of Seville spoke out against the research, if not now, in the very near future, due to pressure or due to its own ideology. Let us not forget that universities, as well as colleges of doctors, psychologists or scientific teams also serve the system, and react when hot topics are raised that can destabilize institutional lies. In these highly bureaucratic collectives, riddled with rules and protocols, it is forbidden to think on your own. Let us not forget the persecutions and convictions of Dr. Ryke Hamer, already emblematic, for his contributions to the cure of cancer and, in general, to Germanic New Medicine; or Dr. Andrew Wakefield for discovering the relationship between autism and the MMR vaccine, known in Spain as triple viral, children are inoculated. The system is unforgiving when someone dares to contradict scientific or social dogmas. That said, we find the signature of an independent scientist as reliable as that of a university. Understand what I mean. Another thing is the legal aspect, in order to present allegations to stop the vaccination process, and that these are admitted as they are not based on the papers.

    We have made some inquiries about Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, the author of the investigation and signatory of the preliminary document and we have found something very positive. From the outset, he has no problem in investigating and dispenses with apriorisms. Science is that. The other is fanaticism and fear of the truth. We have found that you have long supported physicians working with alternative remedies with their research. He demonstrated this with his analysis of the maligned chlorine dioxide, a taboo, prohibited subject that, paradoxically, saved so many lives and continues to save. An inconclusive analysis, with many indications of the efficacy of chlorine dioxide, which Dr. Campra expresses with these words [1]:

    “What has been seen in published trials is that it oxidizes a large amount of virus. The plates stay at 99%, kill them all. So that is likely to act on plasma as well. Everything is likely, because there is nothing published. All we have is a great deal of reasonable evidence of efficacy, which comes to us from our Hispanic American colleagues; The good thing here is that Vanguard Science is being done in Spanish. This is not carried by the Anglo-Saxons, we carry it in Spanish. The investigation is very blocked, so this is a good thing. I think the vanguard in COVID-19 therapies is being done in Spanish ”.
    Dr. Cambra refers to his colleagues from COMUSAV, a group of which doctors from Latin America are members in a number of over twenty thousand. It is shameful that funds are wasted for design climate change and other ideologizing issues and, instead, projects are not financed for the benefit of humanity.

    In closing, I want to say once again that this artificially created pandemic is very surreal and cannot be analyzed logically. Other parameters work here. It cannot be understood if the graph of the strategies designed by the New World Order in the last decades is not known. That is why investigative journalism is so important at this time when it comes to ordering the different loose pieces of virologists, biologists, police officers and other institutions. For those of us who know fresco, not by infused science, but by having researched full time for many years, it is easier for us to understand. That is why we warn and insist so much. And this is one of my tasks, which I elevate to the rank of sacred, because only commitment moves me, bring to the general public the discoveries that I am making and consider important for our life and evolution. Sharing is a way of thanking the Creator for the talents with which I came into this life, which I try to multiply and share. As simple as that. A thousand blessings.


    https://madridmarket.es/dr-pablo-cam...gran-cantidad- virus-plaques-stay-at-99-kills-them-all-then-that's-likely-that /

    Thanks Jaybee
    Very good statement from laquinta indeed. Personally I believe that GO nanoparticles and other not so healthy stuff is in the vaxxx.

    The statement from laquinta as such, confirms that what Dr. Ruby was saying or Markov writing is not correct, or only partially correct. The problem with the kind of people like Dr. Ruby is that they pick up something that they believe will give them the attention/spotlight they are looking for and then tell us with some kind of authority that what they say is correct, well researched etc, which definitely is not always the case. If the Dr. Ruby kind of people, with their sensationalized way of presenting information and sometimes half-truths, really would help some people to be sufficiently informed about the vaxxx in order to take a well based decision regarding the vaxxxination, than this kind of journalism would definitely be OK with me. However, I doubt that the pro vaxxx people and even those still on the fence, are watching such information channels. For those that already have doubts about the vaxxx or are convinced that the vaxxx is not good at all, such sensationalized information does in my opinion not help much. To find out more about the topic the information from serious sources, like American Frontline Doctors, Dr. Sukarit Bakthi, Dr. Tenpenny and her group, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg etc are in my opinion more helpful

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  29. Link to Post #15
    UK Avalon Member Journeyman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by Philippe (here)
    Thank you for checking the spanish source and putting some things straight.

    On the other hand Jim Stone is stating as fact: If the Pfizer vax was mostly graphene, it would be black

    Do we know if reduced graphene can be colorless?

    Hereunder is a long, long list of scientific papers that also explain graphene as a good conductor of electricity


    Graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applications

    For instance:

    Yang C, Liu Z, Chen C, Shi K, Zhang L, Ju X-J, et al. Reduced graphene oxide-containing smart hydrogels with excellent electro-response and mechanical properties for soft actuators. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017;9:15758–67.

    Reassuring all these chinese scientists, isn't it ?
    I'd also like to thank @Chilfri for such a thorough job on that post above, very useful!

    GO already been tested as an adjuvant in nasally administered vaccines: https://www.graphene-info.com/graphe...al-flu-vaccine

    Made me wonder about those stories about the PCR swabs.

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    This is dynamic --well worth a listen
    The PCR test is not fit for purpose and is used to perpetrate this mass propaganda and jab roll out.
    This "virus" has never been isolated.
    All in the video

    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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  33. Link to Post #17
    Avalon Member jaybee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by chrifri (here)

    Thanks Jaybee
    Very good statement from laquinta indeed. Personally I believe that GO nanoparticles and other not so healthy stuff is in the vaxxx.

    The statement from laquinta as such, confirms that what Dr. Ruby was saying or Markov writing is not correct, or only partially correct. The problem with the kind of people like Dr. Ruby is that they pick up something that they believe will give them the attention/spotlight they are looking for and then tell us with some kind of authority that what they say is correct, well researched etc, which definitely is not always the case. If the Dr. Ruby kind of people, with their sensationalized way of presenting information and sometimes half-truths, really would help some people to be sufficiently informed about the vaxxx in order to take a well based decision regarding the vaxxxination, than this kind of journalism would definitely be OK with me. However, I doubt that the pro vaxxx people and even those still on the fence, are watching such information channels. For those that already have doubts about the vaxxx or are convinced that the vaxxx is not good at all, such sensationalized information does in my opinion not help much. To find out more about the topic the information from serious sources, like American Frontline Doctors, Dr. Sukarit Bakthi, Dr. Tenpenny and her group, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg etc are in my opinion more helpful

    I don't mind the way Dr Ruby (via the Stew Peters show) delivers her findings - it could be termed sensationalism but that is no different from the way the Official Narrative declares the vaccine 'safe and effective' which is just as sensational plus, in fact, dangerous - not to mention illogical when it is experimental and not tested for long term effects...

    Bottom line.... if there is a large content of Graphene oxide in the injection (for whatever reason) and that proves to be injurious to heath (and / or fatal...)..... the injections will work like a biological weapon... and there are grave concerns that that is exactly what it may turn out to be... but by then it will be too late as the big rush to jab the world has been quite successful....

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  35. Link to Post #18
    Avalon Member sms's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by chrifri (here)

    Graphene in the vaxxx. In the first shot or in the second shot? Just asking. Maybe in the first shot the DNA changing stuff and in the second shot the graphene?
    In the Spanish study, almost all what was found in the Pfizer vaccine, was graphene.

    La Quinta Columna: '98% to 99% of the vaccination vial is graphene oxide'

    I guess, that would be all needed to accomplish the agenda, i.e. the installation of an interface into the human body?! The stories about mRNA, spike-proteins etc. could be just parts of a huge smoke screen?!

    And, the vaccines would be just one delivery method, as it seems that we have been sprayed by graphene, as well – LINK

    Last edited by sms; 7th July 2021 at 11:31.

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  37. Link to Post #19
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by Gwin Ru (here)
    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/vgugdz

    This may or may not be important, but I'd be pretty sure Dr Jane Ruby isn't a medical doctor.

    Shortly after 3:10 she makes a goof that no doctor (or biochemist of any kind) would make. She refers to the ratio of 6 nanograms per uL (which she pronounces "Yoo-Ell") of RNA.

    It's not "You-Ell". The 'u' in 'uL' is often typed that way in biochemical texts because it's easier and quicker with a regular keyboard. But it's not a 'u'. It's the Greek letter universally used for 'micro', and the correct symboil is μl. She should have said 6 nanograms per microliter.

    For what that may be worth, that's a FAIL. It might seem like a tiny thing, but scientists among the readers here will understand. (And for the record, right now I don't believe this high graphene ratio at all.)

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  39. Link to Post #20
    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Graphene in the 'vaccines'

    Quote Posted by sms (here)
    Quote Posted by chrifri (here)

    Graphene in the vaxxx. In the first shot or in the second shot? Just asking. Maybe in the first shot the DNA changing stuff and in the second shot the graphene?
    In the Spanish study, almost all what was found in the Pfizer vaccine, was graphene.

    La Quinta Columna: '98% to 99% of the vaccination vial is graphene oxide'

    I guess, that would be all needed to accomplish the agenda, i.e. the installation of an interface into the human body?! The stories about mRNA, spike-proteins etc. could be just parts of a huge smoke screen?!

    And, the vaccines would be just one delivery method, as it seems that we have been sprayed by graphene, as well – LINK

    I would not say smokescreen, as there are numerous reliable doctors/ microbiologist attesting to spike protein via mRNA , even going in details how it works and they are consistent in their views, but rather another aspect of a multi pronged attack on humanity. Like if one or two bullet miss you the 3rd or 4th can do the job.

    Celeste Solum said its a graphene base hydrogel graphene has a electromagnetic and mechanical properties, its the material that hooks to the internet while hydrogel is able to attach to DNA. so basically graphene base hydrogel is the interface between internet and man. there is more to the video I posted.

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