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Thread: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

  1. Link to Post #221
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner


    ... 🌎 LOOK-SEE | June 2024 🌎 44:51

    Penny Kelly Official

    1 hour ago

    Podcasts Look-See

    Hi there! This is the Look-See for June 2024. The Look-See is a combination of news, commentary, and a bit of clairvoyant assessment in order to keep a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the world and the things we would do well to think deeply about or find ways around them.

    The things that came up this month ranged across a broad spectrum of topics, some of them quite interesting, others quite unsettling. There was something of a focus on technology and dreams. So let’s begin!
    Last edited by Gwin Ru; 12th June 2024 at 17:53.

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #222
    Australia Avalon Member Chuck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    I have never heard Penny Kelly talk about her own story. I found this quite compelling, holding my interest for the long hour and 1/2.

  4. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Chuck For This Post:

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  5. Link to Post #223
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by Chuck (here)
    I found this quite compelling
    Yes - quite compelling. Thanks for posting this.
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

  6. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to ThePythonicCow For This Post:

    aoibhghaire (7th July 2024), Bill Ryan (7th July 2024), Chip (7th July 2024), Chuck (8th July 2024), Dumpster Diver (Yesterday), Gwin Ru (7th July 2024), Harmony (7th July 2024), onevoice (8th July 2024), RunningDeer (7th July 2024), Sue (Ayt) (7th July 2024), Yoda (12th July 2024)

  7. Link to Post #224
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner


    ... 🌎 LOOK-SEE | July 2024 🌎 43:46

    Penny Kelly Official

    2 hours ago

    Podcasts Look-See

    Hi there! This is the Look-See for July 2024. The Look-See is a combination of news, commentary, and a bit of clairvoyant assessment in order to keep a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the world and the things we would do well to think deeply about or find ways around them.

    The things that came up this month ranged across a broad spectrum of topics, some of them quite interesting, others quite unsettling. There was something of a focus on technology and dreams. So let’s begin!

  8. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (12th July 2024), Dumpster Diver (26th July 2024), Harmony (13th July 2024), Heart to heart (26th July 2024), Marianne (15th July 2024), RunningDeer (12th July 2024), Sue (Ayt) (12th July 2024), ThePythonicCow (12th July 2024), Yoda (12th July 2024)

  9. Link to Post #225
    United States Moderator Marianne's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Bumping Penny Kelly
    July 2024 Look-See

  10. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Marianne For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #226
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

  12. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Gwin Ru For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th July 2024), Dumpster Diver (26th July 2024), Harmony (Yesterday), Marianne (26th July 2024), RunningDeer (26th July 2024), thepainterdoug (26th July 2024), ThePythonicCow (26th July 2024), Yoda (26th July 2024)

  13. Link to Post #227
    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Gwin Ru/ thanks for posting this. Im half way thru and this is a fascinating conversation.

  14. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to thepainterdoug For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th July 2024), Dumpster Diver (26th July 2024), Gwin Ru (26th July 2024), Harmony (Yesterday), Marianne (26th July 2024), RunningDeer (26th July 2024), Yoda (26th July 2024)

  15. Link to Post #228
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Here’s my issue with Tarot readers…

    …it’s is a form of channeling…using occult methods. You are possibly messing with critters from “the dark side”. They will deceive you…

    …all these guys use Tarot. Penny was entangled with Kimberly Goguen for a while…

    Be careful…

    PS…anyone who still thinks there are good “white hats” are deluded…I worked inside of the US (and NATO) establishments for 40+ years and there are NO good guys anywhere near the top. These guys are recruited and trained to kill people and break things. There is no version of Trump that is positive. If anything, “Trump(s)” is/are being set up as the Anti-Christ. The civil war timeline is very much in play.
    Last edited by Dumpster Diver; 26th July 2024 at 19:10.

  16. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Dumpster Diver For This Post:

    Ashiris (Yesterday), Bill Ryan (26th July 2024), ClearWater (26th July 2024), Gwin Ru (26th July 2024), Harmony (Yesterday), Marianne (26th July 2024), RunningDeer (26th July 2024), wondering (26th July 2024), Yoda (26th July 2024)

  17. Link to Post #229
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by Dumpster Diver (here)
    Here’s my issue with Tarot readers…

    …it’s is a form of channeling…using occult methods.
    Tarot cards don't channel the dark. Practitioners of the occult channel the dark perhaps using Tarot cards.

    Listen, discern, and listen some more where you find fertile soil for your understanding. Flowers can grow in the desert and in rich soil. So can toxic weeds.

    Presently I am finding Janine's insights to be fertile nutrients for my understanding. My sense is that she is (currently, at least) gaining those insights from her own understanding, not from the cards. Rather Janine seems to use the cards as a tool, with which tool her hands are well practiced, to facilitate telling others her insights, even when perhaps her insights might be something that others don't want to hear.

    Quote Posted by Dumpster Diver (here)
    PS…anyone who still thinks there are good “white hats” are deluded…
    Support and work with those more closely aligned in word and deed to your mission at hand. Trust no material being ultimately, not even one's own being. Nurture one's understanding of the higher spiritual order. Your understanding is your ultimate guide, however flawed that understanding may be.

    For many (not myself at present, but for some I know) that guidance flows through Biblical records of the material deeds and spoken words of the one who they know as Jesus Christ. I presume that that is so not because the body or physical brain of Jesus was that of some superman or super genius, but rather because the spirit of the higher order, the being they call "God", flowed through Jesus in purity and abundance.
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

  18. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to ThePythonicCow For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th July 2024), Delight (Yesterday), Dumpster Diver (Yesterday), Gwin Ru (26th July 2024), Harmony (Yesterday), Marianne (26th July 2024), RunningDeer (26th July 2024), ulli (Yesterday), wondering (Yesterday), Yoda (26th July 2024)

  19. Link to Post #230
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Ok, unless you really know what you are doing, doing Tarot or, for that matter, ANYTHING on the occult side is fraught with danger. Small things can summon dark sh!t.

    …and you have to be very careful when studying the occult not to become enamored with any part of it. If you have an addictive personality you can gain problems; almost any flaw can be widened if you get into it. Even balanced and careful people can gain problems…

    One of the greatest seers, Edgar Cayce, went astray. I have seen one person deeply deal with these things, and her life has been on the edge ever since.

    So, if you think you can handle it, go ahead…matters not to me.

    BTW, the Bible is badly translated. Check on the work of Paul Wallis. He has several videos on YouTube…but he is only one of many saying similar things. The Bible and religion in all forms was created to lead you astray and keep you ignorant.

  20. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Dumpster Diver For This Post:

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  21. Link to Post #231
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by ThePythonicCow (here)
    Tarot cards don't channel the dark. Practitioners of the occult channel the dark perhaps using Tarot cards.

    Listen, discern, and listen some more where you find fertile soil for your understanding. Flowers can grow in the desert and in rich soil. So can toxic weeds.

    Presently I am finding Janine's insights to be fertile nutrients for my understanding. My sense is that she is (currently, at least) gaining those insights from her own understanding, not from the cards. Rather Janine seems to use the cards as a tool, with which tool her hands are well practiced, to facilitate telling others her insights, even when perhaps her insights might be something that others don't want to hear.
    At the 55:34 mark in the following video, Janine says as much herself. Tarot cards are tools. Use them with integrity and good intentions.
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

  22. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to ThePythonicCow For This Post:

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  23. Link to Post #232
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by ThePythonicCow (here)
    Quote Posted by ThePythonicCow (here)
    Tarot cards don't channel the dark. Practitioners of the occult channel the dark perhaps using Tarot cards.

    Listen, discern, and listen some more where you find fertile soil for your understanding. Flowers can grow in the desert and in rich soil. So can toxic weeds.

    Presently I am finding Janine's insights to be fertile nutrients for my understanding. My sense is that she is (currently, at least) gaining those insights from her own understanding, not from the cards. Rather Janine seems to use the cards as a tool, with which tool her hands are well practiced, to facilitate telling others her insights, even when perhaps her insights might be something that others don't want to hear.
    At the 55:34 mark in the following video, Janine says as much herself. Tarot cards are tools. Use them with integrity and good intentions.
    Sure, a lot of folks know this. The issue is thinking you are smarter than the critters who set the trap to ensnare you…

    …and then realize you are a vastly dumbed down version of the original “humans” uplifted to be smart enough to do the work needed…

    ”oh, sh!t! We made ‘em too smart..OK, let’s pull out some more DNA…” ~my interpretation of the Bible and other middle eastern ancient texts.

  24. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Dumpster Diver For This Post:

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  25. Link to Post #233
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by Dumpster Diver (here)
    Sure, a lot of folks know this. The issue is thinking you are smarter than the critters who set the trap to ensnare you…

    …and then realize you are a vastly dumbed down version of the original “humans” uplifted to be smart enough to do the work needed…
    Yes, we've been under assault for eons, mind, body, and soul, genetics, culture, etc.

    Press on. Mistakes we will make. We learn as we go.

    (Did I just see an instance of applying a tactic for handling a losing position in a debate:
    "Label the opposing position as obvious and change the topic." ? )
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

  26. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to ThePythonicCow For This Post:

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  27. Link to Post #234
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Penny Kelly; We Are Turning The Corner

    Quote Posted by ThePythonicCow (here)
    Quote Posted by Dumpster Diver (here)
    Sure, a lot of folks know this. The issue is thinking you are smarter than the critters who set the trap to ensnare you…

    …and then realize you are a vastly dumbed down version of the original “humans” uplifted to be smart enough to do the work needed…
    Yes, we've been under assault for eons, mind, body, and soul, genetics, culture, etc.

    Press on. Mistakes we will make. We learn as we go.

    (Did I just see an instance of applying a tactic for handling a losing position in a debate:
    "Label the opposing position as obvious and change the topic." ? )
    …when you are sharing opinions on possible realities, I don’t see any losers…

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